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what's up y'all and welcome to daga baby that's right an iconic track ahead of us today here in nascar heat five talladega super speedway the longest oval in all of nascar 2.66 miles is gonna take you one lap around and uh man i mean this is going to be great try oval super speedway all maxed out the entire time pedal to the floor 200 plus miles an hour inches away from 39 other drivers and cars this is just dude it's it's the pinnacle of of manliness and and gas and grease and a bunch of things that i probably shouldn't say here on youtube so here we go let's get it baby i'm excited this should be a good one hopefully we can show up hopefully we can show out so looking at our uh our our setup adjustments i'm going to say we probably would have go all the way loose right i mean i i think i think we're going to want to be flat out the entire time we're going to want to be as fast as possible especially in qualifying now i don't know i don't know what's going to happen with the actual race should we try to rely a little bit more on on drafting at first and then maybe you know maybe be able to save our tires for the end of it and be able to stay out there longer i have no clue but looks like here in practice our goal is going to be to get a 48.739 second lap if we could fall in behind somebody right here and catch a draft that wouldn't be bad i don't know that that's going to happen though but somebody didn't really come out at the right time but um yeah i think for qualifying we're definitely going to want to be all the way loose here it's it's really it's it's going to be all about just keeping it keeping it steady you just got to find find that that spot on the wheel where you've got it turn and you can just hold it steady all the way through slowly work your way up looks like the the recommended driving line is not quite getting up to the walls like something like daytona we're more going to be sticking in the this middle lane of the track but um i don't know we'll we'll see what we can do the one thing that makes me a little bit nervous nervous is if we do stick with the all the way loose set up all the way through to the race i mean you guys know we've last couple of episodes we've upped the uh the tire wear and stuff so it just makes me a little bit a little bit nervous we caught a nice draft there that's probably why he ended up going a little bit a little bit higher there to be able to stick better i don't know okay pretty much no matter what we do we are going to be able to [Music] be able to to whatever you want to call it let me see let's see if we can get our goal lap time here come on we need a 48.7 oh we didn't get it 49 and a half but pretty much whatever we do like even if we're drafting folks we're gonna be able to to you know just keep it pinned all the way through the entire lap it's just a matter of of how quickly are you eating away at your tires do you want to take the high line and get a little bit more a little bit more momentum to maybe slingshot yourself into the straight there's there's a lot of a lot of stuff at work here that i i don't necessarily i'm not necessarily an expert in if you know what i mean i'm not sure there's also like side drafting and stuff pushing the air coming off your front tires into like the the body of the car next to you and all all kinds of stuff that these guys that these guys go through and deal with so we're just gonna go out there we're gonna try our best we're gonna see what we can do we got a 48.8 on that lap hold your line got one outside it's all clear got a guy down there in the grass getting down close to the apron there we'll see what we can do with this one but yeah it's gonna be interesting man like i'm just i'm gonna keep my my foot on the floor and we're just we're gonna go for it we're just gonna send it and whatever happens happens hammer down y'all let's get it here we go so we uh we did not hit that goal time there in practice it looks like our goal for uh for qualifying is a little bit slower because we're going to be out here on our lonesome we're not going to have any help we're not going to have any drafting still getting a 49.1 i'm going to be honest is is a bit beyond beyond what i think we're going to be able to do but um i guess i guess we'll see what happens out here in the sweet home alabama i think this thing is in like an old air force base right i mean this this is this is the true the true south right here i love it i'm excited for this hopefully we can uh can show up and do pretty well got my fingers crossed and i guess i guess we'll see what happens so i know we we don't really push up against the wall we more push our right side against that inside line at least that's for the recommended setup obviously we don't always have to only go by that but uh i guess it's it's not a bad idea looks like we've got two qualifying laps that we can work with here i feel like we turned turned in a little bit late there [Music] but we are holding it steady so that's good news man this honestly this would be such a fun experience to race on an open track like this my mom actually a couple years ago i haven't used it yet i really need to she got me the richard petty driving experience at daytona international so you get i think in an older stock car it's not like the modern era ones but it's they're a little bit older still super fast you can still i think get up to around 200 but um you go out there and you you have like a professional driver in the seat next to you and he just kind of sits there and assists you around the track obviously with something like daytona it's going to be a pretty a pretty simple thing you just got to keep the pedal pinned and you just turn but um dude just imagine having speeds oh we hit the apron there that was not good imagine having speeds like this imagine seeing that sun set off in the distance just cruising around a track here just watching all these trailers and tints and the the you know crash fence there just zooming by you ah this would just be such a cool experience don't have the stress of all the other cars around you and stuff you're not competing you're just out here going for a cruise that would be pretty spectacular i'm not gonna lie so go to 40 i'm not sure what we got on our first one we stayed we stayed super high here because i was looking up at the numbers and not paying attention that's all right we're going to get a 50.296 for our second one and we are going to be starting off in last place sweet last the first challenge out here in talladega see if we can make it happen alex bowman be a pal if you need a boost try to draft with him austin dillon gave up qualifying position for new tires so we we aren't going to be last we're going to be p-39 and good old chase elliot's gonna be up there on pole so let's see what we can do now one thing i i went and i checked our our settings it was actually recommended that we have an all the way tight set up now i i thought i thought loose was like you didn't corner as well but you were faster which i would imagine that that's that's why that's what you would want out here but i guess that's not the case it said we wanted a tight setup so i'm going to assume that's why our qualifying pace was so bad [Music] but it's all right man as long as we can hang with the pack as long as we can get some nice drafting going on we're going to be able to make this work i'm i'm feeling good about it we really had a good draft right there really kind of built up some speed it's crazy how that works man that's that's our own little version of vrs i guess did our overtake button like an f1 all right you're clear we definitely don't want to don't want to go running into anybody but we need to clear down we need to keep our our draft up dude everybody's moving around so much i really just don't want to i don't want to rear in think i'm here i'm gonna lift up the gas a little bit just try to keep it try to keep it steady a little bit of contact what we need to do is just nicely get up to his bumper and and just kind of set our car on his bumper like you could touch you just don't want that that abrupt contact if you're touching and you're both going essentially the same speed like that that's going to be a okay dude this is insanity and i freaking love it i just i love all the the racing series that we're doing right now they're all so much different than the others and it like this this is so incredibly different than f1 namely by the fact that it's like we only have one pedal out here we didn't see anything how come we don't we're ah i see i think i toggled the mirror off hold on okay we got to re-enter this race without messing this up you ready trev you ready all right i got my foot on the gas go oh okay i toggled my mirror off there it is now we've got a mirror back there we just heard smoke and rubber and still there the the crashing of fiberglass but i'm not sure i'm not sure what happened back there we we kind of we kind of weren't clear when we we tried to re-enter whoops dude we are we are flying right now i'm trying to i mean it's it's kind of hard to make moves [Music] it's like a mix of of wanting to push careful oh we got outside of the draft that's not good we got some contact we got something going on up there in front of us be careful trev definitely be ready to uh to dip dive and dodge out of the way if you need to oh he's into the wall all clear i just love the sound of the crashes behind us and we're just we're just continuing on what happened to uh are we not getting flags i feel like we should be getting flags here but i guess i guess i guess we're not all right four laps into a 13-lap race really almost five laps at this point i'm gonna try to see if we can go high and see if we can catch a draft on whoever's up in front here really it's all about finding those drafts finding those slip streams oh shoot you dive down that's not good so we're gonna end up falling back you just you basically have to chain you have to chain all these drafts together if you fall out of that draft you're you're done son you're you're in trouble just stay in this trap and then try to try to dive down to the corner and get that position before anybody else does okay i tried to get down there but he shut that off i was worried about worried about wrecking a little bit i'm not gonna lie try to use that momentum to get up in here work together buddy don't don't don't leave me out here don't leave me high and dry we're starting to slide quite a bit let me uh check out our car 62 and 65 on this right side ooh a little bit of contact from the man behind us yeah i can i can feel her starting to slip in some of these corners kind of feeling a little bit reckless at times that was a pretty smooth move right there dude we're over halfway through this race why is everyone going so slow i'm like mega lifted off the gas right now obviously don't want to run into anybody dude it's like that was a great lap what is happening here it's like we just got super speed careful i'm gonna be honest i really love this game but i do feel like the difficulty is very inconsistent like i i'm doing absolutely nothing different here you guys saw i mean we we were kind of doing pretty well at the start of this race i mean we were we were passing people but it's it's not like we were flying by people and now all of a sudden we're just completely flying by people [Music] how bush good old freaking cowboos you guys have been sending me memes after some of his wins he's quitting we were not clear yet all right lesson learned uh he's he's did he say he was quitting trucks after his 100th win or was it xfinity i think it was truck series maybe i don't know i'm not sure all right do we want to try to go around the outside we probably just want to kind of stick with them for now i i don't i don't understand how we would ever end up going around him here we definitely don't want to let somebody in on our inside though so we're just we're going to hang it hang it down low oh he caught the apron he caught the apron there huh that was not me i didn't touch him oh we're almost out of gas what are you talking about we got two laps of fuel left with five to go oh so we are going to have to pay here you're clear okay he caught the apron because i think he was going into the pits all right we're we're going to be all right we're going to be all right we got one lap of fuel left it's our first time ever legitimately having a pit outside of tires so that's kind of exciting let's make sure we don't don't miss the pit entrance we have a wreck up there in front of us looks like we're clear what the fudge why did he come back out like that all right how fast do we need to be going we're not going is this not the pit where's the pit slow down pit road's 55 miles an hour we were going 56 when we entered are you kidding me oh dude we were so close oh we're gonna get a penalty for that aren't we is there any sort of like you know hey officer i'm sorry my speedometer was just incorrectly calibrated or you know something like that i'm not sure get out there boys give us some of that good old fuel give us some of them new tires we honestly probably i probably should have selected no new tires i don't i don't think there was a point for new tires here all right let's get out of here okay get back in there let's go come on baby oh dude we got we got screwed we got we got absolutely diddly winks are you kidding me we went from p1 to p12 and we got another group about to pass this year i don't know i mean from the outside i mean kyle freaking bush isn't really in the best the best spot either he's he's back here with us what happened i don't think we got a penalty it didn't make us sit there like it has in the past ooh he just came up and ran right into us um obviously we don't have that much experience with pit stops yet so i i probably should have just forgotten tires if they just dribbled a little bit of gas in there then we would have been all right and i think we would have been would have been back out to the races and maybe back into first i'm not sure maybe our timing was off maybe we could have been smarter about it so that we had why are you running into me all right you're clear maybe our timing was off maybe we could have timed it better so that we'd be more with with cars that we can we can draft behind obviously our end lap there was was a little bit rougher we were pretty much the only car out on the track except except for some of the back markers so we didn't download it didn't have the fastest time i don't know i mean it sucks because we were out there for a minute [Music] but i guess uh i guess it's not the worst thing in the world we didn't go from p-39 to we're now in in p16 so i don't think we can really be that upset about it we should have some still there some brand new tires compared to some of these guys here so careful we just we got to get in a draft nobody's in a draft nobody's drafting with us nobody's working with us we're getting bounced around like a pinball get behind cole come on come on there it is we just needed that draft dude we forgot about our stratego [Music] had a nice little draft get back around cold gonna get back behind ross chastain here come on be careful stay in that draft got one to go here i'm gonna try to see if we can [Music] have a nice little transition up to the top oh we got outside of it good not good not good see if that would have been smoother we could have potentially and then tripped back like technically it kind of did work a little bit i'm going to want to stay behind him here as much as we can still there now we're going to get down here but there's nothing to drop down here oh wreck behind us i believe careful still there race finished cautions occurred after the leader has crossed the overtime line the race is over so i guess we do still have cautions and flags and stuff just nothing popped up even though we had quite a bit of action in that race let's uh let's go let's go forward so we got p16 i mean i'm not mad at it i feel like our pitch strategy could have been a little bit better let's see some of these replays here if you hit view replay does it just replay the whole race or does it give you the highlights because i feel like this screen gives us the highlights mainly i just like to see some of those wrecks kind of see what happens oh that that's that's that's the one that we had the rear view mirror not on [Music] 100 that was on me had a couple others in here i'm gonna try i'm gonna be as a spicy little [Music] so hold on a second i think i think it does i think it does give you replays of the whole race here so you guys can see we make a pass for 33rd a little bit of trading paints oh yeah that that one was that one was on me john hunter nemechek and ross chastain end up getting into it a little bit there yikes lap five make a pass for 19th place who look at us looking good out there man this is pretty cool i like this you could even change the replay length so you can do full replays short replays medium replays etc if you guys want to see more replays and see the crashes at the end of each race be sure to let me know we could even honestly i could probably try to like i'll watch these afterwards and i might be able to like cut them into what's happening in the moment but we have all these weird overlays and stuff and the weird angles you might not really be able to see it all that well i don't know it's it's it's pretty cool let me know what you guys think if you guys would like to see more of the replays but um all right man good race honestly i'm i'm happy with it i'm i'm not mad at that at all uh you know starting in in second to last ending and 16th is is pretty solid it is a little bit disappointing that we couldn't couldn't come out with more but um i mean we are a newbie and it's it's about the best we could ask for so hope you guys enjoyed this episode drop a like if you did this and f1 are back we're going hard daily episodes so drop a like for that subscribe if you guys haven't already peace
Channel: TmarTn2
Views: 137,860
Rating: 4.9369216 out of 5
Keywords: nascar, nascar heat, nascar heat 5, career, career mode, nascar heat 5 gameplay, nascar heat 5 career, game, video game, gameplay, game play, nascar game, nascar video game, playstation 4, ps4, xbox one, xb1, pc, wheel, wheel cam
Id: MdmKB2jvU5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 22sec (1282 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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