Cisco ENCS 5400 Series with Abhi Karmakar

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so I want to dig a little bit deeper into the two announcements in the branch and I want to call a bee to talk about our new platform Ian's here thank you Thank You Lee odd for the introduction of the Enterprise NFV solution I'm going to spend the next five minutes talking about the hardware my name is a beaker master I'm a product manager at Cisco I work in the enterprise routing group and I work closely with the Enterprise NFV and we work together on this solution so very pleased to introduce this new platform the en cs50 400 we introduced this yesterday at the keynote and again the orders everything is ready it's all happening starting today now EMC s is a hosting platform for network services built specifically for Enterprise NFV this is again coming from the routing group it's the same product team the same engineering team that builds the ISR and we also build ran servers so the same team thought of this concept we took the best attribute out of a routing platform and networking platform we took the best attributes out of a server and we put it together in this hybrid platform that we believe will be very useful for for for branch networks now talking about some of the key features of course is the hosting platform so number one was the processor so we use the latest and greatest Intel processors from Xeon the broad bell family there are three options to choose from it's a six code processor or eight code processor or a 12-4 processor now just like any other server a key feature that's typically relegated to high-end servers is the ability to do lights-out management which is basically managing the device even if the main processor is completely down so sitting miles away you could actually go and change the BIOS settings get a virtual KVM virtual vgs and keystrokes mount some storage install the OS from scratch you could do all of that with the lights-out management and we'll talk more about the networking features on the next slide so again just adding a little bit more detail now in terms of memory the base system memory is 16gb and you can extend it out to 64gb again plenty for branch environments for one or two vnf can scale up to five six again depending on the exact workload in terms of storage you have two options so there is some storage on the motherboard itself that scales up to 400 GB but then if you have applications that require caching or if you have applications that like physical security applications that want to store the camera feed for a longer duration we have these two external drives on the system that are externally accessible again these are the same drives that are used on a larger platform so with these external drives we can scale up to 4 terabytes more so again plenty of storage for small branch deployments and then we have a VGA port if you wanted to connect a monitor a USB port for connecting a keyboard but again most of the time you will configure it over the network you will connected over TCP let's talk about some of the networking features we actually have a built-in switch built into the platform all the way towards the left it's a port and it also supports power over ethernet so if you have a branch office with some access points you can actually connect those access points directly into this box and just power it up from there or IP phone for instance they could all be directly powered through this we have a couple of Giggy ports on the system these are rj45 and ssv capable they can operate an active standby mode a couple of management ports to manage the main CPU as well as to manage the lights-out management hardware so all of those ports are available now another key differentiator saving the best for the last is this network interface module what we call the network interface module this is the same floss that's available on our routers as well this is the slot that would allow a customer to customize this device with a specific kind of a wine interface so if you needed cellular connectivity if you need it e one connectivity customers in Europe service providers in Europe rely a lot on DSL connectivity so the stream platform which is a server which is a switch which is a router can actually also use those wine technologies we build 15 different kinds of nims all the way from 1/2 voice if you wanted more switch ports we actually make a module and you can extend your switch out to up to 16 for again a key key differentiator another feature we have is hardware acceleration for all the virtual machines now typically on a server platform when the virtual machines are talking to each other they use software switching which means that uses of the main CPU on this platform we have the ability to actually take that down into hardware so when V NSA is talking to VN FB that traffic is switched through hardware and then later down the line on our roadmap we actually have a dedicated crypto module so if you are doing let's say a gig of IPSec for VPN connectivity to a central site that can also be offloaded to this Hardware separate hardware module again saving you precious CPU cycles to host your application just a quick question the difference Ram here am and processing options this is always the same hotter only limited by software so licensing or do you have different optimizations so we actually have three different Hardware chassis and the processor is soldered in RAM is considerable so when you start with a specific chassis you can select how much RAM you require and the base configuration includes 16 GB of RAM and 64gb of storage on the motherboard this thing one integrated system in the way that I manage it or is the network something that a network ops team deals with and to compute something that different they feel so this is one system it's closer to the first on this system lea talked about our network operating system that we call NFC is so think of that as a network hypervisor that runs natively bare metal on the hardware that's the main operating system again it's Linux based it has the KVM hypervisor it as obvious as a virtual switch but that layers also is responsible for the lifecycle management of the VNS it exposes api's it has a built-in web GUI for someone to manage the system of course we have centralized management tools to manage the entire device but just to add to that actually that's a very good question lights out management which is again part of this device can also work if the main operating system is completely down or not reachable so there is so think of this as getting in to the system out of band now for most purposes after you stage it you will never need to use it but that's there as a fail-safe way of getting into the box and Cincy also has api is CLI a local GUI yes and nfe is has the role-based access control so depending on level of privilege for your administrator you could give them complete access or read-only access or something in between and those roles will evolve I'm used to nx-os or iOS is it am I going to be comfortable in that API oh yes so we have taken a lot of effort to make sure the look and feel of NFC is at least in the CLI is very similar to iOS although you know we are moving towards a API first it's going to ask you really intend people to manage this thing CLI or not it sounds like you really want to start moving people for APS we'd like to move start moving people to a API so this platform has NFC is has REST API is and net want API but for our customers that have built-in scripts they are used to operating the systems in a certain way they can always use the CLI again this is enterprise network compute system so it's a compute system for the network operator now with the addition of NCS we actually now give the variety of options for the Austin platform for those customers that are have more centralized services or cloud services or they don't see the need to have that flexibility of services at the branch as a known demand function our is our line up with is our 4k is a great solution for them for those customers want to start moving and further journey with virtualization they can actually I guess I mentioned pooja UCSD blade into the 4k in this case they would keep the router physical but have other services virtual ones for those customers wants full flexibility including a virtual router they can go either with EMC s or with the Scylla UCSD server which they have really high capacity from a core memory of storage requirements perspective now you may ask what are the benefits of a virtual router right so one example that I will tell customers is it is today you have a 10 Meg branch and you know what's the performance or the features you will buy a router the sweet cash requirements later on you update to 100 maybe to a gig you enable more features more encryption more processing you may need to upgrade to a bigger router when you have a virtual router you don't need to do that you can just add more resources more CPU more memory and get that expanded and elastic capacity so you get full elasticity when you have everything virtualized including the router and that's what this new platform EMPs can provide a question on the virtual router part because this box has physical switch ports and physical uplink ports and now you're talking about the virtual router how does that fit together who is controlling the physical switching hard yeah so what we have done as I mentioned we have the solar NFC is this is our software and we have our virtual router based on iOS Elias or V so we've implemented functionalities both in that software an entire servi to give access to the virtual router to this physical elements one example is this the nymph lock right an ADSL or 4G LTE so that virtual router can actually get access to it and it's going to be pop up as a standard interface the same as you have enough physical router it can only be done with our virtual router that's the only current V&F that has access expanded or third-party DNS won't have access to these and has hardware who are doing something like ppi bypass on the hypervisor side and connect this card verse straight to the VM yes we do that for the hardware acceleration using SR io v exactly thank you now the last thing here for those customers that are not sure which platform they want to start if they go with Cisco one it's our software offering monetization offer they can start with a physical router and maybe a UCSC and later on get moved to NCS but they can actually just quote that license from the physical address of the virtual it don't need to buy the router sly since again so they just buy the hardware and they get the software license of the routing function for it from the physical water to the virtual router so does that mean that I can swap my physical 4000 license for a GSR life correct if you purchase the four case originally through Cisco one so as your customer today is really looking to purchase a physical water go with Cisco on to have that opportunity to transition later on to a virtual router
Channel: Tech Field Day
Views: 6,261
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Keywords: Tech Field Day, TFD, Tech Field Day Extra, TFDx, CLEUR, Cisco
Id: N3fAvcu3DWI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 23 2017
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