NBC News: Today, November 4, 1969-Part 1

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wrc-tv Washington's community-minded station the following program is brought to you in living color on NBC good morning the second day of our week in Washington Tuesday November 4th and you're looking of course at the White House in the early light of autumn in the Capitol Thank You downs Joe Garagiola is here this morning as is our Washington editor Bill Monroe Barbara Walters is off on a film assignment with Patricia Dixon we'll hear more about that a little later since it is voting day the polls open at different times in different places across the country but just a reminder to vote while we're spending the entire week here in Washington to bring you a cross-section of the varied activities in the nation's capital to meet some of the people who make this one of the world's most interesting cities our first guest is Joe Garagiola tell us a little about him the u.s. Davis Cup team and really a breath of fresh air and a sport that has really needed to have the windows open and get some new ideas and he gets a little bit of trouble because he's honest and speaks his piece and we've got some interesting things ask him look forward to hearing from him bill monroe is lined up to guests in this hour that are pertinent to the events we'll have a little bit of reaction later hue to the president's Vietnam speech last night from Senator Dominick Republican of Colorado and Senator Charles personally Republican of Illinois you and I'll be talking with them and this being election day at Newman is going to discuss the critical contest for mayor and governor and other offices being decided around the country we'll switch back to New York for him and we'll switch back now to New York and Frank Blair who brings us the news thanks you good morning everyone president nixon last night announced what he called a program for the future the complete withdrawal of all american combat ground forces in vietnam on a secret timetable mr. nixon said the only alternative would be immediate withdrawal and that he said would lead to a communist massacre in vietnam a worldwide loss of confidence in the American character and eventually more aggression and more wars in his television address to the nation the president indicated he had all but written off hope for the Paris peace talks and was relying largely on the effort to Vietnamese the war he said the only thing the communist negotiators had agreed upon was the shape of the peace table the president disclosed there had been some secret talks and also that he had sent a personal letter to Ho Chi Minh last July urging serious negotiations and got back a reply which do some readers this morning sounded almost like a form letter restating the communist line this morning mr. Nixon's critics said they regretted his speech had not disclosed new diplomatic initiatives but his supporters and many moderates said that he had advanced a good explanation of why instant withdrawal was impossible the president conveyed a clear warning to Hanoi that his secret timetable could be slowed down overnight if the level of enemy battlefront activity is increased at the time of the bombing halt just a year ago there was some confusion as to whether there was an understanding on the part of the enemy that if we stop the bombing of North Vietnam they would stop the shelling of cities in South Vietnam I want to be sure that there is no misunderstanding on the part of the enemy with regard to our withdrawal program we have noted the reduce level of infiltration the reduction of our casualties and our basing our withdrawal decisions partially on those factors it's the level of infiltration or our casualties increase while we are trying to scale down the fighting it will be the result of a conscious decision by the enemy Hanoi could make no greater mistake and to assume that an increase in violence will be to its advantage if I conclude that increased enemy action jeopardizes our remaining forces in the now I shall not hesitate to take strong and effective measures to deal with that situation then appealing for public support for his peace policy mr. Nixon said the enemy cannot defeat or humiliate the United States only Americans he said can do that let historians not record when America was the most powerful nation in the world we passed on the other side of the road and allowed the last hopes for peace and freedom of millions of people to be suffocated by the forces of totalitarianism so tonight to you the great silent majority of my fellow Americans I ask for your support I pledged in my campaign for the presidency to end the war in a way that we could win the peace I have initiated a plan of action which will enable me to keep that place the more support I can have from the American people the sooner that pledge can be redeemed for the more divided we are at home the less likely the enemy is to negotiate at Paris let us be united for peace let us also be united against defeat because let us understand North Vietnam cannot defeat or humiliate the United States only America can do that former vice president Hubert Humphrey the titular leader of the Democratic Party said he was sorry mr. Nixon did not call for a ceasefire but Robert Griffin the Republican whip in the Senate called the speech an act of great courage senator George McGovern said it represented what he called the same old tired discredited policy Texas Senator John tower called it a sign to Hanoi that the United States is not going to bug out George Aiken the senior Republican in the Senate said mr. Nixon disappointed those who expected an overnight miracle and House Speaker John McCormack said the Nixon plan to disengage was sound logical and in our best interests while the president was speaking the enemy launched 45 rocket and ground attacks in South Vietnam and made infantry assaults on four American bases four Americans were killed but in Saigon an official American source said the upsurge of enemy activity did not appear to be sufficient to slow the withdrawal program the president inviting further enemy restraint last night disclosed a 20% cutback in American air attacks in South Vietnam it was apparent that the Vietnamese ation of the air war already was under way the South Vietnamese had begun the takeover of one of the biggest American air bases in South Vietnam a report from wells hanging in Vietnam the trying is the first American air base in Vietnam due to be handed over to the South Vietnamese Air Force it's also one of the largest the formal transfer will take place in a few weeks but Vietnamese pilots and ground crews have already taken over most flying operations Vietnamese flight controllers will take over all control tower operations from the US Air Force by the middle of next year the Americans will then serve only as advisors flight line maintenance is an all Vietnamese operation except for a few American civilian advisors the Americans say standards of maintenance have improved considerably since the days when the vietnamese repaired helicopters like motorbikes president chu says it will be a long time before his Air Force can take over from the Americans but South Vietnam pilots and ground crews are eager to do more the Vietnamese Air Force is short of trained men and modern planes but long on the self-confidence that comes from being in a leet volunteer organization that respect it's far removed from this country's big conscript army ironically the vietnamese may be able to fight the technically complex air war over their own country even before they have to take over the ground fighting this is Wells hangin' NBC News than 'trying air base in Cambridge the Massachusetts Institute of Technology trying to maintain law and order on its campus has obtained a court order against violence during a planned demonstration today by an organization of anti-war groups it was believed but this was the first time a college had taken such action before disorders occurred MIT president Howard Johnson said it was not a question of stopping protest and dissent but merely of protecting the rights of the majority since universities cannot wholly protect themselves and still remain free and open from major situations we have asked the whole of society to protect us for the Institute to function those who are members of the Institute must be free to come and go without hindrance they must be free from threats of bodily harm and their working tools and places must remain unharmed and at their own disposition it is those rights which are civil rights common to all of us and only those rights that I've asked the court to protect law and order issues dominated most of the election campaigns for mayor which are being settled at the polls today in about 25 large cities Virginia and New Jersey both elect governments this morning on an impression of the United States has seen by two Soviet cosmonauts after a hectic two-week tour gay orgy beregovoy and konstantin feoktistov said goodbye yesterday with a look at the New York skyline as seen from atop the Empire State Building and then summing up beregovoy said they had found the American people expensive energetic and endowed with friendliness and the love of life meanwhile American astronauts were on a similar goodwill tour in South Korea a report now from John Rich Peniel Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin the return this soul was a sentimental journey both were coming back to South Korea for the first time since they fought there against the Communists in the early 1950s Korean students in American residents of the country were on hand at the airport then the three moon men began their motorcade through decorated arches into the city the Welcome was a warm one among Asian Nations the South Koreans today are unquestionably the most pro-american at the time of the Korean War such as ticker-tape parade in Seoul would have been impossible there weren't enough buildings at City Hall plaza Neil Armstrong said a few words then mayor Kim presented them the keys to the city of Seoul this is John Rich NBC News reporting that's today's top news the time is almost 12 minutes after the hour the weather across the nation has quieted down today the principal area of clouds and precipitation will be over the eastern half of the Midwest and on into the Northeast there will be light rain ending this morning in Upper Illinois and Indiana Eastern New York New Jersey and New England have fog and drizzle this morning and we'll have scattered showers this afternoon frost and freeze warnings for tonight are issued in northern Georgia and Alabama the plain States the mountains the plateau and the southwest of California will be fair coastal California will have some more fog the Pacific Northwest Coast will develop rain while a small pocket of cooler weather will move across Montana now it's 12 and a half after the hour and back to Washington and you down you think amateur tennis is still an amateur game Joe Garagiola is going to discuss that subject in a moment with the captain in the United States Davis Cup team this is today on NBC Watergate the place to live in Washington Watergate near everything important with everything you need for relaxing pools fountains flowers and greenery and a memorable restaurant for convenience all sorts of stores an elevator ride away and for your guests the Watergate Hotel and now Watergate South is under way the final cooperative apartment building at Watergate Watergate South worth looking into now buy you can choose the view you want floor you want apartment style that suits you exactly prices begin at under forty thousand Watergate incomparable architecture and view cooperative ownership benefits six percent mortgage rate potential capital gains Watergate South sales office open 7 days a week 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Rock Creek Parkway and Virginia Avenue coffee rich is for people who hate to run other things it's the bad dairy creamer that stays fresh for three whole weeks in the refrigerator and keeps fresh frozen for months in your freezer coffee rich is luscious on fresh fruit and cereal makes great pancakes and sauces too coffee rich is for sour those who like them sweet coffee rich pints and quarts in your grocers frozen food case it's a real find we are Washington is almost exclusively a one industry city but occasionally the business of government is overshadowed by some of the other activities here Washington sports personalities for example sometimes give the politicians a hard run for headline space and Joe Garagiola has one of them with him now Joe thank you Hugh were he's a Washington attorney and the non plane captains United States Ed Davis Cup team and for the first time in 31 years we won the American Davis Cup and then brought it back and successfully defended it which is something unusual I'm talking about Donald Dell first of all Donald what is a non plane captain of the United States Davis Cup team sounds like to start his card Indianapolis how important is it well I think I like to think it's important if players always remind me how around the nine plane captain died I did play for American sixty one two and three the nine plane captain really I'm not eligible to playing a match you have to name a four-man team ten days before the match can you control the players well in the sense that I handled their scheduling and their training and their preparation and particularly if we only play one match that can get important because you try to plan way in advance for that challenge round but the fellows going bad you can't pull them like you would a coach with the football well you know tennis is a very individuals for it and if I could make a selection two men to play singles let's say ash and Greiner and they get out there to play and suddenly one of them has a bad day it's very difficult you can't substitute I sit on the court the captain actually sits right on the court and can coach now the Davis Cup is it an amateur event and I'm confused Rod Laver was just voted Player of the Year and he is a contract professional and he can't play in the Davis Cup Arthur Ashe is an independent professional and he can play and stay risk oh is it an amateur of explainin for me well let me put it this way for 50 years it has been a traditionally amateur event last year and this year the United States Lawn Tennis Association other tennis associations around the world create a new category called a player a player is a man who makes his living at tennis such as Arthur Ashe he is a professional so to answer your question the American Davis Cup team this year is probably the most professional team in the history of tennis so to say that the amp that the Davis Cup is amateur or that we don't have pros playing it's just not the truth unfortunately many of the conservative wing of many Lawn Tennis Association's don't want to really recognize that these same players that last year might have been playing for $28 a day and subsidized are now making a hundred one hundred and fifty thousand dollars a year like Graebner and ash are Li are two leading players and that they're in fact really professional know the problem with labor to answer your question more specifically labor is what they call a contract professional in other words I sign a contract with Joe Gargiulo and say Joe I'll play anywhere you want me to and pay me a hundred thousand dollars a year and so you control where and when I play the real problem is it's a jurisdictional battle between the Lawn Tennis Association's and a one or two contract Komodos much the way the NCAA in the a you were fighting why did they get up in a place like Cleveland and call it an amateur event them well either the man just doesn't really know what he's talking about and he wants to have these people think it's a great amateur event you're playing for your country which you are but certainly it is not an amateur event in the sense that all the players are being played paid they're not paid to play that match interesting me enough the Americans played that match we gross to over two hundred thousand dollars in Cleveland and went to the lawn tennis but they are paid but they are paid all throughout the year wherever they play down you're so outspoken what it what are your future plans I'm sure that the US Lawn Tennis Association have plans for you like get rid of you you feel that for a question no it's not an unfair question I'm going back to practice law just opened an office here in Washington I've loved being captain the team I've loved the relationship with the boys I I felt my job when I took over in 67 we had lost Ecuador which was pretty bad which is probably the biggest tennis upset in the history of the game we have more tennis players in America than they have people so I felt my important thing was to win and I went about it very systematically to try to change the spirit in the direction of this team I felt winning was the most important thing at this level of conversation hypocrisy well I just I didn't worry about the politics of the hypocrisy I worried about the players and that of course sometimes you don't mend your political fences the rule the rule is that the we're going to run out of time but I want to say one thing before we do I thank you for coming here and if they let you get away it'd be like firing Lombardi after winning the Superbowl they shouldn't let you get away because they've done they've done stranger things yeah well if they do they'll have to battle us for it right now I have to tell you this is today on NBC this is Dan Daniels with the lineup of Yonkers from sack three the three stories of sex like weasel Maxo and how about a few words now from the coach how are you this is the season we've been waiting for be on the winning team with a young fir from sacks 3 6 10 12 Street Northwest Connecticut Avenue and West End 9lives presents Morris Ethel baby you are something else Dindin who wants to eat at a time like this you bet the cat who doesn't act finicky loses control of his owner besides there's nothing like a great-looking doll to help keep your mind off food nine lives oh it could be tuna liver kidney super supper tuna egg chicken parts well no sherry you're beautiful but I'm hungry oh there you are sweetie pie yeah sweetie pie my name is Morris here's your Marvy 9lives tuna hmm nine lives the nutritious foods cats really like even Morris this is election day and a year ago today Richard Nixon was elected president we've asked today Washington headed to Bill Monroe to tell us about the mood of Washington one year later bill you Washington worries about rapes burglaries and holdup actually crime in Washington while it's heavily publicized no worse than it is in many other big cities but it is increasing and as far as most people are concerned there's too much of it for comfort Washington shakes its head over the city government unlike other Western capitals the people here are not allowed to elect their own city officials the President appoints them and on such a local issue as construction of a freeway Congress forces its preference on the helpless city council some of the bank majora in the District of Columbia call it an American colony Washington discusses the troubles of different kinds that can suddenly ambush powerful men senator Ted Kennedy judge Clement Haynesworth Speaker John McConnell Washington argues as it has for years about Vietnam the reports from Saigon are encouraging about vietnamisation and pacification but they don't guarantee that Hanoi will have to stop fighting an administration man says that the president is making some progress on Vietnam a critic replies yes mr. Nixon has a plan that will get us halfway out Washington speculates about the presidential election coming up exactly three years from this week according to Republicans mr. Nixon is successfully bringing the voters along with him on Vietnam and the newly respected middle American likes to have vice president Agnew telling off the war protesters according to Democrats the president is not making much headway on Vietnam our racial hostility our stagnant cities and the vice president is manufacturing New Democrats they believe mr. Nixon will be vulnerable in 72 but Washington is also like any other city the ponderous subjects get tiresome then it switches to the smaller more refreshing matters the performance of Ted Williams and Vince Lombardi the right time for snow tires the qualities of good cider and the red brilliance of the lingering dogwood leaves Bill Monroe NBC News Washington take your bill you may have watched the President of speech last night and formed your own opinion there we're going to have guests who will talk about the way it struck them station breakdown Eddie Arnold welcomes Judy carne the Letterman and Tom Seaver the New York Mets tomorrow night hi there I'm Carmelita Pope have you tried Pam yet it's the pure vegetable coating you spray on pots and pans before cooking then food won't stick I spray Pam for everything and scrambled eggs don't stick casseroles don't stick roasts and gravy won't stick cookies don't stick that's why I say when you pick up a pan spray it with Pam fine Pam in the DC school board returns on community-minded for today in Washington with Don toke is being brought to you by pepco providing a power to help you live better electrically good morning it's 48 degrees at 7:25 variable cloudiness and cooler today in Washington the high about 60 as many as 750,000 Virginians are expected to vote in the election today focuses on the race for the governor's chair which pits Republican candidate Linwood Holton against Democrat William battle in with the Virginia gops most serious challenge to democratic control of the Statehouse in nearly a hundred years also up for election in Virginia are the posts of lieutenant governor attorney general all 100 seats in the House of Delegates and the public offices in most cities Paul's in Virginia open it opened at 6:00 this morning and closed at 7:00 tonight it is also election day in the District of Columbia voters will choose candidates to fill five seats on the DC school board a last-minute decision by the court of appeals permits right ins for prospective candidates not on the ballot polls in the district open at 8:00 this morning and closed at 8:00 tonight opponents of the controversial three sisters bridge over the Potomac River plan to have ballots available at the city's 128 precincts for a rump referendum the Senate district committee chaired by Senator Joseph tidings of Maryland has approved part of President Nixon's anti-crime legislation after making substantial changes in it the new version among other things would make it more difficult for police to use wiretaps and to enter premisses of suspects without first knocking criticism from Attorney General Mitchell earlier for the delay in acting on the president's crime bill drew a response yesterday from senator Tydings we had to postpone our hearings literally for months because of the delay in the Department of Justice coming forward with their proposals they made a lot of speeches and a lot of messages but they didn't have anything concrete now I don't think the problem of a crime and law enforcement should be political I don't think Attorney General Mitchell or anyone else should make it that way certainly the president isn't the president is approaching it from the proper fashion it's bipartisan it's all of our problems we have to work together but certainly today is an indication that we're doing our job as a matter of fact I challenge the Attorney General to show me any committee in the last 10 years that has moved with the speed and the expedition and the overall comprehensive scope that we have on the crime legislative proposals which we have received and which indeed we have initiated ourselves I think says he hopes the house will act quickly on the legislation district police have charged an official of the Home Loan Bank board with homicide and the fatal shooting of his boss shot and killed yesterday in his office was Clark former 54 of Silver Spring director of the Home Loan Bank operations charged with the shooting is samuel well 63 of Alexandria Police say Welch an assistant to Farber had been told to find another job Washington's weather forecast after this for Pepco the weather outlook for Metropolitan Washington variable cloudiness and cooler today the high about 60 cooler tonight with a chance of showers low about 40 wind out of the north northwest at 5 miles an hour there the Sun and the tides chance of rain 20% today going up to 30% tonight right now it's 48 degrees the humidity 77% this is Dawne doke in a moment back to the Today Show which is originating in Washington state 200 a 25 this morning for Jim Vance with today in Washington we know how it is to cook something different it's scary so Chef Boyardee made for scary rice dinners easy braised beef beef marinara chicken paprika and chicken with mushrooms aren't scary each one's a complete dinner with rice seasonings and beef for chicken and sauce or scary rice dinners made by Chef Boyardee full election coverage on community-minded for good morning again it's 30 minutes after the hour now on this Tuesday November 4th this is today I'm Hugh Downs Bill Monroe Washington editor and Joe Garagiola with me this morning we're all in Washington Frank Blair is in New York and will bring you the news in just a few moments the voting booths may be opening soon or may already have opened in your community and you have your opportunity to exercise your franchise jill has sports notes for us in just a few moments Bill Monroe's has brought two guests tell us a little bottom bill it will be talking to him I'll be hearing from Senator Dominick of Colorado and from Senator Percy of Illinois both the Republicans with a special interest in Vietnam policy of get an idea of what they thought about the President's speech later ed Newman who gives us an the critical elections that are being decided at the polls today so we'll get to things by calling on Frank Blair first switching to New York for the news thank you good morning everyone president nixon last night announced that he has a secret timetable for the withdrawal of American combat forces from Vietnam and at the same time indicated he has all but abandoned hope for the Paris peace talks he said US withdrawal would be geared to the vietnamisation of the war but would be slowed if there's any significant increase in enemy battlefront activity in his television address to the nation the president said the Communist peace negotiators had been intransigent both in open and in secret exchanges and he said instant withdrawal from Vietnam would have meant a communist bloodbath and an invitation to future communist aggression and future Wars after appealing for public support the president said some honest and patriotic Americans disapprove of his policies but unless the majority will prevailed the country will have no future as a free society I recognize that some of my fellow citizens disagree with the plan for peace I've chosen honest and patriotic Americans have reached different conclusions as to how peace should be achieved in San Francisco few weeks ago I saw demonstrators carrying signs reading lose in Vietnam bring the boys home well one of the strengths of our free society is that any American has a right to reach that conclusion and to advocate that point of view but as president of the United States I would be untrue to my oath of office if I allowed the policy of this nation to be dictated by the minority who hold that point of view and who try to impose it on the nation by mounting demonstrations in the street for almost 200 years the policy of this nation has been made under our Constitution by those leaders in the Congress and the White House elected by all the people if a vocal minority however fervent its cause prevails over reason and the will of the majority this nation has no future it's a free society in Saigon this morning South Vietnam's president - expressed total agreement with day president and said that he wanted nothing more than gradually to take over full responsibility for the war we will have congressional reaction from Washington here on the day program later in this half-hour in the Middle East Israel warned Lebanon to expect swift retaliation for any attacks against Israel launched from Lebanese soil the warning came after a new agreement between Lebanon and Arab guerillas permitting the guerillas freedom of movement in unspecified areas of Lebanon at the same time Egyptian military sources reported that Israeli planes flew over Cairo during the night but were driven off by the city's air defenses in Washington senator Frank Moss of Utah today asked the Food and Drug Administration why it had not ended the use in government hospitals of some drugs which the FDA had ruled dangerous and ineffective Moss said testimony before his consumer subcommittee indicated at least four such drugs were still being stocked a spokesman for the FDA commented we have made all the information available and that's all we can do also in Washington seventeen congressmen sent a letter to President Nixon urging that he banned the use of the pesticide DDT except in emergency situations they said studies have turned up evidence that DDT can cause cancer and in Ottawa the Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau told the House of Commons that his government planned measures which would reduce the use of DDT by 90 percent next year briefly that's the news it's now 35 after the hour you thank you Frank right now you're gonna see another reason why Jergens lotion number one in softness what shape two and a half karat with two baguettes I think you'll find it so soft more engagement rings are slipped onto hands softened by Jergens lotion than anything else in fact more successful women soften their hands with Jergens than the next six lotions put together shouldn't you be using the soft one beautiful so so if it hurts your skin to open this jar you've come to the right place new Jergens hand cream has healing ingredients it is actually guaranteed to leave hands softer after only one application or your money back you dragon's hand cream now we'll go back to Frank Blair for a look at the weather the day of the weather is on the quiet side at least in comparison to what it has been like these past few weeks the main area of clouds and precipitation will be over the eastern half of the Midwest on into the northeastern states light rain will be ending this morning in northern Illinois and Indiana and lasting through the day from lower Michigan and Ohio into West Virginia western Pennsylvania and western New York Eastern New York New Jersey in New England have fog and some drizzle with the chances of showers this afternoon a rather cold pool of air is over the Mississippi Valley and the Midwest and it's moving towards the southeastern states frost and freeze warnings are out for tonight in upper Alabama and Georgia there have been Frost's or freezes this morning as far south as Louisiana and Southeast Texas northern Michigan has been having snow with an inch on the ground early this morning from the plane States to the mountains the plateau the southwestern California today will be fair and mild coastal California will have fog while rain will touch the Pacific Northwest a small cooler air mass will be crossing Montana the temperature map for this Election Day afternoon shows a large pocket of chilly air over the Midwest and Mississippi Valley areas with readings in the 30s 40s and 50s 60s will occur on the Atlantic coastal plain to the Gulf on up into the western plains and the plateau 70s and 80s are in short supply today staying in Florida in California and now the time is 37 and a half after the hour hue yes if you take a game of tic-tac-toe of a boy his father and some Stouffer's macaroni and cheese you've got the next commercial watch that's topaz we could use cheese that costs a few cents less per pound Stouffer's could use only one kind of cheese instead of two Stouffer's could use powdered milk instead of fresh milk take a few shortcuts but Stouffer's doesn't do any of that you can taste all the good things together in Stouffer's frozen macaroni and cheese that's pretty good well the people you love Stouffer's plays it straight okay Joe has sports notes for us now okay here one of the players who made possible in New York Mets world series went outfielder Tommy Agee has agreed to terms for next season his pay reportedly will be some thirty seven thousand dollars be a raise of about twelve thousand dollars Agee said he in the front office had no trouble arriving at an understanding Tommy put it there was no quibbling because I got what I wanted and that's the best way to avoid trouble get what you want in golf Jack Nicklaus picked up $28,000 yesterday by winning the sudden-death playoff of the Kaiser open tournament in Napa California was his third win on the tour this year and it was his second in a row Big Bear is coming back football is focusing for the National Football League reported the league is investigating charges that the Green Bay Packers violated league rules Sunday when a substituted down horn for Bart Starr as starting quarterback without reporting publicly before the game this star wasn't well enough to play star had a sore arm a sore neck and a couple other ailments and a base no friend Harry peanuts Lowry is back with the Chicago Cubs after being away from more than a quarter of a century he was hired as a coach by the Cubs in 1940 peanuts was an outfielder with the Chicago Cubs and that's a look at sports not much going on right now a word about a little girl whose words you can take for salt now you're someone I know I know you are just just a little girl I can depend on you I just look at yourself for as long as I've known you you've been walking around in the rain like that just to prove 42 million women know they can take this little girl's word for salt Morton there's no better word for it the 24-hour bug when heated through a stomach makes you miserable nothing can make him go away but something can make him easier to live with pepto-bismol liquid pepto-bismol coating action soon as the nausea and relieves the upset that makes you feel so old take pepto-bismol liquid until the bug stops bugging me in just a few seconds Republican senators Percy and Dominic will be with us to talk about their reactions to President Nixon's Vietnam speech and last evening we'll take that station break now a casual motorcycle ride turns into a dangerous battle for Bronson tomorrow night James my clothes yes James uses the Norge 18 biggest size dryer made coming soon big enough to keep the wrinkles out of permanent press doesn't cost more no ironing just try and wear Nipissing ironing job James you're indispensable see the Norge 18 at capitol furniture and appliance Washington and all Curtis Brothers stores follow Virginia elections with community-minded for we've asked two Republican senators with special interest in our Vietnam policy to talk with us at this time about presidents Nixon speech last night senator Peter Dominick of Colorado a member of the Armed Services Committee is one of them the other is Senator Charles Percy of Illinois who's been both a supporter and a critic in effect he has urged the White House to go a little faster in scaling down the war and joining me for the interviewers today Washington editor Bill Monroe welcome gentlemen bill and I have questions for you but we thought first if we could get your general reaction to the President's speech last night from each of you Senator Dominick yes I think the build-up on the speech was unfortunate from the point of view of public expectation that we were going to have something very dramatic but I think the president's sincerity and the fact of what he had been doing and changing the political initiative to try and get peace and in terms of decelerating the actual fighting itself came through very strongly and I would suspect that the vast majority of people are going to say to the president in response to his speech okay fine you've got a program you've got a plan let's see if it doesn't work and that this will calm down that group it will not calm down some of them are explosive characters who want to pull out now so to Percy to the extent I think that the war does not end tomorrow or even better today or yesterday I think the American people will be disappointed and the world will be disappointed we want this war to end and no one wants it then more than the president but I have steadily supported the direction that the president is carrying our effort he is de-escalating he is not seeking a military solution he has cut back our troop forces by 60,000 and he has cut back the bombing and brought the level of killing to the lowest level in three years I just like to see the direction continued accelerated and I would like to see us try a total cessation of all bombing all shelling and all hostile ground activities with our troops ordered to defend them so and do whatever is necessary to defend themselves but I think I'd like to dramatically see us demonstrate to the world we want to end this war now what will ania do in response speaking of what Hanoi will do in response in the in the speech President Nixon indicated that the timing of his plan to end the war will be dependent to some extent on Hanoi his behavior now what the critics of his policy now say that Hanoi is calling the terms rather than the United States they already have said that pact I was on last night there was some people discussing this and one man said Hanoi is going to call it this way and if you say that you're going to first get prior approval from South Vietnam and the in South Vietnam is determining what we're going to do I don't think either one of these are legitimate what we're trying to do and what we're trying to say and what the president I think what out quite clearly is the fact that we are going to get our ground troops out as rapidly as we can consistent with the territorial integrity in South Vietnam if we can do that and do it as rapidly as we can then we're back into a aspect of this struggle which i think is the one that we should have been in to begin with before long before we put any ground troops in don't we still face the prospect Senator Dominick and Senator Percy that if I know it doesn't make the concessions we're after we may still be in South Vietnam even putting the ground troops out with 100,000 200,000 men for several more years at least I wouldn't think so no as far as I'm concerned I don't know what Chuck feels but I would say that as far as I'm concerned if we have the technological security its superiority in the air and the sea you don't need a hundred of 200 thousand troops in order to take care of that we can provide that superiority and assistance to the South Vietnamese and get our ground troops out don't the per see if the president last night had announced another 100,000 drawdown of American forces this would have been dramatic news I wonder if other Peter Dominic wouldn't agree that the president would really feel that schedule could be substantially accelerated if and I will lessen the hostilities and if they'll show any intention negotiate I don't think he wanted a set of time schedule because he wants to get out at the most rapid rate possible and yet that would have made news and yet he'd sooner have two or three hundred thousand out if we can get any kind of response but what he must do is protect his forces in South Vietnam and any non ounce schedule would undercut the Paris peace talks and might set up a schedule that would not enable them to do what he must do protect those forces in Vietnam is the hope in the Paris peace talks perhaps in the minds of many inordinate the President himself last night so that there'd been no agreement except on the shape of the table so what do the Paris peace talks mean I think that they're the first tangible evidence that we've got that there is a body there that you can try to negotiate with if they don't get any further than they've gotten up to date we haven't lost anything by the negotiations other than the hope that we had that other people might be reasonable the advantage I think we've got is to show that we have been willing to negotiate with him that we wanted to continue this we wanted to get a peace and that the fact that we haven't gotten one should be laid at their doorstep and not at ours or for a long period of time as you know many people are overseas our allies and our enemies and the neutrals I felt that it was our fault I don't think that that feeling is nearly is explicit anymore I just talked with ambassador Lodge and mr. Habib and Paris ten days two weeks ago on several hours with them and there has not done progress there and yet I'd I certainly would feel the world would be disappointed if we weren't there you can always hope and our history of negotiations with the Communists through the years has been that they are very intransigent up to a point and then suddenly in many cases something has happened and we can just only hope that something will happen there there we hope they're there in good faith and we always have presented the posture that we will reasonably negotiate when flexible terms were not rigid in those terms but we do want to see progress the other end as well it can't be all one-sided to negotiate you have to have negotiation from both sides so the progress there depends upon Hanoi and the progress of our troop withdrawal and this was the clear signal the president gave last night they can accelerate our troop drawdown if they will escalate the level of hostility in the killing right today and they could start the process of speed up if they want to is there any evidence in your mind of that already happening with the lessening of casualties now in Vietnam but then in other words I know I'm a maybe I think a sign is very clear after all the president has made it clear that the infiltration has cut down 75 to 80 percent the level of engagement is down substantially I'm not so sure they're ever going to say we are de-escalating and this is why I think we have to take every sign accept it for its most optimistic viewpoint guarding our forces but then be dramatic and bold and take some risks for peace as long as you're protecting the forces that are there and perhaps dramatically cut all shelling all bombing and all hostile ground activity to see if we can get even a further response one of the things that interests me is President Nixon really has done everything that the minority plank and the Democratic platform suggested him going beyond it the one thing that he hasn't done which many of the demonstrators have asked he who is to withdraw unilaterally and yet not a single one of the leaders in the in that drive and the convention by the Democrats ever suggested that and they don't suggest it now as a matter of fact Senator McCarthy said the other day that it was irresponsible for a unilateral withdrawal so I think we can show that what we've done is to take these dramatic steps towards decelerating and and cutting the few who's on the war as much as possible and we still haven't gotten any response is there any difference between President Nixon's goal in Vietnam and President Johnson's goal in Vietnam well I I don't think that we should try and figure out what President Johnson's goal was got all tangled up with the question of tactics the fact that both of them have the objective of maintaining a territorial integrity called South Vietnam I think it's the principle thing that we've been trying to ship for I think even more productive with the year point Peter that the minority plank headed by Senator McCarthy and Senators McGovern did have a goal I wrote down the goal we with such a program we will have attained our only legitimate objective in South Vietnam the self-determination of the South Vietnamese people so their goal and President Nixon to rule is identical and as Peter Dominic has said the President President Nixon has fulfilled most of the planks in the minority platform of the Democratic Party when before they had not been fulfilled in fact rejected by the Democratic Party so great progress is being made by the president thank you very much senator Percy Senator Dominick for being with us this morning right now at 8 minutes before the hour we have a message for you from Parker Brothers on to games watch this we'll be back in one minute introducing soma the cube puzzle game one challenge is rebuilding the cube it can be done in more than a million ways right for other challenges take the booklet and with the same seven pieces solve the pyramid the zigzag wall or this or this with soma you solve lots of puzzles it's another brain game from Parker Brothers now didn't you find those soma puzzles easy well soma doing soma don't this is funny bones a game for people who love to laugh you pick up a card and do it it says like the hand bones connected to the backbone or the nose bones connected to the nose bone or the hand bones connected to the knee bone you do what it says as long as you can a Parker Brothers game called funny bones for people who love to laugh today is election day in thousands of United States cities and towns and although most of them are local municipal contests many have national significance because the urban issues involved concern the vast majority of Americans we've asked NBC correspondent Edwin Newman to give us an overall view of the elections and edits in Washington right now as off your elections go the ones today are of unusual significance it's tempting to say that about all elections but this time it's true one reason is that two of the best-known mayor's in the country are up for reelection john lindsay in new york a much embattled figure and Carl Stokes and Cleveland first black man to be mayor of a major American city another reason is that the elections will tell a great deal about how our cities intend to go about curing themselves of their well publicized ailments provided of course that they intend to cure themselves at all there are two governorships at stake also let's deal with them first in New Jersey former Governor Robert miner on the left is running against representative William Cahill Republican it has been an uninspired campaign full of charges of conflict of interest for the nation the chief interest is that New Jersey is the last big northern industrial state with a Democratic governor if Cahill wins all the Democrats will be shut out of the Democrat of the industrial north in Virginia Democrat William battle at the left and Republican Linwood hold on all the major candidates for governor both are considered moderate and the contest is thought to be closed so there's a possibility that Virginia will have a Republican governor it has not had one since 1886 about the cities in New York John Lindsay left running as a liberal and on in the faces Mario Pro Cochino Center Democrat and John Maki Republican on the right voter registration in New York is 7/9 Democrat and Lindsey appeared to be doomed a few months ago especially since he lost in his own Republican primary but the campaign has evidently changed things a fairly peaceful summer and the New York Mets helped Lindsay had his picture taken often with Prime Minister Mayor of Israel when she was in New York and he is now the heavy betting favorite if he does win he'll be a national figure of some size in Cleveland mayor Stokes a Democrat on the Left is opposed by Ralph Burke Republican who's the auditor of Cuyahoga County and has done much talking about law and order the assumption is that substantially all Negro voters will stand with Stokes the outcome will therefore depend on the percentage of white voters and want to give him a second term after a troubled first one in Detroit the contest was between Roman Gribbs the sheriff of Wayne County on the left and richard austin the auditor of Wayne County both of Democrats but Gribbs has been getting useful Republican health Gribbs like perk and Cleveland has talked a good deal about law and order as in Cleveland also the assumption is that blacks will vote overwhelmingly for Austin question for him as how many white voters he can pick up there are other important races for mayor in Pittsburgh Seattle Buffalo Hartford Houston and Louisville earlier elections this year in Los Angeles and Minneapolis had law and order men coming out ahead by this time tomorrow we'll know whether that trend continues and we should also know a lot more than we do now about the national mood Edwin Newman NBC News New York Thank You ed who is in New York I'm so used to switching to Washington I said to Washington we had we've had in this hour two Republican senators to talk about their reactions to President Nixon's speech last night in our other our Democratic Senate Leader Mike Mansfield will be on talked about his reaction hi I didn't quite expect as much unanimity of opinion about the speech as we got from senators dominated Percy but I thought maybe if we had talked a little longer we might have heard what elements might have disappointed them about the speeches and the person he seemed to be trying hard not to express any disappointment in the president speak on the basis of his past record he must have felt a little so we were we were looking for what would be interested to hear what the mag man feel has to say about about that in just a few seconds we'll have to duck out for a moment Joe Garagiola and Bill Monroe myself we're back from any of you in another another hour we want to mention that on first Tuesday tonight 9 o'clock eastern time there'll be reports about election returns across the nation so you want to and then a special NBC television network special with Frank McGee at 11:30 station break now fact that they lost one space capsule early in the space program second flight downrange Gus Grissom coverage on community-minded for see the complete new line of 1974 it's on display at Herbie's Ford in Alexandria and remember nobody beats Herbie's low prices on Ford's brought to you in living color good morning - today is Tuesday November 4 and we're in Washington you can see by the simple elegance of the White House inside our Washington studios we have today editor bill Monroe Washington editor and Joe Garagiola Barbara Walters
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Keywords: Today, Newscast, 1969, Washington
Id: ILgNQ90NdhU
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Length: 58min 58sec (3538 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 29 2015
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