NASA Talk - Escaping Earth's Gravity: Space Launch System

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STEVE SANDFORD: Okay, good morning. Welcome back. It's great to see everybody. I missed last week but I heard it was... I heard all about it. They are good, aren't they? Wait till you hear Jeremy. So the first week we covered sort of the plan and last week and this week are about what we are doing now. Of course last week the theme was sort of the astronauts' home away from home. How are we going to keep them alive as we go into deep space? This morning you are going to hear about, how do we get out into deep space? And in particular, how do you get out of this gravity well that we live in? We live at the bottom of a really deep, and steep gravity well. And so, if you want to get off the Earth it takes a lot of energy to climb out. And so, Jeremy Pinier is here this morning. He is the technical lead at Langley for all the work that we are doing at Langley in order to make the next generation rocket fly. And it is a lot of work. As you can imagine, we get that much energy into one place and try to fly it through the atmosphere, a lot of fun things start to happen. And he is in the middle of trying to figure out how to make it safe. And how to make it stable as it goes up out of the atmosphere. Next week of course we are going to start to talk about problems that we haven't actually figured out how to solve. We think we know how to solve this rocket problem, it is a lot of work. We think we know how to solve this space craft problem. And again, it is a lot of work. It's taken some time but we have the solutions for the next two lectures after today, we're going to be talking about things that we are still...we're still working on the solutions for, frankly. So, in any case that sets the stage for next week. But at this time I'm going to turn it over to Jeremy and let him tell you about the SLS and Langley's role in that. (applause) JEREMY PINIER: Thanks, Steve. Can you guys hear me in the back, pretty well? All right, thanks. So again I'm Jeremy Pinier and I work at NASA Langley Research Center about eight miles from here. And we are going to talk today about rockets. So this should be fun. And in particular we are going to talk about the Space Launch System that you see right there. That's our nation's future heavy lift launch vehicle to carry humans back to Mars, or back to the Moon and even further to Mars. So, I really have my dream job. I'm not going to lie, I love my job. But nothing that we do at NASA could be done by any single one person. It takes teams, very large teams of amazing people to do what we do. And I have to give credit to the wonderful people I work with. These are some of the team pictures we take when we are running WinTel tests. We are going to talk more about that. And our team is not just here at Langley. It's in Alabama, at the other NASA centers. It's in Houston. It's in California. And we all work together to make this rocket work. So, first of all, I'm going to give you right off the bat four take-aways for today. I'm going to show a lot of pictures. I'm only going to show four equations and if you don't understand them that's just fine. We can't talk about rockets and not have equations. But I want you to have four take-aways and the first is: going into space is really hard. Just like Steve mentioned, we are fighting two very strong forces. One of them is gravity, and the other one is drag when we are shooting out of the atmosphere. And that is hard to do. The second take-away is exploring space. It benefits our society as a whole. We're not just exploring to discover new worlds. I mean, that's amazing and fantastic but we do it because of all the benefits and the spin offs that we get in our society here on Earth. The technologies that is developed to go to space, we have to push the envelope of knowledge and all of that benefits all of us here. So that is really important. The third one is; today is really an exciting time for exploration. Humans haven't really explored for forty years. Last time humans explored was when we were going to the Moon. Obviously, we have done fantastic things like the space station. And develop new technologies. But today, now we're developing a new rocket, to do some more explorations even further than where we've been. Did I mention that going to space is really hard? Well that's another takeaway here. And will see why it is. So as an outline, four things. Actually it looks like two number ones a number two and a three. Mac versus PC issues here. First of all I'm going to give a brief history of spaceflight. So we're going to talk about how do we get out out of the atmosphere? And I'm going to give a brief very brief history of how spaceflight is today. Second, I'm going to talk about the space launch system. SLS, I am going to say that word many times, SLS. So hopefully you'll remember it and you can talk to your neighbors about that SLS when you get back home. That's America's next rocket for deep space exploration. Third, we'll see what NASA Langley is doing here in our backyard to contribute to the space launch system. And forth, will go full-circle back to some history about how Hampton Roads is really the birthplace of US manned spaceflight. And that's pretty amazing that that happened here in our backyard. So, like I say going to space and escaping Earth's gravity field requires piercing through our atmosphere at great speeds. That's a beautiful picture of our atmosphere taken from space station. You can see how fragile it looks and beautiful, yet it is so hard to pierce through it because were going so fast. And, here's equation number one. All you have to worry about is the circled term there, that's velocity. That's how fast we have to go. Or that's how drag, the force of the air on the rocket, that's how drag is proportional to velocity. So, that's the square of velocity. That means if I'm going 50 mph on the highway, I stick my hand out the window and I'm going to get a force of maybe 30 pounds on my hand. If I go twice the velocity, if I accelerate to 100 mph, which we shouldn't do, that's a little fast. Let's just have a thought experiment. My hand is now going to see a force that is not double, it's quadrupled. So it's 120 pounds. So that's one of the issues. The other issue is; if you look at the power requirement, equation number two, the power requirement to overcome drag is proportional to the cube of velocity. That means that your car, when you double your speed on the highway, you now have to use eight times the power. So that's why your gas mileage goes down really fast when you start going the speed limit compared to say 40 mph. So that's the really hard part. That nature gave to us, that equation nature gave to us there's nothing we can do about it. Okay, so we know we have to go fast, but how fast we have to go? Alright? Well, it depends on where we want to go. That's the whole issue. We can go close to the earth or we can go really far. And that is going to determine how fast you need to go. This is equation number three. And that is the escape velocity that is needed to go to a certain point. So capital M, that's the Earth's mass. And little r, that's the radius of the earth. So that determines your escape velocity. So we calculate that very easily. So if we want to go to Mars, which is what we're going to try to do by the 2030s. That is the velocity that we need to attain to get there, 25,000 mph. There's no way around it. If we want to go to another solar system, if we want to escape the suns gravity now, that's 95,000 mph. And that's been done before. I'll show you the first spacecraft that did that. Yeah? AUDIENCE: What it be easier to go from the Moon, than from the Earth, to go to Mars? JEREMY: It is. It is. This is just assuming, this is just assuming that the rocket go straight there. To simplify things a little bit, but yeah. AUDIENCE: That's my question too. All those assume we're starting from the earth. JEREMY: Yeah, you're absolutely right. I'm simplifying things, and this is just so you get the concept of escape velocity. We would do that if we had to go. International space station, 18,000 mph. And for the space station, we have to go directly. There is no stop along the way. And for the moon, that's about the escape velocity to get to Mars. It's pretty similar. Once you are on the moon, escaping the Earth's gravity is not that hard. So, obviously this is not to scale. So, I think scale is important because I describe how fast we need to go. Now how far we need to go? So to explain how far we need to go, I brought this globe. And let's just imagine that it is 3 feet wide instead of 1 foot wide. I couldn't find a 3 foot wide globe. This is planet Earth, okay? If this is Earth, the size of Earth, the Sun would be 6 miles down the road. About at Newport News Park. And it would be 330 feet wide. That's the size of the sun compared to this globe here. Mars, and obviously the earth is going around in orbit, a 6 mile orbit around the sun. Mars is 3 miles that way. Okay, that's where we're going to try to go. Now the moon would be about at the end of this room down there. It be about 3 yards, about 9 feet wide. No, I'm sorry. It's about a third the size of Earth. Okay, so the Moon's over there. Mars is 3 miles down the road. International Space Station, it's an inch away. That's where we been going, that's where we've been taking humans for the past 15 years, is an inch away from Earth. And that's what we call low Earth orbit. We have vehicles today, they can go to low Earth orbit. An inch away from the Earth. We don't have a vehicle yet to go 3 miles down the road. And that's what we're going to talk about is the space launch system, this big rocket that's going to take us there. Here are some of the first man-made objects that attained these very high velocities. Sputnik, in 1957, you all know about sputnik. That was the first satellite to get into low Earth orbit. Right, an inch away from earth. Luna One, that was the first spacecraft to escape earth orbit. It ended up in orbit around the sun, but that was by accident. You know the saying, shoot for the moon and if you don't you can always hit the stars. That's exactly what happened. They were shooting for the moon, and missed it. There was an issue. It's complicated, it's hard. And this was a long time ago. They missed the moon, and now the satellite is still in orbit around the sun. Somewhere in between Earth and Mars. AUDIENCE: That's Soviet Union right? JEREMY: Yeah. Both of those, sir, yeah. Both of those are Soviet Union. And then we have a first from the US. That's Voyager 1, 1977. First to escape solar orbit. That's space craft just recently made the news because it is now outside of the solar system. It took 37 years to get there at that velocity. That gives you an idea of the size of the solar system. So that's a tremendous feat. Now many people have contributed to spaceflight but I'm only going to talk about three because we only have one hour. So, these are three giants, really, that we all stand on their shoulders as far as our knowledge and where we are today. This is Konstantin Tsiolkovsky. Born in 1857. Died in 1935. A Russian. He is considered the father of space flight. He conceptualized all kinds of technologies we are now still only developing. Back in the beginning of the 20th century he was probably 30 or 40 years ahead of his time. People didn't understand what he was talking about, But he published about 400 articles 90 of those are related to spaceflight. One of those is the exploration of cosmic space by means of reaction devices, in 1903. He developed in that article much of the theory behind space travel and rocket propulsion. So he was a theoretician. He didn't develop any rockets, you didn't build them or launch them or anything. He just thought you know in his head that we could do that. He came up with multistage rockets, space stations and all concepts that we now are all familiar with, but back then was just imagination. And this is one of his drafts of what a spacecraft looks like. You've heard about Orion spacecraft probably, that's today's spacecraft, we've come a long way as you can see. But he had a lot of ideas on what a spacecraft should look like. AUDIENCE: But he was Russian? JEREMY: He was Russian, that's right. AUDIENCE: It's like Leonardo was for Aeronautics. JEREMY: It is. Absolutely. That's a great comparison. And he came up with our last equation for today, the rocket equation. Can't go without the rocket equation. And it relates what speed you need to, or what mass of fuel you need in your rocket, depending on how efficient your rocket is to that velocity that you need to get to. It's an equation that everyone uses today, of course. The second person that I would like to talk about is Robert Goddard. You may know about him. He's an American, lived in Massachusetts his whole life, 1882 to 1945. He took that theory that Tsiolkovsky came up with and made it happen. So this is the picture from 1926, this is the first liquid fueled rocket in the world, in 1926. And that's Robert Goddard standing there. And he had a lot of team members that would help him. He was an engineer, a physicist, an amazing person. And so, let's think about this, this is 1926. Neil Armstrong was born in 1930. That's four years after that picture was taken. And he ended up flying on Saturn Five, and walking on the moon. So that's how fast we evolved with spacecraft. It's amazing. The third person is Werner von Braun. 1912 to 1977. Came from Germany after the war and without Dr. von Braun we would have probably not been to the moon that fast. He had developed technologies with his large team of engineers that enabled us to really get to the moon as fast as we got there in that decade. He played a crucial role in the early development of large rockets, missiles and was really instrumental in scaling up the designs to allow for travel. He ended up being the director of the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center but was really an engineer and he was involved deeply in the development of these rockets. That gives you an idea of the scale of the Saturn V rocket. Those are the main engines; there is five of them on the Saturn V. I mean, it's just humongous. And thanks to all the people that worked on the Apollo program, Saturn V and Apollo program, we have thirteen successful Saturn V launches. And you might say, well Apollo 13, was that successful? Well, maybe it wasn't a completely successful mission but it was a successful launch. The launch of the rocket was successful, so thirteen successful flights. Six lunar landings. We didn't go to the moon just once, we went six times. Apollo 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17. Landed twenty-four humans on the moon. More recently, since that time the world has developed multiple rockets that you have heard about. This is the Soyuz rocket, the Russian rocket that we are still using today to get to Space Station. Space shuttle obviously. Without the space shuttle we wouldn't have a space station today. We've got a Delta IV heavy. That's a Boeing rocket, a US rocket. Atlas V, that's a US rocket as well. Sea Launch, that's a rocket that launches from anywhere on the ocean. So it can launch from an optimal location. We've got Ariane V rocket, that's the European rocket that's currently in use. And then we have these two rockets that are the first two commercially developed rockets. On the right, that's the Space-X Falcon rocket. And then that's the Orbital Science' Antares rocket. Both of those were developed by private companies. And they have been doing an amazing job to get to low Earth orbit. And then I can't give a history of space flight without showing a picture of the space station, that's a marvel of technology. The size of a football field and it took many space shuttle flights and a huge amount of effort to do that, but we are now doing some amazing science on the space station. Learning a lot about health, about physics, chemistry and all kinds of radiation. And things that we want to know more about if we want to go to Mars. So here is where it gets exciting for today is, the next frontier for human exploration is Mars, an asteroid or some type of equilibrium point in the Earth/Moon system; you might have heard about those. Anyone of those locations down there; an asteroid, Mars. But all of those, that is the next frontier. All of those are beyond low Earth orbit. So remember, one inch away from this globe, that is low Earth orbit. We're letting commercial companies do that now. We know to do it, let us let them develop that technology. Let's focus on trying to get to Mars. All of those destinations require high escape velocities that humans haven't really reached since Apollo 17. That was the last lunar mission. Long term human exploration requires very large and heavy payloads. Very large. And you will see, from 70 to 130 metric tons is the capability that we are developing with the Space Launch System. And I'll give you an idea of what that means. None of the existing rocket architectures that I showed previously come close to the required power to get to those velocities. Enters the Space Launch System. This is another picture of it. It is 322 feet tall. Very close to the size of the Saturn V rocket. It has a payload capacity of seventy metric tons. That is fifteen elephants; full size adult elephants. That's a lot of weight you can take with that rocket to low earth orbit. It has 8.4 million pounds of thrust. I'll give you an idea of how that compares to other vehicles. But basically you have heard about the Orion vehicle? That Orion vehicle, it's that part right here. That's the space craft, that is where the astronauts sit. And you have a launch abort system in case something bad happens, they can get out of there and be safe. So that's the Orion up top, we are going to talk today about the rocket. What allows Orion to get out of the atmosphere. I'm not going to give too many details, but you've got a liquid fuel core, and solid fuel boosters on the side there. This is how it compares to something you are more familiar with; the Statue of Liberty is 305 feet tall. The Space Launch System is 322 feet tall. There you have the Space Shuttle, and Saturn V on the right. Now when we are looking at thrust now, SLS is the most powerful rocket that has ever been built. Saturn V was 7.5 million pounds, 7.8, 8.4 million pounds now for Space Launch System. So we keep pushing that envelope and getting better and better. AUDIENCE: What do you mean by the term 'payload'? That's over and above the rocket itself? JEREMY: So, the payload in this case right here is all of Orion. So it is, it is the crew compartment. It's what is useful to us. So if it is a cargo vehicle like a satellite, satellites, that's the payload. So it's everything, the important part of it. It's everything else. AUDIENCE: Baggage compartment. JEREMY: Yeah, there you go. Baggage compartment. Thanks. We're not only developing one rocket, we are developing a family of rockets. There are right now five different configurations of the Space Launch System. That's, I'm showing you the smallest one and the biggest one. We're starting here and we are moving toward that bigger one. That bigger one has a payload capacity of 130 metric tons. That's twenty five elephants that you can take in your payload. That is a lot of weight. But that is what we need to get to these far destinations, to get to Mars we need multiple of these to get that hardware on the surface of planets that are that far away. So, designing, building, testing and flying the largest rocket in the world takes exceptional work from thousands to come together. There are, we have a lot of people working on this at NASA. With space station, that is our second most important focus right now. Launch vehicles are complex. There are a system of systems. It is not a simple system. I'm showing you six different systems here, and all of these each have sub-systems. And so it gets really complicated. I work in the structures environment system there and I am an aerodynamicist. I do wind tunnel testing and computational fluid dynamics. So I am in that top right box there so we have propulsion, we have avionics and software. That is the brains of the vehicle, that's the computer that allows it to keep pointing forward and getting it to where we really need it to go. We have the payload. Which we just talked about, that's the precious part. That is the crew or the cargo and that is what we are going to protect at all means. We have the Launch Abort System. Which you have probably heard about. That protects the crew in case of an accident. And we have ground systems. We can't launch without a launch pad, without a tower that allows us to take the cargo up in the, or the astronauts up in the crew module. Propellant storage, obviously we use a lot of propellant so you have to store it before you load it up in the vehicle. All kinds of systems, very complex. What is NASA Langley contributing to SLS? Well, when NASA Langley was founded, it initially was NACA, and it was, that was in 1917. We're getting close to the one hundred year anniversary of NASA Langley by the way. That's what we started doing, was aerodynamics, was wind tunnel testing, with the Wright brothers. Orville Wright was involved. And we are still doing that today. We're still doing wind tunnel testing, that is one of our fortes is aerodynamics. So here you got a picture of a NASA Langley 14 x 22, it is a low speed wind tunnel. It's huge. The test section where we put the articles is about the size of this room, it's very large. And you can see it if you are driving on Commander Shepard Blvd. This is a picture of the space launch system vehicles that we tested last summer. You can see, I'll give you a better picture right here. We tested the launch vehicle environments, the flow of the air around the vehicle. So right there you've got, this is a rendition, an artists rendition of launch of the space launch system. On the right you've got an actual picture of our wind tunnel model so you can see the similarities. Obviously it is scaled down. This model is about six feet tall. And it's made of aluminum. And what are trying to do is measure wind forces on the vehicle so when it is sitting there on the launch pad it doesn't start vibrating or it doesn't, it is able to take the wind loads. So we're going to start at the low speed and we're going to go to all the way to high speeds through some pictures here. This is some more pictures of the low speed wind tunnel testing that we did on the lift off configuration. And we do things like smoke flow visualization on the top right there. By introducing smoke in the flow, you've probably seen those types of pictures, we can see what the flow is doing and how it is impacting the vehicle. Some more pictures. This is now going through the speed of sound. This is called transonic testing. This is a very large wind tunnel called the NASA Langley Transonic Dynamics Tunnel. And this allow us to fly the vehicles at the speed of sound. And around the speed of sound and really understand the aerodynamic forces there. It gets really complicated there once you are trying to break that sound barrier. Back in the days of Bell-X 1 we had no clue what would happen when they were going to fly through that sound barrier. And now we really understand that better, and it's mainly due to wind tunnel testing. And then we have supersonic testing so as you're flying through the atmosphere at some point the atmosphere is going to get really thin and you're going to enter space. Right around that point we're going about five times the speed of sound, that's what is called supersonic flight. So in this tunnel, that's the Unitary Wind Tunnel, still here at Langley we are testing in that tunnel, we can go to five times the speed of sound. At a much smaller scale, it's at 4' x 4' test sections, so this is a pretty small model, it's about thirty-five inches long, but we can get to those speeds and then we can scale everything to full scale flight and we can figure out what the aerodynamic forces are going to be. Some more pictures of the testing throughout the whole mach range. And here are some, here is a flow visualization of supersonic flight. This is a launch vehicle that was designed five or six years ago, and we did a lot of research at Langley. On that vehicle you can see some shock waves there when you go past the speed of sound you'll have some really, really high compression pressure waves that are going to form, and so the flow is coming left to right here on the vehicle and you can see these shocks. With the naked eye you cannot see it so we use an instrument, a special instrument to see that. But it gives you an idea of the really harsh environment we are flying through. And so we do testing in the wind tunnels. In the wind tunnels we let nature tell us what answer is. Right? We have a model. We measure forces, aerodynamic forces on the model but we're letting the flow tell us what that force is. Well, with large computers today, we can, we know what the equations are to describe the flow. So we can try to solve them numerically in a computer. And so that's what this is showing here, you've got the Space Launch System in the center here. And we're looking at variations of pressure on the vehicle, so variations of air flow velocities on the vehicle. And all around there you've got different cuts along the vehicle and this is lift off configuration. The flow is coming from the bottom, let's take the bottom left picture there. The flow is coming from the bottom and you can see the wake of the flow around the space launch system here. Wake, wake flows are extremely hard to predict and understand from a fluid dynamics standpoint. In 2009, NASA Langley led this effort, which was a full scale flight test of the Ares 1-X rocket. These are actual pictures, not artist renditions and we launched at Kennedy Space Center, October 2009. You can see there the left picture, you can see the air condensating around the vehicle because of those transonic shocks. Pretty cool picture and you can see the amount of thrust there, that's a pretty big flame. Don't want to be nowhere near that. That was really an amazing feat and really got us back into the business of developing rockets and now we're, we are getting pretty good at it. This is another contribution that is ongoing. This is going to be the first flight test of the full scale Space Launch System, in 2017. Look forward to it. It's going to be launching from Kennedy Space Center and we're going back to the Moon. This one won't have any astronauts because it's the first flight we want to make sure everything works well before we put astronauts in it. But we are going back to the Moon. So, it's going to launch. It's going to go around an Earth orbit and then it's going to fire some thrusters and go into a translunar injection orbit out around the Moon and back to the Earth. That's going to an exciting, exciting launch. AUDIENCE: How long a trip? JEREMY: It is several days. I don't know exactly, but I think it's around three days. QUESTION: Sound like, what two hours. JEREMY: Yeah, I know, yeah. Couple hours is what it takes to get to space station. To get to the Moon it takes several days. And then to get to Mars it's several months. It's six months, six to eight months. Okay, so back full circle around, back to history a little bit here with, let's talk about the birthplace of US manned space flight. In Hampton Roads we had the NASA Langley Research Center. And this is where everything started. The space task group in 1958 was started. It was a group of around forty-five engineers and they were all working here at NASA Langley. They were led by a person by the name of Robert Gilruth who is now a pretty famous guy. AUDIENCE: He died last year. JEREMY: Yeah, he did. And he was tasked with managing America's manned space flight program, including project Mercury. That was before Kennedy made his speech. So it started out pretty slow but they knew what they needed to get going. So, uh, so from 1959 to 1962 the Mercury Seven all trained here at Langley. Those are the first seven US astronauts. And they are all there and we're lucky to still have John Glenn with us. But these were really pioneers. The risk that they took to get on those rockets there was huge back in that day. There was no doubt about it, it was a huge risk, and thanks to them we are where we are today. And we can do things a lot more, a lot more safely today. This is the Mercury capsule that was tested here at the Langley full size wind tunnel. It's uh, you can see the scale of that vehicle with the man standing on the ladder there. And, that tunnel is, has tested so many airplanes and so many space craft. So it was low speed wind tunnel but still back in the day that's what they did here at Langley. And in 1962 after President Kennedy's announcement of the Apollo program with the goal to land on the Moon by the end of the decade, the manned spacecraft center was created in Houston. We needed a lot of land for that so they went to Houston. It's now called the NASA Johnson Space Flight Center, and all of the space flight test engineers from Langley moved to Houston, including these three people. I already mentioned Robert Gilruth. He was the first NASA Johnson director. Um, we have Max Faget, who was the inventor of the space capsule which we are still using today. You saw the Orion space capsule, it's kind of a cone shape with a heat shield. That was his idea, and he did a lot of that work here at Langley. And then we have Chris Kraft. Born in 1924, he was NASA's first flight director at the Houston, NASA Johnson Space Flight Center. And he was NASA Johnson's second director. AUDIENCE: Chris Kraft, wasn't he born in Phoebus, VA? JEREMY: You beat me to it! Ah, man! Chris Kraft, Christopher Columbus Kraft Jr., he was born in Phoebus VA. That's not too far from here. Mission Control Center in Houston was renamed Christopher C Kraft Mission Control Center in his honor in 2011, and that's him accepting that honor down there in Houston. That's a pretty cool thing. He was the first flight director. So, astronauts are pretty cool people and we, our nation has had, you know, several hundred astronauts. Flight directors, they are even more rare than astronauts. You don't mess around with flight directors. Yeah, they are pretty cool. And this is a time capsule at the Air Power Park in Hampton on Mercury Blvd. that was interred in 1963, 1965, sorry, by the city of Hampton in honor of Chris Kraft and it will be opened one hundred years later in 2065. So I've already got that date on my calendar to make sure I'm going to show up there, and good, let's all go see that, it should be cool. This pretty much, towards the conclusion of my talk. With the Space Launch System, NASA Langley is again contributing to one of the agency's highest priorities right now, today is to develop a deep space exploration capability that will land humans on Mars in the 2030s. So please, you know, tell your friends and your neighbors, that's what NASA is doing. We're going back to Mars and we're going to get there in the 2030s. Hopefully in the early 2030s so I can try to get on one of those space craft and walk on Mars. One thing to look forward to that is happening this year, in a couple of months, in December and you may have heard about it from the other talks, that's Exploration Flight Test 1. December 4th launch from Kennedy Space Center. We are carrying the Orion space craft with a different launch vehicle because the space launch system is not quite ready yet. And we are going to ride in an orbit around the Earth, firing some more thrusters getting even higher and re-entering the atmosphere at 20,000 miles per hour as if we're coming back from Mars or the Moon. So that's going to be a really cool thing. You will certainly hear about it on the news. Tell people to try to catch it. And hopefully it'll be successful. So, this concludes my talk. Thank you so much for paying attention and asking questions. I'll take, it'll be my pleasure to take more questions if you have any. So, thanks again for your time. Yup? AUDIENCE: Do you know of any reason other than political ones why the space center would move to Houston? JEREMY: I think they looked at a lot of places... oh I'm sorry. The question was why did we move the manned space center to Houston, from Langley to Houston. So you may know the answer. AUDIENCE: President Johnson. JEREMY: All right, well there you go. AUDIENCE: The question was do you know of any reason why we moved to Houston other than political? JEREMY: Oh, other than political. I don't know. Maybe the land, but you know I, you probably, yeah, your answer is probably as good as mine on that one. I'm going to take that one over there. AUDIENCE: With computer simulation today, why should someone use wind tunnels? JEREMY: Okay. The question is, we have computer simulations today. Why do we still need wind tunnels? Great question. If you ask that question in a hundred years, maybe I'll tell you we don't need wind tunnels any more, maybe. But the reality of things is that flows, the fluid dynamics of flow is so complex that even today with the most powerful computers in the world we are not able to do what we can do in a wind tunnel. And even though we're progressing really fast with technology and computers, it's a consensus, there is no debate about this that we will not be able to do everything with computers for a long, long time. But, you know, today we use both of these. We use computers a lot more than we did even ten years ago. We use those two as very complimentary tools. We learn things from the computer simulations and we learn other things from the wind tunnel, so we could not do anything without both. AUDIENCE: What contractors are filling the various parts of the rocket? JEREMY: So the core is Boeing. The core stage is Boeing. And that was the middle section of it. The boosters is ATK. They built the shuttle boosters. It's the same boosters except a bit longer. And the space craft Orion is Lockheed-Martin. AUDIENCE: Is there any international cooperation? JEREMY: There is and it's growing. We are working with the Europeans to potentially use this launch vehicle to launch one of their payloads, one of their space craft. They have a furring that we're going to try to use on the space craft, on this launch vehicle and launch it very soon. So there is some. We're trying to do the most we can here with our capabilities here in the states, but at some point, you know, international cooperation is very important. AUDIENCE: What is the mechanism for bringing the data from the wind tunnels, is one question. And the other is, wasn't one of the wind tunnels recently destroyed? And if so, why? JEREMY: Okay. So, I love that topic. Or the two topics there. But the first one is what I do so I could talk about it all day. But, how do we gather data from the wind tunnel? We have, you know when you step on the scale, that gives you your weight and that is a one component scale. It gives you your weight and nothing else, right? We have what's called six-component scales and they're like a very small, what we call balance, a six-component scale. And we mount those scales inside the wind tunnel models. Um, I don't know, well there we go. Inside that model there is a six-component scale, and when you blow wind on that model that scale is measuring the forces in all directions. Not just gravity, it's measuring all of those aerodynamic forces and therefore out of that we can know what the air is, what the force of air is on the vehicle. Second question is, is a complicated one because of the multiple constraints that we have. Recently, you may be thinking of full scale tunnel which is actually this one that was demolished several years ago. And uh, some of those tunnels are old. Uh, and uh, funding is always an issue. Um, these capabilities are really national assets and we're trying hard to protect them. Like I said, we're going to need them for a long time so we better take care of them. It just happens that some of them we haven't been able to take care of them as well as we should and so we had to demolish some of them. Um, thankfully we have got capabilities in other places but we're really at a point here where we don't have duplicate capabilities around the nation, so as soon as we start demolishing new facilities we're going to have some problems. AUDIENCE: About seven or eight years ago one of the NASA engineers spoke of the technology that he was in charge of. He, I believe, applied the paint to simple planes in the wind tunnel and then they observed the stress changes of the paint itself. Did it change color or pattern showing stress on the bodies? Is this technique still used in our space testing? JEREMY: Yeah, it is. It's called pressure sensitive paint. We also have temperature sensitive paint. It's called pressure sensitive paint. And we have a different paint, it's called temperature sensitive paint so we can see the temperature changes on the models, but you basically spray, very carefully, the paint over your entire model. And the reason you do it very carefully is the because the cost of that paint, it's so hard to make, it's $4,000 for a hundred millimeter, milliliter container. So, you don't want to drip too much. There goes a hundred dollars. Um, but we spray carefully the paint on the models. And what we do is we shine it with a very intense light, and we have cameras looking at it and we can see the pressure of the air changing on it. And that's a technology that's really become mature in the last couple of years. We're using it more and more, and we want to use it more. But that's in the forefront of the measurements in the wind tunnel. AUDIENCE: Can you say a little bit more about the benefits to society as a whole from your work? JEREMY: Sure. Um, and so, the benefit, oh yeah. The benefit, the question is, can I tell more about the benefits to society of the work we're doing here. Uh, so those are, it's a broad question but it's a great one because, and it's broad in many ways because the impacts are in multiple areas but they're also extended in time. Some of the technologies we develop might have an immediate application in today's society. Some of them it might take ten years, twenty years to find an application and then it'll be revolutionary. So we're constantly pushing the envelope just because of the extremely harsh constraints that we have to try to get into space. Temperature, harsh temperatures, pressures and forces, they force us to build the best materials. They force us to really have The best instruments to measure those environments. And so you end up with technologies that, and many patents that been end up or licensed by companies to develop, you know, cell phone, technologies in the cell phone, miniaturizing things. So for example, you saw that taking weight into space costs a lot of money. The heavier it is the more costly it is. So we try to miniaturize things. We try to make them as small as possible. Right, we uh, the space station has, I can't remember how many laptops it has. 150 laptops I think. But if those were desktops that would be a lot more weight. So we have to miniaturize things because of that. And so in your cell phones you have technology that is, that comes from what we've developed over the last 20 years because of miniaturizing constraints. Um, there's probably a lot of other things I could talk about. The medical field of course, I mean, so we're doing research now on the space station to try and understand health. Some biological processes act in the absence of a gravity force, right? We call it Zero-G. I'm always, it's not really Zero-G because really it's 1-G. You're falling towards the Earth constantly. It's just that you don't have enough speed to get out of earth orbit. So were really always in 1-G environments but it's weightless, it feels weightless because you're falling, constantly falling. The moon is falling towards earth all the time, it's just going at that perfect speed that it staying in orbit. But when you're in Zero-G you don't have the force of gravity, and so you can understand biological processes much better. And so health is another one. AUDIENCE: How long before you're going to be able to use the SLS itself? JEREMY: So first flight test is 2017. That's the first flight test without astronauts. We are looking at 20, currently 2021 for the first astronauts to ride on SLS. We hope we can get something sooner. But again, that's all depending on funding. The, you know it doesn't take a lot more funding for us to do great things. And you know as well as anyone else when you spend a dollar at NASA over the next 20 years you're going to get much more than a dollar back. So it's really, it's really depends on that. The basically right now we're looking at 2021 for the first. Yup. Let's go here first. AUDIENCE: What is the future, the ultimate future of the International Space Station? JEREMY: I'm not sure. I don't want to give you a bad answer. I know that we are committed until 2020 to... STEVE: Jeremy, you want me to help with that? JEREMY: Yeah, that'd be great. STEVE: Am I on? So the the space station was recently, we just recently made a policy to extend the life of the station to 2024. So now the United States is committed to maintaining it through that time. We think that it's got a limit somewhere in the late 2020's. And we're trying to get international, the international community to help support it through 2024 at this point. The real, long term answer is that we think, and we're supporting US industry to be able to replace the International Space Station with low Earth orbit stations. They won't look like the International Space Station but they will provide a laboratory for scientific instrumentation. Some companies think that their market will be tourism. So they are going to take people on a one week trip to Zero-G. So they can experience space themselves. So there is a number of different things, and then of course the government still needs to do research. So the government would buy a ride, and a slot to do an experiment. And so those are the kinds of business models people are talking about. And there is a lot of, there's billions of dollars of private money going into, uh, future, low Earth stations. JEREMY: Great. Thanks a lot. That was helpful. AUDIENCE: So, many countries and companies are getting into thrust systems now. Rocket systems. Could you give us in descending order the capability of who is on top diminishing down to nothing? JEREMY: Okay, so the question is, commercial companies are developing technologies, engines and rockets. And countries, yes. Although on the commerical, on the commercial stack of things the US is leading the way. These American companies who are developing these rockets are at the forefront commercial rocket development. Are you asking the capabilities in order, maybe yeah, so mostly at this point for commerical companies it's all about low Earth capability. So, it's that one inch away from the Earth. STEVE: Or sub-orbital. JEREMY: Yeah, and sub-orbital. So, sub-orbital you are not achieving that velocity. So you are going to take off from one side of the planet and you're not going fast enough and you are going to re-enter from some other point. And so we've got Richard Branson, who's developing a sub-orbital Virgin Galactic sub-orbital space craft. You've got, uh, you've got a company called Blue Origin, that is Jeff Bezos who is the Amazon CEO. He's developing a capability for low Earth orbit. And you've got Space-X, that's Elon Musk's company. He developed PayPal and those things. So it's the battle of the millionaires. STEVE: Billionaires. JEREMY: Who can get there first? So it's exciting. So, uh, yeah, so I mean of course we've got launch capabilities in China, Russia, India. But those are mostly all completely government run and funded. So, I don't think, Europe has Ariane. STEVE: So I can add a little bit on that. Cause I just answered this question the other in another place. So, like Virgin Galactic, so first of all everybody should know there are three US companies that are building vehicles to take people, tourists, rich tourists. I think the cheapest ticket is $20,000, the most expensive is $2 million. So all these companies have different business models and they've done analysis based on the number of millionaires that they think they can actually make money. They're investing tens to hundreds of millions of dollars. They are building space ports and vehicles just like NASA did in the '60s. But their highest speed will be something like 2,500 mph. Because they're going to go up, they're going to get above the atmosphere and they're going to have their tourists experience weightlessness for a matter of minutes while they go over this parabolic trajectory. And they are going to come back and land. So just compare that to, if you want to go to the Moon you want to be going 25,000 mph. And if you recall the energy equation, it goes as V cubed. So the power in these rockets that the commercial guys are developing is on the order of a hundredth of what we're developing at NASA now. It's a great development, it's very exciting that we've created this new industry. We have a new industry in the country that going to make money and create jobs and so forth, but you have to keep in mind the scale difference between doing a sub-orbital flight and doing a Moon shot. And that's, and I think it's a great thing, it's one of the answers to your question earlier about what are the social benefits of what we do. You know, taken together over the last fifty years, investments in NASA have enabled the creation of this new industry. And in the end, it'll actually be a new market with many, many other companies besides just the vehicle. It's very similar to air transportation at the beginning of the last century. So space transportation I consider a market with, you know, vehicles as one industry and ground systems as another industry. And what you're doing up there, the payloads is another industry. So if you think about the, if you think about it that way instead in terms of just technologies the payoff is huge. It's just longer term and it's much harder to put, it's much harder for economics to actually calculate that value. Just to give you a hint, you know the airline industry today is a $150 billion dollar industry. The air frame industry is also a $150 billion dollar industry. And those are paying taxes back to the government so in one sense, if you take a seventy year look, NASA is paid for many times over by what's been created out of NACA and NASA. So, that's sorta an answer to a couple of questions that are all related. Guess that's, any more questions? JEREMY: I think there's a question? AUDIENCE: Are there any plans to send our astronauts on other space craft, like private ones? JEREMY: Yeah, that is... AUDIENCE: To the space station, rather than in with Russia? JEREMY: That is the plan. And so the question was, is there a plan to, for commercial companies to take our US astronauts to the space station? And that's exactly the plan, that is why we are letting those commercial companies develop those space craft so that we don't have to buy, you know, seventy million dollar tickets to space from Russia. So that is, that is exactly what we are doing. AUDIENCE: Do you anticipate having a time frame? JEREMY: So, I think the goal is 2017? STEVE: So just last week, 2017, just last week two contracts were awarded. One to Boeing and one to Space-X, it was in the news. Those contracts were for those companies to build and certify as safe, human space craft, that will ride on a commercial vehicle to the station. So the supply and the transportation to the space station will now be a commercial industry. Most of the, of course most of their business is from the government right now. That's why I mentioned earlier, when the space station goes away, hopefully by then we'll have commercial stations that look, will provide this continuous market for these vehicle builders. Again, you start talking about a, it's a whole new market, it's not just a new industry. So that's 2017, those guys are on the hook to fly their vehicles by 2017 with NASA oversight and FAA oversight. By the way, the FAA is working with NASA to put in place certification safety criteria that they have to meet, just like airplane manufacturers do. Yeah? AUDIENCE: Concerning all these technologies developed by NASA, what happens in the way of patents, who gets them? Does anybody, or is it free knowledge? JEREMY: So it, the patents, NASA does have a lot of patents and we get patents for the technologies that we develop. It's property of the government so it's not, you know, individuals will not benefit from those patents but the government does. So the government can license those patents out and get some money back. I believe that's the case. STEVE: We patent things, and then we make them available to anybody who will commercialize them. And the only reason we do licensing is so that somebody doesn't; we're very careful about the licensing because we don't want a company to come in and get an exclusive license and sit on it. So we, we're very careful about licensing just so that it gets broadly used. Otherwise it's free. Yeah, and our inventors get a very tiny piece of royalties if something sells a lot of copies or something like that. You get a plaque mostly. Yeah. AUDIENCE: The Space Launch System; what components are reusable? JEREMY: So the question is, what components are reusable on the Space Launch System? And, I'm going to say, it's only the space craft. So only that Orion vehicle. We're planning on launching once a year, once every two years. Those are huge launches, expensive and we're going far distances. So, you know it doesn't make sense to reuse. There's a curve that could describe at what point, if you fly so many times does it makes sense to try to reuse. Because reusable technology costs a lot. Right? And so, if we're only launching every year, it doesn't make sense to try to make that reusable. So, and that's for beyond low Earth orbit. For low Earth orbit it does makes a lot of sense because we're going to try to fly a lot more often and so Space-X for example, is really trying the reusable thing. So they're trying to reuse as many of their stages as they can. And we did that for Shuttle, right? We had reusable boosters, reusable orbiter. External tank was not reusable. But it was, it is doable. It's expensive, so that's the trade off. It's how many times you fly. STEVE: And NASA's using the investments made in use to help them do that. I just saw a video yesterday of the launch from last week. I don't know if you saw that Space-X launched another mission to the station, but we video taped the supersonic retro burn that they attempted. Which was successful to slow down their first stage to bring it down and land vertically. Now, it just dropped in the ocean for now, but they're learning one step at a time how to actually bring that entire first stage back to be reused, and that's the goal for Space-X. Unlike the other commerical launchers that are out there. JEREMY: I want to see that video, I hadn't seen that, it must be cool. AUDIENCE: Is it true that some of the components and the hardware can only be obtained from China or Japan? JEREMY: I don't know. Do you know? I don't know if that's true. STEVE: I seriously, I don't think so. Unless there is something I don't know. JEREMY: We can pretty much build anything in house, or within the United States if it makes sense, so right now for Space Launch System we're going to reuse, we're going to use engines, they're called RS-25s, those were the same engines that shuttle used. We already have a lot of those so we're going to use those, we don't have rebuild everything. AUDIENCE: Would that include the computers? STEVE: Actually the computers, we have been prevented from buying hardware from China, like chips. Because they've been, we've found that they have embedded software in chips that they sell back to PC makers and so forth that can actually do bad things. So we don't use any electronics from China. JEREMY: And in a computer on a rocket, the avionics bay, that is all completely custom made. Not an off the shelf computer. You know it's, every component is selected very carefully and so... AUDIENCE: If the life of the Space Station ends at 2024, what will happen to it? Will it stay there or will it be dismantled? JEREMY: So, if we do abandon it in 2024, what happens is, it's only that one inch away from the Earth so the atmosphere is really, really thin but you still have a little, little tiny bit of atmosphere and it creates drag on the Space Station. And so what happens is, slowly the Space Station loses altitude and so if you don't push it back up which is, we do that very regularly we push it back into its orbit. It'll just slowly come back and it'll burn in the atmosphere as it re-enters. So yup, great question. AUDIENCE: What is the cost to use the Space-X vehicle to get the crew back to the space station as compared to the seventy million dollar Russian vehicle? JEREMY: Good question, do you know that? And the question was, the cost of Space-X, riding on Space-X instead of riding on the Russian vehicle. That is a tough question. STEVE: So, the vehicle hasn't been fully developed. And so we don't know. Space-X will tell you it's less. Today. Boeing has been in the business that they don't even pretend that it'll be less. But we, you know, until they prove they can actually build a safe vehicle they won't know how much it costs. But, you know, it's a lot. It's a lot that we're paying the Russians, but it's in the same order of magnitude. But we don't know if it'll be more or less. AUDIENCE: But the thing is, Russian vehicle pays money to some other country. STEVE: Exactly, it's US jobs. That's right, it's US jobs and US technology development and it's all part of our economic transactions in this country if we keep the money here. So, I'd just like to say, please come back next week. I already mentioned what the topic is. We'll be talking about EDL. Humans, human entry, descent and landing at Mars. Very tough problem. And before I ask for your applause, I like to give a special thanks to Jeremy. He is in the middle. You saw that unitary plan wind tunnel test. He is leading that for Langley. He is in the middle of that and they are working third shift. We try to save money, so we use energy when nobody else is using it. So we run that tunnel, which draws a lot of power, at night. And he's been working nights for three weeks while he put this together. And he did a great job. JEREMY: It's almost time for bed. (Applause) STEVE: Thank you very much. See you next week. macaroni
Channel: NASA Langley Research Center
Views: 102,831
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NASA, Langley Research Center, SLS, Space Launch System, talk, Christopher Newport University (College/University), Yoder Barn, spaceflight, gravity
Id: SFjc0j8-OVU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 23sec (4223 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 21 2015
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