Naval Academy Midshipmen

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I'm Xavier Arlon I play quarterback here my name is khil Crawford I played fullback here I think I was about 5 years old when I started playing football you know it was big for my dad just the life lessons that come along with it um and they've they've done good G already so um but it's been it's been a while throughout my you know time in High School playing sports and I always had the motto for my quarterback trainer that was because of the jerseys we wear we have the opportunity and the responsibility to change our little section of the world um so I kind of felt that I wanted to carry that on and being in the military not just the jerseys where because of the uniforms beware we have that opportunity as well on a greater level football is a grind here you know being a service Academy student you know school is hard football's hard and then you also have to do the military football is very very physical very team oriented and I saw some of the same values of that in the Marine Corps something about Marines you're just better just looks right it just feels right it's different and I wanted the opportunity to lead uh and I wanted to be able to lead through hard difficult things and that's what WR the morals that I've been born with I will never lay down never quit I'm in any situation I'll make sure that I can influence those around me to do the [Music] same
Channel: Marines
Views: 20,412
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sqjpErUZkW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 42sec (102 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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