NASCAR "No Talent" Moments

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yo have you ever wondered how an nfl player is able to throw five picks in a single game how a wide receiver can drop a wide open touchdown pass or how an nba player can shoot a shot and not even hit at least the rim well you'd be surprised to find out that these things happen in nascar too and in this video we get to go over the times that nascar drivers just simply ran out of talent sometimes when a nascar drivers attempt to make a green flag pit stop especially at talladega and daytona things go very wrong to make a green flag pit stop pretty much all you have to do is slow down to pit road speed but sometimes doing that even on your own is pretty tough now if you're leaving a pack to join a green flag pit stop and you know you got a lot of people pitting at once it would be pretty smart to kind of spread out before you go into pit lane right but mainly due to rookies and a lack of communication drivers can have with each other this concept suddenly becomes hard so are the nascar drivers that mess this concept up talentless i say we take a look at one of my favorite quotes from driver brennan gone when your pitt and start sliding up get out of the way let those guys get down when you're pitting get the hell out of the way and get down talladega is easy to get on off pit road just get out of the way it's not that tough to get on pit road here and guys for some reason can't figure it out the number one rule of stock car racing is to learn how to wreck somebody else without wrecking yourself we've all had our fair share of times where the ai nascar games wrecked us so we have to get them back right but typically we go all in because it's just a video game it's only a game so really who cares if our car gets damaged too we can always restart and try again but in real life nascar you can't exactly restart so if you're going to wreck someone make sure to do it without wrecking yourself too that's where we meet this driver this is danica patrick who joined the nascar cup series in 2012. after on track feuds danica patrick set out to get revenge on the number 83 of landon castle but in doing so she wrecked herself worse than she wrecked the number 83 and i'd be lying if i said danica was the only one i could pick on for this still there he wrecked himself danica patrick's nascar career was an epic fail and although it was short at the same time it was longer than what should have been in general danica patrick crashed her car a lot and if you're brand new to nascar you might think i'm joking fans went to town and had fun at her expense i still see comments like this today she raced in the nascar cup series for a total of five full-time years and in that time span she scored a top 10 3.6 percent of the time and her lap's lead rate looks even worse she only led 0.1 percent of the life she ever ran it's hard for me to put danica patrick in a no talent category especially if you account for the fact that she literally won an indycar race but in nascar that talent certainly didn't carry over in nascar blocking fellow competitors is just part of the game blocking for wins blocking to stay on the lead lap i mean even blocking for no reason while it's a safe bet to say some blocks are more calculated than others it definitely doesn't keep any from going wrong now i would say like 75 percent of the time the driver behind you just doesn't care they'll probably push you out of the way but trust me that does not keep people from doing it the expected outcome of blocking in nascar is just to simply keep your position and upon first glance that seems great but most of the time your race is probably over because you blocked a little too late and you're left with a pile of junk that no longer drives you see this is my guy karl edwards and he loved to block and when your driver throws blocks that constantly go wrong it simply doesn't feel good blocking yeah and if you're a nascar driver you definitely don't want to display your talents by making a late block over the past few years my favorite nascar challenge has definitely been all-star race qualifying he's got out now come down pit road come on he's breaking it he's getting some more tires he definitely needs these four tires now i love how it keeps you guessing with the way you never know which driver is going to nail their stops or which driver driver's gonna blow them completely and that being said i think you have a good idea of where i'm going with this and i really can't even act like the all-star qualifying is easy i definitely would not be able to do it but sometimes nascar drivers miss their pit boxes by about a mile and to me that's one of the most entertaining parts of the event wheeler boy he's not gonna make it i don't have any pin guns i can't hit him he's gonna have to back up whoa baby that thing was the sideways i don't think that's gonna make it but what an effort nascar drivers always find new ways to mess things up they even mess up their burnouts and celebrations oh wait that's actually been done before but perhaps there's no more unfortunate circumstance than tearing up your race car after the race is finished here he comes oh my god boy he just tore his car all the pieces he hit the uh he hit this uh manhole down there now it's kind of ironic for me to say a nascar race winner is talentless for messing up a burnout i mean they literally won the race but this is actually a good reason to bring the nascar burnout challenge back that way the nascar drivers that rarely win races can actually have some practice before the time comes oh no he's lost it now what's going on oh here we go it's a myth it's a whiff he's striking all right that that's like going in for a dunk in the dunk contest and missing it man okay now we know this guy knows how to do a burnout oh no smoke oh he hit me he wants damage oh we know this guy knows how to do a burnout just run over everything [Applause] you are the man kyle but i need to know from you which nascar driver does the best burnouts in my opinion it's joey logano but let me know what you guys think down in the comments below remember when he won the all-star race over in charlotte did that triple burn out now those specific instances are all fun and games but sometimes entire nascar careers can be defined as no talent it's easy to say drivers like danica patrick trevor bain and brian scott all displayed no talent throughout their nascar careers and thinking about it this way makes absolute sense for other sports as well i would put driver danica patrick in the same exact boat as johnny manziel both of them were extremely hyped up coming out of college and out of the xfinity series but once they got to the top level they underperformed and disappeared quickly one thing i always hate to see is early crashes at super speedways just like in the 2021 daytona 500 where eric jones pushed eric almarola this is one of those deals where you gotta understand the situation that pushing really won't get you anywhere 14 laps into the daytona 500. you can only win it if you're there at the end and big crashes at the start of restrictor plate racing really messes with the flow of the race if only some drivers could think big picture big picture what's wrong with these people can they think big picture for this reason i thought that the 2021 daytona 500 was pretty bad which is unfortunate because nascar was trying to hype this up as the best season ever that's all i got for this video and if you liked it make sure you're subscribed to this channel and like the video and let me know what you think of michael mcdowell winning the 2021 daytona 500 he's now i guess locked into the playoffs implying that it gets top 13 points that's going to shake things up quite a bit so let me know your opinions in the comments section below follow me over on twitter i kind of meme over there and tweet about races and as always thank you for the support on the channel and i will see you guys in the next one you
Channel: RawGator
Views: 2,451,994
Rating: 4.7602115 out of 5
Id: 6ZbjL0SaIw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 15sec (495 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 24 2021
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