Life Inside US $4 Billion Nuclear Submarine. Inside Kitchen and Sleeping Rooms

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life at Sea onboard a submarine is unlike anything else on this planet it's a cramped undersea world where Sailors work and live in for months a very tight place for 155 people to live and work well underwater and it's quite impressive how the crew members manage to stay away from each other how they are ducking bending or dodging to avoid running into each other while walking on the very crammed hallways submarines are an all volunteer service a fact that brings a certain amount of pride submar ERS say it is a certain kind of person who chooses a life Under the Sea working in an environment incompatible with human life here space is precious the nuclear reactors and propulsion takes up a third of the vessel to which it adds up the flood tanks a lot of cables pipes valves missiles Torpedoes and other equipments so Sailors are left with a very tight work and living space the crew operates on a 24-hour day split up into sections of 8 hours each so they are on watch watch for 8 hours and have 16 hours between watches those that are not on watch will be doing maintenance training or other extracurricular work leaving them with some or even no free time Sailors have very little private room and most of it comes down to their bunk beds and pulling the curtain on the US's largest submarine the Ohio class on the third level off to each side there's 16 bunk rooms in total each room has nine individual racks also referred to as coffins and there's a little bit of storage space underneath it but if you think this living quarter is small well remember this is the US's largest sub and not all submarines have this kind of space moreover many times there are more crew members than bunks and this means Sailors have to share the bed those that are not in their designated sleep period will leave their living space open for other crew members to get rest this is called hot bunking because when you got in your bunk it was still warm from the last guy plus there are beds also in the Torpedo Room that often doubles as a sleeping and exercise room let's take a closer look at what the bedrooms look like this is what the crew uses as their laundry bags so whenever they change clothes that's where they'll be putting the laundry each rack has a Foot Locker on it and also each individual rack is assigned its own drawer where they can keep their stuff private and there's a common Locker so each bunk room will have a common Locker this is usually where people hang up their jackets and things like that here's where Sailors can fit their clothes extra flame resistant coveralls working uniform and place them in there usually for the duration of the underway there are no more than three toilets and two showers for enlisted to use and they're pretty much open all day also there's one shower for chief petty officer one for the officers and one shower for the executive officer and commander officer they only have 3 to 5 minutes of shower time but if they have excess water supply the executive officer May authorize Hollywood showers meaning they can use continually running water a sailor could shower however frequently they choose in fact the chief of the boat will usually demand Sailors to take a shower if they smell like sweat officers share with two other officers a small room that has two drop- down desks and a drop down sink but unfortunately they are censored due to the classified nature of the work that they do there is a laundry room on the sub with two washing machines and two dryers where the crew members do their laundry they assign different days and sign up times for each individual to be able to coordinate when they're off watch and be able to do their laundry the lack of natural light makes keeping track of time very difficult and sailors know the time by what type of food they're eating if there are pancakes then they know it's moing but if they eat leftovers then it's midnight the food on the submarine is famously great it kind of compensates the harsh conditions Sailors have to face so they eat pretty well in fact the best food you'll ever find in the military is on a submarine a good meal is a major source of keeping a high morale since they work long hours and have limited to no communication with their family low morale can lead to mental distraction and can lead to mistakes which are not tolerated in this field of work so submariners get the best food as well as the best cooks they don't just peel and boil potatoes they're trained at kulinary school there are four meals a day because of watch rotation and the crew has ice cream available 24/7 to boost morale and there is the same menu for the officers as it is for the enlisted men this space is called the crew's mess where the crew eats their buffet style type meals they eat three or four meals a day depending on their schedule and again they eat pretty good Us's ballistic nuclear submarines can carry enough food to stay submerged for about 90 to 120 days without any issues so they have to get 90 to 120 days worth of food stored on board to put it into perspective one submarine will typically carry about 20,000 lb of food and will have about 1,500 lb of riy rolled beef 1,500 lb of ground beef 1,200 lb of chicken breast 400 lb of bacon 9,800 lb of flour 2,500 lb of sugar and more than 1,000 lb of coffee which and this is the most important always bruise in the coffee machine but since space is limited the cooks and sailors have to get pretty creative in finding ways to store it and distribute its weight as evenly as possible inside the submarine everyone's bunk starts out with a bunch of cans underneath the mattress and the even store canned foods in the showers also the eggs and perishables are stored in the Escape trunks since the ocean is pretty cold because of the submerged depths they normally operate fresh food is the first that runs out so then canned or frozen foods are in line to get served and here's where the cooks also have to get creative but with their cooking six to eight people cook on a submarine and they have to be ready to serve a meal at any given time the biggest challenge to cooking on a submarine while underway isn't NE necessarily The Limited space but anticipating the submarine's movement when the boat makes an unexpected move then all of a sudden all the hard work could be on the deck the mes hul also doubles as space for Sailors to spend their free time watching movies playing video games or cards and board games and most submarines also have a small gym that allows Sailors to work out onboard fitness equipment generally includes an exercise bike rowing machine weights along with boxing gloves pads and punching bags there's another hard aspect of Submarine life aside from the very tight space and lack of natural light communicating with the outside world this is a very difficult process and strictly regulated submarines are sometimes equipped with onboard devices that can connect to the internet with higher data rates including via satellite but there is no such thing as a direct message platform in the submarine community in addition to letters Sailors rely only on emails and the thing is that every single email is read examined for policy violations and operational security so whether or not a sailor gets the email is up to those who are responsible with inspecting the only time they get a chance to send emails home is when the submarine surfaces but even then receiving or sending an email isn't always guaranteed when they're at the surface the crew's access to the internet can be severely restricted it is normal for Sailors to go as as long as a month or even two without sending or receiving emails from home though they do have missions where they can receive or send emails every week this happens because when they send or receive emails they are giving off a signal thus exposing the submarine to detection by anti-submarine forces so Sailors are not allowed personal use of Wi-Fi or Bluetooth within a submarine if personal computers or phones are allowed on board the crew members can only use them when they are ashore the whole point of a submarine is to pass on seen in order to be able to do its Mission communicating with the outside world exposes them to high risks as it could leave them vulnerable to detection there is one thing though that submariners are allowed to do when others in the Navy are not growing a beard The Grooming rules are more relaxed for Sailors on a submarine than any others in the Navy they are not required to shave every day they can even grow a beard to a certain point and their hair length and style are not so regimented when it comes to providing medical care for any sick or injured crew member there is no doctor on board a submarine an independent Duty corpsman or IDC is the sole medical provider on board a submarine that works to ensure the safety and health of submariners they have extensive emergency medical training above that of a paramedic capable of performing in a petomy these guys are worth their weight in gold the level of experience and training they need to be qualified at to serve as a submarine IDC is staggering they are in charge of the entire crew's medical and dental health on top of this is the radiation health program so they are also considered as the radiation Health officer on board the sub and have to document the radiation exposure beyond the medical care they provide the idc's also have other tasks to perform while on deployment they prepare for industrial hygiene surveys and monitor the ship's atmosphere are in charge of the medical supplies and they inspect the food and water quality on board this is where the officers dine and is called the the wardro they have all their meals here and it's all assigned seating so you have like the captain EXO and then everyone else can just fill in where need be an additional purpose of the wardroom is that this table doubles a surgery table while they are underwater in case the IDC has to perform an emergency surgery while underway it would take place in the wardrob here is the control room or the brain of the submarine as it is also called where all the magic happens from here is where the sailors drive and operate the submarine change buoyancy and direction of where they're going and keep the ship safe with the assistance of sonar and their tracking contact they make sure not to run into potential contacts while navigating around in the waters and here is also the submarine's fire control everything will be managed from the control room it really is the brains of the operation all the decisions for the submarine are based at control moving next to the torpedo room here is the weapons launch console they use the weapons launch console to help Comm communicate weapons launching operations with the subs Fire Control there's also a missile control center where they monitor the Safety and Security of the weapon system plus they maintain targeting and the launcher ready at the launcher console is where they can control opening hatches shutting hatches monitoring tube temperatures and pressures and on the Fire Control side is where Sailors maintain the guidance system in the missiles themselves so you can think of launcher console as the bronze of the weapon system and Fire control as the brains of the operation nuclear ballistic missile submarines are specifically designed for stealth and for the precise delivery of nuclear warheads they perform deep sea operations and serve as nuclear deterrent forming one of the three arms of the nuclear Triad so it's fair to say that Sailors who volunteered for this type of work have another distinction that sets them apart from anyone else in the military plus there is a say that they are the only fighting force in which virtually every sailor gains weight during a deploy employment about 10 lb on average this kind of proves how good the food is on a [Music] submarine [Music]
Channel: Military all the way
Views: 821,800
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: us nuclear submarine, life inside a nuclear submarine, inside submarine kitchen, where sailors sleep on a submarine, eating on a submarine, food on a submarine, what food sailors eat, us navy submarine life, life on a submarine us navy, medic on a submarine, facts living on a submarine
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2023
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