Dodging Big Storms! | MSFS NeoFly Career

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hello everybody welcome back to microsoft flight simulator once again with our neofly career it has been a while since we have flown in this and uh i'm excited for today's trip we're going up to clarinda in iowa and right now we are in where we left off at actually and that is just outside of piedmont in missouri and uh we're gonna fly right next to the black river and also clearwater lake on the way out of piedmont should be a great time but there's a lot of weather moving through the midwest right now so we're gonna do our best to navigate all of that so let's get started very ominous skies out there that is for certain cold and dark here in the caravan we're gonna get things uh going here shortly but first things first we have to connect and fly with neofly so let's go ahead and do that so here's neofly right here you can see the flight out of piedmont here and we're going all the way up into iowa uh way up here a long trip 200 in uh something miles total uh it's going to be 295 nautical miles actually yeah right outside of clarinda here and you'll see we are going to the shank field airport here in iowa so that is the trip all the way across missouri it's gonna be a long one hit connect and fly and we should be good there time for the payload let's do that we need 620 pounds for the payload so let's go ahead and bring that on up until they're happy with it actually 620 pounds right there your cargo is waiting for you in the parking wonderful let's get started with that all right we're gonna go max our fuel out the cargo door is open and the cargo is being transferred beautiful for this flight and we're gonna be within the limits no problems there we're gonna go ahead and just take all of that and now they are loading the airplane transporter cargo is loaded you can start your mission beautiful let's do it okay i'm gonna pre-face this and tell you i am not a caravan pilot i have a ppl uh for a single engine uh but not for the caravan uh itself so i'm a little rusty on this it's been a while but let's go ahead and start things first uh this guy will come on turn the battery on we get our avionics two one normally would turn avionics one on but with this package it doesn't work that way this is a sim we have limitations i need to be able to see these uh gauges right here so we can actually start the engine all right so that's good to go there and ignition comes to the on position fuel boost to norm and we are ready to start the engine so make sure that everything's checked off there yes it is bring this all the way forward that's our prop and let's go ahead and start the engine and we're gonna watch right here for the ng looking for about 12 on that and keep an eye on itt so we don't have a hot start here today there it goes eight got nine ten and almost a twelve there's twelve right there up into low idle that's starting to come to life here and with the caravan improvement mod we're using here it does take a lot longer to start the engine uh than it did previously so keep an eye on itt and ng no hung start no hot start here although the ng's kind of interesting right now i know it's climbing we're in green values there using an awesome sound set by ft sim there you go that's a good engine start right there sweet okay so let's go ahead and turn our other avionics on here and we can go ahead and turn the starter to the off position fuel boost goes to uh we turn that off actually um and because it'll tell you here if you have it on to norm uh or is it on okay it's on so we keep it norm not on okay that's good there uh and all that's good if you have the standby alt power off it will actually give you a an op on that so keep that in mind as well okay everything that's looking great here so far i'm gonna get the uh the g1000 or whatever or the nxi we're on the working title nxi we're gonna get the gps and everything figured out with our flight plan so let's do that next a great thing about the latest version of the uh the garmin here is that we do finally have a working nexrad radar you can see all the weather there to the north uh towards st louis and all that but it looks like pretty decent on the way out towards the uh the west so that's good to know okay so we are going to be going to kilo india charlie lima so we hit the little keyboard thing here and now we can do k-i-c-l makes our life a lot easier there it is shank in clarinda island that's what we want hit enter on that activate it now we have that in there we're gonna be cruising at ten thousand feet so we're gonna go and put that into the altitude selector there and then uh we're almost ready to get on out of here so down here on obs we need to make sure we're on gps which we are you can see that you can change it uh there you can change the cdi to lock one lock two if you're doing the ils approach but we want uh gps can you turn it on and off if you would like very cool it's so smooth i absolutely love this so much they did an incredible job all right we're going to bring our altitude up to 10 000 feet so we have that good to go there we go about 10 000 almost there that's good there barometer is uh so we have that altimeter setting there two nine or six six inches so a low pressure system here uh in piedmont for sure i don't know what this is doing that's very strange i got a magenta line way off to the side of me north near uh forced el and all that let me figure out what happened here okay taxi light comes on we're gonna go ahead and release that parking brake we're gonna start rolling out to the runway here using our beta reverse thrust as needed here to keep the airplane nice and slow you see the wind is right off our nose right there so we're gonna have a little bit of a crosswind from the left-hand side so we'll be ready for that uh fly controls are indeed free and correct i just did uh tested those so that's good we're gonna taxi out here to runway three before we start uh going down the runway here not much of a runway right pretty small pretty small little guy that's all right though yes we know that wind is gonna be out of our right there we don't want it to flip over to the left so we're gonna go ahead and use some crosswind correction there remember not doing everything 100 by the book okay it looks like it broke again the gps did i don't know why it's doing that i think once i get in the air i'm gonna have to re i don't know select it maybe that would help a lot i really don't know we'll see how that goes for us here today all right buddy all the way to the left-hand side i need to remember to use sky dolly today i really do sometimes i forget to do that all right strobe light lane lights are on i love this mod we can actually spin around like a real caravan here there we go nice and lined up here runway 3 that is verified all right cool make sure this guy here is going to be in the high idle position sorry that's the wrong one there grab you there we go hi idle and we are clear for takeoff so let's go ahead and set our take off power here all right take off power is good release the brakes we got that wind component that wind crossword from the left so we're going to keep this into it we did set our flaps before we took off so we're good on that deep in that center line we're looking for around 75 80 knots here man that wind is not messing around today there we go as the speed increases we start bringing that crosswind out on here there's our rotation speed there and on up we go beautiful yeah look at that wind kicking us over like that yeah there's the don't sink gotta love it we're shooting for about 110 knots so we're above 90 there we can bring our flaps in i'm going to clear some terrain here before it uh loses its mind we'll make our left turn now there we go keeping the flaps in just as a safety precaution for now a little bit more power he'll be okay yeah don't sink that is really annoying all right bring those flaps in here now we're gonna be shooting for about 110 knots here for a climb out what i love about the caravan is you know you can be so hands-on with it so let's get on course now and nose up a little bit more i'm gonna bring my prop back a little bit too not to be so crazy on that guy looking good there and we're gonna get here on course now i'm gonna have to follow the little white line that we have here so we'll keep that in mind and probably turn on some icing and stuff here be careful with that we're gonna be going through some clouds although it's pretty warm out so i'm not really worried about it too much here we go now we're starting to get on on course here we might have to go with a heading bug here and uh and use the heading mode instead so let's do that and make sure flight director recycled that guy all right looking good here we'll turn to the right want to get on that heading and use that and we're on our way to iowa it's gonna be a long flight like i said still watching speed do a little bit of turbulence right now see how beautiful it is on this climb out and we're on the new update of the sim and man it was a pain in the butt to figure out what was going on with all of it i can tell you that much right now all right 3 300 looking good it might call up atc once we get everything uh going here that's pretty good right there we could probably go with a v nav option sorry flight change mode so now we can climb out by speed that's what we want to do which is looking good right there heading and all of that we could probably turn the autopilot on and the yellow damper so let's do that make sure she does what she's supposed to here there we go airplanes pitching up looking nice and now we can roll that heading to the left here we're gonna get on course see how beautiful that garmin is man i absolutely love what it does there we go and we're climbing at 110 knots so there flaps are up looking good everything's good no enunciator problems happening here we can turn our track ir off and uh we can relax a little bit now and we're just about to break through the clouds as you can see here finally as we're getting closer and closer to uh ten thousand feet but man looks really really nice there it is right there some storms here in the air but nothing uh terrible in front of us here it's just low you know it's just clouds for the most part i'm not seeing a lot of precipitation right in front of us here we might be able to go to our weather radar i don't know if it works on this guy no i think we just have nexrad only yeah that's the case okay not a big deal but uh nothing uh too crazy as far as everything goes double checking our uh altimeter we're two nine or six five i did adjust the heading a little bit here so we don't have to worry about uh the airplane getting off course here is we're following this white line here not the magenta line for some reason that always messes up now what i can do here is go over to the direct and then hit enter enter reactivate it like that and now we should be able to go to nav mode and the airplane should fly right on to it but i'm hoping it will do and it will uh account for the 27 not crosswind from our right hand side here so we're gonna be in the clouds for a little bit here 8 500 but we did get to see a little bit of blue sky there want to make sure that you saw that very nice indeed other than that been pretty much in the soup okay we're at 10 000 feet landing lights are all off i don't know if you noticed there we picked up a little bit of ice on the way up uh we did turn on all of our anti-ice system down here so it has cleared all of that up no problem and we are showing right now about uh this is the track there where's our actual uh distance here oh it's probably over here duh oh yeah it's all screwed up i don't know what's going on with this thing it's not giving us an accurate uh readout as far as the gps so so so far getting really good performance as far as the new sim update goes but the clouds look pretty mosaic and blocky now i haven't looked in to see if they have changed things as far as my actual um graphic settings go which we can check out here in a minute um keep an eye on the speed here this is what i have set up right here i do have a cruise uh happening here as far as power management in the prop so i'm very happy with that i'm gonna keep the best speed i can pretty much right against that yellow tape uh all the way where we're going now you can see we have some build up here just outside of vichy that vichy yeah that's vishu there um which is outside of raleigh missouri and up to jefferson city but when we zoom out here you can see where we're actually going is up past kansas city and all that and there's actually some major weather starting to form up that way so we don't know if that's gonna be a factor for us yet we're just gonna take it a little bit at a time here that's all we can really do here double checked my graphics settings i do want to show this to you in case you want to know what i'm actually running here this is everything taa medium on the uh stuff the pre caching there then we got high high high high high all that's up you see the clouds and everything are on ultra so that's as good as she gets right now unfortunately um but that's what we have right there i don't have anything really set low i'm using a geforce rtx 2080 um super i i don't have a 30 series card or anything like that uh in high glass cockpit refresh rate we're getting really good frames with this setup but i know i'm gonna get questions about it so here it is so just kind of outside of salem missouri you really can't see it with all the cloud cover here today but we are way off course so i just double checked this with neofly and that is where they want it so they're on that actual magenta line so i don't know why the nav is not flying correctly but we're gonna use the heading bug and we're gonna get back on course that way so i was wondering if that was gonna be a problem it could just be that this current version of the garmin isn't working with the new sim update that's always a possibility i will have to look into it uh it's been pretty rough lately for me to try to you know keep ahead of everything breaking all the time that you get in the sim we've been kind of in and out of these clouds so i have kept the anti-ice on but it looks like right now we're kind of going to be having some smooth sailing here um we're just going to keep it on for right now i've been in and out of the tops of these clouds and they do have ice in them so looking off to the right here you can see we're going to get all the way back here on to our course and we're going to have a huge storm to kind of fly around so we're gonna fly towards vichy here make a right-hand turn and fly around and then grab the course from uh from there so we're gonna have to do some victor vectoring ourselves today so okay i'm watching needle fly here i'm gonna get on course just make a little left turn here and they have the actual gps this magenta line here in the sim is incorrect i did double check that with neofly it is not correct at all so i am slowly but surely getting onto course using neofly itself and it is a lot more accurate than what's going on in the sim right now and you can see right there just we have some weird stuff happening obs 304 okay i see i who knows man who knows what to do it's got like a radial in there that's doing stuff too i might have to clear the flight plan out and re reset it up i'm gonna try that um but right now we have a little bit of build up here in front of us we're gonna keep an eye on that i've been in and out of top still keeping that anti-ice on so i deleted the flight plan and then i tried to do something with the direct two it doesn't matter it's just broken it puts this white line that goes out in infinitely out into you can see here all the way to the west coast where that storm was i thought those storms were closer to mci that's not the case they're not near kansas city we're actually kam city kansas city is right outside of this up here so we're actually making decent time on this flight so far we're just about you know by half an hour or so into this but we're uh we're looking good as of right now hitting a little bit of cloud turbulence this isn't too bad right here i haven't had to make any deviations keeping an eye on things here as i'm watching this cell here i don't know which way it's moving but it looks like it might be moving towards us directly um kind of towards the south this way so you see kind of updating as it's starting to move that way we're gonna stay to the left of it because we're not gonna be too far off of our actual course um and you can see the build up right there it's pretty intense so we're gonna probably have an escape route to the left we might have to kind of batten the hatches down and endure a little bit of turbulence here and we're definitely keeping anti-ice on as we are flying because these are these are storm clouds up here this is a this is a storm front happening uh right outside of highway 44 we're almost to highway 44 here and uh dylan in raleigh missouri like i said you know that's where vichy is um so we're just keeping an eye on this now but it looks like it's moving our way we're gonna go duck to the left to get around it instead of going way up north and around i think that's gonna be better okay so these guys look pretty dangerous right here in front of us we're gonna start our deviation to the left to get around this stuff because it it just doesn't look good and there's no escape routes as far as that goes but over this way we could fly south and get out of it completely and we might have to do that that's all that almost looks like modest clouds there that's really cool looking not bad at all yeah we might go down that way that looks a lot better over there this is not good right here and you see these huge columns right here that's that uh building cumulonimbus it's just uh not what we want so we're gonna keep going to the left here and we're gonna duck around this stuff a hundred percent we're gonna go due west uh for now and we'll see if this helps now it gets interesting now we're going to be in some rain for sure but what we're going to do is we're going to try to fly around this cell right here in this cell in between those two right there is we're going to aim for and kind of hope for the best it looks like it's completely closed in all the way down south as you as far as you can see there because we're pretty much due west now and we're going to go through this hole right here and try to chop through it hopefully it's not so bad but yeah that next rad radar uh data is out of date 100 because you can see the massive cell right here to the right that is on top of us almost and that's that yellow or whatever that is now it's matured um so i'm just going with the sight picture here you see there we saw blue sky once i see that blue sky over there i'm like okay i think we might be good to get around by going around this corridor so that's what the plan of action is right now actually i see a hole over here we might be able to take so let's go ahead and uh turn this way now and we're gonna try to get around this stuff because it looks like i mean this is taking us way off course here so if i see a hole here i'm gonna take it and this is a huge hole right here we can take this is the coolest thing about microsoft flight simulator and with the next sim update they're still working on the actual um a little bit harder right here towards the north um they're still working on the weather system which i think is fantastic as it is so i can only imagine how much better it gets but check it out we have blue skies right here this was the right decision uh to just kind of find a hole and go around it this way i mean because this over there on the right that's terrible stuff over there we're not flying in that i know for a fact that's one of those cells that probably has the worst updrafts and downdrafts in there um and this too you don't want to fly in this stuff especially when you see these uh overshooting tops up here which we're seeing but this is gonna be okay we can get a little bit close to these clouds i'm okay with that but that's our hole right there and once we get to that hole we're gonna be able to go to the right and around this whole section right here it'll be okay in fact we can actually stay on course a little bit more and go to the right going to the left we're gonna be probably off 20 miles or so as far as course goes so a little bit more to the north here on that turn as long as we see that blue sky man that's what we're hunting for this is working out pretty good here we're just keeping an eye on this i mean man look at that that looks amazing that looks really really really cool all right so a little turn here to the left we're actually going to continue a little further here and then go left but i think we're gonna be behind it for the most part you see just how old this data is it just doesn't make any sense and i'm watching on my breadcrumbs here on neofly over there on the second monitor and we made a deviation due west and then our right and then now we went north so we pretty much did a d shape just to the left of our actual flight plan so that's working out pretty good as far as that goes go back on that you know you just turn the obs off we don't need that on it's not making any sense to me anyway that's what the problem was was an obs it wasn't in gps mode that makes so much more sense okay well we learned something but that's okay we're not too far off it's still way off of what uh what i would expect there's some clouds here let's see what the turbulence is like through here i don't think it'll be bad there we go on a left turn now and then we can get back on course and we should be in good uh in good shape as far as that goes but dodging storms man it's a lot of fun this is really really cool stuff yeah so that was 100 pilot error on that i'm really rusty with these systems but you can see there that's where our destination is uh currently right now we actually have a distance now of 208 nautical miles we are out from we're still dodging some you know little cells here and there uh but for the most part it's been pretty uneventful outside of that i'm just so happy that we're gonna be back on course here but one thing that's really really cool is we're at 10 000 feet you know we're not climbing we're not descending it looks like we're descending in these clouds and the reason for that is because of the updrafts you're just seeing them go up up up up and it looks like you're descending when that happens which is really cool and uh you can actually see it happen in real time right here to our left this cell right here it's got all that updraft happening here you can see how it's just climbing climate climate it looks like we're in a descent because of it but just a neat neat showcase of a dynamic weather here in microsoft light simulator all right it's about to get rough here is we're going to be exiting the other side of this cell and you can see here we're going in this little dark patch here which might have a little bit of wind in it we're going to keep an eye on it uh i'm watching there about 30 not still on the headwind there waiting for this once this magenta line here gets towards the center then we're going to hit nav and we'll continue on course as uh as we need to there so in the dark soup right now but we'll see what uh the picture looks like once we cross the other side of this [Music] a little update we're just outside of carrollton now we're between carrollton and bremer here in missouri haven't made it to iowa yet about a hundred in six nautical miles left to go on our journey uh i'm looking about an hour and 15 into our flight so far um and as you can see it's just it's been absolutely beautiful once we got past all those storms sun is starting to go down off there to the left-hand side as it is currently in real time 704 p.m uh i don't think this is what we had to set up for though i think i had it a couple hours before then so it would get a little bit of a sunset which we don't normally have here uh when we do a flight so i thought it'd be really cool to have a evening approach in to iowa and yeah we just got around all the storms looking good all the way from here on out and nexrad is still showing that storm nope not even showing it up at all anymore so looks like it's clear all the way to our destination having a lovely dinner here that nicole prepared for me it is chicken which is fantastic with some broccoli and some spaghetti squash it is absolutely tasty i'm gonna go ahead and eat this before we start our descent that was a lovely dinner we are currently 56 miles out now so we're almost there a little bit longer to go here that's uh on the left side there that's kmci that's kansas city missouri so you see just how far north we are and how far we have come we've come a long way compared to you know zooming all the way out look at that all the way across missouri today for the most part and then up into iowa so uh winds right now about 39 knots out of off to the right here i'm going to open up my charts and we're going to have a look here at what's going on in clarinda so we're going to probably expect runway 2-0 uh as far as you know the direction of the wind um but actually no i don't mean that uh it's 40 knots off to our right so it might be winds out of the north we'll see what they are at surface once we get down there but probably gonna approach uh two and land on runway two and then we can just make the left turn right there into the ramp but if the winds are kind of favoring the other way we're gonna do a left down win and we'll land on runway two zero that's what we plan on doing um approach wise i don't think i'm gonna worry about any rnav gps approaches we're just gonna shoot a visual it looks like it's beautiful there which is fantastic you love love love to see it alright so we are about 37 nautical miles out right now we crossed over 35 i-35 a little while ago uh and now we are just kind of perpendicular here to the grand river along uh our left side here and there's the sun out that way so we're going to send down to 3 000 initially we don't have to go real crazy here on this one we do have a lot of time to get down not a problem we'll initially descend down to 3 000 feet and then we're gonna descend at 2000 after that and go visual from there so we'll we will be vertical speed on the way down so click on vertical speed mode and down we go we'll open this up at about 500 feet per minute to start i'm going to pull my power back here so we don't over speed don't want to get into the yellow arc if necessary so there we go pulling the power back now and maintaining the best speed we can at about 500 but we're gonna go ahead and go down a little bit more than that so that's initial and then about 800 feet per minute is what we're going to shoot for here and we'll monitor things from here but 34 nautical miles and we're almost to the iowa state line i'll let you know when we cross that [Music] so managing power here at about 600 feet per minute right off our nose is the town of hopkins and uh just right after hopkins here right out here is the state line for iowa so we're 15 nautical miles out right now and we're at 4 000 200 feet looking for 3 500 just maintaining uh speed the best we can right now and it looks like the winds are going to prevail out of the north so we're going to land on one way too that won't be a problem we'll be on a nice right base for the runway once we get a little closer and we should pick up the airport light before too long here [Music] and that is right over the line as you can see it right there is the topography starting to climb in on our view which is really cool you can see how that uh starts to turn green just to let us know where the ground is here we're going to be about 3000 feet now the airport elevation at uh clarinda is actually 996. so we're gonna keep it about 3000 right now and then we'll eyeball it from there we're uh 11 miles out i don't see an airport light yet i have to get a little bit closer than this and we're slowing down speed here and add a little bit more power and a little bit more prop into this thing and we'll uh we'll keep speed at about 140 knots or so uh all the way to the airport i have the air porch inside it's right here right in front of us so we're going to go and turn the on ampere and the autopilot off my airplane and kill all this guy i don't need the any of the flight directors on or anything like that actually the flight director doesn't want to turn off does it nope it sure doesn't a left turn here we're keeping about 140 knots right now we're gonna actually square up here for a right base for the runway let's see if we can get a hold of anybody there see what's going on in clarinda if we can find it shank that's what it was called yep automated weather i don't think so that's all right not a big deal i thought that was the airport i don't think that's the airport right there it's a little further up i have never been here before and it's gonna be the evening time which is always a lot of fun so we're showing about four miles out we're in the white ark now we're gonna just keep uh keep right around 120 knots or so yeah i thought we were gonna set up for this being right here i was looking for the airport light i don't see it yet this looks like an airport right there that looks like a runway right there yep i got the rails right there sweet okay now we know where the runway is i thought it was that little patch of grass there but it's not couldn't really tell from this far out you know all right 120 knots there so let's slow up let's get back in our white arc and we're in the white arc there we go 10 degree flap gonna help slow the airplane down a lot here we'll use our trim so about 2300 feet actually isn't too bad we just want 2000 feet for our actual pattern altitude here here we are looking wonderful i have sky dolly going so we'll have a replay today brought to you by sky dolly okay put my feet on the rotor pedals and we have our airplane here 107 knots or so we're going to shoot for about 85 80 right around there something like that yeah i don't see an airport light at this airport which is very strange i was kind of hoping to see it especially in the evening but that is not going to happen okay looking good here about 2100 we want about 2000 feet using our trim as necessary here yep we've got white lights there awesome hold my power back even more there's 2000 right there and we're gonna put our flaps in now we're really gonna slow her on down right turn towards the runway what we want to do is get our speed where we want it here and we're gonna get down on to those two white two red to white you know not too white too red to white just two red two whites on the uh papi lights there this is working out really nice for us here i like the speed about 85 knots or so and with the caravan you you keep the power in the airplane all the way till touchdown actually and you don't have to throw it into beta reverse until after that's done so there's one red there's two red sorry that's the three white there's a little bit down pitch it down with that there we go right on the glide slope looking good so satisfying to go all the way you know 296 nautical miles sorry 295 nautical miles today so let's uh let's have a good landing here seems like it's like keeping decent speed here when's just off to our left there a little bit a little low in that nose like right on the edge there i like to have a lot of back uh pressure already in my trim makes me a lot uh unhappier on approach here watching our speed looking good we can go a little slower than this but that's okay the drag is uh still a thing on uh on this model here in uh flight sim there we are looking good got our touchdown marker you see where that's at and yeah we're just gonna keep it in this power setting right here cleared our 50 foot obstacle everything's good there on down onto runway 2. this ladder on come on down little right rudder not a whole lot missed those touchdown markers transporter from disney first out nice landing go to the parking and put your parking brake on we'll do we're gonna reverse her there i wanted to land a little longer because we were going to stop right here on the money as far as the ramp goes and that worked out great the shank airport here in clarinda iowa really cool to be in iowa there we go back to normal on that we're full forward on that bring our flaps on up and we can go ahead and turn these landing lights off and the strobe light of course and there's the van waiting for us right there for this load and he's gonna pull up this way what are you doing buddy you good yeah he's good all right nice taxi light off here yep he's going to be ready to unload us wonderful right about here it's going to be good for me parking brakes cargo unloading you got it and we'll pull this guy all the way back and then we'll go ahead and pull our power fantastic welcome to iowa right before the sun went come fully down which is really really cool from my track ir off here and down here we'll go ahead and just do some cleanup maybe onyx are off there's our stuff today look at that it's a long uh long flight and then we can turn this stuff off batteries all off and all that stuff we have our flashlight just like that sweet and there you have it we had a successful mission at 7 51 p.m on my time uh and right there you can see we had a touchdown we were speed of 82 knots and we touched down at negative 43 feet per minute nice beautiful landing exactly what we needed anywho folks that's gonna do it for this episode of microsoft flight simulator and my neo neofly career let me know what you thought of it in the comments below i'll see you all next time on a future flight take care well i don't have to say anything about finding the merch store you guys have done it thank you so much for all the love and support i truly appreciate it and i have an awesome collab with another company coming soon so stay tuned for that anywho thank you see you next time you
Channel: Jeff Favignano
Views: 50,899
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: multiplayer, jfavignano, Episode, Series, fs2020, fs 2020, flight sim, flight simulator 2020, flight simulator, flight sim 2020, fs2020 gameplay, flight simulation, microsoft flight simulator, flight simulator freeware, fs2020 addons, addons msfs, msfs addons, flight sim addons, microsoft flight sim addons, flight sim 2020 addons, mods fs2020, flight simulator addons, microsoft flight simulator 2020, fs2020 planes, jfavignano msfs, neofly, msfs no pod, caravan no pod
Id: nlPIEibq3aM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 58sec (2638 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 30 2021
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