Natural British Pronunciation - Live English Class

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morning afternoon i forget it's afternoon right yeah it's afternoon happy sunday everyone one o'clock sunday let's chill how are you guys doing where are you watching from how are you doing today this week hits a little different i like this i love this i'm loving this the world feels a little bit more chill now you know hey lavinia hey atsko hey thomas hey lolly hey mommy mimer atsuko did i already say hello to you i don't know lolly lolly the whole gang is here holy crap welcome back everyone if this is your first time let me know i'm trying to get to know as many people as possible that's my goal i want to i want to know all of you hey anthony in greece how you doing valerian bonjour valerian i hope you're eating some delicious bread with chocolate so let me know what you would like to study today anything pronunciation wise we are going to do a special class today i'm going to call some of you on instagram um people who downloaded my ebook follow my course i'll call you on instagram to practice what we learned in yesterday's video you know about the glottal t the posht the true tea and the american tea so any questions that you have about this course about the ebook um about yesterday's video let me know in the comments all right because that's what we're gonna focus on today i want to make sure that everyone has all of their questions answered i want to make sure that everyone feels good and confident about their english new loggers how you doing buddy chala right i'm remembering names um mariam welcome back it's always good to see people back um valentin once in a cockney accent so there will be a tutorial about the cockney accent in a later video but not not today don't worry we will talk about cogni today though so don't worry so i have my list i have a list of five people who i want to talk to um particularly the ones who made the really good videos you may have seen on my instagram stories those guys i really want to talk to because they made amazing videos it's really really good um yeah so any questions feel free to ask okay uh okay quick one shia s asked for this one let me just choose a black color right here and then put this over in the pronunciation bit wait is this gonna get so there it is okay good whoops there we go you can do it there we go we did it nice the pronunciation of these two words this one produce produce ah now i know why you asked this okay if it's a verb if it's a verb the stress is here produce produce like make you make something you produce it but if if if it's a noun this isn't going to come up the right color it whoops okay it kind of shows the color anywho if it's a noun the stress is there produce produce or american english produce produce so there is a difference as well british english and american english we've got produce produce you have options british english produce produce so this sounds like a j sound j produce in both the noun and verb forms and then this one production production the stress is there production and it's only a noun keep that in mind thanks for the question though it's really really good it's really really good oh my god your questions are amazing and i love that but i love you hey maya happy to be at your lesson happy to have you back maya hope you're having a good day um marcus nunn i've got a question but i'm not sure if you're about to answer her marcus nunn just ask it buddy i'm right here i'll answer your questions um hi from thailand which one's hello sarwati salty crap is that one hello or thank you no it's sabaidi ma sabaidi ma no that's sabaidi microp that's like how are you right i took like okay when we become teachers when we become english teachers to get a qualification we have to take another language a whole new language and we had thai so i had to i had to practice thai for like two days it's really fun okay um let's have a look lavinia wants to know the pronunciation of this is a noun and let me preface this lavinia by saying that i'm not french but this is a french word and i'm absolutely going to pronounce it weird because british people pronounce things wrong all the time if the word comes from another language um because we're lazy it's the answer so yes entrepreneur that's how i would say entrepreneur i would love okay if anyone on my list is french or speaks french let me know because um i would like to hear the french pronunciation of this word french accents so sexy right chala new loggers you want to know the pronunciation of can i put this is that going to fit that's an oops that that's how i'm gonna fit this one right yeah yeah yeah so challah this one oh dear okay okay no no all good there we go there this one voluntarily stress is here voluntarily voluntarily i did it voluntarily it was my choice i chose to do it i did it voluntarily voluntarily there we go coco cool okay uh marcus do you have your question yet buddy uh t cha is that does that kanji mean cha you're watching from japan konnichiwa how are you doing ohayo mama ali how do you pronounce scheduled we've done this i think every week someone asks for the pronunciation and i'm gonna erase this after so let's just put this here okay this this british english british english and american english the here's the difference british english is like a sha schedule schedule right schedule why don't i just put that on top of this could that work yeah that works much better and it looks messy but i need to change that color don't i it's just dude that's fine there we go so british english it's like a sha sh like schedule schedule but american english it's like scare schedule just keep that in mind that's the difference schedule schedule both are acceptable but the style is british and american that's the difference keep that in mind um oh t it's your first time watching wow wow okay marcus marcus nunn if you asked your question already oh there it is hey i found it okay um i'm going to avoid that question it seems a bit weird i'm going to hide you as well because you're weird there we go um okay hey mon one's back hey monique diaz how are you doing buddy okay so anna sibi is packed and packed pronounced the same as i just said yes absolutely packed as in promise uh between two people or a group of people and packed as in past tense of pack same yes absolutely janna d is right there absolutely don't be weird be human be human can couldn't say it better myself janna d completely right yeah hey alexey another sunday we're all here ali is starting his new course despite i had a birthday yesterday i watched ali's lesson mate alexi one happy birthday for yesterday two thanks for the super chat three the way you use despite is a bit wrong you said you said this despite i had was it i had a birthday was it your birthday or a friend's birthday if you say i had a birthday yesterday or today i have a birthday it sounds like you're celebrating someone else's birthday for example oh tonight i can't come to the pub tonight because i have a birthday you see sorry i have a birthday you're celebrating another person's birthday so if you want to say it's your birthday which i feel i feel like it's your birthday um please everyone say happy birthday to alexi um you should say this [Music] despite so let's translate this to what you were gonna say it was my birthday yesterday okay and alexi you have two options here as well all right so oops you have two options one we have to change this that's that needs to change with this this with despite that verb should be in right so despite what's the ing form of was comes from the verb to be so despite being and that's fine all right despite being my birthday yesterday i watched ali's lesson that is what you should go for um and there boom now it's complete despite it being my birthday yesterday i watched the lesson so options you have them all right there we go exactly lavinia got it frozen music got it fe got it well done really really good um jenny hey jenny hofer welcome welcome back do i get hiccups why not okay i'm trying to figure out why at what moment i get hiccups really weird it's like a mystery hello from brazil it's first time anna azevedo welcome it's your first time anna tell me about yourself i wanna i want to get to know you guys all right hex xx welcome how you doing uh luca bond yo me please make a video for intermediate english speaker and to become from intermediate to advanced i'm working on a course for that i'm working on a course um that one might not be free but hey my british accent my british pronunciation series is completely free as is the ebook download it it's all free you can follow my lessons with it much much easily much more easily okay um valentin when r is pronounced in british english and when it isn't oh valentin that's a great that is a great question that's a really good question let me write that one okay um wait a minute what's that supply it's weird okay when is the r pronounced that was valentin's question valentin are you are you from france so that's a really good question and the reason why is i speak more in detail about this in a future lesson but right now i'll give you the very short quick answer again if you saw this in the e-book you already know kind of the answer but okay let's say better so when a word finishes with an r sound that's a terrible that's terrible isn't it what if i just make that bigger oh there we go that's better there we go when a word finishes in an r sound like better better we pronounce it with a schwa okay whoops that's a terrible schwa that's an even worse schwa somehow oh that okay i like that one that's good better it sounds like a schwa but the r sound is there the r sound is there so how when do we pronounce this all right when do we pronounce this well let's say the next word um begins with a vowel sound let's make a sentence let's say you're talking to your friend and you say wow you're better at english we use a schwa here but that next word begins with a vowel sound this is when we use the r all right oops let's do this one that's when we pronounce the r you're better writ english you're better at english so why do we do this it flows let me separate them you're better at english see there's that gap we don't like that we want this conversation we want this sentence to flow naturally so you're better at english you're better at english hear the difference it flows more nicely love that i love it love it practice that with me you're better at english better written english are you better at english lavinia loves the schwa who doesn't love this schwa the schwa is amazing melinda how you doing welcome back it's always nice to see new people and all people and everyone negan the real one negan you have lucille i heard that the next series of walking dead um that like the human lucille his ex-wife is going to be in the new series i'm really excited hey maya thanks for the super chat buddy um does my life oh it does it does every time you send a super chat or a super sticker my lights blink yay i love that i love these lights they're so cool uh xena seek drink some water i i just finished my water i had so much water just now in it's gone it's gone okay so um let me let's start this right let me call some of you um where's my list so the people i reached out to you asked you do you want to practice your pronunciation with me live in this class so that's what we're going to do we're going to practice the sentences from yesterday's video um i can't remember the sentences though so let's let me have a look what were they do you remember the sentences from yesterday's video like the practice ones at the end oh there they are i found them um let's do a new one hide that and let's do some text no no no no i forgot how to put text on i forgot how to put text on a layer why am i so dumb everyone's oh there it is everyone's watching me and just like ali you're an idiot okay it's hotter than whoops wet august night in toronto so that's that's number one right that's sentence number one um not only those five people i want to talk to as many of you so you can message me at puppeteachme on instagram i will call you all right we're going to talk we're going to chat it's going to be lovely and then what we've got next was number two there we go now we can see that's better that's better oh you know what that should be up there sorry i'm just i'm doing things right now which i should have done before the lesson began there we go okay just for now let's do that it's an absolutely great photo of a turtle whoops it's an absolutely great photo of turtle number three a better water bottle for the backwoods environment sure there okay there we go perfect okay cool now let's get that to fit oh my god that needs to be smaller like i love this app i love this app it's called procreate if you have an ipad and you love to draw procreate is an amazing app but it's just it's not it's so nuts i want to edit the text please this is infuriating there we go thank you god okay we're finally there we're finally there these three sentences that is what we're gonna practice geez that took far too long i apologize that's my fault i should have done that before the class all right yeah dj eckiss this is called this is an app on the ipad called procreate i think it's like 10 or something um so just like it's not free but if you like drawing if you like illustrating i haven't found a better app than procreate i love it okay brayan glottal t's everywhere yeah it could be though so the the idea is that it could be glottal t's it doesn't have to be my my whole thing with this course i want to help you develop your british pronunciation style if you try to copy like oh i like um the way this person this one specific person speaks that's not gonna work if you try to copy everything about that one person no you to sound natural with british pronunciation you have to develop your own style like the way i speak is different to my all of my friends and the things i say the way i pronounce even whoops no this is going well this is going well the way i pronounce even the t's in this that might change um it might change on my mood it might change who i'm speaking with lots of different things so don't think there's one perfect way to pronounce this there's not even in one day i will change the way i pronounce this so don't worry the idea is that you feel good about how you pronounce it all right also um anastasios cavadias it doesn't show up on this but thank you for that super chat thing you just sent me thank you anastasios cavadias thanks man there we go okay so let me call some of you who's the first on the list um if i just call you out of the blue i apologize if you're not prepared for me then i'm sorry okay uh just message these people so if i message you i'm gonna call you can't see it's two it's you two and then ah yes yes you hey fadil how you doing welcome back um fedor so what if i'm learning by imitating so yeah i mean again you can practice by watching tv movies and noticing certain characteristics like oh this person pronounced this word like this interesting if you like it do it there's nothing wrong with that but my point is don't don't stress thinking that ah i'm not going to sound great unless i speak like this you're fine you're really fine don't worry about it um dagestan is here hey degestan i know one word from dagestan uh and i'm gonna pronounce it wrong but it means frog i think i knew a dude from dagestan and he told me the word for frog it was like wick i can't do it but anyway hello diggerstan how you doing um julia p great question if i pronounce words with a glottal t do i sound unprofessional i'm so happy that you asked this uh julia p thank you for asking that what a great question will you sound unprofessional if you use a glottal t i'm gonna write that that's a great question can i pin that no i can't pin it that's annoying okay um does glottal t sound oops oh no oh no okay no you can do that we can do this there we go let's just do that and then this is still kind of a new app for me so please be patient i'm sorry i'm sorry there you go does glottal t sound unprofessional first some people might think it does but in reality i'm talking in reality no it's not there are many many reasons many reasons why it's not unprofessional so um first of all yesterday in the video i gave you two examples of the queen of england using glottal t's if that's not proof enough that this sound is fine then what more evidence what more proof can i give all right so julia p don't worry the idea is sounding natural okay if you if you sound natural if you feel comfortable you'll sound natural that's the that's the idea of jihan i'm from indonesia thank you for watching from indonesia and i want to say a quick thing people from indonesia i love you that's it like i've learned that people from indonesia are like the most amazing supportive people ever like if indonesian people if you like stuff you're going to be so supportive and amazing i just i love your hearts you have the most pure amazing hearts and i love all of you you're amazing hex hey thank you uh my girlfriend is cooking and i'm watching ally what a great sunday what is she cooking what is she cooking yeah so julia p thanks for answering you're very welcome it's my pleasure that's my job um yeah so basically the answer is no it's fine um the glottal t no it doesn't sound unprofessional the people who think it does are idiots you don't need their opinion you don't need their approval frankly you don't want their approval because they're idiots yeah i said it okay maya ali please what is correct to do videos or to make videos good question both are okay i know sometimes both are completely fine because make means create but do can also mean that it's your activity so both are okay yeah okay so let me see um okay we have one cool and then instagram has rooms now what's rooms invite up to 50 people to join a video chat that could be interesting we could we could make a room on instagram so like next time next time we do this we could have a group of us live that would be fun i'd like that uh rustam oh what a great question rastam does your accent change after watching some american stuff um it yeah to be i was talking with halima from blackboard english if you don't follow blackboard english why aren't you following her she's amazing i was talking to her about this and yeah the way i speak will change depending who i'm talking to um i used to have a friend in school and within five minutes of talking to him i would be speaking like him so yeah absolutely if i start watching an american tv show all day then yeah for a short time my um my speaking style absolutely changes okay this is the the last guy oh that was you okay rustam rusty mate do you want to chat on the thingy rusty i i shared rusty's video he made a really good video for the ebook and i believe you've been on this live chat before okay so the first one let's let's try this let's try this anastasia i'm calling you please mute your youtube we're gonna practice these three sentences there we go hello what is happening why is my camera on it off okay there she is hey anastasia how are you doing hello hello hello hello can you hear me i can hear you can you hear me hello hello we can all hear you yes i can hear you yeah oh awesome anastasia how are you i'm i'm a bit nervous i'm good how are you oh mate no need to be nervous you're among friends everything's cool everything's chill where are you i'm in china beijing china what do you have to watch through a vpn yep wow okay i've i've never okay this is first this is new for me wow that's amazing there's a huge delay yes there is definitely but don't worry we can do this we can do this um so did you watch the video yesterday or did you did you see the first unit of my ebook can you hear me yeah perfectly okay okay um yeah i yeah i do need a vpn to use like youtube facebook and instagram like basically everything oh my god wow so how do you study english usually um i watched a lot of tv series and movies and i studied well actually i just got back from the uk because i did my master's in university of kent so i just graduated and came back wow when did you when did you go back um like mid october so i've only been back for like 20 days wow okay i know it's crazy how is the difference between um here in china what did you notice were big differences um i think well there are lots of rules in china and people tend to follow them in the uk you are more like yourself like i don't really need to care about how other people think about me i could just do things as i want to but after i got back um yeah it's like reality is back wow do you do you have plans to come back after you know after the apocalypse i do want to go back but it's gonna be difficult because i don't have a student visa anymore so i have to find a job which can provide me with a work visa yeah and i don't see it very easy it's not an easy task oh mate i mean yeah it's it's not easy but i'm you you seem really smart you seem really cool i'm sure i'm sure it'll work out and if you need if you need help mate if mate if i could i would absolutely hire you your english is amazing by the way also you can't see but in the comments in the comments everyone is saying how much they love your english oh that's i mean that's so kind of you yeah i love you um challa just said no need to be nervous you speak really good you do you sound amazing thank you yeah we're all friends here it's all good it's all good so um do you want to practice the three sentences yes yes i actually just watched your video today this morning so yeah wow what's the time there by the way it's 20 to 10 p.m eight hours ahead oh wow okay so yeah okay that's cool that's cool so it's not like it's sleepy time but not too sleepy time that's cool no i'm i don't i mean what's the word night owl it is yep a night out me too that's i get really do you get really productive at night time like everyone's asleep and you're like i'm gonna start working for five hours yes if i have work to do i'm more productive at night same i don't think it's very healthy no probably no it's probably really bad but it's fine it's fine yeah all right so anastasia you're gonna help me teach everyone because i love the way you speak you sound really good oh thank you that means a lot that actually means a lot because i've been watching your videos for so long and yeah i did yeah when i when i messaged you i didn't expect you to reply but yes this makes this makes me very happy to him this is awesome i think we're going to be best friends yeah i would love that nice cool okay so we're gonna look at this first sentence um there are many options and to be honest it's very difficult to be wrong in this so give us an example how would you pronounce the first sentence it's hotter than a wet august night in toronto you see that everyone she pronounced i don't know if you heard it but she pronounced um one more time one more time it's hotter than a wet august night in toronto right cool so she pronounced every tea except for this one um as a true tea and anastasia that sounds amazing you did that perfectly well done really good now the reason that did you hear the first one she said it's because it feels natural you don't have to make every tea a true tea you don't have to make every tea a glottal t you don't have to make every t anything it's your style and anastasia i love your style sounds amazing thank you i don't even know what to say you you're just cool that's that's so that's all you're that's you you're just cool okay so number two are you ready for number two yes okay whenever you're ready give us number two it's an absolutely great photo of a turtle i love it i love it okay cool it's it's exactly the same again um whoops not that there we go that one one more time sorry yep it's an absolutely great photo of a turtle i'm color coding what you did okay so um on my screen it's blue and red isn't it yeah it is okay cool so in the blue tees she pronounced them in a glottal way the red teas were true teas now sometimes you have to pronounce the tea as a true tea and definitely not a glottal t for example like tu in toronto the word begins with a t or the end of august because that s is an unvoiced consonant sound that's the reason but again there are many options and as you can see anastasia has a great style okay anastasia um can you show everyone the third a sentence water bottle for the environment oh my god i love it i love it so much yeah a better water bottle for the environment so did you hear at the end but i think that's just how i speak no that's that's the perfect answer that is the perfect answer i don't know why but i did it that's perfect that's natural dude that's exactly how to learn pronunciation that's that's perfect oh my god yeah thank you some people were saying that i sounded like a native speaker that means a lot thank you guys because i'm not this is my second language but you sound amazing like yeah i'll be honest like when i when you first picked up the phone i was a bit like you've probably lived here for years that's what you sound like but you sound really really really good yeah thank you what how was your english before this year i would say i was better at reading and writing yeah um but i had to speak obviously after i moved to the uk yeah so i'm used to i used to use a an american accent but then i moved to the uk and i like my accent started to change so now i just feel like i have a like a mixed yeah accent i don't know sometimes i don't know what what accent i'm trying to use right so here's the thing um when british people go on holiday to the us like if we go to new york or la or disneyland wherever often people come back speaking with a tiny american accent it's really funny it's really really funny because like i've done it too i i worked for a summer in new york when i came home all of my friends were like why do you sound american now like you know what i mean so like it happens it happens but um yeah mate you sound amazing sound really really good um it means this means a lot to me it means a lot to me to know that you're happy it's really good yeah so um you know right so are you from china like you grew up in china yeah i grew up in china and my mom i mean i've only been yeah that was the first time i've ever been to the uk just for my masters so i lived there for like 14 months wow wow well i hope you hope you're able to come back soon and when you do give me the give me the highest high five ever i'll buy you a coffee for your amazing pronunciation oh my god yeah i hope i i will yeah i'll try to go back and yeah if i get a chance i would definitely do that i'm looking forward to it looking forward to it okay so anastasia thank you so much for um chatting to me this has been a pleasure to meet you i hope the rest of your day is amazing cheers thank you cheers anastasia bye-bye oh what a legend i've said this every lesson but i absolutely love the people who follow me because everyone is so cool like everyone's just so so cool you know okay this guy um we have spoken to him before um at this point mate you're a friend of the channel you're a like a best friend of the channel rusty rustam i'm calling you buddy oh wait before i do that let me a few thank yous alexi thank you for the super chat um ali when england stops isolating tourists from russia i want to go to london again alexi more than welcome we'll go for a coffee give me a high five it'll be great dennis oshie thank you for the super sticker buddy um pleasure to have you in the chat always nice to see people come back um and lavinia as well thank you for the super chat lavinia i saw the notification but i didn't see if you asked a question so lavinia re-ask your question if um if i missed it which i probably did so next one rusty buddy pal butter rooney friendarino do i need to turn up turn off the audio video camera um your choice it's your choice you have a handsome face you can leave it on it's fine so dude um for everyone who hasn't seen on my instagram stories i shared this guy's video it's so funny it's so cool mate you nailed the british pronunciation like you nail it dude it's so good i can't believe it so it's surreal it's surreal it's just uh it's i mean uh i've been this i'm a fan of this channel for for such a long time and you know it's just uh i can't believe it's happening right now and i'm talking to you directly this is nuts sorry this is i'm freaking out i'm just oh may may may make this is abs this is my pleasure the pleasure is all mine here like it is really really fun for me um but this is not the first time we've chatted on this is it well it's not in july i posted the stories i mean i had seen your video and you in the end of the video you told like you told your audience to make sentences and i just said okay let's give it a shot shall we and i didn't believe it it's gonna be uh i'm gonna end up uh you know talking uh talking to you she's communicating in any way this is this was feeling surreal back then and now it's even like i yeah it's this is something i i i haven't i still i think i need time to approach sexy mate no absolutely no need to feel weird we're all friends here we're all just friends here we're just hanging out we're all just hanging out so but um let everyone know where are you from what's your name well my name is that is pronounced like this way and i'm from excuse me excuse me hello no worries no everything's cool don't worry we're all good great uh northern kazakhstan that is right in the center of central asia it's uh i mean i'm close to the russian border so it's basically it's a russian city and uh yeah everyone speaks russian here it's just like uh yeah that's it so uh yeah it's another well for you like you know basically it is a russian-speaking uh city and the russian-speaking country too so because it's post-soviet funding so yeah i'm from that and i've never been to england it's my dream at least to visit you know yeah that's it yeah i i had a an english speaking group that followed me and we were chatting i can't remember where the where they were from but it was a town in in kazakhstan i can't remember the name of the ah my memory is so bad anyway i'll remember it maybe maybe i don't think so okay i can't remember anywho your accent is really really good it's amazing and can you help me teach these three sentences um so let me you know oh oh sorry i just had an idea gonna make something a bit clearer did you see yesterday's video by the way uh well i'm so sorry i have read the first units of your book and uh well it's actually well you when you uploaded it it was it was one am my time and i had just learned don't believe me don't worry don't worry this is totally cool it's totally cool um ellie ansari says that she likes your accent with a heart eye emoji how do you feel about that emoji she likes your accent oh uh i think well that is i'm flattered to no end actually that he's you know when you know when when you learn a language and you end up in situations like this talking to you know native speakers and it's you know yeah you understand like oh this is what is what it has been for yeah mate you're doing great um first of all john smith where can you find the book the free ebook is at download it now it's free okay so um the glottal t earlier julia p asked is it unprofessional we've already seen that sometimes it's uh necessary and sometimes it's a choice so it's definitely not unprofessional but can you please teach me how to pronounce your name properly groovstam yes yes correct good pronunciation it's like that hard r right yes yeah that's like the spanish you know yet it's russian you know it's russian uh um can you give us an example of the first sentence then how do you say uh well i would say that it's hotter than a august night in toronto cool awesome so that's let's get rid of too much cool and then yeah that's fine awesome okay so he had a slight different way of pronouncing this to anastasia just now but that's fine and they're both equally correct that's two different styles of correct pronunciation so he said um it's hotter than a wet august night in toronto so he glottalized wet and night um quick question rustam do you or did you find the glottal t a difficult sound to pronounce actually i found it so it came to me so naturally that i i clearly overuse it i clearly overused it and i i as soon as i found out about it i just uh it was everywhere i had to force myself no to you like use it list you know but i love it i totally love it right so the there's two main things one i would say when a word finishes in a t in my opinion you can't overuse it if the word finishes in a t like wet or night but there's one yeah students often overuse it when it's wrong like at the beginning of a word like uh if toronto begins with a t if you said arano that would be wrong that would be over generalizing so you are both correct that you didn't use the glottal t for that that was really really good okay how about number two the second one yeah um it's an absolutely great photo of a turtle love it love it okay and those three glottal t's okay cool awesome and the third um a better water bottle for the environment interesting okay um used it there wait one more time a better water bottle for the environment or a better water bottle for the environment i just in days but it doesn't matter but we learned it doesn't matter you that was really good yeah so you swapped the glottal t with water and environment you said water bottle environment i mean again so your pronunciation is perfect anastasia's pronunciation was perfect but you have different styles and we need to remember we need to understand that that is okay that's good that's a good thing yeah so rustam that's really really good and i congratulate you on your studies it's really good thank you so much sir it's just it's it's it's an honor really to to have to have this chat to have the chat with you it's it's uh i'm flattered you know it's just it's it's i feel lucky really mate no that's that's all me the pleasure is mine the honor is mine thank you so so much for doing this thank you all right cheers buddy have a really really good day cheers you too mate thank you uh thank you all one time cheers cheers buddy what a legend sorry i just realized it's like 2 p.m already so we're gonna we're still going to call people don't worry we're not finishing um but i just i i want to talk to as many people as possible but now i'll give you an example of okay so let's just clarify that the true teas they're in red all right and the glottal t's are in blue that that's my markings here so as you can see that's how rustam and anastasia pronounce those both are completely correct completely correct they're just different styles they're both correct and they're both british really really good all right pan thanks super sticker pat m i absolutely love you and mr six eight eight one oh thank you for the super chat buddy um you did really well okay let's have a quick look at the comments maya alex you know he isn't i don't know what that's referencing but that's cool um adm raph i just downloaded the ebook which is adm ref hope you enjoy it um yeah the ebook it's free it's on you can download it for free it goes with my free british pronunciation course you'll learn everything about british pronunciation from posh to cockney to and to basically basically just sounding natural that's the key to sound natural with british pronunciation not to force anything just to be confident in your pronunciation in your listening in your english in general uh lavinia can i use shant instead of shouldn't yes you can but it's less common it's more formal uh to be honest very formal kind of old-fashioned so oh you know what it's not the meaning is not the same as shouldn't chant is like won't it means like shall not it's remember the difference with will and shall you remember that shall not shan't keep that in mind so if you remember i will post again that lesson we did on shal that was your question as well lavinia i'm gonna post that again on my instagram because that was a great lesson um yeah we'll do that abdul where is my e-book papa the link is in the description um okay that was really good that was really fun i love meeting you guys over voice chat video chat it's really nice you're just very nice people what can i say okay next one estella estela coelho i'm going to guess you're brazilian but i don't know if i'm wrong i'm sorry how to say mouth it's mouth natasha i tend to use true teas rather than glottal ones does it sound posh not necessarily it can but not necessarily i'm calling you renzo delgado when you please pronounce hot hurt and heart the difference is notice the mouth shape is different with uh renzo delgado hot hurt heart cool um ellie and sorry ali i hear the d sound by british singers in words like get up or get up am i wrong or is it an american influence great question elianzari if you in my video yesterday again i uploaded a video yesterday which explains all of this in lots of detail yes it's american influence british well okay british english american english this is what's happening slowly american influences uh american english influences british english um because it's in movies tv music it's everywhere so of course we're influenced by it um so yeah the d sound comes from american pronunciation but um now it's like normal with british pronunciation so if you say get up that's fine get up glottal t that's fine or get up that doesn't sound american if i say get up it still sounds british um you know what the difference is with british pronunciation it comes from the front of the mouth get up american pronunciation comes from the back with a big open back of the mouth american pronunciation get up get up it's a tiny difference but audible you can hear it get up it's like american british get up one more time one british two american right get up get up it it will sound louder because it comes from the back of the mouth a bit open in the mouth that's the big difference oh there we are okay we've got stella now hi friend friend hi friend friend are you there hello don't leave me don't leave me estella hello hey there you are hey how are you i'm doing good how are you doing hey there um estella tell everyone where are you where are you from outside sao paulo what's the name of this cool i don't know it but it sounds lovely what did you have for lunch today no no i don't have lunch yet what are you going to have for lunch hello hello of course and all sundays we cooking pasta really i didn't know that every sunday you have pasta in brazil yes yes yes like traditional i didn't know that okay a british sundae is full of roasted a little bit strange but it's normal it's calm all sundays yeah i mean it's delicious do you put cheese on that do you have cheese and [Music] it's like the best thing ever okay estella let's um i'm not gonna lie people in the comments are getting angry they're like that's a lie [Laughter] about the pasta about the pasta people get angry about food there we go okay awesome yeah barbecue okay lots of people are i'm not lying okay i no i believe you i believe you but everyone in the comments is like not barbecue barbecue oh my god yeah i love it yeah yeah uh nikki from argentina says we also have pasta on weekends barbecue okay we're gonna have a let's have a food fight we have a food fight okay so estella estella you absolute legend brazil is a big country probably some parts of brazil bbq and other parts very true very true yeah yeah awesome okay um estella yes are you ready to pronounce these sentences okay let's yeah let's do the first one yeah okay are you saying the the way i can speak in normal okay let's do it let's do it it's hotter than a wet august night in toronto awesome okay so she used all of them as same as anastasia she used all of them as true teas and again that's fine that's completely cool good pronunciation by the way okay um next one next one number two okay that's really good now there's one thing i want to check here the way you said absolutely you said absolutely there was a right did you hear that absolutely absolutely we're gonna change that to a glottal t absolutely absolutely yes that one absolutely okay yes it's an absolutely great okay so i can hear you're still you're using your tongue for that tea in absolutely so um make sure your tongue is not touching anything with with absolutely that one that one perfect again again again again it's an absolutely great photo of a turtle listen to that everyone that's perfect that's amazing yes that is good that's great yeah so the problem there was the tongue involvement when you do the the glottal t the tongue won't touch anything so keep that in mind so give me the whole sentence again keep that in mind though one more time okay it's an absolutely great photo of a turtle wow that was amazing okay great we say great no break no dude i noticed that i noticed that you um that time so the first time you said it the first time you used a true tea but this time when you did this one as a glottal t absolutely as a glottal t you changed to great instead of great i noticed that that was interesting yeah that was really interesting but again it's all correct and it's all well done really really good okay okay estella the third one third and final one let's go [Music] a better water bottle for an environment interesting so use the glottal t there the rest were now they were correct i think i don't know no no you were correct just to clarify that was correct a better a better water bottle for environment i don't know no no you were fine you were great that was amazing great yeah a better water bottle for the environment okay so i want to make some suggestions here are you ready for some suggestions i'm yeah okay so what happens we need some schwa sounds so instead of better water that sounds american pronunciation we need british so better perfect good next one water water nice together better water better water good a better water a better water good a better water bottle a better water bottle lovely and with the words the and environment we're going to connect those words together with a sound the environment almost actually the environment the environment the environment now now connect it like it's one word it's not the environment it's one long word the environment the environment perfect okay that was amazing the phrase now the better water bottle for the environment that was that was amazing that was so good it was so good yeah oh mate estella you you're fantastic you're absolutely fantastic sometimes i make confusing because i studied in american english and i i want to change for a british english like scent and i'm sometimes i speak the american mixed rich and i don't know sometimes i don't know if it's correct or no completely wrong yeah but that was really really good it doesn't matter if it's american or british i mean this this video i'm teaching british pronunciation therefore we use the schwa in water and better but there's a crazy biker on the street i think um yes but that doesn't mean your pronunciation was wrong if it's american all right and we can we can we can use um for example a a little part in which richie and other part in american has a problem of course it's not a problem of course it's not a problem um so all i'm saying is that they're two different styles and it doesn't matter so the main thing everyone will understand you that's the main thing um but if you prefer british pronunciation follow the british aspect if you prefer american pronunciation use american things either way is completely fine i i prefer i stellar i prefer bridge it's more formal and more beautiful for me that's cool that's cool that's awesome [Music] nice nice estella you're an absolute legend and thank you so much for chatting with me today thank you bye-bye cheers estella what a legend what absolute legend okay a few points before we finish here right um we're talking about british and american pronunciation um and what styles are okay what styles are correct um what did we learn from this well we learned that this in absolutely should be a glottal t why because it sounds natural if you pronounce absolutely absolutely of course we understand it but if your goal is to sound british and natural that's the way we should say it absolutely that glottal t here um and anastasia rustam and estella all legends all legends notice that anastasia pronounced wet as wet so did estella but rustam said wet and that's fine these are different styles for me when i hear them i don't think let's say like anastasia and rustam they were the biggest difference for me i'm like anastasia sounds really british yeah it's like perfect exactly the same with rustam exactly the same they pronounce things in a bit of a different style but it's no less british that's what i want you to understand so don't think that one is better than the other that doesn't it's just not true it's um and if a teacher tries to tell you that one style of pronunciation or that posh rp is better they're just trying to take your money and you should never listen to them because they're an idiot oh brian what a sentence harry potter drinks water in the bottle nice i like that um oh yeah my how would i pronounce these okay so yeah lavinia i'll answer you right now um it's hotter the first one it's hotter than a wet august night in toronto it's hotter than a wet august night in toronto i what did i glottalize here let me just put that one here i guess it's hotter than a wet august night in toronto but that's me right now maybe with someone uh yeah i can absolutely see me glottalizing this one sometimes it's hotter than a wet august night in toronto yeah in that case i glottalized everything except for except for that one um toronto i might pronounce that one toronto at some point and yeah it would be fine the next one number two it's that's an absolutely great photo of a turtle great yeah for me it feels more natural it feels more comfortable absolutely great photo of a turtle again this is just me this is what feels good for me and i'm not saying that's more correct or less correct than anyone else all right you choose your own style you know what feels comfortable for you for some uh for some people you might think oh this feels easier for me because my first language sounds similar to this pronunciation go for it if it's easier it's better you'll feel more comfortable and it will still be british and correct so let's move on number three a better water bottle for the environment it's a better water bulb oh see okay fertile environment environment for me that's probably always going to be a glottal t environment probably and then what did i say a better water bowl i don't know why i glottalized that one and not the other two again like i mentioned in the video a variety a mix is always always better to use a mix um so i won't glottalize everything a better water bottle for the environment that's too much for me i'm forcing that and it doesn't sound good everything is a true tea a better water bottle for the environment again it feels like i'm trying so a mix is always the natural way it's a it's a better water bottle for the environment see okay that time i glottalized this one but not this and this interesting okay so i hope that you've learned something here today that don't try and force anything try saying a few different ways feel what feels natural what feels comfortable for you then you'll develop your own natural british style that biker is back what go away so annoying there we go um [Music] let's read some comments by zone khan you know papa means father yeah it doesn't mean that for my channel the reason i called this channel papa teach me it was the first idea i had and i was like i'll change it later now it's like nine years later and i haven't changed it so it was the first idea and the worst idea but now i'm stuck with it so yeah marianna i've already read i've already watched the first video on pronunciation awesome size the book thanks marianne i'm glad you liked it um next saturday next saturdays is lesson two so if you have any questions about the ebook about yesterday's lesson or about today's lesson um let me know in the comments okay gonna sarah roxy you choose your own style say that to my phonetics teacher give me your phonetics teacher's phone number i'll gladly put them in the right direction um okay let's have a look anna as aveda is studying here to my cambridge proficiency the cpe wow anna azevedo good luck for that yeah really good luck for that because the cpe oh man i hate teaching so much what you don't know is when teachers teach like cpe cae ielts what i do is when we do the practice test i'll take it every single time but it means you have to focus so hard for hours and my focus skills are not great um but it's important for me to know oh you might have problems here or here so as a teacher it's very important to do the test with you so i'm sending my love to your english teacher if you have one um but good luck with your cpe i know you'll be great ali how many russian words do you know um not many i know like but yahatsu spell i can't remember which one yakachu pete does that mean i want i'm gonna sleep or something i'm not sure but yeah not many a hello teacher please call me hannah i'm from south korea and have a question about the difference between non-rhotic r and rho cigar clear l or clear eye pronunciation and british accent okay cool hannah in south korea and young sar um okay so the rhotic r and the non-rhotic are okay so with british pronunciation the majority of english pronunciation is non-rhotic so that means in words like can i just hide this layer and this layer so non-rhotic that's a great quick great question by the way so rotic r what is erotica first of all what is this rhotic means you pronounce the r like uh er like um oops it's gone behind isn't it pronounce it like er like american english like uh this one american english might be hotter hotter hotter okay the r sound at the end of words you pronounce that ah er british english hotter hotter it's that schwa sound um this is an interesting word actually for american and british so american let's do okay so blue will be american english red will be british english that's my key here okay so my spacing is not great here oh that kind of fits okay that's fine you know what can i let's make it bigger there we go so british english is red and blue is american english all right so there we are oh alexi ali russian is awesome thank you thank you i tried i tried um oh hannah again so what is your name so i remember for next time you'll okay you you're more oh i'm still learning to read korean i'm really sorry i'm so terrible um all right yeah so first of all yeah british english will not be rhotic and i say that knowing that i'm wrong here all right so british english will be a schwa hotter hotter american english rhotic r hotter harder oops hotter hotter also there are two other sounds in just this word to show the difference with british and american english okay one is the o this one in american english this o will be ha like a ha ha copy me ha harder harder notice also that the t follows that american d sound harder harder so it's like for me it sounds like h a d yeah hotter hotter it's hotter hotter british english though that o is a ha ha show the difference british and american british tea you have four options hotter hotter hotter hotter we could we could use that american um t ford it's hotter today isn't it it's hotter today now yet other examples like connected speech teas like get up pick it up that's more common for that american d t td but this one i don't know if a friend said it's it's hotter today definitely they'd be of a younger generation like i don't see and anyone older than me probably wouldn't use that probably again i think i'm generalizing to be honest don't listen to me but um me and my friends like my friends definitely they'll say like it's hotter today but again that's fine because they're oh and their schwa they're both british so and the rest of their sentence is all british so i don't think oh you sound american i'll be like oh you used an american tea that's interesting i forget about it so lots of things that we've worked on today lots of things that we've worked on um lavinia i prefer british american is too difficult that's really interesting i love when i hear um people say one person can say british english is easy american is difficult another person's like american english is much easier british accent is really ridiculous and i don't understand it so like frozen music just wrote that perfect cool awesome okay so just before i forget um i've opened a papa teach me study club on patreon you can join that at papa teach me the link is in the description you'll get an ebook that i've made you'll also get study writing practice so if you want to improve your writing skills you can join my writing club i will respond to you i will correct your writing with every given task every week i give you a task to do writing task i'll give you correction i'll give you feedback and recommendations and we'll just chat it'll be fun uh so hannah said british is much easier for me than american so that's from korean that's really interesting yeah tikka tikka hey buddy hey tuka how dare you say the british accent is ridiculous i know tikka's cool uh tikka teaches english she's really cool um what was the other thing i can't remember what i was saying oh yeah yeah study clubs there we go um there's also a speaking club so lots of you have asked about um can you have a face-to-face lesson with me now you can now you can on patreon um there's a speaking club i've made a speaking club so every month we're gonna have a get together and you can join me we're gonna practice your speaking so you don't need to feel nervous or anything any questions you have we're gonna practice them um we're gonna practice your speaking again the link to join that is in the description on my patreon so it was say join the puppet english study club that's where you can join um also don't forget my free ebook so my free pronunciation course is at the link is also in the description so lots of options for you to improve your english um korean girl hannah what's your korean name because i'm trying to read your name on this and i'm trying to figure out how to read it and i don't know i don't know um the american accent is like the sicilian accent says lavinia really americans like sicilian how's that weird new loggers challah i have attendance okay not i have a tend to pronounce i have a tendency chella just remember that i have a tendency to pronounce some words like an american but i prefer british accents in general cool yeah oh science scientific socialist great name by the way or i tend to yes absolutely oh hannah lee hey lee hey wrong lee hey lee hey wrong hey ellie oh okay okay i see i say okay yeah i'm still learning korean and my um my skills are so rubbish i'm sorry so i'm like all i can say is like um honestly in the course it teaches you how to ask out girls in many different ways it's really weird it's like okay let me try one let me try um try one something like eat something with me um okay again my pronunciation i'm sure is terrible but um if you're korean i hope you understood me i hope i'm not terrible uh philippe ali what language is he learning i'm currently learning korean just korean um i have some spanish books behind me um garcia marquez and okay let's show you this this is how i'm studying right so i love fight club i have one copy in spanish i have one copy in english and this is what i've done so i know this book in english i know the story i know what to expect from the story so that helps me um learn spanish because i kind of know what they're talking about i kind of know what they're gonna say but if there's any word or phrase that i don't know like here i'll highlight it and then i'll make notes of those sentences or those words and i'm like oh so that's how you say this in spanish oh so that's my reading skill for today um lavinia i love 100 years of loneliness yeah i have that one but that's beyond my level angeline got my soju reference nice nice now i can fully understand what you're saying no thank you so much i'm so happy you understood what i said it's amazing okay so we're gonna end it there but next saturday well wednesday there is a new video coming um that will be on brits on vocabulary saturday there's a pronunciation lesson lesson two of my ultimate british pronunciation course if you have the ebook follow it if you don't have the ebook download it it's free and then next sunday here same time same youtube channel next sunday 1pm london time join me for lesson two of british pronunciation training um hello what just happened i love gluten you were in you were in my live chat with uh ask teacher will yesterday right another great teacher if you don't follow ask teacher will on instagram he's a great teacher really motivating really um i love what he talks about i love what he says he's really really good so i love gluten thanks for the super chat man um what a legend and it was a pleasure having you in yesterday's live chat really really good um so everyone thanks for watching atsuko let's keep going with ali z book in practice as much as possible thanks for watching thanks for studying with me thanks for your patience with me i know i haven't uploaded loads in recent months but i think we're in a better place now i think we're we're ready we're ready for this year now we've had some happy news for once uh giovanni rivetti hello ellie from italy hey lavinia you have a friend um hello ellie from italy nice to interact with you here so could i ask if it's correct to break words down when it comes to learn how to pronounce them correctly absolutely i've been doing that all today so yes absolutely that's fine um giovanni yes and great question uh lavinia have a good sunday annie have a good sunday you lavinia i hope you eat something very delicious i hope you have some good sicilian food pizza i want pizza now jenny thank you ellie have a great sunday and have a great new week jenny thank you for the super chat i hope you have a great sunday and a great new week um yeah good pasta yeah if you're from brazil and you're gonna eat pasta i'm happy for you if you don't have pasta then that's fine too um everyone loves oh pasta's so good though fast is so good marco greetings from peru hola in peru english teacher in france thank you for the super this thank you english teacher in france um i hope you i hope you found today useful melinda vermes hey i don't know what you said but awesome english teacher in france nice to have met a teacher who is british are we are we not common is it not common to meet another british teacher or do you not oh or are you american in france i don't know english teacher in france let let's get to know each other i want to chat to some of you for a little bit actually atticus sorry i'm going to hit the sack atsuko must be so late in japan i think you're like nine hours ahead i think what almost 11 p.m in japan atsuko what do you do what's your job like do you have to wake up early john the cork english teacher is in the chat and he has a stupid they're a kid's present i think probably not i don't think kids watch my channel we're fine um brian i can teach you spanish oh really thanks buddy myram amaroon thanks today's class with a chill emoji yeah also if you become a member of this channel you get like emojis that i've made some you might recognize let me just put some of them in the chat so you've got a little becky there you've got the cartoon me that you might recognize from videos you've got the dancing banana and then chill because this is english and chill uh alexi i'm hoping that you will call me maybe next sunday alexi what's your instagram name i don't know your instagram name john you're cracking me up is your accent from essex no um geographically i'm close to essex but my accent is not from essex no um not crazy different from essex um my accent is more let's say quiet the way i speak is a bit quieter than essex uh hi i watch you from algeria ketachi kitachi nahid hey in algeria algae do you have really good coffee in algeria because in london we have a store called algerian coffee stores and i get all of my coffee from there because whoa it's so good but yeah i i've never heard that algeria is like a famous coffee country so do you have like special algerian coffee oh and as aveda you found me through john the cork english teacher well let me return the favor three great teachers to follow today we'll call this follow sunday one at blackboard english on instagram these are all on instagram blackboard english halima is the most lovely person you'll ever ever learn english from and she's great and talented and just a genius ask teacher will he's also a genius he's great and he's very motivational and i love what he posts i love what he talks about he's great ask teacher will third cork english teacher he's also a legend he's from ireland and every day i don't understand how he has the energy but john posts the most amazing content for free every day what john you're in the chat on you don't hide you post to instagram he posts he has like a telegram group um he has so many materials that he makes like every day like john never sleeps i think he's crazy crazy good so yeah john from cork english teacher blackboard english and ask teacher will those are my three shout outs today um what about eat sleep dream oh yes eat sleep dream english he's a legend too also i'll talk about this more later but eat sleep dream english tom he's written a book he's written like a whole book thing we'll be talking about that i think on friday that's the official launch date i think but yeah um what a legend thomas john is amazing and his run his rants are absolutely the best thousand percent john is like my brother from another mother um we always just rant about everything especially this week with the election we've been non-stop with the trump memes because we're so happy that orange fascist nazi idiot rapist is gone we never have to look at him ever again we never have to look at his stupid face we never have to hear stupid voice what a breath of relief you know etj english elliot yeah um he looks like macaulay culkin grown up he's he's really cool he's really cool yeah it'd be nice to see jonathan yeah um yeah maybe next time we'll get like john or tom on this thingy different definitely okay cool so we're gonna end it there thank you so much for watching remember the links in the description if you want to improve your english in many different ways links in the description go get the ebook join the study club um join me for face-to-face lessons it's all on my patreon i'll see you wednesday for the new lesson wednesday bye
Channel: Learn English with Papa Teach Me
Views: 19,347
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn english, english class, papa english, papa teach me
Id: uoril4BPU4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 11sec (6491 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 08 2020
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