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you not you will not g you will not g l you will not g l you don't in my court ever hi friends it's your girl Nella Rose and I'm joined by our favorite it girl India poac and we are back for season 2 of the pink courtroom here's a reminder of how it works in the pink courtroom our guests will give their opening statements before we jump in and start examining and of course I'm going to be getting them to run them receipts because there's nothing but proof in this courtroom and along with our witness testimonies our guests will be allowed to bring in someone with them to help them with their case finally we get to hear from our lovely jewelry to help me and judge India figure out which one of you is guilty this is the pink courtroom season two please be seated court is n session can we have the case file for today please thank you we are here today in the pink courtroom the claimant has brought the defendant for an alleged deceit within their relationship the claimant is requesting the defendant to spend significantly less time with their ex-girlfriend let's hear it Clayman can you state your name for the record please my name is um Leah and defendant can you state your name for the record please my name is John John he doesn't even look like he believes it said my name is John our fers joh I'm not sure okay before we go into it both of you must take a pink H room O So repeat after me IAH IAH swear to tell the truth swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth and nothing but the truth in the pink courtroom in the no matter how mess it may be no matter how messy it can be right so now that we've gotten that out of the way let's get into your opening statements you like to get first ladies first always as always thank you so I've been with John for about 2 years um he've been completely fine up until he started working again with his new female best friend what why babe that's his world by the way so he's been coming home a bit tired and I believe that he is not being sorry sorry sorry I believe that he's not being honest with me I believe that he's still in love with this ex of his okay John so what's your opening statement oh I woke up this morning still pinching my skin thinking the girl that I love can embarrass me in front of all these people here to say that I'm going on extra activities with my ex-girlfriend even though she is my best friend oh no absolutely not you cannot be best friends with your exgirlfriend why is that exgirlfriend right so listen me me in India we F strongly about topics like this girls that try to disguise themselves best friend as what colleagues they're my mies they're mermaids so you know we have a lot of questions so Leah when you first got with J did he had this best friend already in a picture no so they started after he started working and obviously you can work from 9:00 to 5:00 but then it was thers it was going to the gym together gym everything so at this point what's the point in me being here she's practically your girl Leah did you ever challenge John about this female work colleague best times I've even tried to speak to that girl we don't get along what's her name what me asking Grace it's always the grace the joys the blessings hey Leo can't lie you're you're a sexy girl and you're full of curve yeah so you have this at home and you're there spending from 7: to 9: cuz you guys go gym together then from 9:00 to 5 you guys have work together then after that you have after work drink where the do you see your girlfriend bro when I get home John did you ever take your girlfriend's feelings into consideration 100% Leah have you had any personal conversations of GRA did you go to her as a woman and be like yo I feel like you're too close with my man cuz she knows she knows about you bro woman to woman I've had a chat with her she's quite hostile but clearly we understand why because they are what colleagues I'm giving this woman a mutual respect but obviously she's getting married no problem I want to be there and I want to sit there and C her when she walks down the aisle tell me why tell me why is my name not on the invitation tell me huh bad vibes bad energy wait in in fact you're a sidan I'm not a I'm invited to the wedding you're A's sidan are you not embarrassed Sid man and the thing is you know when the pastor say does anybody object she knows you're going to sit there like a [ __ ] she knows she knows you're not going to stand up I mean Leah is there any other concern or anything else that has happened that has you know raise your suspicion between their relationship oh 100% so um I got the butt dial by accident so obviously called up he wasn't planning to call me it was grace and grace confidently said with her chest I could take your man anytime I want scraps scraps call me back you back I don't know why you're looking at me like that Leah that is a very bold statement but with bold statements we need evidence do you have any evidence that you want to present in oh there is evidence let's get the evidence I'm ready for this Okay cool so from the first piece of evidence I can see so it's to John and John only wow not even a plus one if I ever got an invitation that said to my boyfriend's name and not me we are not going okay cool okay what's what else is in the evidence bag Leah do you have any other supporting evidence I've got the the voice messages the bules but you know what your girlfriend needs to stop messing up you know I I can get you back anytime I want this is not you talking it's the BL no I mean for real like I'm all Li though she she's cheating she's cheating she's cheating she's cheating she's cheting can we can we get reload play the first two seconds again get play the first two seconds again listen to this but you know what your girlfriend needs to stop messing up you know I I can get you back anytime I want you know she was moaning wait guys put your hands up if you heard her moaning I know W mad okay Leah do you have any final supporting evidence I do actually got one more and what is that I've got a witness who is your witness Cole who is Cole Cole is Grace's fiance yeah we the dri ah is it going to come chy oh do you see how he brushed us oh there's beef in here um would you like to state your name for the court please call after for stand next please so yeah before you damage John you know there's a few rules in our courtroom so we need you to say a couple words even though we know you don't mean them so um repeat after me I call I call swear to tell the truth swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth nothing about the truth in the pink courtroom in the pink courtroom no M no matter how messy it may be no matter how messy it may be thank you you're welcome so what have you come here to say today you know what is I feel like the reason I've been bought here today wearing his ring of course I am you better take that ring off she ain't serious to mind your on please I mean wait before we get into it Carl I mean what is your relationship with the claimant Leah here I wouldn't even call it a relationship do you know what I mean I know of her from back in the day the Mand them have relations him him your mouth your mouth sorry what do you think about your fiance spending so much time with her ex-boyfriend I have absolutely no problem with it I'm not an insecure man I trust my lady she can do as she pleases I mean are you aware of your fiance's relationship with John I'm more than aware I know what they do see if they were just out here doing rubbish it would be a problem but they have a charity well they have a charity together let me a voice note for you let me show you what they do the Char are you feeling charitable of course I am let he let's he let's voice he feeling charitable and listen to the in the back cuz that's your girl but you know what your girlfriend needs to stop messing up you know I can get you back anytime I want this is talking the we the glasses he took off the glasses so he can hear better your wife she's spreading her Nash but joh look at John have you heard that voice note before I won't lie to you that's that's it's it's news to me do you know what I mean but what I'm not going to do is yeah we can talk about that later it's not public matters did you get it when we get home we can do it that I'm not so why do you think now yeah that you're soon to be wife didn't invite Leah to the wedding you don't Shady cost of living there's not enough money for all these extra guests the wedding is not for everyone same as she was for everyone back in the day do you know try I say I don't really wanted that bro I don't mind Carl we've heard enough I think it's high time you leave the pink courtroom thank you very much thank you very much thank you what a lot don't resist hey hey don't know why you're smiling why are you smiling it's out of [ __ ] John what is even your idence I'll bring in Grace let's get her out let's get her [Applause] out would you like to state your name for the court please my name is Grace Grace thank you so if you'd like to sit down before we get into it you must take the pink courtroom oh you say I can't say it today so repeat after me I Grace I Grace swear to tell the truth swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth and nothing but the truth in the pink courtroom in the pink courtroom no matter how messy it may be no matter how messy it may be she look right at him when she said it well Grace are you John or not that's my that's my first question no so why was you moaning a voice not can we play the voice note again just for the purpose of Grace listening to it thank you she did that did you know what your girlfriend needs to stop messing up you know I I can get you back anytime I want guys explain yourself to me I was drunk he was drunk we were drunk why you getting Drunk Together your work colleagues you guys are supposed to be discussing the analytics and the economic status of London but instead you guys are are clapping cheeks in the back of a car no never happened we've dated before we've never gone back to it he's been strictly professional strictly friendship that's my best friend why didn't you invite John's girlfriend Leah to your wedding she doesn't need to be there she's not my friend so jaring bro oh you're so jaring you're so jar you really like him and that's the re problem you have a problem with her I do not like and you're trying to out that we're you guys went out and you're not over him and you're pissed off another a girlfriend later are we not best friends best friends so if he's if he's your best friend do you have respect for the woman that dates your best friend yeah I don't so why is she not invited to the wedding they come as a couple yeah I do understand but that's my happy day I'm inviting the people that I love I do not have any love for the you don't have any respect no she's not coming really and Tru she doesn't need to be there John tell me my best friend you can hear Grace saying that your girlfriend doesn't need to be there are you still going to the wedding 100% Taylor everything sorted Leah can I just say it's my courtroom no side chicks have free will to talk in my Leah all I'm saying yeah if you want to bang him I promise you you can switch off the cameras you can do your thing I'm just tired I'm tired you need to understand me and John yes we used to date and then we became friends but what her problem is that she's controlling and insecure because at the end of day you not you will not g you will not G light you will not G light you don't gas in my cor ever no I'm not trying to Gaslight anyone what she need what Leah needs to understand is I was here before her if he is your friend why do you know our personal business are friends there is boundaries you have crossed it that's what you need to understand get a hobby outside of you cross bound have I ask your stupid man about your of other friends I need a hob honey I wait for my man and you are with him so when do I have time to be with him I work from 9 till 3 I've got 2 hours Wai for my man what is funny at me she said that's enough that is enough I not fight over a man I already have a man I already have a you don't you don't I do have what was the last time you had sex with your man what was the last time you had sex with John what's that to think about you're supposed to say no Grace that's enough get out of the courtroom leave it's enough here here's your flowers your flowers I dare you to touch him wow y wow did you see how fluff I hair the end she's playing with me she's [ __ ] so I think me and judge Nella have heard enough so I'm going to come to both of you for your closing statement Leah I'm going to go with you first I've given him the ultimatum either you patn up or you leave me alone am okay I still have love for you I still want to make this work no you're not doing that that Back Carry On mhm I'm just giving him the ultimatum the evidence is here clearly you know what you've been doing don't mess with me me John dirty John Jonathan Leah jonath you know how much I love you in fact hold me in front of my hands hold my hands I'm not holding your hands EXC what is this get back behind your little Des I dare you to touch her I dare you so you want to tell me you love me right tell everyone you how much you love me do it now I love you huh he whispered I didn't hear huh I love you right okay uh John is that your closing statement then that you love Leah is that it I love her was I love you we've done enough we've heard enough I think it's time to hand over to the audience audience can you prepare the paper underneath your chairs you will find a paddle that says guilty or not guilty in the case of Leah the John do you find John guilty or not guilty for deceit in his reasoning for spending too much time with his ex okay okay so we're going to do something a little bit different this time everybody says not guilty stand up stand up and the one in the back in take them all in the landine and get them out get them out take them out so so grab him yeah just escort them out and if you could hurry up in my courtroom I don't have all day it's a 20-minute episode thank you so much oh and everybody says he's guilty would you look at that all right so now that we've got the jewelry's opinion which I think the jewelry's opinion is 100% right absolutely we're going to me and in are going to take like 5 minutes to deliberate so we can 2 minutes we don't need long for this one seconds to deliberate to come up with a sentence and um we'll get back to you very shortly thank you very much you know in AER when they give someone like free life sentence sick and head embarrassing me as well of people I've had to throw things at people relable I've had to kick people out so that's my that's my top three that I think he deserves even though I think he needs to get the needle after careful deliberation we we have come to our conclusion and in the case of Leah V John we the judges of the pink courtroom have found John guilty guilty to B CL guilty to R so we've given you 30 live sentences which adds up to 300 years so it Stacks up you have no possibility of parole so you're never getting out you're dying in jail and then you're going to be in solitary confinement and you're going to pay a 500k um fine because for the rest of her life she has to remember your dirty emal damage no it's not emotional she has to remember your dirty B so in order to wipe that memory you're going to get a job in the kitchen in the prison yeah and you're going to pay that back penny by Penny hour by hour to our good sis Leah and that's on period period Leah my good sis I want you to take this day as something to remember moving forward you will not interact with no minus man and I pray in Jesus name you will never come across a can I just do something cuz it would just satisfy me can I just go on on the court with you and just come on get it up make some space for my sister right here right here and do it free times John uhhuh I love you but your ass has to go y can you take him away please yeah security let's get him out of here yeah let's get make it tight make it tight just put it behind his back not in front let's Le enjoy you I don't know why you keep looking at me bye farewell anyways guys if you want to see more of pink cour room make sure you like comment and subscribe of course I've been your judge Nella Rose and I've been judge India and that's on what period Court was excellent today justice has been served John cannot play me or play any other woman again it was a bit harsh I'm not going going to lie John isn't a bad person but again it gives him time to reflect and maybe they might let him know fairly if he just behaves not my problem anymore though honestly I think court today Justice was not served I feel like I was wrongly treated over here I'm going to miss Leo when I'm gone but hopefully she does wait for me cuz I do love [Music] herce
Channel: PrettyLittleThing
Views: 2,798,438
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: plt, prettylittlething, pretty little thing, look fantastic, inspo, personal style, nella rose, channel 4.0, indiyah polack, nella tapped out, tapped out, courtroom drama, uk comedy, uk entertainment, pink court, pink courtroom, the pink courtroom
Id: SgT7sM8E8UY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 29 2023
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