Nauticrawl - Immersive Dystopian Undersea Mecha Roguelike

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what's up guys and gals welcome back to the nerd castle my name is splatter cat today in the world of indie games were checking out a game called not a crawl which in a lot of ways reminds me of all the games by screw fly now this is a very immersive kind of story based slow-paced roguelike and that's the best way that I know how to describe it it's like a rogue like where you die very very easily but even in dying like you learn lessons each time you play the game and I guess it'd be a good idea to give you a rough synopsis of the storyline because that actually affects kind of the way the game is designed this game is designed from the ground up to be incredibly immersive and gets you into the role of the character that you're playing and so anyways and not a crawl you live under the ocean and you're a member of like a servant class or like a serf class you're trying to escape the nobility and so in order to do that you've stolen an underwater aquatic crawler that will take you away from the place where you serve at their leisure which obviously is super illegal you're not allowed to steal this vehicle nor due to your social class are you allowed to learn how to pilot it and you're trying to make your way up to the surface where a utopian island and beautiful society exists that you're not allowed to be a part of so that's the rough idea and the reason why that's relevant is because inside the cockpit of you're not a crawler you're not gonna know how to do anything everything in this game is trial and error and you like switching on levers and moving things around and being like okay does this make me go forward what does this button do oh it killed me when I push that button and ejected me okay well I'm gonna try and this then you know like the entire game is basically from the perspective of someone who has not been trained to pilot this vehicle trying to figure out how to use it in a complex operation to escape and break through the chains of the dystopian society he lives in and so anyways let's launch nautical I recently died so we shouldn't need to worry about a save being in the way let's try it on out records a fugitive workers 725 a rogue escape alright so here we are we're inside of our not a crawler this is basically the inner Ventor face that you're going to be interacting with for the rest of the game and there's a few things we need to do first so like nothing is working if you look at the switches and things nothing is gonna work that's because the power is not on and so the first big thing we need to do is we need to flip this lever down don't ask me how long it took me to see that lever right there you don't want to know and it's kind of embarrassing now that we have that on we can actually power on the engine I think can't we oh well maybe we can't power on the engine I think we need to boot up the nav computer first so let's boot up the sonar and then we'll boot up the nav computer will boot up our this is our inventory display essentially this is kind of for all the fluff text and everything else we got to do this quickly though because our battery's running out we got to get the engine up and running yeah we had to boot the computer that's what it was and so let's go ahead and actually I don't wanna mess with the engine yet until we turn on the entire system so there we go are not a crawler is officially online right now we're inside of a room and it looks like there's some kind of object right there that we can interact with there's a couple of like we got to talk about a lot of stuff like a big portion of this video is just gonna be explaining things because this is an in-depth game that has a lot of moving parts and if I just start playing you're not really going to get the idea of what's happening so this right here is our heads-up display it's gonna give us all of our statistics how damaged our craft is whether our cloak field is working properly if our net hook is connected to anything our net look is sort of like an electrical internet it's kind of like an Internet harpoon we fire it into things and then it connects us directly to the neural network of whatever we fired it into so that we can like hack it and basically like utilize it and like steal from it and transfer things over and so like we kind of need to use the net hook pretty frequently we've got our hull integrity right here we've got our battery status so like our cloaking system is down our monitors are not draining any of the electricity right now the net hooks not draining anything the elect the engine is generating one electricity per turn so you see how that one's like a dimmer blue right there that means that every turn when we move we're gonna get one unit of energy back and we can actually make that a little bit larger if we power down systems and we get rid of like some of this stuff what you'll notice is that depending on what we do we can actually regenerate more electricity by turning off monitors and like turning off the boot computer and stuff like that there are a bunch of switches over here I haven't actually figured out what these do yet it's seems like they're attached to some kind of balloon or Zeppelin that we can use to get above the surface of the water but I haven't yet gotten to the point where that's going to be relevant I don't know what this does right here it says it's a knot matrix but I haven't had a chance to utilize it I don't know what that button does yet either because I haven't had a chance to use it on this side with our HUD or I guess our different levers and whatnot this right here is the cloaking system as you can see it modifies our electricity usage and if we can actually want to get this kind of up to the green zone right there and that'll let us know if we go over here we're at 55% stealth anything above 51% essentially means that you're invisible so you don't need this to be a hundred percent it's not necessary instead what you want to do is you kind of want to get this as close to 50 percent as possible and then you can also there's a couple of other things you can do to make the cloak more effective but we'll kind of talk about that a little bit later but for right now we're gonna be losing one unit of electricity every single time we take a step with our cloaking field on but we can turn that off for right now because we don't need a cloak this right here is heat dispersal now this little lever right here so anytime you take a movement what's gonna happen is the engines gonna generate heat and as the engine generates heat this is gonna fill up and there are a lot of threats in this game and you don't really have any way to fight back really stealth is your only option in this game and so the worst thing that can happen is for the engine to shut off due to heat while you're in the middle of a zone where you've got enemies that are scanning for your craft and so what we'll need to do is we got to pull that lever right there it'll vent all of our heat out into the water and we'll be back it doesn't cost you anything to do that either it's totally free and so really what you can do is you can walk around while holding this lever and you just won't generate heat I figured that out a little bit later last night when I was playing the game and trying to figure out all the random little you know dots and tittles that the game has going on now that the engine is on what you can see is that we can actually rotate our craft in the water if you're wondering how we move you actually have to turn the engine on right here and so there we go and then we also have to feed this is the fuel intake right here we've got a fuel injector we've got to be able to control that as well and these affect different things so you'll notice now that I've got both these powered on we've got a little kind of I guess line right there that's out in front it's been crossed that's how far we're going on our turn if we decide to use it this first lever right here dictates the distance that we're going to move and this lever right here with the fuel injector determines how fast this Lian fills back up so for example if we take it down this line is going to fill up not at all or it's going to fill up incredibly slowly as you see right here however there's a reason you might be saying well why wouldn't I just max it out well there's a reason you wouldn't just max it out the first is fuel usage so as you can see our fuel usage right here on our fuel meter it goes up and down depending on how fast our injection is going it's also affected by how far we move right here I usually just keep it on max because it doesn't really seem to matter like I think you use the same amount doing 50% twice as you do doing a hundred percent once but the fuel injector is noisy as is your engine and so it's going to be harder for you to stealth if your engines are powered up really really high so for example right here if we take this up to like right here and then we adjust the fuel injection - like right there what you'll see is that our stealth goes down to 29% and it takes us a lot more electricity in order to get ourselves cloaked so the fuel injection is actually I figured this out my last playthrough by just like fiddling with things your fuel injection actually really really really affects your stealth and so like figuring out a way that you can get yourself into sort of a I guess a neutral there we go so finding a place where it's like neutral where you're not losing stealth but you're also balancing out your energy usage with your movement is gonna be paramount in this game you have to learn how to do that otherwise you're just gonna die over and over and over again so this is a game about observation about realizing your mistakes about understanding your machine slowly as you learn what each part does and then pushing your way forward with the new knowledge you've learned to get a little bit further each time ok so that long spiel out of the way we're actually in a decent position to actually start playing the game now I know after 10 minutes of explanation so we'll go ahead and kill off the cloak for right now cuz we don't need it we can basically take big long moves because we're super safe you can just do washed if you wanted to move the ship around I'm guessing that a lot of the people that are gonna be googling this game and looking for it on YouTube are like people that don't know how to play and so I'm trying to be very very thorough about the way that I approach it let's move up to here we have our net hook right there we'll go ahead and pull up to like right there perfect all right we have an incoming radio broadcast attention all units unauthorized access to the Royal stables detected the fugitive is not a trained pilot track anything that doesn't possess a valid heraldry it's true we don't have a valid heraldry apparently there's like noble houses and stuff and you've got to have like errol trees and things of that nature otherwise people murder you we need to activate the net hook and so if we wanted to hook up with this object right here there's actually a couple of buttons right here that I didn't talk about you can actually zoom out on your radar if you really want to right here just to get a better picture of what's going on in the area and then this button right here will give you a text synopsis of everything that's around your ship right now the big walls surrounding the perimeters show a huge gated entrance connected to a netbook access point so there you go we need to actually hook into this access point so let's turn on the net hook it'll charge you want to fire it when it gets to green perfect so the net hook is now connected you could tell from the little physically electricity thing that it's doing and so we can access the storage of this thing I did the wrong thing there we go oh there's two fuel refills and a battery inside of here we're gonna take all these resources so we're gonna grab every single one of these these are gonna be our lifeline when we run out of fuel we basically die so you're gonna kind of have to have it the battery is also useful for when things go really really wrong like in the line of fire so we'll take that with us - we can look at the recent logs for the gate op one reporting not occur all units with no coat-of-arms base we are aware we've instructed all turrets op one understood should we lock the main gate base they don't even know how to use the cloak field they won't last a minute okay now we can open the gate from right here so there you go we have now officially opened the gate you see it open right there and we can detach the net hook we go to unhook right there it'll detach that so now we are free to move now we can sort of start looking around a little bit okay so there's a turret right there and it's scanning for us we're gonna have to sneak past this thing and so this is since this is our first lesson and sneaker II let's get rid of all of our heat right now and I need to lower the fuel injection we're gonna raise the engine right there we're gonna get our cloaking field online I don't know if the engine yeah the engine doesn't seem to affect your stealth so like moving long jumps in my opinion while stealth seems to be the best course of action so I'm just gonna kind of go over here and what you will notice is that they're little scan radius just went right around us it didn't even see us and that's because we're effectively cloaked as denoted by the little purple light right there now that we're outside of the range of hostiles we do want to deactivate the cloak and vent our heat and so now we can sort of just like swim around on the bottom of the ocean see if we find anything interesting around here we really just want to look for like points of interest there's another one over here he didn't see us so I think we're okay let's go ahead and turn the cloaking field back on cloaking field is online so we're gonna move over here and then I don't know if he's actually oh my goodness oh we've been caught oof well that's not gonna be that helpful let's just move to cover there we go apparently we were no longer stealth I don't know if it's because so right here we're in stealth but over there we're not in still it's possible because we got hit by multiple scans maybe I'm not sure what happened right there's a lot of things in this game that are unexplained especially when it comes to hostiles tank one is empty right now so we need to use our let's go ahead and dismiss that we need to jump into storage and we need to use a fuel refill what you'll see is our fuel went all the way back up to max so that's good I don't know what these are right here but we're almost out of battery we've got a radio broadcast okay what's the radio broadcast say the old man was telling the truth the lighthouse is real yet what lies ahead is still a mystery your finder and your compass are going to show you the way don't let the sacrifice of those who fail before you be in vain okay fair enough dismiss that the damage not occur all unit left for retrieval from certified dismantlers a thick stratification of sand covers most of the hull already as stated by royal court due to recent plunders all belongings that the deceased father to be considered property of the local authorities this is gonna be tough to loot though we've got like an enemy's scan going like right now and we're low on battery that's why we're getting that little 8 amp like that's why we're getting that little noise right there but we do need to loot him unfortunately like we have to if we don't loot this guy it's gonna be a mistake let's kill that fuel injections down to zero I don't how our stealth is looking right now stealth is at 55 percent I think we should probably use our battery because I don't think we're gonna have enough to deploy the net hook I also don't know what the net hooks effects on our stealth is gonna be so I'm gonna turn the cloak all the way up yeah I was gonna say the net hook is probably pretty pricey like it did cost us almost half of our energy in this guy storage we've got a battery we've got fuel refills we've got repair kits for fixing things let's take everything I'm gonna loot the hell out of this guy I don't know what that a is that's over on the ground over here I have no idea what that is we're gonna have to use this battery to leapfrog over there and find out and if it's nothing we're just gonna be like wasting our time essentially the reason why I turn the cloak all the way up is because I was a little bit worried that the act of looting might lower our stealth rating and therefore we get seen kind of pilfering around but it looks like we're okay for right now and let's take that back down to an acceptable level this guy's gotten notes let's take a look check note one notes from the training course the battery and electrical consumption is vital every instrument consumes ions the cloak is the main drain er the battery will drain with time only when the engine is off red cells mean the battery will drop on the next action pale blue cell I mean it will gain charge see left monitor for stats yeah there you go we have a log over here all units new directive is to abandon the island immediately go fetch your crystals yes sir heading to the crystal tower now report back once your unit is in the Zeppelin mode and ready to fly wait units approaching with no coat of arms it's an ambush unlocked emergency button sent retrieve signal so apparently they got ambushed and attacked all right well let's unhook from right here we've already looted that guy I don't know what that is over there but I do want to find out let's turn the injection back on what is that thing I'm intensely curious damage not a curl unit oh it's another nautical really it's another busted not a curl how far does this guys how far does this guys range go far enough but it looks like to me that this is not a crawl unit is actually blocking the line of sight of the scanner right there I think it does well that means we're gonna have to take a chance in my opinion and we don't have enough electricity left to run the net hook so I think I'm gonna have to use the backup battery nope I didn't want to repeat them I didn't want to reboot the mainframe that was an accident oh it's a worker Oh warning stolen property Oh what's in his storage a heraldry scrambler what does that do the heraldry scrambler scramble the pilots coat of arms to allow connections to turrets or any type of terminal not a complete coat of arms you will be scanned once connected but it does the job or so said the Harold Smith who fabricated it I've never found this item before hell yeah I want it that sounds like a major come up so my knot matrix isn't working right now I don't know how I swap in my heraldry but there's salt right here that's the currency of the realm the currency du jour I guess we've got another battery to replace the one we just used which I'm thankful for and we've got another fuel refill because like we are hurtin for fuel refills right now does he have any records a floating crystal what if not a cross could float on top of this thick atmosphere it'd be almost like flying the old man was drunk when he said these things but you got to be careful okay what about field notes so we've got the lighthouse insufficient to resolve data is still insufficient to resolve meaning okay turns out they use the decorated heraldry Tripp carried by members of the royal houses to detect the rest of us the unique frequency admitted by each heraldry acts as an identification system turrets and other surveillance machines use these readings to activate security measures I better mount that scrambler I bought okay I don't know how I'm out the Scrambler I'm a little bit worried about this I was hoping it would just do its own thing warning this unit was stolen by unauthorized personnel inspection protocols scheduled before retrieval okay well that's everything so we already took care of business over there my next plan is to jump as far away from this turret as possible while remaining outside of the area where it can scan me we can actually kill off the cloak for right now it doesn't matter anymore okay it does matter I was wrong is he gonna get me with his scan right here I'm gonna wait and see let's spend a little bit of that heat a little bit of that hot heat wonder how I mount that thing oh we're just outside of its radius right now I am curious what's down that way but like we're we're so limited on fuel most of the time that like I'm scared to do it like I don't want to get lost and be like running around all over the place apparently he noble turret 14 is decided we are a baddie there's nothing back over here but at least we got ourselves into a little alcove we are gonna need a refuel now you can click this little like this little I guess this little toggle switch right here I remember those are calls a little butterfly switch is that what those are called I don't know it's a flicker switch all right that's what I was called am i call them flicker switches we can flip this flicker switch and this is our secondary fuel cell right here we can swap over to it if we're under duress and we don't have time to refuel but we do have time to refuel right now so let's go ahead and throw that into the tank we've got a full battery for right now so we don't really need to worry about too much let's hit the cloak up and running I'd like a status report on my cloak I'm guessing we have to find somebody to mount that heraldry thing for us that's what I'm guessing oh look there's light coming through maybe it's cuz we're near one of the towers I think that's what it is I think every time you're near a tower light comes through the porthole really cool little immersive thing that this game does oh did my heat gets you high I don't know what happened here it did my he got too high that was my fault okay we managed to avoid getting shot so it was a good day when you managed to avoid getting shot I don't know if we'll have the battery to make it through here Oh looks like it doesn't matter I don't think there's anything back there let's get out of the line of fire and give our battery a minute to recharge kill off the cloaking field real fast we'll just continue this way until we find what we're looking for and a still Anat van what is that thing almost got me would invent that real fast while I'm over here what is that an interest and interceded structure thin and tall emitting cross light beams from its tip the sole purpose is to synthesize crystals in order to perform sky sails from one island to another although it said that the ancient times the structures also hosted liturgical to it oh I can oh we need a coat of arms the crystal tower has failed to read the pilots coat of arms this connection has been closed okay so like I needed okay so I need to have basically I have to be a member of a noble house in order to access that I guess that's what it seems like to me we're a little bit low I'm just gonna kind of like hang out for a minute let my battery come back there we go battery's all nice if maybe I'll go over here hopefully he doesn't have line-of-sight right here otherwise that would suck tank one is empty again unfortunately you go through a lot of fuel in this game but what you need to understand is that you're in like an underwater tank that's like rumbling along the bottom of the ocean basically and so like that's why it's so fuel inefficient let's go ahead and we will get the cloak snap back on because we do need to move through this area we don't really have much of a choice I'm gonna hold that down real fast so that we don't generate heat we have another rekt worker over here fortunately he's in an awkward spot but I think we're outside of scan range right here nope we're not outside of scan range I was wrong I made a mistake we good now no he's still locked on me we are gonna have to dodge over to here maybe Oh dude if you don't know what those are right there those are enemy basically enemy nada crawlers that are looking for us well I was gonna kill the cloak but I don't think it's gonna be an option and what a net hook this guy I think I'm at to be like right there well we are stealth right now I'm at these a battery though which I don't really want to do my battery level is not critical it will be in a minute trust me you got a few yeah I definitely need the fuel refills let's take those right this second my little underwater battle tank needs those we've got new field notes so we got another battery right there to replace the one that we're about to use so that's good another repair kit in case we take damage but yeah as the game it's called not a crawl hope you guys enjoyed the episode this is a very unique immersive game and I really really try to show off the unique immersive games that come out as I find them do you want to try this game for yourself I got a link for you down below up and told the game is like four to five hours long before you blow it before you breeze through it leave a like on this video if you wanted to see a little bit more and play a little bit further on in but it is a unique idea for a game and it is one of the more unique roguelikes that I've played in a really really long time so I figured I'd show it off for a little while let me know what you think down in the comments and I'll see y'all next time thanks for hanging out and hi to everybody
Channel: SplatterCatGaming
Views: 56,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nauticrawl Gameplay, Nauticrawl Walkthrough, Nauticrawl Playthrough, Lets Play NAuticrawl, Nauticrawl Review, Nauticrawl Preview, Nauticrawl 20000 Leagues, Nauticrawl Impressions, Nauticrawl Download, Nauticrawl Steam, Nauticrawl Tutorial, Nauticrawl Guide, Nauticrawl Trailer, Nauticrawl Soundtrack
Id: tqwQJ-3ZJ-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 10sec (1570 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 03 2019
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