Natasha Leggero and Moshe Kasher Give Relationship Advice - You Up w/ Nikki Glaser

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- You guys are gonna be on the road. Is this just you, Natasha? - This is just me. Moshe makes me go out and make money for the family. - Hell yeah. - God! - So me-- me and my one-year-old go out on the road. - Are you-- wait, are you really going with your one-year-old to Tampa? - Yes. - And you're taking her? - She's always wanted to see Tampa. (laughter) ♪♪ - We're back, it's "You Up With Nikki Glaser." I'm here with Moshe Kasher and Natasha Leggero. Check out their new podcast, "The Endless Honeymoon Podcast," which just launched yesterday on iTunes Podcast. Oh, here we go, let's get into some calls. You guys wanna take some live calls? - Love it, hell yeah. - Let's see what you got. Let's talk to Caitlyn in Chicago. Caitlyn, welcome to "You Up." What is your relationship problem? -<i> Hi, Nikki, thank you.</i> <i> I am calling you guys because my boyfriend drinks.</i> <i> Not enough to be a psycho abusive alcoholic,</i> <i> but enough that he's really annoying.</i> (laughter) - Just enough to be Jewish. - How much is that? Is that every night? -<i> It's, uh... at least maybe two times every two weeks.</i> <i> So, I guess once-ish a week.</i> - How old are you? How old are you, how old is he? -<i> I'm 23, he's 27.</i> - And what are some of the annoying things he does when he drinks? -<i> He'll just tell really long stories</i> <i> that make absolutely no sense.</i> <i> But like, when I'm saying really long,</i> <i> like, an hour long.</i> - No! - Did you hear Nikki's story earlier? - (laughing) I know, oh my God. - Oh, nothing, go ahead. - How dare you. - He'll sit on the edge of your bed? -<i> Yeah, just sit on the edge of my bed</i> <i> and like, look at me, and just like stare at me.</i> <i> And I'm just, like, trying to go to bed.</i> - Is this a bed you share with him? -<i> Yeah! (laughs)</i> - Um, I mean... - I mean, yeah. - How long have you guys been together? -<i> It's not-- it's not like the two-drink sexy--</i> <i> We've been together for two years.</i> - Okay, and has he always drank like this? - Once a week? -<i> Like, it depends.</i> <i> He works in the service industry as well,</i> <i> so sometimes he'll use that as an excuse to come home.</i> <i> And I'm just-- I've worked in the service industry.</i> <i> I don't anymore, and I'm just like, I don't care.</i> <i> I wanna wake up early and have coffee.</i> <i> I don't wanna stay up all night.</i> - I'm just gonna come out here and say it. I think that you guys are maybe more buddies, and I think that you should probably start considering dumping each other. - Yeah, it doesn't-- I mean, are you attracted to him? -<i> Oh, absolutely.</i> - Oh, you are. - But she's like, "He, like, sits on the end of my bed and just stares at me." - That's so weird. - Yeah. -<i> It's definitely annoying.</i> - Moshe does that, I like it. - Yeah, often Natasha will wake up and I'll just be making eye contact with her. And I just say-- every time we make love, by the way, I say, "I love you so much, never leave me." - That does get intense. - Yeah, girls really like that, I think. - I mean, that's my vote. Do you have a vote, Moshe? - Well, I don't know, I'm not sure this is a serious call. Are you actually annoyed by him, or do you just love him so much and you wanted to roast him a little bit? -<i> No, it's-- definitely a little bit of both.</i> <i> My dad's an alcoholic though, so I do take it seriously.</i> - Yeah, you sound pretty serious. - Caitlyn, I think that this guy, it's only gonna get worse. That's the way drinking is. Like, it'll be one night a week that he's telling these long stories at the end of your bed. It's gonna cut to like-- if you wanna-- it's only gonna get worse unless he addresses this problem, and it seems... If he's embarrassing when he drinks, just trust me, like, you-- it's happening within your apartment at this point. When you bring him out and introduce him to your family and friends, like, you're gonna be humiliated by this guy and his long stories. - Yeah. - Well, I'm just not convinced that this-- like, is this-- does he really have a drinking problem? -<i> I've been talking a lot about it with a lot of people lately.</i> <i> I don't know, we're kind of uncovering it as time goes on.</i> - So, is it-- is it actually a little more serious than you're leading on? 'Cause it sounds-- like, if you say he drinks once every two weeks and tells a long story... - Well... - ...that doesn't sound like an alcoholic, it sounds like a fisherman. But like... -<i> I mean...</i> - But if he... Are you covering up a bit? -<i> I mean, there's definitely--</i> <i> I think that maybe his drinking comes from something else,</i> <i> I don't know if it's necessarily alcoholism.</i> - Also, if someone's personality changes when they're drinking, that's a good sign. And if they're becoming annoying... Like, I only become more effervescent and charming. And so, you know, I should drink. - Wait, tell me about this. What-- what thing is it that you think that he's drinking to cover up? -<i> He... his parents are Evangelicals from the South</i> <i> and aren't aware of his--</i> <i> anything in his life, essentially.</i> - Mm. -<i> So, I think that's--</i> <i> I think that's a big thing.</i> - Another reason to not marry him. You don't wanna marry into that family. Get on a dating app. You know, let him live there for a while. - Have you guys talked openly about his drinking? Have you ever had a conversation with him about it? -<i> Oh, every day. Every day.</i> - Oh. - You talk to him every day? -<i> He knows that I'm on here right now.</i> <i> Like, he's aware.</i> - Okay. - Got it. - Well, what does he say? -<i> He says that he doesn't wanna be that,</i> <i> and that he is gonna work really hard to not be that.</i> - Mm-hmm? -<i> But it doesn't--</i> <i> it doesn't often change.</i> <i> And I listen to Nikki every morning,</i> <i> and when I saw the call-in, I was just like, you know what,</i> <i> maybe-- maybe you guys have a little bit of different advice</i> <i> than I've heard from my 20-year-old friends.</i> - What are your 20-year-old friends telling you? -<i> Dump him!</i> - Oh, so you-- you want us to tell you to stay with him and find a way to fix him, is that right? -<i> Maybe not that, but essentially.</i> - Yeah, I mean, the problem with alcoholics, if he is an alcoholic, and I kinda get the spidey sense that we're not hearing the full story. We're hearing the, like, fun, "I listen to Nikki every morning" story, is the problem with alcoholics is that they don't necessarily change in the way that you want them to change. They change in the way that alcoholics change, which is that they get worse, right? It's like a progressive illness. -<i> Yeah, totally.</i> - And it gets worse over time. If he's in fact an alcoholic, then there is-- it's not that there's no hope, because I-- I was-- I'm sober for a long time, and I got-- I stopped drinking. But they can never change in the way that you want them to change. And so, if the hope is that you're gonna be able to fix him, if he's an alcoholic, bad news, you will not-- you will not fix him. -<i> Yeah.</i> - They are not fixable by outside influences. And the only thing you can do is fix yourself, which is find a way to figure out what alcoholism actually is. - And Moshe, have you ever heard a story where someone has like a problem with their drinking, and they decided, like, "I'm gonna work on it and not do that anymore"? Has that ever worked? - I mean, it-- it works if they are self-motivated. I mean, that's the whole thing about alcoholism, right? Is that you have to realize that you have a problem and you have to want to change. And if somebody doesn't want to change, but somebody else wants them to change, that's just not how it works. - Mm-hmm. - So, I guess... -<i> Exactly.</i> - If he's... -<i> Do I give ultimatums? What do I... do I... you know.</i> - Nothing you can-- nothing you can do, if he's an alcoholic, will actually change him. The only thing you can do is figure out a way to change yourself. I mean, you can go to Al-Anon, you can read books about what it actually is like to live with an alcoholic and realize that you can-- it is literally like living with somebody with schizophrenia. -<i> No, totally.</i> - Would you give an ultimatum to a man with schizophrenia and say, "If you don't stop hearing those voices, then I'm outta here"? So, no. - Oh, that's a good analogy. - There are no-- there are no ultimatums that will make a man who is an alcoholic stop drinking or drink less. There is only a way to change yourself. - I think you-- can you tell people to check out Al-Anon? - Yeah, of course. - I don't know the rules of it. But Caitlyn, if you were raised by alcoholics in any way, and then you're attracted to someone who might have a drinking problem, just go check that... - Al-Anon's amazing. - It really is. Go check out that. Go to some meetings. Try-- try a handful of meetings. - And the main thing in Al-Anon that they tell you, the first step, right, is that you're powerless over the alcoholic in your life, and that is the bad news. You will not be able to change him, you'll only be able to change yourself. - Yeah. -<i> Totally.</i> - All right, let's take another call! - Yeah, thanks for calling in and listening, Caitlyn. Squirt, squirt. Okay, let's go to... - Get on Ria. - Yeah. (laughs) If they'll allow you. You have to be vetted. Ugh. Dukes, let's go to Dukes in Detroit. What's up, Dukes? -<i> Hi.</i> - Hi. -<i> Hello? Can you hear me? Okay.</i> - Welcome to the show. Yeah, we can hear you. What's going on with you? - Yeah, what's going on with your name? Why is it that? - Yeah, what is-- why is your name Dukes? -<i> That is my actual name. That's my actual name.</i> <i> It's my last name, I go by my last name.</i> - Oh, okay. - Oh, that's cute. -<i> I actually follow Nikki on Instagram.</i> <i> I just messaged you a little while ago</i> <i> about the womanizer, I love it, so, anyway.</i> - Oh, yes! I think I remember. I get a lot of those messages, but I think I remember yours. And thank you for saying-- yeah, the womanizer, it sucks your clit, it's a great toy. - Oh, it's-- I thought that was your relationship issue, is that you were with a womanizer. I didn't realize you were talking about a sex toy. - No, it's a sex toy. Yeah. No, that's the only thing going... -<i> Well, it's kinda-- okay, so...</i> - Yeah. -<i> It's kind of about that.</i> <i> Okay, so good segue. I-- okay, so this guy,</i> <i> me and him kinda like hooking up</i> <i> for like four years now.</i> <i> So, he actually went to LA to pursue his career in comedy.</i> <i> And he's hilarious, and in order to not like--</i> - Someone at this table has fucked him. (laughter) - But he's in comedy in LA? -<i> That's gonna ruin this whole phone call.</i> <i> No, okay, so in order to... him to his career,</i> <i> I'm like supportive, like, yay, go for it,</i> <i> be famous or whatever. And so, I see him, like,</i> <i> every few months or whatever. And so, I'm back home.</i> <i> Like, we're not in a real relationship,</i> <i> it's like a situation-ship.</i> <i> And I'm back home going on these trash-ass dates.</i> <i> And every time I, like, go on a trashy-ass date</i> <i> and I don't, you know, have a good time,</i> <i> I'm like, ugh, can't he just come back?</i> <i> Or can, like, something happen?</i> <i> And I'm like, is it time-- here's the real question--</i> <i> is it time to just tell him, like, I really want your penis</i> <i> and other stuff in my life?</i> <i> Or do I just, like, you know, keep it like it is?</i> - Did you say, "I really want your penis in my life"? - She's trying to be romantic but she's not the type. -<i> And other stuff. Yeah, yeah.</i> - Right, oh, so... Should you tell this man who has moved to Los Angeles to pursue his career far away from Detroit... - That you wanna get married. - ...that you love him and want him forever? -<i> No, I don't wanna get married, I never said that,</i> <i> you said that. I don't wanna get married.</i> <i> I just want you to know that, like, I like you,</i> <i> and I want, like-- I don't wanna bum these other lames</i> <i> and I don't wanna go on these trash-ass dates anymore.</i> - Well, I-- we have two... - I hear you. - We have two constant bits of advice on this podcast. Two of-- one of which is, that communication is always a good thing, that the best disinfectant is oxygen, right? So, like, of course you should tell him. And the other thing we always say is that you deserve to be happy, right? You definitely, Dukes-- even with a name like Dukes, you deserve to be happy and not to be-- not to be settling for somebody you don't what. But the bad news is, somebody has moved-- he's already kinda told you what his priority is. He's in LA. He's on stage right now living his best life. So, you should tell him, for sure. - And also, you know, there is an idea, Dukes, that if you do tell him and it's not gonna happen, at least it would free up a little bit of space in your life, and maybe even in your heart, to meet someone who you really like, you know, more than the trash-ass dates. - So, you mean that if she gets a final answer from him... - Yeah. - ...she won't be waffling. She can either pursue that... - Find someone more, you know, find someone-- And you have no interest in moving, right? -<i> I mean, I like the sun. (laughs)</i> - What is the best case scenario for you? That he-- that he says, "move here and let's be together"? -<i> I'm not-- see, I'm not even trying</i> <i> to be married and all that. I just need you to know, like,</i> <i> you're the penis for me, I'm the vagina...</i> - But what do you want out of that? - She want-- you don't want him fucking other girls. - Yeah, I mean, 'cause to me, the bad news is-- or bad news, or reality is, that he's already kinda told you what his priority is. His priority is his career, which is why he moved away from you. If he was madly in love with you, probably he would have said, "Come with me" or "I'm not leaving." So, he's already there. But I think you should tell him so you can get an answer. He'll either say, "I love you forever, Dukes, come to LA," or he'll say, "Well, I'm really kinda trying to pursue my comedy career right now," and then you can finally open yourself up to the world of trash-ass dates in the Greater Michigan area. - And I have a feeling what's happening is he comes home and then you guys fuck. And I think that if you feel like that's kind of, you know, playing with you a little bit and fucking you up, maybe you need to not do that anymore. - What do you think, Nikki? What should she do? - I mean, I think that-- I just don't understand what she wants. She's saying, "I don't necessarily wanna move to LA or whatever," but you just want to see him when he comes to Detroit for Christmas? I mean, like, what's-- what's the end game here? - And know he doesn't fuck anyone in LA. - Yeah, and you just-- you wanna talk to him on the phone every night, and FaceTime, and have him fly out and see-- like, I get what-- you want a commitment from him. But he-- what is that gonna look like? That's not gonna be even fulfilling. He lives in LA and you live in Detroit? - Tell us his name and we will tell you if he's fucking anyone. -<i> I will DM you, I will DM you the name.</i> <i> Do you think that my dates are trash</i> <i> because I'm making them trash?</i> - 100%. - Yeah. - Because you're hung up on this guy. - Yeah, you got your mind on a guy who's on stage at the Laugh Factory in Hollywood having fun fucking girls after the show, and so you can't see if there's anybody worthwhile in front of you. And I'm sure that there is. I bet you already know the answer to your question. You know what he'll say to you if you tell him that you love him, or whatever it is that you're feeling for-- - Oh yeah. - You already know, you know. He... right? -<i> Eh, uh, okay, I guess. I don't know.</i> - I think you should definitely, if you hook up with him again, do not fuck him anymore. Like, when he comes back to town, no more-- no more fucking him. You can do other stuff, but don't let his penis in you, because it's making you have trash-ass dates. 'Cause you-- 'cause you're staying connected to him, you're staying bonded to him. So stop-- stop having sex with him. - But communicate that to him. - Yes. - You know, give him a chance to say, "Okay, you know, "I guess it has been four years, and I don't like anyone more than you." - Yeah, how-- - But usually when people are at the beginning of their careers in a new city, is not a good time to like... - Yeah, how could you connect with somebody in Michigan when you're living in a fantasy in Los Angeles that you're not even actually in? You're just thinking, "Oh, someday. Someday he'll call." - But DM us who it is, please. - Yeah, we do wanna know if he's funny. - Yeah, yeah, we do wanna know if he's killing it. I have a feeling we won't know who it is. - I have a guess on who it is. - Really? - Yeah. - Okay. Well, Dukes, thank you for your call. We gotta go to break here soon, but I completely agree with you. Like, I just... I've been off and on with my ex-boyfriend for the past two years, since we've officially broken up. And I've been dating other guys in that time, but like, I can't let anyone in because I was waiting for this guy to wanna marry me. - Well, there's-- there's also a particular thing. I relate to Dukes in this long-distance relationship thing. - Yeah. - When you're afraid of intimacy, a long-distance relationship is like the perfect thing. - It really is. - Because you only see them quarterly, but the whole time, you can, like, entertain a fantasy, and it can allow you to have the fumes of your dysfunctional love life feel totally not dysfunctional, because you're like, oh no, I'm entertaining this relationship with a person who lives, you know, 6,000 miles away, that's love. And then you never have to do the actual work that love is. - Right. - Love is like hard work. And it's in your face, and it's every day. - I agree with you. I think I went from-- when I was scared of intimacy, I dated guys that had girlfriends. - Mm-hmm, same thing. - Then I dated guys that were long distance. Like, I kept getting closer to what I thought was intimacy. But long distance, whenever someone's in a long-distance relationship, I'm like, you're scared of intimacy. - Yeah, intimacy is not four weekends a year. - Yeah, exactly. Let's go to Jacob really quick in Montana. Jacob, before we go to break, let's hear your relationship problem. Hi, Jacob. -<i> Hi, guys, can you hear me?</i> <i> Hello.</i> - Yes! You're on with Natasha and Moshe. Hi. -<i> And I'm a homosexual male, you know, I'm gay.</i> <i> And that shouldn't be too big, but it's a big problem</i> <i> right now because I fell in love</i> <i> with this awesome guy.</i> - In Montana. -<i> He's a great guy, but we don't connect too much.</i> <i> And I started talking to a guy online,</i> <i> and I really like him.</i> <i> But the problem is I feel like I'm cheating.</i> <i> I don't know how to communicate to the person</i> <i> that I've fallen in love with</i> <i> and let them know what's going on.</i> <i> So, I just wanna hear your guys' opinions.</i> - Wait, the first person, you've fallen in love with but you don't have anything in common with him, and you don't really like talking to him? -<i> We're like polar opposites, you know?</i> <i> Like, we don't have a lot in common together,</i> <i> and that is what is hurting our relationship right now,</i> <i> is the fact that...</i> - So, you like his body. -<i> Yes, I love his body. Oh my God.</i> - Got it. - So, that's it, so it's just about sex. - So when you say fall in love, what you mean is, "I laid him down on the prairie, "looked up at that big sky and made love to him under the Montana sun." Yeah, I mean-- well, our first advice to you is move out of Montana. We guarantee-- think you should move to a place like West Hollywood or any major city. Well, you gotta... you're... - Is he sprung? The boy that you're in love with? -<i> Yeah, he was born in Montana.</i> - He's in love with... -<i> I was born in Kansas, so I came over here.</i> <i> I don't know why, but I'm here.</i> - Oh, you moved to the big city-- the big-- you had to get out of Kansas and get to a more sort of vibrant urban area, yeah. -<i> Yeah, there you go, yeah.</i> - So who's the other guy? Where'd you find him? -<i> Well, he just hit me up on Facebook Messenger,</i> <i> of all places, and, um... I just kept talking to him.</i> <i> And you know we have a lot in common,</i> <i> which is more than I can say with the dude</i> <i> I'm currently in a relationship with.</i> <i> So that's where it kind of all started.</i> <i> He's also a very attractive man.</i> <i> He has a lot going for him as well,</i> <i> which helps the case, you know.</i> <i> He can...</i> - Have you met him yet? Have you met-- -<i> Uh, yes, I have,</i> <i> which seems kind of cheaty, I know.</i> <i> I can... (sighs)</i> - Oh, you met up. Did you sleep with him? Did you hook up with him? -<i> No, I didn't sleep with him, but see, see,</i> <i> that's the only thing I haven't done.</i> <i> And he doesn't know I'm in a relationship</i> <i> is the entire problem.</i> - Oh... - Got it. So you're lying to two people at the same time and you're wondering what to do? -<i> Yeah.</i> <i> That's what's going on.</i> - And it's hard, because he probably lives in an area where's it's like, when you finally met this first guy, you're like, "Oh, my God." - I gotta hold on to this guy. - I found the one gay guy in Montana-- Oh, my God, there's two! It's clear what you need to do and you already know. Why are you even calling. You know what you need to do. -<i> What do I need to do?</i> - What does he have to do? - You need to tell these people what's going on. Lying indefinitely is definitely not the solution. - He needs to break up with the other guy. - That's the last thing you wanna do? -<i> It's I just don't like confrontations.</i> <i> Well, I put myself in this place,</i> <i> so I guess I deserve it, but, um, that's...</i> - Well, can't you just tell the guy that you're-- Can't you tell the guy, the first guy, whatever his name is, the one you're in love with who has a hot body-- the one you're in love with his body, can't you just tell him that you wanna, you know, take a step back and have a more open relationship and you're not ready for commitment, and you'd like to still be able to see him, but you know you are kind of interested in not being tied down right now? - Yeah. - You're young. You're in Montana. - And when they say tied down in Montana, it's a whole different thing. It's steer wrangling. I mean, you are so luck-- -<i> Whole different thing.</i> - You're actually really lucky, Jacob, because you haven't done anything stupid yet. All you've done is flirted, so you're not in the "I'm a dirtbag" zone. You're in the-- You're pre-dirtbag right now, and so you can go to your partner and you can say to him, "I love you, but I'm not satisfied. I wanna see other people." - And the truth is, you don't love him. You love his body. - Right, he might surprise you and say, "Well, this is Montana and anything goes." Or he might say, "I can't deal with that. I need to break up with you," and then you got your information. You're gonna fuck the other guy. Guaranteed. - Oh, guaranteed. - You're going-- I mean, he's already-- you've already-- you're doin' it. - And does he need to be clear with his new guy that he was in a relationship when they first met? He doesn't need to disclose that? - I don't think that's important. - Okay. - Neither of them are gonna work out, so don't worry about it. - Jacob, good luck though. - Jacob, can you do it? I mean, you're not a bad guy here. You haven't don't anything wrong. I think that you need to remember that you might hate confrontation but just know that this is a normal problem to have and it's uncomfortable, but you're not a bad person. And you need-- but you definitely need to tell the guy you're currently seeing about it. And just be completely honest. - Yeah. - Be like, I met up with this guy. I'm sorry, it was wrong. - I didn't sleep with him. - Nothing happened. I didn't sleep with him. - But it just made me realize that I'm not really ready to be tied down. - Yeah, the reality is-- the reality is, Jacob, that both of you deserve to have the truth in your relationship. You deserve to be happy and he deserves to have a partner that tells him the truth. - Yeah, and I do think you'll be rewarded if you can like muster up the courage to say this to him. And honestly there's never a good time to do a bad thing, and it's not gonna feel good, but you're just gonna have to force yourself to say it. - You'll feel so good afterwards. Like right now you're just living in his constant like... agita of like, oh, I'm a bad person. I have this looming discussion I have to have. Just go do it and get it over with and you're gonna feel so good on the other side of it, because honestly you're calling in 'cause you feel bad. - Exactly. - You're not a bad person. You're not a malicious person, and this is a common problem to like two people and to feel unsatisfied in a monogamous relationship. - Totally. - And it's gonna feel way worse once you're fucking both of them and then you have to tell 'em. - Absolutely. Like the difference between "I wanna see other people"-- -<i> I already feel like a shit person,</i> <i> and so that's why I'm just trying to take a step back</i> <i> and hear-- I really appreciate you guys</i> <i> giving me your honest opinions. That's helping me with that--</i> - Yeah, you're not a shit person at all. - Yeah, the difference between telling someone "I need to see other people" and "I've been seeing someone else" is so gigantic and it's so much worse to do the second one. So just look him in the eyes, tell him, "I wish I knew how to quit you," and go have fun Montana fun. - And hopefully make it so you can still fuck him since you like fuckin' him so much. - Yeah, I don't think either of these things are over, and I think that you're gonna-- maybe he's thinking the same thing. You have no idea. Oftentimes that's what happens. - He could be DM-ing the same guy right now and you guys could have a real wild steer wrestling contest. - (laughs) Thank you, Jacob. - Good luck, Jacob. -<i> Thank you, guys.</i> <i> All right, bye.</i> - I'm loving this. I'm learning so much. You guys really, um-- I thought it was all gonna just be jokes, but you give really sound advice. - Well, I've had like 15 relationships and Moshe was in AA for 30 years. - 30 years? How old do you think I am? - Weren't you in it since you were like 10 or something? - I was 15 when I got sober. - Yeah, yeah. - Sorry, 25 years you've been in AA. - That's true. - You have a lot of work behind you and ahead of you. I really do love your relationship. And let's get into someone who is also married who has a question about being married for 9 years, Mark. Mark in Montana! - Mark in Montana? - Lotta-- I didn't even know so many men lived in Montana. - Mark, are you a secret homosexual that's been DM-ing with a young man named Jacob? -<i> No, no, not secret homosexual.</i> <i> Been married for 9 years, not to say that I didn't venture</i> <i> when I was younger with the guys, but whatever.</i> - There you go. - All right. - You're married to a woman? - Yes. -<i> I am married to a woman, 9 years.</i> <i> I love my wife more than anything.</i> <i> She's my rock.</i> - Sweet. -<i> But our sex life is just-- it's just not there.</i> <i> I mean...</i> <i> Number-wise, I mean,</i> <i> if once a month happens, that's like that's it.</i> - Hmm. -<i> You know, we also have</i> <i> a 5-year-old girl, little girl, that I don't know</i> <i> if that plays a part in it or I just-- I don't know.</i> <i> Maybe I want some advice on how to spark things up</i> <i> or I-- you know, if I just-- yeah, I'm lost at this point.</i> <i> Like I said, I love my wife more than anything.</i> - Are you still attracted to her? -<i> Um, I think that would come into question.</i> <i> Not to say that, you know, I'm the best-looking guy</i> <i> out there either, but you know, 9 years of marriage.</i> <i> Bodies change. You have a kid.</i> <i> I can totally respect that women give up their bodies.</i> <i> But every time I seem to get into shape,</i> <i> it almost seems like it depresses her more</i> <i> if I get, you know, that flat stomach going.</i> - Sure. -<i> And if I start hitting</i> <i> the gym more, it almost seems like</i> <i> she gets discouraged, you know.</i> <i> She's tried multiple diets and stuff like that,</i> <i> and it just doesn't ever seem to work for her.</i> <i> So, I mean, is there a way I can motivate her?</i> <i> Is there-- I mean, or how do I spark the sex back up?</i> <i> Um, and the sex is kind of-- when we do,</i> <i> it seems kind of, you know, almost kind of boring.</i> - Obligatory? - Yeah, right. -<i> Yeah, it feels vanilla.</i> - Are you initiating and she's rejecting you? Or is she-- Why don't you have sex? -<i> Uh, I wouldn't say that she rejects me</i> <i> if I try to initiate it.</i> <i> I'd say over more of the last six months</i> <i> she kind of seems to like, "Oh, just get off of me."</i> <i> And not in like that mean sort of way,</i> <i> but it's, you know, it's just, yeah,</i> <i> she doesn't really engage too much.</i> <i> And like I said, I don't know if that's because,</i> <i> you know, I've thrown my body into shape</i> <i> and she feels embarrassed or--</i> - What do you do to throw your body into shape? What do you do? Do you go to the gym? -<i> Yeah, I hit the gym. You know, I don't--</i> <i> I cut back on the fast food. I fluctuate a lot.</i> <i> If I eat fast food for two weeks,</i> <i> I definitely throw on 5 or 6 pounds easy,</i> <i> but it's easy for me to drop it off.</i> - Do you think she would be interested in going to the gym or exercising with you? Is that something you could like do together as like-- because what are those things, like aren't there like four different ways you can connect with people? - Yeah. - And it's like you can give gifts, you can spend quality time together, you have sex. Like is there any way you could like create some quality time but is also you guys like working out and getting her feeling a little bit better about herself? Or does that not even interest-- -<i> Yeah, no, that's the thing.</i> <i> If I ask her to-- hey, you wanna go--</i> <i> Let's go for a run or something like that.</i> <i> Let's just cruise around the block with the dog.</i> <i> She just, um, you know, she'll come up</i> <i> with some sort of an excuse, which I also kind of think</i> <i> goes back on she's just depressed with herself.</i> <i> And I just-- how do I motivate my wife to--</i> <i> And it's not that I don't tell her I love her.</i> <i> I do that all the time. If she--</i> <i> Anytime we go out, even if it's to something simple--</i> <i> I mean, we go out to dinner often,</i> <i> but the second she gets dressed, I'm like,</i> <i> you look good. You look good tonight.</i> - Yeah. -<i> And so I just,</i> <i> I don't really know what else to do,</i> <i> and I don't want this to fall apart over sex.</i> <i> I love her more than anything.</i> - Well, yeah. I mean, it reminds me of this saying from-- actually from AA, which is, "if nothing changes, nothing changes." So you're trying to figure out what to do, but what's clear is that what you've been doing isn't working. So continuing to try to do the same-- continuing to try to do the same things. If nothing changes, nothing changes. So you have to try something new. Like you deserve sex. She deserves sex. You deserve an intimate relationship, but she also is going through some stuff. Have you talked openly and directly about your sex life problems and about your worries about her self-esteem and stuff? -<i> You know, but the conversation,</i> <i> that was more of like a year ago and...</i> - So no. -<i> ...the conversation was rough.</i> <i> We haven't talked recently at all, no, not in that aspect.</i> - Yeah, I mean, that's what happens, right, is you have these secret-- you have these awkward things that you don't want to talk about 'cause they're embarrassing. You think she might be depressed and might be depressed about her body, which is even more embarrassing. So you don't talk about it and you don't fuck, and so it's like pouring water on top of a terrible weed in your relationship that's choking out all the oxygen. - And also maybe couples therapy would be something. - Absolutely. Have you thought about going to couples counseling? -<i> No.</i> <i> We've never even talked about therapy.</i> <i> No, that's never been brought up.</i> - Well, let me ask you this. What if I told you-- -<i> Go ahead.</i> - What if I told you I was married to a woman who seemed depressed and wasn't able to motivate herself to exercise or have sex with me, and I wouldn't talk to her about it? What would you tell me to do? -<i> You gotta talk about it, so, yeah, I guess</i> <i> if goin' to somebody helps both of you out, then sure.</i> <i> I don't see why that wouldn't work.</i> - Absolutely, right? - And you can say too like how important-- yeah. -<i> Go ahead.</i> - I was gonna say you can let her know how important it is to you that the family stays together and how much, you know, your child is important and how much your relationship is important and you just want you guys to grow and have it be how it used to be, you know? You want tools to figure out how to get you guys back on track. And maybe she needs to go to a therapist on her own. Maybe she still has some sort of postpartum depression or something. - Yeah, 'cause just hoping that she's gonna like snap out of it, start fucking you like a crazy, you know, Las Vegas prostitute one day and become happy and fit is wishful thinking. It's not gonna happen, but there's all these choices you have. You have all this access-- You listen to Nikki Glaser. You know what you need to do. Get a subscription to submission school. Watch it with your wife. Watch some porn. Get a vibrator. Buy her a vibrator. - That's an easy thing, watching porn together. - Just change something. -<i> I think I'm definitely</i> <i> a lot more adventurous than--</i> <i> She's 5 years older than me. I'm 31, she's 36.</i> <i> Um, but I--</i> <i> She hasn't had as many sexual partners as I have.</i> <i> You know, before we got married, we were all</i> <i> kind of up-front about that.</i> <i> So I don't, I guess I don't really know how to--</i> <i> I've never freaked her out in bed.</i> - Well, if it makes you feel better-- -<i> I've asked her to try new things.</i> - If it makes you feel better, I have had sex with like 17 people, and I thought that was so many, and then Moshe told me he's had sex with 400. - Well, I mean... - So you probably haven't had sex with that many. - Ballpark. - A ballpark. A whole ballpark. - Whole ballpark. (laughter) - You can use that as an example to her when she thinks that you're, uh-- I mean, she's just gonna have to step up. Like, you know, if she wants to be like really vanilla in bed and not like try to please you or initiate or do fun things that you might think would be fun, like I don't know, then maybe you will uncover that in couples therapy and deal with that issue then. - But she can't step up if she doesn't know she needs to, and so you have to tell her what's going on. 'Cause what will happen is you won't fuck her for five years, you'll get frustrated, resentful, and then you'll divorce her. And if that's not what you want, then you have to get some sunlight in your relationship. 'Cause keeping it all bottled up and hoping that it goes away, that's a fool's errand. And if you're really horny, I do know a guy named Jacob in the greater Montana area, and he can take care of you right now. - I think you guys are dead on about the couples therapy. I mean, and I think that if you love your wife as much and she probably loves you just as much, she probably doesn't want you to be depressed and sad. - Totally. - And that's what's making-- this is making you depressed. Her depression and your-- You're depressed too it sounds like in your own way, and you don't wanna be anymore and you wanna get better and you want her to get better, so-- - You don't want to feel like you can't go to the gym and like get in shape or she'll feel mad. - Just I think just couples counseling, and she might feel extremely threatened by that and not wanna go 'cause, you know, "Oh, that person is just gonna team-- You guys are gonna gang up on me." But just-- You sound like a really nurturing, caring guy. You can let her choose the therapist. Like you can choose it together, but make it seem like you've given this a lot of thought and that you just want her to be happy, but also you wanna be happy. And you want her to want you to be happy and work on it together, but I think bringing a third party in is the way to go. - Yeah, a threesome with Jacob for sure. I think that also the problem is that it's-- you're worried about your relationship ending, so you don't say anything and you kind of tiptoe around it, but the relationship is ending currently. - Wow, yeah. - Your relationship is ending unless you change something, so it's not an option. When you talk to your wife and say, "I wanna go to counseling," it's not optional, because the reality is, it can end in 5 years or it can get better now. - Do it for your child. - You gotta change something. But also she deserves something special. You know, take her out. You know, leave Montana. - Yeah. We went and got our shoes measured. - I got my feet measured. You wouldn't do your feet because you were afraid of your feet on camera. - Right, right. - Because you think too many people masturbate. (laughing) - That's true. I don't like to have my feet on camera, not because I'm ashamed of them, but because I put them on camera before, and people jerk off to them. - Mm-hmm. - Yeah, but they jerk off to your face. - Yeah, I try to-- - And your body. - And I struggle with all of that, which brings us to... - Yeah. - Yeah, let's look at our show photos. ♪♪ - First of all... the button-down. - Yeah. - He... he wore this button-down. He thinks he got lucky 'cause we're filming today that he's wearing this button-down. That he's-- we're lucky, apparently. - I don't know. - First of all, my brother gave me three button-downs when I went to his mansion recently, and he goes-- He's too skinny for 'em now, and he knows that I'm fatter. - Right. - So he gave me the button-- He gives me all his clothes that he's getting too small for. - Right. And this jacket too? You're not responsible for that. It's too clean. - This was a dog owner's that-- I walked his dog, and I think instead of maybe paying me, he gave me the jacket, or as like a bonus. - And, um, and how do you get most of your shoes? - From you. - Yeah. - Because you order too big. - No, I don't order too big. I order just the right size. Did you know that he fits into a girls' size shoes? - Into women's shoes? - Yeah, he wears a 9 1/2 women's. - They're not women's shoes. Her feet are so big, they're men's women's. - No. - They're like-- - I wear a 7 1/2 men's, and he also wears a 7 1/2 men's. - No, I don't. - I wear a 10 in women's, and his foot is like a 9 1/2, girls' 10. - Oh! - No, I squeezed into it. - It's really hard for him to accept. - You know when someone gives you a present and whether it's big or small on you, you're gonna accept it with open arms? And that's what I did. And then I put the shoes on my feet. - Well, it's not a present. I was just like, these don't really fit me. You should try them on. - I thought it was a gift from your heart. - No, it was from my bunions, first of all. The opposite of my heart. - You ever put a wedding dress on? - No. - Wouldn't you want to? - No, it's like holding an Emmy. I wanna only do it when I do it. Right? Would you put on a wedding dress? - Is it bad luck to put a wedding dress on? - I don't think it's bad luck. I just think that it... I would feel stupid, yeah. - But a guy puts a tux on all the time. - Yeah. - There's always like that, like-- you have that certain dress that you have to wear. I don't know. - Yeah. - And you don't get to wear it unless you get married, unless someone chooses you. - I'm gonna wear-- for my wedding dress, I'm gonna wear the dress that Tiffany Haddish wore a million times. - Why? She wore a wedding dress a bunch? - You don't know that story about Tiffany Haddish? - I kind of remember. - Okay, never mind. This doesn't work. - No, she wore it to every-- - She wore like a white dress to like every award show. It'd be so funny to wear that as my wedding dress. Be like, can I borrow that, Tiff? - Yeah, it'd be great. - Yeah. - Just get ahead of it and put a ring on your finger. Take the power away. - I don't even wear rings. - You know how sometimes people will say a word to take the power away from it? - Yes. - If you put on an engagement ring that you bought yourself... - Sometimes I do have rings that they only fit one fat finger, and then you just wear it and you're like, I'm married for the day, right? - And who cares? I don't know. That's why I wore this button-down today, take take ownership. What, am I gonna just only wear this on my wedding day? (laughter)
Channel: Comedy Central
Views: 98,239
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: You Up with Nikki Glaser, comedy central, Nikki Glaser, Moshe Kasher, Natasha Leggero, relationship, advice, Nikki Glaser radio show, relationships, Sirius radio, nikki glaser Sirius, You Up, Nikki glaser show, funny talk show, talk show, celebrities, interview, relationship advice, drinking, alcoholic, alcoholism, exclusive, cheating, gay, LGBTQ, marriage, sex, funny, comedy, comedy show, funny video, comedy videos, comedian, comedians, entertainment, comedy central radio, siriusxm
Id: OkhtSeJrwC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 17sec (2237 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 10 2019
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