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i'm the laughingstock of london as in my face is a meme everywhere i want to slow down and i want to go viral for being cute well i don't think you're going to go viral then yes my peoples we are back with the home school now it's the show where we find free grown adults and we come up against the smartest kids we can find in maths science and history first up we have philly science now we have a thailand how are you eight you're eight years old do you know your birthday yes when is it october 10th do you know the year 2012. okay 2012. now philly you remember you were doing in 2012 he's 25 this is our bodies thank god i ain't doing maths this round help me out smart boys 17. 17. matt i was working on a trading floor just blagging my way through it i don't know how i got that job that's when he was born man so you're a grown function a young adult yeah young adult yeah that's fine so um science you guys go to science i am you yeah that's a lie i'm about about 90 about about 80 percent good eight percent good completely good that's a good percentage though i'm excellent i did double science either would you get double sides uh b plus you're lying there's no plus in the uk system so the first question is what three things are needed for photosynthesis water sunlight water sunlight nutrients ah this is a gas but i'm gonna you know what i'm gonna give it to you i'm gonna give it to what are you making faces has the last one yeah it is covered like i said i gave you a chance like this yes there you go there you go that's the new one yeah that's the new one and this one uh philly yeah yeah actually one point though i can't lie to him you're doing well next one it is what causes most volcanoes to erupt oh tyler um earthquake it's it's quite similar but philly was it um i was watching a david attenborough commencement and because we chop stuff down it affects our world yeah it's global warming it's a global global woman i don't like anyone can i forget i'm gonna give you a clue i want to buzz you out completely for this round because that was such a badass no no no no no i'm gonna bang you from that give us a clue each okay so carefully yeah it's the moving of certain plates so the moving of blank there's a word that you need to fill in plates ceremony plates ceramics he says ceramic ceramic tectonic tiktonic you guys are just you so you ruined it you're starting no stop saying and you're not smart how did you know what did you do this was my one time to show that i'm smart yeah well you're you're actually gonna start with mine as well can you cheat i've it's actually the moving of tectonic plates okay so that one don't count this one once one what who one one where from where what where did you get that uh the global warming one no no no no no no no no no no no [Laughter] all right so what do you call an animal that hunts other animals predator that's philly you're doing well though no i know i know they're doing well come on man said pretty it's a very easy system you buzz i call the person then you then say the answer what's wrong with you okay did you hear thailand butts i did first what's the answer [Applause] when people can't follow rules they lose their chance to answer the question you follow him chance head teacher yeah who actually made this no but if trunks was on the show he won't lose so he'd be dead he's too smart thank you very much for that philly i'm gonna give you another chance yeah i see what he's doing all right cool listen so it's two notes of title i'm gonna move to the next question which is what does it mean if something is opaque really too big [Laughter] [Laughter] you highland and what does it mean do you know what if something is opaque do you know what it is no problem i know no when you can't see through it no it's this is when light can't shine through it as well thank you very much we're going to move on to the next uh question we're on the the uh penultimate question the last what's penultimate come on you guys uh before second last nope [Laughter] i love when you do that accident is the best before second last remember you you guys know exactly what i read yeah i actually know what you've ever done yeah it's work right anyway you've got track squad where do plants take in its nutrients i'll be honest with you bros exactly the same time but because he's younger we're gonna have to go for tyler sorry about that man that's a dumb question in the roots [Applause] wait only god is my witness this ain't for content on my life i was going to say earth because you know why let me tell you what i understood from that question i mean if you where you know where where yeah i love the way he's teaching philly you know and i can generally say no no he is not being down if you don't know how to answer questions i'll be honest i don't have to answer questions okay just next one get me out have i got a point at least no you don't know you don't know okay so obviously because i feel like since we've been sitting here together i don't know you told me if you agree we've become friends right don't do this are you because obviously i don't know obviously i know your mom and dad talking about sharing are you willing to give me one point first of all don't leave no wait wait don't try and guilt-trip by saying your mum and dad told you about the stairs you can't do that for the nation all right cool so we're going to move to the last question which is where is the biggest volcano in the world go on philly say it's not me mexico no it's not right where is it [Music] you got this tyler come on man the cell membranes are fresh you got this i forgot how it was it killer man you've got this stop man just giving your answers over there kill manjaro that's a mountain i know but just sleep chill out please i can tell it's literally on the top of his head you know you've got this tyler well i told him um he's good i'm gonna give you guys a clue i'm gonna give you guys a clue some volcanoes in australia i'm gonna give you guys a clue country starts with a hate thank you so much holland [Music] no what country starts in the hates hungary all right so the place okay the place remember you can to the country no so the country's at h but the place in the country is m this is getting very difficult holland latest hungary my people i've got volcanoes in there all the countries that begin with the letter h in the comments below hey there is this the country i might be bugging holland don't lie it might not be a country is it i think it is an of course island the capital is honolulu where oh new zealand god guys i'm hawaii it's hawaii i was going to say havana what's havana again havana's in havana why don't you sing havana down below america somewhere how do you pronounce this i don't know i'm not from oh my lowry malaria guys and there you have it um i know if i knew the answer i wouldn't even be able to pronounce yeah yeah so that was that was the thing but what we do know is um that it was actually um a four-nil breakage um you don't get it for freddy you buzzed and you oh that's for you it's a bit too late at least you don't know i'm not gone oh thailand uh round of applause for thailand come on and we have our next subject and next competitor maths joel how was mass for you it was all right it was a while ago is it because [Laughter] what's your strongest subject in master like times adding divide time okay say no more multiplication multiplication is strongest [Music] you don't even know how funny that was all right so the first question is what is by the way when you buzz don't i know you're trying to do but you're trying to buzz and i have three seconds to think i need buzz two seconds all right yeah so yeah you're thinking it's too serious well i need to like that's it all right i need to think of every single multiplication brother remember he's it wrong you're taking this too seriously he's honest i'm relaxed all right first question what is 74 plus 31 105. [Applause] see what i mean guys guys don't be sour though i know i know you don't want to do it but don't be sour now wow that's very good quick man oh okay i'll clap for joel then no i don't need the clap listen i don't need to clap i don't have the club so i got a point on the board now i'm not wrong about me being the best mathematician no no no you're the best the sarcasm is i'm not wrong or anything like that in the confidence of the eight-year-old well done john yeah well done i hope i don't lose my job again yeah very good video no even he's clapping next question is what is 12 times 12. yeah yeah you think this guy that's the only math that's like the one i've been practicing and like whenever i think mass i'm like the square root of 144 is 12. i just say that again i just say that again without sleeping yeah without sleeping look he thinks about us in his sleep i've been doing that for 23 years you've only done it for eight what so [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] and that's the difference we're gonna move to the next question which is all right so there's a blank space you have to tell me the number that actually fills in this equation okay you guys understand no okay fair enough all right so is 18 divided by blank equals three six do you thought you were good in it it's not right you're gentleman so it's actually i'm joking come on guys like guys okay i'm sorry i'm really sorry grab that one you don't get the point and do another question i'm the christmas you sit right there oh yep all right so we're gonna move to the next question which is thank you what is 170 plus 62 is that yeah yes 232 yeah yeah this is my job is magical this is like i couldn't for you do you know what's more then allow hating man he's good at maths still i'll give you that you're very good with it everyone 98 percent of the people at home want one talent [Laughter] yeah yeah yes thailand yeah wow yes next question next question tyler hand on there i don't know i'm ready that was a sneak attack three times free that was thailand what nine yeah [Applause] yes ten times three times three is twelve months in a year that's what it is and get it working it's nice [Music] [Music] the last one which is what is xv in roman numerals oh look at me yeah that's it fifteen [Applause] it was absolutely fine and talented actually won four free joe that was very commendable for you right yeah all right yeah i respect it [Music] how do you feel how do you feel about winning you smashed it so there's seven questions yeah and now you've won you won four three not the whole thing no no just to stab you just yes but uh you're who said that thank you that's definitely me thank you all right so um well done jmx commiserations take care of them [Music] okay we now have our next contestant nella and we're going to be talking about history so uh thailand history are you good i'm kind of good kind what percent what percent because i remember was 80 for science what percent are we talking about now 70. 70 okay there you go that's okay you're not asking me for my perspective yeah no no no how do you feel like 40 50 15 yes all right cool fair enough i think you're being nice okay okay i'm not worried anymore that might be worse than the snow team it's that darker sense yeah yeah it is to go and find my nas all right first question you guys ready for this ready small brain i mean [Laughter] come on man i would never you his joke it's gonna be famous all around the world people are gonna be saying this in different languages oh please don't make this go viral yes don't worry i've had enough make memes make me look like listen i'm the laughing stock of london as in my face is a meme everywhere i want to slow down and i want to go viral for being cute you know it's not even well i don't think you're gonna go viral then all right honestly god bless thailand oh my god please god please give me something close to thailand wow you know how special that boy is that level of confidence at this age no it's not it's confident [Applause] you have gone viral for the wrong reasons yeah once again first question let's move on what was the name of the leader of a roman army sparta no remember buzz the guy from sparta 300 leonidas are you right maya got it right he needs to work but when is when it's when it's time to to to do like you don't have to do it but when you time to look for my natural hair i love when you do that i did a whole role play of this in my school like we were like fighting and i was like did you yeah like roman it's like yeah no you were scrapping that's what he is fighting that road centurion no thank you because what am i supposed to do with these staying anonymous yeah all right cool so there's there's there's three answers but i just want two yeah name two countries which the anglo-saxons originally came from rome um you got this one it's at the tip of your fingers dog yeah yeah yeah i actually know the answer i can't believe that all right clues all right cool so i'm gonna just give you clues and say kai habits that's v i'll be honest amazing yeah i don't think you guys watch the euros i don't think i've ever heard of voice three names don't worry give them another clue i'm gonna give another clue um countries that's good that's linked to the countries okay cool so it's all european catches of course yeah yeah just think of european countries for sake paris i'm going to tell you a city what do you say germany yeah paris yeah countries in europe i didn't you guys are just here in paris i never said that name is sam this is st paris namely something um [Music] no he's just naming countries in europe england yeah yeah yeah italy yeah wales yeah scotland yeah island yeah one more for luck sorry cringe um sorry cringe i love it what's the last one northern ireland it's amazing [Applause] [Laughter] i like making things out of cardboard i'm gonna go home make an l our cardboard mail it to you and then stick it on your head oh my god oh my god come on make something i can't we'll make it here man gave us a monologue yes your nails are my big brain and you know what the best thing is that next question is what is the name of the roman i'll be very honest with you guys don't know how to pronounce this word but you're the quiz master which still stands today in the center of rome wait what you press the buzzer and you don't say anything so i'm just i'm not trying to roast you i'm just wondering why you pressed the buzzer are you hearing the tone what is the name of the roman amphitheater which still stands today in the center it's the thing that's leaning like that a little pizza in the tower pizza i'll be honest y'all down for man she's worse than me she's on par everyone put your hand up if nella's worse than me my brother you backed it i'm not going to fold this baby in there don't forget tyler i know baby i know baby you call me a baby all right guys you don't know okay it's the coliseum you don't know about the colosseum no no it's too late yeah no i'm thinking how'd you say can you get your phone don't try and ask for help the next question guys what roman city was famously destroyed what is the obsession with vapianos [Laughter] roman city was famously destroyed by the eruption of mount vesuvius volcano sicily because there was a big thing they've made movies about oh gosh she heard she heard joel say i didn't earn earlier i didn't he's got a big mouth like i don't want to admit it talking about i'm not going to say what episode but in one episode i heard him say the answer and i said it panzer can admit that wrong i'm going to be honest the next question is what year did world war one start ah and just be buzzing shot try i need to go all the way back guys it was it was 107 years ago i don't have time 107 years ago from today 107 years ago so what would you do minus a 107 from 2021. is that right i'm bugging out today [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay last question last question when did it end ah so if it started on 14 don't say anything to me like 56 yeah no war has lasted that long just think about it use a common sense starting 14 when did it finish i don't know 1915. that's a quick walk but it wouldn't have been there that's a brief one oh yeah that's not even awesome that's a discussion that's a discussion 1916 no that's that's an argument 17 i say yeah long discussion 18. there we go but you're not going to get that before you're going to get like that just by guessing that no no one gets that we move on and the actual scores on the doors are to be honest we do not got a lot wrong so i'm going to say free one to uh you're just gonna say what's the matter i've got more than you yeah but uh yeah make sure you come back next week so you actually can see one of the youtubers when i doubt that's gonna happen make sure you click that like comment and subscribe and click that bell so you're notified when we upload thailand you've been amazing thank you so much take care thank you [Applause] by the way there's two questions left so okay we're gonna have a draw we can have a big dub that looks scary all right you need to understand i don't ever win nothing you see if i win i'm gonna be so happy you
Channel: Footasylum
Views: 3,111,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chunkz, footasylum, darkest, darkest man, Chunkz and darkest, beta squad, home schooled, quiz, locked in, does the shoe fit, chefasylum, think twice, nella rose, yung filly, jmx, Chunkz and filly
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 2sec (1742 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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