Nevele Ski Area Former Employee Returns

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[Music] [Music] [Music] so this is the top of the palma lift with the old nebulae ski area this is the very top of the ski area as you can see there's still still snow making pipes here this whole upper palm area i believe had 100 snowmaking which was pretty pretty rare i think probably for a hotel [Music] even at the time so we come up the lift on the right side here of these poles you'd get off here somewhere in this flat somewhat flat area and then you would get three choices you had an expert trail which is all grown in where the trees are there you go down the left you had a beginner and then you had a an intermediate trail it was a great place for for a kid you know i was lucky to ski here probably when i was around 12 12 years old so was real lucky i got to make some turns here this is the bottom of the palma lift uh we would load over on the right side here and this was probably the steepest steepest trail here was the lift line which a lot of times we would fake an injury up at the top there and fall so we could ski down it but the lifty's never really liked that so we didn't do that a whole lot it was a lot of fun uh and the trails would come down over here to the right great place to be a kid around you know 12 14 years old on snow days you'd find a lot of local kids skiers and snowboarders here having fun it's amazing how much this place has grown up [Music] all right here we are at the top of the nevilie uh chairlift back when i worked here you come up here in the morning you'd uh there's a propane tank out here you crank up the heat it was nice and toasty in there not a bad gig on most days some days were a total pickup session people were not getting off the lift they were falling you're picking them up those days you would you would work for it had emergency stop switch on the inside and outside here and also had an emergency trip gate if somebody stayed on the lift and they did uh we shut the lift off and then you would have to go get them down uh we had a ladder a ladder down here too that we used to use to get people down it's kind of somewhere in this area where these bushes are i don't know if i can still find the the trip gate i'm sure it's in here somewhere i think we'll leave that for now certainly changed since the last time i've worked here well let's make our way down to the bottom and see what's left of the chalet old snow making gun i think there's some pictures i have from years ago of building a jump somewhere down around in this location to see if i can find those there's a rope toe down to the right there's what's left of the chalet does not look good from here it's probably not going to get any better as we get closer this is the top of the rope toe there was a four plug system here used back in the day you can see the see the plugs there's one here one there so if somebody got caught on the rope or they didn't want to let go and we didn't want to send them into the wheel there it would cut the rope toe off and the lucky rub toe tendent which was me would have to run all the way up here and plug the plugs back in so this is the bottom of the rope toe this is where people got on it's kind of flat here you know we really just had one stop and start switch nothing fancy your rope would come down here around these old rims i guess your your motor engine that drove it was inside there and your rope would just head up the hill here great place to learn teaching here was always entertaining because you would destroy your gloves you would teach people to slowly tighten their grip on the rope toe and it would just melt instructor gloves and of course as a lifty back in the day when your buddies were on here you'd shake the rope toe try to get him fall off that was always a fun little game he used to play so this is the bottom of the chair lift one things we used to do in the morning when we got here is we would start up the auxiliary motor that with the chairlift broke down electric didn't work this engine could power power the lift there's the belt i'm surprised that's still there so we'd crank this thing up run it for a little bit make sure it was running and then we would start the lift and this was a fixed grip lift so meaning it didn't detach like a modern day chair lift you would just hold the chair back and let the guest load up and head out of course if it was your buddy you'd try to slam it into him or you would give her a little push to the side and see if you could bounce him off tower number two there we used to do that every once in a while did get in a little trouble for that from time to time but that was fun this was the uh pump house i believe this is where the snow make it snowmakers would check in and out we had a a tucker snow cat that used to sit in here uh man nice big electric motor there this is the one part of the part of the ski operation i didn't really have anything to do with when i was here was snow making still some snow making hose here and this was the office where everybody would punch in and punch out time clock i believe hung right about here more snow making items this is the piston bully barn as we used to call it and there is the piston bully right here is your tiller i did operate this piece of equipment and your tiller would raise and lower that's your that's your tiller right there and of course on days when the snow was really wet and dense and me being a new operator i would clog this thing up and i would have to come down and lift it up and chop all the excess snow and ice out of it to free it up to uh to use it again there's your tiller motor on the back [Applause] and here is your front of your piston bully there is your blade unfortunately the vandals got to this too hate to see that this was a nice piece of equipment probably has very little use on it still i mean grooming this little hill probably didn't do a whole lot to it of course we've got more snow making snow making hoses in here uh here are oh wow here are palma poles these are the poles that went on the lift up up on the uh top side of the hill here i'm not going to call it a mountain oh and there's some more they're hanging up so this is the cab of the piston bully there is your there's your engine hours to your tiller so when you're grooming this would raise and lower your tiller which of course i would bury in the snow and have to chip the uh chip the snow and ice out to get it going this was your your on and off that would be on that would be off so when you're grooming you were looking at this this tachometer for your tiller you run it about two to two grand and then over here you had your your tachometer for your machine itself you'd kind of run that 15 to 2 grand if i remember properly you know you had forward and back um this would raise and lower your tiller and i believe this was your your your blade you push the button and you could do you could do other stuff with it but it was a it was a nice piece of equipment when i ran it years ago it's unfortunate that it is the way it is now i don't know what to say i can't believe the level of vandalism to this place uh this is not how i am going to remember benevole in the nebulae ski area it's uh wow it's uh i don't know what to say so what i think i'm going to do is i'm going to walk through here and describe what it was like what i remember how i remember this place how i remember working here and all the great people i work with and uh then i'm gonna get out of here and try to forget that i saw this place this way because this is this is not the nebulae i once knew [Music] so most guests from the hotel would approach along the outside of the skating rink here they come down this path right here towards the ski area uh there's a trail over there right right behind the tree there there is the chairlift and the rope toe uh they would come right through here and there were some doors here that you could go through but now we are using different ways to get in and the guests would come through these doors here which are now boarded up we're going to use the new entrance so your guests would come in here and there'd be a nice fire going uh it was all these windows were beautiful you could see outside it was a great place there was always a big old stack of firewood right here under the stairs if i had always always had a nice fire going if they wanted to go skating they would head through this door and then they could use the skating rink um the ski area where i worked they would normally start here at the boot room they would fill out their form level one level two or level three skier most everybody that skied here was level one after they filled that out a lot of them would try their boots on and they'd sit right here on this uh slate right here put their boots on and you can hear them coming on the floor from a mile away quickly clack most of us can't walk in ski boots but first timers you can really hear them coming so then they would come in here and we would meet him down here on the left we'd size them up for skis usually just by height we had had everything hanging up over here these are really nice racks for skiing uh nice hand-built racks once we sized them up they'd come over here we had a we had a bench over here that two people could sit on each side and we'd adjust our bindings up after they got their bindings adjusted for their ability height weight actually there's a form right there it looks like they would pop over here to the ski school desk they would get a lift ticket or a lesson booked and they would head out to the hill we used to have a ski school meeting area sign out here and we would meet the guests out here and take them on their first lesson most of the time uh it was a lot of fun i taught a lot of lessons here i had a lot of fun met a lot of people work with a lot of great people um that's that's how i'm gonna remember this place i'm not gonna remember it like the way it is now because this is not the nebulae i i grew up working at i was lucky enough to work here as a lift attendant uh ski instructor i ran the groomer i worked at the outdoor pool the indoor pool worked at the golf courses um but this this right here is just this is tough to take i'm not going to go any further into the hotel because it's probably all like this and uh i really don't remember it like this i had a lot of good times out here with a lot of great people i'm not going to mention any names because i know i forget somebody [Music] so [Music] well we just visited the uh nepalese ski area place i used to work back in the 90s and now we're ending on a good note here at the nebulae falls i'm happy to see this has not changed and been vandalized still very beautiful place very peaceful here always cooler here so ending things on a good note today i get to relax here at the ball for a little bit before i head back to the house [Music] thanks for being here with me today i hope to see you tomorrow thanks for watching so [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Hear 2 Day Gone 2 Morrow
Views: 30,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZF94W8PpUuI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 32sec (1112 seconds)
Published: Mon May 30 2022
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