The 248th Marine Corps Birthday Message

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[Music] to this day young men and women choose to raise their right hand and swear an oath to something greater than themselves [Music] [Music] [Music] Mery let's go maintain that dispersion maintain that dispersion [Music] if I was going to die I was going to die with my boots on then let's do it combat is ugly you see I don't like this go to Flashlight he's gone how you know he was L cuz he was laying right there he's not there no more he wasay I shot him like five times when I came back if you think combat is great then you haven't been there so we were taking fire all day long Lieutenant Calvin bent over to grab his radio a trace around came through the left armhole of his FL jacket and out the right armhole had just barely P penetrated the skin crazy thing was that when he was a young enlisted Marine he got a tattoo on his back that said Marine the Tracer underlined the word marine that's the kind of story that people won't believe unless you show it to them I've been shot a few times and blown up and stabbed I owe my life to Navy cour it those are unsung heroes when you're in a battle and you're wounded but you know you can still pull a trigger the thing that keeps you going is the man to your left and the man to your right since it's birth the Marine Corps has sought to find those exceptional individuals who embody the qualities of toughness grit honor courage and commitment qualities required of a professional War fighting force that is is not only capable but willing to do the hard things on behalf of the nation victory in every climb in place does not happen by chance from the unforgiving jungles of the South Pacific to the snow covered mountains of Korea to the bloody streets of whe and fusion Marines have prevailed because they had moral courage steel backbones and a ruthless commitment to a tradition of excellence and with preparation comes confidence the more prepared you are the more you rehearse the more you you drill the more confident you get and so we're ready to go the Marine standard is the only standard and discipline is the currency of our core this is the Bedrock of our ethos and What Makes Us unique from any other fighting force in the world disciplined and being lethal I see it every single day from the fire team to the squad to the platoon level when the Marines are running up Recon running through the low Trail going to the dojo making themselves more lethal and fit and that directly correlates to when we go do you know ranges 400 or do a company Cliff assault that's only going to continue to bleed on when they go overseas and take care business today we continue to prepare for the next fight and while the faces weapons and formations are new the fighting Spirit of the individual Marine has never changed when the nation calls in the orders given to send in the Marines every friend and every foe understands that help or destruction is on the way right now we have more capabilities than uh we ever had in the past from weapon systems platforms and Technology to able to be lighter and faster and more lethal as Marines we do not decide when the next fight will come but we do decide who wins the Marines who came came before have paved the way they prevailed Against All Odds in the face of unimaginable hardship and yet they kept their Humanity they kept their honor clean the character of War will change the battlefield will evolve and the equipment will modernize but the warrior ethos of our core stands firm we do not simply say that we're first to fight we work hard every day to prove it to our adversaries I would say if you see that US Marines and you see that marad I would say you better stand by cuz if you don't think these marines are working every single day to better their craft and skills you got another thing coming because these marines aren't going to stop until the mission is accomplished and you're destroyed it's funny when you're a a lance corporal and you got Combat Action Navy unit accommodation Marine Corps Expedition a metal and a sea service and they look at you like where have you been nowhere I just went with the Marine cor sent me we are people who are dedicated to the service to others if there's somebody that's in trouble a marine is not going to turn and walk away they're going to do whatever is necessary it to the point of giving their life Admiral Chester Nemitz said about eima Uncommon Valor was a common virtue the stories I hear at reunions should be on Silver Star citations the Marine Corps history is very important and I'm glad that it's still being taught I'm glad that my fellow marines that didn't come back of being remembered of being discussed and Squad based till this day Marines are tough I think there's something about a young man or young woman who comes into the Marine Corps that they perhaps were born with and didn't even know it you can do it you can do it all um you are capable more than you think and there are so many people in the Marine Corps who want to enable that you're now fighting for your brothers and sisters what was common then and from what I can tell what's common now is H the camaraderie you watch my back I'll watch your back don't want to let people down on either side of you there's no better thing than camaraderie and talking through it and sharing certain pieces with individuals because it creates a bond that is unbreakable Everybody Wants To Be A Champion everybody really wants to be part of the best Marines you are the strength of our core and your actions determine the fate of millions of future Warriors and their ability to stand on your shoulders I know that you're ready as we come together to celebrate our 248th birthday I encourage every Marine to reflect on our history and think about the moment when you ask yourself do I have what it takes you are on the journey that few have dared to begin take pride in what you represent you are the Pinnacle of professional Warriors and the model for others to follow so our major Ruiz and I are proud to stand among you and we'll be with you every step of the way happy birthday Marines and seel we're Marines till we die and we would require two we notice for that [Music]
Channel: Marines
Views: 385,096
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: IcwE-3QTcPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 6sec (546 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2023
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