National Book Award : Fiction Long List Our Review

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[Music] hey everybody and welcome back to my channel it's russell with thinking paper blog how are you all doing today hunter and i are back we are back we have read the national book award long list for fiction and we have opinions thank you hunter for coming on back thank you for having me so hunter and i actually live on opposite coasts um so there is a three hour time gap whenever we try to record and normally we record during the week and i do it right after work and hunters at eight o'clock at night but today it's both the middle of the day yeah which is yeah it's really funny because like i feel like it's normally got to be like a pain for you because you're like trying you don't have time to come down for work and my bedtime is extremely early because i go to bed at like 8 30 lately so yeah no i feel i always feel and but we have such good conversations and energy so there you go i have to tell you hunter i sort of feel like have you ever read a long list and thought oh all of these judges were literally thinking what will russell out in california really like i loved all of these books yeah yeah this was an impressive long list i think all of them have so many merits and are pretty exciting and i'm so glad some of like the lesser known books wound up on people's radars yeah i will ask i want to ask very quickly i don't this is very layoff but like do you have a favorite year like a year that like was like just made for you you think well i have to say this year i told my husband when i was reading these i was like every one of these books i am loving there's always been a year where there's been like one book or two books that i've just been like ugh you know maybe i will say the shortlist the year that um jesmyn ward won for uh singing very early sing unburied sing i thought that was a fantastic short list um but most of the time there's usually like one book on the long list or two that i'm like ah it's not really my thing yeah this year i was like so many first-person storytelling which is totally my jam so many like epic time you know learning about people over a long period of time love that so how about you what's your favorite year uh 2015 uh which had lauren gross fate and fury fates and furies um hanya yanagiharas a little life angela flourny's the turner house um it had a rebecca bender uh reef uh refund and it also had one more that i uh oh uh the winner fortune smiles by adam johnson so one that you can remember that is amazing to me i mean i can barely remember what i had for breakfast so that you remember that entire short list so i um this is a total aside we need to get into this this pile of books but i met adam johnson at a book event um for the orphan master son three months before he won the pulitzer and he was he actually teaches at stanford here in california so he's very easy to see he is such a lovely lovely person and he signed my book and we became friends on facebook and i was like oh this really nice guy that wrote this little book looks like i know he wins the pulitzer he's very kind he he signed he signed my i went to meet him for fortune smiles and he he thought i was very funny and i remember because i told him what my favorite stories were and why and he just said he goes he goes he's like you know he's like i can tell you really actually enjoy reading and i don't know why but someone saying that to me made me start crying because i was like thank you yes i do yeah you know what i have found 90 no like 95 of the time authors can are really good nice people and you talk to them about their work and they're amazing so okay hunter without further ado what we're going to do today y'all is um hunter and i are going to just we're not going to summarize plots we've already sort of done that in the last video what we are going to do today is sort of talk about why we think it made this book made the long list and our if we think it has a legitimate chance to make the short list so that's going to be our go-to and so we're going to just do alphabetical order by author and go from there okay and let's start with one of the biggest books on the list cloud cuckoo land by anthony dorr um out from scribner what where why do you think this one made the list hunter um i think that for the same i think that uh the same reasons why all that we cannot see did as far as he's he's just a really talented writer and he writes characters that are very they feel very alive and his story is very captivating he has a really strong voice um and i do think i think that specifically this year i think that he he create he kind of made something that's like very um it feels like he something like he conquered something in some way with with how he was able to tackle like tackle this beast of a book and kind of i don't know it's just very impressive i will say that to me this is the most it it's very unique on this list it's the only one that sort of has this sort of weird time travel-ish type of idea and then um this connected big epic arc of these three very different time periods um and it all resolves so beautifully which could have gone completely awry yeah um and in his very deft hands it doesn't it just doesn't it's just so well done and it's so different it's so different than um all the light we cannot see like i think that also helps it it's just such a different book yeah i will say i it was not it was not my favorite on the list but and it was very out of my wheelhouse but i ended up really enjoying it and i thought it was really great on audio oh yeah yeah well and um you know he's such a great amazing person too did you hear about these placards he was putting in his books so he put i don't know it's like a hundred placards and books and sent them to all these different independent bookstores and if you find one you win a hundred dollar gift card to that bookstore ah right yes so then you know that made me love them even more so um do you think this one has a good chance of making the short list i think it could i think and i will say i think this book has a lot of commercial appeal i've recommended it to a lot of people i know who maybe wouldn't read other books on the list but i knew would really like this one yeah and i think this one also is one of the a lot of these books don't have like that traditional sort of plot this one's more plot and so people can really just sort of dive into the storytelling yeah and again it is so well done yeah it's so i mean i can see the reason why he's so highly regarded for sure oh absolutely absolutely so i do think that we i my thing is will we see two pulitzer prize winning authors on the shortlist i'm not sure but i definitely think this book deserves to be on the short list yeah yeah okay well i guess we should talk about your friend i i you know it's so funny i can tell i'm biased because i don't even know like i don't even i can't i could read lauren groth could give me somebody else's book and just write her name over it and i'd be like wow greatest thing ever written perfect so i think this one made the short list because i just think that lauren groth can tell an amazing story like who knew she was gonna pick nuns from the 1100s to tell an epic feminist um woman empowering narrative like it was so out of the box but it was very very well done i it's you know what i think so i can tell it's funny actually i i feel like because i've i've kind of gone up down the rabbit hole of like researching so much about her i kind of i could see just knowing her i act like we're friends we have we are we are friendly we are friendly we have talked many times but i don't we are not like bffs but one day but um but i but i i was not i wasn't so surprised by this just because i she she takes these like new mooc classes online uh that are like and she did she had taken a lot on on that period of time uh and i knew about her studying french and going and studying in france yeah in france at one point i knew like her history of all that so i could kind of i was like okay this makes sense and i also think that i could see so it's so funny because i think that the same inspirations for uh fates and furies which were virginia wolves uh to the lighthouse and um and middlemarch those are two influences for her uh i could see them clearly here too because she had she's captured that that really precise uh wisdom that she's able to she's able to like really catch you know she has such a good turn or phrase for like for everything and that was there and then the brevity which is something that reminded me of uh the second section of to the lighthouse time passes with those little bracketed sections where where it's these people's lives and she does that here too i mean this book like moves at such a fast pace and um so i think that that's yeah i agree i think um for me and this is sort of what happens sometimes when an author is so good um you compare it to the other books that you love by them right and i think this book is fantastic i think everyone should read it i think florida i think uh fates and furies are stronger books oh the end of this one was a little wonky to me i felt like she didn't know exactly how she wanted to sort of wrap it up and it ends fine but i was just like oh you know i just felt such satisfaction at the end of fates and furies um i mean lauren groff is a phenomenal writer and i wouldn't be surprised if this one made the short list but i will say of all her last three books to me this is maybe the one where i'm like if it didn't i wouldn't also be surprised does that make sense yeah i'm rooting for her because i think she deserves it because she's fantastic but i loved this book but it just wasn't my favorite lauren broth no this to me felt like like if i will say this if she won it would feel very much like the elizabeth taylor butterfield eight oscar which is like you know it's like okay well it's maybe not the one that she deserves it for but we're gonna give it to her anyway because she deserves it so yeah the thing is she's still so young so i really think she's going to have plenty of opportunity to win this award and a pulitzer i'm sure you know um who knows i never can guess what the pulitzer is going to feel one day you know every year i'm like what so but really amazing book really well worth the time it i actually listened to that on audio as i read it and it is a fantastic audio as well um so highly recommend it i'm i'm not putting it on my short list it's just right outside the shortlist because i just like some other books more um i think there are some masterpieces in this stack so um that's sort of where i stand with it but still lauren gruff you should read everything she's written yeah so i think the book that surprised both of us was abundance by jacob gwanzen out from gray wolf press um i didn't expect this to do what it did to me let me tell you i like i will say this that book captures such a specific feeling of anxiety and grief and i mean i like i think i i think i described it as oxygen stealing in my review because it feels like it is like pulling the oxygen from your lungs like it is ah and you know we talked a bit about this a little bit before we started i haven't and this is the reason this book is on the short list in my opinion on the long list in my opinion i haven't read something that that does this father-son dynamic with this poverty like the poverty issues in this book are so tangible and heart breaking and as things happen to this son and this father you sort of you sort of feel like yep that's that's going to be their life like they don't have a way to get out of this and it breaks your heart yeah it's it is like it is one of those where it's actually funny i did not i thought i was gonna cry at several points i did not cry but i think it's only because there is a lot of restraint where he i think he could have been emotionally manipulative and he does kind of like pull back where it's necessary and i appreciated that it's a debut yeah that it's an impressive debut yeah yeah and i thought that the whole idea of like the chapter starting with the money that was in the guy's bank account was very clever yeah yeah i like that i also i appreciate um there were aspects to the overall structure of the narrative that reminded me of some short stories i've read and so it was interesting to kind of see that and i do think i think it actually in some ways i feel like it does read like a short story i think it could have um i think i like that it is a novel but i think it also could have worked really well as just like a longer short story um but i i could i was interesting to kind of see um i could i was i don't know it's just interesting to see that structure and kind of be familiar with with how it plays out in a shorter structure and kind of see that in a longer form yeah i will say i'm not sure that it's strong enough to make the short list only because it's such a strong year but it's definitely a book and he is definitely an author to take notice of i think honestly i think that if anything's possibly going to hold it back it might be because it's all the timeline it kind of alternates between you know like the this like this really like fast like this like you know because it's you're leading up to this one moment uh in the book and then it kind of goes to the back story every it kind of alternates but i think the backstory sections were interesting but sometimes it kind of like it kind of blunted the momentum just a little bit for me and i think that that could be i think that kind of holds it back yeah that that's actually a very excellent point so okay moving on i realized last time you and i talked for almost an hour about this so we can definitely talk about books so i'm like russell keep yourself business we gotta keep it going so um zory by lard hunt is one of the books that i didn't know anything about when the list came out you know and it's i believe that this is a masterpiece um this is a story of one woman's life it is very virginia woolf mrs dalloway though over a longer period of time it has a very marilyn robinson sort of cadence to it um and it's beautiful it's heartbreaking you you fall for zory and you are just taken on a ride um this to me this may be my favorite book on the long list okay um because this is a russell book i love books about older women looking back on their lives i like i need zero to none plot like i don't need it um but did you have any feelings about this one now that you've thought about a little bit i do like this one it reminds me of um there's a book that came out i think it's called the boat builder that was on one of the long lists yes daniel something i can't remember his last name yeah it was from mcsweeney's and um and i it's one of those where the first so i i actually went back and re-read the book builder like a year later and loved it um this is one where i recognized that if i was reading it outside of this space i would have i would have just like swooned over it but i think that you know when we're reading these books and we're like we're thinking like really critically about every aspect i think this is one that i was a little bit harder on not because and it's the thing is it's not even like for any like there's no i don't have any real criticisms it's just one of those books where um and this is a year where everything is very it's so strong and so and i won't say in your face but everything does feel very like this one is a very quiet yes didn't you say like i feel like somebody said elizabeth strout and i can also oh very much very much which i also love i think uh because i think a lot about uh lucy barton and i and i think that this kind of you know and i love it and that's the thing too this is one it's so funny because i know if i'd read this before the long list came out i'd have been like oh this needs to be on the long list for sure and like now i'm like i'm like being like critical for no reason because i'm just yeah i think it's brilliant i think it may be too quiet you know it's just in it's in a big stack of very loud books and um i think that may be it's holdback but it's made me obsessed with him um and i am utterly in love with that book i it will be on my top favorite reads of the year hands down um i don't know that it will make the short list i think that there's just too many other ones going on uh which i think we're about to get into a bunch of the ones that i think have a lot of chance here but um yeah but i loved it i loved it but and i totally yeah so let's talk about the other book that you literally picked to be on this long list and i didn't know what to do with it um and i read it and this also to me was a masterpiece um and that's intimacies by katie kitamura am i saying her last name right i think so yeah okay this book is fantastic yeah it is she is a genius like i'm convinced like i will say i like i it's so funny i feel like blasphemous but i think i think lauren groff would agree like i think this is this is this is one of my top three on the list on the long list absolutely there every single i mean her economy of language her her understanding of of character and plot and world i mean it's i'm mind blown so good and the complexity of the narrative in so few pages like there is a definite arc for this young woman that stands at the center and it goes it goes all over the place but feels so purposeful yeah um all on the backdrop of the hague which is like this it's its own character in the novel um which i felt was just absolutely brilliant i just think this is one of those books that you need to do with a book club and you then need the book club to be three hours long because you are going to talk about so much of this book would you be happy if this one won i would be totally happy if this one won this is definitely in my top three to win if um actually it's probably my top two to win if i have to narrow it down yeah i think saying yes and it's just i don't know what it is about this book but i want to hand it to everybody and go if you are a reader you'll love this if you're a writer learn from this yeah you know because there's just i think so much to it yeah it's brilliant i completely agree okay so i will say that the next book on this list is the one that probably it took me forever to read this book um and that is the love songs of wbb du bois by honoree fanon jeffers all i'll say is i posted my picture of this book and she said thank you on twitter and retweeted and i almost cried because she's an oprah like she her book is an oprah book she has no need to even be looking at my tweet you know and um but i was just like oh my gosh she actually saw this that's fantastic this book is so good it is so long but it is so like the narrative pushes you along um and for me this this book is on the long list for two reasons one it is an american story through and through and it tells so much about our history that i just don't feel like often makes it into the narrative and two it has this structure where we're getting like this modern day novel about this young woman in her life and then these sort of like interwoven oral history pieces that start with the creek indians and then like go through this entire lineage of this family connecting so many pieces together so beautifully yeah i mean it's i think somebody said it's one of those like once in a decade books there was some review that said that and i think that's very true yeah yeah and i feel like it it will speak to so many people um i do feel it's fair i have to say big trigger warnings for sexual assault and sexual abuse and rape there is a lot of it in this book um and even i who i'm not like triggered but by the end of it there was a sense of exhaustion because i just it was so emotional to me um so i will warn people about that it is i do think a bit long i do think there are some parts of this novel that could be taken out and it'd still be equally as powerful i will say that is about three pages in that was my i thought oh this is a book that will be able to be edited down um but i also think that in this by the same in the same token i um i think that sometimes it's it's kind of like that i don't know how to describe it but there's something about the conversation the conversational the way it's written it it i think that what could be edited out is also the thing that makes it so readable yes absolutely absolutely but i mean i and i don't often go in for an 800 page book like i just don't do that but in in this case i would totally tell people like this is a story that will take you away and if you are looking to lose yourself and you just want to watch someone who has a brilliant control of language you know you can tell that she's a poet right you can 100 to tell she's a poet so um i definitely think this book will make the short list i think there's no if ands or buts about it i will be shocked if it doesn't yeah i i just i don't i just but i i want people to read it and not i mean oprah told people to read it so clearly people are gonna read it but no but it's like it is definitely it is definitely a book that i think everyone will i i don't think it's it's an unforgettable kind of read for sure absolutely absolutely oh it's so interesting you should say that because now we're going to talk about the prophets by robert jones jr um why do you think this one is on the shortlist i mean the long list i keep saying the short list the long list i you know it's so funny i reread i reread my review of it recently and when i finished i was very i was very smitten with this book i thought it was so amazing and i still think it's amazing i it and i said this last time it has not had as much staying power with me as i thought it would yes um and so i think that i think it's a very strong book i think that um i mean it's like it was a five-star read for me it was i i loved so much about it i think that um i think that what i will also say i'm very surprised but i i was surprised initially and i'm still surprised by some of the comparisons specifically like i i know why they're saying like james baldwin and tony morrison but i think that um i think sometimes people just like pick i think and i think this happens a lot with with um i noticed this a lot with black authors where publishers are like oh we're just gonna put two like other like big name like black authors on this book to sell it and i'm like no like like do your research and like actually know what these books are being like what they're comfortable to like yeah i feel like it's sometimes i think publishing gets lazy but anyway i do think that the company anytime you compare any author's debut to a baldwin or a morrison you almost set it up for a bit of a letdown because there's just those two are iconic right um i totally agree with you i think that this is a book when i read it it's the first book i read in 2021 i adored it five-star read absolutely loved it it hasn't had the staying power and the more i think about it i feel like it does feel more like a debut to me there's a couple of sections that feel a little wedged into the narrative that i don't think are completely necessary but i could see what he was trying to do but it is brimming with talent like robert jr is talented and his sense of style if you don't follow him he has got a great personal sense of style and and you know it's i think we said this too last time he's one of those people where i will be so so excited to see what else he comes up with absolutely and kudos to him thinking that he had never seen a narrative about gay men gay black men placed in this time period so as tony morrison says can't find the book you want write it right that is a total awful paraphrase he did what exactly what she said to do and kudos to him he does it very very well yeah i don't know that this is a strong enough book to make it to the shortlist though yeah i don't i don't i do not see i don't see this one on the screen yeah it will be interesting so we only have three books left look at this we're flying through better than that yeah so the souvenir museum by elizabeth mccracken is the only short story collection on the list which is in itself unique because there's usually two at least so one elizabeth mccracken also retweets and says thank you for watch reading your books and she is absolutely lovely um and this is a fantastic story collection about loss and um love and figuring out what relationship should be or shouldn't be and sort of taking your time with them um and there's connected short stories through this book that i think are the strongest parts of it i definitely followed that narrative and those characters and really really loved it um it's just it's such a year of the novel to me that that i'm not sure it's a strong enough collection to beat out the novels but i definitely think if you're a short story reader this is a fantastic book yeah i this is not i really did i liked i liked the stories i think she's i think that it's really great but i did not it's so funny actually because i get i get on people all the time whenever they whenever they're like they're like oh but this book i know it wasn't technically as good but it had more heart and like i know people get so annoyed when i because i'm always the one who's critical of that but i will say there were other story collections that i thought i they resonated with me so much more deeply that i thought could have made the list and so i think that that's kind of in my mind about like with the short stories so i don't know yeah it's a it's a great collection and i always struggle really hard to sort of talk about short stories because they're so disconnected how do you sort of talk about them you know all of them and encompass what it says but she has a way with words she has a way with people she has a way with like just the loss or the sense of loss is really tangible in this book and it touched my heart there was two stories that i kind of got teary-eyed just because i think that she does such a wonderful job highly highly recommend it um it's very good yeah it is good i'm like like i said i'm just i'm just being like i'm being overly critical because i feel like i have to be i have to be like you know like well you know it was funny we did this book last this video last year and people were like you guys didn't say enough you weren't you didn't have enough opinions so this year we like we have all these opinions um but we keep going back to this is a phenomenal list of books so take everything in stride all of these books should be read by everybody so um this is the book that i definitely would never have thought before it started was going to make the short list but i have really really strong feelings about hell of a book by jason mott yeah you just reviewed this one not yet not yet oh we talked about it yeah we talked about that i this to me is this is like in some weird ways like hear me out but like this has a lot of commercial appeal in the way that fleischmann is in trouble do you know it's one of those books where like i know that like i know it has like that kind of propulsive like stuff and they kind of tear through it that same way yeah well in this book i mean i think there are two things about it that why it's on this long list is one it's very timely it you know it deals with police brutality it deals with um the loss of many many black men and women to police brutality and how do you deal with that how do people move on from that from a really unique angle and then again structurally it's very very clever telling you two very different stories that by the end when everything sort of is jason says ha this is what you should recognize you're like oh my gosh i need to start over because now i'm like it all makes sense yeah um but this book has a lot of heart too it's very heart-wrenching at times i yeah there's like and also this is another one where the audiobook is very well performed yes um because there were several times where i was like oh i i was like i would actually i was um this is the second time this has happened where i was like i do this a lot where i'll be in my car listening and i'll like be sobbing and someone will catch me um sobbing and then i'm happy to be like i'm sorry don't look at me from the books well and this is one of those things where you have such a complicated main character where at times you don't like him like he has some flaws that are frustrating but as you start to learn about him you realize maybe there are pieces to the puzzle and that can become very heavy-handed to me sometimes you know an author will be like the reason he's this way is blah and like just slap you in the face with it jason does not do that he definitely like he brings you along on a very emotional ride yeah for sure yeah isla and um i've read a lot of books lately and this book deals with it too about like colorism within the black community you know um the love songs of uh w de boyce has it in it this book the vanishing half you know and passing which is one of my favorite classics of all time which is about to become a movie that i can not wait to see um probably the book that i think in my head when i think about the first one but that just that theme and the talking about it and even within the black community is powerfully dissected in this book yeah i agree i do think this will make the short list i do too i think i think it's strong enough and i think and it's funny because like i think that i think it is like so deceptively just it's like so smart like you don't i think has it be because it's so readable and conversational like the narrative is and everything it you don't realize just how smart it is until you're like really in it and then you're like oh wow okay like we are in very capable hands in everything yes yeah well and i think that if we talk about um another overall theme of this long list we were incapable hands in every one of these books yeah all of these authors were doing something with intention and doing it well yeah so so i said i had two books that i thought could possibly win and the last book on this list is the other one i think has a excellent chance and that's uh bewilderment by richard powers yeah um this book has gotten some interesting reviews to be honest very divisive um i loved this book hunter yeah well i don't know i don't i think i said this before before in our last where i wasn't even looking forward to this one i was kind of like pushing to the side because i thought i was gonna hate it and then i started it and i was like oh no i was like i'm really invested and i'm like emotionally invested i'm like i think it i thought it was so good i and maybe that was my first richard powers and i was like how on earth have i just gone this whole time like i know i just um it's hard to say why it's on the long list without for me i don't it's almost spoilerish but i'll say it's just like it's a father and son story that is so complicated but so heartbreaking and real to me like there it i think a lot of people dissect this book because there's this sort of discussion about the scientific method to fix this child who's having emotional issues um and after the passing of his mom and to me like that was so secondary to just this father's undying desire to help his son yeah and then this other story of the youth recognizing what we're doing to our planet and the adults being completely dismissive yeah i yeah i think it's so i i think i said this in my review where i said like there's a lot that i don't get about this book because i like i my brain has just not been in a place to process anything anymore but this was a book where i think even if you don't get like something like the bigger themes at just strictly on a storytelling like level like you can there's you can have such it's so good it it is and it's it for i never think i've only read i've read one other richard powers all the way through and i did not make it through the overstory but this was the first time i've read him and thought this man has my heart and his hand yeah and i was scared that he was gonna squeeze it and i was like don't do it to me don't do it and it's just a brilliantly beautiful book yes this is that is one i expect to see on the short list for sure i do too i i mean we talked about this briefly i think it is probably also a favorite to win the booker um you know it's on the book or short list it has a very booker feel to it um but i am so glad it made it on this list because i don't know if i would have read it otherwise could you imagine if a book won the booker and the national book award and the pulitzer could you imagine like well i mean when colson whitehead won the pulitzer for um the underground railroad and the national book award i mean i remember that being like whoa that's a big um that's why when jasmine ward didn't win the pulitzer from barrett singh unless won that year i almost stopped following the poster i was very angry about that listen like i like oh yeah i am still so because it wasn't even the long list was it it wasn't even on the long list no it wasn't even on the long list see we cannot like eye canceled until further notice uh and we could do a whole conversation about my feelings about less but we will not do that it would do no good so hunter if you had to pick your two competing favorites to win the national book award at this point not knowing what the shortlist is which were you or two be um i'm gonna intimacies for sure i'm looking at my list now um this is for sure is like my that is like mine to like i do think i like i i wanna say like matrix but like i'm not gonna do that just because but i also i guess that yeah you and i probably but you know what i will also i don't know i think the love songs i think to love songs of w.e.b du bois really i think it has a fighting chance yes i think that if i were picking three it would be intimacies bewilderment and the love songs of wwe's i think those are my three like walking into it um but that being said the year the friend by signing nunos won um that was my favorite book on the list but i didn't think it had any chance of winning that year so who knows you know what will actually win sometimes i definitely feel like this these judging panels pick a book to win that's very much for writers and i think some of the other books are along that line and so maybe yeah you know that will be but i do agree i think if if any of those books actually if any of the 10 of these books won i would not be actually sad yeah i yeah i'm pretty like i'm pretty yeah this is yeah this is a pretty good list so i'm pretty i'm yeah i'm good well um so hunter and i will be back to discuss the shortlist and pick our winner from that list hopefully the books that we want to see there will be there but if they're not then we'll have to figure out what we want to do there um and yeah no this was a fantastic reading experience yeah yeah so hunter as always thank you so much for being on my channel thank you i know it's like the middle of the day there in uh where you live so i appreciate you taking time out of your day no always thank you for having me and um we will be back so until next time hunter and i wish you happy reading bye everyone [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Ink and Paper Blog
Views: 318
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: national book awards, fiction, long list, books, reading, book reviews, book recommendations, Literature, Booktube, kid friendly, family friendly, anthony doerr, Lauren Groff, Jakob Guanzon, Laird Hunt, Honoree Fanonne Jeffers, Robert Jones Jr, Katie Kitamura, Jason Mott, Elizabeth McCracken, Richard Powers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 58sec (2518 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.