Conan O'Brien 'Natalie Portman 8/3/04

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[Music] first course you know my first guest says senator Amidala from the Star Wars movies now she can be seen starring in the new movie Garden State which is playing in select cities please welcome Natalie Portman [Applause] [Music] thank you very much for coming nice to have you here settle down everybody just settle down for animals I tell you animals I love your hair it's got a nice kind of I'm rockin your do tonight your what I'm rocking your so what can I do okay do what I can I've got foam insulation in here anyway you look fantastic though I'm told that you are a pretty strict vegetarian is that right I am yeah yeah I've been also testing out the raw food craze in New York have you all anyone those people are lying to you they justify it they love you so much so like just applaud dude so take us to dinner right now raw food what's what's that crate there's this whole theory that cooking food takes the enzymes out and brought food you get more energy from I mean fires no laughing matter invention what's not mock the caveman that thought of this idea yes this whole concept but I went to this raw food place recently and we sort of laugh and the menu cuz everything's like cheese they tell you the ingredients like beans and you're like mmm what do they make that out of and so they'll say that like oh and then you can have like some veal but it's it's just raw vegetables made to look like veal exactly there's a lot of processing and stuff and they they have these like starred items on the menu and my friend was sitting was manning he's like it's like look all the starred menu say these items contain humanely produced honey what is humanly produced honey I don't even want to know what yeah so then I look down and said humanely produced ha okay alright they don't whip the bees or anything my question is faster beat my question is there's like tofurkey right true where they take tofu and then they mold it into the shape of a turkey which I feel there's such a weird concept like I don't want to eat a turkey but if you mold it into the shape of a turkey then I'll have that on things sort of like an offensive name like tofurkey it sounds like right yeah you're telling someone to go screw themselves yeah turkey vegetarian cursing you also you're environmentally conscious which I like you have a hybrid car I do I Drive the Prius the Prius purple Prius very macho car now I will say this I love the idea of a hybrid car they haven't started making them look real sexy yet like what are they gonna make a hybrid Camaro with flames on the front it goes like 8 miles an hour unfortunately it is serve in Congress to be you know environmentally conscious and drive a real fat carbs right right yeah but but you know they're coming out with they're coming out like SUVs and stuff that are environmentally conscious yeah no I know but you know that eventually they're gonna do that they're gonna have like just pimped out rides they like your room yeah exactly but it runs on the sunlight just doesn't go that fast but I always wondered what happen to that like there's all these environmentally conscious cars now we used to have one it was the steam-powered car of the turn of the century why don't they bring that back like I'm coming over in ten minutes I'm just waiting for the kettle to boil I'm just liking doing this right now I'm not going back to this show now there's this let's talk about the new movie this is Garden State and first of all zach braff great guide on the show many times and he's he really this is like he wrote this he directed it he's in it and I did a funny did and you did a great job there's a scene though that really stands out in this movie I don't want to ask you about with a dog a very specially trained dog there's there's a few specially trained dogs in the movie one one's a humping dog mm-hmm and apparently there's many dogs that can hump on cue however this dog also had to pass as a seeing-eye dog right and that combination of skills rarely asked for okay he can hump on cue but he's he also a seeing-eye dog yeah so so they searched far and wide and found this dog in Seattle flew him in and his name's ice salsa he's probably the coolest dog ever he probably knows like he showed up just you know time to do my scene yeah and so his Q is like a two-part Q so the first part to mount is love them up love them up bye that's the cue that he gets love and then the cute alike thrust is who's your these are my cues as well which is how didn't keep a straight face when you guys in that shot because he has to hum it's a fun scene I don't giving and not giving anything away in the plot but this one the seeing-eye dog goes in and sort of starts humping zach braff it's a funny idea we have a clip here from from Garden State what do people need to know to appreciate what's happening here I'm in a doctor's office and Zach Braff's character is there also we don't know each other and I recognize him from a TV show that because in the movie he's an actor as well right there and I'm just a Jersey girl hence Garden State from the whole Newark thing fast let's take a look at this clip from a Garden State I recognize you no dude come bhai well not from high school from TV did you play the quarterback yeah are you really no cool great job man I mean I thought you were really you're just as good as that quirky kid and he's actually means there's some sort of like Oscar you would win like hands down kick his ass a good time now there are many people limited right on this program before before we before we go in your next movie you're playing a stripper I heard is that true maybe maybe okay actually the trailers out in theaters now it's called closer and whenever people you know have to tackle some special project in a movie an actor they go and study did you study to be a stripper I did Conan you did okay yeah I went to some strip clubs my friends were very happy because I could buy them lap dances and movie companies charge and and I learned how to pole dance which is I've always loved that you know when people in a situation like that it's the thing to say is this is research for a movie yeah you know like if I'm ever caught in a strip club or another you know I just be like am researching a movie and that was good to pick up skills for the future too right like you learn Spanish or like you're gonna pull down back on sure go to school right research yeah pole dance alright and when is this movie coming out December all right I'll be there a Garden State is now playing in select cities and you know what thanks so much for coming on the show yeah great to have you here natalie portman everybody [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Bobblehead Conan
Views: 100,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Late, Night, Conan, O'Brien, show
Id: L7BwBms6qG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 12sec (552 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2017
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