Neck Pain Relief Exercises in 5 min

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hey everyone my name is dr jeff peng  this video will teach you a quick   five-minute stretch and exercise routine that  will help provide relief for your neck pain   five minutes is really all you need to stretch  out the neck but the key is to do these stretches   frequently ideally at least three times a day  this way you are slowly increasing mobility   and range of motion of the neck muscles that  often get tighter and tighter throughout the   day feel free to follow along as we go through all  the stretches in real time if this is your first   time watching you may want to spend some time  learning the stretches first for those interested   in taking the stretching routine offline my videos  have time stamps and descriptions of the stretches   found below we'll first start off with a one  minute warm up this will help get blood flow to   our neck and our shoulder muscles then we'll work  on stretching out the neck muscles by holding each   stretch for 30 seconds if you want to increase  the amount of stretching that you are doing   you can do three sets of 30 seconds for each  movement so for our warm-up we're going to first   work on some neck rotations so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9  10. i'm going to work on some side bends so 1 2 3   4 5 6 7 8 9 10 going into flexion and extension  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight nine ten and then some   shoulder rolls so forwards one two three four  five and backwards one two three four five   so our first movement is our upper trapezius so  try to touch your ear to your shoulder just like   this what you could do to get a bigger stretch  is actually to use this hand to put gentle   pressure on your head and what you're going to  feel is a big stretch right through this area   right in your upper trapezius try to keep this  shoulder nice and relaxed so that you can feel   a big stretch right here in this area and we're  just going to hold this stretch for 30 seconds   and 30 seconds is up and we're going to move on to  the other side so same thing on the other side and   now we just move on over and get a gentle  stretch and again using that hand you can   put gentle pressure on your head to get  this big stretch right over here making   sure you're keeping this shoulder nice and  relaxed that way you can focus the stretch   on the upper trapezius and we're going to  do this side also for a total of 30 seconds good three two one good so our next exercise is  our levator scapula so look down point your nose   towards the opposite knee use this hand and  put gentle traction down you're going to feel   a stretch right here you can use this hand and  raise it and put it at the base of your neck and   what that's going to do is that's going to lift  your scapular border up to really isolate that   levator scapula and again gentle traction with  this hand pulling down on your head you're going   to feel that stretch right here in this muscle  in 30 seconds and we're going to switch sides now   so same thing gentle traction down lift this  shoulder up put your hand at the base of the neck   gentle traction down and you should  be feeling a nice big stretch   right here in this muscle now the levator  scapulas is really important neck muscle   that forms a lot of trigger points gets a lot  of tension especially if you're spending a lot   of time in front of a computer or if you're in  front of your cell phone all the time get a lot of   tension here so 30 seconds and three two one good  so the next one we're going to do is our anterior   muscles or anterior scalenes what you're going  to do is try to touch your ear to your shoulder   and then you're going to look up and what you're  going to feel is a nice big stretch in the front   right over here and we often stretch out all  our neck muscles in the back but we completely   ignore all the neck muscles in the front and if  you have tight neck muscles in the front it tends   to pull you forward like this which is not what  you want and so stretching the anterior muscles   are also really important and so 30 seconds switch  sides so ear to the opposite shoulder then look up   and now you're going to feel a big stretch right  here in the front on the opposite side and again   you shouldn't be having any pain when you're  doing this but you should be feeling a nice   stretch in the front right here and we're  gonna hold this stretch for 30 seconds as well and three and two and one okay good so the next  exercise we're going to do is called a chin tuck   so i'm going to rotate my body this way so you  can see i'm going to put my fingers on my chin   and i'm going to retract my chin towards my neck  like that you want to hold that retracted position   for two to three seconds i'm going to do this  for a total of 30 seconds and this can really   help strengthen the neck muscles that get weaker  and weaker over time this is really good exercise   for the neck good and that's it very simple  stretches and exercises to try to increase   mobility and range of motion of those tight neck  muscles all it takes is five minutes do these   stretches and exercises at least three times a  day and these can really help relieve neck pain
Channel: Jeffrey Peng MD
Views: 2,235,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to treat severe neck pain at home, neck pain relief, Stretches to relieve stiff neck pain, neck pain muscle spasm treatment, get rid of tension in neck, stretches to releive stiff neck pain, stretches to relieve stiff neck, stretches to relieve neck pain, stretches for severe neck pain, stretches to releive stiff neck, Stretches to releive neck pain
Id: Q12nIfVCpdU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 38sec (398 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 06 2021
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