Natalie Portman on Star Wars and Visiting a Transylvanian Strip Club | Late Night with Conan O’Brien

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[Applause] thanks for being here I'm so glad to be here you look fantastic happy holidays you too you look great you got your uh that's a nice t-shirt you have there Debbie Gibson t-shirt what does it signify for you it's my first concert 8 years old my mom took me to I was 28 but uh I was yay there she is I think I saw you there and you called the cops uh that's great so so you wear that now you still listen to Debbie Gibson or no not really it's just fun to remember I me I I remember fondly yeah it's nice to go back to your childhood let me ask you about your hair your hair is quite different yes I cut it off and it's become everyone's favorite topic of conversation what's weird is that it actually showed up in the news there was a news story that you would cut your hair that's when you know you've made it you know what I mean when they write about that it's a good like diversionary tactic for you know pre pre-movie coming out they don't ask you about the movie they're like y what's the deal with the hair right no but it's good it means people care about you story are interesting it means that they're invested in you as a as a person they want to know I think if a ferret jumped out of my hair nothing you'd never hear about it um yeah well I'm working on it it's a hard trick the ferret won't sit still I want to ask you um of course you've there's a lot to talk about here but I want to ask about the Star Wars movies the fans Star Wars fans are famous for being very serious about the movie and the mythology they must go insane when they see you in person that they've been really cool with me people are really really nice and I think people usually don't recognize me cuz I'm little you know like if you're like umman and you're tall and blonde and you know you walk into a room and everyone looks at you anyway but I'm like little I can sort of maneuver you know do you disguise yourself do you put on glasses or anything like that no do you wear a hat that says I am Natalie Portman ever sometimes cuz I wear that hat sometimes and I just get a lot of weird looks do you um you know it is true I think height has a lot to do it I I do with it I look uh smaller on TV but in person I'm I'm well over 9 ft uh High and um but people just are always like who's that freak and then they oh I see it's people the first thing they always say to me they're like you're so much shorter in person that's like the first thing they say to me I'm like that's right right really nice really friendly yeah I get what's that smell a lot um now do you are you do you think you'll ever go to a Star Wars convention because if you went to a Star Wars convention I think those people would lose their minds I don't know I mean I haven't so far but I mean in in need of cash one day maybe I'll go make money I don't think that's no no no no they were just likeone like Bo you suck yeah nerds everywhere are watching no no no there they've been really nice to be yeah yes yes they're nice who do you think would win in a fight a Star Wars fan or a Lord of the Rings fan have they ever fought has there ever been aren't you curious don't I've heard they I've heard they roam like gangs and that they the force be with you no froto lives and then they fight I've heard that I don't know if that's true but what do I know this interview will get less stupid soon I promise you you're like come on go for it um I am very excited about this movie Cold Mountain because a few years ago I'm a civil war buff I read the novel loved it it's one of my favorite books the last couple of years and I thought this is great I hope they turn this into a movie they have but they shot it in an interesting place it all takes place wait you're Civil War buff can we like rewind yeah that's like not much cooler than like I mean I can't go on I think could you finish the show out for me if you show that in slow motion you'll see my spirit leave my body and Ascend to the heavens trust me no one is more aware of that than I look at those nerds over there Civil War reenactment trust me I'm I like you actually stop the interview to back it up to slam me real hard like deal after totally making fun of people for liking some cool movies exactly exactly who am I to make fun of them really exactly I'm glad we worked this out like yeah those guys are such nerds I collect butterflies myself but really cool butterflies but I seriously am really excited about Cold Mountain and uh because I love the book so much and you've got this great Cask you did not shoot I thought I just assumed this will be shot in the American South but it was shot in shot in Romania which is actually close supposedly closer to Civil War time North Carolina the mountains and all that um so and it was beautiful there was like land that had never been plowed and stuff and but it was Dracula County really was it was near Transylvania there it was like right next to Vlad Beast Castle which is you know cuz cuz Dracula was a real guy Vlad the Impaler I guess and he yeah apparently not in fact a blood sucker no no that was a terrible rumor that his publicist wishes to clear up I think he didn't unfortunately persist yeah he got a bad rap that he uh bit people in the neck and sucked the blood out instead I think he impaled them on Stakes which is more politically correct uh but do they make a big deal of of Dracula in in in Transylvania yeah I mean it's a big marketing tool it's all over the place that is so weird cuz you'd think it' be this romantic Lost World and then what in some ways but then yeah we we drove by this they had this like this strip club I say we drove by we went in honest wow here there's a and then the stripper you know I I always I say drive by a lot too um yeah but was called Dracula erotica we were like this is going to be weird yeah and was it were they were they like dressed as Dracula no it was a big disappointment you know it was actually sort of sad I mean it's like Eastern European you know not so fun or funny but I mean we we obviously expecting some weird freaky you know right is there stuff like Dracula burger and things like that where you know it's it's not quite that developed I mean it's still sort of like you know people going to work on like horses and donkeys and you know tilling their soil or whatever I'm curious if if you're living in Transylvania and it's like Halloween does everyone just like dress up as Dracula and go h i mean you're you're sort of you're sort of like it's obvious you kind of have to do it but if you do it you're a jerk do you know what I mean funny you should ask that Conan thank you it said on my card ask about Halloween I was there in Halloween oh really you were I didn't know that scratch out um my first day of shooting was Halloween so um I came to work thinking you know we are in Transylvania Halloween why not dress up came to work as Dorothy and everyone looked at me like I was crazy Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz really yeah and no one else was dressed up I guess it's cuz it's sort of a European cast they must not make a big deal out of Halloween but right right we do yeah but when you're the only person in a Halloween costume I've I've done that myself where I show up and I'm dressed as like my favorite Civil War General and no one else um well let's uh we have a clip here from the movie I want to make sure that we uh set this up really funny because it's about war and people losing their loved ones so yeah no it's actually it's it's a really beautiful film in the scene I'm a widow of Civil War Widow and I have a baby and jul Law's character is walking back to his love Nicole Kidman and he needs a place to stay for the night it's pretty much his his Odyssey trying to get he's a deserter he's trying to get from the battlefield uh back home it's it is a beautiful story and uh let's take a look at this clip from Cole Mountain thank you kid while here next to me not need to go further oh go shella no I don't want you to I like it's amazing how people had that sense of propriety back then you know what I mean doing that is like a huge yeah there actually the love scene between Jude and Nicole is sort of there's that a moment in there where they're like you know don't look or whatever which is so funny right before you're about to make right but it's it's true to the times which is people were not they were you know very repressed and uh didn't you know actually they weren't that forward with their emotions so something like that has more power yeah that's true um I'm really looking forward to this Cold Mountain opens Christmas day it was great having you here thanks so much really nice to have you Natalie Pon we'll be right back Z Riley's here stick around
Channel: Conan O'Brien
Views: 417,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Late Night with Conan O’Brien, late night with conan obrien, late night with, conan classic, best of, late night, original, comedy, sketch, humor, funny, celebrity, interview, late late show, late, night, show, special, classic, talk show, talk show hosts, andy richter, max weinberg, supermodel, model, star wars, the phantom menace, padme, queen amidala, attack of the clones, revenge of the sith, prequels, star wars prequels, closer, garden state, black swan, dracula, lord of the rings, strip
Id: 1RrnOprSRzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 45sec (585 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 11 2023
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