Chris@machine - Livestream, LunarVim, Linux, Live Coding

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okay i forgot my mic was over here now um in this stream basically i'm going to be going over some new features going over potentially a new color scheme for lunarvim and then also um maybe debugging something too that's kind of been bugging me for a minute uh so also i'll be reading chats people want to ask like ask anything any questions whatever what's up uh barrett um usually people roll in a little bit later this will be a shorter stream uh and i haven't streamed in like i don't even know maybe like a month so anyway um should i go over this first or should i go over let's think let's think so all right so let's just go over i guess some of the color scheme stuff first um let me disable something before i do that this is gonna be me debugging something all right let's go over here okay so this should look pretty familiar um for the most part uh something that's like a new cool feature actually is this recent projects thing um i think his name's a med but then everybody has so many different names on so many different um uh applications and stuff like that so like discord or github or wherever else we had a plug-in called uh project.nvm and it replaced vim reuter and a few other things and so you can click here and then you can see like okay well here's all of the projects that i have right but the nice thing about it is that when whenever you open a project right like anything with like a like a project right like anything with like a dot get in the root of the repo or whatever um it'll just add it to this list so like if i now go to to-do list and then if i go main.pie there you go um this log message is a little funny um this log message is just trying to tell me basically that i don't have my virtual environment active uh it's not really trying to tell me that but it's trying to tell me i don't have it active in a way because um i don't have flake 8 and black installed and so it's telling me like hey i said something's not found i feel like something should be there saying like hey black's not found or uh flakey it's not found um so you can kind of see some of this it's basically one dark the new color scheme and then that was the project feature [Music] and you'll notice the bug if you're really astute you'll be able to see if you know lunarvin very well then you'll be able to see the bug like you can see it right now you know but if not i'm gonna go over that in a little bit um also you can see the tree here i don't have anything down here anymore so i got rid of it like just as like a a style thing um well i guess i should say that um this is this is lua line now instead of galaxy line i guess no one's seen glepner in a while and he was the original maintainer of galaxy line someone's also i don't think lua line has had a lot of recent activity either and then this guy i think his name shadman forked lua line and it's been giving a lot of regular updates and stuff like that so that's been nice see if there's anyone here what's up abz i have a question when i install lunarvim and lsp python gets an error like no file types to find uh post it in discord and i'll take a look so let's see what else i think i was here all right um so yeah simple things here but let's uh let's do this let's do conda activate to do let's reopen this let's jump to a recent project we're already on top of to-do list we'll press enter we'll open main um and now you see i don't have that complaint anymore it's got pyra black and flake 8 down there so you can see like what's active um let's see what else something i'm surprised works so well is that if i swap between file types like i just i always expected this to be more painful but it seems to just work whereas json ls and prettier become active and uh you can see that they're the only ones attached to this i mean these ones are still also active like pyrite and um like a different instance of i guess it's not even a distant different instance of null s because it's got the same pid but anyway you can see that pyrite's still active and then if i go back over to here it like this is just something that like has worked for a long time and i'm just surprised it works as well as it does i don't know um what else so new lua line um i know there's other things uh also one big thing that's changed too which has kind of been like a thorn in my side for a while which is everything to do with like mvm tree has always been kind of a pain in my ass i like mvm tree i think the pros for what it is and why i think it's necessary for an id like project like this to have it i think the pros certainly outweigh the cons but the cons are annoying um anyway so let's go into to-do list and we'll just do an elven dot here and now we're using netrw to kind of open this up here now what you might have noticed before is that if you open something up and it's it's a subtle thing but you would have noticed that this main dot pi would have been like stuck in here and then you would have had to like close the file drawer and explore and reopen it and all that um but yeah so now that works and that's good um another thing that i have working now and that i just kind of wanted to bring up was that indent blank line works a lot well or not a lot well but a lot better now so a better file to see this in would be something like um like a jsx file or something like that you can see indent blank line and what indent blank line is and this isn't something that's built into lunarvin now but it may be in the future i don't know we're gonna have to get consensus on this um but you can see how like it open it like like it does well it always did this pretty well like it always like highlighted the context pretty well and all uh one major bug that used to happen with it was let's make a really long line and let's let's be sure that this doesn't happen again we're happening now so now if we zoom in right and then if i start moving this way what used to happen was that all of these lines here would like and i'm pointing to the screen but you can't see it but you see where my cursor is all of these lines used to like overflow and and um they used to like like um what's the word for it well they would they would like be on top of your text and i i don't have the word in my head right now but they would like be on top of your text and so that was like a huge pain and it was kind of the only it was one of the first things holding me back from actually putting this in lunarvin when i first started making it um i don't know i think it's useful i don't know anyway uh so that's pretty easy to install you can probably check i think either my config file or one of the other people usually people have this um this is a color scheme too so if you've been watching me open up all these uh files and stuff it's like adam's one dark so if we let me see if by the way before i get into that um half asleep i'm always half asleep man hallelujah chris is back what's up nadine uh what's up mr juan b damn i'm so surprised that like you came right back you're you're still like right there like just just in time for the stream but yeah in a long time no see uh what's up eduardo um what's going on hatsu hatsu is one of the core devs abz is one of the core devs i think he's got a he he also wants to be special and have a different name and discord now so i gotta remember his new one which i don't i don't even remember right now um yeah the lines got stuck yeah that sucked i hated that i actually put an issue in but now it works really well now i really you know it's it's really nice i'm surprised again that it works as well as it does you know uh what's going on mark overlap yeah that was the word i was looking for that's the word what's up keijang what's up per pederson uh one of my donators i think over on patreon or github sponsors i think github sponsors now yeah yeah i don't have all my stuff to plug in this video so there won't be a shill section of this video for you to support me um anyway so let's see new color scheme i was going into something about the color scheme i forget what it was uh there is there is a repo for this color scheme if you're interested in trying it out early uh there's a couple small things i need to fix about it let me uh let's open up a new workspace and github yeah so if you don't know there's the lunarvim organization here and you can click on that and you can see lunarvin lives in this organization now i don't know if i've done a video since i've moved it over to the organization but it's at the organization level this is pretty much everyone who is for the most part active contributors i would say like more than half of these people are active contributors still um or have contributed a good amount in the past so yeah um let's see but we're still always you know looking for new people but sometimes it gets hard when you've got so many cooks in the kitchen and refactors and all these things right but somehow so far it's been working like very well we're just coming up with new standards and stuff like that for things lately um onedarker.nvm yeah this is it i'm going to put like pictures in here and like maybe a color palette and a few other things but if you're interested in trying out the color scheme it's right here um like i said a few things i want to fix before i put it actually into lunarvin is the english is the indentation guards on lunarvin uh not yet uh we'll we'll get a consensus if people want that then we can add it now that the issue's fixed yeah yeah if if people really want it and if the core devs want it i mean it's something that i personally want but yeah oh yeah it's like adam's one dark that is what i was saying i was going to show adam all right let me uh remind myself uh do you have an updated repo with your dot files yeah watch my video on um stow gnu stow and you can see how i'm doing my dot files and you technically don't need to do it that way but um it would be easier and in my opinion it's it's like my favorite way to version or not version but kind of version i guess keep my dot files all in one place and then like distribute them to my machines i i have like a gnome theme in here now because i'm running a pop os on my new system 76 laptop here and so it now it's all css it used to be all shell but like freaking one known theme and it's like now 90 css 99 maybe 94 css but anyway here's all my dots um so everything's there and then dwm and then i don't have my blocks dwn blocks which is just this thing over here up there um and that's mainly because i think i just grabbed it i forget who just blocks i grabbed i either grabbed dts or luke's i can't remember because i just i don't care about these things that much i just wanted it to say some stuff i actually really do like that it says like the package the kernel the ram the volume i can't think of anything else i would add and i can't imagine wanting this to be clickable like why would i like anything that i would potentially click up there i would just like run it in a term like it would be much faster for me my hands are on the keyboard just to open up a terminal or something right so just like adding that extra stuff to the window manager i think would be a pain the coolest thing i think is this so like with skippy you can do this and dwm and warp and a few other things it's kind of hard to get it to actually work but you can do that it's pretty neat um i think i saw something the guy from mv chad he also made like another like he made like kind of like a dwm distribution kind of thing um and he had a really neat thing where like if you hovered over uh like the the workspace here it would use fed and like how i'm like setting like my background image like if i do like super b it changes it right and um so we'd use fair and it would like show it i guess take a screenshot of all of these here and then it would just show you in like a little like a little thing up there so i thought that was pretty neat i'm going to talk about the atom thing one second i'm going to keep reminding myself i mean rarely anyone comments on this on twitch so that'll be there i'm sure and i won't forget anyone else get bad indentations subtly on mvm tree you'd have to open it and close it a few times to fix it um i don't think i'm having any issues with it i think it's i haven't seen any issues with it so i'll keep an eye out though can you share your m boom folder i don't think nothing's in my mv folder anymore i don't think so um so there's nothing there uh if you want later then you can check out lunarvim on the organization uh fernan box fries fries i don't know how to say that it's always so hard for me to say names and stuff but um how am i doing um good very tired but good okay let's talk about the exclusive lane i have to make sure to not say something stupid yeah that's all right uh config files yeah i just well if you're talking about like um i don't know i i don't know how new you are to the channel so i don't know if you know that lunarvim is what i use i should add tree sitter text objects to the core plugins i don't think that's a bad idea i just like haven't used them yet because there's so many other things hi chris could you update your blog on codium integration with elvim or do a tutorial uh yeah in the future i will um when as soon as alvin's stable i'll i'll make a ton of videos what do you think mvm compe why do you think mmcompy's discontinued and now we have mvm cmp i think likely what happened was and this happens to a lot of software projects was like he went very far in one direction and probably there was something fundamental that had to change about compe um but if he had tried to change it in compy it would have been like a mess and he probably would have broke compe in some sense and compy works it just kind of works fine okay right but whatever features he needed to add he needed to he needed to you know do something fundamentally different and so he just decided to archive that maybe someone will pick it up in a fork or something like that um but i think mvm cmp is supposed to be a lot more uh a lot more user friendly and maybe even add some good features call you fernando fernando it is what's up saeed i have a visual issue with vim t-mux navigator and buffer line interesting yeah tmux always gives weird um visualization issues with with things like neovim you think it could be tmux's fault yeah tmux is usually is usually odd i feel like tmux is is just not i don't know that's why tmux was my frustrations with tmux is what actually led me to get into window managers all right so let me really fast do this before i forget so repose cd blog i think i have adam installed okay good so you'll see the differences also you can just see like all right why does it even need this you just see how long it takes like something like adam to even start up right so like like if we just like get out of here right like just not to you know like i'm not like testing these things right now but like if i open up lunarvin right like i'm in there lsp started i'm good to go i can start like doing whatever it's already got vim good to go right um now if i'm using something like atom or vs code or whatever like you see how long does that take to start up you get all these things i mean there's probably some good stuff here but it's just like whatever and then i'll show you the differences between the color schemes so because i'm not i'm not sitting here i don't i don't really feel like you know getting into it too much but so you can see just a few differences like when it comes to like tags and stuff like that one dark traditionally was really red um and i you know i just kind of went for a bluer color i don't i'm not really sure where i picked up this blue but i know it's part of the color scheme um one thing is yeah there we go uh i'm actually surprised that adam doesn't have indent guides i don't know i guess maybe you can activate them or something somehow i don't really know how to use adam i just know that i when i was in college i used adam a few times and i really liked the color scheme and so i wanted to kind of revive it um we can see there aren't really that many differences right like in terms of like this file there are right but like like like in terms of like these colors or whatever right but i don't know i just think it looks better there's just a little too much red and then i i i don't like the you see these guys like the um they're called delimiters like tag delimiters and stuff like that i think these are like tag delimiters i think that's like their name or whatever um i kind of like them out of the way i don't like to really like pay attention to them like i don't i don't need them to be like bright purple one in my face if we like scroll in a little bit here um and like i said just like the uh the blues here so tags will just be regular blue all properties will be um like this like aqua kind of cyan color i guess and let's see some other files um i got this idea for the like some of this like i like to how some of it looks like the darker background and then making the uh the function parameters red there was a post on reddit about um someone did like a knicks color scheme or something like that with one dark um and i took some inspiration from that so it's not exactly like that one but i think like you know i really like the background you can see how it's like inverted kind of like the the background for one dark here is like the lighter gray that's in the tree here right and obviously it's kind of like the other way around right except for i think this is a little bit darker um yeah in the background's target yeah yeah that's the one i'm working on now that's the one i i want to be the the base one because i want i really liked one dark there was just a few things i didn't like about one dark i don't i didn't like the red like everywhere i just liked a little bit of it so yeah that's basically that um yo streaming uh yeah what's up man first face cam no no i don't think so uh i have a lot of face cam videos by the way um all of these videos are and unlisted there's tons of videos in my face on them on an unlisted playlist on my youtube channel um i unlist it because it kind of jumps up my channel like to have all these live streams live stream live stream so i wish like youtube had um like videos and then live streams and then like you would click on the live stream section and then all of your live streams would be there and then all of your videos would be in the other one and but it kind of just chunks them all up in the same place so i have an unlisted playlist on my youtube that's where this video will be afterwards by the way like it won't be post maybe i'll post it on my youtube for like a minute i'll make it public um and then i'll i'll unlist it later on hey can i open lvm in in in ann neovide or similar gui um you probably could well i know you could um but it would take a little bit of nonsense so when we know how to do that or if you figure out how to do it let us know but i know you can it's just that we have to figure out how well [Applause] yeah you could i'm just trying to think of like how exactly i would do it because you would have to pass a different config like you'd have to do it how we're doing it i guess abz might know what am i working on um working on um i'm kind of work what do you mean besides lunarvin i'm also one i mean there's lunarvin i'm also working on some blockchain stuff and then a few other things i'm also a one dark fan i currently use nav rasu one dark dot in them but now i'll try one darker because i think the red is really annoying yeah the red always bothered me i don't know what it is what's my job i'm an iot developer at comcast so i do like cameras um like wi-fi extenders uh like door and window sensors all that kind of stuff work on activation for those write a lot of java and do a lot of like aws stuff i don't know just normal back-end software engineer stuff enterprise back-end software engineer stuff so there's a big difference right it's like enterprise is kind of always a little i don't know it's like slower but there's just more junk involved satin discord cool okay so i guess he knows how to do that did i get a new keyboard uh yeah so right now it's got this annoying color thing on it i kind of wanted to just there we go let's see if we can pull it out here but yeah it's like a uh i think yeah that's what it is a keychron and then um i think i got the gatoron browns in there do you use mvim lsp for java yes i do i'll show that everyone always wants to see that i feel like um mock java mode you don't have to do that that's just so that i have a job executable now i don't regularly just have like a job executable without turning on like a profile for java because java is like such a disgusting language um let's see uh do i have a thing yeah this is my first spring boot project i never feel like compelled to write java outside of work so i just use this this was like the first time i ever learned how to do spring boot i did it with like a java brains tutorial or something let's see if it actually starts there you go yeah okay so this is what that looks like with java so if we do like import it's a keyword or it should have like see all these modules and blah blah blah blah like if i do like whatever and then but actually it's even cooler if we get rid of this let me get rid of this and then if i do like hat spring boot application hey you're supposed to well at least i could do this no i guess i can't see that guy was supposed to know that was there and then like import it for me i used to do that all right what did i name it something wrong maybe i it hold up at spring boot application all right that used to auto import i don't know why it doesn't auto import anymore so that's new to me um but i feel like what it should do is if i at least go over it and i do an action i'm wondering am i using yeah well it should be the right one anyway this is me playing around with some stuff um so i'm a little salty that that doesn't work but formatting works you can see then if we go into here we should have other things like if i try to do something like public you know you'll get that i'm trying to think of what else uh if we get rid of like this and you can see like we got a java syntax error there i'm a little salty that the other thing didn't work um the most important thing to me though is that if we go into something like this that we have lombok right so like you can see and it like works with the lsp like you can always have lombok but then it like doesn't work with the lsp um this does so that's nice um yeah so still like it's just really like that doesn't if i do that it won't like auto import ah there it goes why didn't it do the other one why'd it do this yeah okay so it does do that so i'm not a total liar right so weird it used to oh wait that's oh okay that's because that's a spring yeah okay yeah yeah whatever whatever dude i told you i was tired so spring boot application there you go okay so i was wrong all along um another thing though it should do is if we get rid of this and then it says like okay now if i do la on this and the actions you can see down there at the bottom you can press one it'll pull it in for you right so that's pretty neat um like if i do spring application dot oh it didn't oh that's boot application application dot run see that's there it gives you all like the things or whatever else you can do hover on top of things with shift k again like if you have like an error or something like that you can do gl you can see like what the issue is and yeah this is the color scheme in java too so um hey what's up santiago autoimport does work i was just stupid spring boot is actually not that bad way better than c plus plus web framework like boost yeah no i wouldn't dream of writing back ends in c plus flaws or like back ends like web service back ends and c plus plus you know um spring boots still hell though i'd rather use uh well mostly we do lambdas now but we do them in java which it wouldn't be my personal choice but hey um let's see so [Music] speaking of keyboard leds i want to try making my keys light up depending on what can be pressed in neovim it would be like a real life which key yeah it'd be pretty neat actually that would be really cool but i don't know how the hell i would do that right a lot of job i'm sorry for you yeah thank you i'm glad when people get it and they offer me their condolences sadly my keyboard doesn't support such nonsense fair enough have you tried the kinesis advantage 2 keyboard no i have not i haven't tried a lot of keyboards i don't know where you would go to try keyboards right i saw this one it had the low i like i'm on a laptop all day right so laptops don't have these big chunky um keys right and i still wanted a mechanical keyboard so i have a low like has like a low profile right and that's what i really like about it especially because i'm on a mac for work which is like nothing it's the most shallow key press experience ever jet jetbrains mono font really makes linear vim shine maybe i'll try it out again but i just don't want to support jetbrains yeah system 76 launch keyboard is interesting but it's 285 dollars this one was like 70 bucks so but i've heard that it's really nice for a premium uh mechanical keyboard from mechanical keyboard aficionados would it be cool if code actions were in a hover window yeah it would be nice um i think that's up to the mvm jdtls guy matthias i've been trying golang for servers and love it have you tried it no i haven't uh i would i've written a little bit of golang um i know a little bit ago um but i haven't tried it for for servers or anything like that i'm sure i would enjoy it i like go for the most part like from my experiences with it i think it's kind of like the ideal language for back ends like for for micro services right now i i'm trying to think of like a better language in my head for micro services from what i know about multiple languages i think if i was in a perfect world right now i would write my back end and go um github co-pilot um i don't know i think they're kind of i don't know i think it's mostly a gimmick it's neat i guess it's like cool kinda but it's like a gimmick and i i don't really have a lot of use for it i don't think maybe i'm wrong um also they have some shifty practices with that too right so used to be a solutions architect for comcast in london interesting um i don't know i didn't even know we were in london to be fair so how do i avoid carpal tunnel um i guess i'm in my 20s so maybe i have i'm not avoiding it maybe soon i'll you know maybe soon i'll develop it um how much do you earn from youtube per month from just youtube with 13 000 subscribers i'm not gonna like gatekeep you and like not tell you because uh you know but it's not like a ton um probably around two to three hundred when i'm like regularly if i'm regularly uploading three to four hundred dollars a month i think so it's not like it's not like i can live off of youtube but that's like 13 000 subs so i recommend doing it right like i recommend that you do it um like if you want to start a channel it's so there's something to it right um emacs i have a i had a very comprehensive vmax config i like emacs i don't have any issues with emacs i'm not involved in the holy war between them and emacs i think only boomers care that much about those two things but honestly only boomers use emacs anyway so um let's see learn dvorak no can confirm no issues till 30 no platform now comcast voice on demand product okay that's cool i thought like i thought about like trying to join that team at comcast the one for the voice remotes and stuff like that just because i think that the uh voice stuff is neat i watched the recent primogen streams where he tried co-pilot it was actually funny and sometimes a little creepy too i think in a couple of years lots of code is written in such helpers yeah some of it i i don't know where the ai gets to a point where it can architect code though i mean it'd be nice to not have to think about you know how to um like loop through a list in java or something like that right uh my further plan uh for lunarvim 1.0 hopefully soon once i squash some bugs and uh um then i plan on getting pretty heavy into blockchain stuff i'm already getting pretty heavy into learning haskell for plutus and that's been interesting um that's for like the cardano blockchain i i'm not married to any blockchain cardano could die ethereum could die i mean bitcoin i don't think is going anywhere but and monero and uh there's a few others that i like too um that i don't think are going anywhere but then there's like these smart contract platforms and like network of network kind of ones like maybe polka dot or cosmos so anyway uh what's up alberto video on demand oh did i say voice on a man video on a man okay yeah yeah all right well i said i was going to talk about a bug which are the current bugs preventing lunarvin from 1.0 uh no shame november started uh yeah i just haven't changed a little bit i probably should uh anyways like i'll get into the bug one second anyways like in lunar thus far definitely more lightweight than space film it's a lot lighter way than spaceman for sure um but yeah so and also it's i don't know i mean i guess space vim has its place it kind of you know it was one of the inspiring factors obviously for lunarvin since it was around first right um what was i talking about so this okay look at this so you see how when i'm over top of uh like symbols they highlight other kinds of symbols that are similar right like so you can see that list is highlighted with the list you can see that all the strings will be highlighted here id will be highlighted in the scope of this function okay that's fine so that's something that comes from the language server if it supports it now here's the problem if get out of here all right thank you so here's the issue we'll just we'll use a local share lunarvin there alvin okay now if we do it like if we just open up this file and i'll show you how i'm debugging this too you can see okay i'm over top of them it's doing the thing this is my annoyance this is not a horrible bug uh stopping 1.0 for the most part but it's one thing that i would like to get done before 1.0 then i'll go over the fact that we need a windows installer i guess whatever i don't care that much about supporting windows but people feel passionately about it and then there is like a small null ls thing that abz pointed out to me um i don't think it's the end of the world but it i'm sure it's something in the knowledge jose's mind so anyway um okay so you saw that it was doing the highlighting and this is the bug that i'm trying to fix right now now if we do this and then if i open up a file from dashboard because at first i thought it was dashboard that was doing this right all right this still works right but if i open up a file from dashboard using telescope and if i do init.lua nothing it doesn't highlight anything it doesn't give you the document highlight so how was i debugging this uh how does this even work so if you go into lsp if you go into in it you can see this guy right here and it says if the client has resolved capabilities dot document highlight so if your client which is your essentially like in this instance some nekolua or pyrite or ts server or whatever if they support document highlighting then you run this and what it does is it sets up three um highlight groups and gives them you know just these you know generic like highlight color here which i'll probably change in the future and then it sets up two auto commands and an auto command group called lsp document highlight and this buffer thing make sure that it only does it for the like the buffer that you're on that supports it so that's what this like angle bracket buffer thing is so star all the buffer you know for this right and i think this turns off the auto commands for the buffers and whatever i don't care there's two auto commands here there's cursor hold and cursor moved and cursor hold does the document highlighting and when you move your cursor it clears the references right so that's how this works now so you saw that it doesn't work so i was like okay so let's do cursor move let's just set up a thing where i print hi when cursor moves all right so we'll do that we'll define file we'll do this all right you see my cursor is moving a lot you can see hi is down here being printed out all right so if i do message messages you see a million highs because my cursor's moving all the time okay great so now if we go like this and we go into audit commands and cursor hold and for cursor hold we just have there right and what we'll do is you can see if i just open it up regularly i'm holding my cursor and you can see there down there right and so you can see high as i'm moving it and you can see there as i stop and as i stop and you see there you can see the highlight take place now if i do lvim and if i do find file and if i view init why does that auto command not work why does cursor hold no longer work if i open up a file via telescope that's the question so i think that is the thing that we need to figure out um it's a small bug that i doubt everyone thinks is like you know annoying or is annoying enough to like hold up a 1.0 release but for me i want that in there [Music] um hello boomers on emacs indeed yeah yeah i just don't see the draw i guess the emacs but like i i get it like i used to have an emax i just at this point i don't know i think it just tries to do too much i like the document highlight quite a bit yeah i do too but i don't like that you guys will all now be cursed to know that when you open something with uh because i didn't even notice it at first something a lot of people no i don't think anyone's noticed it but me um yeah but i don't know anyway so do you have to enable it somewhere because i've never seen any lsp server do this in my neovim yeah you have to enable it the way that i think i showed you tested cacoon recently and found it super amazing they basically merge visual mode in normal mode neovim have too much cool to use cancun though but i feel like there are stuff to learn okay yeah no i i think caicoon in a better world it would have been probably a better vim but hey um i did notice it stopped working sometimes but no idea why well now we've we've gotten it down to a very small point it it it something mangles or overrides or does something to the cursor hold auto commands every single cursor hold auto command seems to be disabled if i open something up with telescope hey chris machine uh thank you for lunarvin it's amazing any plans to move from compy to cmp and would that bring any advantage i think it would bring advantage um and we do plan on moving over to cmp i'm just waiting until it's stable enough because i don't want to give everybody a broken config who's using lunarvim for the most part like this is the kind of stuff i don't want really people to think about right and and you can be sure that we're thinking about this right like the second cmp came out i knew about it right and probably like five other people on the team knew about it so you can be sure that like if you're using lunarvin we know about all the new cool stuff it's just like and it will get in it's just that um it can't immediately get in because then they'll change the contract on us which will change the contract on you and then things will be confusing and there will be bugs and so it's just like right now compy works um expect cmp probably in the next couple months after it uh is more stable to use i guess uh also i also love to learn haskell for the very same reason oh for plutus that's awesome cool um yeah windows support is on its way all right we'll see i feel like i'm stuck using dvorak i tell people to use it yeah if i was stuck using it yeah do i use windows now started using dvorak last fall would help okay to work who are you people that actually change your keyboard layout what happens when you're at work and then you well maybe you don't work maybe your chat and you don't have to work but um what happens if you're at work and then like i have to use a qwerty keyboard right um pretty weird yeah the bug can tj help with that uh he might be able to i want to see if i can suss it out before i go ask tj about it saw your new logo on discord looks cool did someone help you design it yeah yeah i didn't make any logos um simon he's got like a lizard face uh picture he he or simon weiss i think is his name uh if you go on my twitter you can see in some of my past tweets not that deep in you can see uh how to donate to him and and who is making the logos for me learning dvorak doesn't mean you forget corty yes it does get out of here um are you serious all the muscle memory that i have for qwerty and you think i'll just put my brain in dvorak mode and be fine and then i'll just maybe you're a brain genius but i'm not i would like i had a hard enough time learning qwerty i guess and to get as fast as i am now which is not it's not like i'm some super fast typer um in dvorak i don't know best lightweight nvim lsp you suggest uh i don't know what you mean do you mean the uh servers or do you mean like how to set it up how to set it up is definitely um lsp config yeah the ls nvim lsp config um ah cool what's up sean happy to hear all this yeah cool uh for me the bug doesn't happen if i open files with telescope and then yeah in an existing element instance so maybe your guess is right and it's more of a dashboard thing i'm somewhere between dashboard and telescope but i opened a file with um with dashboard earlier you saw right like if i go and open a file where what what this does let's do it here i guess what this does is if i do lvim and then if i just click configuration what it'll do and like it works all the way up into here so it's working like in the dashboard obviously um and if i click configuration which does it's just like it's just i'm pretty sure it's just colon e and then the file right so i'm opening it from dashboard like that and i'm still i'm still getting cursor hold i just don't get it when i do when i use uh when i use telescope so i don't want to ask tj about it yet before i know if that's a thing but yeah also if using dvorak or are hjk and l all right next to each other let's see colmac that's another scheme maybe maybe we're going with coq though what's coq i would like to see something like lunarvin for zsh trying to get out of my z show i did a video on that here you want to see a plugin manager in csh that's only like maybe less than 10 lines long dot zs hrc and how do i do this yeah so we got zsh add plugin and actually i don't think i can jump to it right now but where that is is uh let's do it's here so if you want to add a plug-in here's your whole plug-in manager right it's nine lines along i guess yeah so you you can add plugins just like this with these lines right here i have no problems by the way no issues whatsoever and what it does is it puts them in this plugins directory and so i just have a few in here that i use and then if you open your z shell rc you just invoke it like z shell add plug-in uh you just pass it like a normal plug-in like almost like how it would be in neovim or whatever and that's all you have to do so it's it's like i don't even know dude what oh my z shell is but it's like the biggest most bloated mess i've ever seen and your terminal tries to sell you t-shirts and update and all these things it's like a nightmare um it took me two months to reach faster speeds with qwerty so yeah your brain will hurt a little for the first month i would assume all vim binds are different oh no yeah i just can't like i sometimes standards are worse right like i'm sure that cacoon like the way that it's thought about and like all these concepts with it and stuff like that i'm sure it's like better than vim i'm sure it's even better than neovim at its core right um two things that it doesn't have going for it is a name that is like like i want to say like i don't only want to say cacoon and then the other thing it doesn't have going for it is um uh the fact that it just isn't the standard right like it's not the one that everybody already knows um that seems true with like for instance like maybe even like cryptocurrencies right like a lot of people say like bitcoin satoshi vision for instance is like a better bitcoin or a bitcoin cash is a better bitcoin or whatever is a better bitcoin right but none of them have the branding and none of them have the network right new question but is lua line supposed to pretty much work out of the box after plugging and putting it in unit can't get it set up to show for the life of me um i don't know i never actually set up lua line uh chang did that so i don't know i set up galaxy line but uh we got rid of that and i wasn't part of that so i don't know how easy or hard it is to set a blue line i assume it's pretty easy though it's probably just like any other plugin once you get a feel for installing plugins it it's not that it's usually not that different than like all the other ones try to open a different file with telescope it opens it's the same thing it doesn't matter what file i open with it trust me in dvorak you use jk on the lower part of your left hand and hl on your right hand that's kind of cool yep i saw the video you didn't got around to migrating 100 now okay cool cool what's my typing speed um i don't know i have no idea i have never checked coq is the python rpc completion plugin might be a bit sfw though okay uh maybe i did see that oh that's the chad that's uh [Laughter] uh i'm not saying that but yeah that's funny as um i'm not sure what scripting for cocoon is like yeah i don't know what kind of scripting engine they have or whatever they're using uh was the first thing that i found is from the same person that did chad tree yeah that guy that guy is a chad though i love i love his commun commit messages like unironically i think they're hilarious and i think it's really funny and cool i wish there was the same default like lua yeah but chris we can make cacoon big together well again i you know in a world where i had infinite time and infinite resources yeah sure but um right now i have to um i have to i have to focus most of my time on lunarvin because again it's already somewhat successful and then i have to focus on other things too also i have a job if you can uh pay me like enough money like a salary then i'll work on cacoon with you also the title holder of best works get commission i think it's best get commenstry on github i'm trying to put together a dockerized envelope that's portable to be used on anything that can run docker images pre-packaged with plug-in um we have a docker image for for lunarvim check it out it's in uh i think it's in the utils folder maybe maybe it should be more obvious and like not in the utils folder but um i don't know i just some dude came and packaged it up and if we go here utils i don't know if it works for sure docker and you got a docker file and yeah i think it just runs this script here and there you go installs lunarvim from master though which is not going to be the good lunar wait a second yes it's installing the master branch so that's not going to be good until 1.0 comes out um why did i switch from galaxy line to lula line glepner is not around anymore i don't even know if i'm saying his name right and uh i think i don't know i don't think any of them are like faster than any of the other ones uh but like lua line is being actively developed on so that's why i swapped over that um please select question that you answered uh if you have a question re-ask it because i don't know that i have selected re-ask the question because i don't know what question you're talking about please select question that you answered i don't know um hello am i too late um i don't know too late for what uh you probably missed the meat of the stream now i'm just kind of talking about stuff uh might tweak that uh yeah tweak it if there's something better um or something you want to do or maybe even add a rolling one or something like that i run master because packer's broken on mac os and rolling fails installing still great though interesting really mac os works for me that's interesting though i don't know because i'll challenge you on that because i use mac os for work and uh rolling i use rolling every day for java we would appreciate any pr's for it though since it's pretty basic image like use stage builds and different bases for different languages and so on yeah that would be neat too like if you had a docker image like just a lunarvim docker image for python just imagine you just pull down like a docker image like lunarvin python or whatever else uh what have i missed been using lunarviv work excellent by the way oh great i use it for work too um [Music] you just missed me going over a bug like i i've root cause i've come closer to a root cause of a bug and then color scheme and a few other things uh it's just kind of a short stream i'm just answering questions making sure everyone knows i'm still around working on this um i'm on big sur i think and it's working for me so i use brew that has a dependency package broken cba to compile it all interesting do you know of any pin entry pine entry pin entry implementations for any of them i don't know what a pin entry implementation is they mean highlight the questions that you're answering currently oh please select questions that uh like this okay yeah sure no problem i think i was doing that earlier um do they did they give me a mac and my mac lover no no no i got my system 76 here dude and i love my system 76 computer this thing you know what i really like about it my macbook at work right my wrist goes like this when i try to hold it like with one hand but this thing is so freaking light it's like less than a pound uh my macbook is probably like i don't know like maybe 20 pounds in my hand and i don't think it's 20 pounds but it's heavy right pen entry is for gpg password input no not that i know of any good tiling window manager for mac i would just use i would just use the magnet extension that's about as far as i would take it people have you buy you buy e or whatever the hell it's called the abbey or something i would personally wouldn't even bother um there's an eovm binary installer available on the repo if anyone like to use it works for mac os 2. yeah there's that too i occasionally use lunarvim at work on big sur as well i always go back to vs code to do pr reviews though because i just haven't been able to get octa to work right now that's fair i've been playing around with octo um but i haven't uh i haven't like really used like used it i don't know you buy is great but it's not good is that because it's great or it's terrible i forgot to start highlighting the things i was answering anyway so let's see so what's the issue with that i have no idea like is there something i can look up inside of like if we go into site which is all where all the plugins live we're going to start we open up uh what is it telescope nvm and then if maybe we i don't care what file i open because i'm just going to search for something when i get in here search text for cursor hold yeah nothing and maybe then if we go dashboard and then dashboard is dashboard and optional i think it is dashboard nvme search text curse cursor well there's cursor moved hmm whoops that's the only place this thing is it's an auto command under dashboard for cursor moved and then this call set cursor i wonder like if i just got rid of that order command oh wait we just want to do elven not elven melvin elvin find file ah that still doesn't work i don't know yeah tried commenting out nothing really happened do telescope auto command okay yeah that's a good idea actually well isn't there okay well i'll do that where's telescope okay and cursor there's an anonymous hold up uh one second that's a good idea actually i don't think to do that um telescope auto commands cursor i don't know what that's complaining about curser um there's something for octo there hold up oh damn it okay i guess it's just completely fuzzy matching i'm assuming there's no more than this these are the three so we have some anonymous one we have a couple from octo but other people are seeing this too and i'm assuming that they don't have symbol outline installed and cursor hold right i i don't think these would be the problem not that i know for sure but i like linux vim would love to use dwm but i also love mac os mac os is comfy but once i realized i could get all of the same gestures and gnome pretty much um on my laptop i didn't mind anymore it's mvm tree how could it be inventory how could it be envemotree how is that even possible that it could be inventory are you just saying that or just the get me more just frustrated with mvm tree or is that true don't tell me that's mvim tree because that thing dude every it's gonna be my new go-to like oh is something wrong okay well what's wrong with what's wrong with envymotory then we should fork inventory it's just that it's so big as far as i know it's just it's like when i was looking at it i was like i don't understand what this thing is doing uh search text cursor it doesn't have anything okay i was about to say bring chad trio into the chat do you recommend new york vinwicki for taking notes um i just like let me show you how i take notes i i'm not against it here's my issue i think it'd be neat to kind of have it i guess but like okay so like if i'm taking notes for the most part i just bring my blog everywhere i go right and like maybe all these notes and things like that are useful for someone right but then i just have like one folder called content it's all written in markdown and so if i do alvim dot in here i can just open i like if i want to add a new topic i'll just add a new directory and then if i want to add something under a topic like blockchain and then like your first smart contract here i'll just write it in markdown and then what the best part about my notes is if because they're on a website is that if i go to my blog i can just go to my topics click on blockchain and then like there you go you know what i mean like first smart contract and then i can just read it on my phone wherever i want or i can read it at work or i can read it wherever right so i think people i don't know like i don't have like a lot of notes like just randomly scattered on my computer or something like that right um typically if i write notes down too i usually assume that they'll be helpful for other people as a software engineer and software developer and guy who's into technology so it's also useful to have them be public so i think a lot of people are really worried about like the mechanics of taking notes right but like simple markdown files that you can just post to the internet for me is all i need out of notes i think the other ones are cool it's just that like none of them do mark down just like plain mark down you know as far as i know um i didn't see mvm tree head cursor moved maybe that was the anonymous one but i didn't see it even when i opened up inventory a second ago yeah i was about to be very angry where's the rained asmr sounds why is life so hard how can i get out of latin america um the rain asmr sounds i forgot about those uh why is life so hard i don't know dude how do you get out of latin america uh do you really want to come to america right now man america is a freaking nightmare um it's the whole world's going to be a police state in like a minute anyway so i feel like i'd rather be in latin america it depends where in latin america um but yeah mvm tree is a file tree plugin right yeah yeah let's see hey chris what's going on leonard why am i not using lua line in lvm i am using lua line uh vimwiki can do plain markdown yeah but how's it going to help me just do my simple flow that i have for my notes why would i complicate things uh i thought it was under the cursor as well in the file you opened but also check telescope again okay i'll check telescope again go to the bitcoin volcano citadel in ecuador yeah like why would you not go there dude go to bitcoin beach uh actually if i had to give anyone any advice for uh making it in the future um i i would i would totally buy a ton of bitcoin i dude it's less than eight bitcoin i think it's like three bitcoin dude yeah latin america's having trouble right now um but dude okay you say any first world country man i don't know man i don't think i'd want to be in australia right now i don't like i don't know i don't think i'd probably want to be in argentina either right now to be fair but i definitely wouldn't want to be in australia um i definitely wouldn't want to be in a lot of these like first first world countries man you really want to be in like china you really want to be that's china for a whole country do you really want to i think it is do you really want to be in like um there's some places in america i guess america is not super bad right now i'm probably just complaining like you know it's not that bad if you're like a software guy in america like you're chilling you're working from home you're doing nothing um but i don't know man it's gonna be a nightmare like all the currencies are about to collapse i would buy a ton of bitcoin and monero if you wanted to play it really safe and just hold on to that for dear life on a private key wait for the storm to pass over and the new world order to take over and you should be fine um vim wiki feels too complicated yeah just it feels a little complicated for me too how's brazil is brazil any worse any better i don't know if brazil's like so there's probably good places in brazil but i'm assuming there are some trouble spots switzerland is like paradise compared to most first world countries yes switzerland is what i would like consider a first world country like i wouldn't i would barely consider america like i guess it is i would consider some parts of america to not at all be first world countries like if you were on the outskirts of like l.a or even some places in philly um you're not standing around like you're not you're not a first world country you know um switzerland seems really nice brazil is shot alright well that sucks man um sweden i don't know if i would go to sweden personally i'm sure there's some nice places in sweden but sweden's not my cup of tea um i like my first world germany again i don't think i'd want to be in germany either definitely what about australia do we have any australians here are you guys enjoying your um your like quarantined fema camps how about mars yeah mars seems alright mars would be legit because we'd have like that fresh slate you know and uh we could we can screw it up all over again things are getting darker they're getting darker everywhere though they're they're things are getting things are troubles brewing everywhere you know any aussies in shot that's what i'm looking for is the aussies conspiracy theories what do you mean conspiracy theories bro these are not conspiracy theories they're conspiracy facts um chili's good now yeah tell me about the good i where i'm thinking is like go to some good latin america country right now and just wait out the storm um nairobi kenya i heard kenya was all right in some places finland maybe i don't know anything about finland and it might be too close to sweden though brazil is the best place if you live far from the cities that's most places i want to go to some asian countries though not north america uh japan would probably be nice why would you move to australia right now man what yeah inflation's all over the world right now so i'll let you know she gets put in the camp sorry yeah do let me know um i'm swedish living in montreal working remote for an american company which is quite good swedish living in montreal okay working for an american company interesting yeah i feel like things are gonna get more international like that in the future anyway i wonder how many people outside of america work at american companies all argentina brazil and uruguay are absolutely gorgeous yeah but latin america as a whole is not having a great time it's not but the biggest problem latin america has had for the longest time has been um and it's the biggest problem a lot of places have had which is just like a stable currency right and i you know i think that's kind of what the world is working on solving right now because uh well that's my opinion do you know of any way to sync vim's integrated formatting with lsp formatters it's really annoying when vim likes to do its own thing and i don't want it to i only use lsp formatters so that's basically what i do when starlink is up and running i'm moving to antarctica yeah antarctica is interesting um it's interesting because like no one can go there right so like does anyone live in antarctica is there any like is there anyone like just hanging out there and like is there like a town in antarctica or like something i don't think there's like cities or anything right but is there like outskirts or is it all just ice is it like i don't know about antarctica romania i don't know anything about romania either romania might as well be in antarctica um how do you manage notes in vim i just showed you my website live in brazil and work for a uk company interesting actually whoever's trying santiago get a tech job i don't know how old you are but get into computer science yeah any any does that work on them antarctica anyone here from antarctica mcmurdo station i guess that's in antarctica okay there's a lot of bases in antarctica from all the countries but bases aren't like places to like live though right like i'm assuming they're very like military and locked down like all that kind of thing right log seek is by far the best false note taking app i've used for what it's worth um what is it log lock seek block seek can i immediately spell this wrong after just reading it oh yep i did i spelled it like how i sounded log seek log seek okay privacy first open source knowledge base oh this is really neat actually can i do with them ah you can edit the same markdown and org mode wow i gotta pay for it i'm not doing that okay you don't have to pay for it this actually looks really cool can i like publish it as a website live demo welcome to things it's pretty i'll have to check it out if i can use vim to write it that actually looks pretty cool nobody really lives in antarctica the only population is comprised of scientists researchers who live there for periods of time and turn how come nobody lives there is it too cold you think someone would want like if people live in like alaska you'd think someone would go build like a hipster tiny home in antarctica and then like make a video and why doesn't luke live in antarctica i nearly tried all the famous ones interesting antarctica is based oh yeah because it's got bases what's up el alpana i'm learning java python and linux in general just to live a normal life i'm 20 and i guess i'm not that old now you're super young dude i um when i was getting my electrical engineering degree um i was i got i graduated when i was 23 it took me five years because i was playing around doing stupid so it took me five years to get my degree so i graduated when i was 23. and um a lot of the people that i was in school with were like 28 32 34 30 something you know i there's even some people who were like in their 40s uh who all lived a life and um [Music] like did a whole bunch of stuff and then the world changed around them and they're like i gotta go back and get a technical degree so if you're 20 and you can write code just get really really really good at some niche code and you'll be fine like some niche thing that like is active like become like a savage react developer create a giant portfolio something like that yeah i thought the uh log seat does look cool i'm gonna have to i have to give that a closer look if i can use vim who showed me this hatsu okay hatsu can i write i'm assuming i can write neo vim since you use lunarvin well they're gonna need more and more um cs people and i don't want to put you down like um a crazy rabbit hole but blockchain stuff is is basically gonna be the future it's gonna either amazon will have to change to be like entirely blockchain based in the future or they'll just get eaten alive by the market so like it's gonna kill a lot of things so i mean now it maybe it's not the best time maybe you should play it safe just learn like web dev stuff or something but yeah not sure about why to be honest i believe there's no real town or anything at all probably this there's not a single tree there in antarctica okay then go plant trees dude in the i guess the ice i don't know there's got to be grass and ground and dirt and you could plant pine trees they live in the cold so there could be there's trees in antarctica there's got to be at least one tree in antarctica i refuse to believe that we should figure out why no one lives in antarctica how did you find out about vim i needed to edit something on my computer and i wanted to do it in the terminal because i was learning the terminal so then i learned vim in the terminal because and then then i did all this dirt and ice not a single tree i know people have been there all right i don't believe you i want a second opinion uh what's up chris what's going on ecravo and cravo kravo maybe i don't know how to say that what am i working on now i'm working on lunarvim and blockchain stuff that's basically what what i'm doing oh it's an l that doesn't help me say your name any better la cravo oh you're um change it later yeah yeah because um you're uh you're the other guy on github you're one of the um lunar vim dubs because everyone's got a different name and then i come in between like i'll be on github and i'm like you're a med and then i'm on somewhere else in here el cravo i don't know okay fernando um do you have a vid where you talk about the future of blockchain no but um the future of blockchain is it's going to make a lot of people extremely rich so just [Music] figure it out um it's always again i don't believe you this is fake news there's no ice in antarctica um [Music] no trees there there are no trees and ice really there's no trees in iceland at all again i refuse to believe that so it's really neat and has a minimal interface also local files wow can i post it like a website like when after i'm done making it um if you scroll back in the beginning uh basically what we went over is the new color scheme stuff we're going over this bug but i don't know how to fix this bug right now i don't really know what the hell the issue is i've narrowed it down to the fact that cursor hold right here is the problem child so basically the bug is that if i do this and if i do find file with telescope and then if you can see high and there and all that stuff so when my cursor moves it's going to print high and when i hold it it's going to print there and then if i do pop up whatever and see i don't see how there never prints if i open something with telescope from the dashboard so that auto command any auto command under cursor hold will not work uh the issue with this is that if we just open up this sure right and if we open it up regular see this highlighting depends on cursor hold working so that's how we have like this highlighting working and you see that we print there now so if i open something up with telescope it doesn't work um also if you missed the beginning of the stream we just kind of went over a new color scheme features uh other fun stuff nothing nothing crazy and now we're arguing about whether or not antarctica has trees um it's because of the antarctic treaty system that's why they have no trees um legend says superman's fortress is still in of a quantum of solace or whatever they need people to figure out finally got you live what's up april um why do you use arch linux does it take a long time to set up now arch install takes like five seconds if i wasn't uh tired i would literally install it like okay okay you wanna install arch linux like really easy now you just open up just install it whatever get the bootable usb drive put it on virtualbox put it on hard bare metal whatever and then um just type arch install arch dash install and it'll just walk you through everything um why do you use yeah i think i answered that a bunch of united nations bs yeah yeah yeah there won't be ice in antarctica if people keep on running blockchains well that's only first of all i disagree obviously um second of all um i think what you're gonna see is you're actually you know how there's this meme that um bitcoin is it takes an entire country to mine bitcoin whatever to to keep the mining operation alive for bitcoin whatever it doesn't matter um you're gonna see that meme absolutely get flipped on its head and people are gonna say bitcoins extremely green in the future and so my thinking for this is that the same way that like uh oh we went to the moon and when we went to the moon we learned all these new technologies because we had to go to the moon so the there all these new things were invented that we could be useful here on earth because we had to go to the moon right so bitcoin is in the same way right so like bitcoins gonna be oh we had to come up with green energy and electric this and uh solar panels and whatever niagara falls energy because um we have we have to find creative ways to do sustainable mining right and that's where i think the meme is going to be in the future uh you will you know you can argue with it but just watch it come to fruition i guarantee go to your six tag open up a new tag look up antarctica and see for yourself and our tick how do you spell antarctica antarctica trees dude see there's all kinds of trees in antarctica there's palm trees even look at this penguins palm trees myth busted dude i should have bet money on it um let's see you can just use it in markdown mode it also supports front matter you can set up all sorts of templates as well but it's written in closure and closure sucks well um actually no i haven't had any issues with arch install honestly i don't use any of the log sec notion or blah blah blah um all shell scripting for the win that's fair i thought it looked cool with the little map thing what do you use for pseudo right in neovim i just opened neovim with sudo um if i forget to do that then i get really angry and yell um hey chris do you use tmux no i use a window manager pseudo edit is great for pseudo editing all right fair enough the larch is not large i don't even know what this stands for right exactly um anyway so this stream has quickly devolved into antarctic trees and bitcoin and nonsense now so i'm probably gonna end it um if you i guess i don't have a lot of stuff up but you can go to you can check out my blog here and you can find all my social medias and stuff like that up here um if you're looking for lunarvim go down here organization you can also just look up lunarville i'm sure it comes up and lunarvin lives here and you can check it out um if you want to donate to the channel you can sponsor me over on github i have a patreon it's in the link in the description i also i'm streaming this most of you guys are on youtube but some of you guys are over on twitch i'm also streaming this on twitch so check it out over there um yeah so i think that's pretty much it for this um i'll look uh i'm not saying i want to say like chad's thing but it's just like nah i'm not saying that it's too stupid that's why i can't use it but uh the completion thing might be neat i might have to check that out in the future um anyway that's my doorbell too so yeah so a new color scheme you guys can check it out if you're interested uh if anyone figures out that cursor hold bug let me know and um yeah so if you do figure it out or if you want to talk to me at all i'm pretty active in the discord um it's also a matrix bridge and a few other things i think i have just too many social medias now maybe we should start a telegram channel too anyway i'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: ChrisAtMachine
Views: 2,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chrisatmachine, neovim, treesitter, lua, init.lua, init.vim, eslint, prettier, efm, language server, snippets, archlinux, linux, dwm, suckless, simple terminal, st, lunarvim
Id: tD4a_qkO3O0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 24sec (5304 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 28 2021
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