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W here they come morning everybody oh no the door's locked Chad do Farms what's up shamario what are we doing here all right let's get oh boy they're coming in hotal here they come woo I dumped that food quick fast and in a hurry cuz they start what the heck who's that what in the world who is that y'all make friends oh my goodness I told you no no wild parties well I'm not here you go and invite who is that that please tell me it's a steer please please tell me it's a steer what in the world do I see Nubs you got Nubs who is that hang on well dude I need to see your backside dude that's a big old boy who the heck is that he's not going to let me behind him I'm pretty sure that's a steer as big as he is oh boy that's not good I think I saw wos and let's give him some room room hases he got a band on turn for me buddy and I hope June's milkshake didn't bring this boy to the yard Tipsy you're supposed to keep everybody in line come on woo now if she comes down here and she's nice to big red morning Tina Mario and she's nice to Big Red then he probably I he's got wos I'm just trying to figure out if there's a band on them oh yeah they're buddies yeah they're buddies maybe not yeah he going to learn today dude I I'd move brother what in the world well Moving Day couldn't come quick quick enough here wonder if I can get him run in that pin cuz he belongs somewhere sh sh I think he go in that pin shh help me sh sh even Sunny they know he's new man golly a you sit there and you think about what you did uh-huh 9354 woo d g it let me get a picture of you goly yeah thanks thanks to Hero equp you're in there like swimwear brother ain't no coming back from that I believe it belongs to our neighbor but we're going to get it sorted one way or another but here's what I do know yeah you can just sit there and get get glad in the pant you got mad in brother I don't care yeah the rental So Yesterday Ray Carter and alther and I random snowstorm right 24 well wasn't even 24 hours like a 12-hour snowstorm we go driving down the road thankfully we drove 30 minutes before this happened but our enclosed trailer which we own which we moved stuff all weekend for bearing nut just pops off on the driver's side just right off thankfully we had just pulled just pulled into a restaurant when it popped off so it's currently sitting in Joplin about 40 minutes away get to go and mess with that this morning cuz I got time for that with big red here dude I want to see if you got I'm half tempted to put him in that shoot see if he's got a set on him or a set that's about to expire oh G it I mean he's good looking if he's a steer he's I think he's cut spread him son either way he's got some fungi on the eyeballs or something dude if you brought something that should have stayed in Vegas home I'm going be upset he's really good looking he's pretty mild mannered for not having a clue where he's at too what's up buddy will you spin a big old boy big old boy I think that's you got horns or is that dirt huh what is that he's been touched somebody's worked with him he's somewhere I shouldn't say worked with him but he's definitely been somewhere you didn't know I spoke cow huh all right here's what we got to do what there's another surprise guess what check this out so I need to go get our Coupe or our uh I need to go get our pet carrier do I want to do that now uh you guys are going to be mad if I don't let me [Music] think yeah let's do it what a time what a time for that silly door to not work wait maybe it's going to open maybe I should what time is it I don't want it to open that would stink hang on we got to put something in front of that so as I that's full of water I didn't think that through that was Heavy okay hang on so just in case the door decides to work magically they're pinned in I could yeah sorry brother here you guys need some air it probably help you a little bit huh I could open the Run door but I'm not going to I need to go get a dog crate and make sure that I can get them in there and get them home I got to make sure I have enough room in the Butters hey how's everybody doing by the way yeah see y'all are making friends listen it snowed a little so move Moving Day might be one day later but it doesn't look like doesn't look like you guys are too worried they've got a fresh bail of hay on Sunday today's Tuesday the day you guys are seeing this Tipsy's got a whole Bowl to herself come on let's see it swing them hey take it easy you not got to hit it my goodness what a deal all right let's see what kind of room I got in her so yeah I had to go well I had to abandon my personal trailer at the restaurant hopefully it's still there I did put a hitch lock on it and a door lock but you know if you guys have ever Bo it's going to be tight if you guys have ever um tried to if you've ever forgot the keys to a padlock an angle grinder solv that real quick quick fasten in a hurry but hopefully since it was at the restaurant it'll still be there and I got to find a bearing kit or go to O'Reilly's and buy all of them so yeah look at this guy all right so I don't know where he's from I checked with two people they've already confirmed he's not theirs I'm waiting to hear from the guy behind me so there's also a huge I say huge I'm not sure huge is kind of relative to where you live but there's an auction this morning down the road from us and he could have that's a long ways there's no way somebody's missing this dude cuz he is not ugly he's semifriendly don't leave him pinned up in there but I also can't risk him I'm worried that if he figures out he's not in the right spot he's going to try and go wherever he thinks he's supposed to be and he's going to take his new friends which are my cows with him all right tell me that opens flush yes it does yes it do [Music] okay there we go Oreo get out of the trailer Oreo no no not moving day yet hey I need you to go over there talk to your homies figure out where big red came from they know something's up they're not coming out all right Cowboy do your thing man go on go on keep going C Cowboys in there they'll follow now come on last one got him all right man in case y'all didn't know there's a disease you can get a virus or a bug or something from the dust inside of there if you clean your Co without a mask don't worry I don't clean my coop couple dozen what we doing scooter they didn't know you were here what they didn't know you were here yeah yeah you getting up front you're silly hey look got some eggs for the new house and we're going to take the the chickens home are you excited yeah okay let me get them in the trailer now I don't take that disease or that virus lightly I mean no offense um but I'm funny I'm making light of it I'm also a lot of people are real curious why we're getting rid of this CP and I'll make it quick cuz it's just chickens but it's also just your health it's also the chicken's Health the new Coupe which you guys are going to see a clip of right here while I drive to the house with all the birds and put them in there the new Coupee has no floor so what that means is when it gets nasty and gross and they've roosted and pooped for a couple weeks you just move the CP and we're literally got a chicken tractor Coupe I mean it's super cool so anyway watch this clip while I load the birds and I'll see you at home when we unload the birds yeah we have a huge one with a run right now we just don't use it while our ticket's free range so I if I had to do it again I had a big one before too and I would probably go with one this size yeah we also can't move the other one like the one we have yeah like the guy that delivered it comes with a flatbed dump bed you know the Wench and pulley how much l do you guys have okay that's perfect they got a porch [Applause] light yeah I kind of looked out with my dad had building them because I was able to hear over the years like what do people like what do they not like what are they constantly looking for and then now I've just got this guy that I'm like like here's the parameters if you think this cooler keep you interested than that's nice I hope you guys enjoy it the you left the Run door off because we got the omelet door yeah Oscar look at your new house H hey he keeps snakes out of there he can go in pull down on that now step in there I'll let you out cool there is a lever oh good so I'm not locked in yep thanks babe well if you can figure it out you're not yeah cool I didn't prepare for we'll start with her then Rihanna Miss Rihanna last name Dennis Dennis so Chris Chris Dennis and Ranna RNA Dennis all right but you built us this lovely Coupe and 5x6 yep you build them yourself your dad started building them yep then you took on when he passed sadly y but you've kind of Taken on his man I'm going to do this and I'm going to do it like kind went for it I'm going to do it like Dad would have wanted it sure sure the evolution of the business yep doors all welded you got a framer a welder yep or you weld excuse me he welds he welds too so you weld but you didn't tell him so now he welds yep yep yeah he does a little bit of everything yep super cool and we've got Runners for The Gap so this is actually what I like it's almost dare I say a chicken tracker coup it's kind of The Best of Both Worlds so our other has run a little which is what I looked at which is a little less mobile right but if you were running electric fencing or some other type of f poultry fencing this is perfect two people could realistically probably pull this around I wouldn't suggest it but a small fourwheeler tractor anything like that lawn mower just drag it right around I got a 40 horse should be all right yeah you'll be fine so 40 horse and a 15-year-old so sweet but yeah man that looks nice and I got to be honest the wind coming down yeah this has to be well built I pulled it 75 mph this this is so well built it's not even funny FR just like a house cuz I went and told my fence guy and he was like he's bringing it today yeah today cuz you guys both he's a fabricator so are you and he was like issues he was like well I'd pay him whatever he's asking because there's if it's not in 8 million pieces on the highway then he's done something he's done something right yeah so wow man I love that smell take it in though cuz they're going to take it in they're going to change that but what's nice see and here I'm going to tell on myself here a little bit like I mentioned my dad I just met these folks and I started talking about my dad and I'm going to throw him under the bus right now my dad cleans his cop religiously yeah people see me and they're like you need to call your dad and have him come clean your Co I'm like deep litter method keep them warm gosh that's why they survived but now I don't have to worry about it I can just over and then compost it which I'll never do anything with cuz I don't grow anything but somebody can maybe my dad my dad will come get it so that's awesome but man yeah that's nice super cool well here's what I'm going to do because you guys are getting ready to embark on a like you want to sell them anybody that wants them whether it's this area or they want to drive which by the way and I won't name the other coup company but I mean you'll give credit where credits due there's other builders out there but if they want this one I did have somebody that drove like 10 hours to get one of the previous company mhm and and when you're talking about something that'll transport like this it's 5x6 to fit on your what 8ot wide trailer haul right down the road tra so this is nice because the one we bought we loved but it was too big to move and I couldn't move it if I wanted to even on my own land so this is awesome Cabella likes it Cabella approved approved she's kind of losing her I'm telling people cuz people have been asking about her she's kind of losing her hearing we can sneak up on her now get a little long in a tooth see some of those signs yep gray in the face long in the tooth yep well she's Part D so they're 10 to 13 years she's a dad was a Dane mix some one of those things but and they didn't pay me this isn't free I just wrote her a check and I got a discount only because we have an omelet door so technically it's not a discount because you kept the door no it was it wasn't donated or discounted or anything it worked for it but yeah never been no super cool but I will say this if you if they reach out and you guys mention this video okay if you reach out to Chris he'll work with you on something because you've got a range of delivery absolutely but if you say hey I want what Chad's got or Chad and Ray yeah Rihanna ranan rean ranan ranan I got it now like the Stevie Nick song well we have Chad Chris reanon and Ray and Cabella I was really CNR so anyway oh yeah if you reach out to them mention this video they can help you either with a little bit extra delivery or something like that absolutely so yeah super cool or if you have a chicken door or one you want better a different one I just really threw those chicken run doors under the bus on my channel I don't know if they're good or not I've I've got real mixed feelings about them we're thinking about changing my dad has one never had an issue just has to change batteries yep I had one that broke every day really but it not shutting your closing it wouldn't shut but the other side of that was I have one chicken that wants to be the first one out every day no matter what and as it's opening she's rushed the gun okay that's good info yeah I haven't been extremely pleased with their customer service which doesn't make me feel good you know so yeah well here's what you do you and I listen if you have a Channel with 100,000 followers customer service is still bad sure cuz I said their name tagged them called them out matters they said send me a video their business models K I tagged them in five of them trust me they're not listening but omel let's a good one I think what I'll do I'll put the omelet on here and I'll send you a link and say hey man this one's working great so far so good absolutely so let's do that we'll do it all right all right cool awesome being you all thanks for driving thank you so much it's a pleasure enjy congratulations absolutely on the new place the new Venture everything absolutely all right what do you think of the cpop dad water apocalypse water what apocalypse apocalypse water apocalypse yep why is there water dripping well that's snow coming off the roof but you know what we got coming on Monday what gutters you know what gutters do what take the rain away from the house so it doesn't look like that is that cool yeah all right you want to see in here are the chickens in there not yet they're going to be this is their new home this is their new home yep do you like it yeah but it's very empty in here very empty so that's the new chicken Co door and then omelette also hooked us up with a couple of uh toys for the chickens so that's pretty cool you petting Cabella yeah she a good dog yeah I didn't realize she was that warm though yeah yeah she stays pretty warm all right let's screw the sign on over here does it say no Predators allowed does it say no Predators allowed yeah no unfortunately not you know why what cuz Predators can't read but it but they'll think it but they'll think it says predators no no Predators allowed yep but here's what we'll do we will screw this up here for now and then we'll put that omelet chicken door on later all right we got it squared away you ready to turn the chickens loose yeah put them in the new home yeah all right we also we might run to town and grab something that's pretty heavy I mean that's like uh what is that looks like 3/4 plywood it's pretty heavy but we don't want any Critters thinking they can lift that up so we might go get a little latch or something that lows so all right all right you know that Pirate game you play yeah do they ever say release the Kraken no no this is release the clucking cuz they cluck let's get it funny all right let's try it hopefully they don't fly out over our heads oh yeah yeah hang on okay watch out they're going to go quick Cowboy get in there Turn Around Cowboy turn around cowboy cowboy Turn Around Cowboy Turn Around Turn Turn Around Cowboy goodness stiner well it's not supposed to be where we can see him but I don't want to risk letting them out you just want to peek in there who's in there who is it Cowboy all right looks like cowboy what do you think yeah there's Oscar Cabella is probably sleeping outside in the leaves somewhere Goose's got a treat Oscar wants it I I think I saw I think I saw Cabella over there but I think I saw her away oh gotcha all right hey do you want to take a drive and go see not like running off over there yeah oh okay do you want to go take a drive and see Jeremiah in the fence sure see how hard they're working inside the F in the side by side oh yeah side by side have you been in it yet um yeah did you take a ride in with me yet it's pretty big you ready I did right was it a testing one oh yeah we did when we tested them didn't H yeah well you went to the store with us to get it didn't you oh I didn't know there was three seats in here yep three you going to sit in the middle you going to sit in the middle yeah I want to sit next to you okay why somebody not want to sit next to Dad that's a good point I don't know why wouldn't somebody want to sit next to their son huh yeah cuz cuz sitting next to the other person is a is a thing that friends do that's right all right you ready yeah yeah that sounds like a thing that he would say rocky is a rock who's Rocky um he just a linky box Buy gota lanky box huh yeah goes in and puddles ready yeah that fun yeah didn't it make a didn't it make it slippery it splashed a little bit it's all right so he's way up there in the corner we were just at that corner he's way up there he's putting us a gate in here another gate going in down there but he uses these strings see how tight that is he uses these strings to line up his post is that pretty cool yeah J go back and get some lunch we'll come see these guys here in a little bit I kind of want to keep looking around over here and just we can walk you want to walk like going to walk yeah okay can you hold me on it though it's a long ways to hold you and you're a little bigger than you were 4 years ago I told you we'd find him what do you think he's doing working on the sky working on the sky he looks like he's working on a gate and a couple braces that pretty cool mm nice man got out the way so that's good you haven't had to do much a straight line yeah goes right between those two trees right there so we can around there perfect that's just how we planned it pretty slick get it nice man right down from here about halfway down you can see yeah those are about two off the there's 4 inches of snow out here yesterday yeah there was where'd that go it's gorgeous out here right now what's the temperature um I don't know how to read one of these I think it's 60 that that Where the mercury is wait what do you mean you don't have to read one of those you weirdo yeah 60 right okay good Jeremiah's here what is that he's pounding Post in for the gate right here oh how funny all right no I was going to take everybody and show them what he was doing but I told Jeremiah when I hired him like he was like come run the skit Ste compound post you know like all that which I love doing but you know and a few people know but I built privacy fences like really pretty ones MH a few times mhm and I've run barbwire I ran about eight Acres or Fen about 8 Acres of Barb Wire once upon a time I've done field fence and anyway this is the first time I've ever hired it out entirely true and it's so cool to actually like leave run to town now this takes somebody like Jeremiah to get me to give them that control you know what I mean that is very true but I think that's with anybody hiring contractors now that's not that's not just me but you've been really good like he's been out there doing his thing I've left him alone you've left him alone I didn't even think about that until you just said that well it's because he's worked for us before I think that's why I'm used to people just not doing what they say there's just fewer fewer in people that actually follow through with what they say they're going to do so that's very true okay by the way Ray's not crying her eyes are watering they are sorry so y anyway I didn't mean to anyway that I just meant what I was aiming it at was it's really cool and I told Jeremiah this it's really cool to leave for like a few hours and come back and you're like whoa yeah that's awesome and not have to worry and stress about it too for sure can I pan over there that's your first video can I pan over there and show them that or you me wa you can right now cuz it's not fenced like you can show him that he's clear it okay so we're literally on this is our back porch and we're going to be able to walk out and I believe the fence starts over here somewhere like the front's going to be right behind the wellhouse the does too this South Side quite remember so it'll be a surprise yep but he's going to take it all the way to the road over there not Road it's our road he's going to take it all the way to the road it's going to be 400 by 400 400 400 so almost four square acres but he's cleared all the dead debris and nasty trees out of it it's really cool like I went over there this morning it's exciting and saw that everything was clear on the cow pasture and then I went over there at about lunch and he had driven all the posts and cut them built the H braces the gates and he's clearly driving a couple more that's what that sound was mhm so super exciting yep anyway this is a a busy video Jeremiah is always adding to the project we had a rogue steer who we found out belonged to we can say his name Trey can hold his own who we found out belonged to Trey our neighbor behind us at the Old Farm but he sent his Ranch Hand to come get him and dude's a legit Cowboy he showed up with a horse drove down on the bottom of the pasture does that surprise you not really I mean Trey's dad what do he say they leas like 150 Bulls out of a year and he runs 30 or 40 head but one of his farm hands drove in there and all of our cows that are normally like trying to stab me were like they were like excuse me sir what what can we help you with and no lie the kid that is hilarious the kid actually text me I say kid I don't know how I don't know how old he is but the kid actually text me and said I I text him I said dude I wish I could do it that smooth because I watched him on one of the cameras and he was like well it helped here's a screenshot he said well it helped that your cows were so gentle I was like what so anyway yeah we're going to have a talk but he got the steer back home and then the chickens they're over there yeah the chickens are here where's it at the chicken Co can't do it backwards there they are they're in the chicken coop did you show the chicken coop uh-huh yep and I put uh Chris and say her name Renee Renee I'm butchering it she's going to laugh spell it ranan ranan I think I got it if I didn't it's not ranan it it's something like that it's ranan I was gonna say Chris and Ranna well this is terrible I did spell it ran like I'm not a part of this no but she let me like call her Renee twice then I wrote the check and she was like it's Ranon no I'm just kidding anyway huge shout out to them I'm going to link all their stuff down below link all the Jeremiah stuff down below thanks to Trey and his guy for getting the steer handled um all that good stuff so I think not that I don't want to move our cows but we can only move probably two at a time our cattle you need to hire a real cowboy well I wasn't going to word it quite like that but I was going to see if try would lend me his farm hand in exchange for your gentle cows from my gentle cows well I mean if he help with your gentle cows I don't know he may just walk them over here but yeah so anyway hone but no we're getting settled um I still wake up and pinch myself that this is uh do ours um this blessing again not crying this this blessing it's uh I don't know I I still am at a loss for words and so how you holding up I'm doing better now that we're settling in but yeah it was very emotional for me for a long time you ready to get your animals out here yeah now have you told them you told them that your animals were going to have a pen but I I'm no more goats for me I'm done with as far as dos f arms I would rather have two more ready for this this is a joke I'd rather have two more gentle cattle than 20 goats but Ray was like I want some goats Oreo stays yeah and butters Butters is bigger so we may not we haven't really got to bond with Butters because we kind of you know brought her and of course Bruce was still here then everything happened so yeah but we'll see but you're leaning towards smaller goats mhm some that are cute and fun and wear PJs so Oreo is a lamancha lamanche lamancha okay I butcher that every time I try to say it and the no ears is so cute to me but they're a little bit bigger of a goat than like a pygmy is which what you I would do some kind of pygmy recommended so we'll see what's a cute adorable small tiny goat yeah because Lakeland who sent us that feeder for the ATV they actually have a very nice sheep and goat handling system they do so if I would ever show off their feeder Ross May hook us up with something for the sheep and goats no sheep no sheep but goats but it is coming it is coming Jeremiah and I are plotting and planning this is a fluid project but we're very very excited about it so takes time it does but it is coming fast we're excited but we have the time now that's what's cool mhm so before it was like the cabin and the farm were projects always plus we wanted to build or add on and just a lot of moving Parts but this is like I don't want to say simple but because the house by the grace of God and the blessing that we've received is essentially complete like other than just wanting a pink refrigerator the house is perfect yeah so so is the pink fridge I'm actively looking for a camo one that I can put in the garage all right well you have to stay tuned for Ray's video to learn what else is going on over there yeah but it's going to be epic soon as I kind of walk through there and get my bearings and figure out what's going on over there I'm going to film for you guys and show you um the fence going up so stay tuned I'm really excited for sure for sure all right the boys are good everybody's healthy and happy we're as blessed as we can be guys so abolutely with that said y'all be good don't work too hard don't make it weird God bless Deuces see [Music] you oh
Channel: Doss Farms
Views: 88,564
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adler farms, adler farms youtube, adler farm, adler farms oklahoma, adler farms wife, adler farm youtube, grandpa adler farms, adler family farm, adler farms merch, adler farms merchandise, adler farms family, grandpa adler farms youtube, adler farms brother, chad and rae adler farms, case does stuff, longhorn cattle, texas longhorns, k&s get out, raessunnydays, doss farms, doss farm, chad doss, doss family farm, doss family farms, grandpa doss farms, matt doss way
Id: x4zLB_7RNww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 32sec (2372 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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