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hey everybody today i'm here to share with you a number of new releases that have just come out or are coming out very soon that i'm pretty sure you're going to want on your tbr 2021 is just full of amazing amazing books and i'm about to make that tbr explode so let's get started [Music] hi everybody and welcome back to my channel it's russell with ink and paper blog how are you all doing today as always i hope you're happy i hope you're healthy i hope you're safe and i of course hope you're reading an amazing book or two or three or four um today it is another very very warm day in northern california i think i told you all in the last video my nephew is here visiting he decided today that he wanted to do an outside picnic but by 11 o'clock it was already 88 degrees we did go outside we set another tree we got some blankets it was very nice very very warm we took the dogs but now we are all safely indoors with the air conditioning running he's playing some video games i get to read some books and get to talk to y'all so it could not be any better for me um so today i'm here to talk to you about a stack of books that i've received lately that are all titles i think that are either just out or just about to be out so that you can get your hands on them as soon as possible all of these very different all of them sound so so good so as always get out that pen get out the paper get out the tv goodreads however you keep track of your tbr if you are so able get these books from your local independent bookstore and or get them from your local library order them get them on your app however you do it get these books right now so today we're going to start with a little bit of sort of sci-fi dystopia with the past is read by catherine m valente i was reading the inside of this book it turns this is the book i think i read this in the uh maybe it was the acknowledgements but this is the first book that catherine valente worked on after the birth of her son so it's sort of like her uh what when she returned back into her creative fold this is the book we got and so far i will say i've started this one and it is really really good so this is a dystopian futuristic tale the world has sort of been destroyed rivers have run amok london is underwater the mississippi is destroyed most of the united states trash is abound and we have this um sort of place called garbage town that is exactly as it sounds where our main character tently t tuttley tutley t-e-t-l-e-y lives now she's got her own voice she's fantastic um she's the main character she's narrating the tell we learned at the very beginning that most of garbage town has a vendetta against her and we don't know exactly why and they have by law the ability to almost do anything they want to her except for kill her but she has this weird optimism in her voice that she just sort of goes through life looking at all of the stuff she does have instead of focusing on the stuff that she doesn't have and we flash back we learn about our life and it's sort of just like this tale of this young woman and how she has become who she is um and i'm loving it i'm absolutely loving it i can't wait to see where it goes so that's the past is read by catherine m valente out from and it is such a beautiful little book the past is red so good okay a book that i've actually i think talked about in another video but i want to make sure is on your tbr is excuse me ghost forest by pic out from one world now i just saw that there's an interview with um this author on the reading women podcast so if you are a listener of podcasts and you're interested in this one um go check it out kendra she's amazing and she will do everything you need to even entice you more to read this book but this is um the story of a family where the father has just passed away and the family doesn't really talk about emotions the family is originally from hong kong but when hong kong sovereignty was turned over from britain to china a number of people um in hong kong i think um i was just i started reading this one as well and it said about one-sixth of the population of hong kong um left there and immigrated elsewhere so in our story the wife and children move from hong kong to canada but the father stays in hong kong to keep his job in order to support the family and he's called an astronaut father but now he has passed away and the family has to deal with that but they've never really deal dealt in the past with sort of the emotions of anything and everything um this book is told in a really interesting style short poetic sort of verse at times sometimes typographically very interesting um very i don't even know very like um department of speculation by jenny olaf sort of style in it um but the beginning of it is very very good i really like the voice of it it's very poetic so that's ghost forest by peek shoon fung and that is out from one world try not to be blown away by that cover it is difficult i know it's so pretty okay next is a book that i think is just come out are coming out very very soon it either comes out this next week or came out last week and i mentioned it in my last video and that's the president and the frog by carolina de robertas and this is out from canav i am a huge carolina de robertas fan um her book last book cantorus i absolutely absolutely loved now this is sort of a little bit different in that this is set in a fictional world um we have a person a man who was a excuse me he was known as i think the poorest hold on one second um the poorest president in the world poorest president in the world he was the president of an unnamed latin american country a journalist comes to interview him and he sort of lived a very eclectic life and part of that was being um a guerrilla war you're for change and he was imprisoned for a long time and he believes while he was in prison that his most meaningful communication was done with a frog and he's trying to determine whether or not to tell the journalist about this and we learn about that as we read the book so this is the president and the frog it sort of has that uh a very magical realism feel to it so if you're into that sort of a little bit of um gabriella garcia marquez in in feeling in tone that's carolina de robertas the president and the frog out now from kanov so okay now let's do a little bit of historical fiction and let's talk about when we meet again by caroline beechman and this is i believe caroline's first book in the us she is an australian author but she has published more books in australia and this is our first one here and this is coming out from putnam this is set in world war ii about like the early 1940s in london we have a young woman who works in publishing the war has clearly taken its toll on publishing but she really thinks that all of that is going to change she thinks her star is rising when um she gets unexpectedly pregnant winds up sort of fleeing london and goes and has her baby at a seaside town her mother puts her baby up for adoption and she goes hunting for her child um this is mixed in with the story of an american publisher called named theo bloom who has come over to help the british overcome the publishing issues that the war has brought and how his and our main character i believe her name is alice how their alice and theo's lives wind up intertwining um moving forward and how all of that comes wind up coming together you know what i mean so there's like a mystery aspect to it's the search for this lost child and at the same time we're talking about books and publishing and the effects that war had on that all things that we all love right so this is when we meet again by caroline beechman out from putnam and i'm hoping that this means the rest of her books will be making it over to the u.s before we know it okay the next book i'm going to tell you about is the 22 murders of madison may by max berry now i have read lexicon by max berry and i absolutely love it and i've started his last book providence um and i'm really enjoying that one as well but this is his new cha new child i guess it is his child his new book that is out now and this is a story um this one's a little bit more complicated but um in the beginning we meet a 22 year old woman named madison may she's showing a house to someone who is going to buy it when he says that he's actually her soul mate from another life and he's warning her that she is under uh in danger and he's trying to stop her uh from doing certain things so what happens to her will not happen to her unfortunately she is murdered and we are introduced to felicity staples who is um from a newspaper she's assigned to report on the death of madison may and um yeah so she sort of learns about this powerful group of people and have that have harnessed the ability to slip between their lives and move from one version of reality to another but she's sort of investigating madison's death and she has to sort of seek the truth there but as she's done that she's realizing that madison has been murdered over and over again in different times and there's only one way to save her but she's going to have to sort of figure out her own past and her own present in order to do so that makes sense i think it sounds really exciting i think it sounds like it's going to be a paige turner um so that's the 22 murders of madison may by max barry out from putnam as well my mouth has gotten really dry all of a sudden all this exciting from talking to you guys okay i did get another book from putin mum that i actually did not know a lot about and i am really struggling with the author's last name but this is suburban dicks by fabian and i'm going to hold fabian's last name up there yeah i'm not going to even try i cannot figure out how what that sound is going to be even sounding out in my head i feel like i'm going to say it wrong but this is a debut novel i believe and he is an argentinian-american comic book writer and i this one actually sounds like it's going to be a lot of fun it's going to be funny in a weird sort of quirky way but our main character in this is andrea stern so she was originally she's so okay so she sort of thought she's out of the biz of solving homicide she was a promising young woman in the field she thought she was going to be an fbi profiler but life changes she's now living in new jersey she has four children with a fifth on the way she stops one day at a is it in a convenience store i think yeah a gas station and she stumbles upon a murder scene the attendant has been killed and she realizes that the cops that are investigating it don't really know what's going on and they're sort of not doing it right so she decides she's going to become obsessed with this case and try to solve it while taking her for and soon to be fifth children along with her but then she also gets involved with her friend he's like a disgraced reporter who he's trying to break this story to sort of bring himself back into the good graces and how that all sorts of comes together and like body parts started to appear over the city over the city and they're trying to investigate it and all of that i think it's going to be sort of a corky fun murder mystery with a sense of humor does that make sense so that is suburban dicks out from putnam and this is by fabian and i'm going to hold his last name up there for y'all to see and i think this sounds like a really fun summary or if you like just good old-fashioned mysteries this next book is the only book that i don't remember ever requesting or hearing about it until it showed up on my uh doorstep so it's the one i know um even less about than suburban dicks and that's the godstone by violeta milan and let me hold that up there for you this is out from da books and um this is a fantasy sort of urban fantasy i believe so our main character is ferna she is a practitioner she uses magic to heal people and one of her clients whose name is ireland has been summoned by the city because he's going to have to testify that his i think it's his cousin um yes his cousin zandra has gone missing and he is there to testify that she is no longer alive basically so they can finally say that she's passed because as um fenra learns she thinks that they want to get into xander's personal um vault because they believe in it there is something called a godstone we learn and this is in the blurb i'm not ex ruining anything that arlen and xander are actually the same person and zender had gone into hiding and had hidden the godstone because it had almost destroyed the world and now people want it again and in hiding it um ireland has been made ill so there was a repercussion for what happened and they need to do something to protect from the godstone coming out again and that is what the adventure is they must keep the world safe and that's the godstone by violetta milan out from daw books and i believe this is out already as well so you can get your hands on it okay just three more oh three such good all these books are so good i hope they're all making it on your tbr but let's talk about night by rachel yauter and this is out from double day i'm double day has been spoiling me with so many amazing books lately but i'm not going to say much about this book because i really want to dive into it for what it is but this is about a woman who one day wakes up finds a patch of fur on her neck and firmly believes that she is transforming into a dog her husband is a travels for work is rarely home sort of placates her thinks it's all in her mind but she firmly believes that as things are going along um she is becoming more and more canine and having more and more canine abilities that's all i want to know i don't want to know too much because i think it sounds super fun um this book actually came with this little comic book that you can color so that's really cute as well so i'm super interested to see what rachel goddard has done with this book and how it's going to be so again this is out from double day this is night by ray rachel yatter and you can get your hands on it i i can't remember who i saw review it online but they really liked it so i'm really excited about this one that one um i am a huge nicholas butler fan if you guys remember i think it was last year was it the year before i read little faith by him i loved loved that book and i reviewed it and even his mom sent me a comment online and it was the sweetest thing and i have and i've also read shotgun love songs which i need to reread and he wrote the hearts of men which was really popular i think that's the only nicholas butler i haven't read yet but his new book is god's speed and this is out now how beautiful is that color it's sort of aurora-esque in nature um so thank you very much and this is also out from putnam this is um putnam sending me some great books gosh everyone i'm so lucky um this is the story of a house a house that is being built with a mystery we have three people three men who work for a construction company and they have been hired to finish building this house way faster than it needs to be built this person who is building it has an immense amount of money and wants it done so so quickly and almost in a way that it cannot be done but there's a huge bonus available if the men can get it done and this is takes place in wyoming the winter is coming they're trying to do everything they can they will risk anything to get this done um and what and i just like this it says what becomes an obsession for all three quickly builds a tragic consequences for some and i think things aren't going to go so well but i'm super excited what nicholas butler does better than many many writers is he builds these characters with such emotional depth so they're so well-rounded but they're also like a little you know just a little rough around the edges so like at times you're sort of like uh i'm off put by them but you also see their heart inside he does such an amazing job with those sort of hard to like but hard not to love male characters um and i just love that about his work and he just really really is good in his space like wyoming and that sort of world he creates the nature of it the environment of it in beautiful beautiful prose so i'm really excited about godspeed by nicholas butler this is out from putnam right now and yes he's doing a virtual tour for that book right now i just saw it online so if you are able you should join one and get your copy last but not least is probably the biggest name with a new book in this stack and that is hajjin and this is a song everlasting his new novel out from pantheon now i he won was it the national book award or the pulitzer i think he won the national book award for yes national book award for waiting which i loved and i read waiting a long time ago i was much younger and i remember just absolutely being blown away by it i'm a huge fan of his book war trash as well i think that's you know sometimes i mix up names but more trash was right um and that's a fantastic book as well and so this is his new novel which you know we all get behind when someone is talented as he is puts a new book out um this is the story of an artist that is on a u.s tour from china here in the united states he picks up like one last gig in new york because he has to pay for his daughter's tuition it's a lot of money he's going to do it when he returns home to china he is informed that the sponsors of that event are supporters of taiwan's succession so he is sort of informed that he has to do this formal self-criticism but when he's off when he's told he has to forfeit his passport to his employer he decides impulsively he goes back to new york he decides he's going to go back to new york he's an artist he's going to live his life and he's not going to allow the government to dictate who he is and so he comes over he has an old friend that lives over here and he is then placed on the chinese government's blacklist and they are going to do everything they can to thwart him moving forward and he insists on sort of always living within his identity as a performer and refusing to give up on his art even though all of this is going around um i bet there's a lot to this i'm just really excited about like the political piece with the artistic beast with the creation of it all does that make sense um i think it's going to be very deep hajin is just an amazing writer so i'm really excited the a song everlasting by hajin and this is out from pantheon that is the last book this is a huge stack so let's see if i can do this without dropping any of them which you know never happens i always drop the whole stack all over myself as always if you are a return subscriber you know i could not do this without you if you're new to my channel i hope you stick around i hope all of these books wound up on your tbr let's see if i can do this there you go take a look at those yeah great stack of books as always i really really appreciate everything you all do for watching my videos all the comments all the likes couldn't do this without you so moving forward as always i encourage you to read globally shop locally and until next time i wish you happy reading bye everyone [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Ink and Paper Blog
Views: 2,472
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Books, Book Reviews, Booktube, Book Recommendations, Reading, Literature, New Releases, Kid Friendly, Family Friendlly, Catherynne M. Valente, Pik-Shuen Fung, Carolina De Robertis, Caroline Beecham, Max Berry, Fabian Nicieza, Violette Malan, Rachel Yoder, Nicholas Butler, Ha Jin
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 38sec (1298 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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