Elbow Pain Relief Exercises in 5 min

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hey everyone my name is dr jeff peng this will be  a quick five minute stretch and exercise routine   to help provide relief for elbow pain now  this will be a really good routine especially   if you are suffering from tennis elbow or  golfer's elbow or if you just have elbow   discomfort in general now i recommend  doing these stretches and exercises   at least three times a day because that will help  increase mobility and increase range of motion   follow along with the video as we go through  all the movements in real time you can also   use the time stamps or find the movements in the  descriptions found below the first thing we're   going to do is a warm-up so we're first going to  work on wrist flexion and wrist extension so just   bend your wrists or wrist flexion and extend it  and we're just going to do this 10 times 1 2 3 4 5   6 7 8 9 10. the next thing we're going to do is  pronation and supination so supination is palm up   pronation is palm down 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10.  now we're going to do some stretches so extend   your wrist like this and pull it back and we're  going to hold this stretch for 30 seconds and   what you want to do is to have your elbow fully  extended extend your wrist and then use this other   hand to gently pull back now the reason we're  working on stretching out our wrist is because   all of the muscles that control our wrist are  actually in our forearm and as we get into   30 seconds here we're gonna switch into flexion  okay go ahead and switch into flexion so bend your   wrist now and pull back and so all our muscles in  our forearm help control our wrists but they all   insert on our elbows and so tennis elbow is caused  by an extensor tendinopathy and golfer's elbow   is caused by a flexor tendinopathy and so the  muscles in our forearms tend to get really tight   and so it's really important that we work on  stretching all of these muscles out to help   relieve pain so 30 seconds almost up in three  two one good so we're going to move into some   exercises now so you can use a can of soup you  can use a dumbbell i have a two pound dumbbell   you can use a water bottle what you want to do is  fully extend your arm and hold that dumbbell and   we're going to work on some wrist flexions  and we're going to do this 10 times so 1 2   3 4 5 6 7 8 nine ten now we're going  to do wrist extension so the opposite   so now we're gonna go this way okay so one  two three four five six seven eight nine   ten the next thing we're going to work on is  resisted pronation and supination so holding   that dumbbell again or a water bottle or a can  of soup you're gonna just rotate back and forth   and go slowly so we're gonna pronate and  supinate and we're gonna do this for a total   of 30 seconds and just go very slowly  with the motions and we're just working on   rotating our forearm back and forth back and  forth and you're going to work all the muscles   in your forearms when you're doing this both  the flexor side as well as the extensor side   as well as the pronation and the supinating  muscles back and forth okay good 30 seconds   now we're going to move on into a towel twist  so grab a small towel hold it in front of you   and then just twist it back and forth i'm going to  do this ten times so one two three four five 6 7   8 9 10. the last exercise we're going to do is  working on grip strength now if you have a stress   ball you can use that or you could take that same  towel roll it into a ball and then just grip it   and so what you want to do is you just want to try  to hold and squeeze and you don't have to squeeze   it you don't have to have a death grip but you can  just try to put some tension in there i'm going   to do this for a total of 30 seconds now you can  hold it for maybe anywhere between three to five   seconds and then relax and then go back in and try  to work on squeezing in this is going to work both   the flexor compartment of your forearm as well  as the extensor compartment of your forearm and   so this is a great exercise for pain at the inside  of the elbow or pain at the outside of the elbow   okay and 30 seconds in three two  one i hope you found this useful   remember five minutes that's all it takes to  stretch out and to strengthen your elbow try   to do this routine three times a day to  help provide relief for your elbow pain
Channel: Jeffrey Peng MD
Views: 297,734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: treat stiff elbow, how to treat stiff elbow, elbow pain stretches, elbow pain, elbow treatment, elbow pain exercises, elbow pain stretches and exercises, elbow pain treatment, Elbow pain relief
Id: C5yr4HNfQ-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 41sec (341 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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