NCAAF 1979 Week 13 Army vs Navy

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18:02 alongside the Hudson River and the tradition of the long gray line had a small beginning five officers ten cadets comprising a corps of engineers through its 177 years many of this country's leaders and military heroes have walked these grounds learning to be soldiers the authorized strength of the for now over forty four hundred and women will be among the graduates for the first time next spring the athletic history especially football is so rich at West Point here are some of the men who have contributed to that history Dwight the Eisenhower lettered 1912 and Douglas MacArthur didn't play but he was the team manager and Dennis Mikey the first coach in team captain and the army stadium bears his name Chris Cagle all-american national holidays 1954 laces host our mission 121 victories felix doc blanchard the great mister inside - winner and his running mate mr. outside glen davis also a Heisman winner 1944 all-american in the great barney fools national championship team heck Faubourg in 1946 quarterback Arnold truckers our Nicoletta quarterback - a perfect season in 49 Bob Anderson a two-time all-american running back armies unbeaten team also had this man Pete Dawkins the Heisman winners and Bill Carpenter was the famed one severe in 1958 1960 General George C Marshall once said when looking for an officer for a secret and dangerous mission give me a West Point football player the precious history legacy tradition just is rich at the u.s. Naval Academy in Annapolis Maryland slightly younger 134 years the mission direct enough to prepare Midshipmen morally mentally and physically into the professional officers in the Naval Service the brigade of Midshipmen numbers more than 4,400 and we'll also have women in the 1980 graduating class the Naval Academy located at the confluence of the Severn River and Chesapeake Bay the grounds marked by one of the world's largest dormitories under one roof fast cross polls brigade live there before history FIFA's Navy reflecting names deep in American history names like William bull Halsey he was a fullback a tough tough one Jonathan from 1906 fullback came back interactive athletics later served in football coach Slade cutter his field goal beat army three nothing 1934 fans field Turner cars Rhodes Scholar now heads the CIA and both covered retired captain 1940s tackle athletic director there with 68 the great running back six duties up support he is a singer who almost beat army in a marvelous come back in 46 in the center dick Scott an all-american twice in 45 and 47 and Ron beagle the gradient at 64 career fast receptions George Wells now the Navy coach what have activity trimmable winning 55 and big bob Refsnyder the great all-american tackler 57 and Danson Jubilee know who won both the Heisman and max-flow trophies another winner of those two movies quarterback largest rollbacks you know what he's doing these days there have been many others with Meyer Eisenhower Gattuso Busic wit force great people great Fame great American and all the factors that make up history in tradition at hand today all the signs are here the enthusiasm and fervor just seems to go on here after year as we come to hear from John F Kennedy Stadium in Philadelphia the weather we're and boom 42 degrees and here [Music] they want the first six ballgame but then they lost four in a row to fifth so today I'm sure of Jews and the Georgia Tech you're our 12th is their Coast flat-faced service in the Army Cadets [Music] his first at army once the first to the second game of the season was a big win for them a year to seven and one the fifth game [Music] everybody I'm Jackson along with era parsing era we've had in the past young man just suddenly emerged and become stars with his fall game breathe facing her a name that comes out of the past and almost won a big ballgame today there's a young man named scared to death but he is the starting quarterback for Army glad he is in the combination of circumstances of contributed to that the army team has been decimated with injuries and of course with injuries those losses and where the losses goes rumbles there's been some rumbles out of West Point with reshaping their football coach is threatened the quest is so forth and so on firstly touch the post Lou Saban and Major General Ray Murphy the athletic director and I think it's a combination of things I think Raymer I mean I should say loose they been like myself as a former football coach wants things to happen right now or yesterday and Ray Murphy of course knows that it takes a while it takes a little time I think both of them are working together to bring back army to the prominence but the problem they have this afternoon is reflected in the starting backfield where Bobby pompton will start they're a freshman is carried the ball two times and made two yards and right half fact 5-7 145 pounds glory filled with caught eight passes and of course the quarterback Decker but there's a reason Decker is there because he's an option quarterback and the one thing the Seraph use was able to do the maybe team is good as they are defensively we should be able to option that's why is that depth obviously as you say the problem at army apparently the same problem and maybe because they won the first six and it lost their last four exactly right they've lost the last four games for two of those are Bowl teams they have had difficulty and injuries at the skilled positions Sherlock the running back they're running back plus they went in there with Eddie Meyers which adds 180 yards last sweep against Georgia Tech he's done a great job as a running back position but what well showed me yesterday is if they had to use two tight ends while these people were injured and people have ganged up on him with eight-man front and have not been able to score they now have Callahan back and in fact and they're going to make the claims that today just after noon though Houston tight ends but they're gonna put two flankers out to one side let's try to stretch the defense they're still gonna run Meijer 35 times from that eye physician but they should be able to pass better and reducing the container the defense okay we're about ready for the 80th meeting between Army and Navy there's going to be a crowd of some 70,000 ready for the ballgame this afternoon and this great classic and ABC Sports exclusive brought to you by Chevrolet and your participating chevy dealers who invite you to come take a special test drive during Chevy's national economy drive and buy Texaco with over 66,000 employees doing their best at their jobs to keep your trust the Midshipmen of Navy will be wearing the white shirts army will be wearing the black shirts and army will receive the ball is in the air the game is underway Walker Gerald Walker has it and army will go to work on natural turf from about the 17 yard line with TD Becker his first varsity snap ever coming up Bobby Crumpton mentioned by arrow who's carried only twice Bobby beachy who has not played all that much either and the smallest men I think on the field Larry Pruett my finest doc is the split in from seven drove VA so here is a big moment in the life TD Decker you're looking at a cockeyed high formation always hand it off we'll beat you the fool back hips in over the right side and gets the ball out to about the 30-yard line just short of the 30 she'll make it a pickup for three behind bill Wilhelm tackled Tom Henry at guard to ten it Perkins the center from flavorant x news at 2:30 these fellows without all that big 239 pounds for powder Charmin at 220 and the tight end for Karen as 215 pounds second down and 7 the ball is again handed off to be to number 32 and he hits it out across the 32 about the 33 yard line you'll note that cockeyed I that they have in there which Saban said he puts that high back position in a deeper spot so that he could gain some speed at the corner there's the Navy defensive front and the defensive secondary in linebacker and so are me now looking the third down and four the ball SFA's how far me the lights are on here asleep again any impedance between armed going for the first time and being held short of it at the 35 yard line they had to get it up to the 37 it was Ricci on his third successive carry and so the cadets of army will be looking who kicks the ball away and going deep for maybe he will be number 31 John Wolf's a sophomore out of Phoenix Arizona [Music] [Applause] Oh turmeric is in the air to good high hanging kick forcing Ross to call a fair catch for Navy back at the 31 yard line the Navy offensive unit after a 34 yard shot on the field with Bob Howard that's quarterback he's from Bieber PA it Myers the unsought more will be busy today Larry flew in ski good solid blocker Steve Callahan who is coming off injuries hurts Gator is the pine football flare Carlin has the shot is it tied in and you'll see gainer working both in tights and flipped his position from the 32 yard line of baby there first position trying to thank the four-game losing streak powers turns and gives control in school Larry goes to the 42 yard line the offense in front for the midis and they opened the big hole over the left side for fluence key that's John Taylor at 256 McAllister at 250 - they're bigger than army fought at 2:45 Feldman at 249 and well ship 253 they can haul bigger fellow yes on ship and they can in thanks to trucks whatever it may be is so much bigger that army the defensive unit may Jesus doesn't come back for army to play that most guard position he's been hurt some of the year there are your linebackers for the cadets and the defensive secondary and that is just short of the first down line up from the ice formations and powered wants to go big with it reaches the army 46 a 13-yard pickup take another look here you see Callahan coming down the thing that I talked about now they have to split receivers powers can throw the football is that a strong arm he's been a little bit inconsistent he just seems a little square out here he's wide open ours Kurds to the pillbox Myer Myers to the 45 when he is shoved back number 72 san marcos junior out of Houston Texas met him eyeball to eyeball and ruled imagine that it's remarkable that they've played so many times and look if maybe should win the day the whole thing is even it really is incredible there's an idea of just how much Army is outweighed along the offensive and defensive front they in the Navy 2:51 see from the 45 on second down and eight fires to the outside looks like he's got a first down for them it is as he gets the football he inside the 35 Myers got his opportunity to play when Sherlock and Callahan were injured and he stuff in there he's had a super year he's not moved I will set him down on the field yesterday he's five nine but he's about 205 he's a wrestler needs a strong 5 and 40 from the 34 yard line of army first down maybe little hands at the line of scrimmage some daylight on the right side moving in behind Welch and Feldman and George Mays number 55 was there to get a piece of him George is a senior out of Orange New Jersey the football is marked at just short of the 29 yard line [Applause] Keith George Mays is just back after an injury and I'll tell you it's a real flood for the army team he's our captain 64 255 he's their best football player second down and about five for them it is inside the 30 of our meatball goes before wind school the pullback lewinsky from Bay City Michigan gets it down to about the 27 yard line Belle Fleming is with us here in Philadelphia today and he has some news for you right Keith in that big ball game between Alabama and Auburn with two minutes to go in the third quarter Allen McElroy has putted a 22 yard field goal for the Crimson Tide so now they have increased their lead 17 to 6 over Auburn and take one more big step toward the Sugar Bowl we'll keep you up to date on that thank you Bill it also has some special features for you at halftime that you're going to enjoy I'm sure the ball is at the 47 yard line third down and long - that's Callahan and motion for Navy and powered the quarterback James rolls over the top of one of his teammates and would-be tackler for army and just come pumping down right along where the marker is foot so it's going to be close to a first down don't bring the changes a little something new for an ad they have not been running the option with powers and coach wall said yesterday that they're going to humble Austin here they feel that they he can execute he's a bit strong down stance which is why he's a senior but he feels that they need to open up their attack and run all times a variety and the first we've seen that miss opening drive a lab measurement reflecting the closest the upper five powers Buddha talked the sky is clear for the earth 20 days Lexington snow flurries over the western part of the state and it looks like the people in the Penn State this game for the dodge to whether bullet over there we've got beautiful weather here in Philadelphia and over the years I can say that's a very full time fourth down they will go and here are six [Applause] it's higher he's got good search for the right side of the bathing line they got over there and just outnumbered the army defenders on that side and were able to get it army came to a full line defense on the part of the Navy quarterback powers because they had him all bunched up inside he got leverage to to turn and made the first down army particularly inept over the last ball game in school [Applause] he's got about five yards on the carry as march Mays and from Dori get all of him one of the interesting things happened in this Drive is Larry Florence key is carried the ball twice already in Hall season he'll majority of 53 on the averaging five times a game but you can see the power of the big time I think maybe line muscling out the smaller defensive guys although George Mays is back and he has missed several games but he's back and I suppose they'd like to get tuned up again gives Lewinsky seven yards on the last carrier second down three just over the 15 ladies very first per second in there on the Myers has held up at the 14 yard line where cadets roll him back for 910 to go John garrison inside linebacker a sophomore out of Hills corner Wisconsin a 200 pounder popped in here fill again an update on the Auburn Alabama score Charlie Trotman has just past 36 yards to Joe Krebs with 8 seconds to go in that third quarter in now it is 17 to 12 as the two-point conversion pass failed battle at Birmingham hmm third down and two a nice play of a number 94 Larry cook more senior for this burg Pennsylvania right in town and so the cadets have bowed their necks out here great job by trombone he contained him powers tried to get outside with both lead floppers fluently and Myers trombone syphilis fees kept fighting to the outside you'll see them here number 94 look at them fighting off and finally gets ahold of powers and gets enough of him to make him fall at the 16 yard line fourth down all the navies and they will go to the field goal and during the kicking will be Steve's fear this is a no it is not it is Dave Quinn they've been doing the kicking and it mister so Quinn gets the call to try the field goal and he missed it and Harvey gets away as they old baby has on this Court six points in the first quarter this year University look for that kind of information about this team but the most important thing right now is this army team stops Navy inside it's 20 maybe missed a field goal arm is Gustav all and here's T V Decker his first carry of the ball game his first varsity carry ever and he puts his head down for two yard well they're trying to run the option with him feeling that he is the best option quarterback they have Gerald Bennett number 16 to his plate quite a bit is a pretty good passer and then the events that Decker can't move them I'm sure they'll go with Bennett and put it up in the air second down at 8 coming and one bank the lights great across midfield was expired off going to be a little dark formidable deal here as the day leaves us second down and eight and that girl looks like he wants to throw it flips and his Lee goes down back at the 17 yard line this is not the best field in the country well we match it up and make it as playable as possible well Keith what they did they had a big horse show here nine weeks ago and they completely restarted it I went down and tested yesterday and I'm not too sure that it is totally seated although it looks nice felt good when I walked on it and we'll see whether or not faces flip on this thing or what we tore out Jonas obviously loose a bit unsettled over that moment with his view port in fact we lost his footing and touched his knee down or lost all the way back to the 17 yard line that'll make it third down to 13 and the ball will hand it off to peachy number 33 there's not much there for him a yard maybe and Terry Hudson junior out of Cincinnati Ohio makes the stop for maybe got to bring up fourth down for army and they'll have to fund it we'll give you an idea versus what Army's problem has been they just simply have not been able to acquire real estate inside the football playing fees and that was with home rain performer five kick and a fair catch is called about John Ross backed around the 45 yard line a 37 yard cut we have no score the first floor two at six thirty seven to play 82nd possession turned away the first time they'll go to work from their 44 yard line Maya power set up Kirk gainer so he's got those twins [Music] [Applause] stay off the ground with that tires and he get to the sidelines where little fellow breaks it Big John Hilliard inside linebacker finally shoved him out of bounds he ran for 19 yards you see they put the double flanker to the field just on a tailback action it's actually designed to come inside on an isolation flight great cutting back by Myers to the top side this time let's count of ham hours on the role of first downs got to put it up this completes the Callahan Callahan is knocked out of bounds that around the 20 yard line it'll be a first down for Navy a pickup of 16 maybe looks more like to get a year ago when they had McConkey out there the receiver he just rolls out now by putting two flankers out there you can see Callahan who was back for the first time now is contributing greatly to this offense because they drive both of them off the field Callahan breaks to the outside you get a little turn here uncovered 50 yards that's pretty tough to handle it's a few Bester's I jumped down as you like that powers hummed it in there pretty good food its first down call at the 21 yard line Troy Mitchell with his flanker Callahan is out maybe it is her on the move again all those to Myers it's in the middle inside the 22 about the nineteen case you have not heard the news at Moraine the army quarterback ELISA Becker is in there he was running out working out the other bid his knee just went out from under ten instances of knee surgery this season at Army a lot of things happened to him another thing that's happened here I know that they say he told me yesterday they explained against the two tight end attack to here's a lot of triphala start bringing eight people up now they're forced out of it because of these double pointers to the field second down and eight from the Army 1904 Navy Wednesday the fourth on and he's got a yard or so as he cuts into the middle there he stacked up halyard the lead tackler on the play John is number 85 11 to 10 from Plain City Ohio he steps to the inside you see the blocker number 77 Richard Potts missing and he stops lewinsky ball is at the 19 yard line where it is third down and about eight hands back here and he comes to the field side or the right side he was trying to get it out there to Callahan then has gone down field on a for a minor to a screen situation couldn't get it to it you know the one thing about the army team they have played a free dog on tough schedule and you get some seasoning even though you're losing some ball games we've got some experience and you're going against tough competition that makes you a little tougher ballclub and they've done very well in this four series another field goal try this time it is Steve fair who comes out when missed on his second fry of this year this time fear its it that matches his longest field goal effort of the year 36 yards maybe takes the lead three nothing at 5:02 to go first quarter like it or not winter is here and right now to help you get through the messy weather ahead charlie truck from the quarterback of Auburn is driving the Crimson Tide crazy he has just passed 54 yards to set up a touchdown in the middle 11 yards to score the touchdown Auburn ahead of Alabama 18 to 17 incidentally the reason they cannot show you that game today is because Auburn is on NCAA probation and cannot appear on any aspect of any NCAA collegiate telecast but we'll keep you up-to-date on the score all right Phil it's a for kickoff for Navy the ball is fielded short and returned back up the field it's going to be about the 30-yard line for Army as Ernie Jones number 31 a reserve fullback picked it up incidentally about that Alabama situation if Albarn should beat Alabama then that's going to put the Georgia Bulldogs in the Sugar Bowl and the Alabama Crimson Tide I believe would go to the Fiesta Bowl and the people out in Tempe would be dancing in the streets if that half foot comes you're 11 minutes a little over 11 minutes to play in the ball game in there Birmingham all right here's army trailing three to nothing as Decker Rosa looks downfield pumps it up in the air it's picked off by my cleanser of baby and the mitt is are in good field position at the army 35 that's his third interception microns oh the number one tackler on the Navy team with 133 involvement drops price back and takes the ball away and I can assure you the checker will not encouraged by that from a confidence then white here is an isolation on dismiss you see the rollout brings in through the side yeah beautifully right here comes right back and takes the ball away [Music] Larry Pruitt was out there the intended receiver and he's that five seven hundred and forty five founder you were talking about it without size considerably by fun today all right maybe to the impacts from the thirty-five it Myers to the morals go to the outside good pursuit by the Army theme it looks like they're going to turn the corner in there but the army float right with it fires has carried eight times now for forty five yards of the ball game and there's mister conversing with the ball the Oakland Raiders had the New Orleans Saints on ABC's NFL Monday Night Football presentation out of a Superdome in New Orleans the only eight states trying to win the NFC Western Division they're shipped on top right now [Applause] those deep down the middle and it is incomplete Callahan was out there that his man turned around and Chris saw he fell down a freshman out of Parma Ohio and Chris I'm sure gets up and thanking his lucky stars that that fast was thrown right see number 15 the 5 George Mays the biggest man on this army team comes falling through shakes the blocker let's see what he does to the quarterback hope ours knows he's around oh yeah he just picked up at 77 and here on the way they good to bump they're down and I tried first down [Applause] tires getting a big-block from Frank McAlister a junior out of Pittsburgh got around the corner and burns it for the first down at the 20 the see fake to the inside and then come back to the backside he grew the linebackers in you can see they have leverage on all the players except number 18 who was Dave charge one of the better players and secondary for the army team gain of 12 nine carries 57 yards for Myers now [Applause] again really put on the ground Jeff cook got to him first slowed him up and then got some help heal as George Welch the Navy coach nears bill Fleming of ABC and Alabama has just scored now with nine minutes to go in the ballgame Stedman chili on an eight yard run they're back on top 25 18 in the fourth quarter what a game oh that's always a good list oh thank goodness Legion Field in Birmingham on it just inside the 15 second down and four for Navy it is leading three nothing and looking for some more power still got it what's at the air the pass was incomplete threw it over callaghan's head what's the thing that powers have done during the air he's had open receivers is percentage is 42% he's got a strong iron but he has a tendency of course to overthrow and has been erratic of course during the year but he's got a strong load is becoming very obvious coming up over the city of Philadelphia darkness is settling numbers own power so far in the ballgame tonight just inside the army 15 third down Jamie for he shorted us for he gets to about 212 that'll bring up fourth down may bring in the field goal you he Falcon about 2:30 time that maybe has shown the two tight ends army comes to an eight-man fuss the Navy team as they have in previous games has difficulty in maintaining possession on no kicker coming in this time George Ross decides he'll go fight against the TD force out and - I'm betting on Myers to the outside we put sweet [Applause] Oh our in trouble that's it all and it's tricks our prime Mitchell [Applause] for a moment it appeared in severe loss the power stayed with it and got his touchdown as Mitchell took it in over a year ago like cowards is just over through an open receiver in Callahan comes scrambling to his left towards the ball in the most awkward position chicane for a right hander great catch by Mitchell in the systems Steve fear is in for the extra point try it is up and it's good two minutes and 48 seconds to play in the first quarter baby is just after with nothing lead over the cadet summer me look what I found touchdown has foot Navy out to attend nothing lead those are the numbers on the first touchdown of the ball game and Navy now is ready to kick off to army and the deep man for army will be Gerald Walker he's number 40 a freshman from Greenville South Carolina they've win he will kick off for Navy he's a junior from Kelvin Missouri it's a terrible kick working from the sidelines portray a feel and out of bound up around the 37 let's go back to the touchdown there you find powers rolling left which is the most difficult position to throw from and of course sorry Mitchell keeps moving out to this side he throws the ball he takes it away again from Dave charas again I didn't realize that first he goes into the end zone here's another view of it come down the field turns he slips and falls those disease gets back up and makes the catch and maybes right back in their defensive alignment same setup they had before but this time Bradley ap Becker from Westerville Ohio finds a little bit of Running Room going to the outside of the open side of the field and picks up about four yards microns er from El Cajon California brought him down now it's got to be a lot of tension in protector coming into a big ballgame like this we wonder whether or not how much confidence the team has in him actually those initials over 40 do so they must think that we can score it double wide to the right side on second down and six from the 42 the ball is handed off defeat to the full-back he's off about the 44 before charlie thornton senior out of cuffin California and he's one of those good football players and a lot of people wanted to come play for him out west here's Bill again in the fourth quarter ANM is leading Texas 13 to 7 now if Texas loses that game since Houston is overwhelming Rice that means that Houston would go to the Cotton Bowl and of course Arkansas then would go to the Sugar Bowl Texas goes to the Sun Bowl Houston 42 nothing over right so okay bill third down and long three for the first half outside pitch I guess the first time just overwhelmed Bobby from freshman hundred seventy pounder from Reston Virginia brought down by truckers Engler out of Medford lakes New Jersey and Army will have to find no you don't want to forget this mate when you let the nation in defense in the early going until they lost some of the thought first Nellie's oh I'm missing some people but Milo was still out from an injury and he was there over back there are fine defensive team Juliano the puck gets his pick off this time he doesn't get all of it takes it out of bound short of the Navy 40 they'll mark it up around the 45 yard line 17 yards on the front next Saturday you ought to take a moment to read this Delaware in Youngstown State will go for the division 2 Championship Division one double a semi final will have Lehigh and Murray State the other game to be announced Delaware in Youngstown today beau scored a ton of points I think was 62 in 52 or sometimes sixties and fifties that felt good in front of their backlog at the 44 of 980 first down for the Midshipmen they're leading 10 to nothing with 49 seconds to go in the first quarter [Applause] fires again well he's on 180 plus pay Sydney all the way to the 40-yard line and he's running in behind the big Tom Feldman he can really accelerate four or five in the 40 you can see the Brock Mays they doubled up on him and of course Myers would through there before he could fetch your eye he really couldn't go there you look at the Mays was a good football player it gets posted by the center and driven by the left guard who his Frank McAllister and he's out of the picture and it's first down at the army 14 81 yards now for Myers of the ballgame and he's done it again or the ball came loose and Arnie's got it [Applause] maybe it makes a mistake [Applause] fires I don't think ever really had he got into the stacks and somebody whacked it loose see buyers for tea now gets the ball well he's put it away alright has it he's got the girl lays drifting good me [Music] whatever Army's got the ball at their own 37 yard line first down Lecter sets him up [Applause] beat you behind him a little gag is after about the 40-yard line on the carry it was 75 streets who called cause the Devon streets jr. or army that knocked that for losers well the first quarter is over maybe Leeds army tender nothing army has the ball second down as we go to the second quarter of play baseball second down and seven the ball is on their own 40 here's the quarterback tech number wired this time the five fan front deck of turns give the ball to be complete you trying to get to the outside gets it up from the 45 yard line that'll leave him to yard short of his first add and Charlie thorn number 84 makes the tackle he's leading soccer on the Navy team number 84 he's number three tackler see what he does here steps inside fights off the guard who was pulled and of course finally gets a hold of number 32 Bobby fishy and next inbound [Music] a beginner a sophomore from Alexandria Virginia has gone in now as a wide receiver or the army team on third down and two and of course down [Music] that'll be that got one there that's the first one was at the ballgame yep first first down [Applause] Birmingham with three minutes to play Alabama leading Auburn 25 to 18 Bama wins if they go on into the Sugar Bowl am is still leading Texas Houston chicken rice sideways in the third quarter Pittsburgh today a game you saw earlier on many of these ABC stations and meeting Penn State Boston College edging Holy Cross in their season finale first down for the army of all up the 48 yard line Deckert he gets buried by number 76 that's certainly not much of a match John Merrill a big 255 found six foot six inch senior from Port Charlotte Florida they are the numbers after quarter number one we certainly see the dominance of the Navy team in that first period no first downs for farming look at the yardage 12 143 and there's also ten points on the board [Applause] [Music] it'll be second down though the man on the markers across the way has not changed [Applause] Decker butch it up for the batter down black number 55 reached up to swatted it away that be calm talk line back around a Sarasota Florida the scores Tennessee 3115 win over Vanderbilt the volunteers who offered the blue bonnet bowl if it's a beating Ruttenberg today they'll be in the play out of the score we told you Delaware 6210 over Mississippi College and Youngstown State 52 zip over Alabama and in Youngstown State supreme popular thing around here because that's where Ron Jaworski came from quarterback of the Eagles third down and about ten Decker loops at us I set off the screen messes it up brings down the vault area right at midfield Bobby crimson had it before Bobby could get it turned up field and going charlie fountain had a hold of it let's take a look at number 84 Thornton again this is a screen fast is what it is comes in here let's see what happens now he sees the roll out in the fast let him come clear back on this screen and make the play well that's a super play by Charlie Thornton from Compton California Charlie Adam's to putt and he shanks another one out of bounds but there's a penalty flag along the line of scrimmage let's see what's called it it might be a little elbow flying there mount procedure it's against army yeah it would think the maybe might very well decline it because Adams just shanked that ball out of bounds he didn't get hardly anything out of it now this is really interesting because Adams has been averaging almost forty yards for every kick thirty nine point eight I wonder if he had the option nerve no he didn't because apparently they flew last whistles here and the play was not in effect because the whistles are killed so in a sense it's a break Florida they accept a five-yard penalty but it gives Adams another opportunity [Music] little heat that to have it all [Applause] [Music] johnross way back to around the 8 yard line attack good open field tackle brings him down up at the 17 it was drew Harrington that made the tackle Billy's having some grass and we'll take a timeout copier companies have been in that they have had meager success so far but they had a bit of a break on that five-yard penalty and Adam stood off a terrific punch you can see that maybe he's been up at the 46-yard punt the ball is back at the 16 yard line up maybe first down for them it is they lead 10 nothing 12:08 to go in the suspect it's Meyers about a yard almost those army youngsters have given away just about everything you can think about bringing that French area arrow but there once in a while really jump up you don't think okay what they are they're quick and they pursue well but they also are have left themselves vulnerable I think to the to the reverses or any kind of misdirection because once that bar shows action they really flow with it from the contain man has been pursuing the line rather than containing the deepest man second down and nine 17 [Applause] he's offended at across the 20 at the 22 and the man that took the legs from under him was number 55 George fades he's made the last two tacos he's looks like he's fighting himself again he hasn't played for quite a while okay here's here there you see number 55 the captain of this ball club flows all the way over and makes the play he's been injured had a broken foot I guess a hairline break in his foot there's now well Callahan comes wide to the right side the open side of the field the ball is right about the 21 and it's third down and five maybe [Applause] hours under pressure throws gets his man fullback Lewinsky out of the backfield has a first down for Navy up around the 33 yard line the pressure was coming from Stan March big junior out of Houston Texas but Stan could not quite get to him and there was also some heat from Larry from board number 94 there what's from Bor here 63 212 he's putting the pressure on flowers reacted very well under this heat but she's finally clocked down here trombone is from board from board I'm sorry gum bone that's an instrument at the 34 yard line first down thirty-five [Applause] well they finished the game down at Birmingham bill and what happened and the Crimson Tide fans are going wild because Alabama has defeated Oh burn 25 to 18 but must have been our great ball game today and so it's Alabama ranked number one on to the Sugar Bowl and we still don't know who their opponents gonna be but we will know in another half an hour's it later the Arkansas or Texas that's correct thank you sir all right the bowl is after 35 second down nine [Applause] [Music] almost broke 50 times he carried that phone a 17 carries four Meyers 103 yards already and we've got nine and a half minutes to play in the first half okay that Chris always saved the touchdown there number 28 the safety man just a freshman from farmer Lyle had he not tripped up Myers he was gone Myers big sophomore from Tim Burton New Jersey like Sherlock was whispered that hamstring trouble lewinsky the Kovak and he's got a first half as he lunges all the way to the 42 maybe the 41 sorry again on the tackle I like that pitch sweep and the entire army team flowed with it and they flipped the ball through for Winston there's a lot of daylight on the back side he puts up a lot of yardage oh the academies will be graduating ladies this class of 80 those are Midshipmen and that we will be talking to women who represent the female segments of the respective academies at halftime Kevin streets involved again George plays in the middle here's Mays take a look at George again see Whichard brought sliding across McAlister trying to block him and you see Mays come off of it and get in on the play there he's got the bulk of the tackle there streets is a pretty good-sized fella from Glen Burnie Missouri 6-3 to 40 ball is down at the enemy 40-yard line second down antibody [Applause] ours gets his pass off at it is incomplete the fastest intended for Callahan got a little heat from John garrison the inside linebacker of Army [Applause] actually this is man-to-man coverage that was used against the Navy team you see Callahan on it just a turnout here caught the ball I was right there what's the ball where's garrison the number two tackler on the army team blitzing they were in man-to-man let's see how close he gets the power gets to him just after the throw once again burden all shut up black spirits everywhere but he gets away from him he gets the ball off that ought to be passionate affair he's got a call [Applause] I think Zowie came in and committed himself too soon on it Chris tried to get to the ball ran right through the intended receiver and my goodness there must have been five black shirts back there Jason powers he got away one of the key things as you cannot allow the quarterback outside when you're flitting you got to contain him squeeze him inside what those linebackers knock him down okay now ten is the intended receiver there 36 you see sowwy coming in here powers finally escapes the rush but see Oh My there's no question I think I could have made that call right through the intended receiver right 31 yard line first down for the Navy nine yards on that bender eight minutes to go first half five-man front for army all goes to throw in scare the full-back runner it really is you know he's only had the ball for the entire year in the previous ten games 52 times and I think he's headed about five times already today hasni 7 for 41 guards in the middle of that line with brought the center McAllister and sailfin are really doing some heavy work maybe running back right now well they're really a big time Big League line I think they're you know they're averaging about 250 and they have not had the injuries during the course of the year probably could be nine and two easily that's the case this is Myers the peel back and he's got the first down inside the 20 maybe of course went to the Holiday Bowl last year played the BYU [Applause] mine season four started well this year winning their first six Bugaboo that's played for Military Academy position years yep typical number of players first house now maybe with 13 army with one its first down maybe at the army 18 yard line [Music] hours over the middle on a coast [Applause] my good toy Mitchell almost had a second touchdown I don't really know why I didn't have it looked like it was right his hands there it was a perfect throw let's take a look at it I was just on the i feet good protection Mitch it he throws the ball we get a good shot oh yeah I'm sure that probe Mitchell's disappointed with himself here's another angle of it comes right to the inside features man man on man [Music] all right Justin closed down on it well it's a game those things happen second down 10th army 18 [Applause] are [Music] there again inside the 15 down to about the 13 George Mays one more tackle what's my turns out corner even though [Applause] Walsh's talking on target see what he's going to get in there a hundred and twelve yards now for admires the powers me of audible eyes that they had a big blitz coming from the left side defensively and would attack me quietly to come to the field but the month of the short side the 5th of February 3rd and 5 from the 13th tires again [Applause] I like he's good back in can you imagine he started out he was a fullback and we finally moved him over there after Sherlock and Callahan got hurt moved him over to the I back position and he's had let's say coming into this ball game he'd carried the ball 64 times for 373 yards and that's almost a six point average big number 62 held the door for at that time tom coburn bullet guard the ball is that's the army one first we'll go to go maybe [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the time for the points by steam fear with 601 to play in the first half it is up in the hope and the cannon is booming and it is 17th and epic baby you know that here's another look at it there's the pitch off to Myers that's the play they have and then he go [Applause] 21 carries 145 yards one touchdown and he's not even half through work they may not spend it on medium if they keep rolling up the points after 17 nothing lead 6 I wanted to go here at the first half of play 18 Alabama beat all burned down in firming Walker in competition would be the beat bid for army as a kick by fear is taken by Walker [Music] [Applause] [Music] all this brought back 28-yard marked down at the 37-yard line there the numbers 607 they held that ball era it's a long time it sure is you know things that maybe is able to hang on to this lead isn't it interesting that the series has not been tied up since 1923 and that's about 56 years ago first down from 37 as a cockeyed I the quarterback Decker keeps it he runs it out across the 40 to the 41 maybe the 42 before he is put down all kinds of contraptions run and replace' did they ears fell again well within 35 seconds to go Texas has the ball on its own 35 it's fourth down and leaving 13 to 7 it looks more and more like Houston to me in the Cotton Bowl in Arkansas the second down six about the 42 army not much there he doesn't have much of a chance pea Navy's defense may be in a both offensive and defensive good football team army without consider the fact that their quarterback is gone their running back who had over 600 yards in year ago and was had 441 yards this year Timmy Hill he's gone and they have to scramble around with a youngster like teeny Decker hey that makes it tough let me hear was pretty good a little running back to Noah yes he won [Music] lost the yard it'll bring the floor down Oh number 55 was the hunter yards now Navy with 218 there are the numbers on the first hams first first downs in this half army with 27 yard well I think was saving the football coaching army will have to make a decision here being behind 17 to nothing he's not going to be able to possession the maybe team you may have to come in here with number 16 Gerald on it he can throw the football he's been literally ready it's the only way to play catch-up madam's kick is away it's pretty good kick Ross settles under it and now he goes back at the 13 yard line 43 yard fun for Charlie Adams from Huntsville Alabama 17 to nothing maybe leading now symbolic of one of the nicknames for the Army Cadets the Black Knights to the Hudson I think they can use it glance at all first down that's the 1300 Navy they leave 17:53 54 to go all through armies Chris sorry come tough for a football but that freshman is hit on a lot of places plane table back [Applause] tonight never got to it really but a new back field of flowers and flying in there and I still believe the Auster had a hold of it here didn't appear that he ever got his hand or in there goes a freshman from Ohio their children for army of Nick played for the cadets they have it first down at the Naval 16 yard line [Applause] Decker hands the ball off inside to Bobby be chief junior at a Cranford New Jersey and he's going to be getting up around the 13 yard line he picked up about three or four three at that race that could make the first downs anyway maybe they can grind it in here [Music] [Applause] time called by Decker he either didn't like 40 the situation he had whatever he wants to talk time is up we'll be right back there's the time remaining in the first half of play in 2nd down and 7 for the cadets the mall is after a 13 yard line of baby they have recovered the fumble opportunity to get on the board right here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] they're right down here in front of the cadets and the cadets are not making it easy has been their enthusiasm they are roaring and decorate his teammates are having a little trouble Charley Thornton comes in to bring beachy down but he does get inside the 10-yard line down to the eighth so now it's third down and two [Music] this is the ballclub that scored over twice on the ground this year and that was my second ball game against Stanford Decker keeps it outside it goes perfect touchdown little Larry Pruitt 5 745 pound freshman from Berwick Pennsylvania was really the guy that opened the door for Clinton to get in there and so the cadets let's go with a roll [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yep that is a mule he's right fine-looking new bottle is that on the 10 they've our coin will go for the extra point he's got it [Music] [Applause] so 2 minutes 28 seconds to play in the first half it is now 17 to 7 ballgame and here's the touchdown right here well it's a perfectly executed option double flanker out to the right they drove them off and machine tech repealing the ball off perfectly that's why he's in there because he's an option type 445 panic attack there's your head to the block [Music] the army is Ford on the ground this year there is a final out of Texas the Longhorns are defeated by the Aggies 13 to 7 years bill while it was a thrilling finish because the Aggies had to hang on to do it touch this woman in the closing couple of minutes but the Yankees held them on downs and killed with rock and soul the Sun ball Houston will go to the Cotton Bowl and will be Arkansas and Alabama in the Sugar Bowl and we'll have that sandy for New Year's afternoon right here on ABC Alabama and Arkansas good it's going to be a good football game so the cadets recover a navy fumble and cash it in and it's 17 to 7 and we've got ourselves a little different kind of a look at this ballgame down Barney kicks off [Music] filled it by Callaghan Callaghan is really cut down up around the 26 yard line wonder if George Welsh might be second-guessing himself about putting in his second backfield at a time that was 17 to nothing score and of course you can see the momentum can shift in the ballgame hutch and see if army reacts for this defensively now [Music] ultimately in the sixty minutes of football it always seems to boil down to manpower webdive but you can have a scripture of momentum like this Myers influence gear back in there behind powers I was looking to throw it gets it off got a man over to Eddie Brock Callahan doesn't hang on till 11 a half time for our fireman's fund feature and a look at some of today's pregame ceremonies along with interviews with the first women graduates from West Point and Annapolis also the ABC News halftime report and an interview was the 1979 Chevrolet MVP [Applause] [Music] who say [Applause] second down ten [Applause] higher dances the bumps and get sick it's interesting going on first down running on second down and the first he had Callahan wide open just dropped the ball in the first place it'll be third down and four from the 32 George Welch quarterback that may be teamed to a Sugar Bowl victory over Ole Miss back in 1955 he was a smooth operator that's what about the [Applause] hours keep to the army guts Jim short of the first down mark lingo a freshman out of South Daytona Florida number 87 over there to get it awful lot of young people playing on this army team because that's the way you develop depth if you just bite the bullet one season I guess and go ahead and take your lumps and they can develop some depth in the future change things around if they could block a punt get a return on here they got three guys back this is ladies first punt huh they've gone for a return here letter West Chester PA will do the funny three men are deep Barney [Music] [Applause] good punch [Applause] [Music] and maybe turns in a good job of coverage the first punt of the night or Navy 40-yard next Saturday on ABC's Wide World of Sports woke up boxing between the Soviet Union and American teams and the world gymnastics championships that's at 5:00 Eastern and Pacific for Central Time [Music] 19 to go in the first 10 17 to 7 maybe lead honest doc comes wide to the left side for army [Music] [Applause] Decker option keeps it and turn the 22 to about 225 Steve chambers La Mirada California jr. makes the tackle for Navy Bradley at T Decker who has tonight played in his first varsity football game at Army and he's done just fine he's done all right in there five 983 pounds and that's giving him a little bit of distress rock is rolling along now and reaches 42 seconds as the Flay is tumbled out of bounds Kron xur and Ross over there defensively poor Navy there's the time remaining in the first half of play we save him there he's been to a lot of wars and success in several colleges he's had 12 john 49-year in full level college level athletic Griffin Decker is 9 for 15 in this first half ghosts are third and about 6 [Music] nicely Billy Tigers down trailing the play as he cuts across the 30 looks like he might be short of his first half but that's right on the penalty it's going to be close oh oh oh it's Darney yep now this kind of situation with 34 seconds they're going to move on back 15 yards you can force a putt get a punt return could get a field goal out of it a lot of time limit not a lot but enough time to score when you got that kind of field position the other Vic's floors vectors A&M beat Texas 13 to 7 Alabama beat Auburn 25 to 18 and Pittsburgh beat and state 29 to 14 and all those teams accepting Auburn on their way to bowl games bowl situation is Alabama Arkansas on the Sugar Bowl Texas goes to the Sun Bowl and Houston goes to the Cotton Bowl [Applause] all the way back to the 14 yard line la Barbie third down in about 20 22 seconds to go meet you that's absolutely the 29 yard line a little bit of a hole in the middle and he got through it on time clock stops 12 seconds to play in the first half gain of 15 yards on that and right now let's have a look at West Point the US Military Academy duty honor country these are the words that motivate tradition pride education these are the tools that shape the United States Military Academy West Point dedicated men and women mastering the challenge of leadership meeting the rigors of higher learning leadership education athletics total involvement the United States Military Academy West Point maybe call that timeout stopping the clock with 12 seconds to play in the first half to bring up fourth down they want to see the ball one more time try to set up something on the punt return [Applause] [Music] whoa letter will be into and I won't be long ago be Charlie up in the army it'll be the sixth punt of the ball game for them 17 to 7 81 for the block they've got nine men up there [Applause] [Music] [Applause] gets it out of there coming across is John Ross no chance for us we'll return it and that should do it nope they stopped it for three seconds to play 20 yards including the roll and the officials on the exchange of the balls fought the clock with three seconds to go in the first half now let's see if powers throws a big bomb down here whether the content to go to the locker room with a 10-point lead [Applause] [Music] we're going to get them all right well this got Callahan an attempt as the white people [Music] put it up over the middle since he makes the catch all right but he goes down at the army 49 yard line and the half is over we'll be back with today's halftime activities after this word about an upcoming ABC program and the words from our local station and fireman's fund insurance is brought to you by an independent agent near you one of the most impressive sights in all of football is the March on earlier this week Jim Lampley talked to one of the 60 women who will be graduating from West Point [Music] here is the bar chart as the cadets came in to the stadium about two hours before kickoff time it's a moment look forward to by the men and women of both academies and as I mentioned women will be in the first graduating class in the class of 80 and so it we felt it's rather important to get their views on their experience this is cadet Cathy Gerrard one of 119 women who entered West Point four years ago now one of 62 who are scheduled to graduate in the first class to include women at the US Military Academy in its 177 year history Cathy this is certainly a beautiful place to spend a four-year college experience but in terms of the regimen that cadets are expected to go through the beauty is considered by many to be deceiving what motivated you to choose to come to school here at the Academy I think I was first motivated to go into the army because my father is an officer and I thought I might want to clear as an officer and when it came to be a college time I really kind of backed off from ROTC but when I heard that West Point was open to women another friend of my father's encouraged me to apply although I prehensile I applied and I'm glad I can did you experience a sense of resentment on the part of the men who were here yes we did but over the four years has gone a lot better I'd say when we first got here the men of course did not want us here we were invading perhaps their world but I think they've gotten used to it and the men and the women seem to get along pretty well now Cathy what do you think is the most important element of your experience here that differentiates it from the experience you would have gained from going to a regular college I think the opportunity for leadership in working with your peers and your subordinates and your superiors people above and below people in the military and out of the military just a whole range of people that you get to work with I don't think I would have gotten that of any other college and it's been a really good experience for me here well I think people who go to other colleges would argue with you that you're certainly exposed to a lot of different kinds of people there also but what it seems to me that you're saying is that is a value to military regimentation yes I think so what is it maybe it's self-discipline that we learned here and also discipline to accept what other people have to say and their views and kind of judge them on your own and you learn a great deal of self self-evaluation so you think that in a way it's an experience that keeps you open minded I think sometimes what about social life Kathy is that existing I'm not really except on the weekends we have Eisenhower Hall which is like a Student Union Building and they have dances there every weekend and the companies have a lot of parties like on the weekends you know they may get together but I don't think I really miss that much is that did you go home and talk to your friends about what they were doing at college and feel some sense of being left out at all not really if I did feel left out it up and I compensated by thinking that I was probably getting more opportunities here to do other things Kathy - what kind of young woman would you recommend West Point I think women that are willing to work hard they are looking for a good opportunity and a good career and they want a challenge a big challenge I'd say so and after the Corps came the brigade of Midshipmen 4,400 strong there are 250 women in the entire brigade and of those 56 are in the first graduating class again earlier this week Jim visited the campus at Annapolis to talk with one of the members of the graduating class this is Midshipmen instance Suzanne Grubbs one of 55 women who will graduate from the Naval Academy in Annapolis this spring as the first group of women to complete four years at Annapolis Suzanne there's certainly to be congratulated on having accomplished a completion of four years here at the Naval Academy what motivated you to come to school here I think the opportunities afforded to a graduate of the United States name or any service academy are much more expensive than perhaps a graduate and civilian institution was it difficult being among the first group of women to matriculate here yes why for the very fact that you're in light of everything at all times everybody was watching it always monitoring our performance much more closely than those of our male counterparts did you sense any resentment on the part of the men resentment for the fact that you were here or the fact that so much attention was paid to you and you think that that resentment has wendell Dover the four-year period that in a sense the 55 of you who are graduating have proven yourself well I think there are classmates and most people here at the Academy know that there's really no differences in what they can do and what we can do here at the Academy the problem is the complex went as far as resentment there is no Suzanne much is often made of the difference between the air of military regimentation at an academy school and the relative freedom that a student has at another university within that context do you think that students here have an opportunity to express their individuality I think there is just as much an opportunity here to express your individuality in different ways it's more limited how you can do it but the opportunity is there and do you feel that you've had every opportunity here to express your individual you have one particular goal as a result of this experience I hope to go into naval aviation as pilot and are the opportunities for you to go into Naval Aviation equal to the opportunities that your male classmates face right now no they're not there are only five billets allowed for our 55 women therefore it's more competitive to get one of those five billets you want to fly a jet do you think that just in terms of physical and emotional and mental demands of flying a jet aircraft the woman faces any disadvantage what about combat duty right now the law stands that we're not allowed to go into combat duty how do you feel about that law I want to go into combat I'm here at the Naval Academy I'm here to serve my country do you think that there are any demands of combat duty that you would not be as ready to meet as your male counterpart the obvious inference there would be the physical strength in a field type combat for instance a ripe opportunity or something of that nature women are weaker physically than men therefore they might not be as effective in that type of the world environment it's interesting the young woman I spoke to earlier this week at West Point commented that she felt the American public was not yet ready for the idea of women in combat and that that was the biggest hindrance to the idea do you agree yes do you resent that yes one thing she does not resent is the score here at halftime 17 to 7 av over our me back before of our halftime activities in a moment 45 the United States Naval Academy has been dedicated to preparing Midshipmen for careers in the Naval Service and its tradition of military and scholarly excellence continues today Midshipmen take a full academic program as well as a wide range of professional military subjects navigation and ship handling skills are put into practice aboard yard patrol craft in the Chesapeake Bay it is this well-rounded education that Midshipmen take to the fleet when they graduate from the Naval Academy from ABC News in New York this is the halftime report with Barry surfer we're back live at John F Kennedy Stadium in Philadelphia Pennsylvania just ready for the second half of play in the 80th Army Navy game with maybe leading army 17 to 7 and this ABC Sports exclusive be brought to you by Goodyear TM for the all season radio it eliminates winter tire change Homer that by Sarah if metric era Forsaken and still coming we're ready to go with our me kicking off - lady - starts the second half of play John Ross is mic runners will take off for the RTC all those Callahan [Music] [Applause] around the 47 yard line 47 yard return on it and Lloyd Hollister was the man that finally knocks in up Callahan missed a lot of games you can see the value of this young man to his team it comes up bait them to the inside breaks outside gets good blocking let's see what he does to the sidelines here it cuts back inside put block sir and finally knocked down by number 61 and it's first down for the Navy at their 47 they lead by 10 17 to 7 ed Myers at a big first half for Navy and he's the tailback and he's got the ball [Applause] horn just keeps on pounding he must be averaging right around 7 8 yards for carries got 138 yards Stan Marsh defensive tackle for me 240 pounder big George face called his name a loss tonight Kevin Dotson Bob wood at a linebacker - John Hillyer without a plane City Ohio John garrison from the old Fona Wisconsin merit report of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania it is second down and it is poor lady with Myers averaging five or six yards per carry this time for one school and he gets down to about the army 45 before George Mason company shove him back the secondary for the cadets of Army Jeff cook it's a quarterback out of st. Louis Missouri Dave terraced is the quarterback from perfect Texas Mike means is from Marion Alabama and Chris Atari is the freshman from Parma Ohio well Wednesday now on eight carries total 41 yards of the ball game at the 46 army third down and three [Applause] [Music] people have been just about a step slow all night defensing that particular area of the field Keith the thing that army team did that time they went into a triple stack and maybe still got outside of them offensive unit for the Navy team with the football just inside the 40-yard line where it is a first down for them it is they lead by 10 if they stick at the end zone on this first possession of the second half eyes get a little left forearm [Applause] Myers gets the ball gets to the outside again he was way down in traffic leaving repair it but he just kept right on running and wound up picking up seven yards on the carry [Applause] here are some reports from other major games around the country today Alabama meeting over 25 18 goes to the Sugar Bowl against the Razorbacks of Arkansas because Texas A&M beat Texas today which sent taxes off of the Sun Bowl to play Washington and put Houston the pillars of Bill yeoman into the Cotton Bowl and the burgers had a rough today six degrees him over right in Pittsburgh the Penn State today 29:14 Fitzroy a fiesta bowl at Penn Station of the Liberty Bowl in Boston College beat Holy Cross and there's a penalty flag and a whistle stops the play down below incidentally they coach Tennessee another Bowl team winding up their season successfully the head football coach of the Houston Cougars Dale yeoman was a center for the cadets of army back in 1950 and captain his army ballclub Keith you know since we did arrived at the game last week you Brigham Young game against San Diego State I've been asked how good is work them young when they 163 or 14 well I opened up with Texas A&M the team that just beat Texas and beat them that tells you a little bit about Brigham Young right penalty was against Navy their first in the ball game it is now second down and eight and powers ends the ball and pullbacks Lewinsky and army had read it just right because heavier duty and a couple of other linebackers were right there to put him on the ground looked like the line was blocking another play here's Hilliard number eight he just blitz his right straight up no one blocks it comes untouched and the cooks you can seek Lewinsky has no chance they look like from up here that was hole in the clock and of course there's no back that could make much yardage under those conditions and it is third down in eighth now or maybe at the Army 38 yard line [Applause] [Music] gets it in the air to the sideline race to Callaghan and good enough for the first down at the army 27 yard line wellthey're they're trying to flip them they had a safety blitz on that time he didn't come anywhere near powers powers roller away from it and it's very tough to cover one-on-one at least the army flares are staying in behind them giving them the short stuff and not giving the bomb and power is actually good the attendant 77052 in Kennedy Stadium Washington Philadelphia first bad for the Navy always giving a Myers or he's having a great night see that movie put on yes sir 169 yards Fred now it is it looks like they're going off tackle to the right or all inside to the right and they catch the quarterback for the left number 53 Joe garrison the leading top row the number 2 tackler on his team as a guy dismissed him and his files finally hauled down by number 80 payer John Hillyer from Plain City Ohio its first down and goal to go Navy just inside the army tent [Music] [Applause] I guess I'm kidding when he told me with C Myers or the tailback carry the ball 45 times he's on his way to that a center Rick bot came out of that line play there limping he stays in the Myers has already had the ball 28 times and were early in the third period maybe leading it by 10 and looking for another one right here on second down goal to go from the pine Myers the corner [Applause] [Music] the extra four tries by fear if Myers has scored his second touchdown kick here this hope the cannons folk business and so the shipment of baby scratch off to a 17-point lead 1020 months ago in the third quarter maybe 24 army seventh [Music] most still the stadium problems a navy cannon as they tear their teams touchdown third of the game to leave twenty four to seven Myers carried the ball six times for 47 yards 53 there's another one of those contriving digits been rolling around this nichkhun one that picks him time to build the kickoff goes to Walker and Walker comes back to the last 25 or something I have not given the officials for the ball game tonight as you have a look at a mr. Myers Bob versus the referee run Abdo is the umpire Vince presto the linesman line budget Bernie Bert Tom Gibbons the field judge Arthur bailed the back judge French's Nicholson on the clock and we've got 10 15 to go in the third quarter of play let's see if army can get it moving [Applause] 24 [Music] and they go to our loo statement on his I died and Here Come PD vector around the corner good for a first down at the 36 yard line Mike cruncher brought him down that's the biggest gainer they've had today was a keeper point by Decker he's all excited now again drops of its darkness second half for the hundred and seven to nine yards you know I always look in the record book at Meijer has 107 and I see what the record might be well it is substantial 277 yards but need Smith against Columbia 1935 and Decker goes the other way with it Fred right--so brought it down mark Nixon good-looking fella - picked Chris garna number 78 Terry hustle the middle guard or the Navy Steve chambers a Californian and Charlie Thornton is out of Compton he's good Decker now carries for 33 yards the ball game at second half short for Decker buying the pitch out waited too long with it he was hit the ball got loose Clemson covers it and the army keeps it and the baby linebackers has dependant on home leading tackler he's out of Sarasota Florida there's another California victim bronzor microns incurred John Ross bump and run right so the defensive secondary Marty Jones and now in at fullback the flanker is Bill Skoda more army there's elbow wire to the open side of the field on third down and six [Music] [Applause] we got it first down Chris Buffett would not let him turn up here looks like he might be a tad short there's the offensive unit that started well it go hit him the first half golly you just get enough over to where is yard stick rush the offensive front for army [Music] okay that youngster showed me a lot of his Ribera because you right see he had to be feeling a little Heath when he came out to take it first person is happening this old traditional football game right the consequences in this game it seems like he's nice and loose now and she's confident 46 yard line first down early but he throws it throws of the pass incomplete he threw one in a crowd like that before water stock was the intended receiver on that one we invite you to watch at ABC News weekend report later tonight for up-to-the-minute information on the situation in Iran weeknights ABC News will present a special report on the Iranian situation as long as that situation remains critical an idiot the column in your late local news I think we got a remember at this time with these two teams our teams United States things are all over the second down and ten [Applause] gets that one incomplete since the passport back from Bogota 29 2013 yard Duncan's four demands go to on the blank coordinate three first intercept three first downs in flow he's moving the ball club well I'll tell you it's important they respond here otherwise this baby teams are getting to show enough faculty to [Music] all assassin 80 40 first down [Music] good and Pakistan the white people for the bottom of the fifth what [Applause] away from it so far get away from the last another Rover Chris public junior at a San Diego davidon got it now maybe decided to quit sitting back and playing soft in the standard defense and said let's get after him he's hurtin this a little bit went the man-to-man for the boots on from the corner what we call a corner blitz and they got to him [Applause] sit back on that field I can't see it right it's on the 40-yard line of our army I've got to go to the 30 we need 21 yards for the first down second [Music] they just sort of throw the option it intercepted up drop it might be an interception rumble let's wait [Applause] they're ruling it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] 206 pounds junior out of 102 Jersey came up with it fumbled it covered him and made he has the ball back find that halfback option pass and they had it well covered timeout on the field with six minutes and 32 seconds way in quarter number three as nate is leading the ballgame twenty four to seven the football first down at their 47 yard line he had the ball for eight plays before the interception that was their longest period of profession the greatest number of successive plays all right here Sadie Myers influence be back follow admire 39 for a couple they are maybe 250 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] second down and eight for the midis Hudson [Music] [Applause] Pass incomplete on the beer a suspended for Dave Dennis Jacksonville Florida looks like a whole fall against me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] big George Mays I bet it was holding they were holding me well I call it quit it quit calling it quits treatment flip let's see what he's got on Mays here number 55 their kid Senator Richard buck finally pushes him away or doesn't know two points for the fall that wasn't the clip I'll say backflip happen somewhere that's right [Applause] that's an 80 second penalty a total of 20 yards and flags now see the potential advantage in the average charts for play there in behalf of maybe the ball is moved back just going on 30 they've got to go down near the army 43 to get their first down that's a function yardage 2600 John to the right side rambles right along doesn't he say one thing he reads and uses his blockers well he doesn't waste himself he uses everybody that's in farming and they makes the one-on-one tax-related place for tackling him you can pitch a home game Dave he's carried 31 times now for a hundred eighty nine yards the ball is at the 39 of Navy and it is third long [Applause] 18 18 years [Applause] [Music] hours looking beef goes to the sidelines instead and it's incomplete Callahan and it was very good coverage five Bruce Elliot on a Hampton Virginia well I think powers didn't use the best judgment there he was well covered he had a man going deep yes in the inside elected this throw the ball to the wrong man this will be the second front for Navy the first one by Alexis law letter out of West Chester PA was left reporting that's John howling stared at a Madison Wisconsin going deep nine comin each on gets it off Alex that polish they tried to filled it with white shirts all around him and whoever it was back there with him might have been Gerald wore fur I think go over there and got the ball that's 27 yards hut army had see who that is getting up in the bottom of the stack now that was not good judgment feeling the ball he should have signaled for attack and in right my defense know very well of laughs Oh [Music] 20:47 maybe gives her the ball and the cadets go from there 33 first half [Applause] outside on the after and after about 235 I made some adjustments over on the sidelines on the option play the defensive coaches were maybe because they had everybody's earnest opposite brought down by Buffett on the carry [Music] just off the field now they put in an extra wide receiver leaving beaches alone remaining back on second down and eight thankful that one of the officials 754 Terry Huckle just unloaded the official was keeping him from moving and hustled is leveled in let's think of the shot there's hustle 54 will come into the picture here in a minute there's the officials putting on his green block and there's hustle cleaned him up get out of the way especially third down and nine [Music] Decker swings it out who's there and he's close to the first half I was a flag down [Music] armies flagged on the play my joke screen the whole way but made it work for about nine yards but now there's the bad news holding good blocking out instructor knock down the maybe people out here on the right side this is a 15-yard to put on them that's a big turnaround through they were after the 14th almost 44 yard line yep on Monday night the Oakland Raiders go into the Superdome against the New Orleans Saints now Oakland's trying to stay in the heart of things out on the AFC Western Division but New Orleans has been the big surprise in the NFC West st. you sit on top of that division and Archie Manning and company will be open and narrative home against the Oakland Raiders Raiders jumped on Denver the other day though so they can see spoiler ears beachy beachy to fall back from the 20-yard line just inside the 20 runs it up across the 30 it's going to bring up a fourth down for Army and they will have fun litchi gained 11 he's got 50 yards on 10 carries that's a good call withdrawal playback they have long heritage no sense of throwing the ball away when you got a 5 foot 8 inch border been less trouble see it charlie engine revs fair catch accept effect at the 30 yard line 31 yard line 39 yard hang in front 259 to go third fourth and we want to know for ways to help get it is maybe football as you see the Black Knight Navy owning the ball after the 24:07 first down as their 31 and it's Lewinsky and Myers get in there fast position powers remains a quarterback in the Winston gets the carry gets the yarder so look [Applause] but it pull the cotter pin out of that flush they'll all come tumbling down if ever we were here what we have four years ago and one of the first lady cheerleaders broke the record that's right [Music] we got a lot of attention that night second down and about eight here at the 33 let's outside the Myers oh he's got quick acceleration 41 you start playing for doing a lot of blitzing and you get outside and they wall you off and you're playing man-to-man they're driving you off here it is it's just a pic sleep did you see the attempting the put by the linebackers are picked off by restricts the daylight here there's only one man here to save it one comes a boy Dan Kessler from Greensburg Pennsylvania made the defensive play at ball is at forty third down and one and admires now with 197 yards close him down on two hundred time charge to Navy 143 to go in the third quarter and how many yards away from 277 home with him he's got a full report of the play always gets the timeout let's run through the boughs temple in California way in the Garden State Bowl next well the 15th a couple of weeks Independence Bowl same day McNeese State going against Syracuse it's down in Lafayette Louisiana Holiday Bowl in San Diego BYU undefeated against Indiana Liberty Bowl on the 22nd which will have for you to lane against Penn State 8 7 & 4 now they lost today to Pittsburgh the Sun Bowl pretty good ballgame there Washington 9 & 2 against Texas nine into Texas losing today the Tangerine Bowl Wake Forest and LSU at the esta bowl Pittsburgh and Arizona Pittsburgh a winner today to make a 10 and 1 Gator Bowl 228 which will have for you Michigan and Carolina Hall of Fame as South Carolina Missouri Peach Bowl as Clemson Baylor blue bonnet has Tennessee and cuter bold that matchup disconfirmed today Alabama Arkansas and the custom Oh will be Nebraska and Houston hires again with the carry and Myers on third of one gets the first down for the Navy so he has now gone past 200 yards - OH - and he did it on 33 carries he's up to 33 already say he may hit that 277 I don't know if Georgia to let him play that long he's going to keep him there until he's for another one I think the most attempts now something he not handled my job - - so half that far has that mark of 39 against whatever they pull back flu in ski once again the ball is resting in army terrified that's 49 where it'll be second down [Music] clock running at a minute to go in the third quarter [Applause] maybe his dominated evolve here our Rosenbauer he's gonna run and a fifty offensive play number nine for Larry some more seniors great defensive play otherwise powers are going to turn that corner for big yardage and he with his worst farm restarts are just fifty month good boy I look very much like deflated its face Tehran's at Ohio State I thought it was just the three determined on who Sprint's away from the center and looks like he wants to pass but he actually is free call to run everybody was brought become boy while at midfield [Applause] [Music] [Applause] warming up we may see him on the next possession for army as powers puts it in the air and it is incomplete the pass was intended for Mitchell Mitchell again almost fell down as he turned back to look for the ball and that incomplete forward pass after clocks with one second remaining at the airport there's Gerald Bennett you can see his passing them with so we can look for Harmon to be putting them all up if he goes in pretty good iron but the only thing that's blue Saban says has been a little bit erratic the pressures get seven interceptions in there 86 of 10 the only way they can get backs out of this game is not possession football that's by running us I mean passing here I'm trusting a least at the beef man or army lettuce pun is up but it's a beauty forcing a fair catch fall back that's a seven yard line third quarter is over the army-navy game continues after this message for one of our sponsors and bacon identity although it's been a very comfortable day in Philadelphia we thought it was 42 and we still quite comfortable clear and dry a little yellow moon first down Army's deep in their own territory they starts in the seventh to get really fancy we were speculating the Gerald Bennett fight the Sun and the throw in quarterback for Army but he is not Decker is still in there there's the boom little yellow to the moon is up over the horizon we get some clear air there are the numbers after 3/4 probably you can see the dominance of Navy here 19 first downs the five rushing yardage 245 284 332 99 it's been a tough night for the Black Knights second deck turkey trip dives into the stack and maybe Wiggles a yard just started the fourth quarter of play couple of new players borginnis all gaming in one time tonight he may be the fastest man on the field for Army at the moment at one time they tried to throw it to it the Bast's intercepted if maybe wins tonight there will be all even 80 games it's been a long time waiting we get even 56 here's seven this for the first time Bobby BJ's Cranford New Jersey runs it up the middle ran met very well when his draw flight comes back was 32 feet he kicks the ball moves around in here shakes the tackler nice job running that ball got him out of trouble too and he now total 67 yards on the night the football is resting out here the 27 and Gerald Bennett is now in a ball game they got better field position and it he go [Music] eighty-six times been intercepted seven times holds it out well how do you do everybody's talking about him throwing it he just takes the snap looks like tailback got offside no one contained him you nearly had a past called on but there was no one there so he's just elected to run the ball took what what happened there all right now somebody suddenly showed up for a football game with a single week nobody's not a defense that I danced until they played it and looked at the film so what's going on here used to be a high school coach down in West Georgia used the Notre Dame box for years nobody knew how to defense there's a blitz it how about that he's hurt him down and it is man talk was the man who got the quarterback Bennett was able to deliver it where they had a lot of heat on him and he reacted well number 55 Paul coming pushing with his hand the blocker right here puts em behind it grabs him this is a great no lever third down 3:30 for the surprise and they wasn't there 12 minutes to play in the game minute comes off the field the kicking team goes on fourth down and three okay outside of those two kicks it Charlie Adams kind of shanked a little bit he is put it very well since that time does not seem good front this is the eighth kick of the night he's hit seven times seven of them for 36 and a half roughly a fair catch back around the 33 yard line nice Gasol again gets bring you up to date on one half today Alabama beat Auburn 25 18 and it wasn't easy okay that they had to do it late in the game Alabama goes into the Sugar Bowl against Arkansas almonds on probation they won't go in no please amb texas 13 the seven that put sexes of a Sun Bowl against Washington the issue Cougars in the Cotton Bowl against Nebraska defending Arkansas to New Orleans and the football at its first sound for maybe let's say at the 33 yard line Myers is already over to another yard talking about that census game I don't believe anybody during the course of the years for at 18 points on tech Alabama's what I meant against rights defense they have played terrific this year there was a time it made and probably it might have been true up until today tell you what it was going to give give Myers five on the vest Gary make a second down and five he did it again [Applause] [Music] yeah he's also going to get jobs officials 39 carry records ooh scary 35 fives now the same play the pick sweep to the outside there's Larry Flynt's the in front there blocking cuts right in behind it really uses his blockers well Mike Sherlock would have been a tailback but he's had hamstring trouble for the latter half of the season mr. botsko ballgame okay there's Meyers his chance first time they call us the Army's 42 to say I heard some of this veteran media people down in the southeast say late in the season the top of the best football game in the Southeastern Conference might have been Alabama's offense against Alabama's defense but I don't think that's the case anymore after the scuffle that Auburn put on them today that's right I can't discount that southern Carroll offense either [Music] second down and five [Applause] he's down he's over 230 now he'll be at 231 36 care is for more and he will have that record now of dominance of the offensive line of this Navy team of course is very evidenced by the total yardage that they ever managed to me see we've got off this for under 10 minutes bill adorned his third period and they've generated along with Myers totally 280 yards I believe it is on the ground [Music] third down he did not get the first down very short hits it in there and he has it he goes inside the 32 about the 28 you're mentioning USC moment ago you know last year when Southern California was in against Michigan in the Rose Bowl and Alabama played the Penn State the Sugar Bowl Alabama winning got the Associated Press number one vote Lowe's UPI the coaches poll gave it the USC this year Southern California takes on Ohio State Trojans 10 oh and one in Ohio State 11 and OH Alabama's 11 and oh and Arkansas is 10 and 1 so we're probably going to have a very close vote again you've got a Florida State going into [Music] hours wash to throw and he does for this corner Callahan a little buffing down there but I thought Callahan might have made the catch he would match stuff against Bruce Elliot yeah he the pastor's role right here comes Callahan right straight up the field makes a little turn out almost slips and falls then an out and up see if there's any contact here it looks like it from our first Fox right there well it's not an intentional thing oh yeah he could have had that ball powers through that very well that's very easy to say I suppose Oklahoma you know if Oklahoma she's going to the Orange Bowl and whipped Florida State then Oklahoma's gonna be right there arguing a little bit about their claim they'll have a loss on there yeah they do don't of course they don't beat the best the only thing that you've got to wonder finish drawing but all for Southern Cal has a tie we're a cinch to have one team this year go undefeated yeah there's no saving he coached a lot of football team kocoum college down about eight fires this time army gets it good solid tackle right in the middle of the line at the 26 yard line look like George VI's had to be the manatee is Gary Klein says getting back to that fouling again it's going to be something depending on what happens in all these games who wins and how convincingly they win how good they look in the process of defeating their opponent so even the margin of score may make a difference right admires now has equal job the two shows most attempts by rushing of 39 it also blows him down on Joe's mark of 250 total yard whistle stop him on fourth down too much time that'll back him up five fires now with 238 in the game [Music] next Saturday on ABC's Wide World of Sports World Cup boxing United States squad against the Soviet Union and then the first time ever in the United States the world Gymnastics Championships not your comedy Kurt Thomas Soviet Union will bring over a Nikolai and Rihanna and Nelly Kim [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] anything [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] here for the extra point try [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's it but it's good 40 carries 269 yards for empires that's a new record most attempts if the ball game and he is now only eight yards away from the all-time rushing yardage record panini like it or not there the numbers young mr. admirers having a whale of a night he's only eight yards away or nine yards away from beating [Applause] [Music] cadets an army will have pretty good field position as the return comes back to about the 33 yard line Devin's Calendar number 38 man who brought it back mr. Flores and 31 to 7 let's go back and look at the touchdown run by head Myers his third of the night Genet is the fake and then the hand back to the daylight there's a big hole here death comes down field here it makes a big block for it to a number 86 right there one John Taylor's out there in front leg cuts here you see the balance that he has there gets his feet now one thing about this field it is really held up well tonight first down or army after 33 and Bennett's the quarterback okay that is arm forward though it should be an incomplete forward pass but the referee further says no you did not get the ball past the point of your shoulder the ball was a fumble but it was recovered by army John Merrow came in I thought he was an infantry fan now you just look at it let's take a look and see back when it comes to heat charm was going forward that sign I thought his arm was going forward that time to Jewish him reminds me of another fall in which it precipitated an awful lot of belly aching 20-yard line second down any 23 yards off all the linebackers field back into the short film and he gets up across the 30 feel pretty good quickness that time I thinks it's going to take some time for the Faru Sadin and his shaft who put together a football team that is dominant some of the other earlier Earl Blake teams but I think it can be done I think Navy is on the verge had they not had the enormous number of injury injuries as well they could have been with a 9 and 15 very easily this year [Applause] they're down and 12 [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] they handle the blood splashes simply to the sidelines Tulare through it fresh fun out of Berwick PA little guy on the catwalks but he's short of the first half and here comes the kicking team lon they've got five and a half minutes to play in the game they're losing 31 to Shepherd it's four thousand four why don't you take that big old wooden goes home all right what's that parts outfit there's [Music] five 23 to go in the game 31 for seven lady Lysa oh that's just outside the 35 call it 436 523 to go in the game Myers it students Salina standing behind for when Steve powers the quarterback he's already got a new record the number of carries that's number 41 in the game and he picked up what appears to be about five yards there he's now has 274 yards three more he ties the all-time rushing record for a single game at the Naval Academy he is also closing in on the best single game rushing mark of the season of 1979 that was 282 by Billy sim so this young man is really making himself from use tonight he's looking for him get something out of the play of a couple of yards before they put him down he ran right into Frank McAllister that time McAllister was pulling and just went right into every shield picked up yardage he's on offensive guard he now has to 74 that's official a need for more of the picks 245 and that should be a new record 43 carries 279 yards both those numbers are new records for a running back at maybe a note on there too I think yeah look if the kids come over there [Music] somebody has the presence of growver tell George clothes youngster which motion the record yes of the night he's having a magical play to get it it brings a change after check that's close now I haven't seen that done before [Laughter] fires good up come back in here now you can for Moriarty sets a new game high for the world highs will get a ball [Applause] he's going to sit on the sidelines Chris client and brain flowers are in there now on first down from the 46 of his flower he's a young man at the balls get away from him before all that setup Army's only touchdown of the night carried the ball subject certified transistor Florida Navy team Tom Turkey know is in at quarterback now here's a freshman from Beaver Pennsylvania total yards of electro he's one touchdown short of tying the game record for touchdown powers again Moses way across midfield block morning at 3:10 to play in the ball game and we're gonna play yep this will follow [Applause] [Music] I did a little frustration on both sides there both directions all is just over midfields they're down by five [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Archy no understand the rumble and down he goes back on the 40-yard line coming in to make the play is Lloyd Hollister inside linebacker number 61 for army I'd like to take a moment to congratulate Rear Admiral William P Lawrence superintendent of the United States Naval Academy he is the winner of the 1979 gold medal given by the National Football Foundation and Hall of Fame the large will be going up next week to accept it fine man happy boy joins a lot of distinguished men here's the +5 Navy the kick is away for a good kick and he is right to strike back to the 26 yard line and a pick knife for admire and there's valoran walking over to congratulate admirers on our necks just discovered oil valuable players at the ball game for Army for the guard George made and for Navy that's pretty heavy Meyer looking for floor didn't find anybody turned it up field and he ran for a couple yards now we're running out of time running late won't have time for a scoreboard show we'll bring you up to date today Alabama goes to the Sugar Bowl if Leigh Arkansas after beating Auburn 25-18 in a tough ballgame in Birmingham Texas A&M defeated Texas 13 to 7 sending Texas to the Sun Bowl and the Houston Cougars going to the Cotton Bowl to represent the Southwest Conference because the Houston Cougars today clobbered rice it is second down and nine for Army as Bennett sets up to throw can't find anybody and he runs it after the 30 to 33 yard line before he is brought down 63 nothing the Houston Cougars today over the rice house to go to the Cotton Bowl Pittsburgh going to the Fiesta Bowl to play Arizona apparently defeated Penn State Penn State Warren to the Liberty Bowl to play too late Boston College and Holy Cross the Eagles won it 13 to 10 [Applause] army with a I have to play in the game maybe leading 31 to 7 setup screens for 35 of the 36 a yards short is Rob Heather stop forth out of Springfield Virginia carry the ball Tennessee heading off of the Bluebonnet role to play for who wants the day over Mandy if they've just made in the playoff meeting Wittenberg 14 to 10 that's the final score today and Mississippi College losing the Delaware Delaware will go into the division 2 finals now against Youngstown State and they bring the change into the measurement Youngstown State to go beat Alabama A&M 52 nothing their high scoring machines get together next week in that ball game between Delaware and Youngstown to be the semi-final Hedy Meyers you're looking at Edward Alexander Meyers from Camden New Jersey nice blue letter for a football for in wrestling three in crack [Music] and a little bit of varsity experience a year ago used mostly at fullback this frame side sama tailback from extra watch that hurt it opened the door for Eddie Meyers to step in there in play and tonight he put his name in the navy record book 43 rushes at the new record total yardage a new record for a single game just three yards short from Billy Sims game high record of 282 and Feldick legs all over the place as the play breaks on fourth down with army going for the first half trying to keep it 30 seconds to play in the ball game this 80th meeting between Army and Navy the penalties against Army for illegal procedure and after they have finished this 80th game this series will be all [Music] no this is also our last regular-season telecast we have three bowl games coming for actually including the hula coming up for you but we hope you've enjoyed college football on ABC in 1979 and we'll be happy to be back with you and 1980 a half a minute to play time is for Harvey comes up on fourth down and about check your thing as the cadets will kick it away charlie Adam will hit it then they did was assessed around the clock make this long time series or leave it all takes on a roll and it's for a roll down around the 30 yard line and while they're bringing the new teams on the field with 21 seconds to play I'd like to mention some of these gentlemen deputy producer of NCAA football is ruin armored coverage of the army-navy game produced by Chuck Howard been with us all season long directed by Andy Sedaris Willis will so many good years our technical director John Allen our associate director then Harvey our technical manager Bob Armbruster Israel assistant producer Peter englehardt media directors Don bernstein our production assistants Rick Bernstein Sal Johnson and garland Pete a researcher Jerry Klein and our statistician - I think that's most of everybody in our camera guys would always do a great job for us ten seconds to go in the ballgame now less than that and the 1979 regular football season [Applause] people coming down out of the stands out of 77050 trees and the 80th Harvey Navy game is history the goalposts are coming down admire got a marvelous night he said you may be records in total parish for one ball game his total yardage game rushing in a bowl game a big night for the Midshipmen a baby as david army 3107 at John F Kennedy Stadium in Philadelphia well the game is done the army-navy encounter for 1979 now the parties can begin travel arrangements made through and promotional fee paid by United Airlines or people fly United's in Hawaii at any other airline this has been a presentation of the leaders of ABC Sports bringing you exclusive coverage when the world comes to America this February for the 1980 Winter Olympics once again it Myers the star as maybe be sardines dirty one to seven
Channel: Wally the Bronco
Views: 3,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Army, Navy
Id: XjvHUT0A5yI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 50sec (8090 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 30 2020
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