An Inside Look - Mounted Color Guard

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foreign [Music] was started by Lieutenant Colonel Lindsay he came back from a tour from Vietnam saw that Camp Pendleton had a mounted clear Guard unit so he decided to start one here to represent the Marine Corps at some of the local parades this became designated the mounted color guard of the Marine Corps in 1967. we try to keep as much tradition as possible and we've recently started to push into doing Calvary Maneuvers Calvary demonstrations to be able to represent that history so our day-to-day life we come in we feed and we water the horses every day and then we'll bring them up we'll groom they'll brush them off saddle them they'll start off with groundwork she kind of knock that that fresh morning edge off in order to work the horse get the horse's attention and at that time that's when the Riders themselves also you know they're focusing in they're they're getting their emotions and mindset right to go ride their horse and focus on what they're doing amazing thing about horses is that they can sense every motion that you have um every single one of them when you're around them not just riding them you know you're feeding them pet them they can tell what kind of motions you're feeling they don't understand how much time that we would we're actually out here rioting and working with these guys we spend a lot of time with these guys and it's and it's awesome because you build a connection with these horses and um just seeing that horse's personality and how they react to things you wouldn't be able to get that joy and seeing a horse you know just have fun and and enjoy doing what it does if you weren't here and Barstow being small that's the one thing nice about the color guard it does get the word out about Barstow and it's the one unique thing about Barstow so um no I'm glad to see it still going [Music] thank you the most rewarding experience for me out here is when I work with a younger horse or even one of the older horses for weeks at a time getting ready for a specific event um and getting there and successfully doing the event knowing that the horse may have you know a couple problems here there you know might be nervous or something and I get there and the horse performs phenomenally like that is the greatest reward that you can get out here foreign [Music]
Channel: Marines
Views: 32,146
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 18sec (198 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 07 2023
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