Navy Seals vs Green Berets - Jocko Willink & Tim Kennedy

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next question number five exactly how much better are green berets than the seals at what i think we have to the first just like me at you know 21 years old i didn't understand the difference um so every special mission unit has a pretty well-defined mission and all of them are different i would never want to get in a gunfight with a bunch of navy seals on a boat anywhere near the water i mean within like miles of water it would be just a catastrophe um i also don't think that there's anyone on the planet besides special forces that can do a force force multiplier like we can you can take 12 of us you can drop us in venezuela leave us there for six months and we probably overthrew the government and place the president the new president in place and running the economics the what the power plants the commerce um transportation and like each of us the 12 of us uh have like married at least four or five venezuelans you know be like that's that's people don't understand like why we have to speak other languages why we have to go through economic and um you know geopolitical classes it's because we're different like the missions are different what we're supposed to do is different um and because of a different mission we end up with different products and those products are groups of dudes that are the baddest dudes the planet on the planet for what they have to do yeah and i mean i left that question in there for a couple reasons number one was because it was i thought it was kind of funny you know obviously whoever whoever wrote that had a sense of humor and you know the real question you know which is to me was just about really defining and i'd say the exact same thing that you'd say i would add this to it you know yes you know you look at rangers you look at seals you look at green beret you you look at marshawk and everyone's got their own little specialty of what they're really good at and as a whole they'll they'll be better at that than the other group and then within the seals within the rangers within the within sf you got different levels of guys that are in there yeah i know you probably worked with some seals that you thought one of these guys and you probably work with some guys that you said damn i'd love to love to work with those guys and the same thing with me i've worked with some sf guys that i thought to myself man these guys are just these guys are unbelievable i would do anything for these guys and sometimes you look at them you go i wonder how these guys made it through yeah you get to teams i get to teams i'd be like did you really pass selection dude that's one thing that's really hard for the american public to understand is that there is and i've explained this a bunch of times on the podcast that there's a bell curve just like any other organization there's the top guys that are you know bad totally badass you guys have just made it through and then there's a bunch of guys in the middle that are totally solid guys that get it done all the time and then there's a bunch of guys that just they barely got through and they skate and that's you know that's part of the way it is but one thing i can tell you for sure is the special operations community i don't limit my respect for the special operations community alone for me working with the army the the conventional army guys the marine corps marines i i they're always good oh they're always good they're they're consistently but you're a rifle company dude awesome yeah can i please work with you because you just wanted like a bunch of pit bulls they've been like locked up in a cage and they just get prodded every once while and maybe they go and like tear something apart and they get thrown like some raw meat and they're like oh this is good you know do i get what do i get to kill to get another piece of this meat yeah the marine corps really is a an outstanding organization and then there's units within the army that are unbelievably just squared away professional and they have a heritage behind them of glory for lack of a better word and so i'm a huge fan of the entire military of the entire us military you know but like you are you proud to be a seal yeah i mean yeah you know yeah i'm proud to be a green beret you know and i'm like when army plays navy like i don't know crap about football you know but i'm like go just for crying out loud beat navy you know for once in this decade yeah or near century to be honest with you i literally don't care and the biggest when we were in ramadi working with the army and with the marine corps those guys the sacrifices that they made were so they were so just impressive day-to-day what these guys did and you know we had of course we do have better training we do have better gear and yet those marine corps platoons and companies would be out there doing i mean they're first of all they're living in the city you know we're going back to a little fob we got a little bit of video games and huge walls huge walls great gym yeah protein powder exactly yeah those guys don't have any of that they don't have any of that we air dropped a pallet of porn and protein to a firebase that pre a bunch of marines that like saved our lives when we were like knocking on their gate at two o'clock in the morning we weren't we were like 200 meters away and we didn't want them all to murder us and they were going to yeah we're like please let us in um our air won't come pick us up and we got in there like you guys been eating t-rats and they're like yeah yeah we've been pretty much a gunfight every single night you know like yeah dude we're taking you guys carry you guys so god bless all of them no doubt about that
Channel: Jocko Podcast
Views: 1,836,999
Rating: 4.9325633 out of 5
Keywords: discipline, freedom, military, extreme ownership, leadership, advice, jocko willink, echelon front, navy seal, jocko podcast, excerpt, echo charles, leader, lead, win, defcor, discipline equals freedom
Id: Auy_zBxliGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 2sec (362 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2020
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