My Friend DEMANDS that I SURGICALLY REMOVE my MOLE if I want to be her BRIDESMAID - Reddit Podcast

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my entitled friend demands that I have a mole on my face surgically removed if I want to be a bridesmaid in her wedding and now I'm completely torn and I seriously don't know what to do so I'm posting this because I'm going back and forth on this issue and I honestly overall feel very conflicted my friend by the name of Zoe that's not her real name is getting married and I'm set to be a bridesmaid in her wedding which is early next year I'm a 24-year-old female and she's a 25-year-old female I am excited for the wedding and I'm doing everything I can to help her out with planning and setting things up recently Zoe asked me out for coffee away from the other bridesmaids as she said that she wanted to talk to me about something privately so I agreed and I asked her if there was something wrong she said it was nothing huge and that she just wanted to talk to me so I met up with Zoe the other day just like she asked me to and it was right there that she said something I honestly never thought anyone would say to me she said I want you to get that Mt on your face removed before my wedding now for some context I have a mole on my right cheek and it's kind of near my nose it's not huge but it's definitely noticeable Zoe explained that she wanted everyone to look really good in the wedding photos as well as on the wedding day which I really do think is understandable overall she then said the mull on your face is going to be a distraction it's just not going to look good in any of the photos she then said that she would pay for the surgery out of pocket as she could afford to do that and all I would have to do is go in and get it removed I then told her that I really would need some time to think about it she then said to me I understand but just so you know this will be a mandatory procedure if you want to be one of my bridesmaids and after that I just said that I would get back to her now I'm really conflicted over all of this because I have had times where I've been insecure about my mole and Zoe wasn't lying when she said that it distracts from my face so if she was asking me to remove it it may be better in the long run and as a plus she's going to be paying for all of it however I don't really know if I want such a procedure done on my face which which is why I'm thinking about not going through with it but on the other hand Zoe is my friend and more importantly she's the bride and I want her to have the best day ever which is why I think I may be the jerk if I didn't get this done and just to clear a few things up I'm not completely insecure about my mole at least not so much anymore I used to cover it up with foundation and heavy concealer and all of that and now I feel more comfortable wearing less makeup and not covering it it doesn't mean that I 100% love it but I'm slowly starting to embrace it I have it really mentioned anything about my insecurity to Zoe except maybe once or twice in the past what this comes down to is that I don't know if I would actually want a procedure like that done but I'm conflicted because maybe going through with it would make me look better in some kind of way Zoe also said that she wanted me to get it removed for the ceremony and not just for the pictures because she doesn't want me to look bad to the other guests so honestly am I the jerk in this situation if I don't go through with this what should I do I'm sorry I'm just going to say it out loud I think your friend Zoe is a complete jerk who in their right mind would go up to their friend and be like yeah that mle on your face we're going to need to have that removed if you want to be a Brides made in my wedding like what are you talking about that is not a friend in my opinion if she really cared about you she would be saying yes come as you are and show up but instead it seems like she's letting out some very serious feeling she has about that mole on your face and she's clearly saying yeah I've never liked it and now that you're going to be one of my bridesmaides now I can finally get it removed for you like what is going on right now look if you want to get the mole removed go for it if that's your decision then go ahead and get it done but I would not let some shady friend who clearly has had negative things to say about your face in the past convince you that just because you have a mole on your face you're somehow unattractive and unappealing that is so disgusting to say to somebody and honestly there's no good excuse for that and also why is she not like hiring a photographer to just Photoshop the mole out of the pictures if it really bothers her that much and that would not even cost that much money that would be so easy to do like seriously think about it for a second any friend who's saying oh you can't be in my wedding unless you have cosmetic surgery that person is not actually a friend and it's seriously insane that you're even considering going through with this so no you're not the jerk if you don't want to go through with it just because you have a mole on your face doesn't mean that you're a distraction and I'm pretty sure your face is just fine with or without a mole any skin marks acne scars moles or freckles none of that means that you're a distraction or somehow unattractive and the fact that your friend would try to force you to have surgery just to be a bridesmaid in her wedding is honestly insane and you definitely do not deserve that in the slightest if you like am I the jerk you're probably going to love am I the genius check it out linked Down Below in the description also go to Ami thee sssubmit if you would like to submit your own stories this next one came from the am the jerk podcast subreddit check the links in the description if you'd like to submit your own story am I the jerk for demanding that my bully gets a better punishment after he treated me and my friends like absolute garbage here's what happened so before I go any further I just want to say that every name is fake here so no confidential information is being shared anyways this started when I was in elementary school with my friend by the name of Bill Bill is not his real name we were like brothers but first I've got to go a little bit further back in the past when I was around 8 or 9 years old when I had this friend by the name of Sam Sam is also not their real name Sam used to be my best friend until he became friends with Brad Brad bullied me like almost every day and Sam still wanted to be friends with him we had our ups and downs but we remained friends but not as close as before then I found a new group of friends but only two were really important namely Bill and Andrew one day during a cold winter our school organized an activity where you could have a bunch of activities like tug ofwar parkour and all this other stuff and it was amazing all the way until it wasn't you see I was ready to get back to class until I saw something unexpected bill was getting bullied by a group of kids including Brad so I went to see what was going on they were arguing about a soccer game and someone was bothering Bill's teammate and he got mad and it got physical someone strangled bill because he tackled someone which is absurd they were pushing him and insulting him and I was concerned for my friends so I went to talk to him and one of the kids said um who are you mind your own business I said to them I'm his friend what's going on here why are you surrounding him and then I spotted Brad but I didn't want to jump to conclusions so I just kept asking them what was going on that's when the same kid said oh he has friends that's funny so I was like yeah I'm right here idiot when they told me it's not my business the Bell eventually rang so I thought it was the end of it until Brad started laughing with his friends and then something just snapped I turned around and I started pushing him while saying you think that's funny and I said this over and over again while pushing him his friends were holding me back while while I was trying to punch him and I would have done it too if the teacher didn't intervene they said that Brad and I have to go to the office to sort this out but he said that he didn't have to go because it was okay but I shut him down when we arrived at the office Brad myself and a few other Witnesses were there too and it was also Andrew my best friend the supervisor all talking about what happened but Brad wouldn't stop lying and then bill came in and it was an immediate Checkmate it was three against one we've already won so when we explained it was done Bill thanked me and was super grateful and I was happy too that I stood up to him fast forward a few days and we found out his punishment was no soccer for a few weeks and we were Furious we went to the supervisor and told them that they need a better punishment because this guy straight up strangled him and that he at least deserves to be suspended for at least a day but he said no so he told the director to give him a better punishment and they said no as well he couldn't do anything about it so we just ignored them after all of this I went to tell my dad and my dad agreed with me but not my mom she said I put myself in danger and I told her I was just protecting my friends but she didn't care and told me I was careless and Reckless so I was sad and mad and I told my dad about it and he told me she was just being very protective of me so I calmed down and I understood so am I the jerk for demanding that my bully gets a better punishment what should I do I don't think you're a jerk at all it sounds like you stood up for your friends when they couldn't stand up for themselves and there's nothing wrong with that and I don't think you were really in danger I think the fact that you stepped in and told them hey cut it out is the reason why this didn't escalate any further so no you're not the jerk in this situation I completely understand where your mom is coming from and obviously you need to be more careful and maybe stay away from that guy but with all things considered I think it was a really good thing to stand up for your friends and help them out when they were obviously in a time of need my fiance cheated on me last year after we've been together for nearly 10 years and now that we're about 2 months out from getting married I'm so torn up on the inside and I now seriously don't know what to do here's what happened so as the title States my long-term partner of nearly 10 years and current fiance admitted that while he was traveling in South America last year he cheated on me he told me unprompted as soon as we woke up yesterday morning and I still have not processed how I feel it was completely out of the blue and unexpected as far as I know he had never been unfaithful and I have no idea how to react we've been engaged for nearly 6 Mons months and we are supposed to get married in January now before you ask why are we getting married in January well my mother has stage 4 cancer and I want her to see me get married before she passes he said he didn't feel guilty for cheating as the quality time he spent with this other person if you know what I mean was really bad and he didn't tell me as he was planning on breaking up with me but then changed his mind when he got back home I'm so twisted and confused on what to feel he said he told me because it was something I thought I needed to know all before we got married he told me I could have a free pass to get back at him something that I would never want to do as I love him deeply and only want him as for why he was in South America without me he was laid off and went with his best friend who was supposed to be his best man at the wedding and I couldn't take the time off from my job at the time and I knew he had always wanted to go so I thought that it was a good idea but clearly I was naive I've always assumed that these types of scenarios were made up or happened to other people and I now just can't fathom how I find myself in this scenario I don't want to break up with him if there is any hope I love him deeply and I would like to believe that people can overcome their mistakes but I have zero idea of what to do I'm looking for relationship therapist of course but I don't have the words for even coexisting in the same flat at the moment what should I do honestly there are like so many red flags here first and foremost it's the fact that he cheated on you he literally went to another country and cheated on you and then didn't tell you all under the assumption that it wasn't what he wanted and then he tries to offer you a free pass to do whatever you want with another guy like I'm sorry that's really weird in my opinion and that's really sketchy as well it just really seems like he wants to try and get even in the best way possible but like who would want to do that in the first place I can't imagine having a free pass after my partner cheats on me like that would be awful and it's also especially devastating because I'm willing to bet that he knew that your mom has cancer he knows the situation she's in and you guys were planning on getting married in January so that she could actually be there and see you get married and then he goes around and does this like what in the world is going on so honestly I don't blame you for feeling hurt this is such a massive betrayal of trust and I know if I was in your shoes I would feel the exact same way and entitled Kevin decides to freak out at a brewery demanding food that they don't have despite the fact that he could easily get his food at their sister restaurant about 2 mi away and I've never been more Blown Away by somebody's idiotic entitled in my life here's what happened so my girlfriend and I are at one of our favorite breweries having a laid-back drink on a Sunday in their outside area while eating a pizza from their outside area pizza spot this pizza spot is a special side spot with their own little oven for their larger restaurant about 2 mi away which is their brick and mortar restaurant and just collaborates with the brewery itself and it's right about here that the Kevin of the story comes into play Kevin sternly walks out and asks the two staff workers who are young and respectful but still don't take garbage from anyone if his food is finally ready we're only sitting a few feet away so we have a front row view of everything that's going on the staff says that they currently don't have any orders pending and he smugly shows his phone with this toast tab order the worker tells Kevin that that's their main restaurant up the street and that he'll have to pick it up there but Kevin is outraged and says that they should just make it because they are the same company so the staff tells them that's not how it works he then proceeds to ask to speak to the manager and they said to call the restaurant where he placed his order because that's where their manager is at Kevin tells the staff member to cancel the order and the staff tells him they can't do anything about his order because it didn't go to them and tells him that he has to call the restaurant he then begs them to just make the order but the staff member tells him that half of his order is salads and with the other items they don't even have it to make that as they only make pizzas at this location this Kevin is still outraged by this time he very well could have just gone to the restaurant and picked up the food but instead he just stands there staring seeing if that will make any kind of difference but the staff straight up ignores him he eventually yells out screw this and runs back to the inside of the brewery fast forward to 10 minutes later and I see him getting into his car and screeches his tires in the direction of the restaurant he comes back with an armful of food and you can tell he's extra upset because he lost his Rockstar parking spot and had to park at least a few blocks away and this truly was the perfect way to top off a Sunday wow that guy was really weird he really was like please just make it here it's like dude we only make pizza at this place like what do you want this guy had like salads and literally anything besides pizza and he's like come on just do it make it for me like no that's not how it works man just like get a life and go over to the other restaurant I really can't stand people who act like this it's obnoxious it really does like dampen the mood because like here you are if you're the original poster and you're trying to enjoy some food on a Sunday and then this weirdo comes around and he's like please make my food I know it's not pizza but come on just make it anyways like these people are not magical they can't just pull food out of nowhere so yeah that Kevin was being really weird and honestly I just can't stand what people act that way a passive aggressive Karen at my church thinks the world revolves around her stupid son and after my church group had to cancel an activity for one week this lady loses her mind letting all of us know how awful we truly are for canceling a volunteer activity and I'm so sick of this lady lady and I truly want to give her a piece of my mind here's what happened so my awesome husband spends a few hours every other week leading a youth group for boys ages 8 to 12 years old with a couple of other male adults he does an amazing job he does these fun activities for them spending hours Googling ideas and planning things out he's also one of the leaders who stuck around longterm and got to know each one of the boys he even uses some of our own funds for these activities which is totally fine I love that he volunteers some of his time to the kids that need it now the mother of one of these kids we'll call her Miss passive aggressive because she is incredibly passive aggressive and incredibly rude in the group chat the leaders have with the parents but she's also very active in our local church and she acts very holier than thou and trust me when I say this it is very obnoxious to deal with anyways my husband text the group chat a couple of weeks ago letting the parents know the activity is canceled this week because we're going to be out of town and the only other leader who does anything is also going to to be out of town the other two are so unreliable and they said that they wouldn't even be showing up either so the activities cancelled not a big deal right and it's the first time this year that this has happened with the exception of maybe the holidays well miss passive aggressive absolutely flipped her lid questioning why they were cancelling and how it was so inconvenient for her and her precious little baby boy she texted each leader individually with her complaints which I thought was wildly inappropriate my husband just told her to take it up with a Youth Organization who oversees everything but me being the petty person that I am I really want to give her a piece of my mind my husband is donating lots of time and a bit of money even to make sure that your son has fun and you're whining due to calling off one activity like lady please it's such a shame that she can't be grateful even if just for a little bit yeah that sounds really obnoxious like think about it you're volunteering your time for a local church you're doing all these activities on your own dime you're spending all this time and effort just to make these activities happen and and then this stupid missp passive aggressive Karen comes around and says what you're cancelling how dare the volunteer army be unavailable for their volunteer work my little kid's going to be missing out like what are you talking about is this really a make or break situation for you and your kid I can't imagine taking one week off of some kind of activity is somehow going to be like a make or break moment in anybody's life plants change all the time in life and this is literally just one of those examples so with all things considered I really don't blame you for getting upset the way that lady was acting was really obnoxious and there was no reason for her to complain and give out all these complaints all because they had to cancel for literally 1 week I was nearly incorrectly built for $50,000 just for getting a medical procedure done but when I tried to call them up to get more explanation as to why this was build incorrectly they refused to talk to me without an attorney present so I decided to maliciously comply and I put them in their place in the best way possible here's what happened so I was in a very bad car accident in 2021 I I ended up with a 5-day Hospital stay and had to have months of physical therapy and follow-up care with a number of doctors most of the time getting records setting appointments getting pre-authorizations or anything related to my care was simple and didn't really involve much and it could almost always be authorized by my name and my birth date I called a provider who had build my insurance incorrectly so they wouldn't pay for it and I was getting stuck with the bill and the call went something like this the company said hello please be advised this call may be recorded for training and quality purposes how can I help you today I told them that I recently got Care at your location but there was some incorrect billing and now I'm being build and not the insurance company the company then said can I please have your name and date of birth which I happily provided then they said to me that they're unable to speak with me about this matter at this point I was completely blown away so I said to them wait a second why can't you talk to me what's going on the company then said I am only authorized to talk to an attorney about this matter so it's right about now that I decided to maliciously comply I said to them what are you kidding okay in that case I'm representing myself for all legal matters now please discuss this matter directly with me the person on the other line went silent for about 4 seconds they then said to me one moment sir I get put on hold for about 3 minutes and when they come back we get straight to discussing my issue and we end up getting it resolved fairly quickly now I don't think that they had run into that before so they had to figure out if that loophole counted and it does and always should I mean the fact that they tried to lie to me and say that I had to have an attorney just to talk to him was honestly so disturbing yeah that's honestly insane to me you know it's a big mess up when they skip the patient and they're like yeah I'm going to have to talk to one of your attorneys it's like what are you talking about the original poster actually ended up giving some more information they said it was a bill that was charging them over $50,000 but thankfully the insurance ended up paying somewhere around $500 and I mean that is a massive mess up that is such a big mistake that it's honestly just unacceptable so good for you for standing up for yourself these people were completely incompetent and the fact that they tried to skate around this and try and act like oh I can't talk to you without a lawyer that in my opinion shows they are really sketchy and you probably don't want to do business with them anytime soon thanks for watching when you subscribe make sure to hit the Bell to turn on notifications so you never miss a video to finish listening to all the stories check out the playlist at the top of the description and if you want some viby music to put on in the background check out easy mode if you like am I the jerk check out am I the genius everything will be linked in the description
Channel: Am I the Jerk?
Views: 28,394
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: subreddit, reddit top posts, funny reddit, funny reddit posts, reddit, reddit storytime, r/confession, r/confessions, r/tifu, r/maliciouscompliance, r/prorevenge, r/choosingbeggars, r/IDOWorkherelady, r/Idontworkherelady, r/AmITheA**hole, r/AITA, finance, real estate, podcast, funny, am i the jerk, i am the jerk, im the jerk
Id: oDsStc70Dzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 36sec (1236 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2023
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