NeoFly 4 Getting Started Part 1: Tutorial on settings, first job, swapping planes and overview.

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foreign I'm Alan Webb yeah it's basically just uh getting started guide to neofly four um if you'll hear then you've most likely already downloaded it already you can access it from the neo-fly Discord page you will need to purchase something from Neo fly 3 or make a donation and you can find it on there Discord page under Neo fly updates make sure you scroll to the bottom so that you get the actual version which is currently bug fix 30 okay so assuming you've done all that and you've installed it let's crack on so yeah as you can see I already have a pilot an account here but we'll be doing this from the top as in you're starting a new account pretend that's not there I'm not egoistic it's just over I've run out of names for myself because I've used an awful lot of profiles over the past um you know Peter testing because it's a wonderful wonderful tool for your flying so let's go so you press bottom left okay career mode these little arrows here you can click career mode employee mode company mode will be using company mode in a later video when we go into uh AI Pilots but for now let's just start off with career mode you press Next Step now this is the version of Microsoft flight simulator I have the premium version so click right a couple of times here click next again uh starter episode third party add-on starter aircraft yes I do have various style of aircrafts so yeah click that next here uh call sign um yeah my nickname has always been Webby so let's stay with Webby icao okay you're starting airport for me is going to be where I live which is in Hanover Germany um it's actually quite ideal because this is Hanover's Central Germany right it's pretty much smack bang in the middle so uh um there's there's also a lot of all classes of airports ABC um and uh yeah you you're not sure of places to go so um we'll start off with Hanover which is eddv I'm not digging the baseball cap let's have him this one here why not create pilot that's what I chose the last time so yeah you start off with 5 000 with a career press this button here and away we go Early Access information there and it starts up we'll go straight into full screen oh yeah you get your little tips on each of these on the left if you like all the features here um yeah I'm going to be explaining these so but but do make sure if you're new to it that you do actually read these uh don't shows again press that let's go into full screen mode so here we are I mean it's quite daunting at first uh awful lot going on screen really um but don't worry about it for now um first thing we want to do is to go to our settings tab here okay third from the bottom settings and I'll briefly explain this page you're being map key um highly recommend you get your Bing map key um it makes the visuals on on the uh on the actual Maps far far superior um they're satellite and not just sort of you know white um so yeah get your bin key where'd you get that from you get it from here it's free Bing Maps you sign in with your Microsoft account and then you go to my account my keys and obviously I've already got one but if I wanted another one I'd just click here to create a new key um so yeah get yourself a big key plonk it in here I personally have the tooltip satellite map uh on there um here you can backup regression I recommend you do that regularly and um you can restore it from you know the far the backup file at any time you want fuel sync uh no I I leave that off here um yeah check out the Discord server it's uh very very helpful there they've uh they have if you're like a room called Pilot's office um where um you know you can actually learn quite a lot just from reading the comments there on the right here we have uh first of all check you've got your premium sorted so or whatever version of msfs you've got so I'm on premium um and here uh tick off those which third-party aircraft that you own so okay so you can see I've got the A320 flyby wire scroll down a bit we've got the PMD g737 Kodiak 100 I highly recommend that by the way it's a very good plan to have and uh yeah the says to four one four and birth and etc etc etc okay so that's pretty much it as far if rather than scroll because it's an awful lot you can actually do a search here um and it will come up all the pmdg for example plates there okay good you need to put a tick there because then they will show up in your um aircraft Market um which is uh we'll be we'll be doing that actually very shortly so that's the first thing you do make sure your settings are well pretty much like this if you like and then uh then we'll go back to our hanger Now the default plane you start off with is the Cessna 152 um it's not a plane that I personally uh like to fly or to start off with I want these says the Skyhawk 172 G1000 um so it's got a rudimentary autopilot um however I've only got five thousand dollars so the first thing I'm going to do in this situation is sell it and before I do that I just want to briefly go through the different features here you've got uh here you can change your repaint your aircraft to a different library of your own perhaps um you can ensure your aircraft but obviously I'm about to sell this so I'm not going to insure it right now um sell it I'll be doing that in a second bring this aircraft to Pilot location yeah self-explanatory here's your fuel gauge here how much fuel is in there that is your the status if you like of your aircraft um Hull and here your aircraft engine I wouldn't let them drop below 80 percent um keep an eye on these regularly from from the from the hangar and make sure that you know that they're up there somewhere above 80 percent so let's do this first thing I want to do as I say is uh I want to get rid of I want to get rid of this so I'm going to click sell your aircraft okay so I've got no plane at all right now um but I do have thirty thousand dollars so uh let's go get ourselves a plane shall we but before we do um to be able to afford a plane even to rent I'm going to want to borrow some money so if we go to the finance tab here click on it once you'll see we currently are our rank is a Cadet um so we're only allowed to borrow up to 50 000 which is fine we'll click on that do you really want to take this loan yes I do um so that brings us up here to eighty thousand dollars so let's go buy ourselves uh Skyhawk Cessna 172 so we go here flight manage your flight sorry not manage your flight we go here aircraft Market um aircraft market now these is what's actually at the airport where you're currently are so if we scroll down here see if there is a Cessna 172 which there is not so if we type in here actually all I need to put in is G1000 and here's all the 172 g1000s you've got to be aware some of them have floated so I don't I don't want the floaters and I don't want the skis I just want a normal a new one here we go um now you've got to be wary you see this this would be ideal but it's 2 340 nautical miles away and it costs money to uh transport your plane to where you are in Hanover so this is this is an awful long way away so the first thing I do um on this screen is I sort it by distance so if you go to the top here and press the dist then it sorts it um from basically the closest outwards so here we have a rent however skis I don't want skis this one is not for rent you can buy it though and I've got nowhere near enough money to buy it so I'm looking for a rental that isn't skis and the nearest one to me by the looks of it is this one here the Sky Court G1000 aviators Club Library uh so yeah we'll have that one please so click on it once you can see the status of it here be sure um to uh uh adjust these if necessary once it's in your Hangar don't have for you yet though so we want to rent that and it's going to cost 36 670 okay so which loses what about 45 000. cash at the end of this so click on here on the right rent um deposit 36 yes so it's been added but notice it's at e d g y and not where I am e d d v so let's go back up to our hangar click on it so it goes green and then down here you'll see bring this aircraft to Pilot location click on it here and you see how much it's gonna it's gonna cost us 7162. um yep okay I can live with that it's a bit more than I would have hoped but let's do it so that aircraft now you'll see is in eddv where I am so be sure that whereas where you've got a white question mark there you choose yourself So Okay so we've got our plane we've got 35 800 to play with down here we notice as it's a rented plane I don't need insurance um these are okay my Hull and my engine are 95 percent um here's a little tip something uh that is quite valuable to know really is you you want pretty much only um the amount of fuel you're going to need for short hops because fuel takes up of course uh weight and you only have a total amount of weight so the more weight you've got for cargo the more money you can make so I would normally put this at around uh about 20 percent um the total so uh 62 click on the Green do you really want yes I do want to remove it um of course you have to buy this bucket some stage but you don't lose any money from it so we're still 35 800. a little bit in the red there but that's okay um now let's go and find a job shall we so from here you can click search job or we can go up here um because as we're on this page we might as well click here notice I've got no Cargo in the plane at the moment okay this is your job screen um here are the various jobs you've got the first thing I do is sort it by reward at the early stages it's important to to earn as much money as quickly as possible so here we are we've got a distance of 25 nautical miles away ethb um now sometimes what happens is at the bottom here rather than the airplane taking off logo you'll have an orange eye or reddish eye um what that means is information which means saying basically that you can't actually do this job because you don't have enough weight available normally you can make it possible by reducing the the uh fuel that you have on your plane but um get into the habit of when you go to the jobs page the first thing you should ever do from this page is click on this button here it's not that intuitive but if you click on this you'll find it refreshes but as it's already sorted for what's capable with the weight I've got then um nothing's changed here but um the flight afterwards or perhaps flight after that it may well be different so yeah so we sorted here and we're going to the the one with the most profit reward if you like it's ethb um something to bear in mind actually is the distance okay um sometimes it can make more sense to go for a shorter flight with a little less reward um because you see turn around speed is quite important in this game the quicker you can turn around and get up in the air again then of course have a specific amount of time the more money you can make the more jobs you can actually take on in you know the time you spent on the computer but there's not that much difference here almost a thousand more so yeah we're going to take ethp now to accept a job you go down here make sure it's uh this little blue plain icon here and you click on it so job added as you'll notice here none of these other jobs can be taken because as it says there's not enough remaining cargo you could there is the opportunity equals to um daisy chain if you like your jobs but that's for for another video this is basically our first flight video um okay so yeah let's go to this page here and manage our flight so we click here and so make sure you read these tips and then um starting from the top here you'll see it's all red uh because of course we're we're not in Microsoft flight simulator we haven't programmed this and we're not on the tarmac um this one's important to make sure that the aircraft in Microsoft flight simulator matches this aircraft here not just the aircraft but the library it's important to realize that you need matching libraries as well as the play model itself so first of all right let's do that let's go over now to Microsoft flight simulator world map um as it happens I've got my uh Cessna 172 in already let's check the libraries as I say it's not just the plan it's the libraries which one do I want well let's hover over here we can see I need the aviators Club so libraries uh where's the there's the Xbox aviators club right there so that's our plane sorted so that will match um up there he was flying from might as well put that in now Hanover which is eddv and it's a short trip to you if you've forgotten you can go back to your flight management and look bottom left that's where you're going ethb b t h b okay um now here's eth speed now this is the way I do it you don't have to do it this way a lot of people like to program the FMS and you know and and get it straight approach or they're using ILS or whatever I always use VFR pretty much um with neofly because I find time is money so it's a lot quicker to do it in my opinion this way a lot more efficient so you can see we're coming in here which is okay we're coming into this uh okay it's here then we're coming along there so if you zoom in a bit you can see the roughly the angle approach so we want to really come in from about here so I'll zoom out a bit and let's let's I reckon about there to put a waypoint so that I'm more or less it doesn't have to be exact more or less straight in here okay scroll back out and then zoom in to make sure um my departure makes sense my departure take off there we go Runway make sets okay good that's all ready to go I believe whether I've got a few clouds let's go um here as you can see from neofly the first two are green the flight plan has now been signed off as soon as all the cargo is safely on board you can get on your way so we're going to need to uh when they're going to need to transporter loading has started standby so wait until uh oh yes and I pretty much always start on the runway as I say time is money [Applause] transporter cargo is loaded you can start your mission but you're good to go contact the tower for clearance first thing we need to do is sort our missing weight out so we'll come up here we'll hit the weights and balances and we'll adjust accordingly so payload probably the whole lot okay we're still 32 pounds short so if that happens then of course you need more weight for your payload so just reduce your fuel we don't need 50 of fuel we're down to around there there we go we're about 10 pounds over this doesn't matter and of course make sure you make sure your planes balanced correctly for your CG position all right I normally like to put it on the line there the nose down a little bit for Landings um so that's match type and leave so let's have a quick look over to neo-fly page and yet that's everything's green payload now matching what if it's taxing takeoff now taxi and take off um you need in this game uh you gain experience through for example matching your payload for the job itself it was 10 10 points for experience and the reason you need experience is you want to move this bar across over to Second Officer okay so at the moment we're just a Cadet and the purpose of that is once you reach Second Officer you get more money to borrow you also get to the the opportunity for more different types of jobs okay which bring in more money so yeah um first goal is to earn a bit of money um and of course try and get your experience up to Second Officer so we haven't touched on the market yet um I could in theory of uh loaded the plane up with some goods and uh you know in conjunction with a job but uh that's for the next video and we're just concentrating at the moment on your first job taking off and Landing so yeah here I am in my Cessna I'm going to go to my settings screen here and I'm going to take him to 1500 feet it's okay well no I've taken for 2 000 feet don't go far to go vertical speed knows up around 300 and I want it on nav here um yeah we're good to go really final check on my elevation elevation of ethb219 so yeah great let's do this so here we go Full Throttle ahead apart break off it always be a story left a little bit so right a bit another round 55 knots I'll be rotating this is about upper thumbs so there's no Landing here so have a safe journey pilot that sun load you have there click for autopilot and away we go and we're about to hit that building oh I have as well my autopilot off Let's Get Up and Away from the building that was a close call it's a bit roughly back on course but I saw to apply that again that could have been disastrous so off we go and I'll join you again shortly for the landing so we're coming in to land now and here's a really cool thing check this out this here is a landing monitor I believe Holly Dave I believe is the developer you can see here we've got the vertical speed in units of uh 10 feet per second ground speed flight path angle virgin loss etc etc I better shut up and fly the plane in now so let's reduce throttle [Music] go into out of autopilot fly this baby home first flaps 500. yeah Direction there is a pain I could switch it off but I'm just so used to it now it doesn't really bother me that much here we go angle the dangles right checking my height above ground level 200 feet I'm a bit low but I don't care speed bit fast let's go to Second flaps might as well go four flaps now make sure speed's okay yeah about right so here we go I'm too low as you can see by the Paddy lights but yeah it's the way I do things wrong 180 feet slow the Sim down let's bring them home hang on Center right off Glide them in we have touchdown that wasn't the best of Landings taxi to parking and shut down your engine so I have a button for that um I use my hat app to uh it's got uh which is connected to my auto shutdown my pilot cargo unloading when you hear that you can press Escape so you don't get all the annoying warning signs and then we can go back to the neo-fly page screen even so let's quickly go through this um I've had no uh warnings as in Lost XP warnings which you can get by the way I didn't mention this before but I mean if you're starting on the runway make sure your taxi light is off and your Landing light is off um pilot that's all the cargo removed from the aircraft enjoy the rest of your day why thank you so yeah let's just quickly go through these you've got the the payload relays aircraft stress bonus security granted um a qualification one star now that would normally be my next Port of Call is to take the certificate the certification for a class again well I didn't take it in the first place but take it and uh keep going until I get three stars because with three stars that uh multiplies your XP by I believe it's 2.5 or 3 um not sure to be honest um so total flight reward 15 and yeah airport fees Etc obviously they come out and then you get your payment which is paid and your XP for the cargo Etc so yeah all's good I've landed um next video we'll be covering the marketplace I'll be explaining uh more on certification and uh also on a little bit more about the XP and all these different job types and how you can get these to light up okay yeah I hope that's I hope that's been helpful uh thanks for watching
Channel: Alan Webb
Views: 12,614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: neofly 4, neofly, neofly 4 tutorial, neofly getting started, neofly4 getting started
Id: jDD1kpuKlJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 57sec (1857 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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