First Tonight Show 9/27/54

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from New York City the National Broadcasting Company presents tonight darling de belem with me gourmets Steve Lawrence pant Marshall Andy Williams the music of Skitch Henderson tonight's special guest Wally Cox bill Kenny of Ink Spots Fame a New York's greatest giant Willie Mays top the crossroads of the world Times Square is NBC's Hudson theater that's where we're taking you now tonight and every night now to meet the star of our show Steve Allen while we've been making last-minute changes around that's something which I am very well aware well aware well sir we're pretty weird I'm very well aware that that isn't at all amusing in Omaha Chicago but it's breaking us up around here we've had the best engineering and production brains east of the Mississippi working on a clever opening for this program for about the last three months ever since we plan to go on we were going to have the Empire State Building and move it and the city we had mayor Wagner at our beck and call they were going to give us the East River was going to flow the other way and all sorts of very exciting things and about 20 seconds ago feller an instance is the Cadillac remote unit had a flat tire true that was actually a live picture you were looking at we really have a wonderful Cadillac with a camera on it and something happened what the heck didn't happen to them they were taking a picture all around Times Square that was not movie film you were actually seeing Times Square here in New York City what what happened to somebody Gould they have three lenses on the camera a close closer and flat tire I guess had a little trouble with the third one anyway in case you're just joining us this is tonight and I can't think of too much to tell you about it except I want to give you the bad news first this program is going to go on forever you think you're tired now where do you see one o'clock roll around it see it's a long show goes on from 11:30 here in the east and from 11:30 to one in the morning and we especially selected this particular theater this is a New York theater called the Hudson and we especially selected us for this very late show because this theaters oh I think it sleeps about 800 people that worked out they thing with the Cadillac didn't work out very good as well this is a kind of mild little show I don't expect you to say boy what a program I just look at it and you know decide in about a week what you think about it you know it's not gonna it's not a spectacular it's it's gonna be kind of a monotonous I think just be here and I won't going to take up too much of your time covers everything this is actually the third number in the series of shows that Pat Weaver and the NBC network plans to project perhaps indefinitely the first program as you know was the fine show that they apparently does in the morning called today and then there's Arlene Francis's program in the afternoon called home and this is the third program of the series as I say this is called tonight there and if this program is the success that the other two were they're going to put on another program called son of tonight's we're gonna see how it all works out and you'll be reading about it and the race results they get now it's time to make little music here do the boogie-woogie thing and after hurry I have someone pick their mortgage jokes I get a man somebody stole a beer I can see right now what our big problems gonna be it's gonna be explaining every single joke that's a New York joke I'm sorry I didn't plan it we are sponsored locally for 15 minutes before we come on the network to all you people and we were sponsored by a beer and I don't want to say they don't trust me but I leave a half a glass of beer around as soon as they stop paying the bills if its back in the bottle you know I can turn this into a national beer if I get thirsty enough now then why this is a confusing program tonight it isn't any different or any better or any worse or anything that usually is and I'll tell you what this is we don't have a script on this program but starting tonight we got a timetable boy look at that I'm not kidding no jokes some of the things are pretty tricky we're going to go to Cleveland later we have a five-minute pickup from Cleveland connected naturally with the world series and we're going to try to go up to Harlem here in New York City see if we can find with our hey what about the Cadillac well we got another Cadillac I traded the first one in already we got a new 56 now which is going up to Harlem to look for Willie Mays and I'll tell you who our guest is going to be I guess star is going to be one of your favorite funny men Wally Cox I think we're going to be able to handle those numbers as far as the technicalities of the thing are concerned but what puzzles me is are we going to be able to get that bandsaw remote from Nome Alaska and that's the one blubber advance going on up there we're gonna bring you the magic of I don't know what they're gonna tie this Network up and knots it'll never get more engineers committed suicide this week alone getting ready for this I don't know what the heck we're doing here all I'm trying to find out now is what comes next but I have Pat saying okay good as you New York viewers are aware for the last year we have had a couple of wonderful young folks singing with us Steve Lawrence needed gourmet you saw them with me a few moments ago here in New York City and but naturally now that we're doing a ninety eight hour program per night it's too much of a load for two singers so we've added two more wonderful young people Andy Williams and Pat Marshall we're not gonna do their life stories for you tonight you'll get to know them very well down through the following weeks and months and we hope is and to get right to the point we're going to introduce one of the young ladies to you right now she all said all right what you going to say in go fine and dandy let's give her a nice welcome to make it feel at home here on the zero hour here is Pat Marshall my planet but I like your you are just the car when I they soon been late and wondered who was a pretty girl singing that was Pat Marshall you'll be seeing lots more of her as I was saying a few minutes ago we got so very many nice telegrams don't have time to read the martyrs what I particularly appreciated very sweet wire from the entire cast the entire company of by the beautiful sea yeah great musical which is still packing them in here in New York City here's a nice woman oh this is from lot's of luck and best wishes to a grand guy get in there old boy and keep up the good work I know that if anybody can knock them dead you can because you have always done a swell job I think that you were to be highly congratulated for the wonderful job they weren't sure you're going to do in the future because you are the guy who can do it and do it right if there's one person in the world who deserves all the breaks in the game I know that it's you and I'm sure you're gonna get them too right there's something that you have a real knocked out toasty who can do it and we are all behind you rooting for you know that you're really going to true there's anybody can do a show like this you're it and you are really the one who can turn in the best job in the whole world kind of neat tale to stand up to anybody it says different so keep up the good work Steve and do your very best which I know you've never done anything else but the very best I'm sure we're gonna talk about your program and I'm gonna be absolutely sensational yes real fella have every confidence in you signed and she didn't have room to sign we're gonna dinner now I see what's leaving on track four yeah we're gonna keep track of this program I don't you worry as you can see by the sports pages in the newspapers these days it's football time again the World Series is not over but already football and baseball are kind of sharing the stage and the gridirons are busy with the activities of the cream of America's men her television fans of course will be seeing the great colleges playing against each other and they will also see many interviews on great many TV sports shows interviews with the top college football players right now with the help of far a right-hand man who gene Rayburn I'd like to show you how a typical TV sports interview looks to me I got away gene breeding sports fans this is Mel Rayburn bringing you the sports bringing you the play-by-play of big league football all this brought to you by the makers of flood watch the soap for man when you come home after a hard day at the office or from the playing field use sludge just settle back in the bath and rub yourself with blood you can actually feel that old tired skin coming off floods does a marvelous cleaning job on you and it contains no harmful chemicals sludge cleans your skin like no other so because sludge contains that marvelous cleaning ingredient rule now friends for exports interview we have with us here one of the outstanding college stars he's the captain of the team of that great team of Upper Peabody tag here then is the old powerhouse himself bull head a lever we'll head when a great football player like you walks out on the football field when a big football of great football player like he walks out on the football field and see the college banners waving when you hear the college crowds roaring what passes through your mind another day another dollar that's all after you're thrilled to be out there to be colors okay I think you're thrilled to be out there wearing your school colors oh yeah yeah they're good old purple and pink yes sir your school colors are blue and white you're a great athlete full head friends let me tell you they call him bull head because when he puts his head down he goes through the line like a battering ram tell me why they called me bull head and why do they call you bullhead cuz I'm stupid what do you think you're modest do I know you're not stupid bull head because I've never seen you mr. signal tell me how do you manage to memorize all those complicated signals very glad you asked that question I'll tell you about that we got a wonderful system now get this yeah when we line up our signals are written on the quarterbacks pants Genuity bullhead tell me this you come from an athletic family well my mother's interested in sports oh really what's her game she plays something like tennis no she plays the horses tell the other tell me where do you get your great speed when you get out in the field how come you run so fast I'm scared talking about your footwork boy where do you get that great footwork from my father oh he was a football player well he ran a saloon yeah but where'd you develop that dazzling footwork my father Salone stepping over the drunks you know what I mean there's a typical story of the growth of an American athlete well had a lot of people have made accusations professionalism and that college football professionalism professionalism that's right now I'm glad you're here to deny it you tell our friends out there when you play football are you subsidized you know I'm on a stray salary a sense of humor bullhead tell me what advice you have to give the young players who are watching is out there and were starting out on their college career well gee first of all they should remember that when they're at college football is secondary their education is first a berry and they shouldn't forget now what advice have you got in the game itself well I just want to say to all you young American football players that football is nothing basically but a game and a sport so get in there and play dirty you know what I mean thank you go ahead Alan all-american we thank you what are you giving me that didn't quite make that change well how much time do we have before anything has to happen some of the stations are going to cut away now while they make a dollar or two and the rest of you will be carrying right on with us here in the studio so those of you who are going to hop away if the engineers are watching take it now now that the rest of us are alone I got some funny stories to tell you Oh frankly I hope oh thanks jump down into the audience here and talk to a few folks for no particular reason except I always enjoy doing that and we give away some wonderful prizes I guess no I won't take this bike but I'll see you down there in about ten seconds here we go and now here we are down here in the snake pit to meet some of the nice folks who have there's just a little expression in the trade steady you know I'll be giving it put your hand down there funny thing people will never look at themselves in the mirror they come down here and they're waving their brains are you aiming at themselves - that's a funny part of it you folks who have just joined us some of the stations having been away for one minute have just come back with us you didn't miss anything particularly we had Clark Gable here and he did his wonderful dance with Lana Turner that you've all seen at Olli the little things you miss when you do go away from us so be careful now let's get right down to business and meet some of these nice folks steady please what's your name my name is Jean Sullivan that's very nice Jean who are you I'm a commercial amount I wish I could say that what commercials do enough I hate say it I'm glad to say it really broke clean well I'm very glad you did say are you gonna work on the show tonight no I worked on it bro quick show earlier I see and you haven't cooled off yet is that it we're very happy to have you with us tonight what part of town you live in I have a reason for asking because the show isn't over till 1:00 and I don't want you to miss your bus well if you're not why should I be miss Sullivan we have a prize for you you'd be surprised how little you have to do around here to win something and let's see what we have here here's something I think you'd enjoy some beautiful Napier jewelry I don't know what kind of stones those are what would you call those well it looks like Jade me alright then you know have a set of yay jewelry you think that's what it is you'd be surprised no that's very pretty I when I first looked at I thought it was a turquoise or turquoise depending on how do you say it reminds me I was wondering one time about whether to pronounce that word turquoise or turquoise so I took an old ring and ring up my wife's to a jeweler and I said look at this ring I said would you pronounce this turquoise or turquoise he said it's pronounced glass so whatever that turns out to be I hope you enjoy wearing a Miss element thanks for coming in there's a lady here with a big happy smile what's your name look at Levesque what's that and we FFA came left back mrs. Lennox how do you mrs. left back oh my pack I'm sorry Ellie yes FAK now we ss-18 that fact I see now what do you do mrs. Allan rock there mrs. and your husband mr. Loeb fake what is he doing it a garage which one under metropolitan the screen it is not about this we did it what are they distribute they hire our trucks oh I see how do you happen to be with us tonight in down to New York see the show what's the deal how do you like New York we're very happy to have you here we don't ordinarily allow this but is there anyone you'd like to wave at now that you're on television for million dollar advertising campaign right out the window in the morning show are we all set yes by George I guess we are right now my watch must be wrong I didn't realize we were going to do it so quickly at this point then having been advised that we're all set to do it I'd like to present one of the features which is a new feature of the show in a sense that the whole show is know that figures but the you folks will watch the program here on a local basis for the last year in New York City this will be something new to you because we have not up to now presented any news but chiefly because the show in New York especially as an hour and 45 minutes overall in length we have decided to incorporate some news features so now we take you backstage to our special NBC newsroom gene Rayburn in the news areas from the NBC newsroom all evening long newsmen have been taking a poll trying to see how the Senate lines up on the McCarthy Center report it was made public today that special Senate committee recommended a rebuke on two counts one that McCarthy was contemptuous of the Senate committee that investigated his finances two years ago two that he brow be general Zwicker during the Fort Monmouth probe last winter as for comment on the report well here's tomorrow morning's New York Daily News the headline read censure of McCarthy split Senate no comment from Senator McCarthy himself he's in a hospital for sinus treatment but his lawyer says he'll defend himself vigorously when the Senate takes up the matter November 8 one member of the censure committee Democrat Edwin Johnson calls the report just Idaho senator Welker a Republican labels it bad precedent he's against censure there was quite a scramble in the corridors of the Senate office building today when used contact men handed out the 68 page report to waiting newsman incidentally The Associated Press got to about half of the 96 senators 11 favored center three opposed six praised the committee's work but don't say where they stand 29 want more time to think about it other news in the photo gallery James Roberts the Maryland father accused of killing his seven-year-old daughter in Miami last July Roberts who's shown here actually taking a private lie-detector test is on his way to Miami tonight in the custody of two Florida detectives here in the sports gallery the heroes of the New York giant the Alvin dark the captain and powerhouse batter Willie Mays New York got all steamed up today and gave the National League champs a Broadway ticker-tape parade which led straight to the steps of City Hall now let's take a quick look at the weather around the country generally speaking cold weather is moving down from Canada a front down in through this area rain hot weather through the south lots of rain more cold weather moving down from the Great Lakes region and the only clear part in the country is right here in the east where we are that's the complete news picture and the weather from the NBC newsroom in New York now some of the stations on the network are going to leave us for just one minute and then rejoin us after that and the time for you to go is right now for the rest of us back to Steve Elam something wrong there somewhere I don't know then sounds right to me this is whether this is where the tricky parts of the show now it's the job enough to you know when they put you in front of a Cameron they say be funny but when they see be funny for particular precisely thirty seven and a half seconds that's what that's where you really get into a spy I know a lot of 34 second jokes I have a forty two second dance I could do but I don't happen to have anything ready right now in the way of a thirty seven second material thirty second seven seven seconds material is one quick telegram I wanted to read again wishing us good luck sister Steve best of luck on your new show tonight from a competitor signed Warner older than The Late Late Show I think that's very good well we're going to get out of the way now it seems like that's all I've been saying since I started there's a program called interruptions we're gonna get off the network now for about a minute Oh Jean sent them off well send genome then I don't know about to come back how soon are they coming back welcome back you didn't miss much didn't miss much we had the entire Notre Dame team here they staged an impromptu game when the Brooklyn Dodgers right here in our state so speak to your local station manager about not making all that money stay with us the station will go off the air and then we'll be on the work to do it for another hour just to prove that it's definite how much you're watching it another time because I got enough of my own we'll see in about 30 seconds
Channel: Anthony DiFlorio
Views: 139,452
Rating: 4.9104633 out of 5
Keywords: Tonight Show
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 45sec (1785 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 27 2016
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