NBC Nightly News leaves out key part of 911 call in fatal police shooting

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i think it's become clearer that fairness is overrated the idea that we should always give two sides equal weight and merit does not reflect the world we find ourselves in nbc now putting those words into practice the network under fire for deceptively editing the 9-1-1 call that preceded a fatal police shooting of a teenage girl in ohio police body cam video shows a columbus officer shooting 16-year-old makia bryant as she was lunging with a knife at another woman but the part of the 9-1-1 call that nbc aired left out the part about the attempted stabbing officer nicholas reardon who joined the force in december of 2019 was responding to a 9-1-1 call we need a police officer here now and here's the actual 9-1-1 call these girl girls over here trying to fight us trying to stop us trying to put our hands on our grandma getting we need a police officer here now joining me now molly hemingway senior editor at the federalist and joe koncha the hill media opinion columnist both are fox news contributors joe and molly thanks so much for taking the time to join me tonight great to be here with ben so i i have to ask for your reactions to this situation with nbc it seems to me that so many of our corporate media entities out there are interested in fomenting racial rage as opposed to actually depicting the true story about these different events that happen that certainly are concerning but are not depictions of race-based violence on the part of the cops against various people in america molly what are your thoughts on this so much of the privilege that media figures have had has been built on this idea that they that they take and synthesize information and they provide context and help provide a shared set of facts for the american people that's not what they're doing anymore they have moved into straight up propaganda in this case it does seem that they are desiring to foment racial division because that aligns with the political goals of their favorite party on the left but they do it in so many ways i think people need to stop being surprised when they see it happening because it happens with everything whether it's the russia collusion hoax or the kavanaugh hoax or the covington hoax or deceptively editing governor ron desantis's answer on vaccine distribution it's just what they do as a matter of course and this week we've seen it that they will even do it when it's something as fraught as racial division joe i think that this is a situation that unfortunately doesn't seem like it has any real solution is there a way to get these media entities to start behaving more responsibly and not you know trying to push this toxic racist approach to every frame of every story then they got to be called out but they got to be called out by their own i want to see the op-eds in the new york times in the washington post by cnn people they don't expect to criticize them nbc in this case because that's the only way you're really going to get their attention you mentioned about how the media is serving to divide the country further oh yeah gallup had a poll last year 83 percent of americans believe that the media bears the blame for division in this country think about that for a second in 1976 media had a 72 percent approval rating in the cronkite era so today nbc had to put out a statement to apologize for not issuing that full 9-1-1 call because that's the real context when you hear a girl pleading she's trying to stab us or when they actually edited out the knife in the hand of the attacker in the original report we should have seen apologies we should have seen retractions we saw nothing all we saw was punditry on places like msnbc which seemed to actually justify knife fights uh going on between kids this was a one-way knife fight a and b there was actually a 13 year old girl in cincinnati that was stabbed to death by another 13 year old this isn't playtime now and this is a very serious situation that we have here in terms of police and race and tensions are high nbc had to get it right they got it wrong it's molly's point they didn't get it wrong because they made a mistake they got it wrong because they were trying to push a narrative a dangerous one that could end up getting people killed that you mentioned that uh commentary on cnn and msnbc let's run that and get some reaction what if it were your daughter what if it were your child what if it were a member of your family your neighbor uh in a uh essentially a teenage fight a schoolyard fight i remember fights in even high school or even younger than that where a kid brought a pen knife or something to school and teachers were able to defuse that and they'd have guns molly i listened to this and it seems so deeply unserious but also it's gaslighting it's trying to make you believe something that is at odds with everything that you see in front of you isn't it there's no comparison between a backyard tussle or getting getting down with someone in a schoolyard and an attempted murder and everyone should be able to look at this situation and have thoughtful commentary about how awful it is that there even is a situation where this one girl is attacking another girl where there are adults involved where a police officer has to make that kind of decision but to just make up ridiculous things like acting like it's normal for two teenagers to try to kill each other that's not normal and if it is normal you know there's something wrong with that as well joe one more thing i wanted to bring up to you this interesting story from the washington examiner about politico sending an email sending a letter to their own writers saying essentially that they cannot use the term crisis when describing the border despite the fact that the president himself has actually used this word to me this seems like a classic example of the media trying to reframe a story that they don't like in ways that they would prefer it to exist this type of thing i'm sure goes on behind the scenes but knowing that it's going on at a major publication like politico shouldn't there be a response from readers that basically says you know aren't you trying to gaslight us aren't you trying to reflect a certain perspective that you would like to exist as opposed to the reality oh ben i wouldn't even use crisis either i agree with politico it's a catastrophe going on at the border right now when you see facilities at 17 times their capacity during a pandemic when you see reports of young girls possibly being sexually abused in these facilities when you see 20 000 unaccompanied migrant children now in u.s custody and one facility in houston having to be closed because it was so dangerous uh yeah i think crisis definitely applies catastrophe does and for politico to try to downplay this i'd like to see the justification around that what words should we use here politico because this is something that obviously is very problematic probably the biggest issue facing the bind administration and they're providing cover by playing word games when it's not a game down the board it's a very very serious situation ben molly hemingway joe koncha what you do when it comes to media criticism is one of the most important things that we have in terms of our conversation in this country thank you for joining me tonight thank you appreciate it
Channel: Fox News
Views: 1,105,454
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Keywords: lester holt, lester hold nbc nightly news, lester hold police shooting, police shooting, police, law enforcement, fox news law enforcement, columbus ohio, columbus ohio shooting, 911 call columbus ohio, 911 call, ben domenech, fox news ben domenech, mollie hemmingway, joe concha, fox news, fox news channel, fox news kilmeade, fox news maria bartiromo, fox news media, fox news network, fox news prime time, fox news primetime, fox news primetime today, primetime fox news
Id: tesnXmpwkdI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 39sec (459 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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