Need For Speed Heat | Whitelight Review

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thanks to dashlane for sponsoring this video need for speeds back with a bang ladies and gentlemen but is it the sound of a pensioner tumbling down the stairs like the last couple entries or is it the music of engine fire after having spent the past nine years working for ea in their collective experience resulting in need for speed payback it seemed to me that the only reason ghost hadn't asked their trigger happy overlords for an assisted suicide was because of how much piss they'd have taken out of them when people realized that ghost games was now a ghost working for ea is arguably the gaming equivalent of dignitas regardless but you know without all the dignity and yet here we are some bollocking how they took the hits and got back up that alone is worthy of respect microtransactions are in the wind physics are the best they've been for years and for the first time since most wanted the cops have some balls not burnout parasite the the one that looks like it was fished out of a sewer he wants you to know the police aren't playing that's why they set up a street race's murder and then [ __ ] out at the last second to avoid a higher rate rating just like that you know ghosts haven't improved in every respect look at him he looks like an anarchist paintbrush wearing shaquille o'neal's kit this is a joke right [Music] heatz tried to modernize the street scene need for speed vibe and uh in the same way as chernobyl they've made a bit of an arse of it this is where you select what drugs you're addicted to and how many asbos you've got uh i'm pretty sure rice comes there somewhere but as for me ladies and gentlemen meet white light chan she's got a need for speed but i'm not talking about the cars nobody cared who she was till she put on the mask and like a mandalorian she'll have to commit honourable sudoku if she's ever seen without it but on a serious note i am deeply relieved that there's a space program launch site in heat we might have a shot at sending these dabbing nonces back to their home planet got a feel for what kind of atmosphere we're dealing with here i don't know why they didn't just call it need for speed yeet and get it done with it's not at all what i expected from a neon themed palm tree laid in miami the gas stations are literally branded outrun clearly they could have done something new for the series clearly someone wanted to but instead that's my biggest disappointment i have come to detest the characteristics of the modern age of arcade races climbing social media getting followers liaising with representatives you're one steroid cycle away from being an influencer it's so completely vapid there's not a trace of soul to it and beyond that it's been done more times than mia khalifa but somehow heat has managed to be equally as obnoxious without doing any of that i wonder then if it's not the concept of modernizing the street scene that's really the problem which is what makes heat's atmosphere feel so samey and instead just clueless marketers desperately trying to appeal to today's youth with social media and the dull characters that go along with it you didn't have to represent the new generation back in 2005 and the youth loved it but even so being one of those dull characters in real irl i can say there's far more to the new generation than dabbing and fortnite it's one of five minutes and we already got hundreds of views man what is this preschool give me a break anna talk to me again when you're not irrelevant a racing game has got to have life you can't detach street racing from a social element it's about competing expressing rebelling anyone or any mix despite the sparse traffic and the insipid coat of paint heat's got a heartbeat thanks entirely to the presentation game looks utterly gorgeous there's multiple sky boxes for day there's rain and night time it's just entrancing payback may objectively have more varied terrain but heat's map easily has the edge i mean it is home to a man called mercer that's thanks to the roads that seem to have been drawn from a race's wildest dreams it is an absolute pleasure to drive through the hills and winding bends of palm city sure more visual variation wouldn't have gone amiss but the roads are what matter and they are golden if ghost could combine this with 2015's atmosphere they'd be nearing perfection just need the right soundtrack to top it all off which i suppose should be easy all i have to do is the exact opposite of heat the sheer magnitude of arse the soundtrack sucks seems to be a common complaint i sure hope you enjoy soundcloud wraps and beats so sampled it sounds like microsoft mike having a stroke yes money yes breasts i too enjoy cars captain gucci why don't you tell me more i know they were going for a theme but i'd have much preferred some decent rap to [ __ ] thomas the dank engine and his favorite iphone sampler that's not even the bad part cardigan b is on this track list just no no need i say more this is about as objective as criticism gets of course but for those on my side of the fence there is a solution it's pretty easy just follow these steps there you go and done need for speed ejector seats usp is its day night dynamic day is legal no traffic and earns bank bank okay because we're hip night is illegal full traffic and earns rep you need both to progress but in which order is entirely up to you there's nothing unique about day it stands on the merits of the physics but night what they've done with the knight is they've taken who wants to be a millionaire and translated it into a racing game further you go harder it gets but the rewards just keep on increasing there's a voice in the back of your head screaming just to take the winnings and go but you can't take your eyes off that constantly growing prize some have the chops to see it through but if you get too big for your boots you lose everything it's an immense risk reward setup like a luxurious shower in a prison brilliant on paper brilliant in execution and a staggeringly intelligent return to form for the police in need for speed this is a blast from the past for fans of most wanted which is almost depressing because that game is old now i mean really old it came with its own [ __ ] sepia filter i heard jesus used to play after he got back from turning ball sweat into dr pepper or whatever it was and it's taken them this long to do the police justice again in a need for speed game at heat level 5 they practically send the space marines after you i'm listening sounds like it's getting crazy out there yeah yeah i think they're just a tad miffed about this to be honest with you and that's exactly what was needed to revive that dynamic intensity people loved about this series it's a monumental landmark for long-term fans jesus would be ecstatic now the other thing that sets night apart from day is traffic a feature i have always resented in games that shove elements of competitive multiplayer down your throat they're a wrench of rng thrown into the clockwork of a racer but in heat a competitive isn't shoved down your throat b you can choose to do races that don't involve them c they do add to the thrill and d which stands for delightful the physics feel they're perfectly designed for them heat's car physics are not trying to be realistic you're practically in a riced up ufo turning at g-forces that have the driver vomiting his own bollocks that makes racing a snooze fest at 80 but 180 is the goldilocks zone when you're zipping through the streets you're just barely able to weave through traffic you've just barely got enough time to decide how you're gonna take a corner speed is tense but much like jeffrey epstein not suicidal creating a consistent thrill and a consistently high pace i haven't been this excited to do 200 miles an hour in a game since 2010. day isn't quite as tense but we don't just have mechanics on our side the sense of speed was easily my biggest problem with payback i'm not anatoly the outlaw but i could barely tell the difference between 220. that's not the case in heat speed is back yeah in a need for speed game now the exact mechanisms behind this have always eluded me but here's what i think is going on rain and wind effects motion blur speed markers and the camera speed markers are consistencies of the terrain such as road paint trees or lamp posts the speed with which they go by is a way for the player to quantify the speed of their car traffic ties into this too if other cars appear to be moving slowly like in burnout then the speed with which you pass them really amplifies that sense of 200 miles an hour what the camera does is account for g-force if the car suddenly takes off the camera can't quite keep up if it makes an exceptionally aggressive turn the camera struggles to turn with it in essence it helps the player to quantify changes in velocity and direction it's not quite hot pursuit but it's damn good work though of course it wouldn't be a modern need for speed game without a couple ghost-shaped screw-ups speed might be back but the progression doesn't pick up the pace for some reason clearly beyond human comprehension need for speed reinforced concrete has you spending the first three hours in the slowest easiest events the engine could allow the routes are simple and the physics make low speed control so effortless that you can just turn your brain off why am i putting a mile between me in second place on hard difficulty meanwhile in driver san francisco i'm weaving through traffic faster than the speed of light jumping from car to car battling the police while racing and there's a strong narrative element burn out paradise i'm crashing cars like caitlyn jenner on a bad day forza horizon do i even need to say anything no joke there are two missions in the first hour that has you get this following the speed limit you know like in assassin's creed where you have to walk alongside this jackass npc moving slower than tectonic plates i mean i feel like no one needs to hear this but we are playing need for speed like what what's happening am i dreaming i must admit following the speed limit in a racing game is new to me i don't remember agreeing to any lsd binges recently so i can only conclude that this is in fact real and i uh sympathize with anyone who refunded after being subjected to it knight's got a problem too the police are great but despite the intensity the options at your disposal are extremely limited i've had more than a few moments where i've had my foot down so hard that i've actually fused with the pedal but i'm still sat here wondering what on earth i'm supposed to do you can't get out your car and rob another one when your health gets low off-road's not going to do you any favors and there doesn't seem to be a consistency to when the police drop off so i'm just left wondering what to do whenever the mouse and cat dynamic turns into the mouse and [ __ ] bloodhound missile dynamic just hope for the best i suppose hope they'll get distracted hope one won't suddenly pop out in front of me hope the traffic is forgiving now like white light chan there are some kinks here there comes a point that you are overwhelmingly quick meaning it gets much easier to escape the single cop who typically initiates the chase and of course youtube exists you can exploit specific areas of the map for easy escapes but those are exploits it's not right that fighting the cops entails abusing the fact that god smites them down whenever they try to make a jump and it's ridiculous that i can drive into the water respawn and instantly escape because the police killed themselves when they followed me into the drink most people won't even know about these tactics which makes the counter-argument weak at best but i suppose they're a consolation for the rest of us better than booking it down a highway and praying to the speed god unfortunately this can really sap the fun out of high heat races which you need to be doing for the best parts i'd love to push the pigs to the limit but at the same time i might unpredictably have my exhaust shoved so far up my ass that it looks like the cancer's growing me why risk losing everything luck shouldn't be this great a factor so in simple terms the player needs more agency but that's a next game solution a patchwork would be an option to trade nitrous for a little bit of health bs doesn't matter as much if it doesn't have a lasting effect now it's mostly getting busted that'll end your night and that's much more likely to be your own fault it's a tough situation because you've got to get those high heat races done for ultimates but what i struggled with the most is that i also had to be level 50 to get them for ultimate plus that's fine but for ultimate i don't agree you're more than likely at elite plus way before 50 so you might end up in a situation like me level 38 just bought a 918 but i physically cannot get it better than my old mclaren because i have to be level 50 to stick in an ultimate turbo that's an irritating gap in an otherwise excellently paced progression system i'd have preferred it at level 45. oh and yeah you heard me right ultimate and ultimate plus ah yes best and more bester infinite and infinity plus one [ __ ] 10 out of 10 and 11 out of 10. performance upgrading's fine but visual customization is cutting edge as usual you can even make a volvo look classy call it an e-volvo and thanks to the community wraps a d-volvo [Music] so what ghosts have done is they've decided to try telling a story again and i think that's admirable racing games have repeatedly shown them more than capable of a strong narrative and honestly i thought payback's story was decent many people have said that this game's offering as great as a need for speed goes and let me tell you i've never seen a story that made me want to step on the pedal more but not in game and into an active [ __ ] volcano they've taken the redeeming factor of the earlier entries charm and they've ran it over with the soviet era battle tank and then with their endless fan service they smeared its remains over their faces like war paint i went to university in the same country as stephen hawking so i know for a fact that quantum mechanics forbids a story this terrible existing without either overbearing management to blame or an insane time restriction heat is cliche boring idiotic predictable damn near painful to watch and ends out of nowhere the drama is forced the characters are loathsome the villains are cartoon caricatures and you have to sit through bland cutscenes and crap dialogue watching it all unfold honestly i cannot believe i'm saying this heat makes payback look like lord of the rings it's like they were trying to make the characters obnoxious it's like they were trying to make the villain self parody anna's an unhinged lunatic mercer feels like it was written by a twitter checkmark and wayne i like to call wayne gargantuar cause like on miller's planet every minute i spend listening to him i shave [ __ ] 10 years off my lifetime need for speed undercover had more development than these one-dimensional cretins here's what i don't understand restrictions dramatically reducing a plot's quality sure i buy that but what possible restriction would force them into such obvious cliches meet torres the lady cop of the big three baddies the others being shawn mercer she clearly disapproves of their methods gee i wonder if she's going to betray them find her sense of morality amidst mercer's corruption and write on cue wow astronauts could see that coming from up in the [ __ ] iss okay put your hands up if you've ever seen a story where the good guys steal a piece of the enemy's equipment and then later find out it has a tracker on it instant drama instant suspense it says come on they genuinely have a dramatic run-in with one of the villains at a [ __ ] chicken shop a chicken shop that might have worked for breaking bad but i think we're on the other side of the narrative spectrum i'm tired of the idea that racing games can't have good stories or that i shouldn't expect something decent from the ones we get forza horizon despite the absolute state of four's characters playground know what they're doing because they're not doing jack there's just loose narrative strands to give everything a little bit of context it doesn't get in your way it doesn't hurt the experience it knows when to just leave you to the good stuff driver san francisco decent writing throughout with a huge helping of creativity and a brilliant intertwining of the narrative with the gameplay mechanics even earlier need for speeds they were ridiculous goofy and they [ __ ] owned it first i'm gonna take your ride then i'm gonna take your girl get ready for that my car and my girl well [ __ ] now it's on none of ghost stories have had any of this 2015 at least had something interesting thanks to the atmosphere and the actors but that's a bar so low you can't even see it with a naked eye thank [ __ ] the story doesn't get progression some unsung hero made sure people could pretend it doesn't exist but i suffered through it and i think i'm entitled to some compensation self-inflicted injuries in the workplace through bashing my head of my desk [Music] need for speed has semi consistently existed in cycles i made a video talking about this for 50 straight minutes back in 2017 which you shouldn't go back and watch because it's terrible but the gist was like assassin's creed need for speed pumps out one innovative title and then iterates on that for the next few releases most recently we've had the cops vs robbers trilogy starting with a masterpiece hot pursuit and ending with a pretty damn good rivals hot pursuit was the innovator where most wanted and rivals were iterative but this time something's wrong need for speed 2015 is the innovator oh spaghettio it wasn't terrible but hell it wasn't great either i was scared it would poison the well and it did we had payback but heat is the first in the 2015 series to have gotten enough right which is a triumph no doubt the question i want answered is whether or not it's worth another crack should ghost ditch the 2015 setup and create an innovator well it doesn't matter because ghost games are dead since i wrote this conclusion the news broke my dignitas joke didn't age so well they're gone swallowed up by the black hole that is ea and i uh i don't know how to feel despite how i felt about their previous products this came like a knife in the gut i truly wish the best for the 30 employees whose jobs are at risk but i don't want to view this as a tragedy ghost went out with a bang they got to leave a truly positive impact on the racing world before they made like their namesake and just because they're pushing up daisies it doesn't spell the same fate for their franchise need for speed is going back to criterion along with much of the ghost staff i don't know what this will mean but i don't see any reason to be worried some of these people have been learning about need for speed for a decade now if we need a light at the end of the tunnel i want to see this as an opportunity make an innovator keep the customization keep the live tuning accidentally deliver the writer's room to a nuclear test site and do something different look back through the series roots or come up with something new a good source of inspiration car lesbians this is a real game where the basic premise is that you have a car and you are a lesbian interesting objective is obviously to make out with as many women as possible points of course depending on their stats hotness and car it's brilliant and we've never seen the concept taken further might be a bit too realistic for an arcade racer but this is the kind of innovation we need i propose need for speed fought pursuit and we do need something it's the only way the franchise can hope to put itself back on the same level as forza horizon or even the crew besides the genre itself is aging barely having made strides since 2012 horizon can continue existing simply by being the best but need for speed it can't stay in second place forever i recommend need for speed male gametes to newcomers and long time racing fans at a 30 to 40 price point on any platform and that ladies and gentlemen brings us to the end thank you very much for watching this was a pilot for a recent releases review format i know it's a bit late but i didn't have the idea until well after heat's launch let me know what you think i'm trying to get it to a place where people would enjoy watching it even if they didn't care for the game i'm covering now i know i did hold a vote and people pretty clearly voted in favor of jedi falling over but someone called me gay so play stupid games win stupid prizes which is me playing a stupid game no but really i decided that i'd rather cover fallen order with an analysis rather than a review like this one so that should still be coming it's oncoming you might say going really fast through the oncoming lane dashing through it even do you know what that reminds me of dashlane have you ever wished that the fbi agent watching through your webcam wouldn't or that all your passwords weren't just the name of your cat in someone's birthday i mean god forbid you use the same password for everything with dashlane you can dash through the lane if the lane weren't to lane but were instead the internet it'll automatically store login information addresses phone credit cards and the like and then need for speed you eat it behind aes256 encryption only you have the key so unless you go around giving out your master password like the bubonic plague hackers can't do jack it's kind of like google but it works on everything and everywhere oh and did i forget to mention it comes with a built-in vpn so nice try mr cia but i'm i'm too smart for you i think we're done there try it for free on your first device at whitelight [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Whitelight
Views: 509,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: need for speed, need for speed heat, nfs, nfs heat, heat, need for speed gameplay, ghost games, need for speed review, white light nfs, whitelight, whitelight nfs, need for speed heat review, need for speed heat gameplay, need for speed heat pc, need for speed heat ps4, ea, racing games, racing game review, need for speed 2019, need for speed 2020, need for speed critique
Id: SptLsDVuXbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 42sec (1422 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 15 2020
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