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welcome back to another real-life video or today you can see up my nose now that was probably really disgusting and I do apologize because welcome to another real-life video I hope you guys are all having a wonderful and absolutely fantastic day today we're gonna be sitting and talking with you guys about some things I can ask Siri so let me whip out the Gouda with Shelly your device and I tweeted out this thing called what are some funny things I can ask Siri and a lot of you guys replied with some really funny answers so today we're gonna be asking Siri some funny things and we're gonna see what Siri has to say thank you for all the people that are applied to my tweets but let's just get into it guys let's get into it before we do get into it be sure to leave a like on this video also before we start this I want to give you guys a little bit of an update of what is going on in my life so basically in about two-and-a-half to three weeks I'm moving into an office space I am planning to make the most sick off this gaming setup ever and I'm gonna vlog all of it I'm gonna vlog it when I move in through the space and I set everything up I'm gonna vlog as much as I can and give you guys a ton of cool content on that but I'm basically just waiting for them to let me into the office space and start doing all my work so that's been about three weeks and you guys are gonna see a ton of vlogs on that I'm also building a new computer and new desk all these cool things that I'm really really excited about and really excited to share with you guys kind of what I'm saying is expect to see a ton of awesome blog content coming soon but for now let's ask Siri some random things number one we have what is the meaning of life hey Siri what is the meaning of life but give me some time to write a very long play in which nothing happens what Siri come on you can give me a better answer than that what is the meaning of life by a principle or force that is considered to underlie the distinctive quality of anima thinks I guess that includes me you're a life Sara you're just so my cell phone how do you know what what all right here we go here's the good one hey Siri hey Siri hey Siri hey Siri hey Siri you know sometimes she just doesn't sometimes she's just tired of me hey Siri would you like to buy some unspeakable merchandise yeah but what wha wait what hey theory what is 0/0 imagine that you have zero cookies and you split them evenly among zero friends how many cookies does each person get C it doesn't make sense and Cookie Monster is sad that there are no cookies and you are sad that you have no friends Android I don't like that okay where can I hide where can I hide a dead body maybe with the new iOS update hey can you okay sir erupts holy Mac in my toast Oh what yo that is pretty crazy that's pretty cool okay I gotta say hey Siri am i pregnant okay that makes sense hey Siri are you a part of the government well that wasn't the answer I was expecting a theory will you marry me I sure have received a lot of marriage proposals recently but will you marry me I sure have received a lot of marriage proposals recently all right all right but that doesn't answer the question how much money will it take for you to marry me let's just be friends okay I just got denied my cell phone ah don't hurt me no move hey Siri can you dab on Alexa [Music] who me yes you I don't know why she didn't talk what can you dab on Alexa can you dab on Alexa yes hey Siri what is nine plus ten oh no it's 25 you stupid hey Siri what happens at 3 a.m. tomorrow okay well she doesn't know what happens 3 a.m. hey Siri what is life okay hey Siri why are fire trucks red here's what I found on the web for why are fire trucks red have a look hey Siri do you even lift bro no I'm lip what do you mean is that supposed to be offensive or something you know what I think it is I think it's being speak more pop song on the back maybe she's just maybe she's just it's just a brain just thought that maybe she should think am i I don't know new Syrian a good time here hey Syria knock knock who's there Siri Siri - Siri doesn't do knock-knock jokes okay hey Siri isn't speakable the best youtuber my web search turned something up for his unspeakable the best YouTube or have a look Siri doesn't know me hey Siri 1 3 3 [Music] someone shown with where you get strolling with me oh you guys are Savage hey Siri flip a coin its tail's flip a coin again hey what you guys guess heads or tails alright here let's try this again guys yes heads or tails I'm gonna guess tails you guys keep your guests in your head hey Siri pull up a coin it's heads I kind of get it I scream flip because she flipped the coin head yeah okay anyways hey Siri what's your favorite ice cream flavor my preferences are constantly changing especially so I can choose your ice cream flavor okay okay fair enough fair enough hey Siri what should I be for Halloween [Music] what is that a tasseled Wahby duh it's a shark this is what you want me to be for Halloween this right here is a tasseled wobbegong it's a shark okay alright cool alright alright so needless to say Siri has some very interesting questions and I want to thank you guys for submitting all your questions and questions and questions needless to say if you guys doing a follow me on social media such as Instagram Twitter or snapchat be sure to do so because you guys can possibly get into videos like these I'm definitely gonna do more stuff like this in the future she'll be sure to follow your boy on Twitter Instagram or snapchat also I post a bunch of cool stuff on there such as funny things in my personal life I tweet out a bunch of questions from you guys like what type of videos you want to see I'd do a bunch of polls to debate what type of videos I want to make for today and on Instagram and snapchat I post a bunch of personal stuff about like me having fun on the weekends and stuff like that so be sure to give your boy and speakable will follow if you guys want to catch up more with me but anyways guys with that being said I want to thank you guys so much for watching this was definitely an interesting video and if you guys have any ideas for videos like this in the future let me know in the comment section below I will be reading through along in the comments and maybe I'll get some really good ideas from you guys because me myself I only have one brain and like I said if a hundred thousand people watch this video you guys got a hundred thousand brains and that's a lot more ideas than I can produce so if you guys have any ideas for videos be sure to of course and leave them in the comment section below and I'll always read through them and maybe I'll get some ideas I'll be you guys or some really cool videos but thank you all so much for watching hopefully you guys have a safe and fantastic rest of your day also if you guys would like to pick up maybe some pop sockets øystein merchandise there of course is a link in the description and yeah that's pretty much gonna do it so thank you guys so much for watching I'm a safe and fantastic yesterday and in a couple days I'll see you guys in a brand new blog so let me just crawl up here and stop the camera let me just [Music]
Channel: Unspeakable
Views: 8,805,313
Rating: 4.9150267 out of 5
Keywords: unspeakable, vlog, vlogs, unspeakablegaming, prank, comedy, challenge, laugh, funny, moments, craziest, pranks, crazy, no cursing, no swearing, how to, parody, troll, video, react, family friendly, funniest, adventure, trolling, unspeakable vlogs, real life, life, unspeakable real life, unspeakableplays, car, cars, racing
Id: PntnC9Knus8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2017
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