Deepak Chopra- Who is God & Life After Death

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how you age is a choice call the even call the Charlottetown you may call the salesperson because if you don't see the world is insane you're declaring your own insanity you think world peace like a perfect world peace as possible so if there's one thing you'll notice with guests on value taming there's variety of guests on different topics and that's intentional because I like to talk about varieties of topics this is what we call it value tainment value we bring a lot of value but there's a part of it that's also entertainment as well today I'm sitting with somebody who has written 88 books many of you guys are planning on writing a book he's written 88 books of which 24 are New York Times bestsellers let me say that one more time 24 are New York Times bestsellers I think one of them that his second book that did very well was quantum healing we'll get into that a little bit another one was called the seven spiritual laws of success and in his latest book the healing self that we'll cover as well Time magazine in June of 1999 called him one of the top 100 heroes of the past century and with that being said today we have a guest Deepak Chopra thank you for joining LT Patrick it's great to have you here with us and if we're gonna see meat any worse san diego's obviously one of the finest cities in America I called it earlier the best-kept secret I think more people are realized realize it's not a secret anymore but it's good to be here with you so thank you I read about you and you're obviously to some you have a very loyal following Mario and I were in Hawaii a few months ago I think I was in Hawaii with an insurance company a few months ago and I saw 500 people outside do you know they're doing yoga and they're just like I'm like what is going on here and everybody was so calm and you know I'm not like always going and you know why always kind of brings it I said why are you guys so calm what's going on Oh Deepak Chopra he is here oh my gosh you don't do you know who he is do you studies I said of course I know the name but you're following swears by you and what you talk about and teach them but before we get into that part you obviously come from India why don't we talk about before Deepak became Deepak who was Deepak in India when your father was a cardiologist and you decided to come to the states I think in 1972 study Western medicine talk about that transition before you became who you are today well I grew up in India I went to an Irish Christian missionary school then went to medical school and I qualified as a doctor and I came to the United States to do my internship and then residency and then fellowship I got certified board-certified in internal medicine endocrinology all in Boston got I was teaching at Tufts University bu and also for a short period at Harvard I trained in neuro chemistry which is basically neurotransmitters in the brain and I realized that whatever happens in our mind or consciousness translates into biochemistry in our brain and ultimately has an effect on our body so I basically wrote earlier books exploring the mind-body connection later I realized that even that was inaccurate body mind er a single experience and what we call consciousness body mind is one entity just like space-time is one entity or mass energy is one entity wave particles are one entity body mind is one entity your whole body is also your subconscious mind the brain of course orchestrates mind - usually in English with an Indian accent using English word in Indian it with English accent so what what made you want to get into this was it your you know kind of seeing what your father was doing and kind of wanted to follow in that direction with medicine because you kind of went against what he was a cardiologist right what got you so interested in this topic well I realized from my own clinical experience that you could have two patients who had the same illness saw the same doctor got the same treatment but could have different outcomes you know one could recover the other could die so I realized that you beings were more than molecules human beings have personal relationships they engage in social interactions they think they feel they love they get upset they get angry they get jealous we are very complex creatures and if you only look at the physical mechanisms of disease you might be lucky and the person might recover but you might not have that recovery as well so everything from daily experiences like eating breathing digestion metabolism elimination how we experience the world or the five senses our thoughts our feelings our imagination creativity fears or anxieties our aspirations our emotions all of that influences what's happening in the biology so I realized that medicine as we practiced it is very effective for acute illness so we we or we India we here in western West yeah it's very effective when you have somebody who has an acute illness so if you have pneumonia we need an antibiotic you break a leg you need to see an orthopedic surgeon you have appendicitis you need surgery etc but when we look at chronic illness you know the vast majority of chronic illnesses including cancer heart disease autoimmune disease frequent infections degenerative disorders diabetes type 2 obesity metabolic syndrome which is most of illness in our society when you look at that it's related to lifestyle 95% of illness is not genetically mediated only 5% of disease related gene mutations are fully penetrant which means the predictor disease ninety-five percent when you look at the human body you'll find there's low-grade inflammation and people don't even know that and it's related to stress is related to lack of sleep it's related to emotional distress it's related to poor diet is related to lack of exercise it's related to so many factors that no pharmaceutical agent is going to have you say 95 percent of it that's what we're learning maybe even more only 5% of gene mutations that cause disease a mutation is a genetic mistake so you know if somebody has a baraka gene like Angelina Jolie had that's a fully penetrant gene and you can't prevent the breast cancer from happening so people usually do a preventive mastectomy but you know that's less than 5% of all illness and you've said in a past before and I read about this the fact that you said to age is a decision you choose to age you don't have to age I think something and maybe I'm saying how you age how you age as a choice so you know I'm 71 and a half okay right now but biologically I feel like I'm thirty-five or less you feel thirty-five or less yes then I have the mental and physical capacity of somebody like that be a little more specific what do you mean you feel like you're 35 or less if you measure my blood pressure by heart rate my immune system hormone levels my biological age would be much less less than my chronological age so you know when you look at aging there's biological age in which you can measure through cholesterol HDL ratios blood pressure immune function hormones fat content skin thickness bone density aerobic capacity sugar metabolism these are the ways you measure biological age then there's chronological age the date you were born that's your chronological and my chronological age is 71 plus but biologically I'm not there yet okay and then there's psychological age which means how do you feel do you feel young do you feel old etc so aging is a very complex phenomenon and in humans it's not something that's so fixed in the last century for example only a hundred years ago the average lifespan of a human being in this country was 49 years 100 years ago in 1918 yeah but the average turn immediately of course they're always sure to live long today the fastest growing segment of the American populations over the age of 90 and close to hundred that means the rate of growth of the population the average rate of growth is much bigger as I said the fastest growing segment of the American population is over the age of 90 as a Welsh means a kid born today is probably gonna live 220 years old let's see that's it well a lot of people are predicting right yes so let me let me ask you this let me ask you is that a test to a testament to how much medicine has advanced over the years because outside of that what else would we give credit to well it's very interesting when you really look at the credit it is improved nutrition and sanitation so people were dying of malnutrition which made them more susceptible to infections and other disorders and then sanitation and vaccinations that's how we it's not antibiotics let's say it's not pharmaceuticals it's still conditions of living no better hygiene better nutrition but now the increment to that is understanding what causes accelerated aging lack of sleep stress unhealthy emotions like hostility and anger and resentments and guilt and shame and depression and anxiety lack of mind-body coordination that's where the yoga and the breathing techniques come in poor nutrition right now most of our food that comes to us at home is manufactured refined processed contains chemicals contains antibiotics contains steroids because animals are fed that and even you know there are pesticides in the ground with short roll iam products how does that caused accelerated aging it causes inflammation of something called the microbiome which is the genes that are in your gut which are microbial genes so 99% of the genetic information in your body right now is not human you only have 1% of the genes in your body or from your parents 99% of the genes in your body right now I'm microbial you're a few human immune come like an x-man you're a few human cells hanging on to a bacterial column so when you put food in your mouth the first thing that they in count the food encounters is these bacterial genes and if your food is inflamed then the bacterial genes get inflamed causes inflammation in the body get metabolites that are called cytokines there's lots of complexity between the human genome the microbiome and lifestyle but knowing this we can extend on it so so ok so let's go back to that there 100 years ago 1918 give or take we're living up to 49 today it's 90 a newborn today could live on bread at Hunter ten years old hundred twenty years old if a kid is born today on average they're just saying based on blood that's the expect expectation no one's gonna know obviously we have to wait 120 years if it's good trend is in that that's right so I see couple different things and I want to hear your take on this one does that mean we are in less stress today and the world population is doing more yoga are we more calm today that's why we're living up to 90 years old No or is it it then why are we living longer today than 100 years ago I said the average increase in lifespan is because of what I told you better conditions of living people used to have heat stroke no there's air conditioning got it so yes technology may be added with lifestyle plus advanced medicine let me put all those together that's okay fair enough okay so that's good to know if we're go in that direction and obviously nowadays but you know did this is also another issue that's arising as a result of that if a person is 85 years old there's a very high likelihood of them having Alzheimers and again when you look at the genes of Alzheimer's or dementia they're only four or five percent that predict that the rest are again related to lifestyle so if somebody has lack of sleep for example which has been underestimated is the number one predictor of premature death from cardiovascular illness but also associated with Alzheimer's so there's I mean we're getting more sleep today than we did 100 years ago not everybody knows it so it's not you know you are trying to point out one thing I'm not trying to point it out whatever what I'm trying to say what those who have good sleep those who manage stress those who have a healthy diet those who have better nutrition those who have better conditions of living they have a better chance of living longer and healthier and this does not replace technology of medicine for acute illness okay so you I think you also said something in that same article the fact that you think a man can take care of themselves in a way that maybe they'll live forever maybe there was not live forever was a live for a long time so can man live 200 years a lot of people are saying that humans can but right now there's no scientific basis for that what do you think at the moment I can't say that because you know we have a genetic clock that's programmed for death so even if you didn't get heart disease or diabetes or whatever you know cancer the genetic clock the cells multiply at a certain rate after a certain amount of time they stop and this is controlled by a genes so this is nature's way of keeping life fresh so it do you think we're gonna get to a point where you know we're gonna come up with such a ridiculous scientific someone's gonna come out with a pill that you're gonna live forever do you think we're ever gonna get to that point by Buddha mercy it's impossible but at the moment there's no scientist so possibility but a possibility I would have predicted even two hundred years ago that we'd be flying these big ships they had well airplanes heavier than you know tons of so many times heavier than the atmosphere or Internet people would you want to live forever would would no I think you're living forever is a guarantee for eternal senility eternal senility break it down for a sixth grader watching this we would be doomed to eternal senility that is a way of keeping life fresh in fact we die every day and we are born anew every day you know the cells in your body they your stomach cells die every five days and then you have new ones your skin cells die once a month your liver recycles every six weeks your skeleton recycles every three months Nature has a way of recycling everything whether it's matter energy or molecules or consciousness what is what is our mankind's infatuation maybe not yours with wanting to live for very long time even some wanted to live forever you know you see movies that they come out and they say oh my gosh you know we finally figured out the formula for living forever what is our infatuation wanted to live for so long is it the fact that our number one fear in life is death the number one fear of life is death and yet death is universal so I usually say since death is universal and nobody's escaped it don't take it personally so I'm in the life insurance business and we see what happens with because life insurance is linked to how many years the average life expectancy of males and a female that's right so that's how we sell insurance is any 80s yes and life in cost of life insurance today's the cheapest it's ever been you people think inflation goes higher it's cheaper than it's ever been why because it's a mathematical formula they man used to live to 69 now it's 75 now it's 79 it has to be cheaper so it seems really longer in women than in women live four years longer than they do on average three to four years longer that's the four years of celebration you know it's like the thing you know I'm free you know but finally have the time to go out there and hang out with my friends but you know it go going back to that topic when you're talking about death and and and you know we're eventually going to die and actually you know this may be too much for your audience the real you is not subject to birth and death what dies is an experience that we call the body so that's happening all the time the body you had as a baby is dead now the body had as a toddler is dead the body you had as a teenager is that in fact the body had to years ago is not the body you have right now every single 98 percent of the molecules that you have in the body are not the same so birth and that are happening all the time if you realize from a spiritual point of view which maybe your audience may or may not be interested in you are not the body you are the consciousness in which the body is having and is in which the body is an experienced a park who is your audience who is your audience my show your audience and and I can put a number to your audience but I want to see what is the ideal follower audience of Deepak look like anyone who is interested in self awareness and knowing who they are would you put a number to it or no I mean I have 15 million people on social media so that's the audience right now ingrain I think you're tapping into an audience that no one else is reaching for in the self-help realm I really really well itself up it's self awareness self awareness you know some call it self help some call a personal development some call it you know personal growth the audience you're tapping into is a very different audience than everybody else's there's not a lot of people that are tapping into the other slowly slowly waking up from the hypnosis of social conditioning yes I'll give you an idea so when I when I've seen the the audiences you have I'll see a 40s a eighty percent of them were women that are coming to your audience there's not a lot of people that are going after that audience and it just seems like you were not going I know you're not you've attracted that audience it's not like you're gone after then let's try to market ourselves to this you've attracted a why do you think that audience is turned on to your approach because I look at you you know I look at some other personalities some personalities are very high strong right and you're just so intense and you know you know success and go do this and go do that I may fall into that myself you're very calm easygoing relaxed you know you every daughter would love to have a father like you you know he's so loving he's so caring he's so easygoing you think that's what it is on on why they're so turned on to your energy you may be I don't try to guess yeah so I'm a bi outside is my Indian accent yeah it's probably what it is we were recently in Mumbai we were nearby and we went to the the place where Gandhi lived for I think like 13 years he lived in this one place for 13 years and then we went to the slums who went to few other plot was speaking at an IIT event with the the chairman of Bank of India SBI I don't that the I think about shaadi I think that's her name and we had a very good time being there but the energy and the spirit a lot in that community was very calm easygoing and I don't know if it's a cultural thing I once read somewhere that said it was a cultural thing it's being destroyed now with all the stress and relentless ambition of the new generation that wants to be like everybody in the US what do you think about that what do you think about the relentless ambition it does it the way you said it you're not you're not - doesn't sound like you're too fond of it I think there's a better way to achieve success you know the success if it costs so much and you end up having a heart attack and then what's the point or you get up get sick what's the point you age prematurely or you die what's the point in my view success should come effortlessly it has comfort Leslie to me you know when you know what your purpose in life is when you know what you want when you have goals that are worthy so I define success as the progressive realization of worthy goals combined with the ability to love have compassion but most importantly to not be overshadowed by the melodrama that's around you there's too much melodrama you know whether it's fake news or real news it's all melodrama the more drama there is the better it sells so you consume any content yourself I look out of curiosity as you watch of the world yeah so you do follow it do you have like a you follow CNN or MSNBC but just to follow how insane the world is and that right now what we call society global society I think a lunatic asylum I picked up my visitor's badge so I watch the show but I don't get involved in it so let's transition a topics and let's go into maybe something else for me you know when I was by the way if you don't see the world is insane you're declaring your own insanity I mean this world has you know let's put it all together climate change war terrorism extinction of species destruction of ecosystem poisoned the food chain atom bombs nuclear weapons mechanized debt it's insanity do you think that's just the fact that we've become better marketers do you think that that's always been around always been around but we have modern capacities and tribal minds and this combination will lead to our extinction this combination will lead to our extinction but we've done it multiple times before it's not like we've never done it before we didn't have this kind of capacity that we have today whether its technological or its mechanised debt or bombs so are you thinking that's the direction we're going unless we all wake up and realize that you know we are so interconnected and so interdependent so you think that is possible do you think world peace like a perfect world peace is possible I think it will require radical personal transformation because there's no social transformation in the absence of personal transformation the society is made of people so if there's a critical mass of people going in the direction of peace harmony love social justice economic justice sustainability then yes it's possible you really think it's possible well for lack of a better thing to do that's my goal to reach a critical mass of people so we can have a more peaceful just sustainable healthier and joyful world it that may not work but then at least don't you think don't you think partly why maybe what you talk about works is because you have an opposition and if you didn't have an opposition you wouldn't be Deepak Chopra today meaning yes or no question I'm asking you explicitly I do it already means our implicit allies you have 15 million people that following on social media because you have you know 50 hundred million people that disagree with you think about that yeah we've been called the you've been called the Charlottetown you've been called a salesperson because and you you accept you don't accept you don't uh you don't use to take it personally but it doesn't bother you today when they're saying that because you also have a massive loyal following this is this is the point I'm trying to make I think a lot of times when when the conversation happens about world peace but by the way we're with Arianna Huffington and she talks about sleep she wrote a book called sleep your way to the top you know good book and she even made it bed maladies for iPhones I don't know if you've seen her new bed she's made for phones and she puts her phones to sleep on this bed I got one of them in my house and it just sits there my phone still haven't slept in that bed yeah it's okay but she has all this stuff that she does I think there's an audience that I know this is gonna sound strange but I think somehow if there was no evil there would not be any good to recognize and appreciate but all experiences by contrast so there's no up without it down there's no pleasure without pain there's no joy without suffering there's no heart without cold etc so experiences by contrast yes and you know adversaries keep each other going like Trump and what's his name Kim Jung or Putin the guy kept going so as I've said the explicit enemies are implicit allies got it just maybe today because you know we forget the fact that there is there is a group of people in the world that have access to a button that if they press this button you know we got 13,000 nuclear bombs around the world give or take that number could be less it could be yeah but somebody some kid in East Europe in some remote village could use their handheld phone yeah and interfere with a traffic signals poison the food chain you want me to give you ideas I shouldn't because it's it's going to be much easier than depending on President or someone like that you know look at what you know if the hacking story is true American democracy was interfered by some guys sitting in remote access with little device do you know who John McAfee is the founder of McAfee Antivirus I don't know if you know who he is you probably have seen McAfee Antivirus on your computer he's a founder of it very strange guy if you don't study what he's done because it'll it'll it'll get you to want world peace even more if you actually see what he's done what he would eat was I'm not attached to a piece if we get extinct then nature will have decided itself that the human species is an interesting experiment that I see it more like that as well no but one of the things he said is he said I think the biggest thing in the world today to worry about isn't a nuclear war he said it's a cyber war yeah he said you know what you've really lost where you think yeah it's it's it's a it's a twenty year yeah it's so much easier and way more effective and it could hurt the way more people if a guy know how to get into banks and you know electricity and all the sudden appear with pacemakers ventilators poison the food chain like interfere with air traffic signals let's not talk yeah so it sounds like you would be the perfect guy for that if you wanted to go evil the guy to do that so so you know years ago for me I was an atheist for big part of my life I lived in Iran and ten years in Iran when the war happened between Iran and Iraq I lived in Tehran and we got bombed many many times it was terrible I couldn't believe in God we'd go to church and I'd get kicked out of Bible study all the time because I would say I don't believe God exists there's a God exists why did 78 people die yesterday why did Saddam keep you know sending planes over the border and we hear this Alamut Hermes Tara Joe Tara Joanie would hear that it's just everybody would get scared you'd run to the basement you'd hide under the stairs I said there's nobody God exists I go into the army I have my expect my own experience at an army boot camp when somebody invited me to get away from boot camp for two it is because my PT score was high and then I met a man and from their relationship started one day for me I became curious I studied Scientology I wanted to know everything Mormonism Christianity Judaism I just started consuming all this content and that went for about two year period I would go to Scientology centers that go to healthiest churches that go to every single thing I could I was so obsessed about wanted to figure out that part of my life because for me this is for me and I want to ask you this because you wrote a book about this he said one of them that did very very well you'd the seven seven spiritual laws of success I kind of want you to talk about the seven spiritual laws the moment I was connected spiritually for myself that made sense to me nothing could get in my way and and the pressure of wanting to do it for somebody else was gone the pressure was more for me to do it because I was serving a higher purpose to you when you wrote the book seven spiritual laws of success can you can you talk a little bit about those seven spiritual laws of success to you yeah I wrote the book looking at just how phenomena in nature occur in nature you see effortless spontaneity you know bird is not trying to fly it just lies right children learn to walk and speak effortlessly seed sprout into flowers and in every seat there's the promise of thousands of forests so there's something called spontaneous creativity in nature spontaneous and our biology is an example of that it's spontaneously self-regulating self-organizing self-healing left alone your body functions with effortless ease so the seven spiritual laws was how does consciousness transform itself into experience by consciousness I mean that part of our being in which we are having any experience right now we're having an experience the people who are watching us are having an experience where is that experience happening now you know if you go to a neuroscientist they might say it's happening in the brain but know what's happening in the brain our neural correlates of experience chemical electrochemical activity but you're not experiencing electrochemical activity you will experience in colors shapes sounds textures you're experiencing thoughts emotions this in science today is called the hard problem of consciousness how do atoms and molecules produce thought and feeling and emotion and intention and inspiration and longing and aspiration and even these questions is there a god etcetera so the reason why people can't find an explanation for consciousness is that there's no biological explanation for consciousness you ask anyone there's nobody knows there's no biological explanation for existence there's no biological explanation for awareness of existence not only we know that this exists we also know that we know that it exists in the absence of consciousness even if it existed we would know right so in many of the great spiritual traditions they don't even use the word God they use the word consciousness as the ultimate basis of all equations which one who uses that we don't Buddhism okay got any of those Eastern philosophical systems yes they don't use the word God they used the word consciousness and consciousness is that in which we have mental and perceptual experience so if I asked you what's this let me ask you about this what is this this these little things all right what's this cotton it's a sweater okay what's this your hand okay now if you were a baby you wouldn't have these concepts right all you would see is colors shapes smells gestures and you would be bathed in this experience that we call perception colors the rest is a human construct sofa is a human construct for a shape or color a texture as well this is how we created human civilization we gave names to experiences in consciousness and then we objectified that in the notion of a physical world what's your point with this there is no such thing there's the consciousness transforming itself into experience once you understand the mechanism then you'll understand what the seven spiritual laws is consciousness is field of infinite potential it moves through giving and receiving I hate to use the word Karma because all people have strange ideas about it but every action creates a response and you can choose your actions the world functions with least effort intention organizes its own fulfillment detachment is the key to getting anything you want and if you don't have a purpose in life then your life is meaningless so these are the seven spiritual laws talk about detachment we were with Jacque or yesterday it's amazing that we're sitting with Jacque Jacque I don't know if you know who Jaco willing kids Jaco was a 20 year Navy SEAL he was a commander of one of the units of maybe SEAL Team three and he talked about in his book called extreme ownership he talked a lot about detached detaching yourself so what does detaching yourself mean to you the attachment simply means it's impossible to grasp any experience experiences ungraspable so what happened to your childhood it's over right what happened to last night it's over what happened to five minutes ago it's over what happens to these words by the time you hear them it's over so every experience you have is transient you can't hold on to it just like you can't hold on to your breath if you do you'll suffocate so detachment means recognizing that grasping at the ungraspable is impossible change is the only non change and therefore the moment you attach yourself to the experience you're attaching yourself to a ghost it doesn't exist so if you want to bridge open the ungraspable is impossible yeah why because you can't grasp an experience you know the philosopher Wittgenstein the German philosophy he said our life is a dream we are asleep but once in a while we wake up enough to know we are dreaming so what do we know wake up to we wake up to the consciousness the spirit in which the dream is happening this right now is a lucid dream in a vivid now so in other words we're on shrooms right now is what you're saying naturally we are on we're experiencing of virtual reality and now we are extending that to augmented reality and artificial intelligence and almost got to you when you think about god who has got to you I would say we're all God in drag you're the divine intelligence that has assumed this form what do you pray for because you meditate obviously you're big man you're built on yoga generation is not prayer meditation is getting rid or going beyond all thought all experience all perception into the stillness which is the source of all experience do you pray not really I ask myself questions like Who am I what do I want what's my purpose what am i grateful for these are spiritual questions and then if you live the questions life has a strange way of moving you into the answers so when you were asking the question did you ever pursue the question of who is God where it pulled you to getting the answer for that if you can imagine God if you can think about God if you can conceptualize God it's not God if God exists as infinite being then God is beyond imagination our conceptualization of course you can write infinity in a mathematical formula and by the way this is what now all the physicists do they include infinity in all their calculations but you can't grasp infinity right so God is the immeasurable potential for all experiences and all knowing in every living species your experience is a human experience what does the world look like to a butterfly what does the world look like to a snake that senses infrared what does it look like to a bat that senses echo of ultrasound see the experience is so complex and unexplainable the source of that experience is an infinite consciousness cannot be conceptualized the only thing you can do is be humbled by the magnificence of existence and have reverence for existence and that's a holy experience so you know in every religion by the way is founded on a religious experience and what was the experience transcendence the emergence of love compassion joy equanimity the desire for truth goodness beauty and harmony and the loss of the fear of death because death happens to your body and your mind but not to the consciousness in which body and mind are an experience so what do you believe happens when we die what happens to us what happens to the space in this room if this house is destroyed gone the space cannot be destroyed or created this space the space in this room space but this is right it's gone the shape that you give this is gone so nothing happens to you when you die elaborate what it would mean by that this body mind system is what consciousness has chosen to have a communication with that body mind system the consciousness in which this experience is happening is not in time okay so what's the most common word that you use in any language love no I I was a baby I had Chinese food I went to movies I am in love by engaging in the stock market so I is the common factor in every changing experience the experience is changing including the experience of your body the experience of that which you call the mind and the experience of that which you call the world it's always changing but I is constant okay and that I is not in time and that I is not a person the person itself is a process of that time are you understand I'm understand is one you know what is I I is a timeless awareness in which we have infinite experiences it's our destiny to play an infinity of roles I'm playing the role of this guide that you're interviewing now but I also play the role of a doctor son father etc etc but I'm not the roles I'm playing I is the spirit the consciousness in which these roles come and go so just like the space in this room cannot be destroyed or created it can be given a shape the real you is not subject to birth or death only experiences so are you referring to reincarnation or you're saying when we die do we go into another body rather not use the word reincarnation I'd use the word recycle so what recycles is the seeds of memory and desire and imagination because in the deeper reality there is no such thing as a person a person is a process what's the difference between recycling and reincarnation and your eyes reincarnation conjures up this individual guy who is now you know was in Iran and now it's reincarnating in the US or whatever but there's no such thing as an individual person the person itself is a process in a non-local infinite consciousness it's a speck of God so you're from Iran Rumi said you're not just a drop in the ocean you're also the ocean in the drop Rumi the great Sufi poet course you know persian poet is there in half Israel yeah so Rumi says we come spinning out of nothingness scattering stars like dust look at these words spinning out of nothingness this is actually you so you know create people like Rumi had insight into the true nature of existence they didn't get bamboozled by appearances so again to simplify it the difference between recycle and reincarnation you don't want to use the word reincarnation but it sounds very similar to reincarnation the seeds of experience recycle yes the seeds of experience recycle right is this why they call some people old souls because there was very so this old because it was never born and it's not subject to death it's infinite it's timeless I is the timeless factor in every time bound experience including the experience that you call your body your mind because there's no such thing as a fixed body it's clear you don't have the same personality you had as a child right you don't have the same so am i but am essence in which that experiences I'm asking these questions because I want to know your thinking I want to know your belief so am I decide early belief in belief belief is a cover-up for insecurity for us do you believe in gravity would say that's a ridiculous question yours you know I'm certain about this your knowing has to be experiential and it has to be clear but to say that to say that means you are certain about what you're saying yes I don't I didn t but I could question you by the way just so you see that it's fine you know I get it but there's a difference between saying I believe because I don't know it all works the same I know cuz I know it all that's that's how it would come across self-knowledge self-awareness realizing I know a lot of people that are like that and to have faith and they believe in a higher power right so I can't say that person doesn't have self-awareness or self knowledge or self realization I think your beliefs can be shaken very easily isn't that I made a distinction between faith and if so faith is the certainty of the invisible consciousness without which there would be no experience of the visible well I haven't seen that definition I've seen the faith is believing in something oh you made it up that's your that's it that's not Webster's that's okay in your eyes who was who was Jesus in your eyes who was Moses in your eyes who would who was Muhammad in your eyes like who were these two you would be carriers in your eyes people had a religious experience of what we call spiritual experience they tried to articulate it and people didn't understand it because they didn't have the experience so they created an ideology around it and then they were into war okay with each other have you read the Quran in the Bible yes okay I've written a book on the life of the Prophet Muhammad I'd be happy to give it to you with written a book on the life of the Buddha and I've written two books on Jesus you've written two books on Jesus yes so who's Jesus to you a messenger so who is who is we live in a pretty you talk about universe when we were not we didn't have the camera so let's go to that because I know that's something you do want to talk about who is the creator of this crazy insane out of this world you know universe that we live in if there is no if everybody's God is it a reality the universe that we called the universe human it's called the universe is a human construct let me try and explain that to you okay just like you call this couch and this shirt humans have created the construct that there is a universe four modes of knowing and experiencing consciousness objectively if you look at the universe right now and the number one question by the way in science and you don't have to be leave me go on the internet and say what are the open questions science the number one question in science is what's the universe made of so why is that an unknown well 70% of the universe is something called dark energy which is expanding the universe faster than the speed of light and what's expanding is the space between galaxies okay so right now the cosmic horizon is 47 billion light years away from where we are and galaxies are tumbling across that there are two trillion galaxies according to latest estimates there are 760 liyan stars according to latest estimates there are uncountable trillions of planets that is less than 4% of the universe 70% is dark energy 26% is another mysterious entity called dark matter it's invisible because it's not atomic so we don't know what it's made of so why do we even call it matter it's responsible for most of the gravity in a galaxy so it holds the galaxies together if there was no dark matter planets would spiral off and get lost in intergalactic space so we're left with 4% of the universe which is atomic or which 99.99% is invisible interstellar dust probably hydrogen or helium the visible universe two trillion galaxies is point zero one percent and that's all the 706 alien stars now point zero one percent atomic atomic but atoms are made of particles and particles have a dual nature you know they're particles as material objects but they're also waves and you ask people what are these waves made of they say possibilities so where do these possibilities exist they say Hilbert space what is Hilbert space it's an infinite multi-dimensional space where is it shut up and calculate bottom line we don't know what the universe is made of and the best answer is is made of nothing that's the best scientifically accepted answer so if it's made of nothing why does it look like this no one knows that's called the hard problem of conscious and the challenge comes back to then how could you be so certain about what you know not believe it if I exactly it's the invisible every time i transcend experience wouldn't that be everybody do I mean what's different with you and the rest of the world they don't take time to be still do you think you're the only person that experiences that at that level no this is all religious all religious experience is based on I get it so I to me to me based on what you just said two trillion is what's visible and that's point one percent zero one point zero one percent which means a thousand times more out there of two trillion that's if that's the case and that's how much it's no it's it's not it's unknown unknown not known and maybe unknowable because you cannot interact with something that's not made of at it what is that right for us to have more faith it requires you to be bewildered astonished humbled and reverent I would agree with that and wouldn't that be to say that I don't know instead of I know because to say I know what all those data that we don't have any idea or in other words know is that the invisible is manifesting as the visible that's it that's faith that's not belief it's a fact that the invisible is manifesting is the visible right this moment my chair I've gone to a lot of churches and I can tell you the churches that I would struggle with the most is when the pastors were hundred percent do you know what I mean but I'm not saying hundred yes let me I wasn't really I really want to hear one to be clear okay cuz you you I said belief I said what you believe and he says belief is a sign of insecurity yeah so so that means if I say I believe I have some insecurities which I do I should have unsecure this because the universe is two trillion visible point zero one percent that's a thousand times unvisible so what you or no you phrase it okay let me quick there is no scientific explanation for existence or awareness of existence so faith begins with bewilderment astonishment gratitude humility and reverence and then it becomes it becomes concrete when your internal reference point is not your mind not your body not anything material but that which is invisible and you have to be comfortable with that the invisible which people call soul spirit God divine is of Allah Brahman those are words and you know we have to use words because we communicate but it cannot be communicated Rumi against a gods languages silence everything else is poor translation therefore if you want to be certain you have to transcend into silence yes so for me one when I study the topic faith what strengthens fate is the faith is doubt doubt is what made Martin Luther going I love that because skepticism is leads ultimately to fit yes that's the story of my life you know my I think doubt is whether it's beautiful the level of curiosity I wanted to learn you begin with insecurity and then you ultimately end up in the certainty of your being which is beyond cognition perception and experience which is beyond subject object split so right now are my experiences I am the subjective experience II of the object those are watching us are subjects of experience we are the objects but reality is beyond subject objects Plato I think we need a part two of this before we wrap up it did it talk a little bit about your book the healing self if you could well this is the follow-up with Rudy tanzy who's a geneticist and a neuro geneticist at Harvard still right now and we wrote two previous books super brain and super genes so super brain was a neuroplasticity that with your thoughts and experiences and your choices you can change the neural networks of your brain and then super genes was actually about the fact that you can regulate your genes as well the microbiome etc so the healing self goes beyond that looking at the body as a holistic experience in consciousness and as an activity of the total universe so real you and I right now and everything that's happening is an activity of the total universe if you want to call it god that's good I'm almost certain we're gonna have a part two with this I don't know when it's gonna be but I'd like to go a little bit deeper example think this is Blakey that's alright no it's not about I I think believe it or not for me if I had a university if I ran a university one then was called Big David University and you went to it I don't like the way UC Berkeley does it I don't like the way Duke does it I don't like the way a lot of these schools do it and here's what I mean but I don't like the way they do it let me let me explain to you what I mean by that i I loved opposition I loved it I loved debate I loved when a person with strong opinions beliefs or knowings let me say like this so you're not gonna correct me and say okay fair enough I'm more on beliefs but fair enough you would knowing I want my students to watch that and based on that the right people to have a fire in their belly to take the level of doubt that they don't have to give birth to curiosity that they go get for themselves and say I don't know if I agree with him I don't know if I agree with them but regardless let me go research and find out for myself if we did that our job was well done curiosity is the most divine experience we can have in addition to bewilderment astonishment humility and reference now let me conclude that everything I've said I can conclude in one sentence if you can see it touch it taste it smell it conceptualize it imagine it think about it or perceive it it's not tria what is real is the invisible without which none of that would be possible so the sushi I had last night was not real nor is the body their transient experiences in consciousness look they are certainly bringing a lot of people that are business and you know I love talking about business that's my tits I'm fascinated by it but I also like to talk to people who have opinions and beliefs and truths like he does a level of certainty because that that can give birth to doing research and topics to make the arguments even stronger or to find the kinks in an argument to have to make your own adjustments and pivots again to be more childlike and want to learn even more battle if you're watching this and and you you you got something from it or you have a question or something in your mind I want you to tweet at dr. Deepak Chopra what is your Twitter handle by the way at the punch of it so there's no doctor in front it's just Deepak Chopra if you can send a tweet but you add Deepak Chopra your takeaway question whatever you may have and who knows you may get a response okay so send the tweet to him at Deepak Chopra and then obviously if what he talked about interests you you got one of 88 books to choose from just go on Amazon type and Deepak Yosemite will pop up obviously this is the most recent one that just came out dr. Chopra thank you so much for making the time I really enjoy the truly appreciated
Channel: Valuetainment
Views: 132,194
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Keywords: Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur Motivation, Entrepreneur Advice, Startup Entrepreneurs, valuetainment, patrick bet david, deepak chopra, deepak chopra meditation, deepak, deepak chopra books, deepak chopra healing self, deepak chopra interview
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 59sec (3359 seconds)
Published: Thu May 10 2018
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