Neighbors PARTY EVERY WEEKEND... but I'M GETTING BLAMED for the NOISE - Reddit Podcast

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my entitled neighbors constantly make noise every single Friday night as they party until early hours into the morning and after dealing with this for so many weeks as well as calling security and the police I finally made a complaint at the main office only for them to turn it around and try to blame me for all the noise that was being made but once I decided to move out so did most of my neighbors in my apartment complex causing them to lose well over $35,000 a month as a result here's what happened okay so this was 16 years ago I lived in these apartments going on 3 years and I was happy there I had wonderful neighbors I was always respectful to my neighbors next to me and below me by being quiet in the evenings and my neighbors deeply appreciated it then we had some new renters come in across the parking lot this being the same complex and about every Friday night they would have some kind of party I lived in Southern California and most nights the air is calm so sound traveled like an Amphitheater I also then had my youngest son who was just a baby from 11:00 p.m. until until 3:00 in the morning all you could hear was them talking they'd be laughing and screaming like they were standing right next to your bed and yes the windows were closed about the fourth weekend I would call security they would go talk to them with very little help but next weekend it was the same thing over again I finally went over and told them to quit as they were way too loud but they just laughed and kept going with their noise even their next door neighbor stepped in and told them to be quiet but finally we started calling the cops the next rent payment I went to the apartment office and complained as I made the payment and the office responded by saying that I was the problem well at this point I was done I started looking around and decided to buy a home and the following week I made an offer and it was accepted the office staff told me that they were happy to see me go as they claimed I was the problem on these Party nights well after 6 weeks of closing I pack up and I move out with my oldest son coming to help me out as we were loading up one of my neighbors who lived next to my apartment said that they envied me as they two were tired of our partying Neighbors The Neighbor Next Door to the party group yells out to me and said good riddance I just rolled my eyes and the nice neighbor asked her what her problem was as the only disturbance in the area was her neighbor as they had all their parties all the time well 2 months go by and I drove by the apartments to find out that every single renter in my building and half from the building next to mine were all vacant everybody moved out because of the party group and the apartment complex finally evicted the renters who were partying every single weekend I guess losing one renter was okay but 16 Apartments vacant because of them was too much and this was about $35,000 a month I spoke with a couple of my old neighbors and I found out when they gave their notice to end their lease the apartment managers tried talking them into staying they told them that they were done with the neighbors who partied all the time now it did take them a few months to get new renters in their establishment but it was probably especially hard after all the negative reviews that they got and in the end moving out was completely worth it the funny thing is every time I saw the office manager she would tell me what a great tenant I was always paid my rent on time my home was always clean I never had a complaint from any other neighbor and this was literally for 3 years and I'm honestly wondering if the problem renters were like friends or family or something like that because the best revenge was that when I moved out so did everybody else and they all said the same thing that I did they're leaving because of the noise of that one apartment wow that apartment complex and their managers are completely out of line they seriously tried to act like you were the problem with all this noise like are these people deaf or something there's no way that's coming from your apartment you just happen to be the only person actually saying something about it and somehow that makes you the bad guy like what is going on right now and I think I'm right there with the original poster they had to have been like a friend or some family member or something like that because no apartment complex I've ever lived in would ever put up with that for longer than like the occasional like oneoff weekend but outside of a very obvious holiday there's no way anybody should ever have to put up with that so I not only don't blame you for moving out but I also don't blame you for complaining because the noise these people were making was completely uncalled for and you do not deserve to live like that in the slightest if you like am I the jerk you're probably going to love am I the genius check it out linked Down Below in the description also go to Mi thee sssubmit if you would like to submit your own stories my entitled lazy coworker requests that I move his bike to the warehouse while also making making sure that I don't get any dirt on the tires as he wants to keep it new for as long as possible so I decide to maliciously comply by putting it at the top of a very large shelf completely out of his reach when he tried to retrieve it here's what happened so I've worked at an outdoor retail store for a little over 2 years now the employee turnover rate at my job is pretty high with most only lasting a few months and as such I have become one of the more knowledgeable employees and I work primarily in the bike shop now the bike shop manager also happens to to be a head Bike Tech meaning he is often busy repairing and building bikes he has taken a liking to me and as such I do most of the part ordering repair check-ins and restocking and Merchandising of the department floor one of the few employees who has been working longer than me bought himself a brand new Fat Bike last spring he lives in a small apartment and so he stores his bike at the shop as the bike shop manager and the store owner allows it however it is meant to be stored in the warehouse and not on the shop floor itself well one day we get a large order of bikes that we wanted to put on the floor I went and asked this employee if he could move his bike to the warehouse or if I could just do it for him he told me yes you can bring it to the warehouse but I don't want any dirt on my tires it needs to stay shiny and clean for the winter also please put it in a corner or something where it won't get dinged up and scratched well I am a kind and accommodating coworker however I don't fancy having to carry this large bike the 500 ft or so over to the warehouse so I decided that I'd make sure that no one would would scratch his bike in our warehouse half of it is dedicated to back stock and the other half has our paddle Sports Department in the back stock side half of that is large shelves that you would most likely see at Costco or other large grocery stores and the other is bike racks for our stock that won't fit on the floor the top of these shelves are usually left empty as we don't have a forklift and there usually isn't enough merchandise to facilitate needing that extra space so this leaves about 20 ft open off the ground where my malicious compliance can take place very carefully I climbed the ladder to the top of the Shelf carrying his bike on my back once up there I carefully tied it to the post that was left up there and I stood it up on some cardboard boxes so that I wouldn't dirty any of the tires I then climbed down and I moved the ladder then I continued my work and finished the merchandising my bike shop owner manager has a great sense of humor and so when he went to the warehouse to grab a bike in for repairs he just about lost it when he saw what I had done with a bike he came back into the store laughing his head off and agreed that it was was a justly earned prank my coworker on the other hand who owned the bike did not find it quite as funny he is shorter than me so he could not reach high enough when he was on top of the ladder to get it down when I left in the fall for school it was still up there and I imagine he will have to get another cooworker to try and get it down that's a really funny way of getting back at a cooworker you didn't damage his property or anything like that but you definitely made things a lot harder when it comes to him getting his bike back so the next time this guy brings his bike to work hopefully he can be responsible and move his stuff where it needs to go because otherwise it might end up in another place that he cannot reach today I messed up by potentially losing my entire friend group all because of a stupid mistake and at this point I seriously don't know what to do here's what happened so for a bit of context I'm an 18-year-old male and I've always been a person who doesn't go out much and I can easily spend days and even weeks not talking to anyone regularly when I was younger I used to be very shy and quiet to the point where people thought I was a mute I'm more vocal now and noticeably more confident but I feel like a completely different person to myself as little as 2 years ago I feel like I found my identity and all of the things that I enjoy in life I have a past of not keeping in contact with school friends after we've separated both in primary and secondary school I used to be good friends with quite a few people and ever since we left we haven't communicated once I can understand if people want to move on like a new chapter in their life but I'm familiar with this feeling of losing people that I thought were once my good friends so this brings me to a about 7 months ago I had been doing my a levels for 2 years and was coming up to my final exams during a levels I really got to know some people and was good friends with quite a large group of people as the end of a levels was coming up I was reminded of losing friends and was certain that it wasn't going to happen again they were very kind and supportive of me and we all were pretty close as a friend group some of these people I had known for over six years all the way through High School it was the last day of our exams which was also my birthday I had mentioned that it was my birthday several days beforehand and one of them even put it in their calendar to remember I go in I do the exam and afterwards I see my friends there is no mention of my birthday or anything like that and I'm honestly fine with that a few hours pass by and I casually bring it up and they say to me oh is it your birthday I didn't realize and we carry on as if nothing happened normally I don't care much about my birthdays but this did put a sour taste in my mouth well after this it was summer holiday and I know we will all inevitably go to different universities and we won't see much of each other so I decided to try and spend a week off of any social media namely Instagram Twitter or Reddit just so I don't waste my weeks away endlessly scrolling well a week turned into a month then 3 months and so on I paid absolutely no attention to any social media but wondered why literally no one had messaged me in that time my friends have my WhatsApp and number so they could have easily called me but they didn't fast forward and it's now about 5 months of no social media and I'm about about to go to university I decide to go on Instagram because I would inevitably add some people from University and when I go on I see I have nine message notifications I think to myself what happened why did they not show up Suddenly I was mentally freaking out because I've ghosted everyone that I know I feel like a scumbag because my friends probably wanted to check up with me but I completely ghosted them as if I disappeared off the face of the earth I then check my settings on Instagram for notifications and I see that they are turned off off I think to myself wait when did this happen but suddenly it all comes back to me I had turned off notifications on Instagram so that I could focus on my exams and I just never turn them back on so because of this idiotic move I have potentially burned all bridges with my entire friend group I still haven't replied to them purely because I feel so much guilt that I don't want to remind them that I Wrong them so badly one friend messaged me somewhat recently asking how University is going so maybe I still have a chance of continuing to speak with with them I know I'm probably not going to see the majority of the people I knew ever again since some have went to live in other countries but I feel I should at least apologize for doing this I feel like they wouldn't accept my reasoning am I overthinking this if I just respond casually with a quick apology for not replying on time I mean will they forgive me at all what should I do honestly in my opinion I think you might be overthinking this a little bit too much if these people are your friends they will welcome you back with open arms if they hold a grudge or try to hold this over your head all because of a silly mistake in my opinion would be so bad and would probably shed some light on if they really are good friends or not so in my opinion I would just message them and say hey sorry about that and then just give a very quick easy explanation as to what you've been up to the past 6 months because if they are your friends then they really will be okay with you stepping back into their lives am I the jerk for digging in my heels and refusing to invite my EST strange dad and his wife to my wedding because after the way they treated me growing up I now literally don't want anything to do with them and I'm seriously at such a Crossroads and I don't know what to do here's what happened I'm a 30-year-old female getting married this year and the wedding is going to be smaller so those we want to invite know when The wedding will take place and are confirmed to be free invites will go out in the summer but unofficially the people who will be invited have been invited this was because it was important for us to have those closest to us present and we didn't want a hugely expensive wedding this has become a problem because I did invite my paternal grandmother and she has a relationship with my estranged father while I do not now for a bit of background when my brother and I were 4 years old we lost our mom our mom's twin sister helped our dad out a lot after mom died and we actually lived with her for 7 to 8 months while our dad was spiraling and losing control of himself she was there for our first day of school she fed us and clothed us and protected us a lot during the period we live with her and once Dad pulled himself together and took us back she was still the person taking care of us after school and on Saturday days or Sundays when our dad would work she was essential to us she and Mom were orphans so it was just her for the maternal side and dad's side was not close by and did not play much of a role in those earlier childhood memories but our Aunt did then my dad got engaged and life changed fast my dad's wife did not want our Aunt around anymore she wanted to become the mom and she did not feel like my Aunt would make that easy on her so my dad and his fiance at the time moved us out of state and we moved around a lot So my aunt could not get any visitation rights to us we did not get to see or speak to her at all after that I know she fought for us she did track us down a couple of times and we moved again and we missed her like crazy and over the decade that followed Dad tried to erase all traces of our aunt and Mom and attempted to create a little nuclear family with the four of us but we hated him and we hated her and when we were teenagers we tracked down our Aunt when we turned 18 years old we moved out of our dad's house and ended all contact with him now now my grandmother was aware of all of this and when we were kids she was understanding and did attempt to advocate for us to see our aunt but once my dad found out I was getting married through a person who actually isn't invited to the wedding but knew that I was engaged he talked to my grandmother and he told her how badly he and his wife want to come and how sad they are that they've been removed so completely from our lives now my grandmother is saying that they should be invited or at least my father because he is still my father I told her it would not happen and refuse to compromise with just him so she's unhappy and she said I'm taking things too far and I'm doing what they did only I know how harmful it can be long term so honestly am I the jerk in this situation what should I do you're definitely not the jerk here you're grandmother does not know what she's talking about because she did not live through your childhood like your dad literally tried to erase your aunt and your mom from your life and literally moved you around all over the place just to prevent you from seeing her in any kind of way that is how highly inappropriate and so uncalled for so no you are definitely not the jerk and I know if I was in your shoes I would have done the exact same thing am I the jerk for making my wedding a child-free wedding thus denying my nephew from attending my wedding because right now my sister is calling me a jerk and this point I seriously don't know what to do so I'm a 24-year-old female and I'm getting married in less than a month and I want a childfree wedding now I have always said this and in the invitations it says that it is child free now I have been to weddings where there are children and some have screamed during the ceremony and the reception in fact I was at one where the kid didn't want to wait for the cake to be cut so he snuck up and grabbed a handful and trust me when I say this the bride was horrified well my sister has a 5-year-old and she said she was happy to have some free time her boyfriend was going to stay behind The Day of the wedding to be there with my nephew I guess his friends rented out a cabin somewhere the week of my wedding and he wants to go so he doesn't want to in his words babysit that night now I love my nephew you a lot but when things aren't about him he will do anything to make it about him she asked if I can make an exception and that she will keep him quiet but I just don't trust her on this situation because my grandmother had her 80th birthday recently and my sister made the same promise to our family that she would keep him calm well he broke away from her and blew out our grandmother's candles and pushed the cake off when my dad tried to redirect him she said she won't be able to find someone to watch him and I said I would help her find someone and she said she doesn't trust him with anyone so I told her she needs to tell her boyfriend that it's not babysitting and he said he would be there for her and her son during this night now the venue has open water and a lot of open field I also don't want him to get hurt because he loves to run around and he always gets in trouble and she rarely stops him so I told her I'm sorry but I can't well she called me a jerk for inviting our cousin who turned 18 in December and I told her she is an adult and she can watch and take care of herself during the event there will also be alcohol and other activities later in the night and I don't want a child around for that our cousin is even leaving before we do other stuff she'll only be at the reception for an hour or two she says that she barely turned 18 and that I'm your sister and you can't even do this for me so honestly am I the jerk in this situation what should I do yeah based on the way you've described your nephew I don't blame you for not inviting them like this kid pushed a birthday cake off the table and blew out the candles at their grandmother's birthday party and in my opinion that is a massive red flag that this kid will absolutely do the same thing at your wedding am I the jerk for asking my wife to earn a stable income because right now I feel like we're sinking financially and at this point I seriously don't know what to do here's what happened so I've been married to my wife for 15 years we have three kids ages 9 11 and 14 Our dating period was a rapid 6 months before we were married although we knew each other as friends for much longer her family communicated to me that we should waste no time and she did as well so I got the memo and I eagerly played the part of Romeo and trust me when I say this it was easy I was infatuated with my wife's Beauty I still think she looks physically stunning and I like that she was a reader in retrospect I think I overlooked our values not aligning but that's on me enamored as I was I told her that I agreed that I would be the bread winner and that she would be a stay-at-home mom and I honestly thought I could do it we were 29 years old and I was completing my PhD degree I took on extra teaching gigs and supported us financially as we lived in a small apartment she wrote not lels and more kids arrived I finished my degree and found a stable career at which I currently work I've been solely supporting a family of five for at least 15 years and I wouldn't mind doing it if the economy wasn't so bad we bought a new place 2 years ago and with inflation and my variable mortgage I am losing sleep at night thinking where I can cut some of our expenditures and how we can stretch our budget I make decent money but we live in an expensive city and I feel like our boat is taking on water and I'm asking my wife to help me get get some of this water out we make ends meet living paycheck to paycheck but an emergency would be disastrous my wife works hard but she works hard at jobs that she likes she is a stay-at-home mom our youngest is non-verbal autistic but goes to school full-time she writes novels that bring home maybe a couple hundred bucks a year and she has recently started taking on Dancing gigs she is on a dance team that makes about $2 to $300 a month she would earn more money and work less if she just used her teaching degree which she has not used she brings in practically nothing and expects me to man up and get extra teaching gigs I'm doing that but I'm also burning out and I'm now wondering if I'm the jerk for asking my wife to use her skills and bring in more reliable income she says being a stay-at-home mom is a full-time job and that I made a promise to her before we got married she writes novels and calls this a career which I admire but I think it's also selfish she earns next to nothing and would earn more if she just worked once a week a full day shift which I could easily accommodate by taking on extra duties on days I don't work I can't even bring this up with her or else she's going to accuse me of not appreciating or respecting her her line right now is that being a stay-at-home mom is a full-time job and I agree that it definitely is work but I already do all the groceries drop the kids off at school make some of the meals and then some I don't mind taking on more if she would just contribute something to the family's Financial well-being so honestly am I the jerk in this situation what should I do no I don't think you're the jerk at all I think your wife's being very selfish and she's not looking at what's happening right now like she's really holding it over your head when she's saying oh 15 years ago you said you would take care of the family and it's like yeah but that was 15 years ago now we've got inflation and all this other stuff going on things have definitely changed since then and in my opinion that's just a really toxic excuse for her to stay at home and still do her same thing and sure writing novels and being a part of a dance team is not bad in and of itself but picking up a well-paying job in a time like this really seems like the best move and in my opinion I don't think you're in the wrong for asking her to step up when you subscribe make sure to hit the Bell to turn on notifications to finish listening to all the stories check out the playlist at the top of the description and if you want some chill music to put on in the background check out easy if you like am I the jerk subscribe to am I the genius everything will be linked Down Below in the description
Channel: Am I the Jerk?
Views: 29,336
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: subreddit, reddit top posts, funny reddit, funny reddit posts, reddit, reddit storytime, r/confession, r/confessions, r/tifu, r/maliciouscompliance, r/prorevenge, r/choosingbeggars, r/IDOWorkherelady, r/Idontworkherelady, r/AmITheA**hole, r/AITA, finance, real estate, podcast, funny, am i the jerk, i am the jerk, im the jerk
Id: O0gINLasVkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 24sec (1284 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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