CLOTHES - How to pronounce CLOTHES in English

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hey everybody my name is Chris americo's and in this video I'm going to tell you how to correctly pronounce the word close yes that's right a lot of people who are learning English don't know how to pronounce the word clothes correctly well here's why it's really difficult to say right I can agree with you the word clothes in English is very difficult to say it has this strange sound at the end of it right the word clothes has the son at the end of visit and just imagine that you met a nice english-speaking boy or girl and you brought them back to your home and you said mom I want you to meet my boyfriend or girlfriend they say beautiful sounds like clothes right so this is not the most beautiful sound but it is part of English so we need to learn it so let's look at why this word sounds like this and how we can pronounce it and how we can make it easier for ourselves to pronounce it and so that people can understand us so first of all let's look at this word itself clothes and here I've written out the transcription for you so it's come look clothes claw oh yeah and that last part is hard to say right so we're going to talk about that in just a minute and clothes is well I think you know what it means right these are clothes how do you make clothes though and what are some other words for clothes well another word for clothes a synonym of clothes is clothing clothing so this one is a little easier to say right so we can see it here clothing and clothing means the same thing as clothes it's just all different types of clothes and how do you make clothes well you need to have lots of cloths to make clothes right that might sound a little confusing they sound very similar so let's look at this we have aa cloth cloth right here we have a different sound it's not oh it's not clothes no no it's Oh cloth cloth okay one cloth but some claws here we have that difficult sound again right the zip claws so the first sound is mm and we make the sound by putting our tongue up on our teeth here and making a vibration so yeah and like that and then we add the sound after that right claws so a cloth is one piece of material and we need many clauses together to make one piece of clothing right to make clothes we use cloths ok so these words have the same root they come from the same source they are related to each other in the past when they created this plural form clause then there was some confusion about clothes in general and just small pieces right so that's why we have two different words and something to remember so that people understand you when you talk about clothes is that the word clothes is always plural it's always more than one so we can say my clothes are comfortable your clothes are very cool we always say clothes are never clothes is because clothes cannot be one it's always more than one there's also a verb too close to clothe someone and this means to put clothes on someone right so mother might clothe her child and teenagers might not clothe themselves very appropriately sometimes right so this is like to dress to wear clothes to clothe is usually used when you do this for someone else so there's an object after this verb right to clothe and then if we say he or she or it then we need to say clothes and this has the same pronunciation as clothes so that's confusing right well here's how we can understand this word is a noun and it's a plural noun it's always more than one but this word is a verb only about he/she/it right so it's just the he/she/it form the third person form of the verb to clothe is clothes he clothes many people maybe he puts many clothes on people so it's a strange example and we don't use this verb a lot so you've probably never heard of it but it's a good example of the word clothes how we should pronounce it and how it's used in different ways now if you've come this far in this lesson then good job I applaud you and now I'm going to tell you the best way to say this word you probably think well Chris you just said this word a lot of time during this video so now I know how to pronounce it right well actually I'm saying the correct pronunciation by the book if you go to the dictionary you will see this pronunciation but native speakers don't always say it like this they don't always say clothes because that sound at the end is hard to say even for us so no we don't want to say that it's difficult and when we're speaking quickly native speakers might not say this sound instead they might say clothes like close the door absolutely hey I like your clothes will people understand me if I say close and not clothes yes they will because even for us native speakers it's not convenient to say this sound it's not very comfortable to say this sound at the end of the word these two sounds together right so let's look at some other examples of when this changes native speakers instead of saying clothes say clothes and it's okay we also have the word months months right this is difficult to say right months so what do native speakers usually do when they're speaking quickly they take out this sound they say months I have lived here for five months and it's okay everyone understands next bathe bathe this is to wash someone right we're maybe to wash yourself or maybe you more familiar with the verb to sunbathe right so this is another example of a word that has the same sound and when we put it into the third person we can say he bathes right here's our the sound at the end again and one more example is the verb to breathe he breathes so in the end of this lesson do you really need to learn how to say how to say write how to say that correctly do you really need it well it's useful you should try to say it correctly but you should also listen to how native speakers really speak because they don't always speak correctly and that's okay we don't have to always speak correctly in fact it's strange when we always speak correctly right but when native speakers speak incorrectly they also follow rules so we need to learn the rules of how to break the rules learn the rules of how native speakers change the language and this is one of the ways okay so you can say clothes you can say clothes but absolutely positively never ever never say clothe this no never never say that that will make me cry if I hear you say clothe this then you'll see me cry two seconds later because this word is clothes one syllable that's it for this lesson thank you so much for watching if you like this and you found it useful please share with your friends also don't forget to press like and press subscribe down below you can also write your comment and your comment can ask more questions about this or maybe suggest another topic or you can come over and you can join our speaking practice lessons we have multiple lessons every day and under this video you'll find a link to join my free seminar where I will tell you how you can improve your English in just one month so I really hope you enjoyed this share it with people if you think be useful for them to hear and I look forward to seeing you in our next lesson or in our next video Celia
Channel: English With Kris Amerikos
Views: 11,104
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Keywords: how to pronounce clothes, pronounce clothes, clothes american pronunciation, how to pronounce clothes in american english, pronunciation of clothes in american english, american pronunciation, speaking english program, everyday english, kris amerikos, kris amerikos seminar, th pronunciation american english, pronunciation in english, english pronunciation, difference between close and clothes, how to say clothes, clothes clothing, kris amerikos english teacher
Id: y4tFu1Mt9xQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 28 2019
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