🔴 MSFS | Neofly | V4 - Starting from scratch!

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foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello and welcome back to the channel my name is Paul and uh today I'm going to be checking out something which has always been a very exciting and awesome products um we're gonna be checking out neoflight for now for anyone who's not in the know you're not going to clue what neo-fly is please do go and check out the link that I've put in the description um neofly is essentially a career Apple Microsoft flight simulator 2020 um and version 4 has dropped today now it's not something that is completely new to me I have been using the the beta um as I say for probably the last day I think it's approximately 12 months I don't know it could be it could be nine months it could be 12. genuinely can't remember when the when they opened the beta um but yeah we're going to be checking it out so before we but we get into a flight anyway I'm gonna get the uh application on the screen for everyone to see we're going to pick a flight and um and yeah and just explore it so you're watching live appreciate you popping in uh also if you're watching this back post stream again welcome to the channel stick around hit that like button a little thumbs up and uh don't forget to subscribe but let's get into it so yeah very excited to see that this is finally released publicly and I'll probably mentioned more than enough more than enough times in the description um it is completely free to use unless you want to unlock some additional perks if you want to get some other pilots flying for you some AI pilots and also if you want to get into the airline side of things and but this is all main screen this is our job screen uh starting off completely fresh which gives you five thousand dollars uh showing 4596 because what I've done is I've taken out some insurance on me me starting aircraft which is the uh I've gone for the paper arrow sorry the PA 28 Warrior not the arrow um so I think what I'm going to do as well is just make sure to get a little bit more fuel in this so we go to our aircraft page or our hanger page she'll be able to tell it we just want to stick in a bit more fuel so I'm going to go about I think that's gonna cost me 33 dollars and there we go all right so back to the jobs page I'll keep forgetting as well freelance is a new mode that's been others which allows you it's unless you fly whatever you want but I think it just comes with a little bit of reduced payout so it still does go into your main accounts any money that you earn from these jobs Sports all right you don't get as much as what you normally would do because I don't think there's any Associated costs involved with these 20 727 pounds cargo available three passengers I think what I'm going to do I'm going to take this one so it's only 33 miles I mean we can't you know what we can actually do the max distance if I just set that to a hundreds see what comes back yeah so we've got one there which is 98 miles long um that's a golf x-ray Charlie landscape miles that's going to be paying US 9498 dollars I have a waste of 620 pounds so if we have a look at that that's going to be taking us way over here I don't know what I think I'll do that one yeah we'll go with that okay so to add that into your entity job list which lets you collect this button here hey pilot the cargo is ready and waiting there we go pilot from dispatch the cargo door is open and the cargo is being transferred right so one thing that's important for us to do as well you'll notice on the top here that says that the Microsoft flight simulator payload doesn't match couldn't aircraft loads so you don't have to worry about that if you don't want to but it does come with a little bit of a penalty you won't get like the full Rewards um in terms of XP I think you'll still get the the full monetary value uh but in terms of leveling up uh which is showing on this little bar at the top here um yeah you won't get any bonuses let's go hello correctly uh so we're going to this I'll add some I'll add some cargo 200s 170 I'll tell you I'll do 170 there 170 there that's gonna put us at what he's underneathy uh so say luggage I'll take that off a little bit 210 pounds of luggage and now we're showing 790. so I've literally also just on there let's just brought us up the weight and balance screen in the same there you can see now we are uh we're looking good okay it says payload matching so payload realism XP granted at the end of the flight so there we go you know it's just the little lamb before that one it was saying it was missing payload so no bonus XP will be given you keep it that way um so that's pretty much done so as long as you've got all three Greens on here so the airport location uh is matching the aircraft the aircraft is matching uh they're the two that you need to actually start the flight but as I say if you want the extra XP you just got to make sure your payload is also uh matching or there's greater than what it's asking of you and that is it all we need to do now is getting the aircraft and um if fires open we're good to go little struggles and what I'm also going to be using on screen in the SIM is uh sky for Sim which again is you can download this for free um you can buy a pro version which gives you additional features it's not just something that you use for neofly um you can do you know flight plans in here PDF readers inside it and but this is fully integrated with neofly just just off the out of the box so if we click connect on that it'll show us that payloads required 790 that's Goods payloaders matching payload realism it says jobs sure I think we're good to go anyway I'm sure there was like an action button that says no cargo loads and then player aircraft of course that's because we've got passengers haven't we instead there we go and if we click on that airport as well it gives us all our information associated with that which is pretty cool I just don't know why it says zero packs though it's a bit of a weird one but it's got the job built in there anyway it's showing us 620 pounds and we're getting paid 9498 minus any any costs there we go so we got the aircraft loads and up I'll tell you it's been a while since I've been in this one keep the wheel fairings on I think and I think we can change our GPS as well it'll stick the PMs and actually uninstalled the uh the TDI oh sorry the TDS the TDS nice so battery on fuel is on you're good to go contact the tower for clearance no we can also we're off while engine running yeah got me on that one didn't they what's up you can't say it's your jobs that's absolutely fine I'm just trying to find which one it is for the map I wonder if it'll just have it built in that way oh yeah of course it has look at that there we go right get some lights on in here as well the one thing I'm trying to find again is where the hell is my avionics switch I know that one oh no it's this one isn't it gets rid of the tablet folders avionics which is just our lands and Lace let me just make sure oh there it is uh now where are we going EG XC over to connonsby hey lovely Jubilee right Windows go in 17 not 260 or so we're going to be taking off runway two seven the parking brakes off it's actually lights sorry Landing lights in this thing it's got no taxi lights we're definitely not gonna need all the all the runway in this thing nice so it gets about 60 knots okay pilot steady away see you again soon how long do we get those little pop-ups as well in the sky for Sim we're just going to follow Runway hadn't I'm gonna do a left hand I'll raise the flaps I'll just aim for zero nine zero degrees there's not many um showcase cameras on this aircraft I'll tell you what you're not going to break any records on this thing right so what we'll do in a moment all right I'll bring Neo fly back up just while we're just on route and then we'll just have a little look through the application as a whole let's give ourselves a bit more clearance from the grounds right okay then so we'll get Neo fly back up on the screen and let's just have a little quick uh mooch on this so just put I've got the autopilot running on the warrior so we should be good yeah so just touch him on what I was saying before I am it really is a a great a comprehensive uh career it adds on absolutely all sorts of stuff you can get into um but yeah so first and foremost let's say this is the job screen you've got all sorts of different filters if you want to search for Destination airports that have got Oz runways ILS system lights uh refueling capabilities and also an ATC service you can filter it out just by using these uh these five here or you can just say you know what I don't care what an airport has got and if you take these off you know you'll get a much greater list of potential uh job destinations uh terms of the jobs themselves again we'll just go through these we've got the tool tips on so they'll come up on screen as well as me telling you so we can either just have normal cargo jobs then stuff cargo Express Cargo so cargo which is uh time sensitive illicit stuff so things we shouldn't be uh really carrying a little bit naughty I got passenger jobs VIP passengers uh helicopter passengers or helicopter VIPs uh tourist and they're actually quite fun that I'll actually ask you to um you know take a tourist to a particular Landmark you've got to fly uh we're gonna see it in uh like diameter or circumference of of that destination or that landmark uh we've got secret passenger and then the fun ones we've got emergency sort of up so that could be lands on a rose of a an accident like a crash uh search and rescue wildfire and we've got a parachutist one again they're quite fun take off from an airport get to a designated altitude above above the ground uh get to a particular area and it'll yeah you'll hear all the audio cues or like the passengers jumping out ready to go you just gotta return back to an airport I am advertising I've got military interception so if you like to use the military jets you've got Interceptor Interceptor missions airline passengers and then humanitarian missions so I've got an absolutely massive amount and you can toggle these on and off now the reason why some of these um aren't switched on by default is again because some of these are actually locked behind earring so again the more you fly in neo-flight uh the more XP you're in so it's not just about how much xp a job actually gives you but it's also how much time that you're spending in the year so the more you're flying and the more XP you're in and to level up and get some of these other jobs unlocked and again this goes up a good few levels as well um you can also filter jobs out depending on how much free capacity you've got in your aircraft in terms of your cargo weight or also how many passengers that your aircraft can hold um so again all these things were Factor on what jobs are shown to you in this little job list it's really cool now we go on to the next one which is the hanger this is where it'll show you any and all aircraft that you currently either own or you're currently renting so you can see that myself there which isn't a picture of me it's not a true likeness I've got the Beards just not as much air on the top of me as and but if you've got multiple aircrafts you'll see these they'll just start stacking next to one another it's really uh you know really nice lays out uh use an interface I find um got an option on your aircraft as well if you want to ensure it now because this is our own our own aircraft um insurance does not come with it if you do rent an aircraft uh from the aircraft Market uh that should automatically come in Shores I believe as an option to sell your aircraft but if you do relocate your pilot somewhere else you'll always have an option on the aircraft as well to bring that to your pile at location for a for a nominal fee of course this is our flight screen so it gives us our Live Match shows us exactly where our aircraft is you can see we're currently on route through our destination over here so we're going to collinsby um again just basically gives you a breakdown of what the job is that you're doing uh so you can see that we've got 620 pounds of cargo it's 98 miles long and it gives us our uh basically what we're going to get paid we go over to the next tab the goods market now this is like a really cool feature now I don't tend to use this a lot but if you are looking to try and make some quick money uh when I was playing with this in the daily access or in the beta um it was still cool to do because it was it was nice to try and work out in a way you could make the most profit um so you can literally whenever you land somewhere oh not even then even if I was in flight now I could have a look and see what the Market's like at Collins be and then I could search for you know another airport and see what God's condensed bees got try and buy something at the cheapest price and then I could check other airport and see if there's any way that I could fly to to sell out of profit so it's a full economy but I think you've got to be aware of as well it's not just unlimited amounts um so for instance you know if I if I landed Collins being and they sell it they've got fish available for sale um and I know Liverpool wants to buy fish and they're going to buy it at a more expensive price allow me to make a profit um they're only taking 367 units of fish until they're satisfied so these these always get updated they're always going to change I'm just going to give myself a bit more clearance as well just noticed there I've got a bit higher terrain just coming ahead um but yeah if you if you use this rice you know it certainly is a good way to to get some extra cash um aircraft Market really good we can either search at a particular airport uh what aircraft is available to buy um one of the specific one that you want to look at so in this case if I put in the at the 208 assuming that there's a couple of Cessnas here which are available to to buy so Grand Caravan uh the black square one is also here as well and there's a couple of them prepare just there's a brand new one any which haven't got the word new next to them generally don't have the best condition um so if you do buy them just bear in mind although you're getting a reduced cost you do want to increase the I'd like to say the airframe the engine um that will cost you cost you some of your own money to do that just be aware um any which have got the option to rent next to them providing that you can afford the deposit you can rent those aircrafts and but just something you need to be aware of as well so if I was to have a look for say the uh let's have a look for a baron I don't know why I'm picking the black Square onesie probably because I enjoy flying so much but if we just have a look at the baron we see that you know oh yeah that only wants 97 Grand for me to rent that uh another thing that you need to consider as well is whether or not you've got the license to to operate that so you'll see that these have got the uh the B license next to these which means you need to have that Associated license in order to operate that aircraft uh I believe if we go onto this page the qualifications one you'll see that currently I'm only certified for the a license which is basically the single engines props um I think B is I think that's dual piston engines or two piston engines at Sears turbo prop uh I think that's twin turbo prop uh GS or narrow buzzy heavy or wide body Jets helicopter licenses and then we've also got the military one as well so just bear that in mind you don't get all the licenses in terms of the stars as well so what I would probably want to do is go and actually reset my uh my a license because if you were able to complete it at a should we say a more satisfactory level if you get two stars that actually gives you an increased XP bonus when you're using that aircraft and if you get free you get a greater level of XP again at a bigger bonus whenever you're flying these aircraft and this is just what gets given to you at the start so it's not that I've done a bad job and whenever you start your career you're given the e-license it just puts you on a single Star by default so it is worthwhile actually going in and redoing that license or or essentially doing it for the first time yeah we go back to the previous screen as well this is our career so it gives us all our information breakdown of what our rank is what experience we've got uh what qualifications we've got and this is our current location so we do want to move your pilot at any time you can click this little button put in the Ico code for the aircraft uh sorry for your pilot and it'll move them there automatically uh achievements as well we've got a couple of these here which will illuminate once they are completed and also some stats which you can change from like last week day or month uh or all your history and it gives you all sorts of what mission types you're doing lands and feet per minute distance flowing that's pretty cool little page similar to this as well little log you can actually get it to trace or show all the different flights that you've done so we haven't done one at all yet as I say this is a brand new profile uh which I've decides to do with the uh with the release publicly so once off license plated we'll have a log there and it'll also show it on the map for us as well and that will stay there uh finances this is also a cool little thing it'll give you everything in terms of what your income is and also any expenditures anything that you've got going else now if you do want to accelerate or probably not accelerate but if you do want a little bit of a help on hands depending on your rank you can actually take out loans so you can see here I am only Cadet at the moment sorry for the cadets it will grant me a fifty thousand dollar loan uh with a 20 interest on that and if I want to take that out it's just a simple case of clicking that button and boom there we go you've got a loan so if you don't just want to grind and keep grinding away and you want to try and accelerate you create a little bit quicker you can do loans to facilitate that and of course when you do get to the the final rank which I don't know I think it might be a senior captain or something you can actually get a 10 million dollar loan uh I still don't think I don't know whether that's enough to get you to Jetta or not but certainly a good little chunk anyway to help you on your travels now if it goes to the next ones these are where some of the perks start coming in so I haven't enabled any of these yet but if you want to use AI Pilots so as you start either increasing your Fleet of aircraft you can have multiple Pilots um basically running jobs for you know money or even if you're not flying and you want to stick an AI pilot in your aircrafts uh you can do that but you can only do that if you have the the pilots pay but you need to uh to go into neoplies website here to stop here and or I think you can subscribe as a donated on the on one of the patreon uh levels and it's the same thing with Airline as well this used to be called fbos but if you want to get into running an airline um as I said you can create and run your own Airline choose your airline name and logo I'd like to have to start from in reputation to gain more customers and more lucrative jobs I am managers as you know more hubs so I think when you hire managers you start getting like little discounts on some of the Hub service like for refuel and maintenance you know stuff like that um and you've also got the option to create and manage your own jobs and routes around the world so again cool little pick if that's something that you want if you don't just want to use this as like just being a lone wolf um certainly gives you a good little way to to expand um from being a just a singular pilot to you know trying to create some sort of uh Global Aviation Force campaigns is cool uh inclusive with neofly you get the pandemic which was sort of based around when um obviously when covert was around six missions on this one that you can do and by the looks of things this is included gives you XP and also it gives you uh money as well to go into your main balance so really well if you want to have a little bit of a story to do it starts off at like a really small place um just be aware that if you want to start this to get to that location you can add a fly there or you can teleport your pilot there for a cost um if you want Cleopatra that again is one of the perks that you need to get now you can actually get all of the picks you can get the the pilots you can get the airline and you can get the Cleopatra add-ons I think it works out on the website it's like 20 euros so saying that in pounds probably like 16 pounds or so um and then finally a sentence page uh if you want to have a look for any aircraft which is being added to the Sim so for instance the latest one that I think was added was the uh was the Ford 480 as you can see I've not got this uh markdown but if I wanted to have them populate the aircraft motor and all I've got to do is put a check mark against these um well the good thing about the developers doing as well is any new aircraft which comes to sim if it's not being added yet click this little button at the bottom and you'll be able to uh basically start adding some you know some new aircraft so then to uh to add to the all right to the atom but yeah other than that we've got the store as I say if you want to uh if you want to register any of these just go to the website buy the picks I've not got round two uh registering the information yet then all you've got to do is put your email that you've used to get those picks and also the key that was given and then they will automatically unlock within the app and it's just as simple as that that's it right well we'll crack on have a little look see where we're at in terms of our flights so we're not too far away now we're past the halfway point which is good so we'll take Neo fly off the screen and we'll get back to it Rogan how you doing mace potty I don't know if you've been any along or your messages just popped up uh apologies yeah just been giving a little overview on the o fly yeah literally starting off from the bottom meets starting off from scratch again but yeah really cool it'll add on now as I say um you know I pretty much use the majority of Microsoft flight simulator add-ons um and I'm not going to say ones better than the other because you know everything they all offer um different playing Styles which is which is fabulous but um neofly is definitely you know it's got an abundance of of options mates and for free you know don't say no to it uh big boy how are you doing mace yeah I'm very well thank you very much where it wasn't as bad as what affords it'd be today started off really slow I thought it was going to be dragging me heels but unless I find enough things to do during the afternoon and it went pretty quick I'm not gonna lie dinner time coming in the afternoon just blue I just got EMA's download wouldn't it good good good good yeah it is it is brilliant mates you know I'm not gonna lie it's uh you know for something that someone's put so much time and effort into and he's pretty much offering it for well offering it for absolutely ejectedly squash um and as I say if you do want to start opening up more options in it I'll say you've got like the little perks that you can get there for you can buy them individually or you can buy that all three picks for like 20 euros so it's um yeah it's a good offering but again you don't need those picks you just want to use it as a little uh little Curry of yourself you don't need nothing uh unfortunately not no it's it's an application which runs on your PC so yeah you can't use it on an Xbox and to be honest I think that's why you know with the announcement of flights in 2024 as well obviously Microsoft and a Sobo seeing the there's been a lot of people on Xbox who would love to be able to do some sort of like career um a style play through again I'm still not convinced that it's going to be something in the form of you know something is um I don't know it's like comprehensive as like neofly or on air or a-haul or anything like that I'm I'm I'll be pleasantly surprised if they have got some sort of like progression that you can do but I genuinely think it'll be something like um you know activities similar to like the bush flights now in uh that's available I can't see it being a fully fledged career to be honest but if it is I'll be happy and I'll be pleasantly surprised but I certainly don't think it'll be something for me that will you know take over something like neofly or the Skype or or on it autopilot's life but yeah we'll see we'll see we can only be pleasantly surprised or bitterly disappointed God was I actually talking and I was I'm using I've done it again yeah there we go there's my answer um yeah so absolutely mace I will happily uh bring neofly back up and show you all that um what I was just rattling on about was in silence there was um yeah this little sky for Sim pad that I'm using uh this is something which again is free um it integrates in the O fly so you can have it actually showing up like what I've got now in in Flight Sim um but normally using me second monitor anyway I would just have Neo fly open on my second monitor but just because I'm obviously live streaming this I just want to make sure that I don't miss any uh anyone who's chatting away so that's why I'm using this I don't normally have it I've been open otherwise should see a few typhoons sitting down here as well at collinsby good evening Louis hello mate so you changed your logo ah good choice for column Ace there's a few of us that love Reds in here looks alright that man so uh so what's with the change then are you doing a complete rebranding there's a fitting fitting him with other things or is it just the the logo that you you're having to play with so it's not a knockoff of the BBC One yeah okay writing a book mate okay um what uh what genre are you still having a little dabbling um doing um doing the games as well because I've added a book onto that as well may tell you what you're keeping yourself busy aren't you which isn't a criticism by the way that's uh no no that's that's good yeah bloody hell busy man I don't know it I mean genuinely I've never thought about anything like that but probably say obviously something that you've got an interesting I mean you know what what type of book would it be would it be like uh you think I'm more along the lines of a novel or you know is it is it something that's going to be like factual you know on a subject yeah a novel so it'd be like a crime based one would be a romantic or what this is it I I wouldn't I've never considered anything like that so I wouldn't be able to uh I wouldn't be able to give you any ideas unfortunately edible and stuff like this also as well just two hours I know a couple of these that are in here now you just know that this is my uh new home for all me all my content so anyone else if you're watching this video back just out of coincidence please do uh don't forget to uh subscribe and if you like the video hit that thumbs up and it will probably sound like I'm a begging booger at the moment but it's like just want to see if this is uh something not to make a career out of I'm quite happy in my job but um but yeah just so uh I know that this is the stuff that you guys like are we at the the VR on discords yeah well you've got to meet all right so we're not too far away now probably another five minutes or so Chi he gets [Laughter] yeah don't like me you like the content just not me I'll remember that Louie's thinking of a title like Robo dog oh probably a children's book there we go what's one thing as well I mean you're doing a little bit of a service there as well aren't you maybe because I think um that sort of audience as well you know you can you can you can Inspire kids at a young age we can just have it as a means of entertainment but yeah children's books I mean I know it's insanely uh competitive market especially you know you see how many celebs are getting involved in doing that sort of stuff now as well it's crazy that's right for Paul's reading level nice yeah appreciate that mate do a little twist on that old my age-old saying who needs who needs friends when you can have a Rogan oh excitable I'll remember I'll remember that does trim quite nice to worry and I'm literally not importing much on the yoga at the moment so we are going to be landing uh in the opposite direction we're gonna be landing on Runway I think it was about two eight or two six something like that not as if you don't know where to live either yeah exactly I've got that saved in the uh in the sat nav mate hahaha no so so Louis um pretty much what I'm trying to do on the channel now I'm trying to keep the um make the interfaces as clutter free as possible um I may revert to using uh stick in the uh the webcam on again at some points Maybe I I don't know but there's certainly some days you see when I when I come home from work and you know I might look absolutely exhausted and I might not be in the mood to you know make sure that I'm sitting straight and centered and all this and some days it's you know it's it's times like that when I decide you know what I can't be bothered streaming so at least this way I can still be slouched to one side and you know not have to worry about people seeing what I'm doing Etc you know I think a lot of the times when when you're streaming if you are using a camera um that can certainly uh you know for for no reason I can I can explain I can sap a lot more energy out of here or certainly it does with me anyway so no unfortunately not no no webcam on well I've not actually done any streams will be cameraed on uh since I've moved over to YouTube he just wants to do naked streamer more exactly mate look when it's when it's hot as it has been for the last probably a week or two or felt sticky I don't think anyone wants to be sitting here and seeing me with me uh with me moves I'll do the exactly I mean if you can find anything of interest in any of uh any of my live streams mates uh you're more than welcome to you know like if I absolutely mock up this land and or just anything interesting you know I mean you're more than welcome to more than welcome to do that let's see if I can spot where this is right there's the runway there I think so we're gonna be coming around and land them back in on this direction oh yeah it's been a while since I've been back in this is of course the uh just flights uh pa28 Warrior flies really nice as well what I'll have to do as well I'll have a little look and see um where the test center is as well because I definitely need to get a few more stars so I get more more XP when I'm flying uh nobody's Rogan that's cool man so there's our strip just down there okay we're gonna go some flaps introduced uh welcome back mates oh God man foreign transporter from dispatch nice landing go to the parking and put your parking brake on I'll be in touch anyways I don't want to lenses shut down smooth Landing okay so we got the flaps retracted say well we'll come off here like uh or will we oh no we won't we won't we won't Miss honesty Gods it's it's if you're flying Airlines all the time I mean as much as it's great you know setting up the aircraft and you know sticking to uh to like a flight plan of simbrief um this is why I have to mix it up because it just starts feeling like a bit um autonomous but when you start doing things like this as well just getting into small general aviation aircraft and you know feeling more of effect of like the wind just like I have then when I was Landing I was sort of like coming in on like a crab and angle it's uh you know it's still exceptionally good fun and you're missing out as well on a lot of you know really cool uh aircraft you just need to change me Toby a little bit as well just get it to uh go back to center a bit more because what I have noticed is the enemy had for long periods of time it's it's not going back to like a the same position it's probably just a bit of the the messing around I like the configuration of that I've set up a while back I'll tell you what we'll we'll stop here okay so parking brakes are on is that so as soon as we cut the fuel off that's when it'll uh that's when Neo flyer tell us that it's uh it's recording the uh the flight so London light is off still got the anti-collision on all right so I'll get Neo fly back up on the screen I had me feel pumped for the whole left leg didn't they right and now what I've got to do is I've actually got it set so that I have to hit this little action button now this is something that you can configure uh in the sentence whether you want to have it so that um I think it was under under this bit anyway oh yeah Mission manual trigger so enable a set if you would like to control sounds and action events from neo-fly uh with a manual trigger enabled so you can play the Pax load and sounds after the doors have been opened so that's why it's not kicked in yet so again we go back to the Light page click that action button standby pilot cargo unloading okay and as you can see their flight time 59 minutes uh aircraft stress respect bonus granted 15 XP payload realism because we put the correct amount of uh Cargo in another 9 XP uh your a qualification score one Stars grants you an XP rate of one time so that's what I was saying about uh if you do go and reset that test and get more stars it will give you a a better XP bonus uh total flight XP 77 uh I think it also as well transporter from dispatch the cargo was picked up by the customer your mission is completed there we go so we end our 9498 we did have to pay 156 dollars for the airport fees for London uh I'm sure the givers as well a London rate didn't they about that minus two feet per minute I tell you what if that would have been me uh what's it called me typewriting that would have been three stars I won't get anywhere near that one actually go and do it again rice so Rogan what would you like to see in neo-flimies um all he is anything you want me to look at me everything okay rice so right so when you've when you've created your pilot for instance give them a name picked what aircraft you want to start off with and all that and also the start and location um so this is the jobs page that you see so as you can see my level up to now veins 87 XP our case you've never used not on it like this at all okay so what I was saying earlier on was the pending on your aircraft that you start with it'll have so much weight um or cargo that it's allowed to be allocated and also it'll be restricted to how many passengers uh or packs you can carry so we can see here I've got 777 pounds of cargo space that I can fill and also three passenger slots now this list on here is all the jobs that are currently available to me so I can literally click on this and you'll see this map updating it'll give you a you know where we're starting off from to um where these jobs are taking us to now thing to be aware of as well now if I didn't have any of these switched on so if I do that and this will give me a this will give me more airports for me to actually see it through and the only reason why I have all these things on is because I don't want to be landing somewhere at the moment because of the aircraft that I'm in it's going to be two shorts of a Runway or potentially um you know if I'm flying it nice I want to be able to see where I'm landing so I'll have things like the lights on make sure I can get fuel from there I'm not too worried about the ATC to be honest well all this is configurable you can also set as well your distance so if I hit that now it's only show me flights of a maximum distance of 50 miles but I'm always happy depending on what aircraft if I'm in one of the smaller ones I'm always happy to do like 100 or 150. turns out how long you want to fly for and say you've only got 10 minutes to fly I mean you could even put in like 25 and it'll still find jobs uh I think 25 might have been too small I go 40 no 50 is the minimum oh yeah 50 miles probably like half an hour or something like that and more aircraft you're in um but yeah there's just plenty of jobs now one thing you'll find as well there'll be a lot more jobs available to you so all these little filters that are available um again this is just normal cargo uh I've got illicit cargo passengers and I've got tourists and that's what you'll see next to all these different jobs here in the on the left-hand side of this uh it's this column um and you don't you don't have to display them so if I for instance didn't want to have any tourists on there I can take them off but one thing you'll notice as well if I start adding in some of these things my sensitive cargo uh or time sensitive or expresses it's called neoply you'll notice that this list hasn't populated to show me any of them and the reason being for that is because uh these missions are only available when you achieve the rank of Second Officer so that's literally when you start um leveling up so you'll see that the next rank is Second Officer so as soon as I get to that um these were the start of populating in the job list for me I'm not going to have them at the moments but yeah but there's all sorts of other ones as well so you'll see first officer you've got VIP passengers um first officer as well you've got VIP helicopter passengers he gets a Second Officer you can do Secret passengers first officer you can start doing emergency job so that's like Landon at a a road accident um you know similar to what probably what you've seen me do in the h145 you know it's that sort of thing uh so you've got search and rescue uh you can put out fires parachute missions again that one second officer will actually unlock that when we when we level up um advertisement jobs military interception and then we've got Airlines and humanitarian so there's there's loads of different types of jobs but as I say there's no point me having any of these ones highlighted at the moment because it's not going to update that list so all you need to do this depending on what aircraft you've got if you want to make sure that the available space you've got is in your aircraft is available you just click on these and it'll always always keep a keep account of what free space you've got um you hang it as well you'll see all your aircrafts and also the pilot which you've got Associated to it so if I wanted to take myself out of that aircraft there we go if I had another aircraft I'd just click on it and I just say I want to fly and but this is where I'm I'm going to go back to the to the uh to the licenses or the typewritings so you can see that they're just like Warrior single piston prop so it's a category a aircraft um so you can't start with any plane it'll give you a selection of about I don't know I think maybe somewhere in the region of like 10 different planes but they are small aircraft um if you've got any paywheel aircraft you can actually select on the starting screen you can say use fade party products as well providing of course you you own them but it will give you yeah I'll give you a couple of aircraft to choose from um what you need to do is get enough money to rent another one that you want or so buy one um but also as well um you know you've what you've got to understand is some aircraft in the uh in the app will cost a lot of money um getting the licenses for them there's nothing restricting unit seams of like your level or your rank makes no difference if I show you the licenses page so if I go to I think it's this one for qualifications so you can go and do any of these anytime you want so if I want to go and fly a twin prop um I can go to one of these locations it tells you what aircraft you've got to be in um but you'll notice some of these as well a pay way so like the mill of is 310 if I wanted to go to egbe Coventry I've got to sit that in the middle of his free 10r um same thing with the baron as well the baron is only available thinking like the premium version of flight Sim it's not available in the in the standard one I am the da62 that is a vanilla aircraft so you could literally um go to that location Echo golf charlie foxtrot get in the da62 and get yourself certified for then for the for the twin um but again where are you all restricted is cost so again if I wanted to if I went and got my my license for the baron so if I went and got the twin prop um you'll see that aircraft the cheapest one that I can rent is 841 000. so that is in the rent price that's just like that aircraft price if he was a buyer so what it does is it base base the rent um you've got to put a you've got to put a 10 deposit down of whatever the aircraft cost is so I would need to have 84 Grand um to be able to rent that one but then if you win at that location you can bring that aircraft to your pilot location for the small fee it might cost like two grand the free grant it depends on how far away the aircraft is um but this this is like a full-on as I say a full-on economy you've got costs associated so um you can't just go in any aircraft if if you did want to fly anything though and you weren't too bother for the time being like you you know like maybe for instance you know I've been ground in a way and I've been doing all these little jobs in me in my single engine prop and I decided you know what I really want to do a flight in in a larger aircraft or something they've added this thing called freelance jobs so I can literally do any of these jobs doesn't matter what aircraft I'm in or what it detects in the SIM um it doesn't matter about nothing does not give a crap it's just a couple of different job types again you can select what distance you want to be able to fly let's go see there's a few more coming up now whether it's an emergency job now they don't pay as much as um what they would be if they were in the in the normal job list whatever that's gone or what these allow you to do is it does not give a crap or aircraft you're in so you're not locked to anything with these that makes sense so you know if I wanted to go and do a parachute job now I mean how many miles away is that 173 tell you what let's let's change that to 50. we're going to parachute one well there's one that's not too far off 63. so I could do this parachute Mission now literally whatever I want to I want to fly in doesn't matter what I'm in but one thing you've got to notice as well is it will say that your speed has got to be um no more than 70 mile an hour so you need to make sure you're not in something like it you know a Pfizer gesso or something like that um oh yeah you got all these options so it's really good um in terms of your career it'll start giving you all this data uh so if I have a look at like say my flight time there we go I've got nothing to perform a graph at the moment because I've only cheat on the one place um but I'll give you a breakdown of your experience your rank what qualification uh categories you've got uh where your pilot currently is sitting how many hours minutes you've flown for um again this is the qualification page this is what I'm actually going to go and do next I'm going to do a little uh qualification flight because if I can get two or three stars that means I'm going to win more XP for each fight that I do because there's no point in staying on one star this is just what's given to you when you start on neo4 you're just given a category license and it's one star so even though you're probably saying he's saying to me no well why are you gonna go and redo that now if you've already got it as I say the more stars you've got with these um it just basically means you get better at XP rewards which which will intain will help you level up faster um so if we have a little look distance ascends to the nearest place that I can go and do a test on is and the X Cub skis now oh I tell you what do you reckon would you reckon that's who it is that Lauren's Llewellyn bloody Bowen or is it Nick Knowles I thought it was more Nick Knowles [Laughter] I'll tell you what because I've so this is a payware on the um the c182 RG um I'm gonna I'm gonna load into the Sim in this so I need to go to Echo golf Bravo Lima so let me just mop around with that a minute I'll just take neofly off the screen and I'm going to load it into the uh into the Coronado and it'll give it'll give you an idea on what the um what these little uh tests delay what you've got to do the very very straightforwards the up they are pretty um pretty good but again just want to point out all these aircraft on here it doesn't just show a default aircraft in the Sim you need to any of these that come up like the carinado or the just flight pa28 so the Blackbeard simulations dhc2 you know you would need to have them installed in your sim the likes of the X covered skis the pits uh I think the dv20 is that defaults yeah it is it's a Sobo uh the pits or the X cub they're all all vanilla they're all default aircraft so you don't have to worry about them I'm just going to uh do it in the Coronado c182 because to the abda and you've got to make sure as well the Liberty matches so it tells me that it is Delta Echo golf TL Delta Echo golf TL which is that one and I need to be at Echo golf Bravo Lima Lima First Step start your engines according to the aircraft procedure right so take this off it's just asking me to start the aircraft wasn't it so we just have a little new flight oh connect information so start your engine just going to keep this screen on here because this will give you a little breakdown of what it wants me to do get rid of them it's alternator Master that's our avionics switched there fuel is set so on so we'll do we've got our beacon on another lights on a fuel open a little bit now that the engine is running taxi to the runway don't exceed 25 knots while taxiing still got avionics on I think it's time this one isn't it yeah it's actually later go on stick our flaps down all right Parkin breaks it off I don't even know which way we're going here ah there we go [Applause] I hope this bit isn't a Runway probably flipping this isn't it there we go there's the start of it align with the runway and take off right there we go parking brakes off Landing lights on we've got our clearance oh wow what's what's going on with this oh we're getting a massive it's pulling me massively to the left and mountain roads that I was putting in there we go we are now in the air remember that here at neofly we have to take care of our cargo and passengers don't bank or pitch too much for the entire flight now climb to 1 000 feet AGL nice we're climbed to a thousand feet above ground level that's not what's showing on here it's it's above ground level not above sea level so if you're in like a mountainous area then the airport was sitting at like five thousand feet then you'd have to climb to like six thousand feet but as soon as Neo fly as soon as soon as you hit where you're meant to be there you go remember to watch your bank ing so now it wants me to do a u-turn so I've just got to be careful my bank angle I'll probably fail this as well now climb to 3 000 feet AGL maintain the same heading okay so we're going up to three thousand feet above ground level although whether or not it'll work because we've got some it's all the terrain coming up here or Ohio Terrain you might have to go a little bit higher yeah so so there's there's no rush for me to there's no rush for me to get like the Jets or nothing like that yeah because it's not like I've got you know I'm not I've not got like the ability to do Airline emissions yet until like new ranks at that level and but certainly what I tend to do is um I'll do a little bit of flying in like the single props for now um once I've got a bit more money and I know that I can afford to like rent a um like a swim prop or a turbo bro or um then I'll do the license for one of them helicopters as soon as I can do like the search and rescue missions and um the emergency missions you know it's always good to have the helicopter license so absolutely yeah I mean all all this asks obvious when you're doing these these little checklists or these little tests or licenses is just go to this altitude right as you've just seen there are 180 it might say into a head and of you know 295 and just follow that for a little bit But ultimately yours it's going to ask us to return to the the airport that we took off from so we're at like 3200 now both I might just have to go a little bit higher just because of the uh the terrain's gone a little bit higher beneath us now fly a complete circle maintain the exact same altitude mace that's straightforward it's like literally just make sure you've got fuel make sure you've got power and turn the key unless you're in something like a beach like a king so it wants us to do a full circle now it's gonna be how he's doing mates and to be fair I'm cheating a little bit here because I've got the autopilot on so I'm just adjusting me heading yeah good man how's the flight to India going whereabouts are you tracking now oh nice okay I'll have a little uh I'll have a little look mate yeah I've put it on the much lower setting oh four hours into it five hours left nice okay so near enough of the halfway points not bad mace not bad now go back to the departure airport align with the runway and do a touch and go a landing vertical speed of more than minus 400 feet per minute will not allow you to pass the qualification oh you got to do the retain yet as well oh yeah right so do a twitch and go where do we take off from by the way I forgot was it egbl I think it was egbl wasn't it but it wants us to do a touch and go yeah I've just double checked it was um egbl up in L 266 to go what are your crafting and Scooby [Music] just me oh it's that one there all right which way is the wind's gonna favor here or Dreamland a nice I'm just gonna pick the runway which is that one just like facing towards us sake I hate the way those windows are quite low oh mate do you make a massive difference you know right so no more than 400 feet per minute so we've got a massive we've got a big margin for that so the way it actually gives you a score as well is based on your final land and you've got to be you've got a lands within so much feet per minute I don't remember what it is I think for three stars you've got to be like less than 50 feet per minute two stars I can't remember if it's like 150 or 200s less than that genuinely can't remember coming in quite steep here as well just realized oh we're just doing a touch and go well done you can now fly a traffic pattern and do your final Landing oh no 91 okay so it's two stars I didn't really I thought it was the other way around okay so it's on that when you touch and go it gives you your score after no one there okay but we've got two stars anyway what was it was the other way around I thought it was uh genuinely thought it was like your final London that's all right we'll take the two stars okay so we'll come in on that Runway [Laughter] oh bloody hell yeah definitely get your bonus for the week don't you flight that mates that oh I mean that's just insane 14 to 16 hours oh well it's an improvements anyway after done this and just got one starter to be an absolutely gutted oh yeah you see that one meaty yeah that was for the achievement wasn't it that one I actually used the um I use the Concord for that so I've done it in like three and a half hours that's crazy how much right Rosa I've got to put into this well done now taxi to parking and shut down your engine oh look at that that was 53 feet per minute that one [Laughter] not too bad to get in the air disappear for the day come home and land yeah out just to let you know if he couldn't be bothered like taxiing somewhere sensible you get literally just stop here cut your engines and um and it'd be happy to uh it's a basic completed here now right if we are classes being off the Runway but we'll just go a little further along okay Parkin breaks it on Landing lights are off uh did they do nothing Beacon yeah congratulations you passed your qualification have a nice day oh uh Avionics the hello Beacon nav where the avionics which was I had to put it onto Australia of course foreign so what we'll do is we'll stick Neo fly back on the screen and now if we have a little look at the qualifications page so you'll see now that's updated to two stars and it should tell us I'm trying to think I don't know what it tells us that when we hover on the star where did this with the c before what it says you get one times the uh anyway I think I think you get now like 1.5 or 1.75 times the XP that you do if you've just got one star all right we have a look at our Pilots so still got a qualification a chance to remember where the hell you hover over is it is it on the tick I can't even remember and you only can't remember anyway there you go that's neofly um but yeah I'm going to continue to uh to use this as I say I've been messing Ram with uh with it when it was in beta for a while and I've done a lot of flights leveled up a few times and the big thing as well when you do level up if you want to get some more money off it like just starting off even though you've got five grand in your bank account you can take a loan straight away 50 Grand so that might help you out if you want to like rent um maybe an aircraft that's got a slightly larger um cargo holds you know it takes a little bit more weight um once you get up to uh to Blizzard was it Second Officer you can take a 150 Grand loan um but even if you're not doing jobs just fly and you'll see Naomi experience has gone up to 137 I was on like what 87 so just doing that was 50 XP and we're just flying around unless you get you XP if you are doing a mission um oh it was do you know what it was in the job log wasn't it the uh where was it before told me I I got like just one times the race I think that's where it shows you anyway when it pops up when you finish the job um oh wait there why are they populating now because I can't actually do any of the Etsy the way it comes up with a little info panel will be there no pile it signs of that plane okay right EG XC so what I need to do now is move my pile it back to egxc or and bring that aircraft back to where my pile is um bring this aircraft a pilot location for two grand yes there we go egbl lovely go back on the jobs page ah there we go and then you'll see I've got a few jobs but not many at all there's a small one here which is 24 nautical miles away four Grands 24 nautical miles which is that one yeah we can do that also as well just things to notice if there's more than one job going to the same destination providing your aircraft couldn't fit it in you'll be able to stack the job so you'll be able to like double up you don't get to double up on your XP but you'll double up on the cash Rewards you like that picture as well Scooby yeah uh so what I'll do I'll do one more job I'm gonna have to because I'm in the The Warrior I'm gonna have to go back to the menu go back in just building something because changing aircrafts but um yeah I'll just do this little hop as I say it is pretty good if you do want to just do a small flight uh you can just do literally a small small job that's one thing I like about it because sometimes I you know I want to fly I just want like a little 10 minute 15 minute Place uh neofly is also something that gives you that option because of just how long some of the jobs are you can get some incredibly short jobs rewards on generally fantastic but that is that option uh oh Rogan as well I haven't shown you the uh the trading Morgan have I uh was it Warrior uh G Bose that's the one closing at ramp two departure flight so if I show you the um yeah I'll show you that quickly mate so because of this little thing Goods Market take a little stall so you'll see like egbl is selling these particular Goods tells you how much they sell in each unit for what the weight is how much they've got to sell uh if we were to have a look on say there you go if we show this one so this is where we are now egbl if I was to say have a little look at egqv so you compare to coolant this will put this in here and it'll show you that you can buy cigarettes from where we currently are and if we were to go to that airport that we just selected on the map um cigarettes we could sell me 112 per unit but just bear in mind again you've got to take into account the weight switch isn't too bad it's 10 units um but we've also got a priced in 920 per unit so obviously you need to make sure you've got the money so let me have a little look at our job I'm going to just see where we're asked where where did I say we were going to uh we were going to do this 24 Mile one didn't we it's Echo goal fixed in November so I'll tell you what we'll kill two beers or one stone here and we'll have a look at this turn that off turn the tracking off the Sim is loading again you don't have to have this running by the way this is just something that I'm doing completely optional so we're going to Echo goldfish to November uh we'll add that job transporter from dispatch good morning so we've got as soon as you get in your aircraft and set the payload pounds of cargo that we can fit in transporter from dispatch loading cargo please stand by her golf Victor November so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to go back to that Goods Market Echo golf Victor November and there we go look at that Bruce so price of fruits that's everything stowed securely we're ready for taxi if you see that we can buy the fruits uh for 1034 its weight is 110 now how much cargo space have I got I could potentially buy two of them so if I go to save a try and put three in it's gonna come up in red and say sorry mate you've knocked up the space in your aircraft so if I buy two of them it's gonna cost me two Grands and then when I get to Echo golf pick to November I'm basically gonna make a grand on there so I can go with that click Buy yep so it shows mini cargo now I've got them in the aircraft I'll type normal perishable Goods TTL is the time okay lovely now we go back to our flight page so missing 713 pounds foreign sorry dog's going off his head right let's get it started let's get this done and uh there's Goods All Souls oh my he's a nightmare if he is a noise or anything he will just bark his tits off you're good to go contact the tower for clearance right so this is a very short place I'm gonna do this because this is going to conclude the stream I don't know if this has got neofly connectors nope there we go lovely Jubilee go back to the map yeah so literally a very very show off like this right we haven't got taxi lights in this it's Landing lights we put them on take the break off I'll do a little one easy just four so have I got shocks on still yeah tie downs as well that was good wasn't it boss why the hell am I not moving wait you finished the book already no pictures honey I do love the warrior Google Documents right now eh oh only all right let's get up so it's only 24 miles away transporter have a nice flight you reckon it's crap say well that was struggling to get off the ground there but what I've got to remember is as well we're pretty much at maximum capacity what you'll get to see now as well is the uh like the XP bonus we got so we probably won't in as much xp as we did with the previous flight because you know we're only doing 24 miles compared to I think the last one was around 100. but it'll give you when it's uh when it's breaking down or like the payouts and stuff it'll show you uh what race of XP we're getting so as I say I think it's either like 1.5 or 1.75 compared to just just one times the XP rate so if we were doing another like 100 nautical mile flights that'd be you know we we're doing a lot more than what we did for the first one it was brilliant it's absolutely brilliant just little things like that our tubs how you doing mace welcome in just checking out the brand new uh released that's off the press today this neofly version 4. as I probably mentioned in the description and uh maybe once or twice in the Stream now yeah it is something I've been using for the best part of it a year well it's been in the beta but yeah brand new start since it's a a full public release now I thought I'm not gonna I'm not gonna continue things have been altered and stuff so let's just do a brand new playthrough hope you had a good day anyway mace I'll tell you what I looked on your channel the other day as well for loads of yelled enough that you made that post on Twitter when it was when I saw to your Channel anal how many how many videos have you done Playmates oh nice mace yeah so just only this year or you just randomly popped the odds there highlights and shorts yeah well I mean as I say mate you know what even like when I started doing this and I've always maintained the same sort of thing you know I I'm not expecting Savannah um you know but if I was worried about numbers and stuff like that you know I just stays on Twitch and you know being happy with like the uh the followers that I had over there but I'm literally just finding ways to share content but I'm not I'm not planning to make anything out of it you know it's just uh as I said me reply to you earlier on I I just I think I'll find it easier just managing just one platform and hopefully it does spare me onto you know make that transition to doing some recorded stuff just at that little bit easier so we'll see yeah well that's it it's nice to have that option as well isn't it um I mean obviously one of the downsides of the you know the other places so although you've got vods you know it's it's ultimately all live stuff isn't it and of course the you know they disappear after what is it is it like two weeks or something like that um but even though I've not done any um any mods on on YouTube yeah um you know it feels nice knowing that any of these live streams that I'm doing are actually gonna are gonna stay you know on Me on the accounts anyone can see the videos and I don't have to worry about setting up an expiring so I like the idea of that you know what I mean splitting your um you know splitting you your time and your resources between the two yeah let's expose your Twitch stream to YouTube now that's it but as I say I'm I'm more than happy of starting off from scratch again and if people kind enough to follow me over from twitch uh you know than Grace appreciate anyone who does that and uh and subs in the channel hey uh so 240 seven knots 240 so let's see what the runways are at this place oh okay yeah we had started from scratch let me take one or two videos allow streamers to boost um oh streaming non-commercial stuff like mud run it yeah I used to do all right with like snow runny you know I think there was a few times when I was like yeah there wasn't many people who were streaming it but it was a time when I was certainly uh you know over the top of the list on that thing I don't know why oh there it is that's why I couldn't see and so we want a Runway two four zero so the nearest one so it's going to be coming in from this side here oh yeah but for me mates anyway the whole streaming thing as I say I'm not planning to make anything of it I mean if I was you know as I probably paused it would amount of money into it and you know as I've discovered uh I can get so easily bent out with it all and end up having to take a little you know take a few breaks from time to time um it's a good thing with this is you know I should say you know you can you can do some content that isn't live it's all still under the same they have the same handle on the same platform um and I like the idea that I don't know why I haven't done a tuna oh nice yeah I see I'm trying to think which video that was a scene one of them when I was scrolling through yours and I've seen it has one that is that it's hit quite hard so so well done for that meat yeah brilliance well that's what you want as well and with like you know the you mentioned they were like genuine questions it's nice to see you know you're getting stuff like that and just not a a load of you know just absolutely nonsense just typed in what's that teleport plane that say then so we've got loads of Runway I don't have to worry about nothing wind's just coming from the left episode slightly I remember as well I'm near enough at maximum capacity for this aircraft so I need to make sure I'm not going to put myself into a stall yet we have touchdown welcome please vacate the runway and proceed to parking contact ground parking assigned one feet per minute that one as well so it took me time there because I know I've got a lot of a lot of space say well we're going to pull up next to this hangar all right spark and breaks it on cut the fuel right lovely Jubilee foreign Grace let's get neofly open there we go we'll see what it gives us transport from dispatch okay nice job someone is coming to take the cargo I'll call you when it's done uh okay so qualification two stars get you a raise of 1.25 there we go that's not bad [Applause] I think he might have dialed that down compared to what it used to be it's unsure it was like 1.5 or 1.75 okay wait for that to update so money will change in a minute there we go cargo has been delivered nice work have a nice day right fantastic right now if we go back to the Goods Market as well um so what was it saying it was going to take off as oh yeah fruit so click on this one through it knows that we've got some in our aircrafts so that's why it's got that little symbol next to it and then if we say to it there you go just move that slide you'll notice that it won't move any further because it knows that we've got two of these on board and then we click sell so we bought through what was it 2000 or something like that um and now it's going to give us a return of 3106 so yeah we're making making about just over a grand there we go we're up to 15 Grands already up that is it so there's a little a little live stream on neo-fly um I think that's going to be it for me though um I think it's time for me to sign off have a little bit of a chill for the rest of the evening and again if you've not already subscribed to the Channel please give a thumbs up to the video um yeah it's going to be a lot more neofly coming on the channel uh this is something which I've always been really fond of so it's a good opportunity now this especially on YouTube for me to um yeah get some more content on it that's it um again thank you very much to everyone who's popped in the live stream um yeah being good to have a few views in here and have a little chat with me appreciate that greatly and again if you're watching this post live stream uh thanks for checking the video out I'm gonna sign off and I'll catch you on the next one see you later [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you
Channel: HaulWithPaul
Views: 8,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rQt5928B9bE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 151min 24sec (9084 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2023
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.