Neovim 0.5 and LunarVim Q&A Livestream

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all right i think i'm live so in this uh in the stream i'm basically going to be showing off some new things with lunarvim i don't know if anyone's seen it uh since i kind of updated it last and you know since neoven point five came out today i figured i would do this stream uh it's pretty late i'm not really doing anything tonight so uh this was kind of what i decided to do instead a little tired but um we're gonna be going through basically every single feature that i can really think of and yeah i don't expect a ton of people to show up tonight uh since since it is friday and all but hopefully people will find this video in the future and we'll be able to check everything out let me see really fast all right so this is our new splash screen if you remember actually i should probably go into um what's going on with the repo now so now there are two branches there's master and there's stable and also i'll be reading some of the chat tonight too um if people are on what's up santiago uh this is shadow what's up jordan um what's up i don't know how i'm going to say this i guess you you i'll just say you um all right so let's see what we got so first we're going to talk about what's going on with the repo i significantly slimmed down the readme so it's kind of just enough to get you started let's see what else we got i set up projects on the repo now too so you can kind of track the progress of everything that's in to do if you want to pick up a ticket and work on it or something like that you can do that these are a few bugs and things that i've fixed or various people from the community have fixed obviously we shut down a lot of the other issues but whatever and we're getting a lot of pull requests too so that's good now you'll notice that we have stable um so we got master and we have stable and so master is going to have it's going to essentially just be a rolling release of lunarvin so everything that i just decided to push up on a whim if you're using master then you know expect breaking things but stable will not have that problem so this command down here where you can install in one command just by running this here that'll actually pull from stable now so you won't experience me constantly updating things and you know changing stuff the other thing is obviously you know you just need to lsp install install your language and all that kind of stuff but there's a configuration file so in the root of the repo it will be lv-config.lua and you can put something like this in there to activate different plugins if you want to or to change things with tree sitter obviously activate things with a particular language or just change some settings and i'll be exposing more settings in the future um let's see also after doing this make sure you close lunarvim reopen it and run packer install and then packer compile all right so that's pretty important you got to make sure to do that i also have a little section here on updating lunarvim and a couple resources so i slimmed down the readme but all of the information that used to be here is now over in the wiki obviously this is not what the wiki is going to look like in the future um it'll be more structured and all but all of that same stuff where it's kind of a deep dive into what's going on a little bit outdated but a deep dive as to what's going on with neovim lunarvim and all that kind of stuff and how to make sure stuff's not broken and you know important things it's all here right um so make sure to you know if you have any deeper questions that i can't answer in the streams or if you can't figure it out from videos or whatever or just documentation you can check out this wiki hopefully it might be able to help let me put this bar back here um what's up sarah all right so let's see um and like i said i don't expect a million people to be here tonight but it's kind of like a stealth release of this thing hopefully people will be using it uh maybe not by monday because we got a three day weekend this week which is nice but hopefully hopefully by tuesday the world will have gotten out you can also notice that i want to put this down here too just to show that like we're not really loading a lot of plugins like i'm pretty sure i can get this down to like nine or ten plugins by default uh with still a ton of like um really useful stuff i actually don't even need to be pulling in a few that i already have now like i think i could actually get rid of four off the top of my head that wouldn't even be super useful so all right let's actually start from uh you know here and let's say let's go do let's let's let's open a project or something like that so say you're a python developer and you have a python let's see a to-do list right and i already have it installed but whatever so you open this up right you should if you have and we're going to go into this in one second but the first thing you should do is do lsp like this and then you can do install right and then click tab and so you'll see lsp install just kind of came up for us i'll press space i'll press tab again you can see all the languages that are supported um so there's actually something here that i don't even know are supported it looks like this list is getting a lot longer so there's one for python somewhere i think there you go so what you'll do is you'll just press enter you'll install this if you want to update it like i would have just updated it if anything happens so it says it's already up to date so nothing really changed for me now you'll notice that we have some warnings here so the warnings are letting us know um basically you know that we we don't have these packages right like these fast api couldn't be resolved pedantic pie uh whatever else right so how we can fix that and you'll also notice that these warnings also show up in your tree over here as well so you can see that little warning over there that that we have an issue so let's close this and so what we'll do is we'll actually activate a virtual environment with all those things so now we'll open this back up and now we don't see those warnings anymore now we still have diagnostics you can see right but we don't have those warnings anymore and so you see this diagnostics are really snappy um you may also have noticed i kind of rolled a new color scheme for lunarvim i don't know if that's really available outside of luna rim but it probably will be in the future um let's see did we figure out how to disable defaults yet um default what's what's up nadas not us not what's the sound is there a sound can you hear that fan that's like all the way from another room i can barely hear that um anyway so back on with this demonstration over here uh let's see what else we have i'm trying to think of all the things i didn't really write myself a list of all the stuff that this comes with but it basically is everything that you want it's like every single just like same default thing like even if you just want to pull from this config to get stuff for yourself it's very handsome and it works very well and it will be very maintained going into the future um i'm also building a kind of team too and then we'll get right back into this python stuff um let's see you thought someone's running in your house did you hear those footsteps though dude this mic i got this blue yeti mic that's wild anyway um what was i just talking about oh yeah some collaborators i think i was i think i was going to talk about that we have some releases here don't pay too much attention to those but a few people rebuild is now an official collaborator if you want to be an official collaborator most likely a few of these guys will i think i should already be sending one at james soon but if you want to be an official collaborator you can head over to issues and you can go to um there's something about an organization in here i don't know you're gonna have to find it but there is something about an organization that i plan on kind of getting set up and started just so that we have multiple maintainers and i'm not the only one working on it i don't want to silo myself um and in times here we go potentially create lunarvin organization so if you want to be part of it you know come in here i'll send just say that you're interested send me some information about yourself and uh i'll you know i'll do that actually i'm gonna pin this there you go and so what you do is you show up here and just let me know that you're interested and then i'll kind of set you as a collaborator uh just don't break everything and yeah that'd be nice and the future will have a full organization it won't even be namespaced under me anymore it'll hopefully just be under like lunarvillam or something like that and hopefully this will be the go-to ide layer for kind of like how space vim used to be or you know space max and a lot of these other things right anyway um i think i already talked about that so we talked about those i'm going to get back to the python stuff in a second let me just see if anyone said anything um yeah hey chris i wanted to ask how i want to ask how i how can i check if the plugin i installed affect the speed of running my new vm because after installing some plugins my inventors okay so it's taking a long time um let me show you so what i do is i just do startup time um and then i do out right there and then if you open out and then if you jump to the bottom like right now you can see that mine's taken a really long time as compared to normal like it usually doesn't take this long it usually takes around like 60 or 50 milliseconds but that's because now i'm loading a ton of extra plugins and i wasn't going to show that yet but i was going to show you all the crazy plugins that i've added with only getting a little bit less speed so that's not that bad but this is this is lunarvin like completely kind of like pimped out with everything else so i'll show you what i mean by that so if we go into config slash nvm and we open up lvconfig whoops i have all of these plugins active like a ton of them right if i turn all of these off it will be a lot faster like it'll be or like way way way faster at least double the speed probably right um but you can see how it performs with all of these things on right but that won't that that's not going to be the speed you likely get because all this stuff comes um comes off except for i think dashboard everything else is completely off right okay so now let's see um what was i gonna let's let's stick with the chat for a little bit so yeah just check the out thing yeah it's the mic yeah yeah i guess this mic is more powerful than i thought um you're down to contribute you don't know lua learn a little bit of lua first um to the moon vim yeah yeah i need like a to the moon like meme with this thing uh with an nvm 0.5 out we'll be making more envium content next week i'm going to be showing you guys basically how to make lunarvin from scratch so what i want to do is i want to teach as many people how to use this thing as possible so that they become contributors so that when i create an organization i have a team or an army of people ready to create a very very very stable sane config that when you open it up you know you know you know this feel at work right or anywhere when you're trying to work on a project and and you open up um you open up like you you open up them right and you're like oh great i'm gonna do the thing and then uh like down here the lsp just isn't working or like just something's wrong with something or then you just get some big crazy red text somewhere or just something's broken i mean anyone who's used neovim and then they're trying to maintain a config all on their own and they're trying to you know program in multiple different languages and trying to keep up with features and stuff if you haven't gone through that like well then i you know i i assume you have gone through that right like you've gone through pain and so what i want to do is have enough people to where we can get enough bug fixes in this thing and features in this thing and slim it down to make sure it's as fast as possible um so that we don't run into that anymore and we can just you know do what we want to do and it's customizable enough for anyone to do whatever they want right like i want people to be able to come in here and do like okay um like search for a color scheme and maybe you want to pretend you're in vs code right and so you can pretend you're in vs code right so like that's kind of what i want right and like this looks like vs code right and it can basically do everything vs code can do at this point right or maybe you don't like that maybe you like um maybe you like uh let's see just you know the space gray one that i just had over here right so and then maybe you want certain plugins or maybe you don't want certain plugins maybe you want the plugin where you can do like lazy get in here right maybe you don't want that so you turn it off right maybe you want one where like you can do uh this and you can just go and look you just have it go open up like a line forget or something like that wherever you want right uh let's see like there's millions of other plugins that that are that are around some people do need them some people don't need them right i think this one no let's see but anyway yeah so you know there's tons of stuff and then like try imagine trying to do all of the debug adapter stuff all on your own for multiple different languages and then like sniping stuff off of other people's configs and stuff it's better if i just have like 20 people sniping stuff from configs all over the place people who are domain experts in certain things and know how to work on these things and you know know what know what they need right so that's kind of the idea of setting up an organization and getting a lot of people to do this because it's kind of hard to do on your own trust me because i've done it for a while um lazy loading is super useful it makes everything a lot faster is this video available later yes it will be uh can you turn key cast on please oh i'm like what the hell is key cast uh let me see if i can here we go that's what i think you mean screen key um oh please do that i'm really down to help or anything but please provide some tutorials man there will be tons of tutorials is it a plug-in when you hover a word and the word gets a background color no that's not a plug well it is a plug-in um but it's not like a it's not like a new separate plug-in from anything it's it's legit it's just the lsp client but i'm not going to get into that but so you do have that right so you got this where like you can like uh let's see um see all the strings are highlighted and i'm trying to think of like other things that would be highlighted um anyway you can see the highlights right like items highlighted and all that kind of stuff uh you can see too that if we go do something like this we've got snippets for your language which is such a pain to get working if you you know if you don't have if you haven't worked on that for a little bit right some people might have it working but you might not be the average neo-vim user you might not even you might think like snippets is just like it's so far down on the list of that you need to get done for your neovim config there's no way that you can even get the snippets right you're just trying to get like the auto completion to work you're just trying to get the lsp to work for like one language right um the other nice thing is it doesn't matter about the language anymore so so like you don't really have to be super uh focused in on one language because we can do two things we can do um this so in ft plugin right we have one of these files here you can see for each language so we have something like html java javascript elm go whatever blah blah blah right these files only get sourced when you open up a file like for instance the python one only gets sourced when you open up a python file right and so what it does is it does all the lsp config stuff the second you open the python file right and so that if this file being here this file being here it doesn't slow down anything else if it was just gonna it was gonna read that anyway if the python thing opened up so you having all that configuration for python does not slow you down even if you don't use python and you never know you might show up and you might want to use python but the other thing is you still don't even have to have python installed or anything with nvim lsp install this config is just here sitting ready for you if you use it right like i don't ever plan to write anything in ruby but it's here you know who knows right so it's just like all these things it's just nice to have and if you have a community you can get the best version of all of these every single language uh set up which is nice right which you couldn't really do on your own um then let's talk about uh the other thing which was file type okay so if you were listening to the stream today tj stream you probably listened to this guy and i don't know his name but he was doing the phd or something like that and what he was talking about was um he was talking about the language server protocol but he was talking about something specific i forget what it was anyway so oh yeah he was talking about um lsp as it pertains to particular plugins that are better than just the core lsp so it's like extensions on top of the lsp things like mvim jdtls i think there's rust tools there's other things right so for instance if we come down here you can see in in packer right we have um rust tools right now this actually still is kind of wrong this uh needs to be lazy loaded and file type scoped now this isn't done yet but it will be and what you can see for instance elixir the elixir one is done right so for instance if you put ft here and then you put elixir this plug-in will not turn on unless you are looking at the file type elixir right so you are not going to source this thing unless you're looking at file type elixir so you're going to save that speed too this plugin can be here it's no problem right it's not getting in your way but like this one only activates for latex right this one only activates for elixir this one i need to put the file type in to only have it activate for rust and so on so forth right and then because the reason that this stuff works anyway and the reason that a lot of this lazy loading stuff works and it doesn't matter that you have all these plugins in here is because when you do packer packer compile right what that actually does is it compiles down a very small version of packer that it goes and reads this from so only the plugins that you have enabled will actually be here and that's all that counts for startup time all those other ones don't count for startup time so there's no reason you know if you're trying to build something comprehensive that that shouldn't be there it doesn't hurt anything right um let's see let's see if your job is coding java do you use nvim or intellij i use a mix right now of neovim or lunarvim with neovim i use a mix of that to do most of my development and then vs codium to run individual unit tests so that's basically i don't use intellij anymore so that's what i use 23 milliseconds that's wild uh is that with your own config or is that with lunarvin because if that's a lunar vm that's the fastest has ever started the fastest i've seen lunarvin start was around i think 40 something milliseconds but you're not going to see the super fast start unless i go and turn off all my extra optional plugins that i have on right now um i know this is let's see yeah yeah actually yeah i didn't even read this but kyle knows i know this is a noob thing but how do you update lunarvin with git if you change something in the config if you change for example the color scheme it would not let you get pull yes it would so you can totally do that um and i'll show you why so what we have config and them right so what you have in here is you don't really need to play with a lot of the core stuff the core stuff is all in the lua folder you don't need to touch this right now right i'm going to extend ls or lv config in the future a little bit more but you don't really need to use that anymore that's just core stuff that you typically wouldn't want to change anyway now i will expose overrides for those in the future but for now let's just look at lv config see this color scheme field right here okay we'll change it to lunar and it's lunar okay lv and and here's the thing look look at lazy get nothing's changed and why is that if you look at the dot get ignore we have uh somewhere in here lv config so your lv config is is you specific you keep it to yourself um i'll never change it i can't change it um so any any settings that you make like if in your lv config you turn on all these plugins here i won't turn them off right say you make some tree setter changes that'll override tree setter changes let's say you make some language specific changes it'll override that let's say you want to use yapif or you want to use black or you want to use flake 8 for python or if you want to enable eye sort or auto format auto formats true for most languages not not set to true but like a thing you can change same with like all these things right like lua formatting you can change that to like for instance style if you wanted to you could change the auto format for lua same thing with javascript json so on and so forth right and then what i plan on also putting in here is like a field for um uh auto commands because i know people want audit commands um plug-in or plug-in config overrides because most people don't even want the override they don't even care it's just like just can i have them work really well and that's it and just turn on the plug-in and just basically take the 80 same defaults i'll take that right i usually take that um i almost always take that and then uh let's see the other thing i plan on adding is oh yeah a list of extra plugins maybe we don't define a particular plugin or something like that and then you define extra plugins and then they get sourced in a list and you can even put your own lazy load specifications in there as well so that's what's coming in lunarvin probably 2.0 i think we'll have a good 1.0 release probably soon and a lot of that stuff will come in 2.0 uh let's see i still can't get trees that are highlighting activated for file types by default and point five do i need to install the plug-in you probably need to install the plug-in um cool awesome yeah i mean that's the thing is like nobody's going to understand like you you're you know this stuff just became i just i just wrote the readme on it so i don't i didn't expect anyone to really understand what the hell was going on or how things worked right um but yeah i mean the thing is i think a lot of people are so afraid to ask questions and like chat or do all that kind of stuff it's just like i ask questions all the time and especially like live coding and stuff like it really humbles you because you'll get stuck like on the stupidest stuff um all the time so like who cares just ask the ask silly questions ask anything um anyway so let's change this back to and like look i don't even have the get thing over here so like i can't you know see what i even changed in here so space and here's the other nice thing here's the other really cool thing about this lv config because everything's done in lua you know like if you've ever used like a window manager like for instance i'm using dwm right now it's all written in c you know how i config my window manager um i go to config i go to dwm i open up config.def config.def.h which is a header file right and i literally write c code to change to change this right same with like awesome wm you change you change everything with lua code same with like a lot of different ones you you you know you change it with the language it's written in right um so that's what lunarvin is kind of help like like if you understand lua then you're gonna understand this perfectly and so i always recommend doing lsp install lua right and that'll give you this some neco lua client down here and so what we can get with that is we can do like something like uh o dot and then we can get all of the options that lunarvin provides right so every single one so like if we do like i don't know why it keeps doing that but oh dot plug-in dot and then you can turn on any plug-in you want and you can see all the plug-ins that are available to you and you can just set it to true like those are right there um another thing you can do is for the color schemes right um i think space gray should be available so yeah so that one's available right there which is nice i don't think the other ones are though uh same with tree sitter right like if you could do oh dot tree sitter dot and then you got insured installed highlight ignore install and then you can turn on rainbow brackets if you want which i'm not sure i support that just right this second but i will in the future same with languages and stuff like that you you can just do like o dot lang dot python dot um auto let's not do auto format let's do a difficult one right uh let's do formatter right and now you can see what it's already set as if right and then what you can do is um set it equal to something like uh black or something like that right or you can set it equal to um whatever you want all right so those are other options uh i think i said space grip there yeah there we go uh you can even change this this guy right here you can change that you can change the footer you can change all this kind of stuff so yeah wait does that work outside of the file like is the global o object detected project wide yes it is it's detected project wide so that's like an option it's it's it's global it's global scoped it's a little scary right but it's not that scary because there's not that many files there's really not that much going on um and for something like this you kind of need it to be global scoped you know but yeah the o object is detected project wide and it has a bunch of defaults there's really no other way of getting around it because otherwise then you'd have to do and and there is actually a lot of global scoping that happens you'll see that like as kind of a pattern that's used all over uh neovim configs right like you'll see people when they do um for instance you have you have a global underscore g right there you go like here's all the stuff that's in here and these are things that are i think like pretty sure they're i'm not exactly sure how many of these actually come from uh neovim and how many come from what but anyway i don't know if this g is provided by neovim i'm assuming it is some of it i have no idea right but i just do know that you can get this from the global scope right so these are all just global stove functions that you can grab out of the ether that are available to you at any time right so this one definitely is right like global vim right xp calls are kind of actually important and stuff but i won't get into weird lewis stuff right now uh are there key shortcuts for the dashboard um i don't think so i know there was in i wish there was i you know actually this is one of the things that i actually wish is someone would rewrite this dashboard plug-in in lua and just kind of give you some of the options from startify that i'm missing which is things like that um but yeah i mean there as far as i know there isn't a way to like just press a key and do whatever but this is still nice because it's integrated with telescopes so you can do things like you know find a word like you just jump right into i don't really know where i am right now one second i don't want to be indexing my home directory but um you do in here and you can find a word and then we know like use for instance will be in the packer file right so here's use and then here's all the instances of use and so we could just like jump right to it so you could just be like i know there's a word in my code base i know it's somewhere but where is it right like require right i mean that's going to be all over the place but let's think of a let's think of a weird one like where where am i defining my color scheme uh so let's do like color right i mean well this actually oh well it's looking at my entire color scheme well maybe we have something like this there you go so it's there i feel like it should see other places though but i might i might have seen too many things that where i spelled color scheme wrong there which could also be the case color scheme there we go yeah so this is everywhere where it says color scheme and it's just like oh there's color scheme there's color scheme something about color scheme there oh this is where i define my color scheme it's again an obviously an lv config but yeah also in there too if you you should get an example one but if you go into utils and you go inside of uh installer you'll see that there is an lv config example in here just in case you lose your own or you want to like take a look at it it's there also the installer is here too if you want to see what happens when lunarviv installs itself i plan on hopefully getting this set up at least in the aur soon so people can install it from there uh yeah lsp is aware of global vars and stuff like that yeah well well yeah yeah it is yeah yeah so yeah um seems like i need to learn lua to config mv better what is the most similar language to lua uh i don't know um i think if you're okay with bash scripting in python then you'd be good with lua kyle says javascript yeah javascript too yeah javascript's pretty similar so i would say anywhere if you're comfortable with like python javascript and uh bash then you can learn lua very easily how would you go about doing a global search and replace um that's something i'm going to be looking into well okay it depends what you mean right so like for instance if we go and take a look at uh all right there's no guarantee that the java stuff works right now but let's let's let's give java a try because that's the only thing that i have right now that i think this will work well for okay yeah now i complained it complained at me of course it did um let's see let's do uh actually the blog will work or it should we'll see uh source component header.jsx and then now hopefully if i do space l r and then if i get a new name here header two see now what just happened there was it changed here changed here at the bottom also changed here the other place where it's brought in at which is in the layout.jsx see how it just changed there automatically so already that works and that's provided by the lsp client now if it's something that's not lsp related if it's just some random thing i'm going to be working on that later and that there's ways to do that with just like vim grep and all kinds of stuff it's a little complicated and a little too much in my opinion but um there's a plug-in called spectre and a couple others that i'm interested in for this that i think would provide the behavior that that that other use case would be looking for what's the recommended way to try out lunavin without losing all my config uh so it's real easy so the only thing you'll do is you'll just go into your config uh it won't blow away your stuff so if you try to install it it'll notice that your nvim is there and it won't it won't get rid of it um but what you need to do is just move nvim to mvim.old or something like that and then just run the installer and then you'll be fine if you notice that some leftover plugins are still around go into local share nvm site pack and go into packer and go into start and just blow away the extra ones that you wouldn't expect to be there here so they'll they'll be in start so you got to watch out for those but if using packer and you do another install it should actually get rid of all of them so but just in case it's good to be aware that this is where your plugins are um yeah i think python would be a pretty close example i don't know kind of anyway i'm assuming lsp allows for multiple language support inside a specific file type like coc um maybe what do you mean like uh if you're maybe like if you're in like view and you're trying to do like html or something like that i'm not i'm not 100 sure because i don't think i've run into that problem a lot but i think you could attach you could easily just attach the html one to javascript once too and you could have all of the same stuff so i guess that's possible lua is pretty unique but it's literally the simplest language i've ever learned in my life and i'm about to go try and learn haskell soon so we'll see how that goes i don't know much about lua what advantages does it have over just not being vimscript uh so vimscript is just it's it's a it's just it's almost unlovable um lua is great because lua is meant to be embedded in things right so it's like it's meant to be small and fast and it's a dead simple scripting language right so it's like hard once you understand tables it's like you understand enough lua to work on your vim config right um and it's just it you know it's really fast go look at all the new plugins that came out and like okay it took years for all of the regular old vim plugins 10 12 15 years for those plugins people are still using freaking uh all the same ones from 15 years ago that haven't been updated in forever how long do you see how quickly i put together a config with almost purely lua plugins right dude these things were built in like five seconds because people can use lua and it's like a legitimate programming language that people here here's the biggest benefit people want to use lua that's it you know what i mean can you get a community around stuff it's like the same people who about node right it's like yeah a lot of nodes a lot of the stuff that node developers make is really crappy and it doesn't scale well but as opposed to what there's no competition right so it's just like if there's gonna be no competition already this is not not to say that there would be better competition for lou i i think you'd be hard-pressed to find a better candidate for for a configuration language for a text editor that's also small and fast um and and very expressive um but but like you know as opposed to what right like right now we have lua and we have vimscript okay all of the vimscript plugins uh they were cloned and created better in like a couple months right and uh i mean you know that that alone is almost enough but yeah i mean lou is just a great scripting language in general and it is fast um is it hard to maintain an ar package i really doubt that how is js close to lua because it's just like a scripting language it's not like typed or anything i don't know it's i wouldn't say it's super close but please add flutter tools need to disable dart lsp first because it's already integrated yeah someone who knows flutter and dart better than me is going to have to do that i didn't who has jobs by the way and fluttering dart and all this stuff like how how do i get a job in flare and dart who teaches you flutter and dart do like you go and learn it from youtube and then you show up one day for a job interview and you go yeah i kind of know flutter and dart because like i built something like from a tutorial and then what's the company that hires you to do fluid does everyone work at google that's using flutter and dart um it's actual language more flexibility than vim script the small compact line but it is a full-blown language not that i mean then script is kind of a full-blown language i get i don't know but it's terrible do you plan to add key bindings um for users using qwerty alternatives no but if someone writes one um then i will maybe like support it somehow if it's easy join the stream late just installed interviewing it's freaking awesome that's good where are the key bindings for plugins um usually the key bindings for plugins uh pretty much all of them let's get out of here what the hell am i doing oh here we go config and then all right if you go to lua uh which lv which key right and then init.lua pretty much all the plug-in bindings are like in here in one form or another this is where they all live and uh when you press space you have the option to just and you know slowly look through this option you don't have to press another key really fast when you're in vim you're like i'm pressing a key and then i need to press another key and i press another key as fast as i possibly can but um just you know don't press a key for a second take a look at the menu um and you know explore it for a couple seconds and you can see things like oh if i press e i'm gonna get the explorer okay great um if i press uh s what's under s uh it says uh and it takes a second to look right but here here's here it says search right so i press s okay i can search things what can i search that's interesting i can like search man pages oh really so that's kind of cool so what's you know what's nvim oh here's all the things that come with that right so it's just like all right let's go back into search again um oh we can uh change our color scheme so that's kind of cool right so let's go pretend we're in vs code right uh we can search for text throughout the entire project so again like let's you look for use which is in packard okay cool so anyway it's just like that's that's another demo try to do it often because i know people come in and come out um i've seen lou implemented in games and stuff yeah roblox i want to be a roblox developer now lua is more joyful to write there's joy in writing lua therefore more people want to write it therefore we get a better plugin ecosystem yes exactly that um okay press space at m codes um i don't know what you mean you'll see a menu okay uh maybe i don't know i i don't know everything about them anymore space at oh the register stuff yeah okay that's what you're talking about but isn't wouldn't you just like get that just from you don't have to press space so i'm wondering i'm like yeah you get this with um you get this right so you just get you go right into your registers just by pressing um the at symbol that's my understanding anyway but it's nice with uh what you call it with which key because it slows everything down all right you press space you get that you press g you get this press uh c uh i don't know what just happened oh i was in here press c you get the code action stuff press um space you get this press other ones you can get other things d used to have one but that annoyed the out of me so i got rid of it um yeah and apparently it is fit it's of course it's got to be faster than them script right uh have you done any custom tree sitter stuff or have favorites i like the proj project guy do i have projects active uh this thing was supposed to pre-load telescope maybe i don't have the project thing active right now um but i really like the project thing i don't have it active right now i guess maybe something's wrong with it but the project thing was really really cool when i found that also the media viewer which i also don't have installed right now that's another really cool one but the two coolest things that i really like about uh telescope i don't have oh wait but you asked me about tree sitter why did i think you were asking me about telescope um for tree sitter okay there's the rainbow brackets thing there is let me go see what i have for truester i know oh what i really like is uh the playground thing because when i went to create this uh color scheme that you see right here i did um this and then you can highlight things under the cursor and you can see like oh okay this is a type right like obviously this is a type but sometimes you don't know what things are right so like um you know like but even if it is a type how do you know that it's a type right like how do you know it's called type right um you know this is going to be a tag but what is it called is it called tag well there's also a tree sitter highlight group so if we go to do space t h there's a ts tag right there right so that's something also interesting uh and i think i clicked in there and that'll teach me to click in new of them so you know kind of so and so forth i think this is a property one so if we do t h yup you get ts property so where am i did you write this new color scheme in lua i did write it in lua um with lush but then i exported it to them because telescope couldn't find it when it was written in lua i guess oh okay i was about to say i was like what are you trying to say i'm like i know i get registers when i do at so i'm like am i missing something here like what is happening um i have tried your one line install thousands of time but it never works are you on windows because that could be your problem i think people use live grip more often so it is better so it is better to key mapping it to space t or space g instead of space st yeah i think you're probably right do you know a way to re-read source that with vim l it was simple with source the thing it's not an option and then at that low i think plenary there's a way to do it with plenary um i think i think i don't really know though i just got here now i don't know if you already answered this uh but is there any precision for simplifying the installation of java support jdtls eclipse you're on linux uh depends what linux you're on i only support a few different flavors of linux i should probably put that in there but i support arch linux gentoo ubuntu uh maybe a couple others go read the install script and if it doesn't work for your language then add in the support in the installer i guess because there's different package managers and right um yeah there there is that by the way for for this what you're talking about um you can actually just do now you can just do lsp java that's it and it should just work it should just work i'll try one more time with uh this java project but honestly it's you know it's not really me and java we're we're not really best friends even though i work on it every single day uh whoops i don't know why this wouldn't work though because it works for on my machine at work but then it's just like quit and so it's gonna tell me i could go read this stuff but i'm not gonna do it during the stream i'll sort out whatever that is in the future maybe it works for you and i've seen it work sometimes not work other times it's pain in the ass uh lua is more like python lol i thought js had shared more than it does but it's less than i thought yeah yeah you're on arch dude it totally works on arch i'm on arch right now kidding me definitely works on arch neo fetch arch linux lunar vm this should totally work um but it's possible it doesn't who knows is swap disabled i don't know it shouldn't complain about the color scheme anymore it shouldn't complain about the uh if you're using if you're pulling down the newest one shouldn't complain about the color scheme anymore why does he complain about that all the time we're less impressed by tree sitter now um i don't know enough about tree sitter to be impressed or unimpressed about it i know it's very useful for what it does oops all right let's see let's take a look at a few more features let's see if we can find some other cool things to maybe look at it's nice having this menu here too to just kind of jump around things um i don't know if diagnostics do i have trouble working right now yeah trouble's working so this is a thing that you can do is you can come down here and you can see that and if i had more things like let's let's set off you guys hear that running i think i have a ghost in my house or something anyway if i get rid of this you'll see that'll be populated with all this stuff and we can hop through all this stuff with trouble this is an extended plug-in and you can see like it puts all the issues right here and then the hints right here whatever else so yeah this is kind of nice too right um i don't know what else trouble really does besides this i haven't really played like gotten folk was in the uh thing today was in the stream all right so in that let's do whoops diagnostics yeah you'll just get it for different ones so yeah that's not super crazy um you get obviously this kind of stuff right um let's see what else i think now also the thing is such that if we do something like uh let's just hop back over here and then like use state we do get a little blurb over there about things now i think there was a time when that wasn't the case it's not that i find these super helpful but they're available for things now which i guess is kind of nice um what else is there there is a ton of other things there's zen mode zen mode is really cool um i think right now i'm using folk zen mode but there's also true zen i might use true zen again in the future but you know there is n mode um what else we got projects didn't work for me i don't know why uh there's tons of things you can do with git like a million things like you can just like get the blame for this um i said that hopefully this thing was mobile friendly back in 2020 we could do jumping between hunks so i jump to that top hunk you can tell because of get signs thing right there that's what i jump to um uh let's see what else i'm gonna do diff view i haven't done diffu just yet but you can do you can see all the things you can do here my favorite one is lazy git right so like you can just open up lazy git you can do all the things you want to do here you can commit this push it all from within neovim and you don't have to leave that one's really nice but again i'm going to do videos on all this stuff in the future also i'd like to say thank you chris for making some great videos uh that inspired me to start my own even config which i've been working on for the past few days now awesome yeah some of those videos are a little bit outdated so hopefully you're paying attention to my new stuff but you never know share the errors on discord people can help out there yeah yeah i mean share share where you can how to pop lsp trouble instead of in line um debbie well what do you mean like how did does yours happen in line mine happens in the quick fix window probably because i set it up to do it in the quick fix window but i just don't remember doing that so we could go and take a look uh what am i looking for again oh yeah trouble see we have something here for trouble i don't know if i have a config for that yet so it might just be whatever it comes with honestly i think it's just whatever it comes with trouble yeah so this is just barebones trouble for me can i have a shout out bro thank you for your awesome videos what do you think of hermano from ef linux made simple uh i'm subscribed to him uh he has helped me install arch linux once before when uh everything changed remember with the new meta package and all that kind of stuff i actually watched his video to do that um big you know big fan of that guy so yeah i definitely like that guy i'm definitely sub to him everybody should subscribe to armano from ef tech that's into linux and arch linux especially um let's see what else lsp trouble is that a thing uh yeah that's this that's what i'm running okay see i don't memorize everything this is why you got to have something like which key in my opinion because then i have too many things to memorize in my head right like there's just too many things there's too many keystrokes and stuff like that and i like to see it very slowly i like to just take a look you know see what what my options are when i press get i want to see like oh okay these are all the things i can do it's very calming to see all the things you can do because and just to see it there and just ready for you to press a key when you want to press a key right um i really love this git link stuff though right like i just pressed y and then like i got it it came up in my other browser but if i pull it over here now like it just opens up like here i'll do it again so you can see it like happen in real time i guess but if i do gy see it like opens up this exact line i think that's so cool i don't know like it's not even probably hard to do because like the metadata is all there and you can obviously just you know call it like xdg open and then just open your browser but still kind of neat um what other linux youtubers are good um let's see we got luke smith armano definitely chris even though chris is not really a linux youtuber i do a little bit of linux content but not a ton it depends what you like right like it depends because people different different people do different things like dt does a lot of um like just reviews of things like if you were interested i know he did a video on like popos today so if you're interested in getting into pop os i think that'd be a good video for you um mental outlaw is kind of funny i actually like i like the only video i think i've ever watched of his all the way through was his peanut butter and jelly sandwich video um i i don't think i've ever watched any of his other videos all the way through because a lot of it's like security content which is kind of interesting whatever but like i like the peanut butter and jelly sandwich video um and then he did another video the race card johnny video that one was hilarious so those are those are the two videos if i the rest of his stuff i don't care about uh you made a tuna sandwich one all right i'll have to check that out i'm about that i'm about those videos i don't care about a security stuff i want to watch him make sandwiches and uh make fun of race car johnny that's why i like that guy yeah luke is a little crazy i guess but you know luke's uh luke's a good guy i think luke really started a lot of the craze even though people don't want to admit it he started a lot of the craze around like window managers and stuff like that like i had known about window managers before him and like i don't i think i knew about dwm before him though like i knew about uh you seen him making meatballs um but i didn't know about dwm before i only knew about like i3 and then like that's all i used before luke was like yeah basically you're a pleb if you're on i3 and i was like all right i gotta step my game up uh let's see so that i can flex on people on the internet that's all that matters right um hello guys quick question um i started lunarvim a couple days ago not new to them i prefer to use jj's escape which is a default keybinding lunarvin however i cannot get it to work i've used the other binding jk it requires you to press the two keys very fast it's probably my timeout length um before i get into terry davis it's probably like timeout lang yeah hold up nope we go you can do it really fast you can get it done um now it's easier obviously to do a jk because they're right next to each other right um what i would recommend doing is if you're using uh what lunarvim hell uh one second one set where am i i gotta get rid of this thing uh actually what we can do is we could just do i know i can just go down there and close it but i need to get used to doing stuff like see close oh this isn't a i thought that was a quick fix menu this is like a whole window interesting um what you can do is you can go to [Music] dammit you can go to lv config and you can change timeout len to 1 000 open this back up again and now if i do jj see now it works there you go it's the timeout len problem is here's my issue with the timeout line all right i just press space now i get this uh i want that to i want this to be on a separate timer i want my space key to be on a separate timer and then i want um my timeout lend to be like normal like how i can just casually press jj now right so that's that is why you have an issue right there that will explain that and that has been an issue that's been plaguing my community for a very long time that i've never really explained uh terry davis is the best linux youtuber yeah terry rip terry davis holy um yeah luke the unit yeah who wins luke the uniboomer versus terry the goat chris you want to train your speed so set his time to 100 i got it done i was able to press jj fast enough to get that done um it's funny i i did this and how many people just showed up in here just from the stream that's kind of funny yeah i think terry i think terry could take luke in a fight when if terry in his prime dude when he was living in his parents attic and uh creating uh temple os let's see anyway what am i doing uh i'm trying to think what else really to show i think most of it's really shown um get rid of this let's see you got the tree you got this i showed you the searching i showed you this um i won't well i'll show you something i guess kind of interesting if you want to make uh color schemes okay can we stop bullying me for a second goodbye um let's go like this where am i uh here i feel like an old man like always asking like where i am and what i'm doing because like i'm trying to juggle the chat um talking about things and writing like code and remembering features all at the same time so config and then uh again like what am i doing right now like i just stopped to say that and i'm like okay well what am i doing right now i am going to it's going to show something in here color schemes that's what i was going to be utils and you can do lush template and then we can go into lua and then into lush theme i guess i have this pretty deep down in here but we can open up a lush template like this one this this one is not good i have a better one somewhere i think yeah okay that's where i'm keeping it i'm keeping it in lua because you can actually like pull this thing in with lush but i don't know it's not as nice as i thought it was gonna be but it's not bad either anyway so themes space gray and so what you can do if you're in here is you can do lushify boom and then you can see everything right so here's the colors that i uh let's do lsp stop goodbye and so what you can see is like okay this is all the stuff so numbers are red and then if i change this to blue numbers will be blue all right so that's pretty interesting right you do have to compile this down to i mean you don't have to you can actually require this file and then just come in here and change stuff about your color scheme whatever you want and you can actually see what's happening so if i make this like yellow like now it's yellow right and so all characters would be yellow and so on so forth and this is all things you mix this with things like tree sitter highlight capture highlight under cursor so you can do this h and you can see um this is a function a ts function so then if we go back over to here and we look for ts function we know that's yellow because this is yellow all right so that's why that's yellow and then i can change it to a different color or something like that that's pretty interesting um lunarvim logo is nice but it doesn't center on normal with terminals kind of wide that is not i don't think really of the problem with the lunarvin logo obviously i think that's a problem with the dashboard and there's just not really a better way to do it right now here rocks will install but it takes a very long time now the reason here rox needs to install is because i was using a optional plugin called snap which uses fzy and the here rox thing installs fcy which makes snap a lot faster and things like that so we might have to watch out for that does lv support snippets of course it's more snippets dude it's smart smarts it supports everything there's nothing it doesn't support except for all the stuff it doesn't support um if we go into repos let's go again into to-do list which is python that small python project and if we just do like something like def gotta snip it right i think we got one for you know like main i think there should be something in here main loop i kind of want main yeah this kind of main there you go if main equals main if name equals main there you go uh i think there's one in here for date if there's not i really wish there was doesn't look like there is there's other like deaths though like one for abstract and stuff like that not implemented error anyway will you be switching to snap or keeping both um i don't know the herox thing takes a pretty long time to install so we'll see uh do you know a plug-in that will show the lines that visualizes the indentation depth vs code has yeah yeah i do ugh don't make me turn it on one second you're gonna make me turn it on i like to avoid this one because it annoys the out of me but i know i know exactly what you are talking about because every question that you've probably had about vim plugins i've had the same question before in my life plug in my long long life with neovim indent line dot active equals true all right we turn that on we'll open this back up we'll do packer install we'll open up let's go back over to let's go here again repose blog um source components oh man it didn't turn on uh oh i know why there you go look at those lines isn't that handsome wow it's just like vs code all right hold up now it's vs code what's the difference tell me i'm not in vs code right now actually we could do set no relative number now i'm in vs code hold up let me go like this all right we're in vs code tell me am i in vs code or am i not in vs code right right come on you know so um you can get those you can get it all dude uh the other thing is what i don't like about it is this watch this uh i don't have a line long enough that will really show you how much i hate this here we go look at that it eats it i hate that i don't know why it does that but it drives me up a freaking wall but if you don't run into that problem then you won't run into that problem and then you'll be fine but it does eat it and that drives me nuts so yeah as long as you can live with that uh potentially happening if you you know keep your file normal then you probably won't have that happen to you let's see uh hey sorry for coming late did 0.5 get released yes 0.5 is released uh my vs code has realm number thanks for that yeah yeah um why not use word wrapping i only assume that word wrapping would make things worse i don't like word wrapping though i really hate word wrapping um we can see if that fixes things but i fro i don't like word wrapping one second what's a good way to do this if i had a project thing i could just swap it to whatever i want but i don't have that right now because it's broken um lv config wrap lines true so you can even do that if you want to um i don't know if that fixes it let's go back into vs code mode all right now we're in vs code um that does fix it that does fix it i guess because then you can't really end up like that hate it but i guess if you're gonna have this active if you're gonna have it active set that too there can be no other way um is native lsp still fast on really large files i'm working on a project more than 1500 lines of code cox seems really slow on large files uh i think it should be but it's not like there's that big of a difference i guess but i don't know really the difference uh when it comes to like the scaling that coc is able to do versus just the lsp little config stuff but what i do know is that it should be faster the other thing is you can turn it off so if it really becomes a problem uh you can like see like okay this is starting to really suck lsp stop okay we still have all the tree setter stuff everything's sped up we can make our change whatever go back into a different file right uh or different project or whatever lsp start and then just hopefully there you go see starts right back up so you can turn it right off on the fly which is nice if you know you get you have you run into like a slow down problem or something like that let's see what else what shell are using because i see every time you go to a directory you have the type cd many times in fish shell it has the z command which lets you move to frequent directories very easily yeah well guess what dude so does mine it's just that i'm too stupid to remember to use it so check me dude um let's see what else so use fish shell um i wouldn't be smart enough to use fish shell either uh command plus zero sets the zoom back to default by the way i can tell you're on a mac but i'm not good morning it's like night time over here though how to install with windows 10 uh okay so here's how you install windows 10. uh go to let's see let's make it a little bit easier go to downloads download ubuntu flash it onto a drive stick it into your windows 10 machine boot up into linux and then run my installer does that help i don't really have support for windows 10 right now dude i'm sorry um if people want to add support again it's a community project so if you can figure out how to do that then you know more power to you you can add the stuff that needs to be there for windows how am i even at 67 viewers right now i was expecting like three people to show up um windows subsystem for linux might work yeah i assume that would work if it's a real like linux uh environment right it's morning 6am is morning it's not 6am here dude it's like 11pm ah no that's the thing dude it feels like i'm in vs code right now right like i remember i used to use vs code and it totally feels like this is how would like i could i could trick everyone in the office into thinking that i was on vs code i just have vin mode active you know i this is what i'm gonna do i think if i ever have to go back to the office which god forbid but if i ever have to go back to the office just because i know some people like to bug me about um using vim or whatever they're like oh why are using the eyes hard um but but what i'll do is i'm just gonna activate this and i'll just have this up on both of my screens and no one will be any the wiser until they try and like go like this and try to use their clumsy little clicks to try and do something and then i'll be exposed um yeah too popular i wish um and i actually don't wish i like having a small chat where i can actually talk to everybody lunavin works with windows subsystem for linux too awesome so there you go it's even easier than the suggestion i provided it's nearly four in the morning for me and i'm here instead of getting asleep for some reason uh it's an exciting day for any of them so i see why you're here cool i'm using screen key am i using screen key yeah i'm using screen key do you do a nightly build of nvm a specific version of it i'm afraid of jumping from vim damn them uh you don't have to be afraid because you can have two totally different configs and best thing about having an nvim config is you can just use mine and still use your vim rc with your vim thing and you could just pull down lunarvim and just use lunarvim and then if you pay attention all the videos i'm going to make then you can become a core contributor for lunarvim and then you'll know how it works really really well telescope built-in not found uh i don't know telescope works for me works on my machine all right um let's see i don't have a ton left to show i don't want to make this too long if anyone has any questions um speak now or you know talk to me maybe tomorrow or on monday um but yeah you can have you can have both of the configs i don't know if i'm going to be streaming tomorrow because i'm going to be setting up a ton of um i'm going to be setting up a ton of um videos and stuff so i'm going to be setting up like in it.vim to init.lua fast and easy and then i'm going to be setting up um how to do lsp how to do auto completion how to do all the things you know what i mean um i think tj is going to do like a lua series at some point so i should probably just let him do that because i don't know about lua so i should just watch his lua series and then get better you know um there are little series out there though i don't really want to like re invent the wheel because it's just not super interesting content there's tons of lua um walkthroughs and tutorials online so it'll probably just all be about like doing lua with neovim and stuff like that anyway um what else do you do other than slowly lose sanity configuring neo them um well i've gained a lot of sanity recently with lunarvin because lunarvim just works lately like it hashtag just works which is really nice um there will be a video about making lunarvin from the event but it'll actually be tons of videos but what else do i do i'm a java developer i do iot stuff over at comcast i'm not in charge of your internet so you can't complain to me about that um uh i don't know it's not i guess i you know anymore it's lately just been working stuff like that but i am working on a couple websites too uh that'll be interesting i'm a big um alt tech i know it kind of has a bad name but alternative technology enthusiast other than that i mean trying to think i'm also tired right now though uh oh yeah i'm doing um i'm doing um pioneering plutus so i'm real big into crypto too and uh because everyone should be and so what i plan on doing is i'm doing this course thing this there's a new language called plutus you have to learn haskell to learn plutus plutus is like a rapper on top of haskell i guess and um i'm going to learn i'm going i want to become a smart contract developer for both like solidity and and maybe even cardano and maybe even polka dot um let's see can we use debugger for cnc plus plus and lunarvim uh you will be able to soon there will be a video on how to do all that stuff soon uh there's a lot of really cool debugger stuff coming out uh do i like luke um i like some of his videos i don't know him personally i've never talked to him i put a pr out for his stupid st thing and i'm not gonna show it right now but he never accepted it because he should have because it fixed the problem and then i think he just closed the issue but um he he used to have like this patch applied to sd or his build of st which is far far far far inferior to my build of st and uh like there was this there was something that it could have been fixing he didn't accept it i do like his uh stance on a lot of the minimal software stuff and i really like wibby dot me yeah youtube drama man except except my pr that or whatever no i think like those are some of the only the only linux youtubers i think i watch like that i've watched more than like three of their videos would have been and not even that many would have been um mental outlaw for the peanut butter and jelly sandwich videos dt's videos just because like i don't know they're kind of just he knows how to just make some videos that are just like you just click they're kind of clickbaity a little bit but not in a bad way but it's just like something where it's just like this new thing came out or whatever um and then i've watched a i guess a decent amount of luke's videos too not a ton but a couple around like the dwm stuff which is what got me into dwm how do you had how you had customized the linters messages um what do you mean i don't know what you mean there's all different ways i don't i don't know if like i don't know term debug is included with vim and nvim yeah but i think people want to use the debug adapter protocol stuff i think that's what they're interested in i'm going to go into that later in a later thing which window manager do i use dude the only window manager that exists if you use any other window manager other than dwm let's say neo fetch to be elite you need to be using dwm and you need to be using your own fork and build of st right and if if dude if you're not doing that then i i don't know man i don't really know what to tell you i always wonder like how sarcastic i sounded if i sound sarcastic enough um dap videos yeah yeah i'm gonna do dap videos in the future hello from peru or hello to peru i guess um what time is it if i tried artix no no no no i'm i'm i'm not an idiot uh neo fetch versus screen fit no i don't have anything against uh artix or anything like that it's just that i just don't feel like installing dude systemd like i get it i get it i don't want systemd i just don't really have anything like really pushing me to go use artix and then i get like i won't be able to install some packages i don't have time for i don't really care about computers that like that much um neofetch versus screenfetch uh neofetch um pretty excited for dap videos yes they will be coming and they'll be very simple because other plugin developers have made that very simple for me to like just present to people um st kind of not for me alacrity is much better it's not about what's better it's about what makes you more elite right what's up arab so anyway um okay i think i showed pretty much everything i could show um in the description for this video you should go click on all of my social media stuff you should go check out lunarvim you should sponsor the project if you're a real you know um everybody says pog champ anymore what the hell is a pog champ it's like all these zoomers or their stupid lingo i think pog stands for play the game or something like that but i have no idea because i guess i don't know i'm old now i'm 26 now so anyway let's see um you can check this out you can install it in one command just read through this read me that should be enough to get you up and running uh here are the resources basically it's just going to be my youtube you can check out the wiki you can go ask questions on the discord and twitter's not actually going to be helpful for you at all but if you monitor my twitter and you follow me on twitter then you'll see when i release these videos that actually will be helpful for you um expect new releases i'm not sincere with the releases i will be past 0.5 because i think this whole idea of like taking a whole year no offense to the neovim team right but taking a whole year for a minor release can we stop being such babies with major releases neo 1.5 should have just been like a major release right like it just of course it should have been that should have been the 1.0 it feels like a 1.0 project right now how's that like that's a major release right so i'm not chintzy with that um i know i know that they have mild now they don't even have milestones for 1.0 yeah they have milestones for like 6.6 right but i feel like it's this like cope where it's just like you're hiding from saying all right we're 1.0 you know what i mean and i feel like they should just be 1.0 unless they have a good reason in which case that whatever i don't care um so like i feel like there's gotta been some new game-changing stuff that like the lsp stuff alone but maybe it's not like the perfect thing for semver or something like that so it's not technically a semver uh major release or something right uh pog champers pog chant i don't know what a pog champ is so i have no idea i don't think it's elite it's about how useful it is for you nah it's all about being elite man i'm kidding by the way what do you think about recent developments in linguistics who gives a about linguistics dude um what um pog is overrated yeah based uh many ids i am confused vi vim neovim emax and now lunarviv now is more like spacemax and do me max and spacevim spacevim is i'm just going to say it's a pile of garbage stop using it move move off of space of them if you're using spacevim is that vs co theme come out of the box with lunarvim yes it does it's called mv code looking at the repo right now didn't know lunarvin was until a few weeks ago a few seconds ago yeah it's in there it's called mv code uh talking as a beginner what should i use neovim or lunarvin why if you're a total beginner just plain neo them uh then try to create a config pretend you never saw this video try to create a config get extremely frustrated waste a year of your life come back to lunarvin um they don't do major versioning it's different of course it's different they're special all right whatever there's date-based versioning i guess there is date-based versioning that's calver by the way calver there's sember which is semantic versioning and then there's calver which is i guess calendar versioning or something like that and i know this because i'm pretty heavy uh not super heavy but i am at least adjacent to our devops team and stuff like that so i know i know these silly things anyway um i got to close this stream down eventually i was just trying to close it down and i showed back over here and i think it was the pog thing that annoyed me that made me come back so yeah check it out there's a link in the description probably somewhere to my github then you can click on lunarvim and um do all the other stuff follow me on the social medias and things i am looking for collaborators so issues look at this potentially create an organization click on this and if you're a guy who knows lua and neovim stuff really well definitely you know sign up if you're even just super duper interested also join up and also consider a pull request if you have an issue if you or if you see an issue that you think you can solve some of these are help wanted and good first issues right so there's all kinds of things that you can do to be a part of lunarvin it's not difficult at all if they were trying to say it's easy to contribute to neovimcore that's no i mean it might be i don't know i've seen codebases before that looks super daunting and then you get into them and they're not that bad but um it's definitely way easier to contribute to lunarville i can tell you that because you're probably already gonna write some of that config anyway um you only know ml oh that's good iml seems like it's gonna be something that's gonna pay you forever so let's see i think that's it yeah so check out the github follow on the social media i'll see you guys in the next stream
Channel: ChrisAtMachine
Views: 8,262
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chrisatmachine, neovim, treesitter, lua, init.lua, init.vim, eslint, prettier, efm, language server, snippets, archlinux, linux, dwm, suckless, simple terminal, st, lunarvim
Id: V-6GkfeIi3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 36sec (5256 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 02 2021
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