Kaizo Super Metroid by Oatsngoats in 2:28:19 - Summer Games Done Quick 2022

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of course donations are still coming in we have fifty dollars from krell who says that metroid dread run was absolutely amazing and the dad jokes and puns were wonderful as well thank you keku for the great run donating to mario 64. let's get it done and keep this amazing marathon going and that's less than 60 thousand dollars away that jumped by like 10 000 during just that one interview and prize segment let's keep that number rolling up we want to see that happen we also have 100 from anonymous who says love the event you and me both anonymous and with that we are ready for our next run so i hope you are ready for some heart-pounding death-defying action as we join legendary speedrunner oats and goats for kaizo super metroid good luck [Applause] all righty uh let's just get started and we'll do our introductions through series station and we can kind of talk about some of the runs so um count down with me uh we'll start it go so five four three [Applause] um so real quick we can do our introductions uh charles is a fantastic wonderful speedrunner super metroid uh a really good melee player as well so charles here uh now we have emmett's a future world record holder for lion king right yeah so that's gonna be fun to see that um also very very good super metroid speed runner and then we have kekku who just did that fantastic dread run so great commentary um as you can see starting off there's a skull to the left um that is my death counter so as long as that stays blank i will not have died i am going to die in this run though i want to make that very clear i will more than likely not do a deathless run we'll see um you can also see samus is a red um just a little little change that they did in the rom hack um so right off the top we're gonna have a reduced timer if i die here i'm going to reset and we're gonna count down from five and pretend it didn't happen so um i have a short amount of time to get out of sirius station right in a normal run this timer if it were to say 44 at the end or less for this he would be dead so he has to beat like a 44 or better if you're already on the you know vanilla cart oh god no there you go all right nice nice all right we're out of there first hurdle clear yeah yeah you can't really miss any leg grabs there or else you're you're in trouble i'm surprised it's themed but um yeah so this is kaizo sm kaizo is kind of um people recognize it from mario mainly um but this is kind of its iteration it's a very interesting rom hack we'll say created years ago it's actually impossible it was redone by leorin a a really great hacker in the community and he redid it to where we can actually complete the game i did some really nice quality of life changes like instant respawns stuff like that right for the instant response though you still will need to go to a safe station right right right it will put you back instantly to the last save so you don't see the whole death animation it's a little bit quicker now because this rom hack is so difficult there aren't many people have done it uh i haven't done it myself either charles i don't know if keku has no i have not probably like three people have done this in the world so and only one run has ever been completed deathless right yeah and that is by oats and goats right yeah i was about um i started doing this after the impossible run and it took me quite a while but i did get one deathless run all right so during here um these spikes are oddly deceiving um their hit boxes are a lot bigger than they seem you'll see them doing these wide wall jumps around these and there's also another mechanic in this game called wall jump check and if he turns at a certain moment too close to the spike his hitbox will extend he'll hit the spike and then he's dead well the spikes take too hit to uh kill him but you know if he takes it too early then you know he's done right or we're keeping that death counter blank we're good no we're not no expectations it'll make it easier let me die a couple times right right yeah so there's obviously it's kaizo if you guys are familiar with super mario world kaizo nothing wrong with dying in a kaizo thank you it's gonna happen so no worries a moment ago oats actually passed up what looked like an item this rom hack is filled yeah deceiving items right and if you grab the deceiving items such as this one die yes so here you go you have to dodge the spikes again you have to be careful and again if you're not familiar with super metroid even these wall jumps are pretty difficult in most games you would think you just press away and jump and you're good with this one you have to press away wait a couple frames as samus is kind of kicking off the wall then hit jump right it's very easy to mess those up and break um which you know adds to the difficulty of this kaizo yep so just on our way back up and um it's a little bit different on the way up than it was on the way down a little bit tighter wall jumps and stuff we have to perform yeah [Music] nice you see even those little things it doesn't look too bad but even that's like kind of stressful right um yeah i mean i'm closed my eyes on half of this [Music] yeah i know i'm a bit stunned audience is this looking terrifying to you too it's not just me right yes if you're wondering why we are silent and clam up it's because we're scared like yeah we're watching it okay guys nice recovery there that was good good movement so some of the later metroid games they added a technique called respin so you could be doing a spin jump like oats is doing right now and you could break spin and then start spinning again as keku showed yeah it's frequently used in dread i think yeah um that is not the case in this game so wall jumps can be particularly punishing right you cannot do an accidental up or down input on the controller exactly a lot of these items like they were saying if they're not blinking you don't want to touch them they'll probably end up killing you it's a very cruel game i'm going to do a quick save here there's a tough portion on the top left of this room that if i'm in the acid for more than i think it's like 40 50 frames i'll i'll die so i have to navigate in such a way to kind of uh change waiver positions uh destroy blocks so i can mock ball quickly through the room um so it's a little bit tricky yeah oh and i guess one thing we have to say i think it comes up every time super metroid is demonstrated but you'll see oats moving samus arm cannon up and down that's called arm pumping which is sort of a it's a very i guess small technique in the scheme of things but you advance samus forward one pixel each time you do that right so you'll frequently see him spamming like arnold controller right here [Music] enemies in this game are one hit kill so i cannot touch any of these things [Music] nice [Music] [Applause] so you have to get the mock ball here i thought you're not going to get through oh yeah and uh so mock as kaku said um it's just a technique that allows you to retain your fast movement speed but in morph ball form right um if he doesn't do that there then he'll just fall right through the blocks another even little technique there he does a little fast fall through the crumble box by hitting left or right or any directional button as he hits the blocks again we got some one-shot killers here right yup if that little frog looking thing grabs up to him so i'm not good with the names on the enemies even though i've been running the game for four years like that's spiky frog crab to me i don't know but uh but yeah that frog doesn't actually one shot kill but it will latch on and start doing tons of oh okay it's fine that's the first one we got out the way got it out the way i'm good yeah well we're getting that back to that point can i read a very important donation oh yeah oh we have ten thousand dollars from fangamer and they say hey everybody fangamer here we've been watching from home all week and we're hyped to see these final runs today might be the last day of sgdq but it's not over yet you still have time to pick up an awesome souvenir from the fangamer sgdq2022 merch collection until the end of the event 100 of the profit sales of gdq merch supports msf with donations like this one thank you to everyone who has already made a purchase you can check out the full lineup at fangamer.com gdq thank you so much fangamer yeah thank you amazing nice so even that as you saw you know where the first death took place that's a super difficult part as well like it doesn't look like it happens so fast but he has to take the damage right and use those invincibility frames to quickly run jump and instant morph and that's how he got through that little you know hole in the ceiling so we get a lot of little stuff like that probably read a few donations this is kind of like a maze part quite boring good thing we have donations then we have 100 from a moussa steelhorn who says excited to see you execute and crush kaizo good luck we also have 250 from fanston who says good luck oats on kaizo super metroid run let's go also let's get that super mario 64 120 star run and we're still making progress on that we have less than fifty thousand dollars to go that's ten thousand more than what i checked last time please please please keep those donations coming in we also have 50 from the thunder mg who says kaizo super metroid i'll be donating five dollars for each death but you got this oh it's time to execute gonna be breaking your bank all right so uh pretty difficult part coming up um some crumble block jumps [Music] yeah so the jump these jumps here um you see him disappearing as soon as he lands he has roughly like five frames i don't know 12th of a second to get that jump off he doesn't he just falls and breaks but he got through it so nice look at this guy go so he's the legend yeah i mean the thing is oats is really good so he's gonna make a lot of this stuff look easy yeah even though charles and i you know charles has a similar time to him in actual any percent you know super metroid but if we were to hop on here and take over we'd be here for like the next five weeks i don't think i'm exaggerating like we have to really learn it and like you know figure it out so just also just shooting there because there's an enemy there you want to just uh get rid of it before you start moving through yep i think pretty sure all those are one hit ko of course this is one of the hardest uh parts in the early game here again these spikes are really tricky with their hitboxes they're definitely deceiving [Music] [Applause] all right wow nice man you know oats told me yesterday he's like i am guaranteed to die here at this part but he got through first try so that's pretty awesome and now we got this cool grapple trick by the way i also have a donation that was specifically requested to be read when the grappling beam was acquired we have 100 from freight train who says hey oats now that you brought kaizo to the big event you finally have an excuse to stop making excuses and execute all right fine trying my best i do have to say the execution has been fantastic i am holding my breath for all of this crowd what about you [Applause] [Music] so these guys one hit kill they take 16 shots i just kind of need to avoid them they will not hit me as long as i'm in morph and um would one of the commentators like to explain this coming up here these grapple blocks um sure so basically he's going to be pushing himself up with this grapple to try to kind of clip in and through these you know blocks and he's getting it so fast i can't even talk about it but [Music] yeah nice man um yeah so he has to hit the grapple jump very like rhythmically and kind of fast and keep pushing himself up through the box eventually you kind of just zip through again i wouldn't know how to really do it if i were to try but yeah one thing that i think that's important to also state is that these are like these are vanilla physics it's not like this rom pack is providing some secret move set or additional capabilities right and so this is the first heated area coming up the first heck run yeah so he'll be taking constant damage in this area so it's basically a time trial he has to get through here quick and kill all the enemies and get all the drops right yes [Applause] we'll be doing some farming here just to get our our health back up yeah so you can read a donation if you'd like oh i would love to read a donation we have 100 from eric who says let's go oats and we have 250 from grand soul who says let's go oh with like 15 exclamation marks maybe 20 who knows nice thank you i will go um this is probably one of the more difficult uh hell rooms at the start of the run it's the second a very finicky movement with grapple and everything so we'll see how many deaths [Music] almost you got this as you can see uh grapple beam you know as well as making them swing through the level also kills some of these enemies in one hit they can use the grapple beam again to pick up the drops so he'll be like utilizing that throughout these heck runs oh oh my okay you want to explain what that was [Music] oh you can have a little trick there if you frame perfect pause but luckily the save's right here it's fairly quick yeah so if his health gets down to zero he can pause and as the pause is fading out samus actually stops taking damage so you can like try to squeeze in some farms while that's going on a little trick here if one of you would like to explain we're not quite done yet but close i'm kind of afraid to talk feel free um yeah basically so he'll have to so he refills there gets the full and he pauses right as he's suctioning onto that uh you know energy refill and yeah if he does it correctly at the right time then he can run away and the refill will come later and it skips the animation of actually sucking onto that thing um which he has to do for you at some point in the run mandatory mandatory to do these uh that trick for a lot of the heck runs like another heated room here to get a very important item right and i guess right so you get the immediate health refill by attaching to the energy station but then also it's sort of like a delayed energy refill right that happens later right he needs a time to pull off the next one so he does the first card right in here uh this is the same technique again nice okay one hp on that and so for people who are learning to speed on super metroid uh you see a lot of damage boosts you'll hear frequently about damage boost but there's actually many different kinds of damage boosts depending on the enemy you hit or the particle uh for example though there's different timings on those damage boosts right and he was doing particle damage boosts in that room which are notoriously difficult yeah [Music] oh do you want to do donations here or um yeah basically real quick too with these spikes they're a little bit deceiving like uh emma was saying earlier um they're basically just rectangles you have to treat them as such they they're not you know triangles like they appear you so you have to kind of swing pretty wide with most of these things so yeah but we can read a couple donations yeah those are rectangles for sure that's awesome because we have a couple of big ones here we have one thousand dollars from cheesy bob wow and they say super mario 64 incentive isn't met yet let's fix that and it's not but it's getting closer we're now about 44 thousand dollars away from that one so we can definitely meet that pretty soon we also have 1 500 from nega hyphen who says oats is one of my absolute favorite runners i first saw at gdq several years back he's been a fantastic representative of the metroid community and speed running as a whole good luck and trust that muscle memory thank you let's go kind of just uh navigating out of here with some uh pretty tight movement i have to kill all of these novas and this will unlock the door for later on [Music] since we're backtracking here you can definitely read a few more wonderful we have one hundred dollars from shiny zenny oh thank you jenny who says oh it's so excited to see you run this brutally punishing game for gdq i wish i could be there on the couch again but i'll have to cheer from home this time try to avoid most of the spikes and show us all how it's done thank you zenny we also have eight hundred dollars from wiza who says oats it's been awesome watching you prep for this run over the last couple months i know you'll execute in your usual awesome fashion good luck p.s don't forget to scan the safe room thank you we also have 64. from jason who says simply have to see simply take on mario 64. so here's a bonus 64 towards that bonus incentive please keep those donations coming in we want to meet that as soon as possible to get more marathon to happen so one thing you'll notice about this game is there is going to be quite a bit of backtracking it's kind of it forces you to grab some items and then uh basically just figure out how to get back with the item you just achieved or you just grab and rinse and repeat a few times with some tricky new strats and um but yeah we'll be seeing a lot of a lot of new areas shortly so right it is kaizo but it is also still in metroidvania so right have those yeah it has that nature yeah so we'd be getting lost like every two minutes yeah we're gonna put this in there so i'm gonna save real quick here because this next spot i kind of need to do the same thing as i came in with the crumble block jumps um if i fall and i don't get them you can kind of get stuck underneath the crumble blocks and instantly die and i'd hate to lose all that progress so always good to see you brother nice ripper skip oh like i said good thing i say you know i blame charles for talk i told them they could talk whenever they want yeah so we're waiting for the hard parts and then we'll start talking about random stuff like his cilantro coriander and yeah yeah i'll be a heated discussion all right uh donations are fine okay because we have plenty of them we have one thousand dollars from the domain of awesome wow who says super metroid is always the highlight of gdq for me good luck oats and let's go thank you and we have a special twenty dollars from oats and goats family who say hey oats and goats your family here we're so proud you're back at gdq raising money for a wonderful cause we're all here cheering you on with our dogs amber candice and springy well springy is mostly chewing on socks but we know he's cheering in between good luck [Music] thank you and we have another one thousand dollars what is with these 1 000 donations coming in this one from user it came from user space no oh there is a comment good luck oats that seems to be a very common theme can we as an audience on the count of three get a good luck oats one two three good thank you i feel better now that i died a few times i was holding my breath through most of that it's it's pretty tricky so oh i can stop holding my breath my heart's slowing down a little bit yeah basically just navigating back um there's one room to where we kind of need to uh use some some bomb jumps to get to the top of a room and hopefully i can nail a pretty cool strat just waiting for this uh block to spawn so it kind of can clip through it it pushes them up yeah there is a way you can go around underneath like the same way i went in but same thing here i have to avoid these um their hitboxes are deceivingly uh you know they are not exactly what you're looking at um these pirates their hitboxes extend way up everything's a giant rectangle yeah and you see the yeah the pirate but it's really a giant rectangle clothes get my hair cut one thing about this as well when we were talking about door checks um i i don't know if you mentioned but a lot of times i need to let go of the d-pad entirely or else my hitbox will be extending backwards and i'll be dying in a lot of these random spots so i just need to keep that in mind with spikes to uh basically just release the d-pad right yeah it's a massive like added layer of difficulty that you can't visually really see like what he's having to do with the inputs uh one trick with double bob jumps is you just do the lower north air theme so there you go your master now i'm okay at least i opened the door um i was trying to shoot uh re-morph bomb like i did the first time unfortunately i didn't shoot so it's still good though he doesn't have to open the door again right it does remain right in there donations are fine i just need to get back up here yeah i don't know what your community had for breakfast this morning but we have an eleven thousand one hundred eleven dollar donation from yellow lights wow yeah right yeah yeah who says go oats thank you very very generous community member thank you eli thank you and we're less than 30 000 away from our bonus game make sure you keep putting your donations toward that incentive we are just inches from making that happen it's almost here oh she missed some items bro oh yeah there's an e-tank up there why aren't you grabbing it like i explained earlier i know there's probably going to be people asking oh there's e-tanks grab the e-tanks those are definitely just there to uh bait you and they're just spikes generally yeah so they'll just kill you it's a very cruel game kind of like kaizo mario when there's blocks everywhere and then you want to whip your console across the room kind of a similar fashion so we're gonna be navigating down um to speed booster um i just need to avoid most of these enemies in this room there's some very fast enemies these crabs i need to uh visit again shortly and destroy everything in that room on the way back up so i can unlock the door yeah those crabs don't move that fast normally right um you can get a donation in wonderful we have 100 from glorious cow who says good luck to my two favorite things oats and goats thank you for the luck outs are a wonderful way to start your day so just a little bit of navigating here i need to watch out for these things one hit and you're dead i need to kind of be careful here if i hit my head i need to try this again i think we're good okay so just avoid those spikes this is probably one of the harder tricks at the start i need to instantly press down for this mock ball if someone wants to try to explain it it's pretty quick yeah so kaikou and i were talking about this before he had to do a very okay just give him homework all right showing up a little bit so the way that works is i need to do a short hop mock ball and knock balling is when you preserve samus's run speed in ball form i need to press down right away so that uh basically collapses or decreases simpson's hitbox or else i'll be hitting my head on those spikes right away and that allows me to then quickly press you know down down forward uh basically just mock ball inputs there's a really cool trick i like here coming in yeah um nice [Applause] [Music] go back up so he got gets enough false speed kay go through the enemy and then use the invincibility frames there to get through all the rest right if i don't jump high enough there and k go right at the last moment before it's going off screen i will die because there's just just enough iframes if you do it high enough yeah and speed booster so start speeding around a little bit there we go um so basically now i just need to escape um kind of the same concept at this time it's a little bit trickier because i can't take any hits on the way out um so with that being said donations are fine and we'll see how i do wonderful we have 25 from bover who says more gdq yes please let's finish off that mario 64 incentive and we have two thousand dollars from cautious potato who says super mario 64. let's go and we're inching ever closer less than twenty six thousand dollars to go on that one thank you so much for all the support we also have ten dollars from sammy woof who says how about we start a ten dollar good luck oats train choo-choo i'll be on board for that i'm gonna need it thank you would you like a few more sure we also just have you know a casual 1 000 anonymous donation and the comment is good luck oats nice nice red tower that's way harder than it looks worse okay so i didn't get a little bit of a trick there to where if i can skip the gap i can take one hit but usually you don't skip the gap and now i can't take any hits whatsoever so i have to do the same trick it's a little bit harder with speed booster um the mock ball coming up so hopefully i can get it [Music] nice just a nice relaxing kaizo run yeah i turned this on at the end of the night to like you know settle down yeah okay got it got it all right we're pretty much home free so nice so kind of sad it didn't die there it was like oh it's so easy but yeah it's pretty pretty difficult that mock ball is incredibly difficult yeah like he has literal pixels to move around in so all the you know button presses are just super tight and it's slightly different because he had speed boosters so it's actually like different than when he did it earlier yeah slightly different mechanics because of the way speed booster works without high jump yeah it's very uh very weird actually technically um i'm just basically going back up we're gonna navigate back to um kind of where we got bombs so not too many tricks along the way so feel free to keep reading donations absolutely we have two hundred dollars from crocomiler hot springs who says just wanted to say a huge thank you to gdq and chat for an amazing week let's keep those donations coming in good luck goats hi emitted charles thank you brockman thank you we also have 75 from imperial ace who says good luck oats a lot of people are wishing you good luck i really hope it comes through i'm taking it personally we also 25 from kenny b who says been waiting with my only donor all week to support oats running kaizo good luck on the run and execute we also have one hundred dollars for moschino who says the excitement to see at gdq is unreal you're an actual madman for submitting this i've been watching oats for a long time and have been itching to see this run all week some amazing commentators on the couch as well i'll be donating two dollars per death get after it oats good luck execute thank you so yeah i just need to kill everything in this room basically speed booster if i don't use that i need to shoot them many many times it's very long so i just use speed booster uh to kill the top two enemies there and then the crabs i just need to kind of listen to some audio cues to know where they're at in the room because they you know they just travel counterclockwise and that uh that pirate flying around has some pretty erratic movement actually if you like get into his zone and he'll start swooping around and stuff yeah sometimes he goes a little crazy yeah so you kind of have to take that one a little slow and that speed boost techie did i think is somewhat recent i was there when you were learning it not too long ago yeah i've been doing it but yeah luckily the creator of this made a nice little tunnel so you don't suffer going through this room every single time because there is a there is a bit of backtracking like i said kind of get items and rinse and repeat and good luck have to mock ball again if you don't mock them on the very right side of that platform it won't work all right and uh donations are fun yes speaking so many donations this is wonderful we have 64 dollars from just marbles who says good luck oatley we also have 64 dollars from rem who says we're loving all the speed runs here from norway not everyone appreciates how hard this kaizo super metroid is keep breaking those games and here's to the super mario 64 120 star speedrun less than 23 000 to go now for that one so we're definitely making good progress but keep it coming do you have time for more yep awesome we have 150 dollars from coywolf who says oats and goats has one of the most chill streams on twitch can't wait to see him destroy kaizo sm on the gdq stage good luck on the run oats and thanks again to everyone making gdq happen thank you just talking about otin goat's stream yeah wait it's quite lively everyone's pretty nice no just kidding oh it's otis stream is amazing check him out thanks for covering for me i got you bro it's a little trick here until we enter where we don't have to do that room quite as um oddly we have to normally mod underneath the gate i think we missed this because you know that's good that's a strat right there we try to shine spark through the gate room it saves a little bit of time if you get a first try but i'm committed now yeah [Music] yeah charles you want to do that because i still can't store charge man i'm horrible at it oh okay okay i'm gonna go through the room normally will you explain short charge that'd be great sure well yeah basically i guess if you were to play super metroid in a vanilla context um you run forward you hold you hold dash eventually santa starts blowing blue you now can press down you now have a spark charge and with that spark you can go horizontal vertical diagonal there's a bunch of stuff you can do with it but there's sort of a trick there there's a hidden trick in that is that the game only checks to see if you're holding dash on very specific frames of the run and for every frame you hold dash you are adding to samus's horizontal run speed so in other words if you only press dash on the frames of the game checks to see if you are pressing dash you then build up the least amount of horizontal run speed so then you now can get your short charger within a much shorter horizontal distance right um so it's pretty it's actually really i think it's one of the coolest tricks in the game honestly um just with how kind of swag it looks and also is really cool and fast so yeah but yeah oats was going for a particularly uh short short charge there you don't have to be frame perfect with it but the smaller area you want to get the short charge in the tighter your inputs need to be for sure yeah it's a really cool trick there's a lot of really cool uh speed tech to this game that make it a lot of fun to run that's definitely one of the things you can always optimize pretty much anything and short charges are required right for this kaiser run at some point sir um i believe so okay [Music] i just gotta say i see enemies coming out of pipes that's kind of mario look at all the incentive everyone let's keep that momentum coming shout out to mario kaizo all right so i just need to get to the top of this room uh take care of this guy real quick he's having a party up there i kind of need him to do a short hop there so i can get back to the top and then we're gonna be traveling right instead of down like we did the first time so another two donations are fine probably you got it we have another anonymous 1 000 donation thank you and they say go oats and goats totes voted the goat of goats and they say i'll double my donation if another donation message out does my rhymes looks like we have a bit of a rhyme competition that's going to come in and we have one hundred dollars from not a fish who says kaizo samus is red just like mario from super mario 64. we're only about 22 000 away from that one now we're keeping it moving but we want to meet that as soon as possible all right so coming up i need to short charge or we'll just shine spark through here um get my charts speed booster these things will kill me in one hit so i need to navigate around here destroy these blocks to where they will regenerate by the time they come back around and they will not be able to hit me anymore um i'm going to be doing a trick at the top of this room to where i shoot this bug to delay it so i can mock ball underneath so um yeah that's basically it there wasn't really a setup for that at first it's i kind of just hoped that it'd always work when i was doing deathless runs a while ago but the shot definitely helps it just delays the enemies i'm gonna do a trick here to maintain my blue suit uh oh now i have to do a little bit of a backup aka sex deaths incoming and actually that blue suit keep that's a pretty funky trick too like like i said we're you know we're so tense i'm just watching like very impressed but oats is actually doing a lot of crazy tech like and i we're not i'm not even covering half of it he's he's doing a lot of nutty things um want to let everyone know on the track but we are less than 20k tomorrow i'm going to start counting it down we're really close as heck you just said we just picked up scree attack an item sadly i don't get to see in my runs and i wish i could you even know where screw attack is no 42 runner here oh no i'm gonna save right after that because there's a weird thing that can happen with screw attack just disappearing if you die after you get it so to avoid that i'm gonna save that also helps me just go right to a different um heated run coming up 19 to go for mario crowd feel free to count this down with me i don't have to make this solo yeah we got a lot of super metroid so don't worry about interrupting me at all so feel free uh basically just going to the top of this room screw attack does not kill these guys right no no the only thing that kills these are super missiles which we need to revisit this later on so and as you guys can see uh oats is he's still very ill-equipped like he doesn't have charge shot doesn't have missiles no supers like it's just a grappling screw attack all right so this is kind of a difficult hell run here so all right [Music] thanks all these spikes on the ceiling will end up killing me so i need to be careful [Music] [Music] how do we get [Music] oh okay [Music] all right [Music] a lot of weird things there that i'm trying to avoid like i said all these like tights are spikes and they do extend kind of beyond the actual um sprite that you see so i need to avoid those and a lot of um kind of just weird movement that i have to do to avoid damage stack tight out like tight okay okay you sound pretty sure about that one but yeah like in that you know in the in the hell run earlier if he messed up any of his movement you know didn't grab a ledge well just a slight missed jump and it was over yeah you can't miss any leg grabs or anything in that or else you will die and as the crowd said 18 to go to mario the crowd's ahead of me you guys are rocking this all right now some fun backtracking again um basically just going to implement a couple new strats since we got high jump and uh we have speed booster and everything so donations are fine for for a little bit here you've got it we have one hundred dollars from alacrombie who says there once was a runner named oats who hit all the right notes and hard as it seemed he swung from a beam the spikes the bombs but no goats oh we also have five hundred dollars from unexpected pineapple who says good luck oats thank you we also have 250 dollars from blac rose who says good luck oats super proud to see how far you've come it's a lot of luck i'm a little bit insulted we also have fifty dollars from atomic chameleon who says go oats also let's go we're so close to the super mario 64 120 sit our incentive and that is 17 left to go we're so close let's do this would you like more donations yeah you got a couple donations it's fantastic yeah we have 250 from minder who says last donation of this year's sgdq i appreciate what all of you folks do both on screen and behind the scenes best of luck to the rest of the runners and here's a little something to help meet that 120 mario incentive i had to go back and check and make sure it didn't move on me while i was reading that we also have one hundred dollars from lolly lulay low who says all right it's finally kaizo time oats you've been sending out world records of this game one right after the other lately i know you're gonna crush this run send it and make the hardest super metroid pack look easy try my best thank you and oats is making it look easy yeah like i said if i mean charles keku and i am sure would make it look very difficult so like it's doing a great job almost close it's okay he got it again come on laura norford theme let's go okay i need to be a little bit careful because if i'm off these waivers will be underneath me 16. [Applause] moving horizontally out of bombs is also way trickier than it looks very weird with the shot because the shot will uh basically snap you out of a down position so you have to shoot and then re-press down down so you can't really get out of that there's a lot of button presses yeah couple more you've got it we have 50 dollars from mr winterbottom who says roses are red metroids are dread sometimes i wish my rhymes weren't so bad let's go gdq same we also have 50 from dusted lock who says more bonus games means more as gdq we have to get this super mario 64 120 star run i agree we are getting closer we can get even closer though it's still there we got sixty thousand to go we have fifty dollars from spencer mw who says to oats emit to charles and to the community thank you so much for everything your love and support has meant so much to me and i'm so proud to feel here together with you at gdq thank you for being you no thank you that was very sweet a little trick here we had a shine spark um diagonally to get up to this position it's not really the intended strat but it's definitely an easier one um we're going to be trying to get to charge beam at the top sorry trash beam keep it you know oops i have to unfortunately refill so dono's are good we are fifteen thousand dollars to go to that bonus incentive which is super exciting we're gonna make it happen we have 25 dollars from boyd samus who says oats and goats is an absolute legend i first watched him play impossible super metroid during agdq but now seeing him play live at sgdq is just as awesome as it sounds congrats and best of luck oats oh 13 left to go whoa that jumps let's go everyone we also have 50 from fly on the wall who says donation goes to super mario 64 120 oh my goodness i mixed that up didn't i let's try this again donation goes to super mario 64 120 star bonus game let's extend sgdq out as long as possible and get that 3 mil we're already past 2.1 million dollars raised for doctors without borders everyone thank you so much and let's keep it happening nice also if i could point out one quick thing about the uh spark we saw a moment ago before you grab charge beam so uh shine sparking in this game consumes samus's health and if you saw around the time he grabbed charge beam he had four hp so that meant that he like you can't shine spark uh below 29 health so he had to do the shine spark from a very particular height and if he did not do that then he would have definitely been dead yeah um so there's a lot of new ones try to stay as high as i can for that there's a different strat you can do with grapple beam like we saw after getting grapple um but it's a little bit trickier try to make things as easy as possible for this hack i'm gonna do a little clip through here if i can there we go you saw cheating again you see a lot of cheating here so you're starting to cook up item wise now we got screw attack charge uh charge beam and speed booster so 12 left to go for mario don't touch me he can almost he can almost fight things almost yeah there's a few water areas in this hack which are a little bit slower but they're not too bad there's some fun stuff coming up later that's a spooky fish yeah it's just scary all right nothing too special uh trick wise so a couple more are fine you got it we have twenty dollars from ex marie who says oats good luck on your run thanks for your streams and having an awesome community to hang out with now please execute fresh thank you i don't know what do you think we're gonna get more good luck or more executes throughout the course of this run either way i'm hurt well here's my little cheer up we have 500 from anonymous who just says have a nice day smiley face thank you so much for that we also have one hundred twenty dollars from full mark saul who says here are my 120 stars towards the mario 64 run thanks everyone for the awesome runs and again that's only 12 000 away we're keeping that number moving up but keep in mind it only moves if you donate you have to help us with the speed run to the 300 thousand dollars can you do it all right some annoying things in this room this is normally when i'm freaking out on my stream these these crabs on the bottom can only die if they're moving left and uh they don't like to move left so it's a kind of a time sink sometimes you're also playing whack-a-mole with them and they love to go back into their hole right when you shoot so it's a little bit annoying [Music] and you have to clear every enemy in this room right yes every enemy has to be cleared and they have to be moving left come on now there's one okay come on you can do it that one's i don't okay we're going to the carnival after this man we've got to train you up to the left come come on there sometimes i will just be screaming at my tv for a couple minutes it's very frustrating that was pretty quick yeah that was very i see it really quick yeah i just gotta like i said clear out the enemies here and then i'm going to be doing a shine eleven left oh shine spark two kids ice beam coming up no hawks this time [Music] so least menacing looking enemies i've ever seen and they will they will literally one shot yeah they're never fine even an actual game they do so much damage yeah are they pancakes that's what we call them they're pancakes now okay first try nice yeah [Applause] very important item iso all right basically just running through some water here collecting some health and then we're gonna be uh navigating back through this room with a charge or a speed booster so a couple doughnuts are fine until we get to the next area you caught it we have 100 10 left let's go everyone we have 100 from princess peach who says look here mario i spent three hours baking this cake for you do you want it or not i would like some cake we also have 25 from dolphin trucks who says oats and goats totes floats boats and moats with toads full of coats just a quote i wrote wow that was pretty awesome yeah we also have a 1 500 donation from dave432 who says go oats question mark i don't know i think it should be point fantastic do we have time for a few more sure we have 50 dollars from aussie mandia who says fan gamer merch check donation towards msf and super mario 64. check oats and goats check let's make this record-breaking donation here gdq i need to uh do a trick here to where i let the bombs start propelling me to the left before this regenerates and i barely just got that nice um going to be navigating through some sand here it's definitely pretty slow but there's a couple interesting movement tricks that i need to do to make these ledges also so coming into this room boats went through a door vertically and there was like a kind of a i don't know ghastly looking enemy that hit him actually during the door transition so that's sort of like a cheesy way you can get killed occasionally in this oh yeah you really need your movement to be good in the rooms because enemies can also kill you on your way out of the room if you've ever played nestoroid well nestoroid is a hundred times worse but um yeah it's kind of similar to that where enemies will just fly through the door at you yeah someone made me play nestroid for eight hours how would you like it yeah rate your experience one to ten how'd you like it and i'm not i'm not being put on the spot for that all right fair enough but i got destroyed to say the least nine oh all right so i need to kind of navigate through this room in a certain way these things will kill me i need to take them out before they do so uh spring ball here definitely the best item um then do the same thing take them out and then on the left this is one of the harder rooms very weird movement so let's see if i get it first try [Music] all right we're good [Applause] need to farm this guy one more time and then we're going to be escaping uh with that last room wait the last room there's a lot of weird movement the sand in this game is very tricky to navigate around [Music] i'll wait for it i'm feeling lucky i don't think i got him so he's going for another short charge there but uh charles described earlier yeah you'll see it's going for you know a bunch of these yeah i basically just need to redo this room and get that short charge so i can escape this area yeah a couple donors are fine you got it we have 25 dollars from aquamagicist who says double oh seven who says double your donation if someone out does your rhyme oats and goats is the goat of goats and notes totes got my vote and not to bloat what i wrote but donation trains are so 20 20. let's start some donation boats go oats incredible thank you [Applause] these are so fantastic and we have 50 from lambo who says great gameplay so far oats you are absolutely executing executively i don't know about that i'm messing this up here no you're doing good man and we have 120 from anonymous who says let's go i love wasting time very uh very odd sometimes with the short charge um anyone that's starting to learn to speak around this game will know that you have to relearn short charging a ton you you'll just forget it the next day all of a sudden yeah i think that's what's happening right now i need to relearn it so give me a couple hours donors are fine six donors are always fantastic let's go we have fifty dollars from esports chad who says oats is one of the kindest and down to earth people i've ever met good luck on your kaizo run and we have 25 from pesky freckles who says oats and goats more like oats and goats i'm on the edge of my seat over here thank you sorry you got almost got it um i need to be able to i need to jump through this door um or else it's very difficult to get back on that platform there's a waterfall pushing samus downwards um so in order to escape i need to yeah basically just jump through the door and jumping uh after doors is really tricky and tight actually it's super hard to time [Applause] um kind of a tricky thing here i need to make sure that this is in a good position when i shoot the door there's an enemy in here that will kill me it uh it is just rotating in there so if i'm off or if i'm unlucky it will be in a bad position and probably kill me end up hitting me [Music] all right basically here we're just escaping getting out of the area this is where we got speed booster and um we are now heading back to norfair to collect avario so dono's are definitely good here awesome we have 100 from rock here who says oats will help float this gdq boat all the way across the internet moat donation inflation across the nations to help give to nations who need it most he hoots and scoots and moves real fast technical skill that's so astute kaizo performed with absolute class good luck my dude and execute wow nicer i gotta outdo everybody that was beautiful people are very creative today we have five hundred dollars from tyson runs who says oats and goats last super metroid impossible gdq inspired me to play this game will this inspire me to play kaizo let's go good luck don't blame you what have you done man we also have four dollars from three goats in a trench coat who says sorry it actually said goat noises and that was my best goal noise i don't know if any of you have a better impression i think that goat needs medical attention thing we're supporting doctors without borders we also have 25 dollars from senior tacos who says i wanted to try super kaizo super metroid i have now concluded i won't good choice and five to go we are less than five thousand dollars away from that super mario 64 120 star bonus run so we're seeing some of the same you know spots that we saw earlier we've been in this room a couple times now um he is a little more equipped so we get to use you know screw attack to actually kill them instead of freaking out having to dodge the giant rectangles right right yeah screw attack's pretty nice for most enemies it doesn't kill everything but like those spiky things ran by right funny part about this is i have done this run so many times and there's so many back and forths i'm hoping i'm going the right way yeah i've done this run 200 times probably more in the last how many you know i think i'm going the right way we'll find out charles you can direct him right yeah yeah yeah i've gotten lost so many times doing runs i'm lost right now same pretty sure various next no i don't want to say try this trick one more time and uh once again relearning short charge sometimes you can see he gets the short charge when he goes for it because uh samus's legs will start doing this kind of flutter and that's like a good visual cue for knowing if you got it or not i'm just gonna do this the normal boring way yeah oats was saying but it is funny because sometimes i mean we've all sort of charged a thousand times yeah but then occasionally you just you know you have a timing drift that occurs where eventually you leave sort of the window you drift so much you leave the window in which you can do it yeah and it happens to everyone i mean i definitely include myself happens to me every other day man yeah thanks guys i'd be bad at it by the way it's okay all right just making our way back up it's a little bit easier with the items that i currently have [Music] a few donuts are fine until we get back to norfair awesome we have fifty dollars from german 99 who says thanks so much for everything you all do gdq i always have a fantastic time watching both agdq and sgdq you hold a special place in my heart let's go 120 star run which is now less than thousand dollars away from being met that is so close we also have one hundred dollars from anonymous who says honestly just giving an extra one hundred dollars for the announcer skilled rhyming that's not me this is your donations i can only read what you put in front of me so keep donating awesome things and i'll be so happy to keep reading them out for everyone we also have 200 from autumn garnet who says this week has had me feeling all sorts of emotions but mostly joy and hope here together let's commit to building a brighter future and to meeting the mario 64 120 star run incentive i'm going to save here um the next area coming up is where i got high jump boots but we need to progress past that and um i don't have wave beam which makes this next part after hijab boots very weird i need to avoid sparks but also shine spark to kill enemies that are protected by barriers and stuff so it's kind of weird this is a little bit easier the second time since i have high jump boots as i said hi jim boots didn't save me there try again and as we said before you know these enemies as we just saw they're just one hit ko so he's he's on a timetable he has to hit all his inputs right and if he gets touched he's gone less than 2 000 to the mario incentive nice right and he's not doing anything for swag it's not like something he's not like grappling because it looks cool right right well maybe a little bit it's the paws recharge so he gets the recharge a bit later skips the animation let me be careful here when i'm doing this there are spikes on the ceiling some of these areas [Music] okay so normally you'll have wave beam it'll make this very easy we do not have wave beam and this is quite awful probably 1 000 to go oh a couple more enemies to go [Music] and we have done it everyone the bonus super mario 64 120 star incentive was nuts we will be seeing that later today after mario maker 2 thank you so much everyone for adding that to the marathon and giving us more gdq boom [Applause] cool trick going on are you moving right here oh [Music] very interesting trick i just did um after killing all the enemies it unlocks a door i need to get full speed it has to be full speed uh mock ball and then i need to use spring ball to go through those rooms um if you don't spring ball at the right time your position will be way off in the last room and you'll more than likely not make it we're almost to varya here i just need to kill these i need to be absolutely at full health leaving that little tunnel and i need to also hit varya on the way up so i need to kind of cut these ledges in half or else i can die when i collect it [Music] yeah that's tricky you have to cut the ledge in half um there's a couple things that can happen if you don't cut the ledge in half there's enemies that will slowly creep towards you if i don't have speed boost basically activated like blue suit when i collect it um the enemies will kill me instantly if i have blue suit activated the enemies will just die when they hit me so try that one more time dono's are fine here we've already seen this of course we have 100 from dj 57 who says this is my first time watching runs for gdq and it was wonderful seeing not only the skillful runners fantastic commentary and hosts an awesome production but it was really the wholesome vibes all for a great cause that kept me here all week keep up the great work and we have we have 120 dollars from indigo who says go oats thank you this time with no punctuation i'm curious about how many different punctuation marks we can get at the end of that statement we also have twenty five dollars from totally who says rhymes roses are red but so is this suit oats you got this good luck and execute i thought it was gonna be something about my red splits and stick around [Music] and we we did get the follow-up 1 000 donation from anonymous who says yo y'all got bars like mario's got stars consider my donation doubled gg everyone who donated to out do that and get that extra one thousand dollars brought in for doctors without borders thank you come on you have some stubborn enemies at the moment so because of my health currently it is fair stubborn enemies i need to um i need to make sure i kill this nova at the very top because i do need to use gravel to farm the 20 hp or so i will not make it to the next area nice nice so well that's good try this trick again um i like i said i need full speed through this door and i need to spring ball at the right time or else i will not be able to progress and these spring ball jumps are quite tight i might have been too far to the right but we'll see [Music] is that yeah yeah in the clear for now for for the next two seconds yeah i still need to get out here today with arya yeah [Music] plows a beam once again one nuance i'd like to point out too in that room with the stubborn enemies um oats was doing a lot of short charges and then he would stand in place and usually he would hold angle down or angle up and that's called like stop on a dime so kind of a really cool movement technique that i really like in this game but it's it's very subtle just a tiny thing is that you can press r or l to just immediately stop samus um and otherwise you'd have like some drift forward or backward or whatever direction you're going but i think it's a really cool kind of a way to control samus very deliberately and specifically as we saw real quick on he grabbed barya he was doing some cheating clipping just now like halfway through the floor but yeah yeah yeah as you can see that enemy was flying towards me once i grabbed varya that's what will kill you if i do not like i said shoot uh as i'm going up the ledge needs to be kind of half on half off [Music] varya is basically an e tank for us it allows us to take one more hit from enemies um so i can kind it's a little bit of defense i suppose and also these superheated rooms no longer are quite as scary there is something on screen i need everyone to see in the bottom the schedule looks like it's been updated i wasn't sure if that was a glitch but i on my screen see that we have a new donation incentive you might remember earlier in the week we got to see a glitchless run of pokemon brilliant diamond and shining pearl we now have a new bonus incentive to see an any percent run of that game we need to raise 200 000 to make it happen but we just got 300 for mario i think we can get 200 for pokemon what do you say everyone all right so basically we got varya and that's going to allow us to navigate through wrecked ship meridia kind of stuff coming up so some backtracking luckily we have more items now to where um we can navigate through some of those rooms out of the elevator a little bit easier makes this a little bit quicker so it's not quite as annoying um but since we are backtracking not too many notable tricks dono's are totally fine you got it we have 100 from minty kiwi crunch who says how many oats can an oats go go goat if an oats goats could go oh six you are fast with that answer we also have 250 from mr shaky who says first time watcher and donator all this talk about execution shout out to staff for killing it all week and to all the runners for absolutely destroying it with amazing and entertaining play also proud hype and we have 100 from all in one mighty who says so good to see oats on the main stage again for such a difficult hack of metroid seeing you learn and master it was an incredible journey good luck uh good luck oats and remember to execute that got both the good luck and executed there that was neat thank you all in one would you like a few more sure we have 50 from macho punk who says i can't believe it's already saturday what an amazing event huge props to the tech crew for keeping everything running as smoothly as possible and we have two hundred dollars from a astrophil who says thank you for such an amazing event every year for the last 12 years i loved seeing the energy back at sgdq congrats to msf and the gdq community something kind of interesting that oats just did was he turned off spring ball so in this game you can actually turn off individual items or pieces of equipment i guess in terms of a casual playthrough i don't quite know why someone would do that but it actually is great for speedrunners because it actually oftentimes plays in weird strategies right um i don't think dread you can do that you cannot okay yeah but a good example because of just did this trick right there with the spring ball oh yeah the pause uh the pause buffer right yeah so that's kind of the first um spring ball jump you're gonna see i need to do quite a few of those later on yeah um it basically just lets you um turn off spring ball jump turn it back on and uh get the jump like you would if you were on the ground and of course the timing's pretty tight on that like it's you know a trick you definitely have to grind i want to make a note about turning off items uh oats will turn off screw attack at a certain point because uh if you get iframes from something like a spike for example uh and then you jump with screw attack your iframes will go away so he's gonna turn off um screw attack so that he can keep those eye frames right actually didn't know that well when you only play one cat i'm like looking at you and i'm like welcome gave me an actual desk there i'm like oh no yeah but that is one interesting thing about this um screw attack once you use it again or spin it all with it your iframes are completely gone so that can put me in really bad situations later on uh navigating back through here this is a little bit trickier on the way back through um i have to do kind of a tight spring ball jump here to avoid falling down the p toilet room shout outs um i missed that so i'm gonna have to try again and farm if i don't make it through i can take one hit because i have to go to the uh the right anyways and there is some farming i can do [Music] very funny yeah um i have to do a little bit of a okay um i basically right before the bomb is about to go off i go to the left and the explosion is wide enough to where it still hits me as i'm going down so i fall a little bit and then pop back up from the explosion [Music] um i'm gonna go ahead and save here i have to that that room with the you know what they're called the things that will shoot when they're they go into the sand i hope you're not asking me i i know you don't they look like a caterpie kind of right yes yeah i guess um whatever those are called i have to go back through that room and it's pretty tricky on the way back through the timings are very tight and they are shooting constantly at you so i need to do it kind of on a timer so when i see one shoot i know a couple seconds after that another one is going to shoot and i need to be able to jump another thing about screw attack is it allows you to not take damage as you're spinning so i'll also try to utilize that if i need to if i don't properly do the timing here which is also kind of scary because it is pretty easy to break spin in this game as charles was talking about the wall jumps um it being super difficult and if you break spin you're kind of doomed and you know if bose is trying to do a spin jump which activate activates a screw attack any break spin just instant death all right so i made it through that room i need to make sure these things do not hit me and uh yeah that's pretty much that so i made it through there [Applause] quick save there's nothing particularly hard about this it's a lot of kind of tricky movements um and then we're going to be seeing phantom shortly i promise i won't die [Music] i'll be honest i don't believe you when you say nothing too tricky here this all looks terrible it's incredibly easy uh some donors are fine here awesome i do want to say the pokemon love has already been coming in strong we've already raised over five thousand dollars towards that incentive everyone keep it going and that's coming in from people like sage griffin who donates 100 and says surprise bonus incentive yes please can't wait to see even more pokemon and we have 100 from kodiaks who says more pokemon sign me up i'll do anything for more gdq and we have a 2 500 donation from day 432 who says go oats semicolon that's a new one have not seen that before i think in any donation comments i need to do a on morph here to break these speed blocks i'll try again um but i basically you keep blue suit if you do this properly no see hey you want to take the controller thanks man maybe it was fantune i know what's going on this is kind of a tricky thing i cannot fall into these blocks coming up i gotta try this one more time luckily i have spring ball so i will not fall alright you got this as you can see it's very time sensitive like he has to execute very well there to get this um this is a pretty i don't know why this is even in this hack i need to kill this ghost that appears five times to open the phantom door so dono's are appreciated you've got it we have 100 from garlic sauce who says this has been an amazing marathon so far let's get more donations for pokemon and more gdq can we get some hype from the audience and we have 25 from captain tempest who says a limerick there once was a runner named oates many metroids and pirates he smote helping samus iran go as fast as she can and fund doctors without borders antidotes thank you that's incredible very nice we also have seven hundred dollars from seek two you're gonna have to help me finish this one here's a hundred for each death so far will be a hundred more for each of the rest stop making excuses and execute great teamwork everyone on that one thank you i'm trying uh fantune is fairly easy one thing about this romhack the bosses are the easy part and everything else is the extremely difficult part super metroid impossible kind of had the opposite to where there were tough rooms but generally the bosses on sm impossible are very very tricky this is a little bit more movement based and um basically every room is kind of a puzzle or a very tricky um you know situation you put in with different tech and stuff like that uh donuts are fine i just need to shoot fan tuned five times it's not too particularly exciting got it we have one hundred dollars from silver you who says more pokemon yes i agree and we have one hundred dollars from luke who says take two for pokemon it's more likely than you think glad to get it in than watching all week and it's about time for me to donate thanks to the staff runners and let's go msf now again reminder we are raising money for doctors without borders which is a fantastic cause we've already raised two million one hundred fifty two thousand one hundred sixty dollars for charity this event that's an incredible number have you ever even seen two million of anything in your life that's two million dollars right there for such a great cause we also have one hundred dollars from pinku boss who says i love gdq with four hearts four of them all right um so fantune cleaned up fantune well fairly easy getting my revenge past events um basically escaping we're getting a normally pretty boring item that just messes you up in speed runs but it is crucial in this as you'll see coming up shortly it allows us to do some really weird things with speed booster i'll have one of you explain that once we kind of get to this point a few more donors are fine and then i need to focus on a couple parts you got it we have twenty five dollars from a stoke enjoying a mode of oats who says just finished my morning oats and i'm loving goats run so much i can't help but donate a meagre mode of goats to help keep this donut boat afloat and promote all the runs we love the most my head hurts thank you we also or do we have time for more focus time you're fine one more all right we have twenty five dollars from rook rick who says i look forward to hddq and sgdq every year thank you all for the amazing work including staff behind the scenes crew tech crew and all those who we do not get to see you all make this event awesome and worth watching every time i love you all child is cute and i hope to be able to make it in person next year all right so this part coming up is very very difficult without wave beam i need to do spin jumps which decrease my hitbox underneath these platforms so i can progress if i don't get through this room quickly i might even fail from that there oh he's gone he's god you're not getting me so this is right again yeah it's very difficult yeah there's like a way hard version of the previous you know hell runs he really like can't mess up an input here he has no time to work with [Music] [Applause] seriously clutch pawn yeah you know use of paws there to to save him at the end that was crazy nice um this is probably one of the harder rooms uh just technically this is when x-ray comes into play um i need to kill all these in this room open this door and then i need to utilize blue suit and x-ray at the same time um i don't know if one of you can kind of explain that as i'm doing it i actually don't fully know how it works but um what oats is trying to do here is you'll see him turn blue and he has to retain the suit throughout this entire room into the door um it's a sequence of like going into morphing crouch turning around with x-ray jumping and doing it again and you know doing these really precise inputs he can preserve the suit and he has to do it for as long as he possibly can to get through that door also i guess we keep calling this blue suit and this rom hack i guess it's yeah that it's so it doesn't look too blue but right vanilla this would be blue well hardest part of this trick is at the very bottom of this room i need to do kind of a blind on morph that'll help me basically stay crouched keep blue suit and i can't go through the enemy so i kind of just need to do it on feel the camera comes up too quick to where you can't kill the enemy and you have to somewhat blindly do the on morph and we know it's talking about kei going um that's when we said that we hit a directional input as you're going through an object on an enemy and if he does that it will look as if he passed right through the enemy um and that's what he's trying to do at the end yeah and that is the hardest part of this round oh sorry only that is the hard part yeah that's the only hard part it's pretty difficult to keep the blue suit here and that can happen as well it's kind of a weird sub-pixel thing um the whole trick is fairly hard but the bottom is it's more so just blind so right yeah when i get a first try at skill when i don't get a first try it's just bad luck um and you know to show how difficult this is i think even in oats world record it took a few tries to get this so yeah i lost four minutes i think my run to this it's pretty awful um some dono's are fine and uh we'll see if i can get it here donations are fine these donations are fantastic we have five dollars from printing who says pokemon bonus game what is oats and goats favorite pokemon execute it's whatever oh oh that's my pokemon you're asking oh never mind you're making what is your favorite pokemon we'd love to know i don't want to tell you anymore okay we got it that allows me to use uh the blue suit or green suit forest green suit to use spring ball through that door to get these super missiles here those are speed blocks so i need to absolutely do that trick in order to get those supers i'm gonna be getting some more supers here and i'm going to be doing an x-ray climb on the right door to get some missiles the first missile pack of the game i need 100 missiles and 20 supers 10 power bombs to complete this it is absolutely mandatory he got in a position there as he went through the door and that allows him to like be clipping through the door on this next room and by turning and using x-ray it keeps pushing you more up and up first try surprisingly it's better super fast yeah yeah some of these x-ray x-ray tricks are pretty cool because uh it's usually its use is usually considered to be like a major glitch so you don't really see it in 100 or any percent categories but yeah it does let you do some pretty cool stuff like that i need to do a green gate glitch here so he's trying to oh okay um i you're forced to spring ball through here or else you will die this asset does too much damage you need to clear this room and then there's um kind of a tricky timing room after this another short charge need to get a full speed mock ball there's not too much time i can't really get it through the door either [Music] one thing that can happen in that room is if you get stuck in the acid at all it's pretty difficult to get yourself out and screw attack doesn't like to work very well out of the acid sometimes right and this is the music for the rhythm right for the uh bomb jump yep just listen to this and bomb jump and you're a bomb jump pro in this game i literally always just hum this theme song when i'm bomb jumping i still don't i need to learn it actually i got the list of the things you need to learn i've died eight times already don't worry i can't tell you man eight times is really good actually yeah okay oh it's just trying to talk itself down a little bit but only dying eight times is honestly insane it's like kind of crazy we're doing quite well yeah this is really good it's actually better than i thought we'd do i was quite nervous when this got accepted actually shocked and started to sweat a lot um donations are fine we're just going to navigate back to the ship room and we're going to be going to get uh spin jump so you got it we've already raised over 11 000 towards that new bonus game incentive please when you're donating make sure to select that incentive to help us meet that goal at the bottom of the page there's the list of the incentives not too many left we're nearing the end of the marathon so make sure to pick that pokemon run and help us get to that two hundred thousand dollars and i will say even if oats and goats won't tell us his favorite pokemon the audience is helping us out we have 212 dollars from upgraded gaming who says is it too early for pokemon number donations here's 212 for my favorite pokemon scissor here's to hoping we get the pokemon bdsp any percent and we have 65 dollars from sarasota who says we starting the poke number don't know train yet 65 for alakazam [Music] are you sure you don't want to tell us your favorite pokemon it's whatever charles's favorite pokemon is it's funny we have that in common so what is it charles charizard really okay unless it's gen one holographic right oh yeah yeah yeah then the best i can do is five bucks i actually had a stack from when i was a kid and i looked specifically for that out of all few hundred couldn't find it yeah the hollow charizard yeah i had some but not uh not the pretty hollow one uh more donuts are fine absolutely we have 25 from casper who says here's to oats and goats and doctors without borders two causes i'll gladly donate to glad to see you finally made it to an in-person jdq way to bring the sm community to the forefront while supporting a great cause thank you to the runners the commentators and to all the people who make gdq possible now execute thank you we also have 250 from dot who says three cheers for the goat can we get those three three cheers on three one two three goats goats ghosts i didn't know what we were saying i did not set us up for all do better next time they also say here's hoping for some great pokemon gameplay to make gdq even longer okay i don't know where these guys are now okay should be fine generally i'm not supposed to take any hits before this room um i do need almost full hp to do this [Music] nice yeah that's a nice little trick yeah i think keku talked about a little bit but there was this what we all did with the spring ball um the spring ball jumped there with the pause generally the spring ball jump is utilized underwater um when you can't really navigate any other way but we do utilize it in a few other spots uh some more donors are fine absolutely we have ten dollars from rob noble who says there once was a streamer named oates at metroid he was the goat he stormed the north fare he has some nice hair and that was all he wrote nice thank you we also fifty dollars from malloy who says again more gdq and more pokemon yes i agree yes and we are at twelve thousand dollars out of that needed two hundred thousand dollars please keep those donations coming please keep assigning them to this incentive we want to see more marathon don't we [Applause] a few more fine we're almost there all right we have fifty dollars from anonymous who says what's this a wild incentive appeared let's catch that bdsp any percent and we have one hundred dollars from maddie inc who says thank you to everyone at gdq for being so kind and helpful thank you to everyone watching on twitch for donating and bringing the hype keep being awesome y'all ota got that jump uh that he didn't get last time with this spring ball it's a little tricky it's a tight like spring ball jump there [Music] that'll make it so i don't have to go back to the right and farm which could be kind of annoying to do we're going to be going instead of right now we're going left and that's going to bring us the dragon um there's a few tricks coming up but we can sneak into one one or two more all right we have one hundred dollars from flyrent who says hi oates it's your favorite modfly rant here it's so great to see you on the gdq stage again good luck on the run and don't forget to execute memes aside oats has fostered one of the most amazing and welcoming communities on twitch and i'm so glad to be a part of it thank you oats and gdq for raising money for an amazing cause thank you flyer and i appreciate you we also have 100 from sweetiepie who says thank you to everyone for such a great sgdq y'all are amazing no you're amazing everyone donating you're amazing that's why we've raised over two million dollars for charity it's all thanks to you please keep it coming [Music] [Applause] okay so the one thing that has changed unless you can't do this you can grapple these things so i'm going to utilize that in order to get to the very top of this room by doing the grapple jumps like i did earlier oh come on that almost looked cool um and yeah like you said you can't that's i think one of the very few things you can't do in the vanilla you know version of the game is grapple into these crabs yeah but they threw it in so he could get behind this it's very uh it's very tricky with spring ball on but i'm in too deep now i'm doing i have to line up with um a texture in the background is what i'm looking for um it's kind of a that should be it we'll see walk a little bit that way close so i guess that on morph i think before he gets to the peak of his jump and he has to keep doing that all the way up yeah and if he hits the peak then it kills it and he falls back down [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay right this is kind of the first uh really important part uh when it comes to spring ball jumps we didn't really need to do it earlier but here it's pretty much mandatory so i need to do something called a double spring ball jump which is a pretty difficult trick in terms of timing i need to try to buffer all my inputs through the pause and on pause okay we got it nice nice first try that's great you need to be very careful through these doors there's very fast crabs [Music] um i need to not take a hit here about to tell you just to go back the other way man yeah you don't want to take any hits there it's pretty bad yeah all right this is uh pretty it's just water movement it's just kind of generally pretty boring so don't i appreciate it i've got something very exciting then we have a 10 000 donation from the yeti and they say hey y'all yeti here let's restore peace to the galaxy here equip this ten thousand dollars we've raised a grand total of one hundred twenty thousand dollars from your orders uh your continued support is the reason we're able to help equip msf the tools to complete their mission [Music] come on samus oh so it's samus's phone now always is yeah unless i'm doing good then it's my all you baby i have to do an x-ray climb here there is another way around but it's it's a very big loop around so i'm gonna be x-ray climbing [Music] okay so we got that nice nice the hard part about that is if you have morph enabled and you accidentally pressed down at the wrong time you can morph and soft lock in one of those tiles so i probably should have been smart and turned it off but you know spice it up a little bit i made it without getting soft locked basically just a series of tunnels here and we're going to be making it to dragon shortly just in the next two rooms um another two donuts and then we're gonna be fighting the boss you got it we have 100 from ward c who says an amazing cause an amazing week let's get some more runs in and we have 55 dollars from mr magnificent who says favorite pokemon time easy gold duck which i think sounds like good luck so it also works for this run let's get more gdq [Music] all right so like i said earlier the boss fights in this are fairly trivial compared to sm impossible so we're just gonna be microwaving dragon is what it's called so when you have plasma beam and you have x-ray you can do something called the microwave to where when i shoot and then i use x-ray it'll kind of get rid of i guess the the iframes of the beam and it'll continuously keep hitting drag on [Music] [Applause] there we go [Applause] some more boss vengeance all right then we get space jump so space jump is absolutely mandatory to get power bombs which is uh terrible so that'll be a fun experience the space the space jump maze thing coming up is uh probably the part of the run that makes me the most tense because i have you space jump um and it's just really hard to to use yeah if one of you wants to explain how space jump works yeah charles you want to do it well doesn't coco use it the most would you do classic i mean charles and i looking at space jumper like huh look at that well in water you can like automatically infinitely special like easily but like um and but in out of the water it's just you have to wait a little bit before you can start jumping again what i'm doing here is i'm trying to grapple like i did with the crab i need to do it through the door like pretty much the last frame and then i can do the grapple jump to the top of this room so nice [Applause] [Music] and as kaku was saying and when when you're outside water like the difficulty of the space jump um increases like exponentially it's it's a lot harder and if you miss your window you can't save it you just lose your space jump all together and you have to hit the ground and try again and uh he cannot do that later yeah i i kind of have to utilize um the mechanic of it to where if you hit your head with space jump it kind of resets it as well so i need to do a lot of that just reset it so i know where i'm at and then it kind of gives me a little bit more lenience but we still got a little bit before we hit that luckily um i need to do a crouch jump here just trying to navigate my way through these tunnels to escape i need to basically just get up here before the blocks respawn nothing too too fun so some donuts are fine until i escape here you got it we have five dollars from armadillo64 who says are there animals in kaizo metroid well pokemon are kind of like animals so we can still donate to save them let's get that run and we are at over 15 000 out of the 200 000 needed we can definitely make that happen but please keep those donations coming in we also have 250 from rexillian who says first time donating and first time watching kaizo super metroid really enjoying it greetings from germany we also have 50 from anonymous who says metroid at gdq is always phenomenal every time i see new tricks to help my game play i'm impressed if your gameplay looks anything like this anonymous definitely tears it up in other runs and i think like his expertise and everything else he's done is why he's able to make honestly make this look kind of easy which it's not i mean i don't know if it actually looks easy but it looks easier than it really should yeah um i saved there because out of this room we enter the room with the three very speedy crabs again so i absolutely cannot take a hit from those those crabs are actually horrifying yeah they're moving fast um so i kind of set up in this room coming up to where i jump to the door shoot twice and then angle down so some nice little setups some of these rooms nice no crabs [Applause] he tried um this can be a little bit tricky as well i kind of need to do this quick enough there's a cycle kind of where there's a crab going counterclockwise in this room and there's also crab in the door so any slower and i get hit i'm any faster and i also get hit so i was just about perfect [Music] going to do a quick save here because i need to go back through the whatever the heck those enemies are i need to go through that room again and i need to collect a missile pack you need 100 in order to finish this game there are 105 so we kind of pick and choose which ones we get this is one that we grab instead of one next to fantune so it's just a little bit quicker uh some donos are fine probably a couple all right we have 25 from the scally swag who says i'm trying to solve for x i know it's an angle that's less than 90 degrees in other words x acute [Music] that was good we also have 250 dollars from pylon who says gotta catch them all again and we have two hundred dollars from castle joe who just says pokemon don't don't okay well all right i didn't ask soon enough try again i need to make it to the top of that room into the left and then uh a few interesting things we've plenty of people cheering you on you have 250 from nesto who says i can't look away from this run it's amazing you got this oats let's get that pokemon run with a heart and we're making good progress we're at over 16 000 now out of that 200 000 needed please keep marking that incentive as you donate and i believe we can make this happen let's do it all right we'll try this one more time this room isn't as bad when you have uh spin you can kind of spin through the next portion [Music] and like i said uh screw attack will prevent me from taking any damage to those enemies these are the annoying ones just don't hit me okay all right there you go nice i'm gonna go ahead and save here um the next room to the left can sometimes be tricky i need to navigate through a spike tunnel as i am traveling down so as i'm descending so i need to kind of do some on morph stuff and it's a little bit finicky with how precise it is but that's about a minute so one doughnut is fine all right we have ten dollars from weeble who says been watching agdq several times first time donating also first time seeing kaizo super metroid it's wild very impressed by oats and goats greetings from sweden smiley face thank you so this is the missile pack i was talking about we opt to get this one instead of one next to fantune we need to escape this room to the top left [Music] so i need to be very careful with this next portion [Music] [Music] [Applause] and just like before we are going to shine spark up and get out of here if i don't mess it up again [Music] all right well will we escape this area um yeah more donors keep them coming all right we have 250 dollars from the space pirate science team who say how do you like our devious little kaizo bounty hunter i don't know it seems like you're doing great at it i don't think they're very good at setting up traps if you're building it this this cleanly can we get another round of applause for just how good oats and goes is making this game look thank you we also have one hundred dollars from echolopa who says thank you for another awesome year of sgdq good luck to all the speed runners and we have 100 from habit who says volt orb and again we're trying to get this pokemon bonus game met that is for brilliant diamond shining pearl any percent and we're over seventeen thousand dollars out of our two hundred thousand so please keep those donations coming in few more is fine absolutely we have one hundred dollars from bibbidi bob who says it's been an absolute joy to watch jdq as always i'm forever amazed by the sheer amount of skill on display thank you for putting on another great event i do want to shout out one team that you don't see but that's been working hard behind the scenes is the donations team they are right behind me can we get a round of applause for them [Applause] and if you're donating can you donate with donations team heart to let them know just how fantastic they've been doing all week long to process all of the donations that have gotten us this far and mean a lot thank you everyone [Music] would you like more donations we have more donations we have five dollars from cm5871 who says here's five dollars for my favorite pokemon five bulbasaurs in a trench coat we also 50 from anonymous who says more pokemon more etiquette more sgdq and we have fifty dollars from 89 who says sending love from the go pen oats don't forget to execute thank you that was the least enthusiastic execute i've heard in my entire life but you're nailing it so clearly you know what you're talking about it's about to be more than 10 don't worry so this is um this is why we need space jump uh in this room i'm gonna go to the right and save but this room is where a lot of my death attempts ended um there are spikes above you and below you and you need to kind of navigate without taking a single hit to the very end and then at the very end you need to do a pretty difficult damage boost to get to a tunnel to escape so hopefully we can do it right away and uh yeah we'll see see how it goes don't touch me thank you okay that's one nice thing about plasma [Applause] [Applause] right now all right [Applause] [Music] i am shocked yeah yeah the spikes are very unforgiving um a lot of you know letting go of d-pad don't touch me okay i have done that on deathless runs died to the fish down there um like we're saying earlier a lot of weird d-pad stuff you need to do with uh like represses and yeah so i'm really happy i got that first tried hate to have death spiraled there that would have been tricky but yeah we got him [Music] this part stresses me out the most like easily by far yeah we're definitely not out of the woods yet there are very different no you got a lot more to go very very difficult things to come but uh that's one of kind of the first um hurdles to do deathless yeah and you first tried it yeah um so basically we've already been here i'm going to be collecting items now so we need 100 20 and 10 like i said so basically just collecting what i can along the way um dono's are pretty good because we've pretty much already seen this i just need to collect items now at this point through this area oh we have donations we have five dollars from confused old man who says why does everyone keep saying eggs are cute [Music] we also have fifty dollars from salt posting who says i've never heard of kaizo super metroid this is horrifying i can't look away good luck and thanks showing us a sweet run and we have 500 from jeff who says here's a few bucks i found in my couch wait i don't even have a couch that's not terrifying at all we also have 100 from madden who says oh to absolute mad goat thanks for sharing your executive skills with this wild hack big shout out to the heroes behind the scenes oh yeah you can cheer for that you can shoot for everyone back here [Applause] we also have 100 from pharaoh's higher who says here is my annual 100 for sgq we are almost done it was amazing hearing you all from work and keep on keeping on we're doing our best and you know what help us keep on keeping on more if we met this pokemon bonus run for those of you who missed it we did see the glitch run earlier this week that came in at around 3 hours and 45 minutes something around there the any percent run is less than 25 if you want to see how we took an already speedy speed run and cut it down to 1 8 the size in a pokemon remastered game you definitely want to get your donations in for that incentive it is going to be fantastic if you haven't seen it you're going to be impressed if you have seen it you're going to be impressed again so keep those donations coming in for that one nice and nice i was worried that i would soft lock there um if you don't have enough hp you can get stuck in those speed blocks there so generally that doesn't happen but yeah we made it through yeah i was wondering when those uh little pancakes didn't give you health i didn't know if you're gonna go and farm somewhere [Music] oh well there'll be right there don't die okay well he died i need one of these and i need to i think i need to reset the room now at this point the tricky part is i need to freeze this at pretty much its highest point and get the missile at the very top of this room however i need to do it quickly because these things will take your health away very quick so i need to be careful going about this so i'm gonna try that again and try to see if i can get the proper setup here [Music] i won't do too much please [Music] nice nice yeah they're very scary once they start taking your health away [Music] also i know the name of those enemies it's not metroid oh yeah not quite metroid you know the actual lore behind that oh oh come on man you set me up i'll have emmett explain the lore oh no yeah that'd be cruel [Music] that being said obviously i do love the game and it it's all in fun i just i speed run it every single day and i know very little about it it's all good it's fun it's fun speeding around [Music] oh donuts are fine you keep telling me they're fine they're excellent they're excellent that's not what i mean by that they're you can read them off i love you everyone who's donating we have five dollars from true double fox who says great job on the powerbomb spike run you got this oats bring this home now an audience i need your help with this one all you have to do is execute great job everyone we also have ten dollars from oz loves oats and goats who says from australia we love you oats great work mate thank you i wish i could say the same but there's big spiders very big spiders you like more sure we have one hundred dollars from medinak who says thanks to all the staff and runners for this amazing event and we have fifty dollars from isis know who says donating again to see etiquette come back and break brilliant diamond shining pearl two pieces it's one of the coolest runs pokemon has to offer and we can definitely hit the incentive to see it let's go twitch chat and that is over ten percent of the way there we have raised 21 000 out of the needed 200 000 to meet that incentive let's keep that hype train rolling yep [Applause] we are just escaping like we did before and we have to make our way to north fair and then laura norfair essentially it's very close um once we get power bombs that kind of opens that whole section up and then we get to do a pretty difficult ridley fights and then one of the harder sections of the game afterwards so um feel free to read off donations until i get to norfair pretty much there's not really any trick that we haven't seen quite yet so all right we have fifty dollars from wandon silver who says let's go oats the doubters are an absolute shamble good luck on the rest of the run thank you we also have fifty dollars from explo toaster who says there's still time for you to scan the save room oats i ain't doing it for the rest of the run we also have fifty dollars here from jd low who says nothing but love for the donation team after all they work with numbers and do you know how many numbers there are there's a lot of them at least seven keep up the excellent work we need a little bit more than seven dollars to get to our bonus game but we are making progress 21 000 raised thank you so much everyone we really want to see etiquette just completely completely destroy that game the game really doesn't know what hit it by the time we're done with that one we also 50 from three stem who says my whole family watches sgdq and we can't thank you enough for this amazing event good luck to all the runners [Music] are we good for more are we back in norfolk yep it's it's fine awesome we have 500 from sleepy akari who says the amazing work that games done quick doctors without borders and of course all the talented speedrunners have done and continue to do still astounds me let's get that pokemon run in the marathon and looking at our schedule that would be coming up after that bonus super mario 64 run that we got in so we do have some time but that's only a few runs left and this one doesn't have too much time left oats and ghosts is kind of crushing it if you haven't noticed so we're doing great over here yeah oats is killing it i'd love to keep it under 10 deaths so wish me luck i'll close my eyes thank you i think we can do it yeah you got this couple more hard sections [Applause] not quite there yet so feel free all right we have 179 from anonymous who says do metroids dream of electric sheep any opinions from the couch do you remember electric sheep do metroid's dream of electric sheep i don't know i don't know where to go on that one yeah i i'm too busy running away from them and blasting them we have 250 dollars from jonto who says well done on an incredible run oats and goats and thanks for another great marathon everyone heart and we have ten dollars from galactic government who says on behalf of the citizens of the galactic republic we are hereby placing a 10 bounty on samus this bounty expires when the pokemon bonus is met and about all of you i'm not chasing down samus for ten dollars [Music] we also have fifty dollars from adrian powers who says another year another amazing gdq so great to see everyone together again in person smashing out amazing runs for a great cause thanks all [Music] and again if you want to see more amazing runs pokemon needs a little help we're at 22 000 now so we're making progress i need to fill up my hp here we're going to be going to the room where i got screw attack initially um i need to go back through there and there are missiles i need to collect before we go and visit ridley right and you have the items now to uh to get that that's why we're doing the whole backtrack situation yeah yeah it makes it it makes these areas a lot quicker yeah sure gotta do a little trick here to where i um do like a one-tap short charge and then i will do that yeah bring the spring ball through the door with blue suit or forest green suit and uh make it through those speed blocks um basically the same concept here i need to break these blocks with speed and then i can now kill these enemies which will unlock a door at the bottom of this room right and that's the first time we've been able to kill the enemies because you have supers all right [Music] all right a couple more donuts would be good awesome we have 25 from desiree who says thank you oats thank you couch thank you tar bunny and all of the hosts thank you donation team thank you tech thank you organizers and everyone else behind the scenes agdq and sgdq are my favorite two weeks every year so of course i want this to last as long as possible come on chat let's get that pokemon incentive looking at that we're now at 23 000 out of that 200 000 needed we're counting it up but keep those donations coming in the only way we make this happen is if you keep donating to extend the marathon and that's definitely what we want to see we also have 10 from creative river who says thank you for this awesome event have been watching gdq for a couple of years now and i always enjoy seeing the runners completely destroying the games whether it's classics or games that i see for the first time this is kind of a fun mix of both right a lot of people are saying it's their first time seeing this one but it is a classic game uh super metroid or the metroid oh right i assume kaiser was in a classic no i hope it could be though it's pretty fantastic kaiser is a pretty uh cool introduction to super metroid it's a pretty wild introduction all right so um ridley is coming up here i can only take one hit so i basically need to reserve that one hit before when it leaves even that's really tough he's casually explaining the fight like that is stressful even though space jumps right there all right all right here he goes all right all right you got this so [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay we're good [Applause] and our reward is a very colorful suit the donatello suit as you'll see here very colorful [Applause] would you say that that really was harder than your smi really no the bosses are a lot more difficult than smi like i said uh ridley is a bit difficult because you kind of do need to reserve that one hit for the last really has a tendency to be dead or at zero hp and still hit you constantly okay so coming up i'm gonna be saving here and i'm going to a couple of reasons it resets this room and the enemies in this room and i'm probably gonna die so safe here is important um this is one of the harder tricks and you're gonna be seeing a lot of pausing and utilizing the energy refill trick that we talked about earlier yeah so this is a very long hell run coming up here and this is absolutely mandatory as well yeah no way to avoid this [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] oh [Music] great [Music] nice [Music] [Music] all right [Applause] great job great job pretty much that entire sequence could not have a single uh movement mistake yeah you could probably slip up whatsoever that was that was amazing man right and even obviously hitting a spike would mean it's over but that your error could be much smaller than that and it's still over oh yeah yeah for sure i mean the timing on the space jumps as well it's like yeah it's not very lenient yeah and that's that's kind of why that's mandatory the recharge uh strat that we're talking about you cannot do that without the pause uh method yeah [Music] all right gonna be grabbing the last powerbomb pack no longer taking damage here so that's nice yeah that's quite nice kind of a little bit of a cleanup phase going on right now yeah there is kind of an interesting thing that just happened even though he has speed booster and gravity suit he was running in lava i guess or acid or whatever it is but for some reason the game if you have speed booster you can't run in lava right all right right yeah so just kind of a weird extra thing it actually there was one moment during that sort of crazy asset car too where that was uh affecting him as well yeah a pretty cool trick coming up i need to kind of keep blue suit kind of like earlier so i need to kind of navigate through some tunnels here it's almost blue now yeah it's closer yeah all right that's pretty sick i'm a few more clean up things here so don't knows would be good wonderful we have ten dollars from rain bt who says this front is giving me anxiety and no this doesn't look easy at all but oats you are zooming absolutely inspiring thanks ryan let's go right and we have 25 dollars from slumbo who says metroid's dream of plush mary's oh that's what they do that makes sense i think that's a reference to a prize we had earlier this week but if you're interested in prizes there are a ton that are relevant for this run right now there is a samus acrylic standee a custom repainted samus returns amiibo a samus helmet string art and a super metroid click pen a 25 minimum donation would get you in to win all of those and if you've got fifty dollars that would enter you to win a metroid e-tank wooden serving tray which just sounds like the fanciest way to host any party so definitely get donations in if you're interested in winning any of those fantastic prizes sorry buddy you wanted to live well right now it's just basically a cleanup phase so we're going to be going um kind of where we got more fall and we're going to be killing one final boss so um dona dono's would be good wonderful we have 100 from anonymous who says so glad i got to see this run was waiting all week for this always a pleasure oats and we have 25 from a perfect tool who says heart to the donations team and everyone behind the scenes thanks to char bunny for the hosting duties thanks i've been playing super metroid at least once a year since it came out and it's a fantastic game but this is the wildest hack i've seen let's go oats and that's it in tarot bang which is a question mark on top of an exclamation point which i have never seen in the tracker before i'm surprised it can handle that we also have one hundred dollars for renzoken777 who says this run has had me on edge the whole time but i can't look away oats is a gamer very hard to agree on that statement and we have 25 from pesky who says let's get that pokemon bdsp run let's do it indeed we are now at twenty eight thousand dollars out of that two hundred thousand needed that is over one eighth of the way there and fun fact one eighth is how long the any percent run is compared to the glitchless run we saw earlier this week so let's keep it coming you definitely want to see how that magic happens real quick the first time i ever watched kaizo and oates got to that point just now with all the items up top i couldn't handle the disappointment that you couldn't get those items i really couldn't in the original you could actually just cheese one of those missiles and keep respawning it so that was not fun definitely fun to collect them all and through the lava maze for a stressful lava maze is that before the yarn fixed it um i believe so yeah watch out for the spikes no it's nothing nothing too fun here um a few more cleanup items um so there's a couple minutes for donos all right we have one hundred dollars from eddie who says keep crushing it oats you kaku imminent charles are all amazing people streamers and metroid players i'm super happy to get to see you all up there thank you ready thanks eddie we also have fifty dollars from timeless chronicler who says watching an amazing metroid run donating for a wild pokemon run what types do you think samus is my guess is steel fighting oh that's a question what type of pokemon do you think samus would be for right now it's kind of looking like grass poison it's true actually we also have one hundred dollars from true geek who says how could anyone watching not want to keep this event going i know twitch chat is way too cute to not help make this pokemon run happen let's go and that is now at 29 000 out of 200 000 thank you so much for keeping that number moving forward we really want to see this run happen [Applause] [Music] would you like more sorry i got distracted sure yeah it's um you know just some cleanup there's really any there's no new tricks really so got it we have 100 from anonymous who says what an amazing marathon this is my first time catching it live and it's been a blast let's get that bonus incentive met and we have fifty dollars from garnet who says you know if oats is the one executing would that mean if he were a pokemon he'd be an executor good luck to all the runners finishing off as gdq tonight and let's get that bdsp 80 incentive met and that's already a thirty thousand out of two hundred thousand this is fantastic every time i click back to the tab i'm loving that it's moving up [Music] time for a few more ah sure all right we have fifty dollars from the dark drake who says aloha everyone great event as always good luck to the last runners of the event let's push for that final bonus game and we have 50 from anonymous who says awesome event love the runs thanks to the team for keeping this up and running it's always a highlight to look forward to so this room you're kind of supposed to do it early but it's awful it's probably one of the worst rooms in the game to navigate without the items that i currently have so we just come back here later since we can kind of route out a different you know route around this awful room right and are these enemies no longer one-shotting you is that the case nope they do not one shot maybe but if i don't have any um like suits or anything i can only take one spike hits and i can't touch any enemies it's awful yeah it would have been entertaining i think you died a bunch but uh yeah it's a bad experience saving before craig there's a reason for that crate's not hard i'm sorry great now i'm gonna miss this i bet no i'm sorry okay we didn't get his head for one second a couple things here i need to pause to make this room not look terrible we're not supposed to enter from this side and i'm going to do a little bit of a setup here to where i hit a block as i'm running to the right i need to do a mock ball nice nice and then i need to navigate through some uh tough spikes here can take a couple hits but that's about it [Music] that's pretty cool [Applause] all right you may recognize this area this is where i got speed booster there is no background though which is quite weird is that because uh how you left the crate room i believe it's because you enter it um in an odd fashion yeah i don't really know what the developer is going for with that because i don't know if you can even enter it any other way i'm not sure i'm just kind of sad we didn't get to see crate pop off yeah yeah full stance um basically just finishing up some cleanup here uh two more missile packs and we are home free while you're gathering at those items we have 2 500 from i'm cade and they say here recharge your energy and let's keep the marathon going thank you so much for that generous donation we also have one hundred dollars from aori who says let's go chat we can get this bdsp any percent run if we all chip in and that's now at thirty one thousand out of 200 000 i'm so excited every time that number goes up because i really really want to see this run and i know all of you do too we also have 100 from rohena who says almost there oats almost thank you as you can see though still it's still hard like we've gotten all the items he's coming back he's been here before but like to get that little space jump there he didn't have to do it he could have bombed but um doing that space jump there he had to immediately jump and get in the spin and then stop his horizontal momentum and then so he could just do vertical space jumps and that's actually pretty tough input wise you didn't know space or wiggle room there one thing here i took off screw attack because what we talked about earlier with iframes um to where if i hit my head on those spikes i can at least try again with the iframes and just uh scrape my head on the spikes and just get a mod fall quite easily um but luckily we got it even with high jump on so you've been killing that mock ball yeah i'm surprised you've actually been destroying it and that's the really really tight mop ball again like you said other mock balls but that's the one where he is just pick pixels of wiggle room i'm surprised that's the thing that i'm nailing considering i i am a little bit more nervous than i have it in past runs because i really didn't expect this run to get in and it did and i was instantly nervous um but it's been it's been really fun to showcase this and um yeah it's it's been a great time so yeah we appreciate it awesome by the way yeah just about there two more missile packs um nothing really cool with trix so some donos and then we're gonna be coming up on g4 you got it we have fifty dollars from jb casper who says this whole thing with mother brain is a misunderstanding a gift might help her feel appreciated maybe gdq should get her something nice in pearl and diamond seems pretty nice to me and we have ninety dollars from gibson who says ten dollars for every sigh of relief that oats and couched released while doing that health trade section don't know for bonus games and we're now at 32 000 for that bonus game it keeps going up we also have 50 dollars from edboss who says more gdq and more amazing prizes what could be better more gdq of course let's unlock all the runs heart donations and all the gdq stuff and runners all right that is the last missile pack and we can make our way to g4 now all right just a two hour mother brain fight coming up no i don't want to disappoint but we can talk about that when we get there still another minute before i get the g4 here all right we have 25 from okami at heart who says thank you gdq staff audience couch and oats great run great cause we also have 25 dollars from vets who says sgdq couldn't have come at a better time this year y'all are lifesavers in more ways than one love everything you do all the good you put into the world and i can't wait to see what's next love to each and every one of you including you cute chad i think chad's very very cute today we also have 50 from iron star who says greetings from germany great show as always you didn't want to save in case one of these frogs get you they don't do too much damage now so this is the reason we need 10 power bombs and it's an awful reason but we need to use five here and then we'll be using the other five in taurian um there is no ammo wasted not a single bit of ammo everything that i've collected so far is absolutely necessary does the run end up being almost 100 um there are i believe three items i do not get spazer we don't get spazier because immediately after spazer we would be getting plasma beam right um we don't get wave beam which wave beam is kind of a quality of life and it does really help some segments but it does take a few minutes to get so trying to optimize um i kind of just cut that out of the runs and what else do we not get we get we do not get one more missile pack like i said we can kind of pick and choose the last missile pack that we get so that kind of makes the routing a little bit nicer towards the cleanup um you know creates some interesting ideas so uh we're gonna be entering tori in here the i i really don't want to get touched by the metroids i they won't kill me instantly but i definitely don't want to possibly die um since i have no heat tanks right yeah still little wiggle room 99 hp not a whole lot and the nine looks great i just wanna keep yeah i'm going to save because at the end of all these rooms there is a mandatory metroid skip the metroid skip needs to be performed without wave beam so i need to basically hit every individual block in order to clear my path you'll see him coming up to that later but uh if you're unfamiliar with it or familiar with the any percent version he doesn't have wave beam so he has a lot of like obstacles he has to clear first while dodging and jumping over the baby metroid these always drop uh supers and no health but the little orange donuts those drop some help right that is a change from vanilla super metro yeah yeah drops here can be notoriously kind of unpredictable and sometimes maddening right yeah with typical super metroid yeah yeah one thing to note by the way oats has to end with 120 a hundred missiles and 20 super before he moves on right that's a good point yeah oh you guys will see why i cannot take any hits here really it it really makes this next area tight and i'm left with 10 less than i should so um here comes the baby skip let's hope that we get a first try and like i said it's mandatory and without wave beam it makes it quite difficult spring ball skip if they're impossible i still wouldn't do it but [Music] [Music] [Music] nice really good [Applause] so this is why we need every bit of ammo and as you can see they're spikes and if i get grabbed i only have one hp so i need to be able to take quite a few hits here and 100 of these so this is the part i was waiting for yeah this is it this is why i'm here i just want to see this yeah exactly yeah so it's pretty ridiculous a 100 red missile door and that's why like i said all the ammo is mandatory need to refill and then we're on our way to the end now i will explain real quick mother brain there is no fight to mother brain um there there is a fight that was kind of implemented when i started that would potentially allow us to save animals and um unfortunately that fight is ridiculously hard and could potentially add so much time to this in probably close to 100 deaths potentially so to make things not awful we are just going to progress um standard like i would in the actual run here oh it's if you don't like the animals just say so i hate the animals little shine sparkle nice that's great so the fight here would have been mother brain 3 without rainbow beam so mother brain just shoots everything at you and you can't do anything yeah so to avoid that awfulness we are escaping i'll never get over how [Music] pretty standard escape um it's not too bad as you can see no timer generally it would be a pretty small amount of time but that's only if you were to take down mother brain which you're not doing that [Music] i think i probably got a two out of a hundred times in practice so it's a little bit of a variance at the mother brain kill yeah it's it's double [Music] so just need to climb our way to the top of this room we've seen this room before yep been here we'll say hi real quick oh goodbye okay i didn't know wait are those the animals oh my god people have donated jokingly for taunt the animals for years i didn't realize this would be here and that's what we just did we knocked on the door [Music] [Applause] yeah oats taunts them for free so absolutely all right coming up on time once we hit the ship [Music] and time [Applause] [Applause] thank you i hope you all enjoyed thank you for allowing me to do this gdp staff it's one heck of a run um i was a little bit nervous but i had a great time and yeah what a great event so thank you one more time you know awesome event [Applause] thank you so much again for that incredibly impressive kaizo super metroid run that was terrifying i'm still catching my breath and i didn't even run it thank you so much as well to everyone who donated throughout that run we have ten dollars from anonymous who says been watching gdq all week and it's been a blast as always let's keep it going with pokemon brilliant diamond and shining pearl bonus game come on twitch chat and that's now at 36 000 out of 200 000 that's like 36 thousand dollars raised in just a few hours let's keep that energy coming if you're anything like me now it'd be a great time to catch your breath after that fantastic showcase so we're going to take a short break but we'll be back before you know it so stick around oh gosh so so so so so so welcome back everyone hope you got a chance to stretch take a breath if you just joined us you are watching summer games done quick 2022 powered by twitch and we are raising money for doctors without borders including this 1520 donation from lumineco who says let's go for more gdq less than three thank you so much and that's going towards our bonus game we are now at 38 000 out of the two hundred thousand dollars needed i have so much faith that we can get there while we're keeping this donation train rolling though let's take a moment to hear from our sponsors [Music] uh [Music] so [Music] speed running isn't limited to ag2q and sgdq you can watch every weekday night at 7 pm eastern and weekends at 1 pm eastern here on gamestone quick with hotfix we have 22 different shows with specials on the weekends for more information go to gamesdonquik.comfix hotfix shows off communities and speed runnings that are sometimes overlooked during marathons and elevates speedrunners year round we have shows for all interests including ones that can help you find new games teach you how to speed run and shows focus on more niche parts of speed running such as randomizers we also have special events some of our shows are every other friday what's faster in grad match and on alternating fridays challenger approaching and legally cute make sure to check it out if you're interested in speedrunning which of course i sure hope everyone here is interested in speedrunning this is a fantastic event and i hope you're enjoying all of it and of course in addition to speed running we're supporting a fantastic cause in doctors without borders so thank you so much for the 25 dollars for msf from somnis who says pokemon pokemon is coming in more we got 39 000 now so let's keep that number rolling we also have 50 from soft motor who says heart donation team thank you so much for that one and with that i'm getting word that we're ready to see some more fantastic phenomenal very interesting prizes so let's see what the team has in store oh thank you so much and welcome back to summer games done quick 2022 everyone my name is scent and i am joined by my good friends mr game and shout and frozen flag on for unfortunately the last time this marathon shout rosen how are you two doing i'm i'm good i'm happy i'm sad i'm just all the emotions you know that's this is your first event right this is my first event of staff and it's my first finale day live and i think it's a lot is this also the first event you've attended it's my second second event you've been teaching yeah the you know energy on saturday is always just something completely different especially when we're in a room when you hear the crowd whenever it's amazing clapping enchanting and counting down it is absolutely incredible incredible like all of the amazing prizes that we have for all of you right now i'm just gonna give you the lowdown real quick 100 donation get in that donation because that's going to get you entered into all of the prizes available from now until the end of the marathon a bit later tonight we got a lot of cool dark stool stuff we got a lot of cool i don't know what it was about eldon ring but it really like captured so many artists imaginations oh yeah you can see on the couch right here we just have a laundry list of amazing prizes let's get uh you know let's get cracking on some of them from our friends over at cute monster props we have a lovely set of dark souls sunlight medallions from the dark souls series praise the sun everyone uh these are absolutely is it hands out hands in hands out i think it's hands out is it hands out audience correcting me or wrong here okay it looks like he comes out as well i'll do hands this oh thank you so much to us we have a great cross stitch of the pot friend from elden ring everyone loves you know alexander the strongest warrior the strongest pot there was a more technical word i had planned there i completely forgot it don't worry about that worry about this lovely crosstalk it's great ten dollar bit of updation thank you so much directkey exceed for sending it out to us for our friends over at sky pirate prince we have a lovely map of the lands between from elden ring wow this is it's again it's the size of court and shouts that is the social distancing map please keep at least one lands between between you and uh staying safe out here uh from macgyver tv we have some lovely dark souls themed prints we have an anna londo themed postage stamp obviously i promise i will hold the right way up this time the mail in anor londo is actually delivered by the silver knights with the bows that's why the stamp has to be that big because you know they're they're shooting really large packages of people it's very dangerous but uh we we have uh that postage stamp as well as a pair of prints featuring uh the day and night versions of anor londo depending on you know whether you uh believe in the dark moons or not uh that come together as a set thank you so much matt for sending both of those out they are fantastic love the artwork uh also from our friends over at q monster props we have a mini estes flask from the dark souls series there you go all of the healing you require you can upgrade that flask as much as you would like 15 dollar minimum donation from making it nerdy we have one of my personalities i'm going to get this over to you you can do that i want to i want to you know hold this one i want to show this one off so everyone i have a real important question for you all in the audience is this dog the audience seems to disagree unfortunately i'm here to tell you this is dogs oh thank you so much for making it dirty for sending that out to us 15 video of the nation it is a lovely wood burned piece from magical af boutique we have a shy guy necklace made out of stainless steel just engraved into steel shy guy necklace 20 minimum of the nation looks super cool you could see a great picture of it down right here below me absolutely fantastic let's get to all of the paintings we have some yeah absolutely you want to talk about this one yeah go go from carolyn design who warned me about this we have this elden ring acrylic painting looks absolutely stunning scent would be able to tell you the name of the character portrayed that's ronnie the witch okay but if i can get the black light on it and we'll see if i can alright i gotta look at it to do this there are black light elements in the painting as well so the ring down there the second silhouette it is uv reactive it's also phosphorescence so like if if i charge this up a little bit you won't be able to see it under these lights but it will glow we discovered that earlier and that was super awesome thank you so much carol indesign 25 donation gets you entered to win this absolutely fantastic create your own age of the moon ending with that uh from investigation cone we have a set of not one not two but three lovely landscaping things team prize oh yeah there we go featuring you know different landscapes from the elden ring game like if you haven't played elder ring by the way um you really should but you probably do so fast because we got a couple of runs of it in a couple hours you're going to get a i think it'd be a little spoilered on it just start right now and you'll finish it by then oh yeah totally surely but but the game has some absolutely beautiful scenery and these paintings along with some of the other stuff we have it captures it perfectly like from a sclera studios we have this incredible elden ring shadow box you want to hold that up for us absolutely i really love esclear studios work it's all paper craft and it's all 3d layered inside that box so you know it's just it has this beautiful effect especially in person where you know it feels like there is a perspective moving up to the great tree there yeah absolutely it's like it has this 3d element to it's it it's so gorgeous it is fantastic uh now from cute monster props and squilby props we have an incredible uh you know prop for all of you we have the flask of crimson tears from elton ring your very own elden ring uh version of the estus flask the bottom of it i think is even yeah it does come off like this oh yeah no the the base itself though is actually attributed to summer games done quick 2022. i'd never known the felt what probably a little too light to show up on the camera unfortunately uh but i believe you can see a picture of it on gamescom.com believe we have an album up of a few shots that cute monster props took for us how did i miss i've been staring at that thing all week it's so cool like the craftsmanship on it is incredible the level of detail in the flask top-notch thank you so much for sending that out to us from shiba inc we have quite the canvas print this is us oh my goodness huge that's a print right there i am no longer appearing in this prize segment it's just i have been replaced the role of mr gaming chat is played by the elden rings print indeed i mean like come on the level of detail and they're the level of artistry over there the blending of colors the perspective on it this is this is this is just beautiful i i have no words for it other than thank you so much to our friends over at shiva inc for us you know donating it for the event it's absolutely incredible and uh from our friend phyllis in the hood we have an incredible uh pokemon stained glass piece it is about as long as you know between shout and cord on the couch and it features the three starters of the new pokemon generation we've got the sprigato which is you know personally my favorite you know i know you just i'm a big boy coco fan i love gators i love crocodiles that's my favorite are you gonna finish the trilogy here uh small doof no oh chad is not a fan of quacksley but that's though that's okay everyone loves how did you not love the duck with the pompadour it's so cute it's super adorable those are both 50 minimum donations and thank you so much again to phyllis in the hood for sending that out to us and of course from our friends over at final fantasy 14 shout i know you also play 14. i do we have a wonderful end walker collector's edition prize pack like there's so much cool stuff over there there's a ton of great art prints from you know throughout the timeline to final fantasy xiv you have the statue of art burt doing uh passage of arms there you yeah you know have the operate i know we disagree on exactly what that lapras name is but that's fine because you can name it when you win that prize exactly exactly you got alize and the alphanose statues there it's an absolutely wonderful prize bundle available for a 100 minimum donation so make sure to get those donations in absolutely and if you get that hundred dollars in that gets you to every single thing we showed on the couch today and that's amazing it's gonna get you halfway towards our grand prize right it absolutely is we've been talking about our grand prize all week and it has so much stuff in it as well you can check that out on the website for sure yeah i mean it's got the falcian uh from fire emblem a replica of it made by our friends over at heroic replicas as well as a replica of sly cooper's uh kane from the sly series uh made with a unique type of a brazilian hardwood i i believe uh dave was mentioning it was called like yatoba or something yeah a very very you know interesting exotic materials there you can definitely check out some cool pictures of it over at gamesdonequick.com and while you're there you can check out all the information you need on upcoming games that we have in the marathon there's still a ton of great games don't miss out on them don't go anywhere don't miss a minute of gdq tonight and of course on some of the incredible incentives that we still have in the marathon we got mario 64 in the marathon we're getting another chance to see brilliant diamonds shining pearl in the marathon you don't want to miss either of those but for now shout court i just want to say that it has been a pleasure uh to have you both here to be working with the two of you throughout the week for the two of you to be taking some segments from me so that i can finally get to go to bed is the most alive he's ever been at the end of a marathon i feel refreshed i'm at least at 10 capacity because i'm gonna be i'm gonna be popping living dead here in a minute so i might need you to cover me okay indeed but audience i want you all to get to a hundred and ten percent capacity because we're going to one of the fan favorite runs of this event one of the best ones right now we have the super mario maker relay on deck it is going to be incredible don't go anywhere make some noise out in the audience let's get excited stay tuned [Applause] oh you know it's going to be fantastic the runners are setting up on stage we can hear the mario maker music starting to spread through it's going to be fantastic and those prize donations are already coming through strong we have 100 from pianoman jb who says scent said donate 100 here's my hundred bucks let's bring this baby home and we have 150 from nb2k who says i'm a simple man sen says donate for from soft prizes i donate and all these donations are really helping us out with our bonus game we're now at 49 000 out of that 200 can we get some hype for that
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 256,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Competitive Gaming, Fast Gaming, Fast Run, Hasty Play, Legend of Zelda, Mario, Mega Man, Speed, Speedrun, Summer Games Done Quick 2022, Super Mario 64, Video Games, Zelda, eSports, recorder
Id: rjXprx6ulGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 167min 36sec (10056 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 03 2022
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