Never Break into YOUTUBER Impossible Houses! - Minecraft

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imagine if you were challenged to break into some of your favorite youtubers houses would you do it as you progress through each house you will face hidden traps dangerous vicious mobs and nearly impossible challenges do i have what it takes to break through these youtubers houses stick around until the end to find out preston i do not care how hard you try you cannot break into my impossible house i'm sorry there's a reason it's called impossible house idiot not only am i gonna break into his impossible house but i am going to go into his vault and steal all of his diamonds in this video i mean to be honest though this looks pretty easy i see a bunch of cobblestone stairs wait a second what is this oh a dispenser trap very clever jimmy but it's empty or is it hold on oh wait a second hold on okay we just got shot by a fireball even though the dispenser was completely empty i'm approaching with maximum caution now oh nice try jimmy nice try that's why you always sneak inside of minecraft oh what is this ravenous dogs at the top yo back up jack oh wait a second i see an entrance made of glass over here okay yo this seems almost too easy there's no way chris chandler mr beast carl his whole gang built a house this easy i see a lot of name tags inside of this house the place though on the inside is dope if jimmy and his team built this themselves this place is sick i would easily vacation here 100 look how massive it is it's also overlooking extreme hills which is personally one of my favorite biomes in minecraft oh no but we've got a problem chris is literally looking directly at me hi chris what do you want how do you get inside i didn't see you come up the stairs you guys literally left a giant entrance in your window anyway chris says he needs some help i can't seem to find the guys we're playing extreme hide and seek do me this solid and you are free to go down by the way i am a hide and seek master this is going to be the easiest thing plus i don't think these guys realize but uh their name tags are popping up so they're way too easy to find i see another name tag right down here as well okay like i've got to be honest with you guys this is suspicious something about this is not right people should not be this friendly and it should not be this easy to find everybody why are you not holding your shift key for some reason he wasn't sneaking and hiding from me he was just hiding basically in plain sight behind a bookshelf oh and i see garrett hold on we've got garrett over here on the second floor yo they've got an entire movie theater inside of their house come on dude why are you trying to flex on me like that garrett hiding inside of the movie theater last but not least ladies and gentlemen we've got to find chandler where is this handsome man hiding at where is the chandy mandy he's actually doing a really good job i don't think this is possible but what if he is hiding inside of a crafting table kind of like prop hunt what he was hiding inside of a chest no no no you cannot do that inside of minecraft how did you get inside of there chandler listen up chris a deal is a deal i found all the hiders feel free to do whatever downstairs i'm gonna go chill sounds good handsome now that we're inside of the house our big objective is to find the secret vault that they have inside of this house where is it i don't know and how do we get in i also don't know but i'm hoping we can figure out before the end of this video so make sure you guys and gals continue to stick around for this episode we've just gotta find where this bad boy is so i saw this name tag do you guys see this right here it says 2x15 required to enter i was seeing that while playing hide and seek i need to find out exactly what that means and i saw this there's a gold bar just chilling in the swimming pool and i have no idea why what oh my gosh yo this looks so cool wait is this the vault no no there's no way this could be the vault already golden bar is seven golden steak is five golden apples two and a dollar bill is one wait a second four one dollar bills are inside of here we've got two golden bars there must be some kind of method to the madness i found these items in the chest earlier but i didn't think we needed them until now golden ingots with steak and an apple i wonder if we put this into a crafting table can we make the golden steak that is required to enter i need to find a graphic table come on okay we finally found a graphic table now this is the moment of truth can you make golden steak you can oh this looks actually delicious and we gotta make a golden apple do you guys remember when mr beast did the golden steak video not only did he eat a golden steak he also ate a 70 000 golden pizza how insane is that okay anyways we're getting distracted ladies and gentlemen now we've gotta weigh the scales okay so i'm gonna put a golden steak golden apple one dollar bill and a gold bar in the left then in this one golden steak three one dollar bills gold bar oh let's go dude it worked oh my gosh dude please tell me at the end of this hallway the secret vault is here i've been trying to break into this all episode and i've yet to find it no there's another door locked with a secret entrance oh my gosh what is down this hallway oh my no no no no no no no it's amazed you i am so bad at mazes it's time to man up and face my fears guys if you are not already subscribed to the channel if you see a red subscribe button make that bad boy great and enable those bell notifications so you never miss out on a brand new video from me baby here we go going into the heart of darkness right now okay i've got to be smooth like somebody from hogwarts harry potter himself or hermione oh dude oh my gosh oh no way i just did that maze that fast i literally promised you i never finished mazes that quickly but why do we have snow and why do we have a jack-o-lantern do i need to spawn one of these bad boys um is that good hello little buddy i will call you charles i see a diamond block right here there's two diamond blood dude this is weird i feel like charles knows something and he won't tell us okay we are going to have to continue inside of the maze oh dude i thought we finished the maze i can't believe i gotta go back inside here oh no oh this looks bad is this a dead end no no this is like some kind of weird cave system that just keeps on giving bro i feel like we're not supposed to be in here it's a dead end there's literally nothing inside of this game oh challenge number one mine obsidian with stone bro you gotta be kidding me we are gonna be sitting here for ten years but no i'm not gonna make you guys do that because i love you too much so by the power of editing let's break this obsidian you are welcome ladies and gentlemen we finally broke down that was ridiculous i never want to mind obsidian with a stone pickaxe i came back over here but it told me to make another snowman so i don't know if i'm supposed to make two but i just completed it there's five more challenges inside of the maze come on man oh no challenge number three i just got locked inside the only way is around around a round wait around around around oh wait wait maybe we gotta do it three times oh okay we just so all you had to do was literally go in a circle on the pressure plates to finish the challenge oh locate and take down a chicken so that's what this cave was for we've got to find a chicken where is the chicken chuckles come here juggles come here you can't get away from me a little doodlebanger that was the easiest challenge we've had to do so far challenge number five drink the water from all the cauldrons with one bottle this challenge is just monotonous we literally just have to scoop out cauldrons and drink the water i mean at least we're staying hydrated you know what i mean imagine how full my minecraft character is right now i've literally just been chugging cauldrons of water over and over again how many ounces of water do you think are in these cauldrons like way too much oh no complete the typing challenge oh anti-la calend incorrect what do you mean i am such a bot the word is accidentally appointment yes uh come forward comfortable yes this one's gotta be millionaire yes let's go baby okay uh oh this one looks hard oh it's mr beast oh my gosh i can't believe i almost missed that one eat rawr nuts oh wait restaurant yes um i okay what is that last one wait ma am i oh no i am bad at don't say why why would you make me type all this out jimmy dude that was just rude this is finally the last challenge of the maze complete the arrow challenge this is probably gonna be so easy guys i've got beefy aim when it comes to minecraft okay i don't play around when it comes to my minecraft aim oh dude one shot wonder watch me baby one shot wonder but two shot wonder okay i was a three-shot wonder but it wasn't bad finally we've got access to the basement down here by the way if you didn't know uh mr b's real name is uh it's jimmy so if you keep hearing me say jimmy instead of mr beast that is who i'm referring to and what is this is that an obelisk a bliss oh violet how do you pronounce these again dude i forget every time obelisk oh what is this oh a what a key i will take this storage key that i randomly just found inside of this giant music room oh take that door no dude how much parkour do i have to do inside of this impossible house dude i have literally done so much parkour i could barely keep track of it dude literally though this is so easy come on dude look at this watch this whoa catch the ladder baby yes what is this waiting on dude there's literally still there is still more parkour a famous anime once told me believe in the me that believes in you so that's exactly what we're doing today come on comment there we go dude i was not sure if we were gonna make that jump or not okay ladders be gentle to me be gentle depressed in sama oh glass panes oh okay we're doing it we're doing good yes yes one more jump one more yes dude i think we're in or tell me we're finally in we have done way too much parkour to get here no no whoa what is it secure hello mr beast i'm literally inside of a security camera watching mr beast walk around his house where are you going jimmy where are you going buddy dude i have no idea what i was looking at right there but i don't know how to get out of this room oh override executed vault plus security room unlocked let's go dude big shocker yet another door that is locked that we have to unlock inside of the mr beast impossible house oh dude this challenge looks rough i don't know just seeing the colors of blue and orange has got me kind of terrified oh dude wait this looks easy i don't know why this is one of the challenges but this one is so easy so like you just want water and lava to flow into each one of these tubes where is the right lever there is a lever inside of here hello lever beaver beaver lever oh no i put lava in there i put lava into blue tube that is a very big bad we need we need so water's got to be in the blue tubes lava and the orange tubes oh wait a second i think we did it guys oh dude this challenge was too easy mcsteezy baby the hot and gold challenge has been successfully completed moving us on to the next room inside of the impossible house wait a second so i just got obsidian in a flint of steel am i supposed to make a giant nether portal okay easy enough do i go inside i think we've gotta go inside the nether portal dude two minutes in um a word i am not going to say wait do we have to survive in here for two minutes without dying okay easy peasy boys dude i am gonna oh my gosh anvils anvils and those ladies and gentlemen anvil's raining on our face that is not good yeah watch me kill this gas yate oh let me eat come on gast come on keep the fireballs coming oh no oh dude i might actually die i might actually die guys anvils please do not fall in my face well well well zombies you've got 50 seconds remaining if you want to kill me you guys aren't doing a great job so far yo dude can i just hide somewhere like low key can i hide inside of one of these blocks i'm literally just gonna i'm gonna sit right here and just deflect dude the gas just died to the anvils look at that wait mr beast what are you doing in here mr beast what are you doing over here bro yo yo yo am i having fun do i look like i'm having fun mr beast no i am currently being rained on by anvils gas and zombie pigmen i am having a terrible day right now wait there's a wither there's no no no no no no no withers no way those withers are not allowed withers are cheating winners are cheating get this wither out of here no no no no dude i'm gonna block myself off okay we're good we're good oh my gosh dude okay that challenge was way more difficult than the last one boys what's going on here what is this we've got all the boys downstairs inside of this cafeteria what's going on hey man could you help us sort something out we are kind of stuck what does that mean audience i don't know but i don't like the sound of this we're all sharing a prize pot of 89 000 for one of the last challenges but i don't know how to split it you do it dude don't make me do the math you monster i'm supposed to get twice as much money as chandler after all i won the challenge okay what does that mean so chris is supposed to get twice as much as chandler i need to know how much money chandler made ethan should be getting 5 000 less than me but garrett is supposed to get 5 000 more than me dude this is literally becoming a math equation and i hate it tyler and i get just as much we opted out of the last challenge at the same time you guys are making this so incredibly complicated i'm not happy about having to do math in a minecraft video let me tell you that i'm supposed to get 19 000 less than chris that's all i know okay give me a moment to think about this and process all this mathematical information so i'm pretty sure tyler gets 19 000 garrett also gets 19 000 i believe i could be totally messing this up i think ethan earns nine thousand dollars take it ethan just take the money ethan chandler you get fourteen thousand dollars and finally our boy chris who won the challenge if i did my math right gets 28 thousand dollars crossing my fingers yes fine oh my gosh i'm so glad i have not done math since i was in school like 10 years ago or something like that so like my math skills are weak weak sauce dude this is it this is the final door i think before we get into the mr beast vault yes finally we could get inside of the vault dude literally we have been working for over what is this what is that okay we need to dodge those lasers oh finally no no no wait a second wait a second what what is that sound what is that sound turn it up turn it off the alarm is active we got to get out of here yes the window still hasn't been sealed oh my gosh what is happening behind us ladies and gentlemen this place is self imploding bro i did not do that for the record i did not blow up mr b's house first thing you notice right away is dreams green he loves that color now i want to show you guys what happens it looks like a normal house from the outside but if you try to approach it you get thrusted back by gravity and then this happens this is the true colors of dreams impossible house in minecraft but wait there's more we're about to see yup the intruder defenses zombies are now spawning out of the front door of dreams impossible house although these guys are really easy to get past because all you got to do is walk in the front door this is the only part of dream's house i was briefed on i have no idea what the rest of the house looks like it looks like we have a parkour challenge to progress into the next floor we've got different colors of wolves oh no what did this what does this mean is this going to be a bad time i'm going to move what just happened so when you highlight one of the wool colors a parkour path appears okay this is sick okay so i'm gonna use yellow then let's try blue okay blue is definitely a no-go what about what about okay what about yellow and then red yes okay red and yellow oh this is dude this is dangerous okay i have no idea which color to pick next let's try blue alright blue is good oh i should have gone to that one let's go baby okay one more green now what is the last piece i think i saw yellow tiles down here oh yes let's go dude i like how there's this like this very subtle yet gorgeous little garden connecting us between floor 2 and 4-3 oh no what is this room gonna be this room looks too peaceful to be true you already know this next challenge is going to be super hard find the block oh i saw dream do a video on this ones i think it was called block shuffle it was so fun to watch so i think all you have to do is stand on the block that is in the top middle of the screen so we're gonna make oak points oh okay so you can stand on it or you can make it the next block is cobblestone that should be easy enough listen i'm taking some extra precautions right now and making some extra pieces of wood because you never know when you're going to need wood don't quote me on that i put the crafting table down now oh come on come on i'm trying to use all the time i can get on this timer above i'm gonna make a furnace i feel like the next challenge is probably going to need me to have a furnace or something like that okay we're gonna put the okay cobblestone blocks accomplished next one is find gold ore so we don't even need to make it we just need to find it oh no this place is massive where am i oh wait oh my god that was so easy okay never mind i was like i was like this is gonna be so difficult literally gold or right here okay stand on the block yes let's go your next block is obsidian oh that's not going to be easy is there a water source nearby somewhere got to make a stone pickaxe i've got to go ahead and start harvesting some iron i'm going to need some coal too we need a bucket to get some water oh no i don't even remember there's a water source there's got to be a water source in here somewhere though oh this is not good half the time is remaining yes okay there is water source up here okay go away going oh my gosh can this furnace go any slower come on dude this is the slowest furnace i've ever worked for the minecraft come on come on i think we're gonna have enough time i'm low-key stressing myself out for no reason oh no i don't like seeing that the timer is now more than halfway over so we've yet to fail one of these challenges and i have no idea what happens if you fail them i also do not care to necessarily find out so i'm gonna try to accomplish all the challenges without failing okay i think to do this correctly don't you just put it next yes there we go okay here we go here we go obsidian accomplished next one is red wool okay oh no no no wait wait wait i remember something over there at the top i know for a fact i saw sheep when we entered up here yes and there's red tulips this should be everything that we need okay come on oh i should have made shears unfortunately i'm just gonna have to kill the sheep i don't know i don't have i don't have the luxury of time here ladies and gentlemen i'm so sorry sheep i hope you can find in your heart to forgive me boom red wolf put it down oh my god wait find the block water oh success dude i thought i had to find a literal block of water um excuse me how dare you enter my house what just happened dream just appears and then magically changes everything into bedrock oh this is bad oh this is so bad wait where's the grass block at wait a second i think i know where there's some grass there was grass blocks down here i don't know if it counts in here yes let's go four completed the passageway has been opened let's go what the heck is going on i was just randomly teleported to this room welcome back sir dream my systems detect that you no longer possess the world key who would you like me to display instructions for just for obtaining them sir yes i would yes please i mean this this computer is very nice i feel like we have to respond kindly and now dispensing instructions where where are these going to be dispensed from oh it's in my inventory i'm so dumb journal one in case i forget dear me dream in case you forget where the world key fragments are the next page contains their coordinates oh my god are you cute you gotta be kidding me i've gotta go to all these worlds to get these key fragments you know what i'm i'm selling out i'm gonna need everybody right now if you see a red subscribe button please make it great because this looks incredibly difficult oh my god what is happening what is welcome to dreams virtual world number one challenge initiated everywhere you look explodes oh okay wait are you kidding me oh my god he's not joking anywhere we look literally explodes in front of us oh this is both a blessing and a curse okay what do i do what do i do i've got a compass guys i have no idea if this compass is trying to point me in the right direction or if it's trying to make me explode where do we go okay i'm gonna go oh my gosh bruh oh no no no no no no i just set off a chain reaction this is actually this is way more difficult than it looks okay just keep looking up preston just keep looking up look up in the sky you can't explode the way can we explode the moon confirmed we are unable to explode the moon but i can't explode this pig oh i feel so bad for that little pig oh pig i'm so sorry why does the pig take so little damage yet it almost kills me in one shot oh my gosh dude how am i supposed to get in this we're gonna have to time this we're gonna have to be really good about our timing here ladies and gentlemen oh my gosh this is insane this might be the most crazy thing i've ever done in minecraft it's so hard to parkour while also looking up to not explode yourself with this explosion timer oh let's go let's go we're doing good we're doing good i have no idea what the best option is to do here i'm just gonna try to look as far forward as i can while hitting these parkour jumps oh no no no no no no no wait how am i supposed to make this jump is that do i have to go outside oh my gosh please don't die bruh oh my god please please please i can barely tell where i'm jumping right come on dude every time i look at these platforms i'm supposed to be parkouring on they explode and i have to restart this stupid house come on no yes oh my gosh this is the closest we've gotten so far we can't lose i see the chest oh please don't blow up the chest preston don't blow up the chest don't blow up the chest oh my gosh it's like right in front of me what do we do what do we do how close am i to this this jump all right i'm gonna try to do this one block away i'm not gonna i'm not gonna miss the jump this time i'm not going to miss the jump this time i am not going to miss the jump this time i'm not going to miss the jump this time oh okay how do i get this i got it i got it okay we have secured key fragment number one it only took me 20 minutes but we did it can i get some fire emojis in the comments for the absolute pain and turmoil we just had to endure to get this one tiny silver key fragment i never want to do that again dream if you're watching this video your impossible house is quite literally impossible and i do not wish to break into it for a second time but we've come way too far to quit welcome to dreams virtual world number two oh no i'm so scared what's gonna happen this time oh find the button on each floor before the black hole consumes the floor oh this is just great i don't know what's worse explosions in my face or a a black hole appearing i don't where's the button where's the can the button be on leaves no the button can't be on leaves that's not how it works is that a button that's not a button oh my gosh where's this button at please please button a button oh no oh this is not good oh no jerry my salad is getting soggy please gerald oh dylan myself yet soggy where's this button where is this i'm gonna start saying some some unpressed and like things here in a moment button button button oh is that the button oh my god i found the button oh my gosh oh my gosh wait there's more there's more there's more okay yeah my salad's definitely gonna get soggy wait a second did i just see the button on the top of here no no no no no no no no no button i know you're here somewhere is that a button no that's just purple stuff oh if i was a button where would i be no no no don't go in the lava press then you're gonna die faster oh right here right here button button oh this is getting ridiculous guys i don't know who's i don't know where the button is oh button please show yourself to me button please i will be forever in your debt button if you don't show yourself to me right now button button button where art down button look i'm not trying to be i'm not trying to be a click baiter or anything like that but if i find this button you need to subscribe to this youtube channel because this button is the most impossible button to find in the entire planet of minecraft i've never ever had struggles with buttons in minecraft oh let's go baby oh no there's another floor i should have known there's gonna be multiple floors okay sand biomes this is my natural habitat as you know i love succulents which are cacti should be able to find this one pretty easy keyword there is should if i was this button i would 100 be inside this pyramid somewhere it's got to be in the pyramid oh is that it oh my god what'd i say what i i'm telling you the the desert the desert is my city all right what's the fourth one gonna be i knew it was gonna be the end oh i don't like the end i feel like buttons are normally easy to spot here so maybe we're not gonna have a difficult time hello button hello button hello button oh no no no no wait wait wait wait wait okay why was the one in the nether so difficult oh i thought i found it i just got way too cocky i thought i just found the button oh no grandma please put that salad in the refrigerator for me later i'm not gonna have enough time to eat it oh half the time you can't even see because the black hole is shooting stuff at you no we've come too far to fail please don't reset me please if there's any if there's any kindness in your heart you will allow me to find this button right now would you like for me to show you something that will kind of depress you the button was literally right here the entire time it's literally just how did i miss this i don't know how i managed to miss a button that is so clearly right in front of my face thank you we have now collected the second key fragment the last key fragment shall be ours oh gosh what's this one gonna be this time this one's gonna be nuts oh a very pretty world welcome to dreams virtual world number three big shocker challenge initiated survive what what does that mean oh my god that's what that means i didn't i did not expect this okay um yeah i'm not a speedrunner in case you guys were wondering and there's no way i can survive the real dream or a dream in pc it's gonna be so difficult the only thing i'm gonna be able to beat dream at or at least match him is probably parkour that's about it so i'm gonna do my best just to keep running somehow by the grace of god i see dream and he's guarding the chest which contains the last key fragment i don't even know if i'm gonna have enough time to get down here and get into this listen i am unfortunately i am being a coward and cowards dig underneath things okay i can't take dream in a pvp fight this mans has got full diamond gear on okay there's no time there's no time there's no time come on yes key fragment three i got it right as the biome timer ender let's go long story short i crafted the key we got to the higher floors of dream's house and now our challenge is only the dead may live so apparently we have to kill these villagers without killing them directly so for example if i try to walk up to this villager i try to smack him with my iron sword it just says you wouldn't hurt a villager would you i would hurt a villager because i want to complete this floor okay there's got to be something though like in these trap doors maybe like an anvil something's got to fall on this villager's head i can already feel it there's got to be a reason for all of these these trap doors you don't want to know how long this took me but if you flick this trap door it spawns creepers why and how i have literally no idea but i do know that i could spawn these creepers punch the villager into it oh come on please kill the villager thank you that took so long goodness gracious okay what about this one this one looks way more straightforward so you just have to mine the anvils above the villager hey can you stop my tony tony baloney stop moving there you go that one was like way too easy though oh this one looks weird oh infinity bow with arrows what is this this villager swagged out okay what's the trick here there's gotta be something's up this villager's sleeve i don't know what it is exactly but we're gonna figure it out can i shoot the villager oh you can j wait so i was able to shoot that villager but with the sword i was i'm so confused man oh this one looks weird emerald trade me he does not want to tr oh what is this oh villager come here come here oh come on stand on the back but yeah all villagers have been taken care of now we can ascend the room in order to advance you'll need to beat my time in parkour you'll be able to race against my ghost so dream doesn't even take me seriously enough to race against me himself all right listen if i lose to a ghost in parkour i do not deserve you guys as my most beautiful and loyal viewers followers because that would be so embarrassing i'm not gonna let that happen let's go baby let's go we're tearing up these streets yeah yeah yeah okay okay for a second there i thought we might actually lose to the ghost ain't no chance come on ain't no chance baby let's go let's go wait is this it oh my gosh we're at the top of the house i think this is it we all know though if the real dream actually tried to challenge me i think the only thing i could probably beat him in is parkour you know what smart idea i got to give it a dream sending a ghost to do your bidding is very intelligent what do you say well you've bested me you can finally see what's at the top of my house oh this was the house that was down at the bottom beforehand a chest with dreams book of dreams and we can't even read it beautiful people we spent two hours trying to get to the top of green's house and we get a book that's encrypted that we can't even read look at what we accomplished though look at how many floors we had to climb just to get this book of encrypted dreams look at him standing up there he says i've got a challenge for you to try to break into my impossible house and claim the treasure at the end and apparently he just magically vanishes before our eyes jelly i accept your challenge but no matter how impossible a house is there always is a secret entrance somewhere i have proven this time over and time again i've got a feeling that at the top of the slime waterfall whatever this water is is where his secret entrance is to his house come on jelly i know i know stuff is up here where is the entrance mr jelly dude his house is actually legit what if this wait a second there's a portal inside of it is this like some kind of decoy house ladies and gentlemen before we go into this portal i must ask you to leave a like down below on this video to please give us a chance at beating jelly's impossible minecraft house this looks a lot more like the impossible house i would expect jelly to live inside of what is this over here hold on he's got one security camera over here wait a second guys hold on check this out i just tried to go into this waterfall and it says the slime king denies your entry so we've got to do something here to get entry from the slime kings jelly if you are watching me right now through your security camera please do not get upset at me for tearing up the garden in here but if this is how we have to get into his house there is no excuses we must do whatever it takes okay so looking at this i feel like i've got every single flower the the only flower that i think i'm missing is the wither rose is that is that what it's called i don't remember the names of flowers so i feel like a bad person dude okay i must be blind it was all the way over here to the right now we should have every single flower we need to get inside of this place wait are we missing this we are only missing one flower it's this blue one what is the name of this flower i cannot remember it to save my life wait a second wait wait wait hold on is this a blue orchid tell me it is a blue orchid okay i did not forget i feel a little bit better about myself now please let us in a passageway opens up which door just opened up for us oh my goodness this looks terrified guys this looks very difficult and very extreme we even have jelly watching us from above i don't know about you guys but i do not always deal with pressure very well and looking at this it looks like there's a pattern to the obstacle course where the blocks continue to change positions i don't know if i'm gonna be able to survive this okay i don't like this oh my gosh wait he said let's make this a little harder no no no no let's not make this any harder jelly it's already pretty difficult please don't make it any more difficult oh wait he put slime blocks oh dude jelly this is already way too difficult turn the difficulty down please oh my goodness oh i can't believe we just managed to do that okay now all the blocks are going to appear for a short period of time oh did you guys see how close that was go oh my gosh dude this i almost had a heart attack right there jelly's like you finished that's impossible how does he keep teleporting i need to get a teleportation device like that what's in the chest oh we've got a yellow key which unlocks a new room inside of jelly's impossible house okay so guys before i use this key on the door do me a favor if you guys are not already subscribed take the device you're watching this video on turn it like this make that red subscribe button great and don't forget to enable those bell notifications so you guys and gals never miss out on a brand spanking new video now remember if you're on playstation or xbox or tv i don't know if you could technically turn your tv sideways and make the subscription button happen but if you can i would be very impressed you should tag me on instagram or twitter by doing that welcome to our next challenge says jelly what is this you will need to protect one of my slimes until it reaches the end of the path okay there it is okay how do we do this i don't know what to do guys okay i am i doing this thing right okay slime slime go go go go go slime you got this oh oh okay we got to make him a bridge keep it going slime keep it going yes oh my gosh he barely made that mr slime please do not die to the big choppy things oh my gosh please please please oh what is that there's sauce coming up oh this is bad news bears guys i think i might have messed up our slime might die no he's alive keep it going slime let's go let's go let's go okay this these next ones should be really easy we've done these before turn the chompers off get ready oh boy oh boy do not shoot the slime please please tell me we just made it well done you protected one of my slimes as one of your own i'll unlock the chest onto the next challenge which includes the red keyboard which just so happens by the way to be one of my all-time favorite colors as you guys can probably tell looking at my character if you just look at my face you can tell exactly which three colors are my all-time favorite i have a very bad feeling about a red door usually red doors are bad things they don't normally lead to things of happiness or joy typically it's death something maybe even worse than death like having all of your cheetos abducted before you even get to finish eating them what the heck just happened hello what i just fell down you have fallen right into my trap okay i have nowhere else to go jelly really find your own resources to defend yourself what wait a second hold on all of these monsters they are slime zombies this is epic dude oh please oh no no no no no no wait i think i'm missing some gear i am missing pants right now i am currently missing pants on side of my character i am basically naked in front of all these mobs this is very embarrassing hey slimes i don't wait a second if jelly just made me save a slime why is he making me now kill slimes that doesn't make any sense jelly your logic is flawed my good sir oh look at this big chunk is over here all right take some of those yeah yeah yeah yeah okay come on magma boy you're not gonna do anything to me get out of here i always feel bad when the magma slimes like combine into the little baby ones i feel like i'm taking out a family of slimes that makes me feel uncomfortable but it has to be done so we've got some scaffolding over here what is inside of this okay i saw a couple of different items inside of here we've got a book written by jelly which says escape plan three things are what you'll need a block of slime a lever to pull and a piston made of green to the sky you'll fly safe you'll be pull the lever and you'll see i did not realize that jelly wrote riddles okay so the first thing to make is really easy if we need we need a lever wait wait to make a lever wait if we're gonna make a lever don't you need cobblestone wait a second okay so we might have to use sticks to make a pickaxe then we probably need to get a few pieces of stone because i'm noticing there's furnaces nearby so i'm assuming we've gotta smelt something with the furnace i don't know well at least now we can make a lever so we've got the lever which was the first item he wanted us to get in the book but then we've got to get a block of slime oh we've actually got enough balls of slime for the slime block okay one more thing remains which is probably the sticky piston which i think he wants us to make hold on i have forgotten how to make a sticky piston do not judge me guys is it me just like does anybody else forget how to craft simple things in minecraft i feel like i do it all the time and it probably annoys you guys i'm sorry i can't help it i am a preston by heart and a preston is a little bit of a salty pleb boy but i do remember how to make the piston now and you just attach one slime ball to the top of it and you get the sticky piston now the question is where do we put this out because we need the block of slime a lever and then a piston i'm just gonna put this down over here i'm assuming this needs to go over here and then hey that was actually so epic oh what's inside of the chest we got the orange key wait if it's an orange key why is the text in green that is starting to throw me off a little bit look at this look at these security cameras watching me over and over again i'm just gonna break the security camera so it can't watch us anymore take that security camera okay so where is the orange key area we've got a lot of keys left it looks like we've oh here it is orange key ladies and gentlemen boom shakalaka let's go baby now what is this room about this looks like a whole bunch of nonsense i don't even want to be dealing with right now i'm looking at both of these rooms right now are these rooms wait i see a lever at the end of one which means there's got to be yep there are levers on the other one as well how do we get over these barrier blocks now wait maybe we're not supposed to get over these maybe maybe we go to this room and then we have to go over i don't i don't know what i'm doing right now i'm flipping levers oh wait that's the exit up there wait a second oh wait wait i can't get back guys i'm stuck i think i'm stuck wait no no no no no no i can't be stuck right no no no no no wait wait wait wait no no no no i know what i'm supposed to do now okay wait guys the room on our right and the left are the same exact room but what he did is he replaced all the bookshelves with barrier blocks which means we should be able to do parkour i know this sounds crazy but it's mirror oh dude i've got this okay what i'm about to do is for everybody who is watching this video and supports my videos let's go baby oh check it out this is exactly what i thought was happening okay so it looks like there's a we just go one block oh goodness gracious okay then we go to the bookshelf right here there's another bookshelf wait is this the bookshelf where's the extra oh i'm lost wait i think it's right here yes yes yes yes and then we go this way onto the iron bars over here wait a second how do we get up here oh there it is that's the lever oh wait no no i got pushed off come on you know what it's the little things in minecraft that counts sometimes okay oh great we've got even more parkour with dangerous lava beneath us can't wait to see how this turns out you know i would have figured that jelly wouldn't have given us a parkour challenge come on dude you know that we are the ace of parkour when it comes to minecraft i literally can do this with one eye open i got one eye open right now ladies and gentlemen and we i gotta admit though this is messing with my depth perception i i don't really like it but i'm still able to parkour successfully okay and wait a second wait can we make this jump yeah we can make this jump oh no wait there were barrier blocks blocking us oh no what is that above us were we supposed to fall down here does anybody know i don't know if we were technically supposed to fall down here oh okay take us up mr slime block beam us up thank you so very much what is going on okay i have no idea i'm lost i don't know if that was intentional did we fall into a trap again are we supposed to be down here inside of jelly sewers because i don't really want to be down here to be completely honest with you it kind of smells bad oh great dude you guys know how much i do not like mazes in minecraft why i don't know i can't explain it i'm not even directionally challenged i'm actually pretty good with directions now brienne and my wife on the other hand not so good with directions do not tell her i said that guys she will be very embarrassed are you guys good at directions are your parents go to directions cause i am good at directions normally but when it comes to mazes i always go to the dead ends i never find the eggs at first try and it makes me really salty sometimes i could be a little bit of a sore loser wait we actually did i look we all admit it's more fun to do things that you are good at than you are bad at that's just how life went an empty chest wait a second did i just get bamboozled okay that was weird i closed the chest open the chest and then all sudden the blue key magically appears okay if i had to guess what do you guys think is behind the blue room i feel like it's gonna become like some kind of speed parkour oh dude i think we called it ladies and gentlemen i see parkour i don't know this is a speed parkour but this is some hefty looking parkour i one time did a parkour map guys that took me over four hours to record i am not even kidding you i haven't posted it on my channel sometimes the longer parkours are more fun because the parkour is easier but it still takes a long time like look at this i have literally not stopped jumping this entire parkour yet we are still going at it and i feel like we've barely made any progress oh my goodness gracious look at this i'm even taking shortcuts going to blocks i'm pretty sure i'm not supposed to be able to jump to you right now but i don't care a preston and i want to go fast oh gosh you gotta be getting where there's more dude no no no no oh my gosh okay we can do this guys focus okay in moments like these you just say a prayer you focus and you get it done i do not like that i'm hitting my head on the ceiling right now not only is it giving me a little bit of a headache but it's making it kind of difficult now what is this wait a second look at how long this parkour is this is like the longest parkour i've ever seen dude what is going on this is abnormal oh please don't fall in the lava preston oh no no no fun fact if you hold the space bar when you land on slimes i don't know if you guys know this but you like you don't take any fall damage and you randomly just stop jumping it's actually really helpful if you guys haven't tried it yet now we got to climb some vines guys i feel like there is a superhero or super woman hero that uses vines as a power am i crazy i feel like there is a superhero that has that power but maybe i'm just insane we got the green key which unlocks a room inside of jelly's house oh i thought it was jelly's bedroom not just another key no no no i got a bad feeling about this jelly's favorite color is clearly green and i don't know if you guys noticed this but sometimes people say that jelly and i look alike some people mistake us legitimately for brothers i can kind of see it we do look a little bit similar he's like the european version of me and i'm like the american version of me if that makes any sense wait no i would be the american version of jelly jelly would be the european version of me i think that's how that would work wait a second intruder alert it seems you've activated my alarm slip my alarm system time for your next challenge to feed my slime decoys craft a slime block and fill in the missing hole before the time runs out okay wait wait wait wait so we've got to kill nine of these then we've got to craft a slot a slime block and then we've got to fill in the hole he never told us where the hole was jelly where's the hole dude this is not fair and this is not funny um guys i don't know where the hole is where where's the whole jelly please jelly tell me where the hole is i don't know where the hole is that you are talking about currently we need one more slime where's the last tiny slime guys where are you at slime slime we've only got 20 seconds left show yourself i found him come here yes give me your slime ball okay we've got 10 seconds to craft this oh let's go let's go let's go let's go oh my gosh i'm not gonna make it a time i'm not going to make it a time three seconds remaining on the clock holy guacamole i don't ever want to do that again i've had enough stress to last me a very long time after that i've got a bad feeling about this room something about this room is making me feel uncomfortable not only are there security cameras but something in this room is hidden that we need to find i've got a feeling oh wait did we just find that that quick dude paintings i've played so many minecraft maps that i just know something is behind a painting if you've got paintings in your house you are hiding a secret wait a second we got jelly over here welcome to my throne room no one has seen it and lived to tell the tale of its majestic slime and treasures now for your final challenge oh jelly's gonna find us wait we've only got gold yo jelly i've only got gold gear yo don't do me like this jelly hey jelly jelly jelly jelly jelly i've only got gold gear on you can't seriously expect me to fight you in full diamond when i'm wearing gold gear jelly we can talk about this come on we're like we're pretty much brothers jelly please jelly jelly hey let's let's let hey dude come on man we can film another minecraft video together oh stop yo dude chill out okay jelly i don't want to do this i am going to slap you all over the place brother yeah you like some of that you like these crits look at this yeah that diamond armor ain't protecting you for nothing baby you festered me for now how does he keep doing this bro he has got to tell us how he's doing this teleportation nonsense i want to know how he's doing it oh wait dude wait this is the treasure room he was talking about oh my god okay audience thank you guys so much for watching this video don't forget to click on either one of these youtube videos youtube is recommending to you if you guys want to watch more epic minecraft videos
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 8,327,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, challenge, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: NRVK2m_na5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 35sec (2795 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 11 2021
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