NaVi vs TheMongolz - Highlights - PGL CS2 MAJOR COPENHAGEN 2024

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the next stage of the major and they are looking to push straight into an a attack with three people here actually never mind that four people defending it on the na'vi side yeah up he's tucked away on the bomb side we've got wonderful in towards the dark spot it's getting a little bit overwhelming though and Zeno open things up it's absolute Chaos on the bomb side right now back and forth we go three on two advantage in favor of the Mongols no bomb planted yet J and Alexi B locked out of the side itself very efficient smokes there's a C4 down in default incendiary deployed Anders that's going to flush one of the players out Blitz goes down and now the retake is on plenty of time to find these kills but it's still so difficult to connect yes it is they're very low on health but Alexi he has to volunteer himself into a cross by he swings wide but senu will take him down and Mongols to win the pistol the CTS have been drained of resources they've got one smoke remaining and a flashbang so now that their hands been forced almost they're going to have to go for some sort of push some sort of play and JL the Boost towards short works very nicely em will find a second frag for na'vi as well they've got themselves a five versus three should be a done deal at this point Mongols probably know it their objective now try and make the round at least costly for the CTS they got three players coming in towards a bit wants to make sure he stays alive here Co for his teammates to rotate in before he fully commits a lot of utility on the Mongol side so maybe they could sort of bomb out the back of the bomb site and try and get the bomb planted at least get that a little bit of bonus it's been made very very difficult cuz now pushing aggressively they'll only lose bit in this round start to upgrade into some AK-47s that is a really nice round out of na'vi so okay it's not a big deal yet but give it another 10 seconds and I'm going to start to get a little bit worried all right swing into the middle they thought they had the timing na'vi but they absolutely did not wow Mongols is offering up enough rope for na'vi to hang themselves but the looks things here waiting for them to swing out but JL picking up the pieces here can't quite convert the hatrick but he that's giving them a Fighting Chance down the Lexi B MP9 that does find the equalizing kill two on two 15 seconds yeah you're right they need to move they can't slow down any longer that's the round done Blitz goes down and there is nothing techno could do to win this round any longer he could try and make it a little bit more expensive but they're just so far away Alexi will take him down that's a slip up there for for Mongol there's no question yeah massive one as we get to round number six no EOS yet 32 in favor of Mongols in the first half is best of one massive n at the start of the round but it's not going to stop senzu imma finally will though and another frag from J aggressive of course towards sha she'll be a frag for wonderful the awp this is very convincing now as na'vi are getting in the fifth gear Clean Sweep 33 overall so what we got next looks to be a default setup here the standard smokes towards window and short will tuck himself in that's a fortunate kill it has to be said not so fortunate for Mr Wonder F though he will convert it on the second back to a four on four and sender from JL just trying to stifle the terrorist towards top of middle and Zeno will be finding a little Gap there finds the AA yeah wonderful is going to be mad about the timing he was thinking about it still oh he gets one more head shot it's so ridiculous we just asked for it and here he is three kills to enter the bomb side where he has wiped out the defense oh he's so slick of Alexi B don't call this one already over he can find his first kill and potentially deny the plant as well it was there for the taking techno will close the round down but it was eneno with the hatrick from hell they remov vision from the window the connector it's JL though has been the thorn in that side seems to win these fights more often than not another opening kill but Blitz will respond in kind four and four and they're going to choose their Avenue of approach towards that connector going to wait for the smoke dissipate but wonderful watching like a hawk will take the man Advantage he's looking warmed up himself he hasn't had that many opportunities to flex the awp but see those shots and makes you think all right there's a real potential here bits going to get the shot and that's SPO taken down now just two people left on the Mongol side so na'vi even after that cracking round just before fromo it's it's still not quite enough here na'vi are still not that impressed they're going to be able to get through this round only losing imma for this n is brutal theyve got no armor oh God it's a disaster in the underpass three kills found he could have done more damage to that grenade if he tried I think as yeah get it done get him out of here six rounds on the board for navvi they've at least confirmed 50% of the half Waring on Mirage just a weird experience for a lot of people deep Molotov there oh but imma's snuck through the smoke and he will get the one kill but Blitz is pretty quick to take it back so four versus four the ball making its way through the a palace they want to try and see if they can get out here in Surprise bit he's got the AK though which doesn't even Matter's back at it again he wants more he's swinging wide for it at that range the awp should have the advantage he's still going moving forward wants to take the fight against Alexi who's here in CT spawn is he going to get a flash in yeah he did but he didn't want to go for it I think it's the health that's kind of keeping him back a little bit he's still good for the shot anyway Alexi goes down and the round is won by Mongols here you can see wonderful and jail are already walking away use the opportunity to creep out of the palace itself find himself a couple of impactful frags ja just trying to keep things expensive here lock them in towards the bomb site go down with the bast essentially but it's going to be senu that sends him packing awp for wonderful will remain final round coming up next it's 6 to five five rounds actually really impressive on the T side and for Mongols I mean it's it's good but the upset might need more than that again I think na'vi are going to be good on their own t side winning the six round here would be huge for them and look at this a trying to pin to the bomb side quick jail the only one that can stop him and my God he can two big head shot P it out six left Geto as well absolutely massive from JL the king of the short we are going to see now Blitz answer back is there anything left to be said apparently not it's going to be a very convincing half the end for na'vi Flash is over deep breath in they go but there are three CTS ready and waiting yeah here we go very deep smoke oh wonderful those are some cracking opening shots he's going to get a third one taken down 910 what more do you need they had the stack ready they knew what was coming the Mongols but they could not stop wonderful it's blitzo chance of retaking this one near zero but makes it a bit little bit better now the blitz hit that one trying to find the head shot but can't do it yeah wonderful going for it IM going to deny it at the end but still he did everything in then T um I've got it equipped but I never buy it but uh no MP5 this round it's AKs and Death on the menu as Blitz will be going down early 5 on four opening Advantage here for na'vi this is a very important round they'll be in Touching distance of picking up this best of one Victory if they can convert this umeno what have you got for me kid couple of kills of course beautiful great awareness wonderful and bit didn't see that coming whatsoever oh and he might be fed out here yeah imma he's hearing the footsteps he thinks he's running away oh knife really stabs immer in the back that takes a little bit of guts nice Grenade on 9 10 they're going to try for the bomb PL MSO showing up here he wants more he's going to get the spray on the first tries for the shot he failed a couple of bullets there it's not going to make a difference they'll still win the round huge msos back at it again what around that was that really had everything mzo you always feel like oh he's not going to check that position he's got to be aware of that is he they might have changed their minds themselves here na'vi 9 10 spots a couple of people there so he's going to know that summon is up Blitz free kill if you go for it now and he will takes down Alexi maybe a little B sloppy for na'vi where the window smokes that angle was looking very exposed to Alex in general he finally gets punished for it and the round is falling apart wonderful is the The Walking Dead now and we've got a five versus one yeah this wasn't the most compelling round for n'i I have to say JL can at least make it a little bit expensive oh that's not bad at all don't think he can do much else with 2 Hp 45 seconds remaining the bomb is down in a very precarious spot but yeah they just didn't seem to be cant of the fact that window could be swung upon at any moment there yeah nor nor at least you'd have someone dedicated to watch it or preferably you would try and smoke it out don't know if they had the smokes for it maybe that was the problem but um jail he wasn't that far off it's possible that if he would have walked that distance he could have had the jump on one of them there I think it was techno hanging around the middle Mongols trusting in their intuition here same smokes they had down before connector and window and they're going to go for potential a split this time we got two players in towards palace with the bomb Anders two making their way towards connector 910 watching the ramp being surrounded here mzo has been found out imma cracking shot Shadow Advantage for 910 yields him the equalizing frag and Blitz go into town now as Mongols find kill after kill epic spray down with the M4 a1s they were surrounded but they fight their way out of danger and tie up the score line 9 to9 it really could One Missed shot and kill from bit oh it's falling apart a huge double and with the deagle takes down Blitz the bomb side has been wrecked and the Mongols have no idea what just hit them oh that's a kind of round you need to convert Anders you're up against the tech 9 the deagles has your chance to take the lead you don't find a single kill bit absolutely ravages him from the B apartment here 910 trying to stay alive gets his wings clipped down to 27 HP Zeno will be holding T spawn as well with the round is confirmed n''i will be finding double digits first you could see that disaster unfolding before it happened just yeah as soon as they like realize oh they're coming up short and we've got this weird setup yeah firing off the orb shop and you've already presented that particular stance as well you've shown you're going to do that they're going to check that TI Corner bits ready for it gets the double kill if you miss one or shot it's round over and that's exactly what happened this will send them packing financially if they can take all five players down this is more of a contact as well no execution and this getting straight in here first kill will be traded out JL brings it back to a four and four utility will be delivered momentarily smoke down towards connector and bit seems to be very aware of blitz's position takes him down and that should be the round locked in I would say you can see both CT players here towards a connector they'll pop the smoke open very well done but an even better shot from bit what the hell is that 90° flick yields the kill and the round yeah he's on one he's still kind of looking for it just Dodges the scope there who at 18 they going to be able to save the awp that's about the best that we could say but again these are win a backto back double or Investments they get to save one of them here but that is a lot of money map and indeed series Point MP9 from Zeno star player spotted scrambling and converted by senzu it was all a bait it was all a room and this worked out very nicely indeed what a little trick they did it earlier in the in the murder hle sneaking through and getting knifed in the back so yeah sometimes you can use a little bit of audio like that Blitz walking up and this could be a free kill Alexi goes straight down and imma's Ne in line Blitz I don't know how he knew but he saw the opening there five versus two the Mongols holding on to dear life here so much money to work with here there's a leg showing and a kill for JL it's the first domino falling at the a bomb site see if there's more to come 30 seconds flash around the corner in possible that JL could have swung that one he's going to use a mov Instead try and see if they get the bomb planted smoke on top in the middle but he can't quite see it it's 910 instead able to pick him up and I think their chances to win the round is pretty much wiped out with that one one versus four instead and he's going to go for the bomb plant but Blitz is there walking in will deny the plant as well yeah more he could do but what a beautiful round from the Mongols okay na'vi have attempted us a few times barely got short control finally they've got some position towards short and 910 couldn't be in a worse spot not the double no scope he can't quite connect wonderful pull one back but at what cost he's down to 14 points of heal there surely is traded out but he hits another head shot here imma tucked away in towards a connector this is absolute pandemonium Anders 50 seconds remaining the bombs in towards that ladder room trying to throw throw it out and they have successfully to be fair nice work from wonderful he's a 1 HP gives the bomb over and actually Retreats himself it's going to be a b plant three on two man Advantage for na'vi looking for map points oh my God what's going on at the back J you're Expos what he landed that kill the cam after he's still trying for it that is a filthy shot from JL he should never have hid that a statement sit down and wonderful will get the last kill triple on him ridiculous m point found na'vi one away from closing out Mirage in this best of one m4s theas head shot and wonderful Charming in for the second Blitz will pull one back here towards connector is one that's Alexi B hear the presence of sha Desert Eagle and CT spawn to try and defend great position to close this game out now bit will come out of the palace swinging up against that desert eagle jumping at a bit to find that final kill of the a bomb side but they've eliminated the threat bombs planted here that should be GG Anders it should be na'vi they can sense the weakness they know now is the time to strike and they will Blitz goes down last and it's na'vi to take the victory on on Mirage really well played you've got to say for both teams
Channel: PGL Counter-Strike Highlights
Views: 16,109
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CS2 Highlights, Best CS2 Moments, Pro CS2 Plays, Twitch CS2 Highlights, s1mple, NiKo, device, FalleN, m0nesy, CS2 Clutches, CS2 Aces, Top CS2 Teams, CS2 Tournaments, PGL Major, CS2 Ace Compilation, Pro Gamers Highlights, CS2 Strategy, CS2 Best Plays, Team Liquid, Natus Vincere, Astralis, FURIA Esports, FaZe Clan, CS2 Major Highlights, Competitive CS2, CS2 Pro Highlights
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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