Necrit Plays Genshin For the First Time (VOD)

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I know one thing all right hold on hold on loading game let me do what is this music very cool I wanna I wanna point out one thing very cool uh loading screen if only it could show on screen now hold on stream now I'm getting back no wait hold on hold on no so wait no I open the door but you can't see anything you fell here from another world fixing fixing stuff uh [Music] we'll even go on to the next world whatever God yeah unknown God yeah sure yes whatever yeah uh-huh your journey ends here [Music] Heavenly principles of mankind and now all right gold medals sure okay okay I'm going with English voice whatever I'm also European I like subtitles oh I'm selecting okay so is this is this is this the moment are you a boy is that is that what it is now I assume the way I from what I know also Zane Zane Master thank you uh thank you for the prime well so this however shouldn't you be able to get both isn't gentian impact all about characters I should be able to get both right what's it being taken right it's taken oh my controller is do you know I want to play with controller oh yeah do I have to Circle can you show me which button is circle on a um uh I have already reached an issue um yellow circle can you show me which controller on which console is a yellow circle should I actually play is it better with controller is it even plugged in I don't even know um okay whatever it's not responsive clicking I guess all right oh my name is not bacon I'm surprised now what pretty cool I've got a first impression pretty cool let's go I go give my sister back sister all right sure okay and just like that God took away my sister some kind of seal was cast upon me and I lost my power so while we used to travel from world to world we are now trapped here all right they used to travel from world to world how many years ago was it I don't know but I intend to find out I have a feeling the Japanese voice acting is gonna be better until I met you two months ago but that's not an issue someone really owes you for that otherwise kind of unlikely would have drowned so my mom will do her best to be a great guy I mean because no yeah the English is fine it's fine but that's no that's just in general Japanese writing is written specifically for Japanese voiceover so like when you when you force English into it it just doesn't have the same impact all right now very very strange it's like there's like Mouse acceleration on the camera it's weird so this is Dash also if there is any lag or anything like that I'm running so many things so don't worry there is all right am I rewarded for exploration can I just go off can I just see you can I just go can I just like I don't like you anyway there's gonna be a secret right I've played a Zelda game before come on right ah no that's just a tree there were really nothing am I really not rewarded for all right whatever we go uh am I mostly punished for exploration hmm oh she's gone oh she's just gone okay I'm alone all right uh alrighty all right can I can I can I go how far can I go this is a tutorial do I die now what happens if my stamina bar runs off and I die and I like Is it wise to burn my stamina like this all righty and I am Thanos away where do I respond oh she's back oh I have a sword so many new experiences oh I have a floaty sword die crap was that a loot button did I just kill a crab that I could have picked up so many new experiences okay floaty sword pretty cool pretty cool floaty sword not gonna lie wet I can make so many jokes because I very much respect the player way can I loot him some crab What's Done crab okay yeah this is very Dragon Quest or whatever it is you know slime kill slimes in this inventory well okay give me my Epic Loot is this a sword that I have equipped I assume so because that's equipped by me all right sure wow and weapons hmm hmm all right so far so good so far so good once again I am very much an exploring guy okay this is now I remember when Genji came out the first time and people were like oh this is the Zelda clone I remember that I vividly remember that never explore the game beyond that though and Val Frito thank you for the prime camera I still I still don't like the camera movement really uh all right so there's a waypoint okay let's fast travel I got Experience open the world map teleportal location coincidentally didn't tell me okay I was about to say it didn't tell me which button for the map so when I yeah no from what I've heard okay so this is a how big is the world since I have not even so is this the world or does it Zoom further hold on is it so is this like a noodle that goes like that I assumed it's like one Realm there's gonna be more right oops I don't know okay okay it zooms further all right so this is like one zone lizard can I pick up lizard lizard get all these so because I've heard that Genji impact started as specifically as a breath of the wild clone because that's what I remember from the beginning do I have okay I don't have a glider pretty cool roll animation aesthetically I love this to be fair to be fair I very much like this aesthetically pretty cool but it's it's with breath of the earth as breath of the Wild climbing depletes stamina and depleted stamina takes time to recover oh is B that's a weird button s [Music] light of the seven you look exactly is this is okay do I have to press hold on I'm just figuring out how it works I have to press now what was the V what's the V button for because it does it automatically I don't know whatever what's that sound oh V2 navigate Ah that's what it is nevermind it's the the map tracking okay okay okay you just climb anyway so I know that Genji started as a breath of the wild clone and then after like people kind of made those jokes they like found their own way to diversify from that mushroom so you know what no I'm not even gonna ask no spoilers I just want to experience the game it's supposed to be experienced by someone who has never seen this I literally just wanna like first impression no you know nothing weird no shot now can I open the shop already that would be pretty funny hold on so there's three my assumption is you climb three you lose stuff eggs I'm immediately back to my TFT roots when do we get to the egg opening all right all right uh this is cool even though it's like very simplified effects the shaders are nasty what the heck is that at the top I know pretty okay pretty cool ah very breath of the wild immediately whoa now that's that's what everyone okay everyone immediately when like they talk about the sound everyone is like oh this is inspired by Germany how cool as someone who lives in like Central or somewhat Eastern Europe I can tell you no that's just Europe but it's cool I live in Prague this is Prague like I live I legitimately this is where I live right now I'm sitting in that City right now [Music] maybe mine is Win windmills because we are surrounded by mountains so these statues scattered across the land to show the Seven's protection over the world someone's protection sevens There's One Singular one seven gods this guy controls the wind would it be written differently if it was seven multiple whatever okay seven gods this one is it's gonna be the elements right animal custom there's the reason why ah it's the elements right all right prologue I am ready oh no poetry and language flow like there will definitely be someone hey I forgot oh yeah oh yeah you never know unless you try General us thank you for the prime you thinking thank you do we kill again do I get your cat should I kill a kid oh raw meat hell yeah from a cat though [Music] what did I do oh I'm supposed to talk never mind I think we're stuck in a loop hold on oh I was too far okay so hold on correct me if I'm wrong is this is this a shared world or does it get shared later there will definitely be someone there who knows about your sister at least that's what time on things actually answer you as a different story you never know unless you try so let's hop to it okay so is it solo world but multiplayer instances then or you can invite people okay so it's like it's like Elden ring all right all right I'm ready now now you know like I like playing RP okay RPGs are probably my favorite genre so what I would do is look something shiny there die this is a secret really I don't want to return to requesting it oh gee what is this seriously silly mysterious being called Sealy can be found scattered all across private if you if you follow them again their final destinations perhaps something special okay so this is exactly what I thought it would be obtained got a crystal hold on squirrel now I know I'm supposed to but you know climb divad oh can you son of a I'm I'm genuinely enjoying this and I'm not even doing anything like I just dude I like RPGs I like storytelling you know not much story yet but exploration pretty cool so I'm oh my first clue my first loot I am expecting a big ass sword a reward on the road okay bow I'll take it very cool loading animation very very satisfying can I hold on for this okay artifact was that the bow oh what am I oh oh it's like trinkets or something all right okay interesting interesting oh so this is the only thing that I've heard the lore comes from these artifacts right that let you look at the description of the artifacts and that's where the World building is that's the only thing that I've heard about the durable feather over now [Music] yeah that's that that that's and weapons okay so it is in the descriptions okay so it's attacking attack this is the exact same no hold on adventurer zero traveling doctor zero the game that hasn't equip the game forgot to tell me what these are I just want to equip the bow can I get the bow or am I stuck switch okay so the bow is for for another car oh it's very cool very cool assume a lot of players use it to check out the models so I assume the bow is for another character right it's worthless for me which means I can just go and I can step aboard hold on did the board vanish it's a magical bar Oh I thought I would actually fight okay okay anyway we go solar glamor ball guys all characters all the mining I don't wanna I don't want to return okay it's like breath of the wild actually okay level one enemy okay combat so far is literally spamming one button I assume it's gonna change when when elements are introduced all right all right all right all right let's reward it once again give me a big ass sword is this an answer from this world yes that is that is exactly that is exactly what it is okay I should probably just like yeah but you know there's ore am I so this is a West this is a this is an Eastern RPG technically so I am expecting grinding am I like is this something that I'm gonna be doing later am I supposed to will I just grind ore for like you know I need craft something hold on I'll probably just go back to okay I don't have a bow shower hold on but you said that I can use I have to restart again did you just reset to the point hold on because that Quest marker shows that way oh she just does she just reset if I go too far oh there was a chest okay okay we're back time Loop we've been here yes yes among the seven you want to take me there the god of the wind hell yeah let's go okay so it literally resets if I just take too long then okay you go sure I'll actually follow you this time explore like the wind there will definitely be someone there who knows about your sister oh that's what pymon thinks whether the gods actually answer you is a different story you never know unless you try hello talks about herself in third person I just realized that we have enough time right you're you it's not an escort Quest I definitely have enough time to like loot stuff right I'll keep this close okay you keep magical or clothes okay and I now I I have a bit of an experience with swimming already oh I'm wet okay so I like that that immediately reminds me of Magicka you go into water you're wet so if you look at electricity uh well I die Maybe [Music] laughs and there's our songs here thank you for the Prime thank you all right we got empowered by and that's gonna be explained right oh it's a map of thingy ma'am and Harpy thank you for this 25 45 months I really do everything thank you thank you did you just feel the elements of the world seems all you had to do was just touch the statue and you got the power of animal and now I've played a lot of wow when you anything that's like anima um I I shiver all right as much as they may want it people in this world can never get a hold of powers as easily as oh I have their conversation options and Esther thank you for the prime thank you uh-huh cause you're not from this world to begin with ah that makes sense I'm supposed to be like hopping between Realms right here we'll eventually reach monstat the city of free how much for the sub the wind because they worship the god of animal God of animal wind got it so perhaps I'm learning because you got power from the god of Animo you can find some there okay there are also lots of bards there so perhaps one of them has heard news of your sister okay so far so good move then the elements in this world responded to your prayers and pymon thinks that's a lovely sign if I'm on it seems strange for talking about herself in third person wild flaming what happened oh sorry I'm an RPG guy so I mean I immediately I'm sorry I see stuff I have a sword you know the rest okay very cool okay it's freaking ah right I get it I get what the game is trying to do it's up here I get it yeah wind element fire is we get cool yeah Bye Mom something is telling me pymon will get cool powers and this is a setup for future story because that's how Future's not feature sorry future story darling future darling darling works hold on is this does it do anything extra take his Blessing oh this is like Skyrim like it powers restore so I I don't need this I don't know how it works the game didn't tell me really home left old sure oh oh oh oh okay I don't need that okay beautiful it's automatic I mean it's automatic if I turn it automatic it's just strange the game didn't tell me because I saw the the thingy this oh it's turned on never mind okay but why was there the 50 whatever we'll learn that later oh very cool animation that was a surprise that was a surprise it's Poppy I'm European I know these flowers yay okay so it's pretty cool that you know the first thing you see is a fire enemy you get wind element fire is weak against wind I assume same as probably water what is that huge watch me kill that had a dress yeah but there's a chance with caution I will because there is a chest hold on so okay Dash you use your tiny up tiny wind abilities okay that's a very cool charging I don't need that but you know okay so you use your how do you charge your what is the ultimate charger thingy because I I assume you use these Now isn't that Rasengan I just realized that okay but hold on fire burn stuff okay I know it should be obviously very cool do I take damage if I stand in that I'm kind of like this is interesting the animations like okay like visual presentation is insane of this game to be fair oh there is a charging thing okay so these chests just unlock when I kill stuff yeah visual pretty cool very much a fan of that now on the road Adventure what was it yeah look at what I got actually I haven't even oh that's the bow hold on how do I equip that unlocked not sure foreign [Music] what is that beeping am I crazy am I hearing a hearing thing is it just Birds that's not a bird that is that's a that's a that's a that's a sound effect that tells me something's nearby right okay I love this ability to be honest okay I I do think power damage yeah yeah so I do think okay I don't know what these enemies are even is there like a monster Journal that will tell me what these are later maybe a reward on the road wondrous advice what is that what is the thingy there's so many I'm immediately like what are all of these things character XP XP with Uriel oh you exchanged that for let's be in the city I mean I could go towards the big flaming dragon or I could kick some ass again that's a very if that's a bird sound that beeping okay is that a boss okay boss fight level two boss fight hell yeah I should probably just wait for them to stack up before I do anything again visually pretty awesome I assume the combat is gonna get more interesting when like I got a big ass so I don't know what these audience are I I will definitely learn and learn about them later is that a different is there a bigger store I can use a claymore I need a sword no no so is it literally just one weapon per character is that what it is I assume so okay it is literally one all right all right okay whatever let's check out the big dragon that I'm about to kill totally totally not a friendly character it's totally you know what it is hold on one character screen once again very cool uh artifacts flowers yes traveling doctor whatever that is I'm equipping that because the health profile what is this okay hold on is this a recap of the quests uh uh -huh oh so this is gonna be different for every character so I'm gonna go through this and every character is gonna have a different backstory interesting and then voice okay what is this then oh is it like emotes I know what's about to happen wind blade I know it's about to happen everyone know like let's not hide it there's gonna be a female character and that female character is gonna have these voice lines and we all know what's gonna happen we all know it I know it you know it everybody knows it okay level up ah oh so I can use these do I wanna I don't want I don't wanna yeah my people are already Okay naming characters I mean okay what's love so hold on so this is water right they are emu I don't know what they are immune to they are immune to something yeah ah very simple combat but I actually like it be honest be honest I know what's gonna happen the dragon is gonna turn into a chick huh look at that come on come on come on come on don't ah close the dragon is introducing me all right is he talking to a dragon he very good that they pointed out because I I would have gave it to them okay yeah yeah I would I would hesitate are you right that's not a chick okay okay well oh am I actually gonna kill the dragon he's actually a fight against a fight later it's a setup okay that was close Pokemon almost got blown away yeah sure fine boy what about me [Music] yeah good thing you did so I know one thing I know once asmon gold is gonna play this game he's gonna Reach This Moment and everyone will rejoice the world will be United in that moment what that Simon thought we were gonna get eaten it definitely has something to do with that weirdo who's talking to the Dragon yeah I can't believe yeah I definitely cannot believe dragons exist I don't get why you're worried yeah what's up what's the right thingy what's that yeah can we loot there's some kind [Music] of alrighty that sounds like loot let's go take a closer look once again that freaking sound of the bird is so confusing all right you know exploration I'm an RPG guy about the borders or okay okay nothing okay let's go how much fall damage is there oh chest I know I should be worried about the big rock big red whatever but you know loot hey enhancer from this world yeah answer from this world we've been there we've been there traveling doctors medicine can't tell what it is that it's dangerous best we put it away for now for now okay we've got it now where did you put it okay Adventurer rank three I assume that's like a suit no I said no inappropriate jokes oh that's the one from the cover I know that character at least I've seen her on the cover she's like the there's a twitch thingy right right build the stream right there at her I think that's her right all right me no God protect you stranger so many names immediately she should have she should have said you know you're not from the city that's what all the troublemakers say hello doesn't sound like a local name to me okay and this you don't have to point it out what's the deal emergency food whatever yeah I gotta wanna because I gotta wanna check out the reactions you're traveling traveling Partners right to be fair like at the beginning I was gonna like I I wasn't really buying the the voice acting like now that I'm further look there's been a large Dragon sighted around monstat recently best you get inside the city as soon as possible it's not far from here I'll escort you there it's pretty good oh aren't you hello for some other reason I am but to worry I can keep you both safe while doing that too I am pretty sure we'll learn about the reason later still not sure if I can trust you too just yet oh uh I'm sorry probably not something I should say is so uh strange yet respectable Travelers no fake against the type of language usage prescribe so that's gonna okay so there's gonna be character development right like she's gonna be like at the start she's like very sussy and then she's gonna be like you know actually kind oh Four Star hell more stars more Adidas right and um very cool now swapping back oh this stuff is gonna get interesting oh there's no drawing you just click also ranged characters oh suspicious Travelers what do you what are you monster oh it auto grows can I just burn everything's travel buddy you're helping him to find his sister oops I'm a noble Knight don't you see your family oopsie [Music] does she still to occupies for both finish my other stuff first and then I can help you put up coasters around the city what exactly is it you need to finish doing first silver sword it's simple you'll understand in a bit okay yeah you tell me in a bit at first I actually got loot at least tell me I can use that sword I should be able to equip it does plastic whip do that I assume it's equipped yeah I have a sword this is actually yes different model as well cool very cool very cool now I have to grind all this yeah because my reaction is is Stone which is so weird swap between characters oh is it immune is that the thing I can't actually yeah wait hold on get your screen as in I mean what spoilers I don't even know what that is we haven't reached that story arc yet okay artifacts I have a bunch yeah like this and take a feather or maybe this one this one has two stars oh yeah uh wow this is delicious you're an amazing cook okay I'm not gonna okay okay I'm not gonna I'm not gonna risk it I'll I'd rather kill squirrel hold on can I yeah freeze important message collecting wood is that important okay you actually get okay birch wood okay what's that pp5 Shadow thank you thank you very Prime thank you thank you thank you yeah yeah yeah got it in the name of God of wind aim on or what it was can I not oh again is that too far I would drown whatever okay I'll actually I'll actually continue I'll actually continue is it aim on I don't know somewhere like Among Us a hilly Harry troll what was that are you hairy troll look at me are you hairy and are you a trolls to the city recently my task s time is to clear the hearing girl what hold on this is so boring this one this character is like like yeah aiming okay I should be actually like that I know look camera I don't like the camera controls to be fair because I can take this guy fighting animations on there but I assume it's gonna be hard to reach that guy so that's why I'm like headshot can actually burn can you be burning I'm stuck nope okay here we go there you go nothing to it and thank you who was it the employee you surprised me a little with your moves there thanks for the backup how'd it feel um how is it the hilly trills ended up here the Heritage rolls these creatures don't seem like the type to set up camp so close to cities like this creatures they are living for them to be much further out in the wilderness sentient beings but because the dragon storm Terror has been around a lot more recently our Orchards have been destroyed and the local market has been affected as well when the storms hit we usually end up with at least a few injuries so the Knights of evonius have been tied up doing the best they can to defend the area and now we learn what she was doing going closer and closer to the city exactly that said clearing this Camp helped make the area a little bit safer come with me a responsible night must make sure to see you to the city safely okay okay I like what's happening so on the road like there are some people are like ah [ __ ] combat's boring so far nah pretty good I'm waiting for my glider or whatever where do I become a fortnighter hello was there a statue that I didn't actually touch ah I didn't touch it right foreign [Music] thingy but what's that way something on the map what is that fruit a dungeon [Music] is that an instance full of worthy foes Wendy Cliff level 20. oh so that's a level okay okay I am lucky that the adventure ranked 12 which is quests so that's a dungeon for level 20s what level am I what do I three out of 20. oh so that's a Max Level thingy oh are you a new character that I can unlock let me steal your stuff cool okay let him cook food Buffs right uh maximum health yeah okay I would like a damage buff damage buff no that restores no okay okay whatever I'll just just to check it out chicken no animation cook manually I still would like to know what what's the circle button like that I would actually like to know what that is oh oh a mini game for cooking that is very cool I immediate but this is a gacha game so I immediately know what's gonna happen there's gonna be difficult food to cook later on you buy stuff from the store you fail it and so you buy it again right sausage no why am I wrong on that interesting subverting my expectations oh so in 20 minutes I come back and there will be two sausages okay and maybe a flower I guess a minute I'm not gonna work okay I'll build it back later interesting no gotcha mechanic on that huh so it's gotcha mechanics only characters then I just want to see what I get a little little Timmy no way I am I not only did I scare them away like that but they do come back usually but what happens if one day they leave and never come back again all right you got me there all right you got me there um [Music] okay I'm sorry about the pigeon boy I'm sorry I'm sorry to bring bring up your trauma a game can I just talk to anyone Swan very very creative name what can I do for you who are you I regret asking you uh I'll I'll talk to you later when I'm actually researching for lore all right as frog I live here genuinely this is where I live [Music] sprag I live here Peter think of her prime Yep this is Prague Castle absolutely yep let me officially introduce the city of wind dandelions I have freedom Travelers under the protection of the Knights of evonius Welcome to monstad there better be like a big war where like the knights unite and it actually feels epic finally no more having to Camp Outdoors this city better be sieged or something city Folk don't look too cheery everyone's been put out of place by storm terrorism thank you error 1679 but everything will turn out fine as long as a dean acting Grand Master of the Knights of evonius Gene defender of monstad on our side surely even the vicious storm Terror will be no match for us yeah Harry trolls I I helped because this reward is useless to you pymon but I'll treat you to a traditional monstat delicacy sticky honey roast honey is that gonna is this character gonna be all about eating we'll head to the High Ground alright so that's a blue name that means important that I'm gonna enter that it's gonna be like uh Landell right except it's called high ground and the name is not that interesting okay Bo oh I forgot I have Bo from a for Amber [Music] here Amber oh weapons switch yes a cool weapon how do I double click why isn't there like that's dumb that I can't double click it for swapping somewhat odd UI navigation to be fair okay I followed the Golden Trail do I have to talk to all of you guys okay discounts okay okay what are you selling is this gonna be yeah okay there was a very long conversation with nope why is there okay oh so it's showing okay never mind it's so okay never mind I'm going the wrong way uh foreign this used to be a bustling street but with so many storm Terror attacks recently the usual crowds are nowhere to be seen except for the Local Tavern near the city wall over there they haven't been affected if anything their business is better than ever do I look awkward to your locals anyway this brings me back to the like Mass Effect Andromeda it's not that can I okay can I be the awkward guy and can I like oh yes like oh this is like Assassin's Creed [Music] I'm gonna map what are the stars that I keep getting is that the premium currency definitely I don't want to teleport anywhere that's where I'm going [Music] hold on there's this what is that okay okay what was that Galaxy bear thank you for the prime whoa that is actually premium currency hmm I still know so I'm gonna I will have to play the gacha too you know give my honest opinion on this on all of this so that okay I can attack in the city can I bet you hey this is it your dog I'm sorry furnishing is there a housing okay it doesn't sound like housing necessarily or is there okay there is very interesting just like waiting for my stamina so I can another thing is music is pretty cool I've heard nice things about the music and I see why pretty dope so far [Music] this is like riot is the music are always gonna be better than the game because so far it's pretty cool [Music] like unfortunately it's that right all right then better than Riot's music now now come on better than Braum's theme do we have bro is there a Braum character a big big shirtless guy with a mustache who is old but really muscular that sounds Japanese is [Music] there not a single one of these not even like not playable no way it's a glider outriders use them to ride the wind people of monstat love using them too I brought you here to give it to people people of hold on sit right away people love love using them too I haven't seen a single person you're really excited about these wind gliders huh don't even well that's because the wind is the heart and soul of monstad okay so there is an NPC but not playable it makes sense all right all right somehow doubt there will ever be my instructions such a character playable I somehow doubt all right okay I'm ready to die what if I don't [ __ ] glider can I like dive oh [Music] combat knowledge oh there is a SL okay plunge attack cool is there okay so fall damage is reduced cool what I saw that I saw all of these why is it so it's like double jump all right cool is there okay there's no stamina because I'm not holding on to anything cool oh click next to get rid of it all right oh cinematic so this is not in engine I can tell the difference or is it no this seems pre-rendered the sky engine but this is even don't even try to pull these tricks on me I animate myself like twice a year yeah there will be no way the camera would be able to keep up with this okay so we fight the dragon very good kind of cool oh dead school as well I'll give them that [Music] okay what's cool about this is that I actually feel I feel like I'm watching anime like legitimately like the cutscenes are so well done but I can thank you oh see yourself uh this is not what I expected what is this Star Citizen do a barrel roll come on barrel control so what's the very cool minigame not a very engaging one he's not gonna be phase two come on give me a phase two or is this gonna be a reoccurring this sounds like something that's gonna come back one time already okay there is faith [Music] okay in that way this has to come back later all right this has to come back later because there is no way no there is no way they would make this only to use it in this way there is no way there's no way they would they would know they would not do that no good developer would do that against the Dragon are you a new ally that's a guy based on the voice that's a guy right also he has an eye patch some terror is that itself a time we hold on Amber are you perhaps forgetting to introduce us from the world building if I say so myself because if these are the the Knights of fluffy um they should have the same uniform just saying from afar yeah from afar is that all we know of them why yeah okay give me the tldr it's a different branch okay there is a story reason then there is a story welcome to monstat although you haven't I understand sorry English of being separated from family I'm not really sure why you're looking for the animal God yeah among us but everyone has their secrets right yeah relax I won't press you for more first and foremost on behalf of the Knights of favonius I would like to extend our thanks to you for your help just now try to defend the city against the dragon just now was witnessed by no small number of citizens home there's an ALT Auto thingy the acting Grand Master of the Knights of fevonius is also very interested in meeting you and formally invites you both to our headquarters now I just noticed the sibling actually simply sibling the lip sync um actually matches the English voice so when you swap it to Japanese it's gonna alter which is really cool does it not is it the same why would they do it for English though okay or it is just or okay in that way in that case it's actually a really good overlap on the English side also I keep saying Japanese it's Chinese isn't it right just you know just to get things straight or not yeah is it yeah there's a difference you know just you know I don't want to be ignorant out outfits if star outfit is that hold on is that not what I just hold on is it I'm confused no there is no difference what was it trying to tell me so there are okay so there are also skins but Skins are different oh there are skits were gliders now I've heard about the KFC um [Music] whatever it's a very cool one is are these like a real for reaching reputation PlayStation Network I forgot it's console game as well hold on but the account is connected everywhere it's cross platform everywhere right I can play on my PS5 I can play on my phone and it's the same account everywhere right yeah all right good good because not every game works like that that's very good okay profiled is there the story yeah the story I actually have a read of this later all right and is it vision friendship oh I'm gonna be building friendships cool voice over is there anything new why is it showing me new surprisingly ouch okay nevermind let's move on let's move on for the quests we go hold on so what are these okay hold on I just like opened up I just opened up a rabbit hole I just opened up a massive rabbit hole whoa there is actually content this isn't like League what is this friends okay lion which one of it snake we're best friends now okay what are these what am I what oh oh oh I don't I don't wanna okay thank you what is do I get anything for do I have to click on all of these I didn't know what the um I'm a first-time player don't spam me with updates yeah yeah oh events oh even events daily login all right thankfully I can log in my now I am afraid of one thing before before I go to bed every I don't understand any of these thoughts before I go to bed I always play a few games of DFT and I plot and I and I just grind DFT I grind ranked I'm afraid of one thing I'm gonna reach diamond in TFT and then I'll be like oh what do I do let's play gentian and and it's gonna be that clean mail hold on did I hold on there's so many this is like yo the game doesn't really tell you about anything oh claim this I was about to say is that what I cooked okay sorry sorry birthday wishes that's the game oh does each character have their own birthday game survey go to survey do I wanna do I wanna oh the characters have okay wings of oh whoa is this an event what is this the special stuff has been sent to all travelers have joined okay thanks for okay so this is like every this is not event this is for everyone is for like thanks for playing four stars that means good thanks traveler thank you for your support and yeah this is a milestone three million official yeah registrations pre-registrations it's 2023 when when did genjin come out okay that's claimed okay this UI is like you know it's all you know it's the first time so it's kind of like all over the place hold on what is the this Quest then art of cooking and speak to a cookie and what is this that's the tips okay let me just do it oh I have to click through this okay oh my God there's a lot of trees okay now we can go okay there's more stuff what is all this I I don't want to view that but thank you okay I'll just go I'll just go I'll just go I'll just go let's move on pretty cool I wish it was a little bit faster but pretty cool listening to be the Knights of fevonius headquarters let's head in nice off for Venus oh sorry I'm paying attention up now that's a playable character I'm very much okay right teen what's the hurry okay I don't know I thought we had to meet them here there have been sightings of storm Terror outside the city once we meet we must but that's also a playable character right Gene I've brought them I love how you can tell you can tell it's it's a playable character once it was over I brought them straight here uh-huh I mean I just saved the city all right so you better give me a reward mom stat welcomes you when born Travelers I'm taking swords I'm thinking I'm Jean both acting Grandmaster this is Lisa our resident librarian oh are you sweeties here to help us out you're both so adorable I don't like the pressure the timing is regrettable storm Terror has caused quite a Ruckus in the region since its recent resurgence simply put monstat's Elemental sphere and Ley lines are now akin to a yarn ball in the paws of a kitten for mage it couldn't get much worse my skin is one elemental particle away from a full-blown breakout I have to say like when it comes to the story I am not over is it actually Evelyn very cool a larger lesson for that if it weren't for them you're not evidence the Knights of Pavonia I am not getting overwhelmed by the story and just putting up missing my sisters like they are giving me info but it's very digestible so far well we help you seek out your sister it's fine okay it's Bible ever gonna be playable as well in that case we need to play you know what don't tell me but it's too late you're gonna be you're gonna tell me yes with storm Terror now directly attacking monstat we may have an opportunity to cut this problem off at the source okay is it not oh so it's it's a fairy thingy or a link uh you know Lisa has revealed the sources of Storm terror's Power with her detection Magic by the way I can't go full anime if you want I don't know uh hold on I can do this if you want I can go for anime how about that they're located in an abandoned Four Winds temples can be attributed to it drawing power from the temple our objective is to deal with three of the four temples I trust everyone understands why we are only dealing with three do I yeah I want to know now time is against us the storm is rampant there's no point in maintaining a defensive position all right we need to take initiative and act before the situation escalates uh-huh okay so we okay okay whatever later we go okay what else what do I get um wish feature okay what is oh do I talk to all of you hold on I first Wanna Know why are you saying gacha time what what what is about to happen um 20 off beginners wish so so if I buy 10 I will get a free character just because I'm new um now there is a thing that I don't understand if I just buy these characters the story will not care because the story still thinks I am the guy and I am Amber so I can randomly introduce a new character into the story but everyone pretends that they don't exist that's really what's happening which is which not gonna lie yeah okay so canonically I am just the guy but it's kind of strange that I can randomly introduce a new character but everyone pretends that they don't exist now funny thing so the game gave me 11 wishes I I I have no idea what I'm looking at there is so much it's not even a cloudy or what's happening 10 set 20 off first 10 set will receive null I don't want a null who's that why are these who are you people uh now that's the new guy I think I saw someone I think I saw like a short clip of a trailer of like a new thing I think that's the newest thing is that not is that another new guy is he an old guy okay so okay so that's an old guy who got a story update then very cool very cool of them doing that very cool and weapons of course okay okay okay that's very cool and then so hold on so all of these I don't understand I genuine I do not understand I genuinely I do not understand their gacha mechanics so all of these are sets when I get like 10. but each of these are different and after I open 10 of them I am guaranteed to have one of these that are shown right is that what it is this is basically different kinds of loot crates okay that's not it then what I am so confused because these are like everything witches is guaranteed to include at least one four star or higher so are all of these active at the same time salesware details oh oh I am I'm still very much confused okay 50 of that guy that's cool that there are the percentages to be fair so are all so are all of these events up at the same time oh my God so I don't want to do homeworks I mean it's cool hey it's cool it's it's very cool that this exists that there is a precise like this is your chance this is the math behind it go very cool but oh my God okay you know what his history okay that's my history of course of what I purchased I don't even Okay so emphasized path what is this is oh so I can aim for a weapon weapon Banner bad what is happening should I not should I did I do a mix is that a mistake should I cancel that foreign I'm confused don't do weapons yeah I don't even I don't even wanna so should I just okay I'll ignore that sure okay I trust you guys hold on did I have your wishes where did my wishes go or am I Hold On oh it is you Liars it is different ones these are purple oh oh I get it oh I get it okay so there are only like few guides I got these how do I open these wish I'll do one blue bad purple good all right bless me bless me oh this is gonna be interesting does it like is it an anti-climactic is it like all 10 at the same time what do you mean do no I don't I got 10 I know how what do I do now where do I click click wish all right wait so I wouldn't get her unless I would go to this page specifically and do the wish thingy wait what did I do what did I what's happening did I did I pull something what did I pull something what's happening Did I Get Lucky how do you know was it like a animation why why did everyone freak out five okay five star sure not even a five star though that's what I got so is there so I guess everyone is guessing what character I got oh that's a very cool guy it's a guy with a big sword and it's on fire here so okay so let me get it straight is this is what are the chances of this happening Did I Get Lucky did I get lucky what happened 0.6 chance dude I've been grinding wow I've been grinding mounts that are 0.1 chance this is five this is fine all right all right I wanna see I wanna see I wanna see okay thank you thank you Noel okay mean in the meantime hello there uh I I I I I looked into the fabric of the universe and I spawned a human being while you were sitting here all right now oops now uh so I again that's a guy right that's a dude all right very cool very cool I just I just want to be sure artifact okay you're my favorite guy because you have a big sword all right equip so I don't even need to pull anything right is that is that is that it so I is the pulling of the characters like one time thing or do you have to like get them multiple times and you combine them is that what how does that work very cool how does how does that one work you know I get a all right now I see constellation so is there you can okay so you can okay so there is like multiple like you can upgrade them so now I can do hold on how do I put them how do I like equip them pretty yeah sure yeah sure this guy gets everything level him uh I don't know what I'm doing so I don't really I don't wanna go to party all right where's party party party is it not party party party hold on characters party setup okay okay so technically what I should be doing is like ah this is fire so this is my element but I kind of like her so uh eeny meeny miny I don't like you bye I think let's finish this swiftly you're right I don't like no but what if there is like a situation where I need ranged is she arranged she's not ranged I need someone who can snipe so that's what it is so now wow remind me I just wanna see oh well are all of their weapons gonna Glide ah I thought it was unique for that character so everyone's weapons are gliding on their gliding on their back go back to gacha no oh never mind it's gumbo okay that's actually hold on but now this is gonna be immersion breaking because you're not bad with that okay it works pretty well style seems familiar it's fire even all right I see I see my eye patch wanna hear my story eh okay so I didn't have time to introduce myself properly well it wasn't on don't mind the fact that I'm basically a mimic okay my apologies I'm Kaya Cavalry captain for the Knights of fevonius yeah we can talk more after we get things sorted are you a great place more fit for a chat I don't like you immediately okay yeah don't mind the fact that I'm a dido okay don't mind that um never mind please forgive her she was just doing her job talk to Amber sometime I'm sure you'll like how energetic she always is she's right next to you and I'm back to uh wow [Music] how do we find dragons fight against storm Terror I'm sorry but there's no way to do it alone judging by the level of its animal power it's definitely not an ordinary creature now I could teach you some Elemental Basics so you'll have an idea of what I'm talking about okay you're gonna tell me about okay no I don't even wanna team up with me I was told to speak to you I should warn you though I don't as a novice within the Knights of evonius your understanding of the wind is social oh yeah I forgot oh yeah I'm a novice I'm one of you okay I'm a knight I'm a knight I don't want to go through all these books now I will definitely do it on my own okay oh I can just call it them and read them later oh yeah I'll do it I'll do that I'll do it because I don't think reading is really I don't think reading is really a stream content at least not for now now this seems like Secret Door he's gonna open oh never mind this clock never mind all the books stealing it all okay let's go now will I be overpowered because I pulled something is this how the game gets you it's gonna be easier because you pulled something big and then it's like it's getting harder and the adventures will probably get more and more dangerous we should make sure we're prepared it's pretty cool we could start by going to Monster's blacksmith blacksmith all right hold on first of all uh one more thing isn't there isn't bad not even a cat oh I'm disappointed this is what I'm description does is there lore uh uh oh there is that's legitimately cool that is legitimately cool what do you mean skin how do I look at the oh is that the skin I gotta you know the base like if they swap these two around if this was the base and this was the skin I wouldn't be able to tell the difference like neither feels like more prestigious than the other yeah I've heard it what do you mean oh enhanced weapon oh oh oh I'm scared Auto mod I don't wanna do that should I oh and I just get rid of all these because I'm not gonna use them Ah that's what it is okay level 12. wasn't I like level three before I did the gacha thing now I'm legitimately happy that I got this character because I don't think I'll be using anything else besides like using it anything for elements I'm like I like this I like this guy big guy with the Flaming sword this is basically how I beat Elden ring the first time I beat Elden ring I I went face build I got the freaking flaming sword from Rygaard and I beat the game so this feels like Elden ring to me oh I can't is there a Crouch button oops I saw two walking oh is that RP walking oh hello okay wrong
Channel: NecritTV
Views: 81,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Genshin Impact, First time, F2P, First, Experience, Necrit, Lore, Story
Id: IgiXYlG3Paw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 15sec (5115 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 11 2023
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