Back Pain Relief Exercises in 5 Min

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hey everyone my name is dr jeff peng this will be  a quick five minute stretch and exercise routine   to help provide relief for low back pain now  i recommend doing this routine at least three   times a day in order to increase mobility and  to increase range of motion feel free to follow   along as we go through all the movements in  real time you can also use the time stamps   or find a description of the routine down below  so the first thing we're going to do is cat cow   so let's get on our hands and knees and get your  wrists below your shoulders knees below your hips   and then arch your back try to touch your  belly button into your spine and look down   and now reverse it so look upwards  now and rotate your pelvis backwards   and then alternate between the two  now this is a really good stretch   and mobility exercise to open  up our low back in our hips and 30 seconds good the next  thing we're going to do our back   extension so lie on your belly and then push up just like this now this is a  really good exercise to help   increase range of motion and mobility of the  spine and get all the back muscles stretched out   and if you can't get all the way up here  you can start on your forearms over here   and then push up and then day by day as your  range of motion increases see if you can get   on your hands and end up somewhere around here  and we're going to hold this for 30 seconds good   the next one we're going to do is knee to chest  lie on your back and pull your knee towards you   just like this and we're going to do one side  first and we're going to hold this for 30 seconds   and then we're going to move on to the other  side and we're going to do the other side for   30 seconds and this is a really good stretch if  you got really tight low back muscles is going   to help really open up the low back it's  also going to really help open up the hips   and 30 seconds on this side and we're  going to switch sides in three 2   1 go ahead and switch sides so bring the  other knee up and just hold it like this   i'm going to hold this for 30 seconds now if  you can't get all the way up here because if   your muscles are too tight or it's just really  uncomfortable that's okay you can start farther   down here and hold on to your knees like this and  then again as you increase that range of motion   you should be able to slowly pull it up  towards your hip and get a nice bigger   stretch kind of doing it like this okay i'm  gonna hold this for 30 seconds on this side   in three two one good the next movement is a line  trunk rotation so just like knee to chest lie down   bring your knee to your chest but this time  you're going to rotate it towards the side   just like this now this hand you can put  gentle pressure on the knee to try to touch it   to the ground and that's going to rotate  your trunk even more to get a bigger stretch   you want to also try to open up your chest  by bringing this shoulder and see if you can   touch it to the ground so opening up the chest  rotating the trunk feeling that deep stretch   in your low back if you have tight glutes  you're also going to feel it in your hips   you're going to feel it all up and down your  spine so 30 seconds on this side good switch sides   so same thing knead a chest and  then rotate towards the other side open up the chest over here   this hand gentle pressure on the knee to  try to push it down towards the ground   feel that big stretch as you rotate your trunk  you're gonna feel it in the spine you're gonna   feel it in the hips i'm gonna hold this for a  total of 30 seconds so three and two and one   good the next stretch is a hamstring stretch so  just extend your leg and try to touch your toes   just like this now if you can't make it all the  way to your toes and you can only make it to your   knee that's fine just try to feel that stretch  in the back part of your hamstring all the way   down here you don't want to try to bend your back  like this hinge at the hip try to touch your chest   to your knees or try to touch your chest to your  toes and that's the goal of feeling this stretch   and we're going to do this side for 30  seconds and then we're going to switch   sides so three two one good switch sides and  the reason we're focusing on our hamstrings   is when people have really tight hamstrings it  actually pulls down on the back of your pelvis   and we call that a posterior pelvic tilt and  people who have a posterior pelvic tilt it puts   chronic tension on your low back muscles so over  time you're straining it you're overloading it and   it's a very common cause of persistent low back  pain so 30 seconds on this side three two one good   so the next stretch we're going to do is we're  going to work on our gluteal muscles so get into a   90 90 position which is 90 degrees here 90 degrees  here and then lean forward towards your knee   just like this now if you can get on your forearms  here that's good you can stay on your hands over   here that's fine too where you want to feel it  is in the gluteal the posterior part of your hips   where all your gluteal muscles are and we're  going to hold this side for a total of 30 seconds   now our glutes are incredibly important for pelvic  stability and when people have tight glute muscles   when they have weak loop muscles they tend to have  poor posture they tend to have abnormal movements   and 30 seconds good so switch sides and you can  also do a pigeon pose which is a 90 degrees here   extend your back leg and then lean forward like  this and if you can get on your forearms like this   you get a bigger stretch in the posterior  part of your hip you're going to feel that   all the way in your glute muscles and again the  glutes are so important for pelvic stability that   if you have tight glutes if you have weak glutes  you're going to overload your spine you're going   to overload your back muscles and that can lead  to persistent pain in the back so 30 seconds good   the last movement we're going to do  is child's pose so just get on your   hands and your knees like this and then sit  backwards and try to reach out with your hands   just like this and we're going to feel  it this is really going to help elongate   the spine stretch out those back muscles  it's going to also help open up the hips and if you have shoulder pain you may even  feel a stretch right here in the back part   of your shoulder so we're going to hold  this for a total of 30 seconds as well so in three and two and one good all it takes  is five minutes to stretch out and strengthen   the low back do this routine three times a day  in order to provide relief for low back pain   if you found this information useful please share  with others please also consider liking the video   and subscribing to my channel i can  be found on twitter @jeffreypengmd   and i write on my blog at
Channel: Jeffrey Peng MD
Views: 149,434
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Keywords: treat stiff back muscles, treat stiff bakc muscles, how to treat stiff back muscles, how to treat stiff bakc muscles, back pain treatment, back pain stretches, back pain exercises, back pain stretches and exercises, Back pain relief
Id: gjeBUnlHI3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 54sec (474 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2021
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