Nether Portal on a Create Mod Train?

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[Music] yes today we're using Create interactive an add-on from the valkyrian sky team that makes every single block on a train interactable you can even sleep on trains now it's actually crazy and in one of my most popular cre videos of all time I put a train through a portal and now I'm putting a portal on a train the portal moves with the train and the question is can we go through it and where do we end up if the train is moving time to find out okay so lighting the portal is possible that is nuts this is a part of the train look at this it is moving so let's just jump through here and see what happens uh hopefully we're going to end up in the Nether and we do okay so this is what it looks like very nice we got a bunch of lava so if I go back now I think we're going to end up back on the train oh no oh no no I was hoping I was really really hoping it would be connected to this portal here but it looks like it's not it's generated another portal over here well there you go you can go in through the portal but if you want to go back home you're not going to end up on the train but but do not worry we've got many more things to try out today starting with something I've been wanting to make for a very long time now a train turntable so check this out you have not been able to move create mode train tracks with bearings or anything because they're based on like a spline system I think you see all of this like they're not really like nodes I don't I don't know what it's called I don't know how it works I don't want to guess cuz I know I'll get killed in the comments but basically you can't move train tracks with creat they immovable objects until now with Crea interactive I'm pretty sure we can turn this on put a create motor on here and then yeah just we're moving the train tracks so the question then becomes can we spin train tracks around and the Train on it or will the train not move with the train tracks cuz I'm pretty sure you have to build the Train on top of the pre-made thing you know this might not work but I really really hope so all right this thing should have a center block yes so let's head underneath here and add a mechanical bearing and we want our train tracks to go over here and then of course a bunch of super glue boom to connect it all so now if we power this it should start spinning around it is not okay the train tracks did not go with the thing that is not good for us yeah I think we need to turn this on and then while it's moving we can go on here and add the tracks it looks cool it connect up and everything it looks nice but I'm not sure that the train is going to move with it once we turn it on well first though for a bit too long I completely forgot about that we've got to oh no I need to get rid of that don't mind me just uh reversing my train here smack disassemble the train and get rid of you all right there we go now we've got only the locomotive oh I don't want to Dera it yep but now that we turn this on my guess is that the spruce planks will move but the train tracks and the train will stand completely still I don't want that to happen but I'm pretty sure it will so let's see here uh yeah as you can see we've got spinning Spruce planks but no tracks and no train but don't you worri train turntables might not be a thing but moving trains still is so what I've got here is a mechanical bearing connected to this huge block and I've connected this up to a sequenced gear shift now a sequenced gear shift that you precisely control rotation so when I push this button now this thing is going to turn 90° and then it's going to wait for another Redstone pulse and turn 90° but reversed so let's make sure this thing doesn't place and if we push Push the Button as you can see you've got 90° and then we push it again and it goes back now what I want to do is tell this thing to turn 180° instead build the Train on top of here and then see what it looks like with an upside down train so we've got the train here assembled and ready and obviously the boy is invisible which is a bit sad but you know the train works we can move it back and forth and so now we just push this button here to make it turn 180° and we should look at that we've got ourselves an upside down train with an invisible book but we should can we control it oh no wait it looks like I cannot control the train that is sad what if we jump off and then click can we there you go we but I have one final thing I want to try out and that is just pushing it off the edge and watching it fall oh yes so very very nice trains will now fly off the tracks if they derail this wait I'm inside hello hello let me out and I've tried and tried to get this train back on the tracks but I can't do it with a wrench this is how you normally do it right you right click it with a wrench you put it back on the track track but it does not work it doesn't go so I have a question what happens if I drive a train off this platform here and onto the tracks down here I hope and really really wish that the train would connect to the tracks and I can keep on driving cuz that would be so cool please please please here we go let's go we're going on okay we off come on no oh no okay well I don't think there's a way to get the train back on tracks well we tried that's sad on my two other create interactive videos I received an insane amount of comments about create big cannons and for good reason I actually tried to put cannons on a crate mode train a while ago but of course it did not work cuz as I said interacting with blocks on trains was impossible until now so I've gone ahead and added create big cannons wait where is it did I not Oh I thought I installed create oh okay yeah I've restarted my game and here we go create big cannons oh they have updated this mode since I last used it I don't even know if I'll be able to make a cannon there are so many items here but first we have to make a train so let's press create new train and oh would you look at that we've got ourselves a train nice so let's quickly assemble this thing in and see if it all works wow a bit laggy there but it seems to be working completely fine Yes actually I'm going to expand the track here cuz I really don't want to fall off with this train I mean imagine if I spend 55 billion years making a nice cannon on here and then I accidentally drive it off and then we can't recover it like this poor thing look at this train he's never going to be able to train again all right Cannon time uh I have no idea how any of this works okay so from what I remember we have the Y controller and then the Canon Mount and so this controls Y and this controls the pitch maybe is that what you call let's make a cast iron Cannon here we need a cast iron quick firing breach it allows fast reloading of assembled big cannons okay I guess we're using this thing then boom there we go so now if we were to assemble this and right click is it going to open and no okay we need to make the rest of the cannon before we try it out like this I remember there was a thing called a squib ratio oh what is this strength and jamming oh did they remove squid games from the from the no did they remove squid game from the Cannon Mode no at least 40 milliseconds per barrel I don't know what that means okay but can I assemble this thing yes I can and can I close this by oh oh check that out and then I guess if we get a hand crank on here we can start moving it oh no that's over stressed check this out if we right click this our cannon goes to the left and if we shift right click it goes to the right and then I'm pretty sure this is going to make it go up oh yeah look at that all right so how do we load the cannon please tell me okay so you right click to open it up and then how do I get it in load the projectile by right clicking the open side of the bridge oh I hope what is that this a solid shot so I actually think we want to rotate this around so we have the firing side over here cuz you fire it by powering this side so we want a button on here and then a lever on here for assembling it boom I don't know if this size is going to work but let's test this out uh right click to open and then we get the solid shot all right it might be in there now and then we close it let's see 3 2 1 no it's very cool when you open it up it gives you the solid shot back so it's it's in there but it's just not working all right I don't really want to say this but the problem could very well be that it is on a train so let's assemble this cannon instead and see if it makes a difference this should work now yeah and 3 2 1 no it does not oh nice that makes me so happy woo it's not it's not the Train's fault okay then why don't you work all right I'm going to try this again with a powder charge this time maybe it works in 3 2 1 no okay I looked at the P again and it looks like they're using this thing a big cartridge I don't know if if that's what makes it work or not but let's try it out a solid shot a big cartridge we'll close it up and we'll push the button still does not work huh wait this one looks empty and this one looks filled does that make a difference does this make a oh we did it oh holy sh we were using the wrong cartridge there was an empty big cartridge and then there was a not empty one and also it worked a cannon on a train we just fired a cannon off a train so this is you know fully movable we can move this all the way over here we'll stop the train open you up and then we can turn it over here and aim it right at our other Cannon here goodbye oh so apparently we can use mechanical arms to automatically charge this and I really want to see what that looks like so let's get a Depot and a creative crate out here and here's a little mechanical alarm that will take the items from here and deposit them can we tell it to maybe we need to disassemble uh take the items and then no we can't wait I'm oh there we go deposit it can yes and then take it from here did that just wait okay high explosive it's not wait it's not putting the cartridge in is it no there we go it did wait goodbye horse oh hello you're on my you're on my train get off my train
Channel: Shalz
Views: 238,273
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shalz, minecraft
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 30sec (510 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2023
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