F/A-18 Pilot Breaks Down Second 'TG: Maverick' Trailer

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hello everyone Vincent Aiello here founder and host of the fighter pilot podcast today is December 16th 2019 and I am excited because Paramount Pictures released another trailer for the upcoming top gun maverick movie and I'm really looking forward to it I think it's going to be a great movie everyone should go see it what I want to do today is offer you a few thoughts on what I see based on my experience flying the f-18 so why don't we get straight to it all right this trailer just came out this morning and already well over 280,000 views I'll just offer a few remarks and comments on what I see if you would do me a favor look in the notes the description of this trailer feedback if you will or reaction before you comment because it's oftentimes that I say something incorrect and I come back and change it haven't had a chance to look at this too many times so I just want to offer some initial thoughts right away in this opening scene you can see some pretty aggressive maneuvering by Tom Cruise all the flying scenes I'm told by my friends involved in this movie are real Tom Cruise did log quite a bit of flying time in the backseat of an f-18 f you can tell this is a Super Hornet by the dogtooth in the wings and in this particular scene you must be doing some type of training because this is an instrumentation pod over on the right wing tip we call that the TC TS pod it's also known as the ACMI or tac TS but these are also the blue laser-guided training rounds that simulate your laser-guided weapons now this is a Kadim 9 X it looks like but that would also be available for you in training ok so he's doing some pretty aggressive maneuvering you can see the effects on his face these are the vapes or the vapors that are created when you are pulling a lot of G's or high angles of attack in moist air and right away the trailer begins where the last trailer ended and that is with an f-14 flying end of the scene and again I will comment that I was told that all the flying scenes in this movie are real so that certainly gets the blood going I'm excited to see what happens with this movie and its storyline and of course there is some commentary here that all just on the actual trailer itself for you to take a look at but here we have a pilot that looks a lot like maverick and a single-seat f-18 II and they're always going to be wearing clear visors a lot of times when I reacted to the last trailer everybody said wait why isn't he wearing the joint helmet mounted cueing system well not only is he not wearing that but he's also wearing a clear visor and that is so we all know who is in there and they had the real actors of course in the aircraft so this would be an f-18 II single centreline drop tank on there they really did paint one in those colors now I don't know where they think we're going here if this is old or new but in the state of California we have had a helmet law for the last 20-plus years but again we won't know if that's him all right so this is the front gate to North Island and we do have an aircraft on the stick out there it's an a4 Skyhawk so that's pretty intriguing to see what we've got here and having posted a handful of flying videos on my own YouTube channel recently I can tell you this looks to me either they're going super fast or they sped that up just a little because it's usually unfortunately not quite that exciting although it is when you're flying in it but when you show a video of it later that could be real speed but they're definitely maneuvering pretty hard and that's what you want all right now we are in the hangar bay of an aircraft carrier presumably the Theodore Roosevelt which is what they did a lot of the filming on you can see in the hangar bay your aircraft will always have their wings folded in the case of the f-18 the f-14 way back when would have had its wings full slid back swept back I should say and you've got your different colored jerseys we've talked about that on other shows here that I've done and let's see we just got regular Super Hornet looks like a E and an F and a few others don't see any growlers and all your folks here are going through a briefing as they introduce what's about to happen and full of serious looking people here usually we don't get dressed right away in a brief like this you would wait and put your flight later but that's alright and he's already sweating so must be pretty hot on the carrier they're not really sure some aggressive maneuvering they're pretty exciting that to me looks a little close for what we would normally do for training but what we've learned from the folks that wrote the book for the first Top Gun movie you had to be really close in the filming of these movies in order to make it compelling for the audience otherwise it was just a dot or a blip out there and it was really hard to see what the other guy was so they had to get closer and closer as they did for example the first Top Gun filming where they passed the quote mig-28 for the first few times they had to do that well inside the normal training bubble so that to me looks a little close as well this I'm not sure where it is usually we use all these different time zones and a room like this and a maybe a staff room of some sort it doesn't really say on the wait what does that say United States I guess I thought maybe it said test for a second but you can see it says Top Gun here on his nametag looks like VX 31 that is an actual squadron out at China Lake so perhaps he was involved with some tests for a while and then this fella has two stars and of course nobody at Top Gun is that high although the notic or Naval Air Warfare Development Center commander is a captain who turns into a one-star so not really sure if he got brought to the Pentagon here or what's going on we'll find out when the story comes and yes they're called orders maverick alright summer I'm told June 26th ish I'm really looking forward to this I'll be one of the first guys in the front row to go and I think everybody should go I think it's gonna be a great movie and we'll certainly be talking about it all right here is looks like an f-18 making an approach onto a carrier not a whole lot aircraft here but yeah maybe their flight is all airborne the the wing I should say the the wave for that particular session of course you got to have your elevator up seen that's pretty standard looks like this could be an F that could be an e just based on the canopies and don't really see a whole lot loaded on right now on those particular aircraft but here you have now a couple aim-9x on your wingtips and a couple looks like could be 1,000 or 2,000 pound laser-guided weapons under the wings here all right Tom Cruise you bet yet now these are your turkey feathers as we like to call them now in afterburner everyone who has ever washed your car at home with a hose without a nozzle on it you know that if you put your thumb over the nozzle the water comes out faster well it's same for the engines in a jet engine in this case what you have is at lower thrusts when you're not in supersonic these nozzles will actually close and then that principle that makes the air come out faster with subsonic flow like the hose I was telling you about well that reverses in supersonic flow so in afterburner you'll actually get more speed out of the nozzles when they open which is what's being depicted there just do that again real quick you can see that the nozzles open when the afterburner is coming and that actually gives you a little bit more speed this is Tom Cruise in the backseat again of an f-18 F getting real cat shot and again the clear visor lets us know it's really him and some people asked me before about hey why are the straps hanging so far down I'm told that his stature I've never met the man is a little bit smaller than some and that is actually not uncommon for the straps to come off the shoulders of certain people and what happens in an ejection you might ask well the first thing that happens is an explosive charge retracts these straps into the seat and that will then allow the straps to be in the proper place so that is not totally uncommon okay normally a clearing turn let's see which way did they come off they might have come off the actual this is showing him coming off the bow but this particular aircraft looks like it could be coming off the waist all I'm trying to say here is a clearing turn which is a turn right after launch is to the left or port for US Navy people off the waist but for like this aircraft coming off the bow it would normally be to the or starboard the only time I've ever done that differently then as planned is when you are launching on a little art and then you ask the air boss up here in the island hey can I turn to the left and he says sure because usually nobody else is launching all right yes masks are required from engine starts to engine shutdown but then we can't see what they're saying and as much of their facial expressions so here again we have an e in an F alright different characters we'll have to find out who all these people are and that to me once again looks a little close but we need to make it exciting so you can see that that kind of throws them around a little bit alright this must be Mavericks hangar he's got his real-life Mustang in there and it's hard to see it but some of the older motorcycles folks corrected me before on the different motorcycles we saw in the first trailer here's a navy flag I can't quite tell what that flag is but a lot of other memorabilia as you might expect from a long career in the Navy and he must have his p-51 involved in this of course we have the bar scene of course we have conflict all the things you need in a movie to make it compelling alright this would be called the canopy roll something we normally do but not sure why they'll use it but it looks pretty cool here again we have training with the TC TS pod and the laser-guided training rounds alright some concern there and it looks like we have again some drama with an aircraft a little bit of flame coming out the right engine there again all real flying scenes so looking forward to learning later how they did this with folks involved in it and we go of course from an engine flaming out or having trouble to a funeral scene and I was corrected last time this is Fort Rosencrantz up on the Point Loma Peninsula in San Diego looking out over the bay side of San Diego this side is actually looking over the ocean side this time where the Sun is at around sunset all right someone's obviously upset about what happened and here suddenly here's that scene from the beginning again now that scene by the way people have asked before what is that well these are where your fuel vents are in the f-18 Hornet and Super Hornet and sometimes on catapult launches as well as on heavy maneuvering like this it's not uncommon for a little fuel to vent whether that is fuel venting or if they have the dumps on to make it a little bit more compelling I don't know let's just take a look at that again and that might have been some leftover fuel dumping all right now you can ask me what all this is I don't know once again helmet law in California looks like Top Gun maverick here our hero is involved in some kind of training or assessment to see if he's physically fit to go do what we're about to see here in a moment actually wait was that an Air Force guy let's check that out again like I said I haven't looked at this too many times nope Navy guy I guess they use the green camouflage now and now we have a surface-to-air missile being fired at someone and detonation very close a lot of surf stare missiles have proximity fuses so if it detects that it is close enough to its target that it thinks it's within its lethal radius then it will detonate it doesn't actually have to physically hit the aircraft and a lot of flares can help but depending on what kind of missile if it is a radar guided well your flares aren't going to do you any good but it does look cool looks like he flies out of that just fine and of course our stinger now this time is this particular aircraft all right this is Naval Air Station Fallon Nevada and that aircraft I have no idea but I look forward to seeing what that is when the movie comes in the near future and of course good old maverick he's not buzz in the tower anymore but he's raising the roof so to speak here and you can see the effect his low altitude transition has both on the people here and on the roof of this little security building and of course he looks back with some disdain so sounds like he's still earning his callsign all right June 2020 all right folks well once again I'm sure I said something wrong feel free to read the remarks first before you leave a comment and June 26 2012 you there I hope you will be as well once again my name is Vincent Aiello from the fighter pilot podcast check us out at fighter pilot podcast.com and for exclusive content head on over to patreon look for the fighter pilot podcast and consider supporting us there thanks very much and we'll see you next time
Channel: Fighter Pilot Podcast
Views: 2,617,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Military Aviation, Air Combat, TOPGUN, Top Gun, Maverick, Movie, Trailer, Paramount, U.S. Navy, US Navy, F/A-18, FA-18, F-18, F18, Super Hornet, tom cruise, top gun 2, miles teller, official, tom cruise top gun motorcycle scene, top gun trailer, tom cruise top gun trailer, top gun maverick trailer, top gun maverick official trailer, tpo gun, film, aviation, pilot, iceman, top gun 2 trailer, new movie, new trailer, official trailer, skydance, paramount, top gun maverick trailer reaction
Id: 2-KfFOHMeqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 16 2019
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