[NeoFly4] Tips and How to Make Money PT2!!

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[Music] thank you songs [Music] adding in some of the newest features um including some of the stuff that has been added in the recent updates and also looking at more of an advanced way of how we can look at getting some serious cash for those people wanting to go into buying the 737s and that sort of thing where realistically if we have a look at the sort of prices for those they're looking at like the 20 millions or so on and so forth so I've been doing a little bit of research over the past few weeks and also I've had one of the members on neofly who's quite current on the Forum getting contact with me and uh they actually gave me an idea into what other ways we can look at making some money potentially with the types of people that only really have like an hour of of flying um every so often they can put in had a look at it and realistically you know whenever you tend to do a neo-fly flight unless you're in it for the long haul during the day you know I when I first started flying I got in got into it quite a bit did loads of flights throughout the day spent quite a few hours and so on and so forth flying then I feel as you get further into neofly you actually end up sort of that amount of time you spend on flying uh sort of levels out a little bit and what I mean by that is realistically you probably look at a about an hour a day or an hour a time that you uh you generally fly on it um so you know by the time that you've done sort of 15 minutes getting the Microsoft flight simulator set up you go through the system get airborne fly to a destination or pick your Marketplace and so on and so forth land and then log off you're probably looking at about 60 minutes or an hour for uh for a flight and that's pretty much realistically what the average person I would say can deal with um definitely not every day every couple of days maybe so this um video is really looking at into how we can progress our money making in the effect that even if you gave neo-fly 10 minutes a day you would be able to accumulate a certain a set amount of money um a week so just off the bat a couple of a couple of great things neofly or some good introduction or or good additions so that should I say that's happened um in the past month or so from the updates for those of you who don't know about the updates what you can do is with neofly if you haven't got them on Discord please please please get them on Discord this is where everything happens all the updates happen um all the uh all you know all the bugs that can be reported so please if you're one of the people that has purchased Neo fly and hasn't gone to Discord or at or you know doesn't do Discord I know there's all there's you know loads of stuff out there twitch um you know you've got YouTube You've Got loads of stuff but if you're one of those people that has downloaded neofly please please please um get onto their Discord because it's basically where all the Early Access content is happening for neofly 3 um help as well as well as obviously the up and comer which is obviously neo-fly 4 which I've switched over onto and this main part in the Discord here the announcements and are the neo-fly updates is basically uh the main area that gets put up when there is a an update for neofly you know Neo here puts on the one on today in fact Early Access bug fix I haven't actually downloaded this one yet I will do afterwards um and it gives us the link down here that you can pretty much download it straight away so it's nice and easy so it's a really really good thing to do on top of that you've got the community help here which um you can get uh loads of people coming in for neofly 3 and Neo flow 4 and they put Post in here with problems that they've had and if you have Neo fly 4 if you send your message off to Neo you will get a or calero here or one of the admins you can get access to the pilot office here which is uh the main stream for neofly 4 and Reporting bugs or if anybody needs any help so what I've basically done is I've scrolled through this seen what the majority of people have been asking about recently and I am doing a video on it because my last one did quite well uh for the introduction of neofly so what we are going to do is straight off the bat if you want to look at my last video that tells you how to set up neofly how to download it this is now going into some of the finer details the 40th anniversary now for the aircraft just so you know um you can uh all those aircraft have now been implemented so I've been lucky enough now to purchase the Douglas DC3 which is what I will do my next video on which I'm really excited about I'll go into an intro of how to start the DC3 and we'll probably end up doing a market flight on it right so uh one of the first things that is actually quite old I didn't do it in my last video but if you have an aircraft that you are not too too sure whether you can find it in the marketplace don't forget to check on this tool down here and where it says Microsoft flight simulator aircraft add-ons make sure that you check on the aircraft here and tick the ones that you have in game because they will not show up on um the marketplace if you want to buy aircraft if you do not have them checked here for example here you know I've got the fly simware Cessna 414 so if I was to put in Cessna 414 here or not um let's put fly Sim well it will work I promise four one four there we go so these are all the four one fours here uh because I've checked that box and I have the fly somewhere 414 and as you know from my previous videos this is the one that I've been flying the most out of it at the moment so yeah please please please check this out um the this is obviously making sure that now that we have the DC3 or the Douglas for the 40th anniversary you've now got them in here now as a tip if you were trying to locate a Douglas DC3 this will only be in the immediate vicinity of where your pilot is at this current moment in time this is not all the Douglas dc-3s that are that you can find in the world so one of the things that a lot of people are asking on the Forum including myself I actually asked it as well is how do I find an aircraft that I I'm not 100 that is not showing up on here so originally I had no dc3s I could only rent them however what you do need to do is a bit like the marketplace you need to go on to the marketplace here and go around and find out and click on all the different places that you can see okay um and then what that will allow you to do is effectively go into different places so for example what you need to do is start taking a note of all the different airport identity tags for example are lfrn for example lfov and what you need to do is put them in here lfrn and if you keep doing this what it will do is it will save the aircraft that you need that basically that you have not been able to find before so there's two ways you can do this what you can do is you can effectively fly to the airport so if you fly to an airport you haven't been to before it will automatically pre-populate this um uh the marketplace here or what you need to do is basically get a piece of paper down and just write a whole load of these um Iko reference airport codes by doing that basically what you're doing is self-populating this and then when you go to find the Douglas Dakota for example or a bn2 uh trilander because you have searched all these places like I did before I've got loads of trialanders to find or I've managed to find a load of trilanders so please don't think that in the marketplace at the moment there is only what was it before there was only four if I could type properly that'd be nice uh there's only you know five Douglas Dakotas all over the world there's not these are just the places that I've either flown to recently or I have um typed in their their codes and basically what generally what you can do is if you put EG in and then two extra numbers DN for example Delta November there we go uh we got a pit special uh there I don't know DF I don't know where any of these places are but you can just uh locate them D.A there we go there's a tiger moth and a blackbird simulations dh2 Beaver okay DW you can populate areas and then if you know it takes you five minutes or so but you'll be able to find another Dakota e g f n there we go there's some more aircraft there and what it will do is just self-populate the it's a bit like the marketplace you've got to go to places or click on them to self-populate which therefore means it basically populates this area up here so if you want to find phones uh for example um it will go through all the all the places that I've clicked on for four phones um it's obviously running a little bit slow but yeah you obviously get the uh get the gist of it um for me so I'll just let uh let Neo fly load it's obviously running a little bit slow today yeah so that's the first major thing right another major uh aspect to it is you now being able to move your Pilots around places and what that means is um when you go down to your pilot icon here you can now move your Pilots to different areas the good thing for this is obviously if you buy an aircraft in a in a specific location now you can now send a particular pilot to that area are you you can move it and you can even move it in such a way that you move it to an actual aircraft or you move it to an actual uh airport down here so that's a really good added feature in now um another thing that you uh may not know about is if you for example send an AI aircraft or Pilot off to different locations you can tick this box here which basically means that if you have three or four different locations the air the pilot will keep flying to those locations because he will chain the jobs together I generally do this however um what you do have to be careful is of their uh is the health that they have so for example if you do a really far out flight um you will uh probably complete that flight however you may only have 20 Health left and more often than not if you fly something with that low Health they will fail so just be mindful of where if your training um or if you're chaining flights together then you need to be mindful of the health of your Pilots now the good thing for this it's not just your AI Pilots you can do this with you can also do it with your own pilot yourself you can change your call sign now and you can also change the location to your pilot you can either go to a hub you can go to an aircraft uh an airport sorry or you can go to one of the airports that you have purchased or you are renting so plea by doing that obviously I've gone on to the pilot icon here or your own pilot and you can click move to a pilot uh move pilot to a new location and then you can also check down now here at the moment of what achievements you have managed to get um and I am not doing very well on this front but you also need to know that these are um big big achievements uh that you need to try and try and get Okay so that is the main updates for neofly that's really happened apart from a load of bugs but I'm not one of those people that goes through all the bugs it's in early for access at the moment there's bound to be bugs all I would say is please please go to the Discord because by going to the Discord you can highlight the bug section what that means is basically down here you have bug reports down here for the uh for the testing and please you can put your bug reports in here or go to the pilot office where notoriously one of the moderators or the admins will be able to uh help quite specifically for for you or at least give you uh a option if it is potentially something your computer is doing or if it is in fact a bug that has now been reported then they can then log it okay going into the money side of things I've done a little bit of research with um looking at uh potentially how well I fly uh what my general flying capability is and what I mean by capability I mean more than lines of how I like to fly so like I was saying before I like to realistically give Microsoft flight simulator and Neo fly an hour of my time whether that be an hour a day which it pretty much isn't because uh I don't generally do that more often than not it's maybe a couple of hours a week that I give but I want what I want to know is the fact that I'm constantly having a money stream I may only be able to dedicate my uh an hour properly to Microsoft flight simulator of flying wise however I want to know that I'm continuously rolling in uh rolling money in because I'm going to be around my computer of course it's in my uh it's in my house or my location which therefore means that if I can give 15 minutes to neofly I can are quite comfortably make up a sum of money um and keep that rolling throughout the days that I'm not actually flying and the way we do this is basically buy AI Pilots okay now from the very beginner people you will find that my first video basically goes on to the best thing that you can do how the uh you go from a small aircraft I would always suggest that you sell that small aircraft you then buy an aircraft potentially like a turbo Arrow if you have it or um one of the aircrafts that our you know have quite a good payload um but you also want something that you're not taking ages to fly anywhere a Super Cub is really really good it doesn't have the most amount of payload but it also means you can get into pretty much any aircraft and it's really really good at transporting caviar around once you do that your next protocol is realistically either the Cessna Grand Caravan to rent it or a Cessna cj4 now I've had a look into it realistically your next protocol is to rent a Cessna cga4 and what if we put cj4 in here you'll be able to know the types of money that you can you can effectively get and realistically you're looking at a thousand pound deposit on a Cessna cj4 which will take a little bit to go to guide but don't forget that if you wanted to you do have your loans that you can use down here so for example your first rank you can take out a 50 000 pound loan um or this loan here you have and I'm still actually on this loan here at the moment I can actually pay it back if I wanted to which I will do okay so you then have at your um next rank or your level two rank you can take out a 5 000 pound loan and then when your uh level three I can't remember what they're called but when you're a captain you can then actually take a million pound loan if you sell your da42 straight off the bat you can get about 300 it is between about 200 and 300 000 okay so with all of this you can actually pick up a cj4 quite easily I have two you can get quite a few um so with this current moment in time I have my Cessna 414 which is my own personal pilot and I've just purchased the Douglas D3 DC3 these will realistically be the ones that I'll be doing my YouTube or continue to do my YouTube ones I've brought to see our Cessna cj4s and I have a Britain Norman Islander now I feel that this is the best combination that I have for money and I'm not talking about serious serious money what I'm talking about is your next level and I'm basically talking about the sort of sums where realistically if you were to do this a day you would make up about 500 000 pounds or 500 000 a day if you were to do what I show you once a day so therefore if you were to do that over a week you would be looking at about three about 3.5 million um a week and you could sum that up however if you were to do this twice a day then that would look at in the regions of you getting about seven million a week which realistically means in about two weeks time you would be looking at um somewhere in the regions of 14 million in two weeks so very very quickly you would be able to um get your you know your Boeing 737 just by doing this straight off the bat remember you would potentially have to um limit that sum you'd probably be at the regions of about three hundred thousand uh uh a day uh by doing this once or or twice now when I say by doing it once or twice what I mean is obviously there is a time frame on on this it is the time frame that your AI Pilots are flying and recouping health so straight off the bat what I'm going to do is I'm just going to go off here so my AI pilot what I have currently done is I've brought a Cessna cj4 with this person here what you need to do is when you're buying Pilots please please please make sure when you apply when you are buying Pilots you are buying the more expensive Pilots okay what you are looking for is your high dexterity and high efficiency rate your dexterity basically what it means is is um it gives you better landing and maneuvering uh bonuses and also you have better Long Life Flight and endurance the efficiency one is very very good for this type of money building spec to the game because what it means is your health won't drop as much which means you'll be able to do longer flights now in this type of thing what we're trying to do is we are trying to maximize money but also do it as quickly as possible obviously it's not going to be that that quick because the flights are going to be long So when you buy your pilot down here it's completely fine now because what you can do is when you buy one like Rascal for example you can buy your cj4 you can go go up here purchase you see your cj4 wherever you want to one of these um and then you then are purchase Rascal for example and then you send him over to your cj4 your new cj4 and it will be somewhere it will then pre-populate where he is so for example I've now just brought Rascal and I've located the cesna cj4 which I've brought in uh wherever this area is here uh is Echo Papa Bravo Yankee so he is now there what I am now looking at is the weight of what a cj4 can fly in I am first off making sure that Rascal is at 100 health which is another thing to make sure that you do this whenever they're 100 health roughly you want a Cessna cj4 has a maximum of about 2 000 miles that's what it can do on the majority of fuel that it's got okay with weight because the more fuel you put on the less weight you can transfer I.E the less money so if you didn't know whenever you use this bar here you can only go up to a maximum of a thousand by double clicking on the distance it then allows you to input whatever distance you want I always put in 2000 for the cj4 and this then populates all the areas that you want okay generally what I will do is I will look at two areas that I can that are quite far out that I know he can do okay foreign so these two here are perfect okay you have a distance of uh about 250 kilometers between the two and they are two which don't need a lot of poundage and look at the price that you're going to get okay the next thing that I'm looking for is to make sure that they are long enough runways okay so some things you need to be in uh into take into consideration if the airport that you are flying to does not have a fuel icon that means that you will pay triple the amount of uh fuel to fuel the aircraft up because neofly takes into consideration that you have to get fuel from outside of the aircraft so they times the fuel by three that can be anywhere from eight to ten thousand you know to fully fuel up a cj4 is about five thousand so you're looking realistically about 15 grand if you then have to fly somewhere with this if you then look at doing a big flight again so what I do again is I just have a I have a look around to make sure so there's two here these are quite close together these two again don't have fuel and they're lesser money you can I will leave it up to you guys to obviously float around and see what you can find sometimes you'll get them sometimes I will just do one flight I will send them off on one flight this down here is generally they are quite good 287 000 for 1 366 and then three hundred and eighteen thousand you will take into um consideration aircraft fees uh you know our Landing fees aircraft fees and fuel what I generally look at is I look at probably along the lines of taking about 50 000 off each one of these flights however today when I do this now I am looking at getting somewhere in the region of probably five hundred thousand pound for this flight today off one Cessna cj4 Okay so I will click him and then I will click him okay so what I generally do is I don't chain them I make sure that he is not chained okay because I want him to get healed up at least above fifty percent by the time that he then flies to here so this would potentially mean that you could chain him and it may it may work that he gets two flights however if you fail one more often not the aircraft the air the pilot will always succeed in the other so it is good to try and have two ones that are close together you can even if you can do three look so this is three here the only thing that I have to take into consideration is my fuel so I buy my fuel down here okay and then I then have this one for a hundred and you know for this one that's here now which I I won't be able to buy because I've got too much fuel now okay um but it is it is good to take into consideration that you've got you know that you have too close by so make sure that you know that you don't do all three on the fuel that you have or else you won't have the fuel to do it so make sure you fuel the aircraft up beforehand so I've now done that I am now going to triply make sure that his health is full the aircraft is full and I'm going to send him on his way so that now means that Rascal is taking off now he's going so that is I would say a guaranteed 300 000 that I'm gonna get if he does both that's that's well into the 2000s okay and this is for one day I already have uh fuzzy here on a flight and fuzzy here is on a flight for 300 000 as well he's now flying I set him off before so I'm already looking at today of making six hundred thousand by doing nothing and just having two Cessna cj4s one Cessna cj4 I'd have to do it for two days or one day and I would have enough of a deposit to put down on a second cj4 I don't do this I don't fly on neo-fly enough to be able to turn around and go you know if you really put some time into this you could make some serious cash although I don't I actually generally like flying on it I am looking at a Douglas DC3 which I've just brought my next one will probably be a Douglas dc6 which is a little bit more down the lines so I keep this as a steady stream and this is probably one of the better ways to be able to uh get the money how however what I am saying is please make sure that you still have a small aircraft that has a bolt load of stuff and what I mean by that is get a Britain Norman Islander B2 and continue to do what my uh what my last video said and my last video um is all about the marketplace okay so make sure that you are doing exactly this at the moment um you are constantly transporting stuff all the time so have a bn2 for example and do this buy the 100 caviar and keep talk keep topping yourself up and make sure that your obviously doing every single time that you um you use your Cessna cj4 and your Cessna cj4 that you're doing this with a uh with a Britain Islander it's the reason why I do it is basically um oh not too sure what's going on here let's just start that again um yeah make sure that you're you're doing this because [Music] um what I do with the British Normandy Islander bn2 is that I basically offset the Cessna cj4s um fees so with the British Norman Islander I try and just once a day or twice a day I set off really small distances as often as I can and get him flying because what the British Normandy island of bn2 does is offset the cost of the fees what I will do now is I'll just show you some of the stuff that that I've gone through and obviously there's an awful lot of fees down here because I still do a lot with the bn2 of what I did in my last video however if we go here for example rented aircraft is 14 Grand I've paid 1 000 pound or one thousand I know what call it 1 500 pound for airport fees and restaurant fees are for 30 30 dollars so out of a staff VIP cj4run I've made 300 and 120 Grand call it 320. we made more than that call it 320 Grand here okay I've made that straight off the bat in one day okay in the other day on my other cj4 I made 377 take away um you know 20 grand again okay so in one day I made 600 Grand just off the cj4 then I've offset the costs with buying computers for example and then selling my computers are up here for 226 Grand okay and that has offset all of these airport fees so I've basically have ended up making these days this amount of money in a single day this is a single flight remember that I have made it uh I've done it um quite often I will do this just in the morning uh if because I do shift work at work I will do this in the morning and then the next day I will log back on to neofly and I will have an extra million I know I don't have loads and loads of money up here please don't worry uh please don't warrant that I am doing a lot of sort of uh testings with a Neo fly at the moment I buy an awful lot of aircraft um which I do flights with and so on and so forth I am not the type of person to make a big money uh make a load of money because I am generally buying aircraft and moving them and flying different aircraft because I just prefer to do to do that sort of stuff um so this is probably the best way to make money in the shortest amount of time and what I mean by that is the shortest amount of time without you having to put lots of time into it yes if you take a British normander trial under and fly from airport to airport locating caviar locating the um you know the illegal Goods flying them to different places you will make an awful lot of money but it is very very tight time consuming this is the way and the most profitable way with you doing the least on neofly and if you invest in early the in invest early with the Cessna cj4s then you can effectively get more cj4s the more cj4s to get you get the more you get per flight the one thing that I did want to harp on about is I did try this with different aircraft for some reason I did do it with a dc6bs so I thought you know what most amount in a load I can get in the back um and I can uh basically I basically thought that a 2000 nautical mile flight in a dc-6 would be more profitable than a 2 000 mile destination in a cj4 it is not true because you are only transporting the same quantity of goods the dc6 is actually the missions in a dc6 actually means that you are not getting as much money for the for the most amount of distance because a cj6 can can fly longer and further away if that sort of makes sense so a cj4 is actually the most profitable because 2000 nautical miles is on its limit therefore it means that you get paid the most because it's on its limit of the Mars that it can do so it actually ends up working out the most profitable I also found in neofly 4 that a lot of the dc6 flights that I did with an AI even though they were on a hundred percent I seem to get an awful lot more failures in a dc6 and obviously you can see here that the profits are down and these were two with these were still 2 000 nautical mile flights and look at the difference here in I was getting 300 Grand in a cj4 and only 118 Grand in a dc6 yes in the dc6 what you can do is short hops um but then again you have to do loads and loads and loads and loads and loads of short hops you've then got to chain them and in my eyes it's easier just to send a Plane off to go and do it you will get that amount of money rather than trying to get three or four DC sixes and do really really short hops there's loads of ways to do these to this type of thing um but I thought that this was the most profitable and I do have to make a shout out to um uh a particular user on neofly I don't want to mention his name because I haven't asked him if I can mention his name however he actually led me onto this and sent me a message to say hey mate this is what I'm doing um and uh this is what he's looked at at doing and I'll actually show the message but I will blank his his message out so I have to turn around and say thank you to uh to him anyway the one thing that you do need to do is please take a note that your flights will not always get there you will fail a flight for example I had one for 147 000 here that I failed you will get failures that is why you generally try and find a location that will do two flights that are close by which basically means that you are one if both of them come in you're in a massive winner if only one win if only one doesn't ninety percent of the time the second one will I have never had a twin failure before apart from two different aircraft okay I've never had a twin failure before I haven't had two failures that come up okay the keys to this are making sure that your Pilots are on 100 health and that you use the most expensive Pilots that you can afford and you will be able to afford them okay so just take that into note so just as a just as a note here what I will do is I will go through to the direct messages and just go here who who said but basically um he's turned around and basically uh reiterated what I said why AI Pilots well because you can hand them longer longer trips and it won't be a problem if you're time constrained as people usually are and The Sweet Spot for a flight I feel is around 40 plus 20 minutes of setup taxing etc etc but basically what I've been saying so one hour of gameplay which is a pretty realistic time for an adult to have as a free time to spend on a hobby anyway blow us a screenshot of how I've done it and this is a far better one for me for uh for me because he can see you can see from his graph what he's actually done because I buy aircraft too much okay so straight from the start he's gone ahead and gone straight off the the bat here and just looking at this he's made an awful lot of money out of it so he got his da62 here sold it and brought a two 208 Bravo he sold his 28 Bravo and got a cj4 okay where he got a load more money he then did this and sold his cj4 and got four CJ's forwards to AI pilots and rented and then continued to do this and his estimation has gone all the way through the roof through doing through doing this okay all the way up to nearly uh 11 million where he rented an A320 and he's done exactly the same and gone all the way up okay so this is exactly what I'm harping on about here with the cj4s you know a typical cj4 is this here like we've just gone through before you know rented and airport fees and the VIP staff Mission and like saying before we've gone into looking at what the missions are like and what we should be doing okay so that is it in a nutshell uh some updates from neo-fly 4 and basically what we are looking at now of realistically looking at making some serious money as always please feel free to add any comments or message me on Discord you know I am really really looking into nearerfly I'm enjoying it so so much I'll be putting a Douglas DC3 video out soon and for everyone that isn't interested in Neo fly at the moment please please please promote it as much as you can and hopefully we'll be able to get it into a new beta and get it fully operational as soon as possible but hopefully this video has been some help to anyone if there's any other things that people think that I can add to neofly or do any videos on please comment uh on the comments or find me on Discord and direct message me in the neo-fly channel cheers guys and have a good week
Channel: RoyalFosse
Views: 4,827
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CyberLink, PowerDirector20, NeoFly 4, MSFS, NeoFly Tutorial, Neofly4 Tutorial, NeoFly How To, Microsoft Flight Simulator, How to make money NeoFly, MSFS2020, RoyalFosse, Make Money NeoFly 4, Make Money NeoFly, Make Money In NeoFly, Make Money in neoyfly4, make money neofly4
Id: c4v6suJibgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 51sec (2391 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 21 2022
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