NERF Don't Lose Your Balance Challenge!

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[Music] ah what is up guys welcome back to battle universe my name is CJ we have woods Patrick is always and today joining us is rose chakras cat caught in chopped record from chill records why is she here because Sam's in New York thanks Sam and we also like Catherine as a person so yeah we enjoy your company but Sam we miss you today we are going to be playing a nerf battle on a balance beam that is right by the thumbnail you saw the title you click in and here we are Mikey Mouse no no not at all okay guys we built this thing that you see on your screen right now and it is a four-way balance beam square we're gonna do three different rounds and we're gonna have a championship round with the top two performers from the first three rounds we're gonna bet blasters okay so meet once and Patricks will be picking off our waltz to better blocks oh no that counts I'm sorry never use that in a real battle why is it not on this wall watching guys Woods wins yeah you know I'm gonna mix that because I have a real blaster he said blaster not fake arrow thing me and Patrick and woods are gonna pick blasters now Rose you don't have a wall yet nor have you won anything yet we're making walls for all them but that Ben over there you could pick anything you want you're not really using these blasters in the video we're going to be using them as wagers so pick whatever you want and if one of us wins we're gonna get to keep it raises the stakes yes or if you win if you went you keep it it'll go on your wall not saying you will keep it yeah so go pick something alright guys so we're all gonna bat blasters I have my pronouns so does Patrick wasn't gonna bet the blaster he won in the dodgeball challenge Rose picked this awesome clear invader I think is what it's called if you're the winner of the overall challenge you will get your pick of the other three blasters and the other two that you don't get get put in a bin take it off the wall and we might compete for him in a future video again okay battle on oh we're not we just started stay here okay we are here at the ball pit balance beam arena that we created what do you guys think we are all wearing flags and the point of this game I got it you lose Hector the purpose of the first game is just to steal other people's flags if you lose all your flags you're out of the game if you fall off the balance beam you lose a flag if you're the first person to lose all your flags you're out of the game entirely if you win meaning you're the last one standing you go automatically to Round three you don't have to compete in round two each of us has three flags [Music] okay Woods has one flag Patrick and I know I jumped because someone took mine okay fine yeah sure okay go that way okay wait what's that - I see it Oh okay go forwards go forth right one ties to me and paddle one oh this sucks ooh yeah bro I'm getting space I don't want to be robbed you guys looks like CJ has a tail in the next round Catherine yeah I got manhandled I was shoving star I win thanks for watching guys all right we are here in the second round we have Patrick hi we have woods Spanish what's up we have roads probably we have Hannah we just attack cat you probably said too much this whole video is a prequel ooh Woods and Pat are gonna be trying to knock each other off with those giant ear cleaner things Catherine even though you're out of the challenge you still would have fun with you so you're gonna use that just shoot them and distract them and try to make them fall yeah the tags on your waist represent your lives you're not trying to go for the tags you're trying to knock each other off with the q-tips if you fall off you lose a life take a flag off all right well it's friendship beside you go down you're not was I'm not Pat in this battle all right you're just player one I play oh my you're player one [Applause] okay fella once you're gonna have to manage risk that end off one yep once you got three all right one all right Pat you got one life left that's okay though right yeah you can bring it back that's throwing balls in our face now Oh sperm at its battle hooniverse hi boys go [Music] it's like Woods was using the corner to plant a secondary foot for balance Patrick is now utilizing that strategy and it's become twice as aggressive as before when Patrick becomes threatened suddenly his strength to the final round Oh emphasis emphasis it's the final round it's between me my boy Woods roses right there Pat's behind the camera Hannah and Willow in the audio room making sure we sound Chris you look like you notice II do I do you guys look like a straight-up production team because you have the black shirts up for your new short film anyway this is gonna be the balance beam shootout challenge we put a mo buckets on all four corners of the course and there are pistols in two of the buckets we are gonna start on the corners get the blasters and then land head shots on each other would each have three lives if we fall off that counts as a life if we shoot someone in the head that counts as the life the last person standing wins and picks whatever blaster they want to hang on their wall you guys got that get your have to redo the whole thing cows talking I was not out all right ready all right Katherine's in position we can't allow I'm going for that one side thought he was bluffing you goes down then back up every time oh can I get you yeah yes I protected that bro CJ wins the first round what does that a to life CJ still has three next round go this is fun oh he says no boners on a high five you touch the girl not off if your feet are touching anything that counts what did you see yeah uh-huh that's your own bag Rosa pick it gladly just take one of those flags off his nose thought this boy is a skater this stupid wall you better not let me down again like you did in college I think I'm crazy oh my gosh Wow wait wait no a misfit hold on hold on me just like go no he's coming after that next episode [Music] oh my god to keep not only your shotgun but you get to pick one of the other three blasters and put it on your wall let's find out what he picks in the armory see how many three yes congratulations woods got to put your blaster back on them yeah they get to pick one of these three notes you get to go in that bucket over there which one are you gonna do well I'm going to oh you're taking a purple so you the purple one all right that means officially the one from cherry sauce lake house and the one that Katherine pick today are back in a rotation for possibly future battles all right guys click this video right here that is an exercise ball death run challenge if not click this video right over here that YouTube recommends for you cuz they know you so well don't forget to subscribe click the bellow icon and we'll see you guys next time battle on
Channel: Battle Universe
Views: 432,800
Rating: 4.9259 out of 5
Keywords: Battle Universe, Nerf Battle Universe, hi5, hi5 nerf, hi5 studios, nerf, nurf, nerf battle, challenge, game, funny, dont, don't, dont lose, don't lose, dont fall, don't fall, balance, balance beam, balance game, balance challenge, balance beam fall, balance beam challenge
Id: 6cctAYdykBU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 27 2019
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