NCS5500 for the Confused

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fixed form-factor modular chassis qumran MX Jericho Jericho plus Jericho - ten twenty five hundred four hundred geeky with breakout cable or qsa routing scale timing max ik etc etc etc the NTS 5500 family have seen edition of a lot of new members during the last three years in September 2019 we have now twelve fixed routers three modular chassis and eleven line cards today we'll spend time on the NCS 5500 portfolio and we'll try to clarify all possible confusion my name is Nicola thievery and I present regularly a deep dive on NCS 5500 at Cisco live all around the world this year it appeared clearly that I was talking to two very different categories of audience some customers are extremely advanced in their understanding of the internal mechanisms using these products and they have deployed and operated them for many years some others are still struggling with different options offered by so many variations of the products they are mixing the chipsets the features the scale the pore density etc this video targets this second category it will be a long presentation but we would split it in multiple sections and if you are only interested in just one of them take a look at the shortcuts in the description below today we will talk about different days exploring each system the different port types natively available the pore density but also the alternative options to feed scale so support of specific features like Mexico timing will take different angles to answer most of your questions regarding the NCS 5500 family every time you hear me say - SC it means the Ezek is completed by an external T cam or et cam hnp UE is equipped with internal memories LEM LPM fake or EDB to list the most famous ones the et cam is an optional resource used for additional routing scale and classifiers you cannot add this et cam afterwards it's not a field replaceable part in a - SD card or system it's integrated in the PCB ok let's take a look at the portfolio the fixed form factor platforms we should start explaining the logic behind the naming of these boxes and see s55 represent the family then we have a third number or letter describing the internal Isaac today's options are 0 and a 0 if we are using Jericho or Qumran MX a if the box is using Jericho plus the letter Y here represents the rack unit today it's only 1 or 2 what comes afterwards is describing the number of interfaces or modules 36 H is 36 bot 180 48 queue for 48 port 25 GG mod is 40 modular systems with MPA then we have the potential - se if we are using an external t cam and finally the - s these for max a capable system let's review this routers and cs50 501 and 5501 SC one rack unit 40 or 48 ports s FB one year or ten gig and also for or eight port q SFP 444 by ten or hundred gig optics it's powered by a single Coomer MXN PU the non SC 5500 one is slightly over subscribed NCS 5502 and 5502 SC - are you 48q SFP cages here twice the size in term of rack units but six times more bandwidth and no native SFP ports powered by eight jericho NP use interconnected with two fabric engine efi 3600 and CS 55 a 136 h s + 36 h SC s1 are you 36 ports that's 3.6 terabit per second supporting mac sack and powered by four jericho pleasant to use and a single Fe 3600 cs50 5a one 24h smaller version with 24 q SFP no external T cam but with an internal memory that places it between SC and anon SC systems no Mac SEC and a small of a subscription in term of bandwidth powered by to Jericho plus with Laurel p.m. connected back to back in cs50 5a to mode verse 40 Porter's FB fixed and a third of them can also be used at 25 gig of course all can do one or 10 gig these ports are fixed and present in the bottom part above them we have two Bay's optionally populated by MPAs this modular port adapters will offer 1/10 gig SFP 100 Gig Graco SFP or 100 200 gig CFP two ports the NCS 55a 2 mode exists in multiple versions scale or not hardened or with conformal coating all are powered by a single jericho plus and it's also slightly over subscribed the NCS 55 a 224 q 6h s yes 1 ru 48 port SFP half of them capable of 25 gig all can support of course 1 and stange d + 6 port q SF p it's slightly are subscribed by a single jericho + NC s 55 a 148 q 6h looks very much like the former one but this time all ports are 25 gig capable and the MP use are not of a subscribed powered by a pair of jericho + with large LP m and connected back to back regarding the chassis and the line cards we have a large number of options - we offer 4 slot 8 slot and 16 slot chasis in the front the route processors we have two generations our p and r PE the second one is mandatory if you want to enable timing features also it consumes slightly less power otherwise they are pretty similar by the way no idea why you would like to do something like this but we don't support a mix of RP and RP e it is not advised to use only one RP even if I know customers doing it but to guarantee process redundancy and SF NS are features etc you will need one and once done by our P in the back we have to system controllers a single generation exists and here so we recommend to run the two of them in the system also in the back we have the fan trays two versions are available the v2 is mandatory if you insert v2 fabric cards and they are also necessary for 400 degrees Ethernet line cuts between the fan trays and the line card we have the fabric cards here also we have two generations version one can be used for all line cards based on Jericho and Erica plus Essex version two are mandatory to support Jericho tube based land cards that's the 400 we given at once of course they are backward compatible and support all other existing line cards fabric carton fan trays must be matched the same generation v1 with v1 v2 with v2 it's even written on it you may be interested in v2 fabric cotton fan trace for multiple reasons first of course to prepare sensation of 400 gigahertz second they consume a bit less power so it could be beneficial from an OPEX perspective you can mix and match all different type of land cards 36h non SE that was a very first card we shipped in december 2015 36 port q SFP that can be used with q SP 28 optics for 100 Gig all with q SFP+ 4 by 10 g breakout powered by six jericho essex no ET cam only the internal memories 24h SC ii LAN card introduced on the market with 24 ports qsf be a lower density compared to the former card that this time with external chicken so it presents a larger routing scale internally we have for jericho NP use then we launched the combo cards 18h 18 f and 24 h 12 f SC there are 40 gig e line cards by default and it's possible to upgrade from 40 gig to a hundred gig on a half of the port on the first one and two third of the port and a second those cards have been used extensively to have red backbone smoothly from 10 gig to 100 they are powered by tree and for Jericho and to use respectively we also introduce a maxi card which is very similar to the first 36 port 100 Gig with additional l2 encryption capability it supports line rate encryption with no impact on performance at the same time we also add an IP / DWDM card with six ports EFP - in the portfolio it was the first card with ports non qsf P we have here CP 2 port a CO sto means the DSP is located on the LAN card and not inside the optics the card is powered by two Jericho Asics then the first jericho + line cards have been introduced 36 ports QFP effects on its scale since a jericho + isaac can forward 400 david per seconds we only need four of them for the same port density and we have now more room for XLT cam also we can use a second-generation 480 cam that extend the routing scale to more than 4 million prefixes v4 the next two cards are following the same logic then the 55 a 2 mode they offer 12 fixed ports SFP two fixed port q SP plus 240 gig and two bays for MPS and 400 gig and exists in both SC and non SE versions finally we recently announced two new line cards with qsf p DD ports for 400 kV deep Nets there are also the first cards powered by - Jericho - and P use and they exist with or without et cam with different auto density if you want more details we have a dedicated video under stop ik - that's a lot and I agree that could be confusing so let's try to clarify all these options now and take different parameters to categorize them let's get started with the forwarding musics I will call them alternatively Essex or NP use in this context these subtlety s are not relevant we use d NX products in the NCS 5500 family they are produced by Broadcom and they exist in multiple flavors and multiple architectures tend alone leave and spine back to back and even mesh but we are not using this option in of our products they are made of two cores for most of them with the exception of the Qumran X using NCS 540 and the Jericho to see we plan to use in the near future very logically packets are received in the ingress pipeline and they will always exist the router through the egress pipeline they are made of blocks and sub blocks each one having a specific role in the packet processing and the cube management each block has access to multiple resources where it can read and write a set an amount of times everything gives a very predictable performance regardless of the features we apply all the feeb size as long as a packet does not recirculate the number of packets per second will be consistent it's a significant difference compared to run to completion or similar type of physics quick nut DA's accused in the NCS 5,000th also provide broad calm that they are different from the one in the NCS 500 and NCS 5500 in the 5 thousands we use XG s products with a very high bandwidth and poor density but lower routing scale and significantly smaller buffer back to the pipelines for both ingress and egress we will have two large blocks one for the packet processing destination lookup and all the features like filters net flow etc and the other for traffic management covering the queue s and packet scheduling among other things the packets are stored in different places it could be inside the Ezek most of the time but also it could be an an external buffer in certain congestion situations I invite you to check this video here if you want to get into the details of the packet buffering mechanisms qumran MX Jericho Jericho plus are using gddr5 memory and this graphical memory is often referred to as DRAM with Jericho 2 we will use HB m which is like a directly connected memory if you want this packets memory adjust here they are not optional so it's not a significant parameter we will use to differentiate the products between each other it's not the case for external T cam this optional Marie's are here to extend the resource present inside the chipsets we are not storing packets in this internal databases but only information routes labels next up addresses load balancing information encapsulation adjacency counters and much more the external T cam will increase the scale for routing and classifiers and even counters in the latest NP use in our portfolio qumran MX is used only in the NCS 5501 note it is also used in access products like the NCS 560 but there are some differences back at memory first its gddr5 for 5501 while its ddr4 in the 560 then et cam we use NL 12 k4 5501 and they use Optimus Prime for two 560 we are not using jericho essex in standalone mode but we have many products using jericho NP use interconnected through fabric engine efi 3600 for example in the 55 virtues and they are also present in the line cards like the 36 by 109 SC 24 by 100 SC the two combo card the maxi card and the coherent six ports CFP two so jericho plus in standalone mode is used in 55 a 2 mode fixed systems and in the 55 a 224 q 6 HS or so we use them in back-to-back mode in the 55 a1 24 h and the 55 a 148 q 6h with a large LPM version we use jericho plus in leaf and spy mode interconnected with efi 3600 in the 55 a 136 h SC or non SE and in the 36 by 100 SC line cuts but also in the modular line cards finally so jericho two are only used today in the 400 gig line cards and they are interconnected through new generation of fabric engines named FV 9600 or rahman okay is it getting a bit clearer well at least I hope so don't hesitate to take a look at the blog post on Exile dogs at i/o you will find this chart here its very good summary let's try another angle to differentiate these products this time it will be based on the type of ports this report it's actually a vaster beacon we have a very convenient metrics to track what kind of interface is reported per product and release it goes in a lot of details to summarize the NCS 5500 routers offer SFP q SF p + CF p 2 port slots depending on the model I would like to differentiate the port or the cage and the optics or the modules the first is hosting the second for example in a queue SMP port I can insert a QFP 28 module for 100 Gig or 4 by 25 or a q SFP+ for 40 gig or 4 by 10 or q SI for one gig or 10 gig some q SFP cages are able of q SI p + 400 gig only while others are more capable supporting higher speeds 100 gig or lower speed like 10 gig by an adapter what I really mean to say here is that optics are defining the speed but the cage could limit the type of optics you can insert one last comment before going through the options naming of the port all the ports are described with 2 letters then a series of four of five numbers the letters describe the interface type hu 400 gig f o 440 TF 425 te 410 the first number describes chasis since we don't support multi chassis in the NCS 5500 family it will always be 0 the second number represents a slot in the chasis it starts from 0 on the top and increases slot by slot to the bottom on a fixed system it will always be 0 the third number is for the MPS lot only so it will be NC s 55 a2 mode and the mode line cards the fixed port will be 0 and the 2 MPs will be 1 & 2 the fourth number represents the port it starts from left to right beginning at 0 finally the last digit is optional and only used with breakout cables from 0 to 3 let's start from the largest interfaces available and go smaller and smaller first the 400 gig they will be available via q SFPD d ports today it's on this two line cards only break out from 400 to 100 Gig could be challenging since you need a specific pam 400 gig technology on the other side on the NC 55 24 DD card all the ports are 400 he capable on the NC 55 18 DDS see it's a bit more complicated so I invite you to check the video appearing here 200 gig with Q SFPD d 28 instead of 56 will support 200 gig and breakout of 1200 gig but compatible with existing SF for lr 4 and CWDM for technologies you can insert this optics in all the port of the 24 DD and the 18 DDS see some limitation exist they are all described in the blog post we published with the former video hundred Gigabit Ethernet will be supported on Q SFP ports with two notable exceptions the IP of a DWDM ports and the breakout of QC p DD 28 that could have a twice hundred cake but on all others it will be with us AP 28 optics the NCS 5501 have 6 port qsf p on the right part of the front note that these boxes are subscribed by design so among the six ports we can forward only 400 gig at the same time since they are connected to a single core of the come Ram MX the NCS 5500 SC it's full ports on the right and Nova subscription by the way if I don't mention it it means the router is not ever subscribed NCS 5502 SC or non SE we have 48 ports that can receive qsp 28 modules NCS 55-day 136 h SC 1 SC in the same logic we have 36 ports all of them ready for Q SSP 28 NCS 55 a 120 Forge here again it's very simple 24 ports all 100 year capable we have another subscription ratio of 12 to 9 here 55 by 124 q 6h offers six ports on the right and some of our subscription here to 55 a 148 q 6h we have six ports on right but not about subscribe this time and finally the NCS 55 a two mode variants 100 Gig is available with the MPAs this four by hundred geek report and the combo card to buy 100 first 200 T w TM 200 gigs CFP to the CEO can be used at 100 gig - but of course it's high P / DWDM here and not gray in the line cards we have 36 by 100 SC or none SC the max a client card all the 36 ports are 100 Gig capable same for the 24 by hundred Giga see all the 24 ports report us FP modules in the combo card only a portion of the ports can be used with qsf P 28 optics they are identified with a green on the front plate half of the port for the 18 H 18 F and 2/3 of the ports on the 24h 12 f SC on the DWDM card will support 200 gig 150 and 100 Gig but of course here nog reports only coherent on this one we only support c FP to SEO optics on the modular line count we have q SFP ports on the right part but they are only q sfp+ 40 he capable not 100 DK 4 q AP 28 is only viable mps and the same modules described earlier finally you can also insert q AP 28 optics in the 24 dd and 18 DDS see cards from the same ports you can also potentially break out to 4 times 25 gig Ethernet but we will come back on this topic in a couple of minutes since there are some limitations regarding the 40 gig options it's very simple on all the routers and land cards not all q FP cages are q SF p 28 capables but the support of q sfp+ is general here again we'll come back on this with more details in the 10 gig section but keep in mind these ports can be broken in for time 10 gig e sr + lr now let's cover the 25 gigabit ethernet the first option we have is via native SFP 28 ports we don't support them on the 55 or 5501 SC but we do on all the SFP ports of the 55 a 148 q 6h and a half of the port of the 24 q6 HS they are identified in yellow on the front panel and finally under 16 last SFP fixed port of the mcs 55 a to note that the MPA with SFP ports are only one gig and 10 gig capable said don't report as FP 28 on the free routers I just listed the ports are activated in block of for something we call quad by default the ports are configured in 25 gig mode you can see it on the CLI output with the letters TF used to describe the interface position if you insert the one gig or 10 gig optic it will not be recognized you need to configure the quad in 10 gig mode that makes a block of four ports now one gig and 10 gig capable that also implies you can only plug an SF p and sfp+ on these four ports but no longer SF p28 optics it's something important to understand to properly plan your port allocation the second option for 25 gig Ethernet is a breakout we only support it on the systems and land cards powered by Jericho plus and P use not Jericho not come Ram MX so it will be on the 55 a 136 H as seen on se on the 55 a 124 H on the 55 a 124 q and 48 q 6h on the 55 a 2 mode with the 4 by 100 Gig MPs on the LAN card side it will be on the 36 by 100 GFC and on the mode with the same MPs now let's talk about 10 gig ports all SFP slots support SFP+ 10 gig optics natively the 55 a ones SEO not offers 40 and 48 ports respectively note that we don't support high power optics on the 55 the one known as C we do support them on the SC version but only on specific ports identified in purple by high power I mean 3.5 watts like the Zr or DWDM on the 55 a 2 24 Q + 48 q 6h we have 48 ports SFP on the 55 a2 mode it's 40 ports fixed that can be completed by 2 MPAs of 12 ports each so potentially up to 64 ports 10 games on the LAN card side 10 gig is only available on the mod ones that have 12 fixed ports but also you can complete them with 2 MPAs of 12 ports for a total of 36 sfp+ the second option is to use breakout cables with q SFP+ 4 by 10 gig optics certain ports like sr 4 can be both 40 gig and 4 by 10 gig natively we just need a specific cable and the appropriate configuration to enable it there is no limitation in the breakout they don't need to be grouped in blocks of contiguous ports the configuration doesn't require a reload or reset of the card you can add them to bundles and the support QSR as individual interfaces a third option is to offer 10 gig via USA it stands for qsf p2 s FP adapter as a name implies it permits SFP and SFP+ ports inserted in a QFP cage it seems to be a waste of resource at first glance 90% or even 99% but it makes a lot of sense if you consider the cost to acquire and operate an extra device for just a couple of one gig and 10 gig ports also it could be your only solution if you need a reach longer than 40 kilometers the speed could be seen as an acceptable trade-off over long dark fiber we support us in the following line cards 36 by 100 gig s CNN SC 24 by 100 Gig SC 24 H 12 f SC combo card but we don't report it on the 18 H 18 F the maxi card or the DD line cards on the pizza box which you port it on the 5502 and a see the 55 a 136 h SC and the 55 a1 24 h take a close look at the compatibility matrix since some subtleties are present like the non support of - s optics or some systems not supporting zr o er what about one gig Ethernet well here there is too many variations between the native SFTP qsa options so I prefer the lazy approach and I will point you to the matrix it will be much easier and faster one thing I should mention certainly obvious but since I got the questions many times it is worth reminding that you cannot get one gig behind a QFP plus breakout it is only 10 gig Ethernet also two quick exceptions that could be of interest regarding the one gig on the 5501 SC router supports zero a 2-0 15 don't report fast ethernet copper SFP module GL CT and we don't report Auto neg on the one gig optical SSP other ports support one gig without Oneg and fast ethernet speeds and no limitations on the 48 ports of the 5501 the second exception to keep in mind in the 12 SFP ports mpa only eight do report one gig it's not available in port 4 to 7 that's it for the type of ports available on the NCS 5500 I will still with me let's try to compare now the different options based on the routing scale so a quick reminder first the routing information is stored in different places inside and outside VMP you inside jericho qumran MX and jericho plus we have two memories used to store prefixes the LEM and the LP m the LEM is used for exact match of a certain prefix length it can store up to seven hundred eighty four thousand routes the LP M is used for variable length match and exists in two flavors in some Jericho and Jericho plus it can store more or less 350,000 routes but in some variant of Jericho plus it can store more or less 1.5 million rods so I say more or less because it's directly dependent on the perfect distribution a third place can be used to store routing tables the external t cam yes that the et cam present on the dash is systems and LAN card that we talked about in Jericho the external T cam can store 2 million extra v4 prefixes in Jericho plus it's a different et cam that can handle four million v4 routes so the route will be stored in LEM LEM and or et cam depending on the type of car but also depending on the address family and the prefix length when we claim 1.5 million or 2.75 million route it actually represents the sum of all the memory capabilities if the tables were defined ideally to be by all the space available so we can sort now the platform based on their routing capability first level 1 million prefix is split in 784 k in LEM and around 350 K in LP m that's a scale for NCS 5500 155 a 136 H 55 a to mode 55 a 124 q 6h and the LAN card 36 by 100 Gig 90 kam 36 by 100 League max act 18 H 18 f6 by 200 gig IP over DWDM and finally the modular LC nan ET cap 2.2 million prefixes that the second-level split in 784 K in LEM and around 1.5 million in LP m that the scale we can get on the 55 a1 24h and the 55 a 148 q 6h third-level 2.75 to 3 million prefixes split in 784 Klem 160k ipv6 in LP m and 2 million ipv4 in LEM that's a Jericho with et cam systems like the 5501 SC 5502 SC and the line counts 24 by 100 g SC and 24 H 12 FSC last level 4 million prefixes all moved to the et cam that's jericho plus systems with external t cam like the pizza boxes 55 a 136 h SC 55 a 2 mode SC all the line card 36 by 100 Giga C and the modular 1 SC okay you want another angle let's try a different way to classify the routers and we can pick the features requiring specific hardware for example Mac's ik it's not supported on the 5501 or 55 or 2 but it's on the 55 a 2 mode max ik is available on the fixed ports from 23 to 39 but not on the first 23 it is also supported in VMP airports we don't have max AK on the 55 a1 24h but it is on all the ports of the 55 a 136 h AC or not on the 55 a 124 q 6h max AK is available on the last 16 SFP ports and on the 48 q 6h max egg is only available on the hugh SFP ports on the line cards we have it only on the 36 by 108 mexic the six port 200 gig IPA DWDM and the modular line cards on the last ones its both on the fixed ports on on the mpa ports finally it is not supported either on the 400 gig the DD cards let's take another family of features directly dependent on the hardware the timing functions sinky and all the flavors of PT b it is reported on the 5500 1sc but not under 50 501 actually with the exception of the 5500 1sc based on Qumran MX none of the system's powered by Jericho support timing it's only on Jericho plus we have it on the 55 actual mode systems a 136 H 24h 24 Q or 48 q 6h in the chassis is mandatory to use 2 RP is first and then is reported on a 36 by 100 Gig SC and the 2 mod line cards it will also come on the DD line counts but it will be later on so is it getting a bit clearer we are covering the portfolio left and right using different angles of comparison let's try another one for some specific use cases the size of the system is very important particularly the depth so let's sort the routers by size from the smallest depth to the largest with the smallest routers we have as a 55 a 2 mode systems 28 centimeter deep then with 55 centimeters we have the 24 Q and 6h the 5501 and 55 a 124 H we have 68 centimeter deep we have 255 a 1.48 q 6h with 76 centimeters we have the 5502 55 a 1 36h has seen on SC and finally the chasis 8 for 16 slots they are all 88 centimeters from the line card ejector to the fan tree handle but Falls Jericho bass line cuts Jericho twos are a bit larger okay that was a very long one but I'm sure you understand what we try to do we receive all these questions on NP use on poor density on features on size and we try to gather all this knowledge in just one single place thanks a lot for watching if you have any question not as it a to ask in the comment section and see you very soon [Music] the so the 55:8 the 55 a 124 h is powered by two jericho plus empty
Channel: Nicolas Fevrier
Views: 3,885
Rating: 4.884058 out of 5
Keywords: cisco, cisco routers, service provider routers, ncs5500, 400G, 400GE, 100G, 100GE, sp chassis, cisco service providers, ciscolive ncs5500, cisco ciscolive, ncs 5500, cisco systems, ios xr, network infrastructure, ncs 5500 overview, ncs 5500 cisco, high speed ethernet, qsfp-dd optics, 400g optics, 400ge optics, ncs 5500 scalability, ios xr training, network convergence system, service provider network, ncs 5508, qsfp optics, ncs 5500 bgp flowspec, ncs 5500 datasheet
Id: I-ujcYcGvrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 32sec (2072 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 27 2020
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