NASCAR Road Rage 2

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it has the lead but handbook looks to the inside Eliot diamond trying to walk down the backstretch in less than three to go the bumper to the back of the 24 comes around the hand woman takes the lead and the caution comes out 24 having a difference [Applause] chase Elliott once again so close to his first win lots Cup Series Denny Hamlin fighting for a spot in the championship for just after the checkered flag came out going down the backstretch you see the 24 showing his displeasure and how he was raised by Denny Hamlin and then it was time to talk about [Music] chase Elliott you wrecked me clearly that's what he's saying and Newman going at it well we'll show you why Wow and what happened after the checkered flag between these two all right [Applause] and unlike other all-star games these fellas have to race each other every week of the season let's set that aside this is on the cooldown lap after the checkered flag obviously something took place before all this Pam but here not look out for your hat off the machine [Applause] he's not gonna be happy my little drivers out there yeah that's what you said come on let's see if we're gonna fight I want to see this oh my gosh it'd be a little words here he's like hey dude one of us is gonna win [Music] well we thought Toyota might have a chance to get their first victory here at Michigan but didn't happen [Applause] oh here we go [Applause] let there all the controversy [Music] the helmets all [Applause] that's a smart move on Baker spark gonna cut you better leave the helmet on Danny I saw somebody grabbing gravel with the Cowboys father Hillman I think my brother have it all POW Bush finished third today Kyle the fans saw a great battle but what were you so angry with Bryan about hey you hung up my right rear quarter panel all the way down the front straightaway and gave the win in the 88 car he slowed us down so much he had no idea the 88 car was coming and the 88 just drove right by both of us on the outside because Brian Vickers was trying to slow both of us down just stupid 30th career victory for Brad Keselowski boy has four and Jones have a little body work to do I give so much credit to practice you were none too pleased at the end of this race with Eric Jones tell me what you said to him what are you gonna do turn him right in front of the field and hurt him I mean they put you in a bad situation I lifted for him cost me three spots right there we should have finished second grade knows that was dumb on his part next I guess that's what he wants just go down break in front of the field but I mean you got run like that you just don't move up that was that's I should have diss wrecked him I guess but our rest trucks enter Ford was fast all weekend long it's God that pisses me off you know payback sometimes well a lot of times it happens around this place Tony Stewart just got paid back for what he did earlier to Brian Vickers so the attitude kind of what the heck I'll let him go and then pay it off and and I can guarantee you that all vicars has been thinking about since he got turned by Stewart was getting in a position look up to do this looking for him where's that 14 yeah yeah yeah this is her this is Hurley okay though this is just now oh yeah I mean Vickers comes from the left side of the racetrack from on your screen comes from the right side of the racetrack across to run in the back of Tony now this is what happened earlier in the Stewart that prickers up ahead Stewart says liens on them and keeps lien and keep leaning and just pushed Vickers into the tires down there and and and you know what really and Tony and we've seen this twice Tony got on him and would not get off of it I mean pushing pushing pushing we saw it a little later with Joey Logano there was no other cars around it was just a one on one enjoy he's like I'm tired of messing with you I just pushed you out of the way that took out one car the car that was messing with he just liked it one in the corner right there he just gets a touch Raoh and the back end gets off the gas was that Tony Stewart that he'd make contact the brother and through the grass boy those roof flaps really did their job then because that car wanted to take off it sure did and you can see that Robbie Bourdon is having a what appears to be a heated conversation with Tony you're [ __ ] out of here [Music] Daniel Suarez did not get the Lap he wanted he ends up 28 he and Michael McDowell right on top of each other on the speed chart and after round 1 of qualifying Suarez went looking for McDowell to have a conversation and Michael McDowell went after him punches were thrown crew chief attempting to break it up eventually they did and they had a conversation what was said Jamie well I'm joined by Michael McDowell right now you saw him he had his helmet on and it's almost like you knew that was coming what happened on the track that led to that altercation no I always had my helmet when I get in and out it's just an old habit just miscommunication on the racetrack we all kind of waited till the end and then you just had a lot of traffic so just unfortunate you know he was upset I held him up on it's good lap and then he tried to crash us and I just didn't appreciate it you guys talked about this before the race Sunday yeah for sure just heat of the moment stuff it's racing you know it's a the shorter practice sessions short of qualifying getting late going through Tech intense to your ramps up so it's all part of it thank you let's go word events and with Daniel Suarez which your take on what happened there this is like a respect you know track position is very big in these races these days and you have to qualify well to have a good strong pit road and I will to have a good sign in the race the race is long so you can always overcome that but it's just like a respect everyone in the here in the garage know that second lap is a good one you have to you you have to try to get out of the way if somebody's coming in the hot lap he didn't he he kill him in one corner right oh he was gonna get out of the way in that second corner and he didn't know why and I almost wrecked him and then and he was disappointed because I was trying to wreck him afterwards what my racing spec sedan heated words and punches thrown now this was the aftermath when finally they calmed down and talked it over and Mike you saw this building I mean the time is running out they have less time this year than they've ever had before in these rounds and they received a four-car jam session that we've been watching for a latitude has ended up with Kurt Busch in the wall in the number two he was racing with Tony Stewart Greg Biffle and younger brother that was that was predictable I mean these guys were not cutting each other any slack and they'd been doing it for a number of laps and it was gonna happen sooner or later she's coming off turn four now Tony had already passed Kurt a couple of times and he passed him back and this time he just didn't hurt tried to come up in front of Tony and he said we're not have any part of that and there was not a lot of give-and-take craf not at all Denny Hamlin in the midst of that as well it comes in as they're looking at the damage to Stewart's car Kirk comes up tall for his opinion and that's what they got in the two car for the day meet me at the Oval Office please Kirk what happened on the racetrack and then on pit road you know pit road was just me stopping there to make a point and only making the situation worse so that was my fault but out on the racetrack with Tony you know we raised ten fifteen laps side by side he didn't give an inch and Hoss making sure that I stayed off of him because earlier in the day he tried to wreck us at to restart so I'm not sure where he came from today is really confusing on that side of it but he did get mission accomplished he breakfast and I have no idea what a tantrum so tough day for us at romero like dodge and then us to hear that Bill Prince jr. passed away that's that's a tough so I feel bad that you know some of this is going to be overshadow what I did was what the most words against the French you know for me we just didn't finish again guys I'm giving an inch plenty of guys behind me all sapped up he had let a few guys go don't know where he's coming from today so we're all real confused by Brian Vickers goes spinning in turn one after the checkered flag here's a look at it Oh well these guys were getting and gals we're getting very aggressive well and hard making kids that they had fresh time now watch this I think I see worth it yeah Harv said hey bud save me a little room next time deaf identity not like the way that vicars race Danica so when they got to the checkered flag and passed it he just spun them out to show him absolutely even after that yeah well that's part of it short track racing we talked about emotion we talked about marketing bumpin and Harvick up about a half a line around goes Harvick around goes ty Dillon and that crapped it able to get through chase Elliott gets right in the side of Kevin Harvick a lot of damage to the 80th third position on the inside see Kevin Harvick and ty Dillon going at it on the baxter not happy about this restore and the way they were race again around the three is trying to get them another don't get the bad end of there I think he's trying to spin him out and any luck yet but it looks like he's not given up that'll probably earn both those drivers a visit the trip to the NASCAR trailer after I think they're gonna have to make a visit probably potentially probably as well as the RCR trailer I would think but in that downer they took the win in that down for him he took the heat up early on was down he's parked right in front of the priest of the three can't get it installed the officials doing his best to maintain order doing a greater they they're gonna stand guard stand around their driver and that won't work now yeah kevin harvick interesting incident what happened three just dumped me exactly the reason why I'm leaving RCR because you got those kids coming up and they got no respect for what they do in this sport and they've had everything fed to them with a spoon so I cut him slack all day and you know just drive dive-bombs me in there dumps me so he's got to thank all these Anderson syrup guys for everything that they do it's a shame you got to get taken out by some rich kid like that [Music] Dandan 1 & 2 to take the spot away from kids it against interested driving hard slides up with contact I have to call that racing I mean I try to throw the flame there that's just racing get the dust line up in the Stewartville Tony comes down trying to pin him down a little bit that creates contact that gets kids aside way yeah Tony had to get down a little bit and we've talked about how just on the exit right there's not a lot of room the Grusin fairly narrow totally not very happy [Applause] I have a perfect straw hats Nicias one ended Yeah right I think it's got both the southpaw too plantations this was a little bit later on in the race coming down the inside getting past Tony Stewart and then a little nudge from Stewart to the number 20 car saw Kenny Owens spinning once again two spins let's take another look at that down comes over and down the inside a brave maneuver to get past just a slight contact from Tony Stewart and round went Kenny oh and well they both survived that one but it wasn't going to be forever because Kerwin got his revenge a little bit later in the race lap hundred and forty-seven and this time Tony Stewart backed heavily into the wall while perhaps a win on board with him now take a look at this giving a little nudge to Tony Stewart perhaps getting his revenge for the earlier spins these two used to race against each other in sprint cars Tony Stewart said afterwards he was much the same in those days as well but he was not very impressed and as you can see Tony Stewart here was out of his car throwing his gloves at Kenny Owen and in fact picked up an official reprimand from the NASCAR organization this is what Tony Stewart had to say at the time I had my spotter go down and tell his spotter that it was an accident and then he gave me a hard time getting by the second time we got by him and he start catchments after that I mean after that we were a little slower than he was and I moved up to let him around he hits me off the two so I hit him back in three and four and spun him so he took me out
Channel: jbracing25
Views: 407,945
Rating: 4.7778721 out of 5
Keywords: NASCAR, Road Rage, Fights, NASCAR Fights, Clint Bowyer, Ryan Newman
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 30sec (990 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2019
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