NERF Floor is LAVA Build Off Challenge!

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Oh concrete [Music] what is up guys and welcome to about a universe my name is CJ we got Sam we got caught on her we got Brian privacy badge and today we are playing the floor is lava build up challenge look around we're on a volcano and today each team is gonna be building their own separate bridges across to multiple islands all the way to this finish line where we will stand victorious first we're gonna build bridges to get to the blasters and then we're gonna build to the finish line and that's pretty much it don't fall in the lava or you got to reset Jeremy Jeremy jump in the lava the teams are gonna be me and Bryan versus Sam and Conor they're gonna start over there we're gonna start over there and we're gonna build off each of us gets two minutes to build per turn it's kind of turn-based so we can go back and forth let's go hmm Sam and Conor going first you guys have two minutes three two one go there you go they're starting off rough we're not struggling ah okay we're struggling there you go wow they're making it so far give me a white platform 20 seconds yeah that's good Sam great job Conor are you are you on the lava dude yeah yeah just give me the big pieces there's good teamwork yeah he's actually trying Suzie Wow they're getting way farther than I expected 30 seconds Oh Sam you can't do that can't get what Sam the lavas burning your path huh that's okay we did pretty good yeah we I will get another turn this is sturdy we had to connect it to make sure it's safe for us to walk on it it's an actual bridge now all right two minutes on the clock three two one go all right okay well that's two minutes to make Bob great sorry guys Wow that's all right okay I got it I got it you're doing amazing sweetie let me get on those flat pieces got it oh that's smart crime spree building sex I'm fine I'm fine they're making pretty good progress yeah they're already doing way better than me hey don't touch the floor hey I know thanks hey don't go up yeah don't fall off yeah oh that is so distracting I almost every time you say don't fall I almost fall CJ look at me look me in the eyes no you're taking up my time hey you can't step on those those are connected I'm connecting them right now all right here's the are behind you this one was there dere's connectors okay make it farther than that we made it a little bit farther look oh we're so close check it out over here this is the first island that has all the blasters when we get to the blasters we could take them and we can take a shot at the end of our turns that will reset the other team for 30 seconds so if we shoot them they have to stop building for 30 seconds it looks like we got farther than them but it's their turn three that piece is on fire that piece is gone why are you guys taking your time because we don't need to rush maybe the lava shifted the islands you just touch a lava rock out your hand is burning that's illegal in three states 16 seconds Jessica doesn't fit you can't move the entire Mountain Sam wait they reached the island Wow did it not bury you move the mountain didn't you say that at the end of our two minutes earn one Theresa so we get to take a shot if you hit me I have to be stunned for 30 seconds on the start of my island that was Connor that's your shot I'm out of here all right Brian we got two minutes I'm pretty sure we can get to the island really quick show we need the like okay dude I think we're gonna have the same problem that they did you know what I see what you did there and I appreciate that boom good them were there oh no they're getting a head start I'm building that side that's not great that's dangerous I'm gonna fall oh snap all right so now we're building it round alright my turn is over hand me a blaster three one let me go let's just drag in a white piece of sweet white box [Music] don't lose your balance Connor give me another white piece thirty seconds okay this is good this is a close match dude thank you good daddy I literally like I was like just find the balance they're taking their shots it's the end of their turn I'm gonna hide you're not gonna hit me Sam I can protect you Brad Sam yeah dang it yeah all right so Brian your son for 30 seconds on the start of our turn I'll be building alone are you ready yeah it's a build by myself oh man hey I regret doing this to you all right Brian I need you to bring me some I'm making my way Oh Brian I need some bricks okay sorry grab more bricks we're resetting right now ah geez I hit you ricochets count let me out game master says god uh-oh Connors frozen for 30 seconds it's now Sam's turn dude Brian look how close we are hey all right three two one go 30-second delay could be shooting at Sam for all the time your daughter Brian would you shoot isn't this annoying Sam job this is just mean isn't this so annoying I need some more ammo okay just grab those team over there would be dinner accident it's Connor unfrozen ready oh they're so close thirty Seconds oh dude they're like right there they're literally right there oh my gosh no no way dude they're so close oh my god oh my god oh my gosh that was the last one it was midair okay fine oh man we're done we're done for hey wait we get to take our shot oh snap go ahead take a shot I won't move Connor whoa oh all right they don't want to freeze that was accurate all right we're gonna go three two one go I backed up oh [Applause] boy CJ I need bunny flats I know I'm coming just tossin Oh oh shoot you lost one I'm out of bullets we're making a next brick oh oh okay that wasn't hurt that wasn't hurt Oh Ryan what's Oh okay we got it how many more oh my gosh oh my gosh that's no joke oh alright they're calling us on a technical hour our path isn't connected you're right that honestly was Friday burning your burning ground you know Brian fell in the lava if we get another turn he's stunned for a minute make sure your whole path is connected know it all be connect yeah below you one there one in front of that one no no yes qualified I gotta get ya we left you guys yeah we are no he fell he's gonna fall no we're not losing by default today that was exhausting did we take the life away from the zombies right over here is our don't fall off the mountain challenge it's a video a lot like this one so go check that out and this is a video that YouTube recommends specifically for you so go watch tattoo and as always don't forget to subscribe right there high-five
Channel: Battle Universe
Views: 455,231
Rating: 4.8514514 out of 5
Keywords: Battle Universe, Nerf Battle Universe, Nerf Challenge, epic nerf battle, team edge, hi5, high five, hi5 nerf, hi5 studios, hi 5 studios, matthias vlogs, nerf, nurf, nerf battle, floor is lava, lava, lego, giant lego, lego diy, strategy, strategy games, build off, lego build off
Id: vL5f8EuM5aI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2019
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