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low side of the racetrack trying to take away that top spot i think that knot they both hit bell slams into the dump for the briscoe and now across the grass the 98 was sliding how much damage look at all the damage on that 20. joey logano being scored in 38th after this that brought out our most recent caution yep that's a tough pill to swallow when you're taken out by a guy that's 15 laps down i don't know exactly what you know what happened there but you take it right on the 22 here just watch you get turn he gets pounded in left rear [Music] joey logano in the garage let's hear from him marty and he just watched that replay and was just shaking his head in disbelief uh you ever seen anything like that yeah slowest car in the racetrack took us out he'll figure it out again to the bottom of the racetrack under five laps to go kyle bush hooks the left side he takes the lead there into the wall kyle pulls into the wall outside all the way up to the wall and the caution comes out he collects the three of ty dylan cleared by legato maybe no kenza takes him out legato into the wall caution comes out and the crown roars this is what just took place clearly the 22 is lapping the 20 and 20 obviously intentionally wrecked him and like what happened the week before was more than two weeks before was more than it should have been and issue that's detrimental to it johnson in trouble montoya also goes around caution number ten tomorrow you can start the roll you can clear trouble turn number two it is kurt bush who's going around brought the caution flag up got another card give me uh jimmy johnson oh oh well huh imagine that came together again into something here 11th caution on the race caution sad ways to get to it they work hard to get theirs took some talent oh this'll be an interesting picture i think he might get him right here he's gone he's got it in contact and he takes the position back oh kyle will he retaliate joey logano goes past he gets through it the caution is out and there is damage to the points leader don't forget the owners championship it was four points in favor of that car the 18 over the 22. [Music] contact for the lead hamilton into the wall oh and collects another one that's junior up in turn one i believe gone wrong off turn four you see harvard trying to get a big run about the corn and i believe he just misjudged right there he thought that that hamlin was going to be a little more speed on the exit of the corner there he was just going to slide up in behind him at that point in time and just misjudged a little whether it was the 11 had to be out the throttle just a little can stay hooked to the back of that 99 it's going to be hard to get him it's going to be close right here at the line can kozlowski try to win it i don't know i don't think he can step out until he waits till the last second and picks it he goes inside is edwards no no oh and that destroyed the front end of newman's car no edwards will not make it to the flag oh brad keselowski won this race the engine a whole hendrick package let's take a look mike carl edwards he opened it up just a little bit yeah i'm not sure i think this is a hard lick right into the fence i mean that car like bobby allison did here in 1987. the catch fence did its job the car did its job thank goodness we have the new stronger much stronger safer uh catch fences and newman took a hard hit from edwards as well that was talking about they both survived it let's see what happens in turn three reed sorensen waiting in the wings here's keslowski on the inside [Music] carl edwards can he make it stick on the outside brad thought he had the best car all night took the inside line in the restart this is going to be down to the wire oh he touched he spun out carl gets guys it looks to me as though carl thought that he was cleared and he was going to do a crossover and maybe misjudged that boom right there is that that bliss or howard colin brown gets hit also and spun around three to go oval's first oval track win he wanted infineon 96 races ago on the road course and half a second and the 99 has turned over brad keselowski and we have a caution i don't know if i'm okay kozlowski was on track for a sixth place finish we're told there was contact between edwards and keslowski and have we seen that somewhere once before talladega last year and early in this race at lap 41. a little crossover move here by carl clean here clean here just slight contact [Music] look at that mango that looks so much like edward's turnover at tampa off the bumper of keslowski it really did and i'm i'm i'm so wondering and hoping that when they put their that did not work out for oh cowboys turns chase elliott hard into the ball and almost back up into traffic not sure what that was all about from kyle bush 11th caution flag [Music] oh boy see dale you're at the 88 car evidently that crash oh he gets him would that be payback i guess that's a [Music] payback oh see now what that's what happens when you pay a guy back sometimes you take out some other guys that shouldn't be involved in it 14th in the championship standings here you see newman on the high side and i mean basically jared's just waiting for him because what happened because the damage on the 88 car was the 12th car a few laps go ran in the back of the 88 and this is nothing but payback so they both go around to the wall you see harvard coming in going through there side by side is almost impossible for those guys and you can see right there just a difficult situation for all drivers involved and they're coming through the inner loop out of the inner loop into the current cell what is he going to do it gives him a little bit of bumper i don't know he's seen him send [Music] the 2017 champion will you get the bumper yes he does here comes legato legato on the inside a drag race they're sideways and it's going to be legato getting the win up the racetrack oh it's michael turned [Music] around [Music] remember bubba wallace in the running for the fan vote here's a better shot at this so watch bubba see he comes up a little now the 30 now the 34 just kind of turned left to get back down to bubba i don't know if he's just trying to to that crash cost him critical points knocked him out of the top ten but right now he's on the bumper of the leader oh kenzith goes around off the front end of gordon and automatically you think of what happened at bristol between the 17 and the 24 that resulted in that shoving incident on pit road after the race let's see if he can get a fight on the bottom of the racetrack they'll be side by side down the back straight away oh man that was tight off turn two he's got him i believe he's got him this time oh he turned it no no no now here comes clint boyer to take the yellow flag oh no and wild thing kyle bush it's really impressive he's able to hang this time they've been working on that card together and kyle bush goes around it's weighed 185 laps dale i guess i was wrong about that i think you meant two laps twice today i don't know it looked like they were just racing hard well junior wasn't the most popular even before he's pretty popular right now these fans stand and cheer here oh he locked it up vickers locked it up and he gets into mcmurray newman spins around junior got a piece and you know what that really all started with kurt busch and those are with bush and montoya yeah i wonder if tony pushed him into him though could be yeah right look at him he's on him only that's not vickers that's tony stewart right there looking at that handling they left [Music] you know payback sometimes well a lot of times it happens around this place tony stewart just got paid back for what he did earlier to uh brian vickers the attitude kind of what the heck i'll let him go and then pay it off and and i can guarantee you that oh all vickers has been thinking about since he got turned by stewart was getting in a position looking to do this looking for him where's that 14 yeah my goodness a lot of damage was 13th last time by and it will not roll i don't think yeah look at that the right rear tire is it isn't even touching the ground that is a bent race car there he is on the bottom looks like kyle busch is going to slide up into him and that's exactly what happened around watch this on the caution nine is trying to repay it [Music] vickers wants to go [Music] it getting a little wider there he goes junior oh 48 and takes out earnhardt and jimmy johnson caution is out the leaders had already taken the white flag so is it gonna be the 25 of the nine he's turning clint boyer into the wall collecting joey logano caution flag is out of a champion did the leader take the white flag before the caution came out years worth of frustration conflict [Music] the crews are in it [Applause] somewhere in the middle of that is jeff gordon [Music] i'm sure clint warrior wants his opportunity at this can't really blame him that's stupid foreign racing for fifth position then this the payback as brad keselowski the championship leader right in front of him finds enough room to get by bush got under him and muscled jimmy spencer you don't see that often spence is hanging on for dear life dale earnhardt ernie irvin elliott sacher rusty wallace and now kurt busch is a first-time winston cup winner at bristol jimmy spencer a car like the head of ricky rudd for second crash it's kurt busch with a heart crash that's too bad he was flying he was running very very well looks like he might have tested that safer barrier one more time down that long straight away current moves over to get some air between the two cars get to turn three [Music] he just booted him out of the way all right survey says what was he racing right there we're here and it's a red car yeah that would be what the third or fourth time this year that they've tangled right in front of danny hamlin and wait for him wait for it pow what did we say when we were watching this if he doesn't move jeff gordon somebody's going to move him you know it's just uh we finished bad he finished bad it's uh you know it's even what did he say inside the car i see he was coming for me so i usually don't see him so it's usually not a factor watch out for my third place car kyle bush [Applause] wins [Music] less than three to go the bumper to the back of the 24. goes around hamlet takes the lead and the caution comes out chase elliott currently running third kensin has a two and a half second lead over chase elliott a seven tenths of a second lead over martin luther junior and they're with the tire the aluminum goes under the [Applause] wall [Music] and as we saw earlier with the 48s of jimmy johnson that could be the championship hopes going up in smoke for denny hamlin
Channel: MMCS
Views: 530,580
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NASCAR, 2018, 2019, Stop, Motion, M&M, Cup, Series, Finish, road course, 2011, 2012, Sonoma, Glen, NASCAR Crashes, NASCAR Finishes, NASCAR Top 10, NASCAR Radioactive, NASCAR Underdog, NASCAR on FOX, NASCAR on NBC, NASCAR Heat 3, NASCAR Flips, NASCAR 2017, NASCAR 2018, NASCAR 2019, Crashes, Motorsports, NASCAR on ESPN, NASCAR Race, NASCAR Tempers Flare, NASCAR Live, YouTube, Views, auto, racing, history, MMCS, 2020, 2021, GEN7, HEAT 4, NASCAR HEAT, NASCAR COMPILATIONS, nascar close finish
Id: nzPk5PJwIYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 33sec (1053 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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